How to remove odor from the refrigerator: the most effective methods. How do experienced housewives remove odors from the refrigerator? How to remove unpleasant odor in the refrigerator

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The unbearable stench that has settled in your refrigerator. Where did it come from and for what reason was it formed? First of all, it must be said that the refrigerator must be thoroughly rinsed using a vinegar solution.

Actually, this is exactly what our parents and grandmothers did, taking advantage of the roaring Soviet refrigeration units. Modern devices require completely different care - and we will deal with this now.

So, if you are the happy owner of an old refrigerator that was born in the USSR, you can safely water it with vinegar in order to clean the internal surfaces of bacteria and kill the smell. However, imported, modern cars that came off production lines not so long ago cannot be washed with vinegar - in this way, you can simply ruin it. For washing only neutral detergent.

Often, after washing the refrigerator, the smell disappears only for a while, returning quite quickly. This is not uncommon - it is a given, and modern people solve this problem in a very, very unique way. Some owners continue to constantly wash the interior, polishing the white plastic and glass panels to a literal shine. Some people get tired of this and continue to use a frankly “secret” appliance in the kitchen. And the wealthiest take the unit to a landfill and simply buy a new one. Well, this is the most effective, correct, but also the most expensive method.

Perhaps you have excess moisture or a small blockage has formed in the automatic defrosting system? These nodes will definitely need to be given maximum attention.

If it is simply not possible to cope with such a problem on your own, then it’s time to order the repair of Nord refrigerators - the master will be able to help. The technician will quickly disassemble the entire system and be sure to eliminate all causes of unpleasant odors.

Often unpleasant odors occur due to disconnection electrical energy(this is very dangerous, first of all, for old refrigerators, where fiberglass is used for thermal insulation). How do these nauseating odors come about?

Water separated from defrosting food penetrates into the joints. It is this that causes the smell, which is very, very difficult to eradicate.

In this case, surgical intervention will be required - the technician must disassemble the refrigerator and clean its walls from dirt, laying clean thermal insulation. Of course, this is a very complex and time-consuming operation, and it will be very difficult to find a specialist who will undertake to provide this kind of service.

Not long ago I was faced with unpleasant odors coming from my refrigerator. To put it mildly, this did not please me at all. Not only did this terrifying aroma spread throughout the kitchen every time I opened the refrigerator door, but also all the food acquired an absolutely nauseating aroma, completely killing my appetite.

There could be several reasons. The first thing I did was conduct a complete inspection of the refrigerator for spoiled or stale food, since sour milk or defrosted meat usually smells completely different from Chanel. When all sources of the “fragrance” were eliminated, I defrosted the refrigerator, washed it completely with disinfectant to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold.

Unfortunately, this did not work for long. From this I drew some conclusions. The problem, it turns out, is that the smells of all the products are mixed and this is what gives such a terrible effect. Of course, it was impossible to leave everything like that, so, armed with the arsenal of experienced housewives, I set out to storm the refrigerator. So, let's talk about products that will reliably eliminate unwanted odors.

These products really help get rid of the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator.


  • Weak vinegar solution(diluted 1:1 with water). Soak a cloth in the solution and wipe the walls of the refrigerator.
  • Ammonia will be a good alternative to vinegar. It is used in exactly the same way, only you do not need to dilute it with water.

The disadvantage of these two methods is that both vinegar and ammonia themselves have a very specific smell, so you can overdo it with them, and then you will have to ventilate the refrigerator for a very long time. Therefore, I’ll tell you about less radical methods solutions to this problem.

Folk remedies

As you can see, there are enough ways to deal with this nuisance, but, in my opinion, it is easier to try to prevent it.

How to prevent odors from appearing and spreading

How I got the bad smell out of the refrigerator after trying everything!

Activated carbon has been a godsend for me! It perfectly absorbs all odors without any side effects such as stains on the walls and additional aromas. Now the open box of coal has settled in my refrigerator for a long time.

And if some products spoil and I still don’t have time to remove them in time, then pieces of black bread come to the rescue.

So what's the problem unpleasant odor in the refrigerator in front of me no longer stands in the same way as . I hope some of the suggested tips help.

Formed in the refrigerator bad smell can completely spoil the product, making it unpleasant to eat.

The smell may appear when the refrigerator is rarely used, for example, during a long trip, or when some food is spoiling or has already spoiled.

First of all, to fix the problem, you should take a rag and wash the inside of the device. Regular will do soap, water and a rag.

After disconnecting from the power supply, you need to treat the shelves, walls, grilles, and glass with a cloth and soap, then with a cloth rinsed in clean water, then dry and leave open door for the night. During this time, the smell will go away, and in the morning you can put the food back.

