How to make money on Instagram: real money is easier than you thought. How to make money on Instagram: real ways

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Social networks have long been transformed from simple entertainment and another means of communication into a new and universal tool to earn money. If someone does not believe in this, you can convince him very simply: go to VK, Facebook or the same Instagram and look for yourself at the number of products that instantly appear before your eyes. In particular, these include pages with various cosmetics, electronic products, gifts and various souvenirs of a wide range. All of them were created by ordinary users and representatives of online stores in order to get closer to their potential buyer. And let’s face it, they succeeded.

Work on the profile

But in order to start making money on Instagram, you don’t have to own your own store. Each of us can, instead of looking at cats and funny videos, start promoting our account, attracting additional subscribers and increasing our audience. Spend a little time mastering the art of creating interesting content for users, and before you know it, people will start subscribing to your page. And this is a direct path to pleasant and interesting earnings on Instagram replacing your usual, not so exciting work. How to achieve this? What you need to do in order to start earning money social network for real? Read on.

The Instagram principle

So, in order for us to be able to get some money, we need to understand exactly how this or that social network works. If we are interested in making money on Instagram, then we should pay more attention to this platform. And for this you need to find out how this site is structured.

We know that this is a social network. In it, users share their photos, tag each other in pictures, and post videos with interesting content. Thus, this platform is somewhat more specialized in media materials than VKontakte. Because of this (and also due to its simplicity and convenience), it has captivated such a large audience of users.

It all works very simply: each Instagram member has his own followers - people in whose results his news is displayed. The more there are, the larger the audience with which he has contact. Therefore, to interact with many users, you just need to build a base of as many subscribers as possible.

Start. What is valued?

If we talk about the “weight” of accounts and how they compare with each other, then the number of those who subscribe to your page is the main “measure” of success. The more subscribers, the more promoted the account, and the more opportunities for earning money. After all, users who are in your subscriptions can be shown any material. All earnings on Instagram depend on how popular your account is.

Still appreciated here social activity people who follow you. This means that if those who follow you start commenting, liking and reposting your posts, you will become popular very quickly. Due to this, Instagram (social network) brings money to the owners of “fat” accounts.

How to get a? First steps after registration

Acquiring a large number of subscribers is quite difficult. Previously, this was easy to achieve through some tricks, for example, simply becoming a subscriber of other users. As soon as they reciprocated, they could be removed from subscriptions. This creates the effect that many people are following your account, while you are not interested in them. This may indicate that you are some kind of celebrity or just a popular Instagrammer.

Today, getting a “fat” account with many users is more difficult. Members of the social network faced huge wave spam from all sides. Due to this, users feel less confident if they receive another notification from a stranger. What if he is just another scammer?

In addition, Instagram itself (the social network) has introduced restrictions on adding subscribers. So, per day (at the time of writing) you can add no more than 200 people at once. IN real life this is quite enough if you need to contact your friends. Moreover, as you understand, it will be somewhat difficult to engage in such activities for further income. Today's realities are such that in order to get a more serious account on this social network, you will simply need to devote more time to it. It will be necessary not only to make high-quality and interesting photos, but also answer other users’ questions, tell them something interesting (for example, about your products), and help them figure it out. The more active you are on your page, the more popular it will become in the end.

How to use? Monetize your account

We have already noted that everyone can start making money on Instagram. By advertising other people's products or promoting others, you can earn income from an account on this social network without any special skills. However, after you have 100, 1000 or 5 thousand subscribers, the question arises - what to do with them? How to organize earnings on Instagram in this case? Reviews show that it is not as difficult as it might seem.

Creating a sales page

You need to set up your profile correctly. Make a “showcase” in it - present the products in the best possible way so that users are interested in learning more about them. Describe your services in more detail: introduce pricing policy your store or, if we are talking about advertising services of a special nature, indicate reviews of other users. Give your potential client the opportunity to learn the most about yourself.

Making money on various social platforms has long become not even commonplace, but practically an obligation. Not and others similar projects, unless you are lazy or someone who is absolutely not interested in the opportunity to make money on the global network. Many users are interested in the question of how to make money on Instagram from subscribers. Instagram has long turned into an excellent platform for monetization, and some participants are very successful in using all the opportunities available to earn money.

In one of my articles, we looked at the issue of making money on Instagram from likes, but now we’ll figure out how you can make money from your subscribers.

How to make money on Instagram from subscribers

To solve the question of how you can make money on Instagram from subscribers on your own, you can use several methods. Later in this article we will take a closer look at each of them separately for a more complete analysis.

