How to insulate the corners of a timber house from the outside? Subtleties of the process of external insulation of the corners of a house Insulation of the corners of a private house.

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Freezing of corners is a nuisance that residents may encounter panel Khrushchev or a brick new building, or country house, be it even wooden or stone.

Fortunately, this serious problem can be solved with your own on our own. Let's talk about how to properly fight cold corners.

Thermal insulation in practice and in theory

Because of cold bridges, corners are the most vulnerable part of almost any home. These areas building structure have increased thermal conductivity.

Any vertical or horizontal angle is a geometric bridge of cold. If there is a construction defect - poorly sealed seams, through voids in concrete, insufficient mortar layer between bricks, lack of necessary insulation- problems cannot be avoided.

Where there are cold bridges, the wall surface temperature in winter can drop below the dew point while maintaining room temperature indoors.

It is in such places that due to temperature differences, condensation forms, which leads to the formation of mold, and when frozen it turns into ice crystals.

The most logical solution in this case seems to be laying insulation from the inside along the walls. But any such thermal insulation essentially equally insulates the wall from both heat and cold.

The use of insulation can even worsen the situation, as it will shift the dew point to the inner surface of the wall. For example, if you are insulating.

As a result, cold air from the street will freeze the wall right through, since the heat from the apartment will not be able to penetrate through the thermal insulation.

Wetting and freezing will continue, it will become unusable and cease to perform its functions. In addition, ice crystals will continue to destroy wall material, contributing to a further increase in cold bridges.

How to insulate the corners of a house?

The ideal way to solve the problem is thermal insulation of the entire facade from the outside and reliably sealed seams. Own Vacation home it is quite possible to repair, but in apartment building will have to ask for help management company.

But don't despair. And in a separate apartment you can get good result. First of all, you need to remove the wallpaper. If there are no visible cracks, then the walls are tapped with a hammer - where there are voids, the sound will be dull. Next, remove the plaster over the detected cavities and thoroughly dry the corner.

If there is mold, be sure to treat it with special antifungal agents. Sometimes mold damage is so extensive that the use of acid, blowtorch fire, or milling of the surface is necessary.

All the cracks and voids are filled polyurethane foam or liquid foam. This will prevent moisture from entering the room even if there are cracks in the external wall. Finally, the remaining foam is cleaned off and the corner is plastered.

It is best to carry out work in the warm season in order to completely get rid of dampness and mold indoors. If very large voids are found, you should not fill them with mineral wool or tow, as these materials contribute to the accumulation of moisture.

It is better to use the same polyurethane foam. It is resistant to moisture, not susceptible to rotting and mold, has high adhesive properties, and does not lose quality when frozen.

Modern thermal insulation

Today, manufacturers offer a variety of materials that greatly facilitate the repair process and bring it to high quality. new level.

For example, special heat-insulating plasters are light mixtures in which microscopic polystyrene foam granules or lightweight natural fillers are used instead of sand.

This one is several times lighter than usual, applies and sets well. Due to the presence of air pores, warm mixtures have high vapor permeability, regulate condensation and ensure a healthy indoor microclimate.

Layer warm plaster 50 mm in thermal insulation effect is equivalent to a masonry of one and a half to two bricks or a two-centimeter layer of polystyrene foam, but this is not enough.

Not so long ago, new materials appeared on the market, produced by different manufacturers under different trademarks, but united under the common name “liquid thermal insulation”.

It is indispensable for problem areas such as freezing corners. The insulating suspension, reminiscent of paint, consists of hollow microspheres that effectively reflect thermal radiation.

Microspheres are suspended in a binding composition of synthetic rubber or acrylic polymers, antifungal and anti-corrosion additives and coloring pigments.

This composition gives liquid thermal insulation the properties of waterproofing, flexibility, lightness and strength, but this is all an advertising gimmick. But don’t be fooled by liquid thermal insulation, trust basalt.

The thermal conductivity of liquid heat insulators is significantly lower than that of conventional insulation. Several layers of such paint can replace 5-10 cm or 10 cm thick, as manufacturers claim, but it often turns out that this is nonsense.