A new refrigerator has a smell for some time after purchase and this spoils the impression of the new thing. To get rid of it, you need to thoroughly wash the inside, and all the accessories too.

To do this, you need to make a solution of baking soda and wipe all surfaces with it. Then also rinse everything clean water. Wipe the inside and outside with a dry cloth, leave to air for two hours and only then put the food in.

How to remove the smell from the refrigerator if it is old? Many people advise washing it with acetic acid. The advice is generally good, but it does not take into account the specifics of modern materials.

Yes, if the refrigerator domestic production and quite old, this recommendation is appropriate and nothing will happen. But if the item is modern and also imported, then you can simultaneously get rid of not only the smell, but also the refrigerator. In this case, only neutral products are suitable for washing.

If the refrigerator is old and when the power goes out, ichor from defrosted meat gets into the space between the cabinets, then a cadaverous smell in the kitchen cannot be avoided, since all the drainage ends up on the fiberglass and begins to rot there.

It is necessary to clean the drain channel, disassemble the device and change the insulation, because simply washing will not remove the smell. Doing all this yourself is very troublesome. It's worth contacting service center, where they will do it efficiently.

It often comes from uneaten food that is not packaged or food that is starting to spoil. Most often these are meat and dairy dishes or semi-finished products. There are many ways to combat odor, the main one is washing the cabinet with detergents and removing all food debris.

Eliminating odor in the refrigerator can take a long time, but if you constantly put it inside absorbent, the smell may never appear.

Brew coffee and place a cup of it inside the refrigerator to cool. Repeat the action several times. Before starting this procedure, disconnect the device from electricity!

Will act as an odor absorber for the refrigerator. If this method is not suitable, you can simply fry coarsely ground coffee in a frying pan and then place it on the refrigerator shelf.

Baking soda is also suitable for removing odors from the refrigerator. It can be placed inside on some kind of plate permanently. It itself does not absorb the smell, but a few spoons dissolved in water on the shelf will allow you to not feel the smell.

Folk remedies for odor

  • An apple cut into four slices and placed on shelves is also a remedy for odor in the refrigerator. It is enough to keep them inside for a couple of days, then throw them away. The apples will become inedible, but they will remove the smell.
  • How to remove the smell from the refrigerator, or rather, the stench, if other methods have not helped? Add fresh parsley for a few days. There will be no smell, only the aroma of fresh herbs.
  • Another odor eliminator in the refrigerator - Activated carbon. Containers with it are sold in stores, if you can’t find them, you can take 20-40 tablets of pharmaceutical charcoal and crush them, placing them in the refrigerator on a plate. The smell will go away 100%. After two weeks, this coal can be heated for 10 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees and it is ready for use again.
  • You can take and char the black bread, this will also solve the problem of how to remove the smell from the refrigerator. You don’t have to char the bread, but simply place a piece on each shelf.
  • A glass of water with freshly squeezed lemon juice and any citrus peel on the shelf are also good. And it also helps to separate products by type and type, adherence to shelf life, and timely wiping of the inner surface. You can also wipe with a cloth dampened in ammonia, proportion with water 1:100.
  • Ozonizers will help get rid of the smell; they will not only destroy the smell itself, they will also kill its cause.

Many people think that the smell comes from a refrigerant leak, in other words they smell freon in the refrigerator. But this is not so, because in modern units Refrigerants have no color or odor.

And the main cause of the smell is food. Even if they are of poor quality, even if they are of high quality, they should not spread a smell throughout the refrigerator; they should be hermetically packaged. Because it is quite difficult to deal with odors, and it is better to prevent their occurrence.

An unpleasant smell from the refrigerator, which can be weak or very strong, is familiar to every housewife. At the same time, all products stored inside absorb this unpleasant aroma, after which they have to be thrown away. It is necessary to find out what the reason is and get rid of the amber as quickly as possible. Simple tips housewives will help to quickly eliminate the smell in the refrigerator.

The main reasons for the appearance

There can be many reasons for unpleasant odors in the refrigerator:

New Appliances often emits various metallic or plastic odors. It's easy to get rid of them - just wipe the equipment with a damp cloth. Wipe thoroughly outer side and all internal parts of the device.

Ways to get rid of odor

To decide how to remove an unpleasant odor from a refrigerator, the first step is to determine the cause of its occurrence. Using household chemicals, folk remedies, or simply washing the refrigerator compartment will help solve the problem:

Folk remedies

Expensive and unsafe household chemicals are mainly used for complex and neglected contamination. You can eliminate an unpleasant persistent odor using folk remedies who will do their job just as well household chemicals. The most common recipes:

Special neutralizers

You can refresh the air in your refrigerator using odor absorbers or air purifiers. These are small devices similar to air filter. The device draws in air and passes it through the filter. This destroys up to 96% various microorganisms, toxic fumes and musty odors. Types of odor absorbers:

Store-bought odor absorbers can easily be replaced with natural sorbents. These include activated carbon, lemon, coffee and much more:

Don't forget that better reason eliminate rather than disguise.