1. Affiliate programs

This method is one of the most common and profitable. It is widely used among owners of their own websites or blogs, but also demonstrates good effectiveness when working on Instagram.

Main principle PP - promotion of goods on the Internet through affiliate links. There is no need to purchase and sell goods yourself; you just need to find a seller who needs intermediaries. The user and the seller enter the affiliate program, where the intermediary receives the corresponding link. By distributing it on his resources, in particular through Instagram, the intermediary can receive a percentage of purchases made by others. The main condition for calculating rewards is that the buyer must be real, pay in full and receive the order. In addition, he must get to the seller's page directly through the intermediary link.

Many profiles on Instagram are thematic and profiled on a specific, specific topic. Of course, it is better for the owners of such pages to focus on products from a category similar to the profile’s topic. For those who do not specifically focus on specific topics in their content, you can pay attention to products common use, as well as trending products.

On the global network, there are many exchanges operating on the principle of affiliate programs, where sellers and performers can find each other and begin cooperation. The seller and the exchange are indifferent to how and on what resources the link is distributed as long as the intermediary does not engage in spam or black PR.

2. Selling advertising

Advertising is another popular option for solving the question of how to make money from Instagram subscribers. is still an underdeveloped phenomenon and is mainly implemented under the guise of advertising posts. With this approach, you receive a financial reward immediately from the advertiser. The main advantage of this is that the page owner is not puzzled by subsequent sales volumes, because he has already received his fixed reward. The page owner immediately receives money for placing a post and links in it, and not for the interaction of his audience with these links. The greatest effect, of course, is achieved by matching the topics, but on large live pages, in principle, a sponsored post of any category will work well.

At the same time, there is one drawback, which is that the user’s page must have many subscribers. Of course, we are talking about an active audience, and not fake bots. As a rule, such posts are marked with a special mark and are called sponsored posts. This approach allows you to increase the loyalty of a live audience and at the same time realize your own commercial interests.

3. Selling your goods or services

Some of those who decide the issue on subscribers are themselves sellers of their own goods or services. In this case, they need to personally engage in their business and promotion. Of course, with the right approach, this can be the most profitable view activities, because the cost is regulated by the user himself, and there is no need to share profits with anyone.

Main advantage- you can start promoting even with a small number of subscribers. The most important point is correct design photographs and text for it. They should not be openly selling, but at the same time, their main task is to encourage action, i.e., purchase a product or order a service. To achieve greater effect, you can use the resources of already more popular portals by purchasing advertising from them or by concluding a partnership agreement and hiring an intermediary. I have already made a detailed publication on my blog on the topic of goods and services.

4. Selling photos

It is known that on Instagram, photography is one of the main types of content, because the original purpose of this network is the mutual exchange of photos between participants. Many professional photographers, as well as amateurs, can promote their products or services. This allows you to avoid the need to work with photo stocks, which, as a rule, have fairly strict rules and selection, and are also characterized by monstrous competition.

In order to protect their products from unauthorized use, photographers put their own watermark on the image, with an offer to purchase this photo for money. In the Russian-language segment of the Internet, this direction is poorly developed and practically does not find a response from the audience. However, there are every opportunity to promote your photos among Western users on Instagram.

5. Selling an account

This method is rarely used on Instagram at the moment, but similar offers can be found if desired. The main principle: the account owner promotes his profile to a certain level and activity rating, and then sells it. The buyer can repurpose an already promoted account to suit his own needs for further promotion or monetization. Many people quite rightly ask the question, how many subscribers do you need on Instagram to make money from selling accounts?

Of course, this is an important question, because the cost is influenced by the following factors:

  • Number of subscribers;
  • Follower activity level;
  • Content quality;
  • Subject;
  • Payback;
  • The potential profitability is either statistical, if the account has already been monetized.
There are even special exchanges and portals with advertisements where you can find accounts for sale. As a rule, the cost is set in international currency – dollars. When analyzing the cost and weight of an account, on average it turns out that one subscriber costs about one cent. It should be noted that the administration of the social network may not approve of such transactions, and sometimes penalties may be applied to the sold account.

6. Likes, reposts, subscriptions

Our other article is devoted to this topic, but this option can be briefly mentioned separately. If we talk specifically about making money from likes, reposts, and subscriptions, then such options are easily implemented on specialized task exchanges, boxes and projects focused on making money on social networks.