It is used on almost any surface - concrete, brick, wood, since the composition has excellent adhesion, is non-toxic, does not contain harmful compounds and can be tinted in any color (it's just paint). At home, liquid thermal insulation is applied using any in a convenient way and subsequently, after drying, covered with any finishing material.

Other solutions for insulating corners

The problem of corner freezing can be prevented even at the stage of building a house or renovating a new building. In accordance with the laws of physics, the temperature of the inner surface of the corner is always lower than the temperature of the walls that form this corner.

Experienced designers say that ideally the corners of walls, both external and internal, should be rounded or beveled. Rounding or chamfering only internal corner can reduce the temperature difference between the walls and the corner by 25-30%.

The same role is played by pilasters on the outer corners of the building. This is not only a well-known architectural technique, but also a method of additional insulation.

You can use interesting design solutions. For example, mount in the corner of the ceiling plasterboard box illuminated by conventional incandescent lamps. Working lamps will heat the air inside the structure, thereby moving the dew point inside the wall.

When purchasing a country house or an expensive apartment, you can use the services of companies offering thermal imaging. Specialists will help you detect all heat leaks and conclude whether it is possible to correct the builders’ mistakes.

This can save owners from many troubles associated with the operation of the house and will save significant money.

According to construction technology wooden houses The log crowns at the corners were fastened with special cut-out “locks” with additionally embedded natural insulation. This reliably protected the structure from freezing.

With the onset of winter cold, many private and suburban properties made of brick and concrete become completely unsuitable not only for permanent residence, but even for traditional weekends or holidays. But many would like to relax away from the noisy metropolis, gain energy and strength for the upcoming everyday life. And only the inadequacy of the houses prevents this from happening.

A similar problem will never arise if you take care in advance about preparing and insulating your home for the winter season.

So that in the cold warm air never left the country house, the owners can use an intelligent control system or, at the design stage, think about building a “thermos house” that retains precious heat, or carry out a complex insulation works- both external and external. High-quality and scrupulous execution, the use of modern thermal insulation materials guarantee insulation of the walls from the inside at the proper level and the creation of a comfortable, and most importantly, healthy microclimate in all rooms.

Particular attention when performing thermal insulation works You should pay attention to insulating the corners of the house, otherwise you will have to face problems in the future with their freezing and a decrease in the air temperature in the house.

Reasons for freezing corners in the house

Among the most common causes of freezing of corners of wooden and brick houses There are two main ones: construction defects and the laws of physics.

It is known that each corner of a building represents a so-called geometric bridge of cold. Using insufficient quantities mortar, poor quality and voids in concrete will sooner or later lead to freezing of the corner space in the house. And thanks to the condensation that forms on the bridge due to the huge difference between street and room temperatures, mold and moisture appear, with low temperatures turning into ice crystals. It seems that a completely logical solution to this problem would be to lay thermal insulation material along the entire perimeter of the room. However, such thermal insulation equally insulates the wall surface not only from cold, but also from heat.

insulation work plan
insulating the wall from the inside using polyurethane foam

wall insulation scheme wooden house
insulation of walls from inside a wooden house

Widespread insulation can worsen an already deplorable situation, because the dew point will move to the inner surface of the wall, which will lead to its complete freezing. In this case, the thermal insulation layer will only restrain the flow of warm air in the room, preventing it from reaching the wall and increasing the formation of moisture on it. After some time, the thermal insulation material will first become unusable, then the wall will begin to collapse and the cold bridge will increase.

Corners in the house freeze: what to do?

The problem of insulating walls from the inside, and subsequently freezing of corners, can be solved with the help of thermal insulation of the facade, reliable insulation of internal surfaces and high-quality sealing of seams.

Internal wall insulation

Insulation of walls from the inside is used in rare cases (when there is a government ban settlement to replace the facade of the house or behind the wall there is an elevator shaft, unheated room or a deformation chief between houses, this form of insulation can also be included in the initial project, for example, additional insulation in frame or wooden houses). Internal wall insulation most often does not lead to the desired results. Therefore, if you nevertheless decide to insulate the walls from the inside, then you need to do it correctly, following the technology and using the materials intended for this. Materials for internal insulation are selected with the lowest vapor permeability and moisture absorption to avoid condensation closer to the inner edge of the wall. It is desirable that when installing the insulation there are no seams or joints.

