How to make an air freshener at home. Making your own air fresheners

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Currently, in many household department stores you can buy modern air fresheners, which mainly use artificial flavors as a liquid spray throughout the room, which, although they have a pleasant smell, are indoors They quickly get fed up and become unpleasant. Also, most of these tinctures are priced by manufacturers at a fairly decent amount, which is why many Russians who want a pleasant aroma to always be in their homes make air fresheners with their own hands.

Advantages self-cooking air freshener solution are quite obvious:

  1. Using natural ingredients for the liquid will not only help achieve the desired smell, but will also have a positive effect on the health of the body as a whole.
  2. Relatively inexpensive components.
  3. The unobtrusiveness of the odors emitted by the devices (which cannot be said about “chemical” aromas).

You can use various inexpensive air fresheners household tools: for example, a spray bottle, a budget device from a store. Finally, you can make some kind of device yourself, and without using expensive elements. Some housewives do not use such things at all and simply place neatly cut and beautifully laid out fruits on a plate in the room.

This option also has every right to exist, but it has a rather serious disadvantage: the aroma emanating from sliced ​​fruits can more or less steadily hover in the air for only 10-12 hours.

Preparation of solutions of different compositions

It is obvious that the basis of various solutions should be components that emit a fairly stable and at the same time pleasant aroma. So, potential ingredients for an air freshener could be (arranged in order of decreasing durability):

  • Citrus fruits (tangerines, oranges, lemons, etc.);
  • Bouquet of coniferous tree branches;
  • Essential oils;
  • A bouquet of various herbs (usually mint, lavender, basil are used).

In the vast majority of cases, artificial substances recommended by manufacturers of spray devices are created on the basis of the listed natural ingredients. Using any of the above list of ingredients will have a beneficial effect on both appearance, and on the state of the body as a whole, in particular the immune system.

Tip: to add a pleasant aroma to a rarely visited room, such as a toilet or hallway, you can use dried fruit mixed with various herbs in the bank. Usually in the evening the jar is shaken well several times, after which it is left open in one room or another overnight. It should be closed in the morning, and the described procedure should be repeated in the evening.

To prepare a tincture with a pleasant and persistent aroma, you can use various recipes, and all of them will differ in the proportions of certain components, so it makes sense to present only one, a universal one. So, for the solution you will need:

Several citrus fruits (the exact number depends on the size, but usually take two or three oranges, one lemon and one grapefruit or lime).

A spray bottle, such as a spray bottle. Water and a little vodka.

The procedure for preparing the freshener is as follows:

  1. The peel is removed from the fruit and placed in some container, for example, a regular one. glass jar. Then you can add the peel of another fruit, but one that does not interrupt the smell, but only complements it. Then the peels are filled with approximately 300 milliliters of vodka, and the jar is tightly closed with a plastic lid for three days.
  2. After the specified period, the liquid is poured from the jar into the sprayer, and a new batch of peels is loaded into the previously used container. In the sprayer mandatory you should add 200-250 ml of water to remove the smell of alcohol.
  3. You can additionally add or enhance the aroma using essential oils that are in harmony with the main one.

Custom air fresheners

A classic assistant for distributing a pleasant smell throughout a room is a spray bottle: it is very simple to use, it is easy to fill and change the liquid, and you can independently dose the sprayed amount of solution, while purchased air fresheners often make mistakes with the volume distributed.

But it is not the only thing that can be used to diffuse the smell: for example, in modern times, various glass glasses (or, indeed, candlesticks), sachets and slightly modernized glass bottles are quite popular, and instead of solutions used in conjunction with only the latter, thick fresheners are used, respectively. set of citrus peels and herbs.

Tip: for use, it is recommended to choose a glass that is both beautiful and thick-walled. You can use a candlestick or ceramic items as a replacement. Capacities last type They are used quite rarely, since the liquid from them quickly evaporates, and the aroma disappears a little faster, so you should be prepared for the need to change the solution frequently.

Modernized bottles differ from their “relatives”, firstly, in size: usually their volume is no more than 0.3 liters. Secondly, they play more decorative function, because they are decorated in the style of, for example, pirate rum bottles.