In this case, you will need an additional or fake account so as not to clutter up your main page unnecessary material. By registering on the task exchange and linking your Instagram account, you can take tasks to subscribe to specific pages, repost their posts, or like them. These tasks are checked by the customer and, subject to compliance with all points, will be paid.

Among the methods discussed in this article, this is the least profitable, but also less labor-intensive. It's great for beginners and those who don't want to bother promoting their profile.

7. Smm promotion

Many members of the Instagram social network need promotion for various purposes. Often it is difficult for them or they are simply too lazy to engage in this process and delve into its features. In such situations, they will need the help of a specialist who knows all the intricacies of promotion, SMM technologies and other aspects. Those who have mastered SMM promotion can actually make money by promoting and promoting accounts.

This type of work has a number of advantages:

  • The ability to independently set the price of services;
  • Potentially high income;
  • Great demand;
  • Low competition.
A person will really need to have all the necessary knowledge. Otherwise, cooperation that is not effective for the customer may not be paid for at all.

Where to start

It’s not at all difficult to start making money on Instagram from subscribers. To do this, you only need to create and design a page, which is absolutely free and will not take much time. It is also recommended to create and configure wallets in several popular payment systems so that you can always receive the money you earn from an advertiser, seller, project or other source.

The next step is to get ready for regular, systematic work to promote your account, promote it, and fill it with original and thematic content. It is advisable to decide on the topic in advance, and only then select earning options for the chosen niche. Further actions will depend on the chosen monetization method, because each of them implies different scheme work.

How many followers do you need on Instagram to earn money?

When answering the question of how many Instagram followers you need to make money from followers, it is difficult to give a definite answer. Depending on the chosen monetization method, the requirement for the number of people subscribed to the page who are active and interact with the content will differ.

How much can you earn from Instagram followers?

It should be understood that the level of profitability directly depends not only on the chosen earning option, but also on the efforts a person makes. There is no way to earn passive income on Instagram yet, because even links and sponsored posts must be correctly written and formatted. Those who sell their own services and goods, as well as SMM providers, can claim maximum profits commensurate with the level of the average metropolitan salary.

With affiliate programs, everything depends on sales volume. As a rule, with a serious approach you can earn up to a thousand rubles a day.

This article discussed the question of how to make money on Instagram from subscribers and what is needed for this. The profitability of this method was analyzed and the main features of this process were given.

Sincerely, Dmitry Tretyakov


Review the best ways how you can make money on Instagram.

Every day the number of users is only growing, despite the fact that it is just a phone application.

And, as you know, popularity on Instagram is influenced by the number of subscribers.

What affects income?

How to make money by posting several pictures a day?

4 ways to make money on Instagram

1. Make money on Instagram using advertising

Everyone has long known that the main way to earn money on the Internet is by placing advertisements on websites.

This is the simplest, proven and reliable way get money.

4. Earn money on Instagram using various services

And of course, Instagram has not been spared by various services with which people usually make money on websites.

Names such as Userator, VKtarget and Twite are familiar to many.

The system and essence of these services is very simple: the user completes tasks - he is credited with money. And these systems have their own tricks, so before registering you should carefully read the user agreement.

More reliable source income - Instagram post exchanges, such as or Snapfluence.

Working as a media marketer, the user simply posts photos of the company’s products on Instagram that he needs to promote and receives money for it.

How much do they earn on Instagram?

The first condition for successful earnings is subscribers. The more there are, the higher the income from advertising posts will be. Services pay for subscribers (on average 1 ruble), for likes on photos and for the number of clicks on the page.

You should also remember that there are a lot of bots on Instagram. Out of 50,000 subscribers, only 1000-2000 thousand people can be real. This is where money will be paid.

Possible when the account is active and popular.

There is simple arithmetic here: the more advertising they order from the owner of a popular Instagram, the greater the profit. The average income from advertising is about 7,000 rubles. This is provided that the advertisement is ordered several times.

Companies promoting their brands are on average willing to pay from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles for one post with their products.

We released new book“Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get into Your Followers’ Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.”


For many, Instagram is associated with making money, but often the methods of monetization are not obvious. In any business sector, the basis of sales is communication. Potential clients often gather on social networks where they can buy your products or services, you just need to learn how to sell it correctly. In this review we will list all kinds of ways to make money through Instagram.

Business account development

You can sell not only other people's products, but also your own. To do this, you need to design your page and talk about the product. Instagram is great for people in the visual sphere. Analyze your activity and increase audience engagement. With proper account development, sales can only come from the social platform.

