How to make a Beeline modem work faster. Troubleshooting a DSL modem yourself

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It is not always possible to use wired Internet, for example at the dacha, in country house, in a new office, and the mobile Internet works poorly or disappears altogether. So as not to burn nerve cells If you spend 10 minutes trying to load a video or a heavy page, you can buy an antenna amplifier. This article is dedicated to one of the modern models- HiTE HYBRID, which helps increase the speed of both 3G and 4G (LTE) Internet, does not require long settings (it took me no more than five minutes to connect) and is connected using a single cable, through which both power and data transfer occur .

The HiTE HYBRID antenna amplifies the signal using MIMO technology, which significantly increases the quality and stability of the Internet connection. The declared antenna gain for 4G is 2 × 16 dBi, for 3G - 2 × 13 dBi.

In addition, the Internet can be distributed through a router: HiTE HYBRID is compatible with all routers, and you can connect it to both a PC and a router.

We tested the HiTE HYBRID antenna for 4G signal amplification and received good results not only in Internet speed, but also in the ease of installing and configuring the antenna.

By the way, since 4G Internet is still far from universal, in case of its absence, the antenna amplifies the 3G signal, and this deserves special mention.

Now and with a view to the future

That's it now mobile operators are switching from 3G to the fourth generation Internet, but still the 4G coverage area is not available everywhere.

It turns out that if you decide to strengthen the 3G signal, you need to buy an antenna specifically for this reception frequency, and in a year or two, when the 4G coverage area reaches your area, you will have to buy a new one.

With HiTE HYBRID such troubles are eliminated. It amplifies 3G and 4G signals and selects the best, so you don't have to worry about frequencies or buying new equipment.

Equipment and configuration

In the box you will find the antenna itself and a neatly folded PoE adapter, an Ethernet cable for connection, a power adapter and a mount.

Antenna and accessories in the box

The HiTE HYBRID antenna has a durable and completely sealed housing made of metal and plastic with dimensions of 250 × 250 × 75 mm and a weight of 2 kg.

Antenna housing with waterproof connectors

Of course, it is best if the antenna is installed outside, on the roof of a building or on a bracket outside a window. In this case, maximum gain can be achieved.

Operating temperature range from -30 to + 50 °C. The manufacturer promises that it is possible to work with more low temperatures, if you do not turn off the power in winter. The kit includes a pole mount (or bracket).

A cable 30 m long is suitable for the antenna. This is quite enough to stretch it from the house to the roof, but if you need more, you can extend it to 100 m.

As we wrote above, this cable serves both for power and data transmission, which simplifies installation even more - you don’t have to buy any adapters or extension cords. The kit already contains everything you need to operate the antenna.

Select SIM

You will need a SIM card for the antenna. If your SIM card does not support a 4G network at a frequency of 2,500–2,700, the antenna will work with a 3G network at a frequency of 1,900–2,200.

In general, the antenna will work with any Russian operator that provides mobile Internet using 3G or 4G technology. I tested the antenna with a Megafon SIM card with 4G Internet.

SIM card "Megafon" 4G

We insert the SIM card into the special slot and screw on the waterproof cover. It's sealed, so you don't have to worry about the safety of your SIM card.

We open the address specified in the instructions on the PC and see the connection management interface.

Connection management interface

You can see the connection status and statistics.


Testing the antenna in the field

To test the speed of the antenna, I used the service. To compare the speed, I took a modem from Megafon with me and tested it with the same 4G SIM card.

We decided to test the antenna in field conditions, for which it is, in fact, intended. Since I have neither a dacha nor country house, we just went out into nature - into the forest not far from the city (about 12 km).

Location 1. Clearing in the forest, 12 km from the city

6.21 Mbit/s - incoming speed, 1.21 Mbit/s - outgoing speed.

Modem: does not connect.

In the meadow

We assembled it according to the instructions included in the kit: we connected the antenna to the POE adapter, the adapter to the laptop and connected it to the car’s network via a converter.

