How to learn prohibition signs. Easy way to learn traffic rules

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A little over a century ago, at the end of the 19th century, the first cars appeared, which were, of course, exotic for that time, and to some extent luxury, but by no means mass medium movement. But, quite a bit of time passed, and the "iron horse" once and for all ousted its living brother from the roads. After the society realized that the car was becoming a part of its life, it was decided to develop appropriate rules for its operation and movement, because the chaos on the roads caused many incomprehensible situations, and the first human casualties. This is how the first appeared Traffic Laws(SDA), which gradually, with the development of the automotive industry, were supplemented, processed, improved. I must say that at present each country has its own traffic rules. In general, the basic basic things of traffic rules are similar in all countries, but there are also significant differences, one of which is the direction of traffic - in most countries, right-hand traffic, but, for example, in countries such as Great Britain or Japan, traffic on roads is left-hand .

In the territory post-Soviet republics have their own traffic rules, which are very similar to each other and establish traffic rules on the roads, being the main normative document. This means that all other documents related to traffic must comply with the requirements of the SDA and not contradict them.

It should be said that traffic rules almost every year undergo some minor changes and additions, but the basis of traffic rules has not changed for many decades.

In order to be able to drive a vehicle, a person must obtain an appropriate permit from the traffic police (State Safety Inspectorate). traffic). This document is popularly called a driver's license, and officially - a driver's license for the right to operate a vehicle.

In order to get "rights" you need to go through an appropriate training course at any certified driving school, where instructors will acquaint you with the device of the car, tell you the traffic rules, you will definitely skate a certain number of hours in a car accompanied by an instructor. After completing the driving school course, you will have to pass exams at the traffic inspectorate, and only after successfully passing them will you be issued a "right".

Having received a driver's license, you can safely get behind the wheel of a car and join the flow of your colleagues in the auto shop. Of course, at the first stages it will be very difficult and difficult, because quickly adapt to traffic (especially in big city) is very, very difficult. But, now is not about that.

Let's talk about the basis of the basics of behavior on the roads - the Rules of the Road (SDA), the knowledge of which, as a rule, leaves much to be desired for many drivers, even with experience.

It is necessary to know and understand that violation of traffic rules entails liability in accordance with applicable law.

Probably, no more than 1% of drivers know the traffic rules thoroughly (except for instructors of driving schools and "traffic cops"). Of course, they learned the basics and what drivers most often encounter quite well, but the vast majority of drivers do not remember or do not know many of the “small” aspects set out in the traffic rules. It cannot be said that this is critical, since the baggage of knowledge that the driver has in his head allows him to feel quite confident and safe on the roads. But, as for me, it would not hurt to make a mandatory periodic test certification for all drivers for knowledge of traffic rules, not for the purpose of the next "extortions" or any punitive measures, but in order to refresh some important aspects which, for objective reasons, he could forget about.

On the pages of this site will be described in detail and in an accessible language about the current traffic rules. The presentation of the material will be based on an unprepared beginner, for whom some "obvious" things may not be clear. In general, such traffic rules for "blondes" (we do not want to offend the beautiful half of humanity in any way), which some part of the male population may well be.

Road signs usually memorized in the process of studying them, as well as when studying the rules of the road themselves. With the knowledge gained, you will be better prepared for the exam. Not to mention that they are directly related to passing the exam.

How easy is it to remember road signs?

  1. It is worth paying attention to the fact that it may take you about 2 weeks to memorize road signs, provided that you devote about 1.5 hours to these activities every day. But also do not forget about studying the rules for them, because if you do not study the relevant rules, then you will practically fail to pass the exam. First, we study all road signs and their designations. But at the same time, it is necessary to try to remember what exactly a particular sign means, why they different forms, And different colors. It is almost impossible to say specifically for what period of time it is possible to remember road signs, since it will largely depend on visual memory and attentiveness.
  2. Also, do not forget that the best assistant in the study of theory is practice. But here we are not talking about the practice of driving itself, but about passing an exam test of traffic rules in real time. If you have access to the Internet, there should be no problems with passing the online test in real time, since there are a lot of sites that provide this service for free.
  3. Before passing the test, you will have to study road signs for several days. In addition, during its passage, you can make mistakes many times. But thanks to these mistakes, you will remember much better and faster what this or that sign means, and what you need to do when they meet on the road. If the answer is incorrect, the system will not only show in which question you made a mistake, but also give a link to the corresponding paragraph of the rules.
  4. Also, with the daily study of road signs, it will be useful to practice on the road. But this does not mean at all that you need to be behind the wheel of a car. You can ride as a passenger, look at the signs on the road, and try to remember what they mean.
See also:

Today, driving schools appear like mushrooms after rain. The reason for this activity is the demand for driving training. And since the number of driving schools, and, accordingly, their cadets is increasing every day, the question of how to quickly learn traffic rules remains very relevant. Everyone understands that you need to know the rules of the road, but far from everyone can quickly master them. But without knowledge of the theory, it is impossible to pass the exam, which means it is impossible to get a driver's license. What to do? Use the advice of traffic rules teachers, psychologists and those who have already passed the driving test.

Classification of ways of remembering
When it comes to learning something quickly (though the rules of the road), every person has their own secret or method that they consider to be the best. And not everyone knows that their “best” methods have long been classified and have a scientific basis. To date, scientists have identified three main ways of remembering:
  • mechanical (in fact, this is a common cramming);
  • rational (based on logic, establishing cause-and-effect relationships);
  • mnemotechnical (based on the method of associations using images).
Of course, the rational method is considered the most effective, since its basis is an understanding of the situation. Unlike memorized rules that can be forgotten, what is understood and comprehended remains in memory forever. But psychologists recommend not disregarding the mnemotechnical method of memorization, advising to use bright and non-trivial images in this case (it is they, as well as funny or hypertrophied ones, that are remembered easier and faster).

The book is your best friend
I must say that in order to learn the rules, they must be carefully read at least three times. And for this you need to buy a good and new (!) Printed edition of the traffic rules, carefully study it and always carry the book with you, refreshing the rules in memory free time. At the same time, it is important not just to mechanically read or cram individual questions, but to try to understand the logic. As soon as you comprehend each formulation and understand it, the incomprehensible abracadabra from confusing situations will turn into a coherent and clear theory.

High technology to help you!
But for those who have more developed creative thinking, psychologists advise using pictures or programs (such programs are also used to pass the test at the traffic police) that simulate different situations on the road. All this can be easily found on numerous sites on the Internet. The main thing is to find a convenient resource and clarify how up-to-date the information presented on the site (after all, the rules change often). In general, it must be said that interactive learning has already proved its worth many times, so why not use this method when studying the rules? Can you believe it, visual pictures, diagrams and online tests will definitely help you learn traffic rules quickly.

And another funny, but at the same time significant, help in the study of traffic rules can be mnemonics - associations, revealed bright patterns that simplify the memorization process. They are the basis of the mnemotechnical method of memorization. There is a whole system of mnemonics (or, as they are also called, memos) for studying various disciplines, including traffic rules.

Among the most famous mnemonics are:

  • "Two pieces of iron, two waters, children and slaves", which makes it easy to remember the warning signs that are re-installed outside settlements(crossing without a barrier, crossing with a barrier, exit to the embankment, drawbridge, be careful, children, road works);
  • The rule of three "D" - Give the Fool the Way - means that it is better to give way to vehicles that violate the rules in relation to you;
  • "Who is more to the right is right", which means a hindrance on the right;
  • “If the stick is facing your mouth, make a right turn” means the traffic controller’s command to turn right.
Scientific approach
Experts recommend practicing to learn the rules scientific approach. This means that you first need to review the material being studied, then identify the main points, repeat (preferably several times) the main facts and trace their relationship, and only after that draw up an answer plan and repeat the information according to this plan. To some, this may seem like nonsense, but it actually works. This method is most in demand among those people who, at work, are often faced with the need to resolve issues based on a preliminary analysis.