Finally, the third difference is that they are closed with a cork, but only halfway: the point is that another fragrant freshener mixed with essential oils is poured inside, and the smell only slightly penetrates through the cork to the outside, into the room.

Thick air freshener

Special, thick air fresheners are made for ceramic or glass glasses that can emit a pleasant aroma throughout the week. To prepare them you need the following ingredients:

  • Water, essential oils - as a liquid, binding component;
  • Gelatin, glycerin;
  • Cinnamon (to taste, as well as various herbs);
  • Food coloring (to give the thickened freshener an interesting color).

The process of preparing a thick freshener is quite simple and does not require any special culinary skills; you just need to follow the order of the steps listed below:

  1. Cup hot water(not boiled) is poured into some shallow container, where 2-3 tablespoons of gelatin are then added. The saucepan is placed on low heat. The liquid should be given the maximum degree of homogeneity by constantly stirring the mixture.
  2. Once the gelatin has completely dissolved in the water, you can add the remaining ingredients. The proportions of the added ingredients are established experimentally, but usually one and a half teaspoons of glycerin and 5 teaspoons of essential oils are poured into the liquid. It is not recommended to use dyes in large quantities.
  3. As soon as the mixture regains its homogeneity, it can be poured into pre-prepared molds, where it can take shape and finally harden. To do this, you can use classic molds for preparing flour products.

Once the air freshener takes its shape, you can carefully remove it from the metal container and place it in a prepared glass or ceramic glass. By the way, over time, a small crust may form along the edges of the air freshener: it must be cut off and the exposed areas lubricated with oil or glycerin. This will further increase the intensity of the aroma emitted.


In the classical and original understanding, a sachet was a set of several interconnected small pads that were placed in various sets of linen to repel moths and other pests. With the spread of tablets and other remedies against various insects, sachets became more of an air freshener than anything else.

Making a sachet-type air freshener is quite simple: all you need is a small (10-14 x 25-30 cm) piece of natural fabric (usually silk or cotton is used), a small ribbon for dressing and, in fact, the ingredients themselves. They can be presented:

  • Again with citrus peel;
  • Dried berries of barberry, currants, etc.;
  • Mint and rosemary leaves;
  • Spices;
  • Wood sawdust, which can add a unique detail to the entire aroma composition.
It is necessary to sew an ordinary bag from scraps of fabric, in which one side must be left unsewn, but the possibility of tightening it or loosely closing it with buttons must be provided. The upper edge of the sachet is usually decorated with fringe, and the bag itself is additionally attached to some decorative item, for example, a soft toy, a vase of flowers, etc.

The sachet is tightly filled with all the listed ingredients of the “dry” freshener, after which it is actively shaken several times and finally pulled together with tape, first across it, and then near the open edge. You can use a few drops of essential oils to enhance the scent, but it is recommended to do this before mixing.

In conclusion, it should be noted that a healthy and cozy atmosphere at home is formed, among other things, by the smell. It is necessary to monitor the air quality in the apartment, follow the ventilation regime and regularly use natural air fresheners. This will not only provide pleasant aromas in the air, but will also have a positive effect on the condition of the body as a whole.

Video: how to make a gel flavor with your own hands

Air freshener can be bought in almost any store household chemicals, they come in different forms - sprays, water based, records, etc.

The only fact remains that all this production is “chemicals” that smell.

Without bringing any benefit, it often simply masks the unpleasant odor rather than eliminating it.

Let's make an air freshener from essential oils that is completely natural and has health benefits!

Making your own air freshener from essential oils is quite simple. And the effect from it will be simply amazing, that after it you will no longer want to use a “chemical” air freshener. You will feel the difference immediately.

So, you decided to try to make a freshener yourself from natural ingredients and experience all the positive effects from it. To make an awesome air freshener from essential oils at home with your own hands, you will need the most simple ingredients, which every housewife has in her arsenal.

There are several options for preparing such “natural” fresheners.

In the first option you will need:

  1. Essential oil
  2. Cup or other container
  3. Hydrogel for flowers (retains moisture well)
  4. Boiled water

When you start making your essential oil air freshener, have all your ingredients ready so everything is nearby for your convenience.

So, first you need to take a glass (a tall one is best) and fill it halfway with prepared water, then add the selected essential oil, 5-8 drops.