In the article “How to make money on Instagram from subscribers,” we talked about the amount of earnings from advertising posts for public pages, about creating various areas of activity for a personal blog: publishing books, holding events and consultations. And also about selling an account: who needs it and how to do it correctly.

How to make money as an SMM specialist

There are many courses on the Internet where you can gain the skills of an SMM specialist. In the era of social networks, this is in demand, and there are not enough people who know how to efficiently promote profiles on Instagram.
What a specialist can do:

  1. Analyze the current situation: what works in the profile and what is ineffective and it’s time to replace it to achieve your goals.
  2. Develop a promotion strategy for a specific profile: advertising, material, mass following, and more.
  3. Create a portrait of the audience for further filtering of mass following databases and for displaying targeted advertising.
  4. Maintain a content plan: distribute content by categories and types, search for and prepare material in advance, publish on time. And also monitor comments, answer user questions, resolve conflict situations, remove negativity, remove spam.
  5. Formation of a brand image: how many positive and negative reviews it has. This also includes brand reputation and increased awareness.
  6. Find opinion leaders, collect a database, filter, get in touch, negotiate cooperation.
  7. Conduct competitions and promotions.
  8. Recruit an audience: mass following and mass liking. Follow target people and unfollow later. Like potential customers to attract attention. And avoid negative consequences from Instagram: blocking individual actions or account ban forever.
  9. Analyze competitors. Understand the effectiveness of their ideas and improve your own.

Some SMM specialists also do other work that is not related to their direct responsibilities:

  • search for photographers;
  • writing texts for posts;
  • cooperation with the media;
  • organization of events.

How to start a career as an SMM specialist:

  1. Gain knowledge on promotion on Instagram.
  2. Find clients who will trust you with their projects.
  3. Regularly maintain accounts and perform your duties.

How much can an SMM specialist earn on Instagram? Salary depends on workload and knowledge. The market is not fully formed. If you do content and promotion in one account, it can cost up to 30,000 rubles per month. Calculate if there are several accounts - 3 or 5. The main costs are your time and the funds allocated for self-education in this area. The social network is constantly changing, and many new features are added every year, and the number of ineffective methods of promotion increases.

Creation of services and applications for Instagram

An excellent option for programmers who want to connect their activities with Instagram. IN Google Play and the App Store you can find examples of applications for working with a social network, most of which solve a clearly defined task.
It will be more expensive to create and maintain a service, but the income from it will be greater.

Examples of services for Instagram:

There are also services for downloading photos, planning your Instagram feed, and reposting. Just look at your set of tools and you can already guess what problem you will help users solve.
Popular applications on mobile platforms:

  1. Download a photo from Instagram.
  2. View the avatar in an enlarged size.
  3. Create a collage.
  4. Cut one large picture into several parts.
  5. Tape layout.
  6. View non-mutual accounts.

How you can make money on Instagram as a programmer:

  1. Find a problem that you will solve.
  2. Assemble a development team.
  3. Start the service.
  4. Promote it.

Let's say you have developed an application that costs 200 rubles per download. Just 500 downloads per month will bring the project a profit of 100,000 rubles.
Look at the service tariffs. Let's assume a monthly subscription costs 500 rubles. 500 users per month is 250,000 rubles.
To calculate the costs of developing an application, you need to consider:

  • essential elements;
  • supported platforms;
  • number of hours for development;
  • design for the user;
  • command structure;
  • tasks not directly included in development: testing, analysis, design);
  • project support after implementation.

Approximate estimate: from 150,000 rub.

The development of the service will cost much more: from one million. This already includes salaries team, the cost of minimal functionality and the implementation period of several months. But simply developing a service is not enough - it needs to be regularly supported, bugs fixed, new features added, and user complaints listened to. This will cost from 100,000 rubles. per month according to approximate calculations.

Content to order

Another opportunity to make money on Instagram is to help with content creation. Photographers organize portrait or subject photography to create high-quality visual material. Earnings - from 3,000 rubles. in an hour.

An important detail for any profile is image processing: remove pimples, diversify colors, or simply adjust the photo to unified style. For this you can charge from 100 rubles. for one image.

Video and cinemagraphs are another one influential type content that conveys more emotions than a snapshot, and videographers can take part here. Filming, on average, starts from 2,000 rubles per hour. Equipment, plot, composition are taken into account. Installation is considered separately and added to the cost.