Such common materials as: mineral wool, cork covering, warm plaster, drywall (it is used only on final stage works) etc.

insulation of walls with penoplex inside the house
thermal insulation with penofol

So, how to insulate walls from the inside? We recommend using the following materials:

1) Polyurethane foam (you will need to use formwork, fill the wall in parts, and then install it as an insulating layer plastic film, then build an additional one, which is already plastered).
2) Expanded polystyrene or penoplex (the joints of the sheets must be coated with sealant, they should be secured with a uniform small layer of mortar)
3) Construction of the second interior wall With air gap and a layer of insulation (it is possible to use underfloor heating elements, but this method will require high costs and will significantly reduce usable area premises).

External insulation

To insulate walls from the inside, you can use “warm” plaster, containing tiny polystyrene foam granules instead of regular sand. “Warm plaster” is distinguished by its visual lightness, good speed of application and setting, high level vapor permeability and excellent thermal insulation properties: a layer of 50 mm of plaster is equivalent to double brick masonry. All these obvious advantages guarantee normal condensation and a healthy microclimate in the house.

Excellent thermal insulation characteristics, specialized liquid products - suspensions based on synthetic rubber or acrylic polymers - also have anti-corrosion and anti-fungal effects. Applying several layers of such insulation to wood or concrete successfully replaces a 10 cm layer of mineral wool. Externally resembling paint, the suspension also effectively reflects thermal radiation. Outer side The walls are first treated with mortar using a roller, and then covered with a finishing coating.

Worthy alternative option The walls will be insulated using thermal panels.

Insulation of corners

The technology for insulating the corners of brick, concrete and wooden houses to avoid freezing includes several steps:

  1. First of all, the walls are cleaned of plaster, wallpaper and other decorative coatings. If cracks cannot be identified visually, then the surface is tapped with a hammer: if voids are detected, the sound will be dull. We prepare all freezing corners, joints between floors, open cracks in concrete by making grooves with a cross-section of no more than 20x20 mm, and detect other defects that can lead to freezing. The corner is thoroughly dried.
  2. If mold is present, the surface is treated with antifungal compounds. If the mold damage is extensive, it is recommended to use blowtorch or carefully mill the surface.
  3. Treatment of identified voids with a special thermal insulation material, for example, liquid foam or, which guarantees the appearance of moisture on the inner surface of the walls.
  4. The remaining foam is removed from the wall. The corner is plastered.

The best time to insulate the walls from the inside of a building is the warm season, otherwise it will be quite difficult to get rid of mold on the walls and dampness in the room.

How to prevent corners in the house from freezing?

To prevent corners from freezing, it is enough to resort to some architectural changes. For example, round or bevel corners in a house. You can significantly insulate the walls inside using pilasters on the outer corners of the building. To prevent the appearance of condensation, you can use non-standard and interesting design solutions: fix a plasterboard box with decorative lighting from traditional incandescent lamps under the ceiling in the corner. The outgoing light flux will not only illuminate the room, but also heat it ambient air, thereby preventing the appearance of moisture and mold.

If your house is made of logs, then at the time of its construction you should carefully fasten the crown logs in the corners with a cut lock using thermal insulation materials. Such measures will reliably protect wooden house from freezing corners.

Freezing of the corners of a house is a nuisance that can be encountered by residents of a Khrushchev-era panel building or a new brick building, as well as a country house, be it wooden or stone. Fortunately, this serious problem can be solved on your own. Let's talk about how to properly get rid of freezing in the corners of your house.

Why do corners freeze?

Because of cold bridges, corners are the most vulnerable part of almost any home. These areas of the building structure have increased thermal conductivity. Any vertical or horizontal angle is a geometric bridge of cold. If there is a construction defect - poorly sealed seams, through voids in the concrete, insufficient mortar layer between bricks, lack of necessary insulation - problems cannot be avoided. Where there are cold bridges, the wall surface temperature in winter can drop below the dew point (to approximately 9 ° C and 50% humidity) while maintaining room temperature inside the room. It is in such places that due to temperature differences, condensation forms, which leads to the formation of mold, and when frozen it turns into ice crystals.