Stir well with a spoon. The water will become slightly cloudy. Pour the hydrogel up to half a glass into a glass of water and wait until the gel swells.

When the gel has “grown”, your air freshener is ready and you can place it anywhere in the house. Such a glass with transparent and fragrant balls will decorate your interior.

The second recipe will refresh the spruce from essential oils:

  1. Essential oil
  2. Gelatin
  3. Boiled water
  4. Food colorings
  5. Cup or other glass container

This version presents a recipe for very beautiful, colorful air fresheners based on essential oil and gelatin. You get such fragrant mini-jelly!

To make an air freshener from essential oils, prepare your workplace. In this case, all actions take place in the kitchen. First, boil water in an iron ladle or small saucepan. You will need approximately 150 ml of water.

After the water has boiled, we begin to gradually add one package of gelatin to the boiling water and leave it to swell. Meanwhile, mix 1 tbsp. spoon of salt with cold water in a ratio of 1:3. Then add the saline solution to the gelatin mass and stir.

Add ready-made food coloring (which is diluted with water immediately before use) into the prepared cups, pour it so as to paint the bottom of the container, and drop 15-20 drops of essential oil into it.

Then add gelatin and stir gently so that the future freshener is evenly colored. Now that the preparation of the freshener has come to an end, now you need to leave it for a quarter of a day to harden.

If you want to further diversify your air freshener, you can decorate it with various stones, beads, flowers and much more. It all depends on your flight of fancy!

The third option for a DIY air freshener

  1. Wooden sticks
  2. Wide mouth vessel
  3. Essential oil
  4. Alcohol or vodka
  5. Regular (cheapest) baby oil

This cooking method oil freshener air with essential oils will not leave people indifferent! After all, this method is quite simple and has a long-lasting effect.

To prepare such a freshener, you need to take a vessel with a medium neck (so that wooden sticks fit into it) and pour 100-150 ml of baby oil into it, add one tablespoon of alcohol or vodka, stir well and add 10-15 drops of the chosen one. essential oil.

When the oil mixture is ready, dip the prepared wooden sticks into it and leave to soak for 3-4 hours. Then you need to flip them over and soak the other side of the sticks.

After time, your incense sticks are ready to serve as an air freshener. The effect lasts about three weeks.

You can decorate your interior with the help of such sticks, placing them in a beautiful vase and diversifying them with small details.

We learned how to make air fresheners from improvised products and essential oils. Main question, which essential oil to choose for an air freshener?

Each essential oil has specific properties and aroma, let's figure it out:

Orange – this essential oil has a very bright, juicy and rich aroma. This is the scent of cheerfulness and energy! Orange oil gives you a good mood and relieves stress.

Jasmine – this oil has a delicate, subtle and pleasant aroma. The aroma of this oil helps creative people find inspiration. The oil has an anti-stress effect on the body. The aroma of this oil helps fight fatigue and anxiety.

It helps you find fresh ideas. Sets up a positive course of your thoughts. In addition to all other positive effects, the oil has properties that perfectly dispose a partner to tender feelings.

Rosemary – The aroma of this essential oil is reminiscent of pine, slightly sweet and spicy. With the help of this aromatic ester, you can strengthen the nervous system and increase the body's resistance to mental stress when increased attentiveness is required.

This air freshener is also suitable for drivers on long journeys (truck drivers) to be attentive and focused on the road.

It emits a pleasant aroma that can fight colds and strengthen the immune system, due to its disinfecting properties it can kill germs that fly in the air.

Sage – this oil has natural gifts that can fight various diseases and disorders of the body. Sage oil has an original aroma that cannot be confused with anything else. The aroma of the oil has a positive effect on mental activity.

It is able to relieve cramps and help you relax. It can also relieve you from headaches and migraines, increase your vitality, and restore vitality. The oil has a herbal, spicy, musky smell.

Do-it-yourself air fresheners made from essential oils are natural, do not cause allergic reactions (with the exception of individual intolerance), bring enormous benefits to the body and exude a unique aroma that fights and eliminates unpleasant odors, but does not mask.