Another direction is stylization of shooting. For example, food stylists are very popular among restaurants and cafes, which are tasked with revealing the atmosphere of a place. On average it costs from 5,000 rubles. for filming.
The current trend on Instagram is design. If you are a designer, you can try developing a corporate identity for your accounts. You can earn an average of 5,000 rubles per profile.

How can you make money on Instagram from likes?

Earnings from likes are small - you can top up your balance mobile phone or buy ice cream. There may be a limited number of daily tasks, so it is recommended to work on multiple platforms and use accounts from different social networks. You can earn a decent amount by spending a lot of time. We wrote more in “How to make money on Instagram from likes.”

How to start making money on Instagram from scratch using services:

  1. Register on any assignment platform.
  2. Complete orders regularly and receive rewards.
  3. Participate in referral programs and increase your earnings to passive ones.

The method is suitable for all beginners and not only for Instagram. Consider the design of your profile. Advertisers sort performers according to various criteria: gender, age, number of records, number of subscribers.

Partnership programs

When it is not possible to sell your own products, CPA networks come to the rescue. You can choose any product that you are ready to offer to others and advertise it. Examples of such networks:

  • admitad.

On the platforms you can get acquainted with detailed information and choose any offer. You will receive a percentage from purchases.

Let's sum it up

So, how do people make money on Instagram? You can create applications and services that solve specific tasks user. The implementation and promotion of the idea will require initial investments.

Photographers, stylists, and makeup artists create custom content for Instagram.
The market for SMM specialists is not fully formed. By investing in training, you can help blogs and brands promote their profile. The promoted account is monetized by publishing advertising posts and expanding products and services.

Not only SMM specialists can help with page development. All you need to do is register for earning services and receive rewards for likes, subscriptions and comments. Choose any method and monetize your page.

One of the relatively new, rapidly developing social networks is Instagram, which gained enormous popularity in 2015. Not surprisingly, the platform has since become widely used to attract customers, popularize brands or sell products. In this article I will tell you in detail about how to make money on Instagram. different ways, why it is better to use this social network, I will share tips with beginners and tell you how you can start making a profit without investing money.

Instagram - mobile app, compatible with all modern mobile devices, designed for working with photo and video materials. Instagram is now owned by Facebook. The account integrates with other popular social networks.

Like other similar resources, which are a convenient and exciting means of communication for millions of people from all over the world, Instagram has become a tool for making money for enterprising individuals. Everyone encounters advertisements for all kinds of products as soon as they log into a social network, and sometimes without even realizing that they are viewing an advertisement. Every user can use the application not only to post and communicate, but also to receive unlimited earnings.

Features of the social network Instagram

A few facts about Instagram:

  • it is already used by more than 300 million people and the number is constantly growing;
  • tens of billions of pictures and videos are uploaded to the site;
  • tens of millions of visitors per day;
  • hundreds of likes and comments appear every second;
  • It became possible to download videos starting in 2014.

It was in connection with the ability to upload videos that the popularity of the network began to gain momentum due to the increase in the commercial potential of the project. User activity has increased by orders of magnitude - a lot of bloggers on Instagram rushed to earn additional income.

How to start making money on Instagram

To start making money on Instagram, you need to promote your account. The user's news is displayed in the results of his subscribers, and the more subscribers, the wider the audience and the more opportunities for earning money. Earnings directly depend on how promoted (popular) the profile is.

In addition to the number of subscribers, their quality is also important. Active users who comment, repost and like are valued. Their activities, in turn, ensure the fastest popularization of the profile and a larger number of subscribers. The fattest Accounts and are monetized due to this.

How to get subscribers

It is difficult for a new user to promote an account from scratch. Previously, it was possible to cheat by subscribing to other people and, having received a return subscription, being deleted. This way it was possible to get a serious mass of subscribers to your account without straining too much.

To make money on Instagram from subscribers, you will now have to devote more time to promotion. You can get subscribers by constantly communicating with other users, uploading interesting materials to the site, visiting other accounts, liking posts, answering questions.

Ways to make money on Instagram

Let's say you have already registered and gained a certain number of subscribers. How many subscribers do you need to make money on Instagram? At the right approach, quality content and sales skills, even a hundred subscribers will ensure first sales and motivate for further results.

There are many ways to make money on Instagram. I propose to consider the most real and popular ones.