The most logical solution in this case seems to be laying insulation from the inside along the walls. But any such material is essentially a heat insulator, which equally insulates the wall from heat and cold. The use of insulation can even worsen the situation, as it will shift the dew point (the place where cold and warm air touch) to the inner surface of the wall. As a result, cold air from the street will freeze the wall right through, since the heat from the apartment will not be able to penetrate the insulating layer. Wetting and freezing will continue, the insulation will become unusable and will no longer perform its functions. In addition, ice crystals will continue to destroy the wall material, further increasing cold bridges.

When purchasing a country house or an expensive apartment, you can use the services of companies offering thermal imaging. Specialists will help you detect all heat leaks and conclude whether it is possible to correct the builders’ mistakes. This can save owners from many troubles associated with the operation of the house and will save significant money.

Getting rid of freezing corners

The ideal way to solve the problem is to insulate the entire facade from the outside and reliably seal the seams. It is quite possible to repair your own country house, but in an apartment building you will have to turn to the management company for help. But don't despair. And in a separate apartment you can get a good result.

First of all, you need to remove the wallpaper. If there are no visible cracks, then the walls are tapped with a hammer - where there are voids, the sound will be dull. Next, remove the plaster over the detected cavities and thoroughly dry the corner. If there is mold, be sure to treat it with special antifungal agents. Sometimes mold damage is so extensive that the use of acid, blowtorch fire, or milling of the surface is necessary. All cracks and voids are filled with polyurethane foam or liquid foam. This will prevent moisture from entering the room even if there are cracks in the external wall. Finally, the remaining foam is cleaned off and the corner is plastered. It is best to carry out work in the warm season in order to completely get rid of dampness and mold indoors.

If very large voids are found, you should not fill them with mineral wool or tow, as these materials contribute to the accumulation of moisture. It's better to use the same one. It is resistant to moisture, not susceptible to rotting and mold, has high adhesive properties, and does not lose quality when frozen.

Insulation of the entire façade from the outside

Today, manufacturers offer a variety of materials that greatly facilitate the repair process and take it to a whole new level. For example, special heat-insulating (“warm”) - light mixtures in which microscopic polystyrene foam granules or lightweight natural fillers are used instead of sand. This plaster is several times lighter than regular plaster, it applies and sets well. Due to the presence of air pores, warm mixtures have high vapor permeability, regulate condensation and provide a healthy indoor microclimate. A 50 mm layer of warm plaster has a thermal insulating effect equivalent to one and a half to two bricks or a two-centimeter layer of polystyrene foam.

Not long ago, new materials appeared on the market, produced by different manufacturers under different brands, but united under the common name “liquid thermal insulation”. It is indispensable for problem areas such as freezing corners. The insulating suspension, reminiscent of paint, consists of hollow microspheres (ceramic, glass, silicone or polyurethane) that effectively reflect thermal radiation. Microspheres are suspended in a binding composition of synthetic rubber or acrylic polymers, antifungal and anti-corrosion additives and coloring pigments. This composition gives liquid thermal insulation the properties of waterproofness, flexibility, lightness and strength. The thermal conductivity of liquid heat insulators is significantly lower than that of conventional insulation. Several layers of such paint can replace 5 - 10 cm of polyurethane foam or mineral wool.

True, all this is only from the words of manufacturers and sellers; many practical tests have proven the ineffectiveness of such paint as insulation. Its main task is to reduce heat loss on main pipes hot water and boilers.

Application of liquid insulation

The problem of corner freezing can be prevented even at the stage of building a house or renovating a new building. In accordance with the laws of physics, the temperature of the inner surface of the corner is always lower than the temperature of the walls that form this corner. Experienced designers say that ideally the corners of walls, both external and internal, should be rounded or beveled. Rounding or chamfering only the inner corner (with wall material or heat-insulating plaster) can reduce the temperature difference between the walls and the corner by 25-30%. The same role is played by pilasters on the outer corners of the building. This is not only a well-known architectural technique, but also a method of additional insulation.