Hello My dear hostesses! HOW DO YOU FIGHT UNPLEASANT ODOR IN YOUR HOME? Surely you buy air fresheners, which are replete with all household goods stores. But in vain. Unfortunately, not everyone knows what they consist of. We have heard plenty about the harmfulness, but who talks about the harmfulness of aerosol air fresheners? Honestly, I haven’t seen a single show, or maybe I haven’t even caught my eye.

And until recently, I enjoyed all these amenities myself. For a long time and persistently I tried a huge number of smells and did not even suspect that it was a time bomb, which a huge industry sold without a twinge of conscience and made money from it. And believe me, they didn’t care about our health. Recently, I finally came across an article from an Internet resource about aerosol sprayers, which sparsely, but nevertheless, outlined the composition of this muck. So, get ready to hear some facts about air fresheners.

Composition of a modern air freshener

In 2007, there were studies that showed that 12 out of 14 air fresheners contained substances called phthalates. This chemical is added to thousands of products. Starting from building materials, ending with cosmetics and children's toys. The horror is that they can cause diseases of the reproductive system (deformation of the genital organs). This substance is especially dangerous for pregnant and nursing mothers. It is not for nothing that in some countries phthalates are prohibited in the production of children's toys and cosmetics.
A year later, there was a follow-up study that showed the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in air fresheners. Chemical substances, which are also added to many consumer products (adhesives, cosmetics, detergents and cleaners). Their insidiousness lies in the fact that they evaporate slowly and affect the body gradually. VOCs can cause damage to the kidneys, liver and even the brain. And remember, not a single aerosol eliminates odor, but masks it by affecting our olfactory receptors.
Just like that! Did you feel scared? I immediately lost the desire to treat myself to “aromatherapy”. Instead of being poisoned by chemicals that advertising imposes on us, we can quite successfully get rid of unpleasant odors with environmental and in safe ways, which will make your home more comfortable and give a little bit of health. I will share with you the secret of how to make an air freshener from simple and affordable ingredients.

DIY aroma diffuser

This thing in Lately gain popularity. A high-quality diffuser is quite expensive. Its advantage is obvious - there is no need to use electricity or fire, as in an aroma lamp. And you can use it both in the car and in the house. The operating principle is simple and easily repeatable. For this we need:

  • glass or ceramic jar
  • liquid natural oil
  • diffuser sticks

Let's pour a small amount liquid oil Add essential oil to the container. The more you add, the more intense the smell will be. Insert diffuser sticks. You can buy special reed or bamboo ones, or you can replace them with branches, previously cleared of the bark layer, and essential oils with perfume. The more sticks you use, the richer the smell will be. Aroma diffusers are not only a way to freshen the air, but also a piece of furniture. It can be decorated with ribbons, fabric, paper, or painted. In short, fantasize. Essential oils have antimicrobial and antiviral properties. They not only freshen the air, but also clean it.

An aroma lamp can serve as a worthy replacement for an aroma diffuser. But to use it you need heat in the form of fire (candle). Therefore, it should be used with extreme caution.
You can also drop a few drops of essential oil into a saucer of water and place it on the radiator. This method is only relevant in winter, when the heating is on.

DIY air freshener for the refrigerator

To make your own air freshener for, take half an orange and cut out the pulp so as not to damage the peel. Fill an orange basket with soda or salt, add a few drops of lemon essential oil, and place it in the refrigerator, preferably on the door so that it does not tip over. Salt absorbs stale and unpleasant odors, and the citrus aroma refreshes. Instead of orange, you can take lemon, grapefruit, tangerine.

By the way, if you constantly have a musty smell in your refrigerator, you can put a peeled onion on the door. She neutralizes him. Also, after washing the refrigerator, wipe the shelves and walls with vinegar water. To do this, mix a glass of water and 1 tablespoon of vinegar 9 percent.

DIY gel air freshener

We will need:

  • 2 glasses of water
  • gelatin – 4 packets
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • food coloring
  • 15-20 drops of essential oils
  • decorations (beads, ribbons, lace, etc.)

Mix essential oil and dye in one glass of water. In another glass warm water dissolve gelatin and salt. Mix both solutions, stirring slowly without creating foam. Place beads or herbs at the bottom of small beautiful containers for decoration. Fill with liquid. Let cool. Decorate with ribbons, lace or leave as is. The salt in the composition is used as a preservative. But it is still better to use a helium air freshener in a cool place, such as a room, a toilet, but in no case in the kitchen.

