How to choose a gasoline brush cutter. How to choose a gasoline brush cutter, maintenance features The best brands of brush cutters

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With the arrival of the spring-summer season, all owners of suburban areas are always faced with the same problem - caring for lawns and lawns and fighting fast-growing weeds and bushes making their way through. An ordinary scythe is not always a good helper: firstly, to use it, you need some experience, and secondly, in cramped conditions of the site it is almost impossible to operate such a tool between trees, bushes, benches, posts, borders, etc.

In order not to resort to manual, very labor-intensive operations, it makes sense to purchase a trimmer, or, in other words, a motorized scythe, with an electric or gasoline drive. In the case where the lawn or lawn is located close to the house, is small in size, and is not expected to be subject to heavy work, an electric device may be sufficient. But gas mowers and trimmers have much greater capabilities; how to choose which ones will be discussed in this publication.

First of all, let's remove a small contradiction. Some publications on the Internet provide a very controversial classification, according to which only power tools are classified as trimmers, completely separating this category from lawn mowers with a gasoline engine. In others, trimmers include all types of manual mechanized scythes, both electric and with internal combustion engines (pos. A), thereby highlighting their difference from wheeled lawn mowers (pos. B) and, even more so, self-propelled raiders (pos. B).

The main types of mechanized mowers: A - manual (scythes); B – wheeled; B – self-propelled (raiders).

How impeccably correct it really is is difficult to say. However, the second type of classification still seems more clear and reasonable. Without claiming absolute truth, we will still adhere to the definition that a trimmer is hand tool for cutting grass with electric or petrol power drive.

Despite the very wide variety of models of gasoline trimmers, most of them are made according to a single design. An internal combustion engine is used as a power drive, from which the torque is transmitted to the working cutting head. The illustration shows the main visible elements and components of a standard lawn mower-trimmer:

1 – gasoline engine, located at the top.

2 – fuel tank.

3 – manual starter for starting the engine.

4 – rod connecting the engine to the working part of the trimmer. Inside the rod there is always a flexible or rigid shaft that transmits rotation. The rod can be solid or collapsible, consisting of two or more sections.

5 – handle, which can be various types, which, by the way, predetermines the placement of the main controls (position 6).

7 – cable connecting the control device to the engine.

8 – bevel gear, transmitting shaft rotation to the working spindle.

9 – cutting tool – special knife or a reel (spool) with a cutting cord (line).

10 – protective shield that protects the operator’s legs from injury during operation

Lawn mower controls may vary slightly in their layout, but usually include several keys and switches that are identical in functionality:

1 – button (toggle switch) of the ignition circuit. Allows you to instantly turn off the engine if necessary.

2 – main key that controls the carburetor throttle valve (gas key).

3 – safety key that prevents accidental pressing of the gas. Until it is recessed, the main key cannot be used.

4 – control key stopper when pressed. Facilitates management of large volumes of work.

Typically, another control element is located on the engine itself - this is the choke position switch. Used to facilitate starting and quickly warm up the engine in conditions of low air temperature.

Some more details about the main elements and components of the mower will be discussed below, when considering the parameters for choosing a tool. In the meantime, a few words about the advantages of gasoline trimmers:

  • Such a tool is completely independent of an energy source - to work on the ground, it is enough to have the necessary supply of fuel with you. In addition, even when working directly at home, there is a clear advantage - there is no power cable constantly getting in the way under your feet.
  • Unlike electric trimmer, gasoline can be used both after rain and early in the morning, before the heavy dew has disappeared. The upper position of the engine completely eliminates any dependence of the safety of using the tool on the level of moisture in the mowed grass.

  • Gasoline trimmers are always more powerful, have a longer service life, and are capable of long work without pause, cope with tough grasses and shrubs. The probability of the drive overheating is many times less than that of an electric trimmer.

Gasoline trimmers also have certain disadvantages:

  • Their device is more complex than their electrical counterparts. Their operation and especially regular maintenance require certain knowledge and skills.
  • Gasoline mowers are always significantly more massive, which means working with them will require more significant physical effort.
  • Equipment of this class is very picky about the purity of the fuel and the correct composition of the fuel mixture. With low-quality fuel, interruptions or failures in the operation of the tool may occur.
  • An internal combustion engine always produces exhaust and a significant noise level.

However, if you plan to process large areas, or work in areas where there is no way to connect to power, you won’t find anything better than a gasoline trimmer. The advantages of such a tool significantly outweigh its disadvantages.

Prices for petrol trimmers CALIBR

Gasoline trimmers Caliber

Find out how by reading the features of the tool in a publication on our portal.

Gasoline trimmer selection options

Why do you need a gas mower?

Before you start choosing optimal model gasoline trimmer, you should very clearly outline the range of tasks that will be assigned to this tool. Based on this, most of the evaluative selection criteria will be predetermined.

All gasoline scythes are conventionally divided into three main groups.

  • Professional or gardening. This is, as a rule, a tool for workers of public utilities, landscaping and beautification enterprises, and forestry farms. Such brush cutters have an increased resource and the ability to work for many hours on a daily basis. They are equipped with powerful engines and reinforced transmission mechanisms. As a rule, they are equipped with knives that can cope with bushes, and sometimes even with young trees.