You can use interesting design solutions. For example, in the corner of the ceiling, mount a plasterboard box with lighting from ordinary incandescent lamps. Working lamps will heat the air inside the structure, thereby moving the dew point inside the wall.

Regardless of the material from which the house is built, be it wood or brick, you can often encounter such a problem as freezing of the corners.

The reason for this is not only the laws of nature, but also the mistakes of builders. The fact is that any corner is a kind of bridge of cold.

If during the construction of a house the builders saved on insulation or mortar in brickwork, then the cold will penetrate into the home through the voids.

IN winter time As a result of the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors, condensation may occur in the corners. This is what causes mold and cold to occur.

The first thing that comes to mind when deciding to solve the problem of freezing corners is additional insulation of the house from the inside. But this is far from the best option.

The internal insulation of a house shifts the “dew point” inward, resulting in winter period the walls become damp, which means their untimely destruction.

As a result of such insulation, freezing of corners can only intensify. Therefore, the only correct solution is insulation from the outside.

Thermal insulation of house corners from outside

Due to their high thermal conductivity, corners are the most vulnerable part of any home. And the reason for this may be poor sealing of seams, poor insulation, or the presence of voids in the concrete.

Reliable sealing of seams and insulation of the outside walls of the house will help improve the situation.

The modern market offers many first-class insulation materials. For example, in the so-called “warm” plaster, foam granules are used instead of sand.

It is not only many times lighter than a regular solution, but also perfectly allows steam to pass through, allowing the walls to “breathe” and prevent the formation of condensation. The insulating effect of “warm” plaster can be compared to brickwork.

But this is far from the only way to insulate a house from the outside. Recently, so-called “liquid” thermal insulation has appeared on the market, which is produced by various manufacturers under different brands.

Such insulation is especially relevant for such difficult parts of the house as freezing corners. The composition of insulating solutions includes special microspheres filled with air.

They perfectly insulate heat inside the house. Also, the composition of suspensions for facade insulation includes acrylic polymers or synthetic rubber, paint, as well as anti-corrosion and anti-fungal components.

Thanks to their composition, “liquid” solutions for home insulation are lightweight, stable, flexible and waterproof.

However, with all its technical perfection, liquid formulations cannot compare with such traditional heat-insulating materials, such as polystyrene foam, mineral wool, polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam.

Thermal insulation of the corners of the house from the inside

As mentioned above, ideal solution problems with freezing corners is to insulate the house from the outside.

This is easy for owners of a private home. But what to do if the corners freeze in the apartment? multi-storey building? In this case, you will have to turn to the help of construction climbers.

If you can’t afford it, you can find a way out and insulate the corners from the inside with your own hands, getting a pretty good result.

First of all, you should remove the wallpaper and repair the cracks. But even if they are not there, this does not mean that the wall is monolithic. Tap it with a hammer. If there are voids, the sound will come out dull.

The plaster over possible cavities is removed and the wall is thoroughly dried. To prevent mold from occurring in the future, the corner must be treated with antifungal compounds.

Sometimes you have to use acid, a blowtorch, or even cutting off part of the wall to remove mold.

Voids and cracks are filled with liquid polystyrene foam or construction foam. They do not absorb moisture at all and are resistant to biological factors such as mold, fungi and rot.

The foam adheres perfectly to all types of surfaces and materials and does not lose its qualities at sub-zero temperatures.

This treatment will protect the walls from further moisture ingress. After drying, the remaining foam is cut off and cleaned, and the walls are covered with plaster and wallpapered again.

To protect yourself from dampness, insulating a corner from the inside is best done in the warm and dry season.

Do not fill voids with tow or mineral wool, as these are very porous materials that easily absorb moisture.

Other solutions for thermal insulation of corners

The problem of freezing corners can be solved during the construction of a house or during the renovation process. According to architects, to avoid freezing, the corners should be beveled or rounded.

Beveling corners from the inside can reduce the temperature difference between the walls and the corner itself by a third.