DIY air freshener made from soda

Take a jar or plastic container. Pour baking soda into it and add a few drops of essential oil (you can use the peel of a lemon or any citrus fruit). Close the lid, having previously made many holes there. This freshener is perfect for a toilet, bathroom, smoking area, in a cabinet with a trash can, or just on a chest of drawers or bedside table. Vapors from essential oils will slowly evaporate, penetrating into the air through small holes.

DIY coffee air freshener

Natural ground or bean coffee great alternative harmful aerosol air freshener. From grains you can make all kinds of interior items: paintings, topiaries, souvenirs. They will emit a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma constantly. Ground coffee can be used as a sachet filler. Place the fragrant bag in a closet or hang it near the stove. Natural coffee candles have become very popular lately. When burned, they fill the air with a pleasant aroma.

Light and pleasant aromas create an atmosphere of comfort in the house. Some bring freshness and vigor, others relax and induce sleep, while others help to calm down and relieve anxiety.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade air fresheners

Air freshener manufacturers offer a wide variety of scents to suit every taste. Fragrances are sold in the form of aerosols, beads, crystals, liquid or gel fills. There are plenty of options. Making an air freshener will not take much time.

Unfortunately, there are no natural ingredients in these products or very few of them. For example, fruity and floral scents can be created using extracts or oils natural origin. How does the manufacturer manage to fill the bottle with the aroma of frosty freshness, sea wind or forest clearing? This requires combining compounds of various chemical elements, which, after spraying, settle in the respiratory organs and do not affect the body in the best way. And the prices for a quality air freshener are quite high. So why not try making your own flavoring?
Beautifully designed bottles with fragrances will complement your home interior

Positive qualities of our own flavoring:

  • natural ingredients will not harm health;
  • many essential oils benefit the body, it is not for nothing that such treatment as aromatherapy exists;
  • people suffering from allergies or asthma can choose the safest components for home incense;
  • you can make your favorite scent without significant expense, and buying ready-made air fresheners will cost several times more;
  • homemade fragrances will last longer than those offered by manufacturers of household chemicals;
  • The intensity of the scent can be adjusted according to personal preference.

What disadvantages of homemade flavoring can outweigh its advantages? It may take some time to make the incense, and it will likely take some experimenting to create the right aroma with the right consistency and intensity. And therefore, the only reason for refusing to prepare an air freshener yourself can only be mental laziness or lack of desire to use home fragrances.

Purpose of homemade flavors

When creating an air freshener, it is important to consider the place where it will be used. This could be any room in the house or a specific place. For example, a refrigerator requires constant treatment to remove unpleasant odors. In addition to cleanliness, it is important to have incense in the toilet, which will help neutralize the smell and at the same time disinfect the toilet. Fragrances are also used in car interiors.
To disinfect the toilet, you can make your own dry products with the addition of a refreshing aroma

Types of air fresheners

Today, fragrances for home, car or office can have different shapes. You can make almost any type of air freshener yourself:

  1. Aerosol - to make this freshener you will need a bottle with a spray dispenser and a liquid that is easy to prepare yourself.
    Homemade spray containing essential oils may leave traces, be careful
  2. Gel freshener - this flavoring is usually placed in an open container and is made on the basis of edible gelatin.
    The freshener in gel consistency is convenient because it will not spill or leave any traces.
  3. Diffuser - a container with aromatic contents and wooden sticks.
    The length of the sticks must be significantly greater than the length of the vessel with the aromatic composition
  4. Beads and crystals - dry flavors can be made using disinfectants or cleaning agents, and for aesthetics, made colored using food coloring.
    Aromatization and disinfection for the toilet in the form of balls are very convenient to use
  5. A sachet is an air freshener made from dry ingredients placed in breathable fabric.
    The sachet can be hung in the car interior to decorate and scent the air.
  6. Impregnated fabric - this type of fragrance is usually used in cars; to make it you will need a small piece of felt.
    A felt air freshener can be made not only in the shape of a standard Christmas tree, but also in the form of such cheerful bright pendants

Recipes for creating fresheners

To make your own air freshener, you can use essential oils, dried peels or pieces of citrus fruits, coffee beans, pine needles, and spices. You will also need bottles, jars, vases and other containers in which the air freshener will be placed. Beautifully designed bottles will help create comfort and beauty in the room.
The gel freshener can be made in the form of translucent balls, stones or other forms

The most popular option for making flavoring is based on the use of essential oils. This product is offered by pharmacies, household chemical stores, gardening centers, and supermarkets.