Naturally, such instruments are quite massive and have spacious fuel tanks. To make working with them easier, special belt systems are provided to take the maximum load off the operator’s hands. In addition, special backpack models have been developed, that is, the power drive, worn by the worker in the form of a backpack, is connected to the rod by a flexible transmission shaft in a casing. This arrangement causes less operator fatigue during long-term operation.

Using a trimmer of this class for personal use seems excessive; the purchase is unlikely to be profitable.

  • Semi-professional-class brush cutters are often called “farm”, which quite accurately defines their purpose. These are reliable household helpers, designed for regular, fairly frequent use with considerable loads.

Their drive power, torque transmission features, and equipment with cutting attachments allow them to cope with vegetation almost no worse than professional models. Farm brush cutters are used both for caring for the garden and for performing specialized agricultural work.

  • Finally, lightweight brush cutters - perfect option for periodic maintenance of the local area, garden and vegetable garden.

They are distinguished by their low weight, high maneuverability, and ease of use. Their motor power seems to be low (usually around 1000 W), but it is quite enough for mowing grass and small shrubs. The main cutting tool is cord (line), although some models may also include knives.

Their permissible duration of non-stop operation is short, and is usually limited by the capacity of a small fuel tank.

Gasoline engine type

Gasoline scythes can be equipped with two types of engines – two-stroke and four-stroke. It should be immediately noted that this does not directly affect the power of the tool - there are also professional brush cutters with a two-stroke drive, and small “amateur” class trimmers equipped with a four-stroke internal combustion engine.

  • Two-stroke engines attract with their unpretentiousness in operation. They start well even in cold weather, are simple to set up, and are easier to repair. Their prices are relatively low, which determines their very wide demand among consumers.

They have many disadvantages.

— First of all, to refuel lawn mowers with a gasoline engine, you will have to independently prepare a fuel mixture from A-92 gasoline and special motor oil. The operation is, in principle, simple, but requires care and precise adherence to proportions. The prepared composition cannot be stored for a long time - its properties are lost over time. That is, each time you work with the trimmer you will have to prepare the fuel mixture.

— The second drawback is the large volume of exhaust, which can be important if work is carried out near residential buildings.

— And thirdly, such an instrument is characterized by increased noise, which will have to be taken into account when using it, for example, in the early morning hours, in order to avoid misunderstandings with neighbors.

  • Four-stroke engines do not have these three mentioned disadvantages. They have separate containers for refilling with gasoline and motor oil. During operation, they emit much less noise, and the overall volume is significantly reduced. exhaust gases.

Such engines usually have a higher service life, are capable of long-term operation without pauses, and use fuel much more economically.

Disadvantages of such internal combustion engines:

— The design is more complex both in design and for maintenance.

— Four-stroke engines are always heavier than their two-stroke counterparts of equal power.

— The main disadvantage, although somewhat arbitrary, is the high cost of gasoline trimmers equipped with four-stroke engines.

  • You should pay attention to the design of the fuel tank - it is very convenient if it is made of translucent plastic, as this allows you to visually monitor the amount of fuel remaining in the tank.

  • Almost all engines of brush cutters (with rare exceptions) are equipped with a manual starter - with a drum, a pull cord and a handle. Some models also have modern system easy starting - FLASH STARTER. By pulling the cable, the operator does not transmit rotation directly to the crank assembly of the engine, but cocks a special spring, which, in turn, will transmit a torque impulse for starting. Thus, the operator does not have to overcome compression jerks, starting becomes simpler and smoother, requiring significantly less physical effort.

  • To make starting easier, there should be a “primer” button on the power unit of the lawn mower. Several presses on it before starting will ensure that any remaining air leaves the fuel line tube and supplies required quantity fuel into the carburetor.

Gasoline drive power

The engine power can range from 700 ÷ 800 to 2500 watts or more. The choice directly depends on the expected load on the tool. In principle, it is the power that determines the operational classification of gasoline trimmers.

This parameter is sometimes indicated in horsepower. The relationship is simple - 1 kW = 1.36 “horses”, or, conversely, 1 horsepower = 0.74 kW.

  • For models household class As a rule, a power of up to 1 kW is sufficient. Petrol mowers with such a drive can easily cope with ordinary grass, sedge, and small young shrubs.
  • The power of “farm” gasoline trimmers usually ranges from 1.5 to 2 kW, which already allows more serious work to be done using knife attachments.
  • Powerful professional tools, over 2 kW, have a full range of capabilities, and the use of special circular saws allows you to mow not only dense bushes, but even cut down young trees with a trunk thickness of up to 20 -30 mm in diameter.

Naturally, an increase in power is accompanied by an increase in the weight of the lawn mower and its cost. So it is necessary to have a very clear idea of ​​the intended scope of application of the tool.

Rod type and design

The rod with the transmission shaft located inside can differ in two parameters.

  • A straight bar is more typical for professional or “farm” models. The shaft transmitting rotation along its entire length is a rigid rod made of a high-strength alloy. It is supported by several roller bearings, and is capable of transmitting significant forces to the working head of the tool without the risk of damage.

The curved shaft makes the brush cutter more ergonomic - it is much more convenient to process difficult areas with such a tool, for example, near trees, flower beds, benches, etc. In addition, the operator spends much less effort to maintain the cutting attachment at a certain height. However, this is achieved by having a flexible drive, which is always more vulnerable to loads, and the likelihood of its failure in an emergency situation is much higher. This type of rod is more typical for lawn mowers of low and medium power, not intended for heavy loads.