Antenna connection
Connected and ready to go

I must say right away that we tested more than one place - somewhere the antenna worked better, somewhere worse. In the original location, where the modem completely refused to pick up a 4G signal, the antenna gave an incoming speed of 6.21 Mbit/s.

Location 2. On a hill, 12 km from the city

8.62 Mbit/s - incoming speed, 1.05 Mbit/s - outgoing speed.

Modem: does not connect.

The fishing was best near the car, although due to the long cable we moved around the entire clearing, trying to catch the best signal. The most successful indicator in this area is 8.62 Mbit/s (stopped on a hill).

Speedtest results in the second location

The next place was closer to the city, about 5 km, in a field.

Location 3. Field, 5 km from the city

11.95 Mbit/s - incoming speed, 0.44 Mbit/s - outgoing speed.

Modem: 0.05 Mbit/s - incoming speed, 0.05 Mbit/s - outgoing speed.

We catch a signal in the field

Here the modem from Megafon started working. It returned 0.05 Mbps (not to mention that we could barely wait for it to open the speed test at all).

With the antenna, mobile Internet from Megafon soared to 11.95 Mbit/s. Basically they were best performance which we managed to achieve.

General impression

If you use a 3G/4G antenna outside the city, where the Internet often disappears altogether, the performance is very different from the same modem (as can be seen in the screenshots above).

In a forest clearing 12 km from the city, we got the speed with which we can use the Internet without the risk of breaking the computer from rage.

In principle, if instead of a person who wanders through the field and forest clearings, raising the antenna above his head, there was a master who will install the antenna on the roof of the dacha, the speed would be even faster.

But, as I said above, to connect an antenna and get your legitimate 5-10 Mbit/s even on 3G, you don’t need any knowledge or skills.

So if you have been suffering from slow motion for a long time mobile Internet(or lack thereof), read detailed characteristics and you can order the antenna here↓

Hite Hybrid 3G/4G antenna

P.S. HiTE also produces more powerful 4G LTE antennas, but we chose the HYBRID model for testing for its versatility and ease of setup.

Turn on the modem and restart your computer. The next time you start Windows, you will be presented with a window...

Turn on the modem and restart your computer. The next time you start Windows, you will see the following window: New device detected.

Windows will try to determine itself which modem is connected to your computer. You can indicate the type of your modem yourself by selecting it from the list that will be offered to you if you check the box Do not detect modem type (select from list). I recommend checking this box if the list of devices is empty when pointing to an inf file.

If the modem is not detected by Windows, then you may have errors in the ports.

Follow the instructions in the modem installation program.

After the modem is installed, go to "Control Panel - Modems". Find the newly installed modem, highlight it with the mouse cursor and click properties.

In the "maximum speed" menu, select 57600 for 28.8 and 33.6 kbps modems, 115200 for 56 kbps modems, and 115200 or higher for ISDN modems (high-speed adapters with serial ports must also suggest values ​​230400 and 460800). If the modem does not respond at this speed, then you need to set the speed a little lower. If the modem still doesn’t respond, then either you have a modem without correction/compression, or you haven’t connected it to the network... :))

Go to the “Establishing a connection” tab and in the “cancel a call if there is no connection” menu, specify the time of 45 seconds. This time is enough to establish a connection.

Close the buffer settings window and go to "Advanced". Here, check the boxes: Error handling, at the connection stage, data compression. Data transmission control is hardware. If you have a WIN modem, then the control is software.

This completes the modem setup.

After the system finally installs the modem and finishes setting the parameters necessary for connecting via a telephone line, you will need to make the necessary network settings.

Required Network Settings

Go to the "Control Panel" and click on the "Network" icon. Go to the "Configuration" tab. Then click on the “Add” button and select “Network Card” from the list of components that appears.

Select "Microsoft" from the list, and "Remote Access Controller" from the available components.

The installer will access your Windows distribution disk, from which it will copy and install the necessary files.

The network card is installed. Now click on the "Add" button again and select "Protocol". In the new window, find "Microsoft" and "TCP/IP Protocol".