Water based spray

To make a liquid air freshener, you will need (based on approximately 110–120 ml of the finished product):

  • empty bottle with pump,
  • water 50 ml,
  • vodka 50 ml,
  • essential oil from 30 to 60 drops,
  • fresh lemon juice 10–15 drops,
  • pipette.

You can use a cosmetic bottle as a bottle; in this case, you must first rinse it well and dry it. If there is no suitable vessel, then you can buy a regular spray bottle. A fine spray will leave less residue on surfaces.
Exact amount essential oil depends on many factors: manufacturer, aromatic properties the oil itself, the desired degree of aroma saturation, the size of the room

As you know, oil does not dissolve in water, so adding vodka is necessary to create a uniform consistency of the freshener. Vodka can be replaced with 96% ethyl alcohol, then its amount should be halved, and the rest of the volume should be compensated with water.

The proposed composition of the freshener can be called conditional, since it is not necessary to add lemon juice and vodka to it. If you don’t have alcohol on hand, you can replace it with sea or table salt. The amount of salt is approximately 1-2 tablespoons.

The recipe is very simple:

  1. All ingredients must be mixed in a bottle.
  2. Shake well. The freshener is ready!
  3. Shake before each spray.
  4. Apply to non-absorbent surfaces.

Fresh lemon juice is necessary as a preservative for the finished freshener so that the solution lasts longer

It is not necessary to use just one oil when preparing a freshener; you can combine several options. Try, experiment and find your own unique recipe!

Video: making an air freshener at home

Aroma diffuser

If you can use any existing bottle for a spray, then for a diffuser it is better to choose an elegant vessel, since it will somehow stand in a visible place, which means it is better to use it to make an interior element for your home or office.
Special sticks made of rattan, reed or bamboo are sold for the diffuser, but they can be replaced with ordinary wooden skewers for canapés

For the diffuser you will need:

  • beautiful glass bottle,
  • vodka or diluted alcohol,
  • base oil,
  • aroma oil,
  • wooden sticks.

Special sticks are made from suitable types of wood, the texture of which absorbs and emits aroma better, so their use is, of course, desirable, but not necessary.

Ideal as a base olive oil because it has an almost imperceptible odor

When everything you need is at hand, it’s time to start making:

  1. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of base oil into the prepared vessel.
  2. Then add about 30 drops of aromatic oil.
  3. After this, pour in 1 tablespoon of alcohol.
  4. Insert chopsticks.
  5. Stir the aromatic composition with chopsticks.
  6. The diffuser is ready.

The diffuser container should have a narrow neck and be made of glass or ceramic, plastic will spoil the aroma, and wood will absorb it

The number and length of sticks depends on the expected intensity of the incense. On average, 4–8 sticks are used. Unlike an aroma lamp with a candle, the diffuser does not emit smoke and does not require lighting a fire, which eliminates the possibility of fire. To give the aromatic vase a special aesthetics and attractiveness, you can put in it decorative stones, beads, fir cones, dried flowers, fruits, berries, etc.
A decorated diffuser will be a wonderful interior decoration and will help create a cozy atmosphere

When choosing a place to install the diffuser, consider the presence of children and animals in the house. It is better to place the vessel where younger family members cannot reach and accidentally spill the aromatic composition. If an inaccessible place is difficult to find, then in this case you need to use a vessel with a lid that can be pierced to insert the sticks.

Video: creating a diffuser with your own hands

Liquid fragrance with essential oil

Similar to a diffuser, you can make an air freshener in a bottle, but without using sticks. As a rule, in this case you need to pick up a small bottle, for example, from perfume. For this you will need:

  • small bottle,
  • balsa wood plug,
  • lace or wool thread,
  • an awl or thick needle,
  • knife or file
  • essential oil,
  • base oil,
  • elements for decoration (optional).