  • The rod can be one-piece - from the engine clutch assembly to the gearbox of the working part. The advantages are, again, the integrity of the transmission shaft. The disadvantage is that a gasoline trimmer of this type requires a lot of space when transporting or storing.

The collapsible rod makes the tool more convenient in terms of transportation and storage. In addition, some models of lawn mowers require the use of specialized working attachments - they are adapted specifically for the connecting unit of the collapsible rod.

Prices for Husqvarna petrol trimmers

Husqvarna petrol trimmer

The disadvantage is clear - any extra drive connection is always an additional vulnerable point prone to wear. In addition, the operator is obliged to monitor the condition of this unit, prevent accidental entry of earth or sand into it, carry out maintenance, etc.

Handle type, belt system

Holding a rather bulky and heavy structure in a given position and controlling the movement of the cutting head parallel to the ground level is not such an easy task. Therefore, it is extremely important to select a model for ease of use, and this directly depends on the configuration of the handles and the belts used.

It is difficult to give recommendations in this matter - each potential user, when choosing a lawn mower, must independently try the tool for himself and evaluate the degree of ease of working with it. In this case, of course, the duration of the work should also be taken into account.

  • For professional or “farm” class models, T-shaped handles reminiscent of a bicycle handlebar are more typical. The right handle usually houses the tool controls. This configuration of the handles, combined with a properly selected belt, is convenient for long-term work. large area, allows you to make wide movements, as when working with a regular scythe.

D-shaped or J-shaped handles are usually found on lightweight brush cutters. They are more convenient to control the tool when performing more “delicate” maneuverable work. The control unit is located on the rod, shifted towards the engine.

All handles have a fastening system that allows you to move them along the rod, rotate it relative to its axis, and in the case of a T- or J-shaped configuration, also change the amount of reach to the left or right. All this makes it possible to precisely adjust the brush cutter to the individual characteristics of the operator, ensure its balance and achieve maximum ergonomics.

  • The choice of belt should also be taken seriously.

If you plan to work for a long time, especially with a fairly heavy brush cutter of a professional or semi-professional class, then it is better not to spare money on purchasing a backpack-type belt system. Such equipment will evenly distribute the load across the entire shoulder girdle and back of the worker, significantly reducing the level of fatigue. In addition, a special pad on the operator’s thigh will reduce the degree of transmitted vibration and protect against possible burns from the engine heating up during operation.

For short periods gardening work When using a lightweight gasoline trimmer, a regular shoulder strap with a soft, wide pad on top is sufficient. The cost of such a belt is, of course, many times less.

Working equipment of a gasoline scythe

Working cutting tools for a gasoline scythe can be included in its kit or purchased additionally.

  • Almost all models are always equipped with a reel (spool) for winding a certain amount of cutting line (cord). As a rule, such a device allows you to adjust the length of the protruding ends of the fishing line in a semi-automatic mode - there is a wide stop button on the lower plane. When it hits the ground lightly, the stopper releases the internal reel, and the line comes out under the influence of centrifugal force. There is a special knife on the protective casing that will cut the exposed ends of the cord to the required length.

  • To mow thick grass, sedge, reeds, and shrubs, metal (sometimes plastic) knives (cutters) are used. They may differ in configuration and number of cutting blades. Some cutters resemble round ones circular saws– installing them on powerful lawn mowers allows you to fight young trees.

Some cutters are designed specifically for mowing grass for harvesting purposes - they, unlike the same cord, do not crumble the grass, but ensure its even cut.

Amateur use of knives is unacceptable. Manufacturers of lawn mowers indicate the possibility of using one or another type of cutting tool. Failure to follow the recommendations may result in trimmer failure.

  • There are also special attachments on sale that significantly expand the functionality of the brush cutter. They can be included in the kit or purchased separately, as needed, but in any case, the possibility of their use must be specified by the manufacturer.

So, on a gasoline scythe with a collapsible rod, instead of a conventional cutting unit, a brush cutter, a small chain Saw for cutting tree branches, brushes for cleaning paths from dirt or for removing snow, and even various cultivators for surface tillage.

Which brand to prefer

The variety of models on sale can confuse the inexperienced buyer. Which lawn mower should you prefer with equal performance indicators?

Of course, it is necessary to focus on the reputation of the manufacturer, the warranty period it provides for the tool, as well as how developed the service network for models of a particular brand is in the region of residence, and what specific technical support can be counted on in case of unexpected breakdowns.

Recognized leaders in the production of such tools are the companies Husqvarna, Makita, Stihl, Oleo-MAC, ECHO - the brush cutters of these brands, although they cost a lot, fully comply with quality standards. The equipment produced by Hitachi, Patriot, Caiman, Huter, and Hyundai deserves only positive assessments. If you don’t want to spend extra money just for a brand, then it is quite possible to purchase a fairly high-quality and relatively inexpensive tool from Chinese brands or assembly - Intertool, Rostec, Sadko. Domestic gasoline scythes, such as Kedr or Izhmash, have also earned a good reputation.

In any case, you should purchase the tool only in specialized stores, where you can read the terms of the warranty and make a note about the date and place of purchase. Unfortunately, the market for instruments of this class is literally teeming with low-quality fakes, and the likelihood of purchasing such a “gift” on a spontaneous market or from someone else’s hands that will quickly fail is extremely high.