If carried out on time preventive measures How to care for your refrigerator, you can prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors. At proper storage products and equipment operation harmful bacteria will not be able to reproduce. Consequently, this will protect the refrigerator from the development of specific odors.

Adhere to the following rules:

Leaving for long term leaving home, leaving a minimum amount of food in the refrigerator. And some housewives prefer to turn off and defrost the equipment. It is washed and left open.

What to do if the smell is not removed

What to do if all the products have been checked, the equipment has been defrosted and cleaned, but the smell does not go away. Perhaps the reason is that the refrigerator is not working correctly. To fix the problem, you can invite a specialist or fix the equipment yourself. The culprit of the smell may be:

To avoid having to think about how to remove the smell from the refrigerator, you need to regularly inspect the drain system for blockages and carry out preventive cleaning on time.

At least once in her life, every housewife has encountered the delights of an unpleasant smell from the refrigerator. Why does this happen and how to quickly get rid of the “aroma” at home?

This does not mean that you are careless and negligent in your use of equipment; even the most exemplary housewife can develop an unpleasant odor.

Unpleasant odor, what could be the cause?

The refrigerator serves an important function- preserves the freshness of products and their beneficial features, but still no one can give a 100% guarantee. Food products are susceptible to the active growth of bacteria, which is why they begin to smell unpleasantly.

It also happens that power surges occur, and the defrost function automatically turns on. At the same time as the refrigerator begins to melt and freezer- This is another source of odor.

It is also possible that the odor catalyst is the water itself, which is used to operate the equipment.

Popular reasons:

  • Products that for a long time stored in the refrigerator, they collect bacteria; if they are not disposed of in time or not prepared, the smell will intensify.
  • It was already stated above that the refrigerator can automatically begin the defrosting process.
  • If the refrigerator is new, it may smell like plastic. There is no need to fight such an aroma; it will disappear on its own over time.
  • It is also possible that some parts of the refrigerator have become unusable.

If you smell dust, the equipment needs to be thoroughly washed and the plastic removed. If possible, dry the refrigerator well after the procedure, or better yet, leave it open to dry for a week.

Of course, if the smell comes from products in which bacteria have settled, it is more difficult to get rid of, but it is still possible.

Folk remedies: how to quickly eliminate odor

You can eliminate the smell in the refrigerator in three ways: using folk tricks, products with absorbent properties and professional special means, today we will tell you how to remove aroma using simple means and products at home.

Simple recipes:

  • Vinegar, is considered one of the most effective ways. You need to dilute the vinegar with water in proportions of one to one. Use the mixture to thoroughly wash the entire refrigerator and individual parts. Also, after you start using the technique, you can leave a cup of vinegar solution for another couple of hours.
  • Ammonia. For one liter of water 1 tbsp. l. alcohol
  • Fragrant lemon. It is also considered effective to dilute citrus juice with water.
  • An indispensable “helper” in the kitchen is baking soda. Take a small bowl and pour 3 tbsp into it. l. soda, put in the refrigerator. Also wash the equipment with a solution: 1 tbsp. l. soda per liter of water.
  • Coffee beans. They are able to mask the smell, so it is better to use them for prevention and to maintain a fresh aroma in the refrigerator, but not to completely get rid of the unpleasant odor.
  • Sorbent – ​​activated carbon. Grind 5 tablets into powder and place in a saucer in the refrigerator for 10 hours. Some housewives place it in a jar with a lid, which has many holes in it, and store the coal in the refrigerator constantly.

Advice! Cool and effective remedy: take lemon juice and mix vodka 1:10.

Advice! You don’t have to throw away the coal that you used, but heat it in the oven for a couple of minutes and put it back in so that it absorbs the unpleasant odor.

Top 6 products that absorb odors:

  1. Citrus fruit, especially lemon, it is refreshing and gives a pleasant aroma.
  2. Regular black bread. It needs to be cut into slices and left overnight. Only then be sure to throw it away, otherwise the smell of mold is much more difficult to get rid of.
  3. Rice– a product that has excellent absorbent properties.
  4. Sugar and salt. All bulk products should be poured into a jar or on a plate and placed in the refrigerator.
  5. Onion and garlic. If their smell doesn’t bother you, you can wipe the equipment with slices and rinse with water after 10 minutes.
  6. Various fragrant herbs and spices will also help a lot: coriander, cloves and cinnamon.

We hope that our tips will help you keep your refrigerator clean and tidy.


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