Liquid air fresheners with a stopper and cord in small bottles are suitable for use in the car

The recipe will require a little time and skill:

  1. First you need to prepare the cork. If there is no suitable size, then you can take a wine cork and use a knife or file to adjust it to the desired size.
  2. The cork must also be cut so that it is not too long. Otherwise the smell will not appear.
  3. Make a hole in the center of the cork with an awl or a needle (depending on the thickness of the cork).
  4. Thread a string through the hole.
  5. Put it in a bottle decorative elements, if they are.
  6. Pour in base oil.
  7. Then add essential oil. Approximate proportions of oils: 1:5, i.e. there should be more base.
  8. Mix the mixture well.
  9. Place one end of the string threaded through the cork into the container until it reaches the bottom of the container.
  10. Seal the bottle.
  11. Make a loop from the remaining outside part of the lace.
  12. Hang the finished flavor.

The lace will become saturated with oil and will gradually begin to exude aroma. The intensity of the aroma depends on the amount of aroma oil used, so the proposed proportions are relative.

Video: A simple way to scent a car interior

Fragrance car interior using felt and essential oil

There is another way to source incense, such as a piece of felt or felt soaked in essential oil. You can simply cut out a geometric shape from the material. But products made with imagination and enthusiasm will look much nicer.

Photo gallery: Felt air freshener options

The most common form of flavored impregnation has the shape of a Christmas tree. The product can be made in the form of bright and juicy fruits. For a children's room, you can make a toy, filling it with salt, soaked in essential oil.

To make a freshener, you can use the product options for the flavor base suggested in the photo gallery, or you can come up with something of your own. So, let's prepare:

  • felt base,
  • essential oil,
  • plastic bag,
  • pipette or syringe with a needle as needed.

Let's start making:

  1. Place a plastic bag on the table.
  2. Place a felt cutout on it.
  3. Drip oil in small drops around the perimeter of the product. If the oil bottle does not have a dispenser, then you need to use a pipette or syringe and a needle.
  4. Apply no more than 30 drops
  5. Wait until the oil is absorbed.
  6. The flavor is ready.

It is very important to use moderation when applying fragrance. It's better to start with 10-15 drops. If the aroma emitted is weak, you can add some more oil.

For example, you soaked a product with lavender oil. After some time, the flavor will exhaust its resource. So it's time to update it. There is no need to apply oil that is incompatible with lavender to the same flavor. The result of such an experiment will definitely not please you.

Video: Making a fragrance from felt

Homemade freshener-humidifier

Dry indoor air must be constantly humidified. This is especially true in heating season. At the same time, you can also refresh the room with your favorite scent. For this you will need:

  • a water container with a wide neck, it is better to take a wide bowl,
  • favorite essential scent in this case We will offer lemon and rosemary,
  • hot water, this time with a volume of 200 ml.

The next steps are very simple:

The warmer the water and the battery, the sooner the oils will begin to emit their odor. The composition of the oils and their quantity, of course, can be changed at your discretion.

Air freshener made from baking soda and essential oil

Fragrance oil combined with baking soda creates another homemade air freshener recipe. The composition in this case is extremely simple:

  • container with a wide neck and a lid,
  • baking soda,
  • essential oil,
  • nail, awl or needle.

If there is a suitable vessel, but there is no lid, then it can be replaced with foil or thick cloth.
Flavorings in a jar of soda are perfect for the kitchen or bathroom

  1. Pour baking soda about 1 cm thick into a jar.
  2. Add 10-12 drops of oil on top. The exact amount can be adjusted experimentally.
  3. Close the lid and shake.
  4. You need to make several holes in the lid using a nail or an awl.
  5. The foil can be pierced with a needle. Small punctures can be made in the fabric.
  6. Close the vessel. The fabric can be secured with an elastic band or lace.
  7. The flavor is ready.