Model nameIllustrationBrief description of the modelAverage price level
Husqvarna 323 A modern brush cutter equipped with a restart system directly from the control handle.
Power 0.9 kW. The engine is two-stroke.
The gas tank is transparent, 0.5 l.
Rigid drive shaft, non-separable rod.
“Bicycle” handle, double-shoulder “Duo Balance” harness.
Weight - only 4.5 kg.
Attachments – a trimmer head (spool) with a 2.4 mm fishing line, and a 4-blade disk for mowing grass.
25,000 rub.
Husqvarna 122C A relatively inexpensive household-grade brush cutter.
Two-stroke gasoline engine with a power of 0.6 kW.
D-shaped handle on a curved, non-removable rod with a flexible drive.
The cutting tool is only a trimmer head for 2÷2.4 mm fishing line.
Easy engine starting system.
The mass of the scythe is 4.2 kg.
11,500 rub.
"CARVER GBC-31FS" A Russian-designed and Chinese-assembled model with a compact four-stroke engine with low noise levels.
Power – 1 kW.
“Bicycle” handle, straight bar with one collapsible connecting unit. Hard drive.
Working tool – trimmer head for fishing line 2.4 mm and circular knife(48 teeth).
The mass of the scythe is 7.6 kg.
9,000 rub.
"ECHO GT-22GES" Products of a famous Japanese company.
Household class model, for care adjacent areas.
Two-stroke gasoline engine with a power of 0.67 kW.
Curved rod with flexible drive, non-removable.
The mass of the scythe is 3.8 kg.
Trimmer head with semi-automatic line feed with a diameter of up to 3 mm.
D-shaped handle.
Electronic ignition and easy start system.
11,300 rub.
"Makita EM2600U" Petrol mower with a two-stroke engine with a power of 0.83 kW.
Straight non-separable rod with a rigid drive supported by high-strength bearings.
The cutting tool is a trimmer head (line up to 3 mm) and a four-bladed knife.
“Bicycle” handle with rubberized comfortable handles to reduce vibration levels.
Easy start system.
The weight of the assembled scythe is 5 kg.
16,000 rub.
"Huter GGT-800T" Inexpensive, high-quality, German-assembled household-grade model.
The power of the two-stroke engine is 0.8 kW.
Straight, non-separable rod with a flexible drive inside.
Trimmer weight – 7.1 kg.
The cutting attachment is a trimmer head for 2 mm fishing line and a three-bladed knife.
6,800 rub.
"Caliber BK-1000" Motor-cutter, Russian design, Chinese assembly.
1 kW two-stroke engine.
The rod is straight, with a flexible drive, dismountable.
"Bicycle" handle, shoulder strap.
The weight of the assembled product is 6 kg.
Cutting attachments – trimmer head and three-bladed knife. The diameter of cut plants is up to 13 mm.
RUB 5,900
"Kedr BG-3700" A domestically produced professional class brush cutter, characterized by increased engine power (3.7 kW) and low price.
Straight rod, rigid solid shaft.
"Bicycle" handle.
Weight 9.8 kg.
It is equipped with a trimmer head and three knives – 2 and 3 blades and 40 teeth.
Designed for a wide range of applications
from 7,500 rub.

Prices for popular gasoline trimmers

And in conclusion, useful video information about assembling the lawn mower, preparing it for work and starting the tool for the first time.

Video: How to prepare a purchased gas scythe for work

The vast majority of home garden owners have switched from conventional scythes to motorized options. They do an excellent job even with the shoots of bushes and allow you to mow neatly and evenly. Since there are a huge number of tools on the market, and the lawn mower is one of the most popular tools today, the portal presents a rating of the best in terms of price and quality.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the scale of the planned work. If we are talking about small area, then a simple household trimmer will do, but if you plan to treat an impressively sized lawn, as well as trim shrubs, then it is better to arm yourself with a more serious device. So, what you should pay attention to in order to purchase the truly best trimmer:

  1. Power. The level of the tool’s capabilities will depend on it; for household use the limit is about 1.8 horsepower, while professional models can boast a figure of 3.
  2. Engine. As a rule, in stores you can find a huge number of gasoline trimmers with a two-stroke engine, while four-stroke ones guarantee reliability, noiselessness, but at the same time have more high price. Experts increasingly recommend paying attention to them.
  3. Trimmer weight. A powerful, well-equipped tool cannot be light, so you should be prepared for mid-segment models to weigh between 6 and 8 kilograms. For convenience, you can experiment with adjusting the handle and use a special strap to secure it on your shoulder.
  4. Knife type. Depending on the diameter and size of the teeth, gas trimmers can cope not only with grass, but also with shrubs and small trees, putting the area in order.

Budget models costing up to 10,000 rubles

This section presents inexpensive household models that will perfectly cope with tasks on a summer cottage or in the garden. Don't think that the price is in this case is the determining criterion, the Top includes worthy tools that have won the trust of consumers.

1. PATRIOT PT 4355 Imperial

Opens the rating with a powerful 2.5 hp. trimmer with two-stroke engine. It is well equipped; in addition to the frame and a comfortable shoulder strap, the consumer receives a grass line and a blade with a diameter of 23 cm, which allows you to mow 46 cm.