Selling your own services

  • representatives of all professions where the result of work is assessed visually (photographers, hairdressers, stylists, interior and landscape designers);
  • people who provide online services (business trainers, coaches, lawyers, psychologists)
  • private entrepreneurs and companies (beauty salons, sports complexes, construction companies, car services, etc.);
  • freelancers who work only remotely (web designers, copywriters, programmers, optimizers, Internet project managers, etc.).

To promote your services on Instagram, you need to run ads with photos. If you are an active user of this social network, you have probably come across similar profiles; they often subscribe to people from their target audience.

Earning money on Instagram by selling other people's goods and services

Earning money from affiliate programs is a universal way to improve financial condition through the social network Instagram. How to sell other people's goods or services? The same factors apply here as in other social networks. First you need to select a product or service with good potential. You can search for sellers yourself and offer them your services. But there is a faster, proven way - to find products through CPA networks.

Such systems offer hundreds of services and goods, the sale of which you will receive a monetary reward. Most often they sell watches, clothes, jewelry, health products, hairdressing and beauty salon services. On Instagram you can find a huge number of accounts that earn money through CPA networks. Most popular CPAs:


When selling one product or service, the user receives on average from 200 to 600 rubles. Sometimes the commission is much more, thousands of rubles.

To make money on Instagram using affiliate programs, you will have to stock up on time and patience. Another way to make money on affiliate programs is to place referral links to customer services and products on fake accounts. Helpful Actions, for which a commission is paid - not only the fact of sale. Customers can set rewards for registering on the site, clicking on a link, and other actions.

With a thoughtful approach, the income from this type of income can be quite substantial.

Selling your products on Instagram

Selling your goods through Instagram is a very popular way to make money; more and more sellers are moving here from other social networks, counting on the opportunities of the widest and most diverse consumer market.

Who makes money selling their own products on Instagram? This:

  • manufacturers directly;
  • online stores;
  • craftsmen and craftswomen producing hand-made products;
  • stores that attract offline customers through the network.

To attract the target audience to their products through Instagram, they use the following methods:

  • promotion of your own page;
  • placement of thematic tags in the description or comments to the photo that correspond to the queries entered in the search by social network users;
  • linking images to pages in an online store;
  • use of special services.

For the latter method, the Inselly system is often used. This service is designed specifically for Instagram. The principle of operation is that the system itself puts the product up for sale by adding the #inselly tag to the pictures. Using the same add-on, you can easily create an online market based on your own account and set up payments through PayPal. Then all that remains is to regularly fill your profile with useful information about products and use hidden advertising in photo descriptions.

Earning money by promoting Instagram accounts

All sellers who seek to increase their audience through this social network need such services. To earn good money this way, you need to become a specialist in the field of account promotion. Similar to working with other social networks, such specialists are called Instagram managers.

Responsibilities of an Instagram manager:

  • Creating a customer company profile.
  • Creating a content plan to maximize audience coverage and increase sales, posting content.
  • Account promotion.
  • Carrying out advertising campaigns, the use of mutual PR, etc.

You can become a specialist in a couple of months if you wish. How much can you earn from promoting Instagram accounts? The amounts vary greatly depending on the level of the specialist and the ability to sell their own services. On average this is 5-20 thousand rubles per month, but there is much large amounts. You can maintain several company profiles if you have the time and skills for this.

Earn money on Instagram by selling your photos

Instagram is an ideal platform for photographers and those who strive for success in this field. Register on special services (Fotolia, for selling photos and upload your pictures to them. Such systems are functionally reminiscent of the usual advertising exchanges, except that it is not posts, but photographs that are the product. You can take photographs for specific brands - perhaps the company itself will buy them.

In this method of earning money, the photographer receives part of the remuneration from the sale of photographs, and a considerable commission goes to intermediaries. But if you manage to become popular, you can get in direct contact with companies or they will find you.

How to make money on Instagram with advertising

Making money from advertising requires patience and is suitable for those who already use Instagram and have some popularity on it. The principle of earning money is to place the customer’s advertisement on your page. One post in this method is valued differently, but in general the level is comparable to the same profit from VKontakte.

For one advertising post you can get from 500 rubles and much more. There is no upper limit, it all depends on how popular your account is - how many subscribers it has and how active they are (users who repost, like, and comment are valued). The most popular Instagrammers can even receive five-figure sums in dollars per post.

It’s important not to overdo it in an effort to sell the potential of your profile more and more expensively. If it is filled with advertising spam, it will quickly turn into an uninteresting “content graveyard” with hundreds of advertisements of various kinds. At some point, this will allow you to earn a considerable amount of money, but in the long term it can have a detrimental effect.