Theory without practice is dead!
Of course, you won't learn how to drive by reading a book. That is why the driving school has not only theoretical, but also practical classes, during which an experienced instructor will explain how to behave in a car stream and how to put theoretical knowledge into practice. Surprisingly, as soon as the studied theoretical material is confirmed in practice, and you understand how the rules work directly on the road, everything will become much clearer and the picture will fully develop. But you should not interrupt your training after leaving the driving school: you can work out traffic situations and rules in public transport, when you go to work or home. To do this, just look out the window and analyze the actions of road users. Most driving school instructors recommend that their cadets do just that. Gradually you will get used to analyzing traffic situation, and evaluate other road users in accordance with the rules. And when you sit behind the wheel yourself, you will not experience problems with applying the rules in a particular traffic situation.

Helpful Hints
To all of the above, one can add a few more simple tips, which should not be neglected, since their loyalty has been proven by time and by those who, with their help, were able to quickly learn traffic rules. So, to simplify your task and quickly learn the theory, you need:

  • master theoretical material in small portions, taking breaks (we teach forty minutes, rest ten), than immediately try to cover everything;
  • repeat what you learned at least three times;
  • study the theory in the morning hours (the optimal time period is 8-11 am), so the assimilation of the material goes better;
  • for better memorization, use all three types of memory: auditory, visual, motor (that is, listen, read, write);
  • it is better to read a textbook or reference book out of order, so the material will be assimilated without reference to other chapters.
After the necessary baggage of theoretical knowledge about the Rules of the Road is acquired, it is necessary to solve exam tickets SDA. If you're lucky, you can even find the version of the tickets that you will have in the GIDBB exam. By the way, tickets can now be found for all kinds of popular mobile platforms - Android and iOS.

Learning the rules and passing the exam in the traffic police is not so difficult. The main thing is to approach the issue of memorization correctly theoretical material and use modern techniques and the positive experience of those who have already gone through this ordeal.

Every self-respecting driver should know the rules of the road traffic by heart. Moreover, this knowledge should be in your head not only during the exam in the traffic police for obtaining rights, but also after you receive these rights.

Traffic rules must remain in the head of the driver, not only during the exam

Imagine that this is a kind of weapon that you can use in the event of light (and not so) accidents, as well as during stops by traffic police officers. Unfortunately, not all traffic cops conscientiously do their job - there are situations when they use the naivety of drivers who are poorly versed in the nuances of traffic rules in order to lure out some amount of money. Knowing the rules of the road will protect you from such, exactly, unpleasant situations.

Remember the most important thing - the rules of the road traffic are by no means created in order to confuse drivers, force them to give a bribe when passing an exam, or for other similar targets. You can even say that these rules are “written in blood”, since many appeared there precisely because of the high statistics of accidents when not performing (or performing) any actions.

Video instruction: how to learn traffic rules quickly and easily

Accordingly, it is the most responsible way to treat the study, as well as maintaining knowledge of the rules of the road traffic - your safety and the safety of other drivers (and passengers) who are next to you on the road depend on this.

If you are an experienced driver, then it is worth refreshing your knowledge in about six months or a year.

Must take latest edition rules, as amended. Remember that by taking a book with traffic rules of 2012 in 2014, you run the risk of missing some important changes made over these two years, respectively, giving a chance to employees of the wand and cap to stop you for, for example, driving with the headlights off outside the city line in the autumn-winter stage.

You should definitely restore your knowledge of traffic rules after a long interval in driving practice - the human brain is designed to throw out of memory those parts of information that are not used, so be sure that you managed to forget many nuances during this time.

When a new edition of the rules is released, you should not try to read them in one day. Buy a printed edition and read in the evening for 10-20 points. Thus, knowledge will be better deposited in your memory. Always have a copy of the rules in your car - when you are waiting for someone, do not waste time, you can spend these minutes reading the document.

The fact is that many people have very well-developed figurative thinking, respectively, it will be much easier to memorize, looking at the pictures illustrating the situations described.