A similar role is played by pilasters installed outside. Other interesting design solutions can also insulate corners. For example, you can install a plasterboard box with incandescent lamps on the ceiling.

This corner illumination will additionally warm the air, preventing the accumulation of moisture and condensation.

When buying a new home, you can resort to the services of companies that, using special equipment, will help you check the thermal insulation of your home and identify possible heat leaks, if any.

This will help determine which mistakes of builders need to be corrected, and will protect future homeowners from all sorts of problems associated with an uncomfortable microclimate in the house.

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In end apartments, wall insulation is an integral part of living. With the arrival of cold weather, the level of heat loss increases. The more corner walls there are in an apartment, the faster the temperature inside drops. IN brick house this can be fixed internal lining, insulation and processing of corner joints.

Features of corner walls

Brick houses have always had warmer walls than panel houses. Butt laying, no interpanel seams, a material that holds heat. But if the wall is corner, then temperature changes have a detrimental effect on corner room due to poor waterproofing and movement of the dew point outward. For these reasons, with inside brick house Condensation begins to form, which leads to:

  • constant humidity and dampness;
  • the appearance of fungus or mold;
  • water running down the walls;
  • wallpaper lag;
  • impossibility of maintaining heat in the apartment.

Methods for insulating apartments

Before installing walls, you need to change wooden windows for metal-plastic ones, preferably three-chamber ones, they will act as a vacuum. If this is not possible, then you can treat the window joints with silicone and install rubber seals in places of contact. Carry out the same work with the balcony. Of the most practical options insulation corner apartment It is customary to highlight the following:

Polyurethane foam can be used to complete the work.

  • Mineral wool- thanks to its plasticity, it is easy to install, convenient to process, made of fire-resistant material, non-toxic. The disadvantages include the fact that it allows moisture to pass through, is quite heavy and can be deformed.
  • Expanded polystyrene is able to withstand temperature changes and retains its properties for up to 35 years. But at the same time flammable.
  • Polyurethane foam - has excellent noise-insulating properties, is non-flammable, and durable. Requires high costs; operation requires the help of specialists and additional equipment.
  • Plaster acts as a barrier to heat transfer.
  • Thermal paint can eliminate cold bridges and maintain an optimal microclimate in a corner apartment.

Always use a level when leveling surfaces. You can also do " warm walls"By analogy with a 'warm floor'. In this case, electric insulation is installed in the walls, this will warm them up enough that the formation of condensation will drop to zero. It is customary to distinguish two main methods of insulation:

  • Interior.
  • External.

To insulate a wall, you need to create high-quality ventilation and a vapor barrier, this will prevent condensation.

How to insulate a corner wall of a brick house from the inside?

Cotton wool should be placed between frame rivers.

At the beginning of the work, the surface is cleaned and a primer with antifungal properties is applied on top. When insulating with mineral wool, a frame is built from wooden slats, between which pieces of cotton wool are placed on glue. Glue is applied to the wall. The seams are covered and rubbed, drywall, primer and paint or wallpaper are applied. When working with expanded polystyrene, glue is applied to the sheet with a spatula and glued.

There should be no gaps; the seams are covered with sealant. Finishing is done plaster mesh made of fiberglass, which is smoothed with a layer of glue, and drywall is attached to it. When plastering, the material is applied in three layers, and after each it dries, then it is primed and leveled. The wall is painted or pasted over. To insulate a corner room with thermal paint, the base is prepared and the paint is applied with a brush or roller. After drying, you can wallpaper the walls.

External insulation

At external cladding surfaces used: mineral wool, polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. Mineral wool is seated on glue and secured with anchors. The seams are rubbed and leveled with sealed materials. A reinforcing mesh is placed on top, and a layer is applied on top of it facade paint. The technology of polystyrene foam insulation begins with installation metal frame. The walls are treated with a special solution and polystyrene foam boards are placed on the glue. The corners are rubbed down, a layer of plaster and paint are applied. When insulating with polyurethane foam, it is installed metal grid. The material is applied using a sprayer. On top you need to apply a layer of glue and reinforcing mesh, and then plaster and paint with facade paints.


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