Video: making an air freshener from baking soda and essential oil

Gelatin room scent

You can also make your own gel air freshener. It is better to decorate a vessel with gel flavoring, which will stand in one of the rooms or on the desktop, with lace, beads, ribbons, etc. To prepare the freshener you will need:

  • water 100 ml,
  • gelatin 1–1.5 tsp,
  • salt 1 tsp,
  • vinegar 6% 1 tsp,
  • dye 3–5 drops,
  • essential oil 5–6.

The color saturation needs to be adjusted by the amount of added dye. The more you add, the brighter the aromatic figures will turn out.

Such a flavoring does not have to be placed in any container. It can be poured into sandbox molds or into the cells of a candy base, and then the finished bars can be placed in a transparent vase. To create a bright composition, you can paint different molds in different colors.

Gel air freshener can be made using hydrogel balls. For this you need:

  • hydrogel balls for flowers,
  • water,
  • essential oil,
  • transparent glass container.

It only takes a few minutes to prepare the flavor:

Video: How to make gel air freshener

Gel air freshener with decor

An option for producing a colored gel flavor has already been proposed above. However, if you wish, you can try making a freshener with decor. It can be:

An easy and clear example of preparing a flavor with orange and cinnamon slices is presented in the video below.

Video: How to make gelatin flavoring and garnish it with orange slices

Flavoring in sachet form

In addition to rooms in the house or car, the sachet is used to scent a closet with clothes, chests of drawers with linen. Sachets are often used in medicinal purposes. The air freshener can be in the form of a pillow or bag. But the most important thing is to choose the right fabric: it must be well breathable. Let's look at several recipes for making sachets in the form of a bag.

Recipe using essential oils

To make a sachet with aroma oil you will need:

Cooking algorithm:

Instead of soda, you can use flour and soda in a 1:1 ratio. The finished salt dough can be given any desired shape.

Sachet with different fillings

You can put any natural ingredients in the bag:

After the smell has subsided, the sachet filler needs to be renewed.

Video: How to fill a sachet

Flower petal flavoring

Another option for air freshener is making blocks of flower petals. You can buy rose petals at a flower shop.

For production you will need:


  1. Place the petals in a blender.
  2. Grind.
  3. Transfer the crushed petals into a container.
  4. Pour a small amount of water so that the petals do not float.
  5. Add baking soda.
  6. Mix.
  7. If the composition turns out to be liquid, then the amount of baking soda needs to be increased.
  8. If the composition is dry, you need to add water.
  9. Place the mixture in the form of a thick slurry into molds.
  10. Dry.
  11. Remove the bars from the cells.
  12. Place in a beautiful glass vase.

How to choose the right oil and other ingredients

Before you start making an air freshener, you need to think about the composition of the future flavor. If your choice falls on the use of essential oil, then you need to take into account the properties of this product. It is well known that each aroma oil has its own properties: some heal, others invigorate, others calm, others relieve stress, etc. To choose the right oil, study the following tables.

Table: Properties of essential oils

Table: Compatibility of essential oils

When making a car interior freshener, it is better to avoid relaxing and soothing aromas. If the driver is tired, then these aromas will only increase drowsiness and absent-mindedness, which can create dangerous situations. It is better to use invigorating notes. Relaxation is necessary before bed, so oils with this property are suitable for bedrooms. Bright citrus aromas Suitable for use in the toilet and bathroom, but these notes are also quite appropriate in the living room.

When using any fragrances, you must remember that even natural odors can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, if after installing the fragrance you experience itching, watery eyes, sneezing, or a runny nose, you need to immediately remove the allergen.

Shelf life and aromatization area of ​​natural air freshener

Clearly define the expiration date natural flavoring impossible due to the influence of a combination of factors:

  • quality of the original product,
  • square footage of the room in which the fragrance is installed,
  • humidity level in the room,
  • volume of the vessel with the freshener,
  • and etc.

For example, the approximate service life of gelatin fresheners varies from 1 week to a month. A coffee sachet can last for several months. The diffuser will emit scent for about 2 weeks. All terms are very conditional.

The area of ​​distribution of the freshener depends on the saturation of the finished flavor. It is important to remember one rule: enhancing an insufficient aroma by adding a few drops of oil is easier than diluting an overly rich aroma.

Before buying another air freshener in the store, think about what this purchase could mean for your health. Isn’t it better to try to make your own flavoring, especially since there are a lot of manufacturing options.


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