Whenever you make money on Instagram, always consider the following rules:

  • Instagram is an application for communication and making money on this social network should remain secondary.
  • It is necessary to pay the greatest attention to the project at the promotion stage; the preparatory period can be long and not the easiest.
  • First of all, you need to post attractive, unique content, and only then advertising.

That is, you need to captivate your Instagram subscriber and make his visit to your page interesting and useful. Only in this case, he will not turn away (unfollow) you when he sees the advertisement, but will adequately perceive this moment.

How many subscribers do you need for advertisers to be interested in working with you? It would be good if there were several thousand of them. If you have a large base of active subscribers who comment and repost your materials, advertisers can reach you themselves. But at the beginning of such activity, you will have to work hard and look for customers on advertising exchanges or resort to tactics similar to “cold calls” by sales managers.


There you can also see the amounts paid for one post.

Selling advertising on your profile is a stable income on Instagram. Take the time to popularize your account and soon enough you will be able to receive 1,2,3 thousand per post. If you continue to develop the page, the amount of reward for a single photo with a description will only grow.

Earning money on Instagram from likes

This method can be called “for schoolchildren,” since even the youngest users of the social network can use it and earn their first money without investing or studying serious instructions. There are a lot of services through which you can receive rewards for actions on Instagram. It can be:

  • posts;
  • comments;
  • subscriptions;
  • just likes.

Here are just a few services; you can find many more of them:

  • Roboliker
  • Twite

You just need to register with them and start earning money. There is definitely no chance of big profits here, but in a day of activity you can earn 100 or more rubles. The average cost of a like is 0.5 rubles. depending on the service. Other actions are priced more expensive, some up to 5 rubles. If you use not one, but several Instagram accounts, you can increase your profits, but you will also have to spend a lot of time.

Obviously, in this way a beginner can earn money for a chocolate bar or a student for cigarettes. Small rewards with significant time expenditure are the disadvantage of such earnings. But at the same time, it does not require any investments, either material or intellectual, it often interests users and can be treated as a hobby with a pleasant bonus - a small income. The method is not considered as the main source of income; there is no prospect of reaching larger amounts in the future and passive income No.

Printing user photos

An exciting option for people who have the ability to print photos. You can make good money by turning digital photos into analogue ones. There are many people on the social network Instagram who would like to receive printed, real photos instead of virtual ones. Why not make money on it if possible?

The instructions for making money like this are very simple:

  • advertise your services on your page;
  • receive orders for photo printing;
  • complete the order, deliver the photographs in person or send them by mail/delivery service;
  • receive a well-deserved reward on a bank card, in cash or on an e-wallet.

After printing photos on photos, you can expand your activities and offer the same on T-shirts, magnets and any other media. You can print on almost any surface chosen by the customer. If you have the appropriate printing equipment, over time you will create a stable source of income for yourself, and its amount depends only on the effort you put in.

Special services for monetization

There are many services that allow you to speed up and increase your earnings on Instagram. Some of these sites are already mentioned in the description of ways to earn money. Let's take a closer look at the most popular ones:

  • VKTarget- a very popular service with payment for actions, with quick withdrawal of earned funds. Payment per action is one of the highest among similar resources.
  • Roboliker- a good site where you can combine earnings from accounts of almost all popular social networks in Russia.
  • Twite- a service with rich functionality and a large number of tasks to complete.
  • Socialtools- a resource through which income can be obtained for performing the simplest and more complex tasks; Through this site you can participate in affiliate programs and find customers to place advertising posts on your Instagram page.
  • Snapfluence- a resource through which you can receive your dividends for promoting a certain product.

You can find many more similar resources. Blogun, Userator and others are popular. Each of them has its own specifics, strengths and weak sides. Only through experience can you determine which site is optimal for you.

How to promote an account on Instagram

As you can see, the more popular the page on Instagram, the more ways and opportunities for its monetization. This is an investment for the long term, which can later serve you in whatever you decide to do. Popular profile is the most important step to start successful business. After all, making money on Instagram is a business like any other.

Even if you think that you are reliably protected from financial problems Thanks to a good job and a high salary, nowadays it doesn’t hurt to have some safety net behind you. Many people lose their jobs every day as a result of layoffs, layoffs, and going on indefinite leave in the realities of economic instability. Not in the best possible way A decrease in wages and an increase in prices at the same wages also have an impact. By being prepared for such ups and downs, you can feel calmer and more confident. And the promoted Instagram profile - good way provide yourself with a similar rear.