The fuel tank is compact, only 1.1 liters. The convenient handle is adjustable in height and allows you to make the process more convenient, as does the anti-vibration system.

The weight is average and is 7 kg. The price is about 8,000 rubles.

  • throttle lock button;
  • high power;
  • thoughtful equipment;
  • build quality.

Cons: the knife included in the kit requires sharpening.

Prices for PATRIOT PT 4355 Imperial:

Compact trimmer with two-stroke engine. Despite the fact that the power at first glance is low and amounts to only 1.25 hp, this brush cutter can become a faithful assistant in the garden and dacha.

A 0.8-liter tank is enough for a medium-sized area, and a comfortable handle complete with a belt will simplify the process as much as possible.

The cutting width is 43 cm, and with 7500 rpm, the work is done as quickly as possible. Due to its plastic design, the trimmer has a light weight of 7 kg. Cost from 5000 rubles.

  • accessible:
  • compact;
  • well stocked;
  • economical fuel consumption.

Cons: May smoke slightly.

Prices :

The rating continues with models from the budget PATRIOT line; the manufacturer has tried to make them powerful, comfortable and at the same time as affordable as possible. The two-stroke engine rotates the blade up to 6,000 rpm, creating a 46 cm wide strip of grass clippings.

In addition to the standard fishing line and knife, it is possible to install a professional brush cutter that can handle trimming the oldest and rather tough branches even on trees.

Such a device can provide invaluable assistance to gardeners and gardeners. In addition, the acquisition cost is acceptable and amounts to 10,000 rubles.

  • starts quickly and easily;
  • copes well with thick grass and bushes;
  • thoughtful equipment;
  • can be supplemented with attachments and other knives.

Cons: vibrates and makes a lot of noise.

Prices :

When choosing a powerful option for frequent grass cutting and shrub processing, you should pay attention to this semi-professional model. An impressive 2.5 horsepower combined with an excellent knife demonstrate real miracles in tidying up the lawn and garden.

The two-stroke engine drives the disc up to 9,000 revolutions per minute, cutting 46 cm of grass in one touch.

A tank with a volume of just over a liter and economical fuel consumption will allow you to process large areas. Consumers have appreciated the reliability and ease of use of this motorized scythe with a low weight of 6.6 kg. Moreover, its cost is quite modest and slightly exceeds 6,000 rubles.

  • power;
  • availability;
  • ease of use;
  • adjustable handles and strap.

Cons: vibration causes all screws to come loose.

Prices :

Average price segment ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles

The Top of this segment includes models of high power and excellent quality, complemented by excellent equipment. All of them have been highly praised by consumers and experts.

1. Echo SRM-2305SI

This compact and largely universal Japanese unit with a two-stroke engine is capable of bringing any garden and personal plot into perfect order. With a good set of fishing line, knife, belt and D-shaped handle, it can easily be expanded with a brush cutter and cultivator. Width of treated area cutting element from the set 23 cm.

Eat a great opportunity purchase additional knives, improving the mowing characteristics.

A weight of only 6 kg is achieved due to a small tank with a volume of only 0.4 liters. The price is quite reasonable and is about 17,000 rubles.

  • light weight;
  • Japanese quality;
  • starts quickly and easily;
  • economical fuel consumption.

Minuses: high level noise.

Prices for Echo SRM-2305SI:

2. Makita EBH253U

This lightweight and compact device may be of interest to lovers of country life. Thanks to the well-designed design and low weight of less than 6 kg, work becomes a real pleasure.

Despite the fact that the tank is only 0.5 liters, this is quite enough for an hour of intensive work with the rotation of the cutting element up to 6500 rpm.

This volume is definitely enough for a medium-sized area. The power is not great - 1 horsepower, however, complete with sharp knives and high revs, the efficiency is impressive. The purchase price is a little more than 16,000 rubles.

  • four-stroke engine;
  • low noise level;
  • high build quality;
  • low fuel consumption.

Cons: no gas lock.

Prices for Makita EBH253U:

A semi-professional model with an average power of 1.7 horsepower, can be used for regular work in the garden.

A comfortable grip and ergonomic handle prevent your hands from getting tired, and the belt evenly distributes the weight of the device, which is 7.6 kg.

An effective anti-vibration system also simplifies operation. The width of the mowed area is 40 cm - an excellent indicator for a medium-sized device. The cost is about 13,000 rubles.

  • easy and quick to start;
  • enough power for shrubs and young trees;
  • full set;
  • quality materials and workmanship.

Cons: the one-piece rod makes transportation difficult.

Prices :

Modest weight of 4.4 kg, small fuel tank with a volume of 0.5 liters and at the same time high performance two-stroke engine in combination with low level noise, provide excellent characteristics for a reliable household trimmer, namely high speeds up to 6000 per minute with a processing width of 23 cm. The classic equipment in the form of fishing line, knife and shoulder strap does not require modification. Convenience and efficiency of use will quickly pay for the cost of 16,000 rubles.

  • starts quickly;
  • works smoothly and quietly;
  • economical fuel consumption;
  • light weight.

Cons: difficult to purchase.

Prices :

Premium segment with a price starting from 20,000 rubles

This section includes the best gasoline trimmers, differing high quality materials and assembly that meet all the requirements of the modern buyer of garden equipment.