How to quickly learn traffic rules tickets

Do not try to learn all the traffic rules at once: distribute the entire volume into equal parts and learn a little every day

In addition to maintaining knowledge, there is another situation - when you need to learn the rules "from scratch", and even in a short period of time. Naturally, the case of preparing for a test for obtaining a driver's license is described. It should immediately be noted that, in this case, it is best to learn the rules on tickets approved by the state traffic inspectorate (again, make sure you have the latest edition on hand).

Most effective method to learn them in 1 day is to solve these very tickets on a computer. The Internet is replete with a large number of programs for preparing for exams (including those that literally repeat one by one those used by the traffic police). You just download such a program and run the "test" over and over again, completely passing all the tickets. After 4-5 such iterations, you will notice that the number of errors is steadily falling.

As a result, by the evening you will literally know all the tickets by heart, and when you come to the exam the next day, you can easily answer everything (moreover, in a much shorter time interval than the one given for providing answers). Using this method, it is relatively easy to learn tickets in one day.

The most effective method to learn traffic rules in 1 day is to solve these same tickets on a computer online

There is here and back side- you will just as easily and quickly forget everything that you have learned. Accordingly, after passing the exam, try to calmly, without "boiling water", read all the rules of the road, understand incomprehensible situations, and also remember all the main points.

In the event that more than one day, but at least a week remains before the test, try to take the study of traffic rules responsibly - then learn to eat not the correct answers to the tickets, but the rules themselves. Here are some tips for better memorization:

And most importantly - the rules must not only be known, they must be followed. Respect for each other on the road, as well as the knowledge and implementation of traffic rules by citizens are an integral sign of a developed state, and this is what we all strive for.

For a deep study of the rules of the road, you will need at least a month. Don't trust ads that promise a magical crash course of a week or two. Tune in to a large amount of information in advance and set a clear goal to which you will go all the time spent in a driving school.

Don't miss theory classes. Their value lies not in the collective reading of a certain section, but in the analysis of the most difficult moments, as well as those situations that are often encountered on the road, but are described in passing in the traffic rules. When the teacher explains the material, feel free to ask any questions on the topic, because you pay for a detailed explanation of the subtleties. It is very important to think about the text that you are reading or trying to learn. Imagine the situation from each paragraph of the rules to the smallest detail, so that a picture and a complete understanding of the issue are imprinted in your mind.

Connect all information perception centers. See pictures showing correct behavior on road. Outline the main theses, and not from original text, but from memory, later checking his own version with a quote. Repeat the learned material, preferably out loud. Use associations. Find something in common in complex formulations and your own memories, emotions, preferences. Images associated with the funny, exaggerated, disgusting are well remembered. Help memorization also short thematic versesspecially selected for the most difficult sections of traffic rules.

Road signs need to be learned so well that when driving you notice them out of the corner of your eye and instantly identify them. To do this, pay attention to the signs along the way of your usual routes, and each time remember the name of the sign and the comments to it.

When riding public transport, put yourself in the driver's seat. Explain in your mind why he did one thing and not another. In addition, assess the situation in advance: now the driver will change lanes, because we need to turn left; and here he will not stop, even though the passenger asks, because we are on the bridge. At home, simulate all sorts of situations, especially those that have not yet been learned very well. If you can’t explain a certain point, draw a diagram and ask a question about it at a driving school, because in theory there should be no “white spots”.

When preparing for the exam, be sure to solve the tickets. Firstly, this way you will get acquainted with all kinds of wording of questions, even the most intricate ones. And secondly, remember the correct answers to repetitive tasks. It is advisable to study the tickets two or three times, so that as a result none of them causes bewilderment or doubt. It is very convenient to solve tests online, because here you can check your knowledge for each section, just select the appropriate “topics” mode. In addition to attending classes, take the time to study the rules on your own. Set aside at least two hours a day for this. The most qualitative information is remembered in the morning hours, from 9 to 12.

During the period of training in a driving school, do not be lazy, make every effort to learn traffic rules by heart. Do not rely on luck with an insufficient level of knowledge, because such complicated rules you teach for yourself, your safety. And if you know that at this time, due to employment, you will not be able to prepare well for the exam, postpone obtaining a driver's license until a more favorable moment.


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