Your Instagram account belongs to you as a personal space. Of course, this social network is the property of the company, but the likelihood of Instagram going out of business in the near future is close to zero. Considering the rapid growth of interest in this already mega-popular social network, it’s time to get a platform for your main or additional income.

How to promote a page on Instagram? You will have to invest intellectually, and, if desired, make the promotion faster and better - and financially. Unlike VKontakte, not all promising commercial areas are currently available on Instagram. Promote your page now by choosing a profitable topic - the sooner you start, the faster you will make a profit.

Step-by-step instructions for promoting your profile on Instagram:

  • The topic of your blog should be interesting a large number users. It is advisable that it meets your own interests - then you will not abandon the matter halfway, but will do it with pleasure. Choose a specific topic, not too personal, but not too general. If you are interested in cars, this could be a page dedicated to a specific brand or class of car; if you like to do handicrafts, then devote a page to one of the types of needlework (knitting, embroidery, etc.)
  • Increase your number of subscribers. To do this, you need to be active on the network, comment on other people’s posts, don’t skimp on likes, use resources specially created for promoting such accounts (for example,,
  • Don't stop working. There is no need to publish frequently, but you should not allow long breaks. Think about your activity schedule, write it down and follow the plan.

More some important points things to consider when working:

  • Design your profile correctly, based on the type of activity you are going to engage in on the social network. To sell goods, make it a beautiful showcase, presenting the products in better light, describe the services provided or provide feedback about them from other users. Give your potential audience the maximum useful information about the benefits of cooperation with you.
  • Don't overdo it. Instagram is not very friendly towards making money from public pages. Cases of blocking Instagram shops due to violation of the rules of the social network are very common. In order not to get hit by this skating rink and so that your efforts do not come to naught, be careful. Learn the rules and try to follow them. Even if your only purpose for being on Instagram is sales, you need to act as if you were just running a personal blog. This will avoid problems with the administration.

When you achieve some success and have a stable income, you can delegate the maintenance of the page to the administrator. He will have to pay for the work, but your time will be freed up, and the income of their business that requires active participation will turn into passive. Don't try to do everything yourself; delegation increases profits or frees up time.

Tips for promoting Instagram:

How much can you earn on Instagram?

The following table shows the minimum amounts that can be earned in one way or another.

Way to earn moneyInitial conditionsHow much can you earn
Earnings from advertisingHaving a promoted accountFrom 500 rub. for the post
Selling your own photosAbility to shoot, good photography equipmentThe amount of earnings is not limited
Selling your goodsAvailability of your own productNo restrictions
Promoting your own servicesQualifications or useful skillsNo restrictions
Printing user photosAvailability of appropriate printing equipmentNo restrictions
Earning money from likes, subscriptions, postsDesire to work, ability to spend a lot of timeFrom 100 rub. in a day
Earning money from affiliate programsA well-promoted page with a certain number of subscribers from the target audience is requiredFrom 500 rub. in a day

These are very approximate data, it all depends on the specific person, the chosen topic, the efforts made, and the financial investments. A beginner can start with the simplest methods, moving on to more serious ones by popularizing the account. There is no upper limit to earnings; some Instagrammers earn truly huge amounts of dollars. And you too can join them, if the first failure does not force you to give up. Try new methods and topics, implement own ideas- and Instagram may well become a source of basic, quite pleasant, income.

A few tips will help you avoid blocking a page and make it popular in a short time:

  • Check the advertisements offered for placement by advertisers. Do not place advertisements that are suspicious in terms of legislation or public morality, even if you are offered a very high reward. Do not advertise harmful products, including tobacco and alcohol products, and be careful when advertising dietary supplements and medications.
  • Check the links advertisers give you and what they actually offer.
  • Read the rules of the social network and try to follow them.
  • Try different methods of earning money, do not stop if one of them does not bring you any income. Test and experiment.
  • Be active, always respond to followers’ comments, comment yourself, like, subscribe. All these actions will allow you to quickly gain and maintain popularity.


Let's summarize briefly. The Instagram application is a universal platform for earning money. This resource is rapidly developing and improving, and its use for commercial purposes will only grow in the coming years. Now is a very convenient time to create your own source of income from it. Both the youngest users who just want to get a bonus to their pocket money, and seasoned businessmen expanding their business can earn money here. Freelancers, artists, and photographers can profitably sell their services here. This is the place to get additional income or create a large business project.


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