1. Echo SRM-350ES

Once you imagine 10,000 revolutions of the knife per minute, you immediately understand that not only the grass will not survive, but also the shrubs and trees - gardening can become a simple and exciting activity. Despite the power of a two-stroke engine of 1.5 horsepower, the performance of the device is simply excellent, although the width of the processing area is not too large and amounts to 25.5 cm. The 0.84-liter tank is designed for long-term operation.

The comfortable grip, maneuverability and balanced weight of the structure of 7.6 kg will be appreciated by both beginners and experienced gardeners.

The cost of such an acquisition is about 22,000 rubles.

  • reliability of Japanese design and assembly;
  • full set;
  • comfortable grip;
  • sophisticated anti-vibration system.

Cons: the belt is not very comfortable.

Prices for Echo SRM-350ES:

2. Stihl FS 400

The powerful and quiet trimmer ensures pleasant and comfortable work. Ergonomic frame, excellent knives that rotate up to 8750 rpm, fully adjustable height and handle level.

If you hang the belt on your shoulder, the weight of 8 kg is practically not felt, and the mass of the powerful 2.6 horsepower engine is balanced by a small fuel tank of 0.67 liters.

Excellent garden device copes with any vegetation on the site, passing sections 30 cm wide. However, for the quality of the design and maneuverability you will have to pay about 36,000 rubles.

  • reliability and quality of construction;
  • thoughtful management;
  • good equipment;
  • comfortable use.

Cons: high fuel consumption.

Prices for Stihl FS 400:

The light weight of the compact design of 6.8 kg makes this trimmer incredibly maneuverable in operation, and the 0.9-liter fuel tank makes it possible for a long time not to be distracted by refueling. A power of 2.1 horsepower allows you to easily cope with even neglected areas overgrown with thorns and maples, processing work areas with a width of 26 cm. There is no fear for the bar itself; due to its high strength, it will withstand serious workdays. The cost of such equipment is about 33,000 rubles.

  • high power;
  • quality materials;
  • ease of management and operation;
  • economical fuel consumption.

Cons: May overheat in difficult areas.

Prices :

If you plan to work for a long time on large areas, then this scythe can be an ideal candidate, as it will fit into any long work exercises. A powerful 2.28 horsepower two-stroke engine can cope with the harshest thickets with high blade speeds of up to 8500 rpm and a processing width of 46 cm.

In this case, the liter tank will not need to be constantly filled - this volume will be enough for 2 hours of continuous operation.

The convenient design will allow you not to notice the duration of the period of use and the weight of 8.3 kg, an excellent option for active gardeners. Purchase price 23,000 rubles.

  • ergonomic design;
  • sophisticated anti-vibration system;
  • comfortable grip of the handles;
  • quality knives included.

Cons: heavy weight, more than 8 kg.

Prices :


Having acquired a country property, every owner thinks about the order on the site - in this matter one cannot do without a motorized scythe. The rating from the portal will help you choose the best gasoline trimmer on the market.


To combat overgrown grass, as well as for making hay for livestock and horses, a gasoline brush cutter is very convenient due to the availability of fuel and high performance.

Advantages of a gasoline scythe over an electric one

It would seem that battery trimmers are in no way inferior in mobility and autonomy to gasoline trimmers and at the same time are lighter in weight, which means they are more convenient to use. But this is only true when you need to tidy up a small garden, where weed control will only last 2-3 hours. If you have a huge plot of several tens of acres, up to a hectare, and you need to do a lot of mowing, you won’t be able to cope with the task with a cordless trimmer - the fishing line will wear out very quickly, and it won’t cope with every stem. For the simple reason that you will have to take long breaks to recharge the battery.

Another point is the availability of fuel. If you need to go somewhere to a flooded meadow to make hay, it is much easier to take with you a couple of cans of flammable mixture for a lawn mower than several batteries for a trimmer. And it is even more inefficient to transport an electric generator to recharge batteries. Refilling the tank of an internal combustion engine is carried out in any conditions, including in the field, without causing any difficulties. Cordless tools are demanding on the voltage and current supplied to the input.

And finally, petrol models much more powerful than electric ones. You can choose a cordless trimmer. It is suitable only for trimming young growth of a green hedge and trimming the lawn on the site, at most for cutting down weeds in the beds. The line of the attachment can no longer cope with powerful weeds, but a battery-powered scythe can handle such a task. But its capabilities are also limited; in particular, not every model is suitable for cutting branches on trees. Gasoline brush cutters are capable of many jobs in the garden that involve cutting and chopping; the trimmer line can easily be replaced with any other attachment with different amounts teeth

What components does a brushcutter consist of, and how does it work?

The design of this, of course, is based on the operation of a two- or four-stroke internal combustion engine (ICE), its shaft connected to a gearbox rotates the nozzle, which can be a trimmer line. The spindle rotation can be carried out directly by the shaft passing through the bar of the brush cutter, or through a drive in the form flexible cable. Some models have dismountable rods, which have special adapters with grooves and projections at the point where the sections connect. Collapsible rods are convenient for transportation.

An important part of the design are the handles, which can resemble a bicycle handlebar or be D-shaped. Both options are convenient, and the choice of any of them is strictly individual. However, it should be noted that two “bike handlebar” handles allow for more precise maneuvers with the tool. In case the knife breaks when hitting a stone or scrap metal unnoticeable in the grass, so that flying fragments of the blades do not injure the operator, the nozzle has a special casing. The material for it can be plastic or thin metal.

First of all, a combustible mixture is prepared for a two-stroke engine, which is not stored for a long time, and it is not recommended to use it for future use. Oil and gasoline are mixed in a ratio of 1:50, that is, 20 milliliters per 1 liter, respectively. In four-stroke engines, gasoline and oil are poured into separate tanks. You also need to drip a little lubricant into the gearbox. Starting the lawn mower can be done in two ways - by spinning the starter with a cable or by pressing a button, which is the case in the latest models with a four-stroke engine. We hold the tool in a canopy and only after starting it lower it to the level of the vegetation being cut. When working, the fishing line should cut the grass at the very tip; it, like a knife, should be brought to the grass smoothly.

Disadvantages of a gasoline unit

Many will write down the price as a minus, since electric trimmers are much cheaper than those powered by internal combustion engines. And energy consumption is much lower than the cost of gasoline and oil. But the price factor is a disadvantage only in cases where the owner of the tool can afford to waste time charging the batteries of the electric trimmer. When the season is hot and every day of clear weather counts when making hay, productivity becomes the predominant factor. Moreover, high cost Only branded braids differ; there are inexpensive Chinese models that can easily be classified as budget braids.

The second drawback is the significant weight of brush cutters, and the higher the engine power and tank capacity, the greater the weight of the tool. On average, you can expect to have to do garden work with 6-7 kilograms in your hands. The presence of a D-shaped handle on such scythes can create inconvenience, since the second hand will have to hold the tool by the bar closer to the engine, which tends to heat up during operation. Therefore, pay attention to the presence of a belt in the kit, with which you can hang the braid over your shoulder, evenly distributing its weight on the body and arms. In this case, it is better to choose a “bicycle” handle.

Many consider the difficulty of repairing an internal combustion engine as a disadvantage, which not everyone can do. But it should be taken into account that not all landowners are able to rewind an electric motor. Moreover, the internal combustion engine itself breaks down infrequently, and those parts that may require adjustment are not very complex. In particular, this is the replacement of gaskets (seals) or a damaged shaft. The starter also often needs to be replaced, especially if the jerking cable breaks. Sometimes a torn nozzle line needs to be replaced.

Motorized scythe equipment

As a rule, any trimmer, and especially a braid, is equipped with several attachments. The kit must also include a strap for hanging the tool on your shoulder. In addition, there are often several different attachments, among which the most often offered are a trimmer, the cutting element of which is a fishing line, and a three-blade knife for cutting out weeds. At the same time, it is always possible to choose a set with more powerful pruning knives and multi-tooth attachments like “ circular circle" to turn the tool into .

Often the tool comes with glasses and replacement fishing line. The kit must include a handle with control joysticks, as well as the tools necessary for assembly and repair. What is noteworthy is that sometimes when purchasing a tool with a collapsible rod, additions to the kit are offered in the form of sections with pendants of a different profile: an air broom, a cultivator, a snow blower and other options. Please note that there are operating instructions for the scythe, which should include a diagram of all the leading nodes.

How to choose the right device for yourself?

For the most part, the choice is made based on price threshold and power, although these 2 criteria are almost inextricably linked. Thus, budget brush cutters within 1 horsepower allow you to mow the densest thickets of wild grasses. Here it should immediately be noted that the rotation speed of the shaft of any scythe is not lower than 11,000 revolutions per minute, and for a professional tool it reaches 13,000 revolutions. That is, you should choose a tool not by frequency, but by the power of rotation of the shaft, which with a weak trimmer can stall when hitting a thick weed stem, but with a powerful scythe it can not slow down even when trimming bushes.

Another aspect of choice is the noise emitted when the tool operates. Here there is a sharp distinction between two-stroke and four-stroke engines. The first type is cheaper and has a relatively light weight, however, the reliability of such braids is low. The second option has a lower price threshold of 8,000 rubles and provides a significantly longer service life of the engine and gearbox. In addition, such models have fairly low noise during operation, although their weight is quite significant (from 6 to 8 kilograms), which reduces ease of use.

Repairing brush cutters - what are the problems?

Most often, owners of motorized scythes and trimmers are faced with a problem such as engine failure when they try to turn it on, that is, the device simply does not start. If there is fuel in the tank, then the reason may lie in the fuel filter; inspect it for clogging first and, if necessary, replace it; for this, a spare one should always be available. To reduce the number of problems, it is advisable to use gasoline with an octane rating of at least 92. Also pay attention to the spark plug, it sometimes needs cleaning or replacement.

Attention - it is strictly not recommended to work with a brush cutter without a fuel filter; the result may be failure of the engine piston group.

Inspect carefully air filter, perhaps it needs cleaning, in this case, rinse it under running water, wring it out, dry it, soak it in oil, wring it out again and put it back in place. To get the engine to start, you need to install the tool so that the air filter is in the upper position. Wherein fuel mixture gets the opportunity to flow into the lower part of the carburetor. You can also remove the air filter and inject some fuel into the carburetor, then put everything back together and start starting.

In modern conditions, more and more of our compatriots are drawn to the earth. And this applies not only to rural, but also to urban residents. People understand that the earth-breadwinner will always come to the rescue. At the same time, they strive to make hard rural work as easy as possible. The industry is constantly expanding the range of devices and units that are widely used in gardens, personal plots and dachas.

Motokosa- this is one of those universal tools. It does not require an electrical network. It works on any landscape and with any vegetation. When grass appears, take it and mow it. How to choose a lawn mower? Here is the answer to this question.

Choosing a gasoline brush cutter

It is quite difficult to choose a lawn mower. A successful choice depends not only on characteristics and cost. Each future owner should hold it in his hands, feel the instrument, and only then purchase it.

To simplify the procedure for choosing a brush cutter, we give a classification of the tool and talk about the areas of application of each class. Different tasks are performed by different solutions.

The brush cutter has a simple design. A two-stroke engine is used as a drive; however, it can also be a four-stroke engine, but very rarely. From it, revolutions are transmitted to the cutting tools (cutting disc or trimmer code) using a flexible shaft (less often, a rigid shaft through a gearbox).

By design, there are brush cutters with a straight shaft and with a flexible shaft. By class they are divided into professional and household.

Technical characteristics of brush cutters

Household brush cutters operate with engines with a power of no more than 2 hp. They use cutting attachments - trimmer cords (diameter up to 2.4 mm) or cutting discs (in cases where the manufacturer provides for their installation). The design of the brush cutter and its cutting tool is selected taking into account the tasks for which the purchase is intended.

If you plan to care for small lawns or mow edges, then it is enough to buy a gas trimmer with a flexible shaft. Its characteristics:

light weight (up to five kilograms);


use of trimmer cord;

allow you to successfully complete assigned tasks.

Tougher and reliable design- This brush cutter with straight shaft. To increase rigidity, the manufacturer installs a gearbox in its lower part. This allows the use of cutting discs. To simplify transportation, some models of brush cutters are made collapsible. Once disassembled, they easily fit into a car trunk. In addition, you can install additional attachments on them, for example, a mini-cultivator, a pole cutter, etc. The cutting disc can be used to cut down large weeds, small bushes and other vegetation.

The design of household brush cutters is similar to professional models, although there are some peculiarities. In particular, some of their types are equipped with curved hoses, which are convenient if it is necessary to carry out work in hard to reach places. This brush cutter can easily cut grass in the garden under benches, between tree stands, and near flower beds.

Household brush cutters are equipped with bicycle-type handles and D-shaped handles. When using the latter, the handle is attached to the bar. It is held with one hand, and the second tool is held by the rod near the engine itself. Users disagree about the convenience of a particular design. Some people prefer bicycle handles, while others prefer D-shaped handles.

The big advantage of household lawn mowers is that many of them can be stored and transported disassembled, which is achieved by removing the collapsible hose. After disassembling, the brushcutter is half the size. At the same time, assembly and disassembly does not take much time and does not require much effort.

Professional brush cutters - the solution to any problem

The difference between professional brush cutters is their high reliability, excellent ergonomics and unpretentiousness in operation. The purpose of this class is to solve specific industrial problems. Professional brush cutters have a design that can withstand long-term daily loads.

Professional brush cutters with a power of 2-4 hp. equipped with more rigid drive shafts and reinforced gearboxes. They can also work with saw blades, which are used for thinning young forests. If there is a trimmer head, a trimmer cord with a diameter of up to three millimeters is used.

The knives used on professional lawn mowers have 3, 4 or 8 blades. Eight-bladed knives are used when there is a need to mow tall and weaving grass, as well as for haymaking. You can also find a larger number of teeth. In this case, the knives resemble saw blades. They are successfully used for mowing bushes.

Professional brush cutters use non-separable rods in which the shaft moves. This creates some inconvenience when storing and transporting lawn mowers, since they are quite large. But there are also advantages to this. In particular, sand, dirt, and dust do not get into the middle, which significantly extends the service life of brush cutters.

When choosing a brush cutter, you should know that the description of the shaft located in the middle of the non-separable rod requires special attention. It serves to transmit engine torque to cutting devices. Professional brush cutters use flexible or rigid shafts. The first, in the form of a cable, guarantees the prevention of gearbox breakdowns when the knife hits stones or trees. It absorbs such impacts. The second type does not deform under load.

How to use a brush cutter

The requirements for working with a brush cutter are directly dependent on the operating procedure of the two-stroke gasoline engine. To operate such an engine, a fuel mixture of gasoline and 2-stroke oil is used, prepared in a ratio of 1:50. At first, a slightly larger proportion of oil will not hurt. On one tank of this mixture, the lawn mower is operated at half the permissible power. Then move on to the regular mixture.

An important point to know and remember: the prepared mixture can be used for no more than 2 weeks. Then it loses its properties and has a detrimental effect on the engine. Conclusion: do not prepare the mixture in large quantities.

In models with four-stroke engines, gasoline and oil are filled separately. They are more economical. They also have more engine life. True, such lawn mowers weigh more, and the cost is higher.

Starting work with a lawn mower must be preceded by a mandatory inspection of the area. It is necessary to remove branches, stones, and other debris from it, which may go unnoticed during work. This can cause serious damage and premature wear to cutting tools.

Do not forget that brush cutters are dangerous tools. Trimmer heads with fishing line, steel knives have high rotation speeds. Compliance with safety rules when operating lawn mowers is mandatory. Protective shields and glasses will save users from injury.


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