The installation program will again access the Windows distribution disk. When installing TCP/IP, you need to set the necessary protocol parameters. In the network window that appears, place the cursor on the TCP/IP protocol and click the Properties button. In the "Wins Configuration" tab, select "Disable Wins Configuration". In the "DNS Configuration" tab, select "Disable DNS Configuration". In the Advanced tab, check the box that says “Use this protocol” by default.

The network and protocol setup is complete.

If you have an Adsl modem or USB modem, you can install it and connect to the Internet.
Next, we will figure out in order what is required for connection and how the modem is connected to the computer.

Deciding which modem we need

Everyone knows that the Internet contains mountains of information, that it is dangerous, there are many viruses, but when everyone already communicates on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, uses search, and everyone else wants to connect to the Internet too.
Buying a modem is usually only the beginning of solving the problem, since the modem needs to be installed and, as a rule, at this stage it turns out that there is no network card and you need to buy it, or the modem was bought along with a new computer, but no one provides such services and you need to buy it.

A modem is a device for connecting to the Internet via a telephone line.
IN modern world use high-frequency signals using different protocols, for example, 3G, 4G, ADSL2. Many people have the problem of which modem to buy and how to install. Ask your ISP what they recommend. Find out only the supported standards.

The most used modems.
Modems in pure form not enough now. More often there are combined solutions with the presence of modem functions.
The USB modem looks like this:

This is what the ADSL modem looks like from the outside.

On the front it has signal indicators and simple action buttons. At the back there is a cable for connection.

Typically, the modem is connected to the computer via a USB port or a LAN network port. A separate connection goes to the power source (outlet). A splitter is used to connect to the phone.

There are two connectors visible on the front. There is a separate third input or cable on the back of this splitter. It is needed to separate telephone and Internet signals. Internet speed is no more than 8 Mbit/sec.
When choosing a modem, focus on its advanced functions. The more there are, the better. The prices for modems are quite optimal, there are different price categories. Pay special attention to the ability to maintain the connection in the event of a short-term failure. You can find out from the reviews of those who worked with the modem. Take more modern modems, for example, D-Link, it holds the network stronger than TP-Link.

We will separately consider another method - connecting via a Dial up modem.
This old method using the Internet when there were no local networks or large providers, and the price for the Internet could terrify even wealthy state-level companies. This is the Dial-up protocol. Most often supplied in the form of a circuit board. Older computers did not have a slot for such cards; they were supplied with an external modem that looked and connected much like today's ADSL.

Once installed, one wrong move could result in thousands of international bills. Installing and using such a modem can be useful in a village where there is no other Internet, or when the main provider has malfunctioned, and visiting a website is so necessary. The speed of such Internet depends on the modem, approximately 56Kbps.

Modem installation

1. USB modem.
1.1. Let's start by opening the package of the modem, disassembling it and inserting the SIM card.

1.2. We connect the modem to the USB port of a computer or laptop.

1.3. We are waiting automatic installation drivers.

1.4. Install the connection manager and check the settings.

1.5. Activate the balance, and then click the “Connect” button

2. ADSL modem.
2.1. We connect the modem to a computer or laptop.
The modem is connected to the appropriate port, as indicated above: USB or LAN.
The internal modem is connected to the PCI slot like any computer board.
Users of dandy consoles will probably cope with the installation, because the installation processes for the cartridge and the internal modem are very similar.

2.2. Next, the cables are connected to a tapeworm or telephone socket with several outputs.
The phone itself and the cable from the modem are connected to the connectors.
The big disadvantage of modems installed inside a computer is the possibility of the computer burning out due to high voltage in the telephone network.
Perhaps these are rumors, but after several computers with such modems had breakdowns, I can no longer recommend the option with an integrated modem board, but only an external modem.

Equipment setup.
For better management install drivers on the modem from the disk. Access to the modem is determined by the network settings and the settings of the modem itself. First, you need to set the computer to define default addresses.

2.3. Go to “Start - Control Panel” - turn on viewing by category - in the “Network and Internet” section we find “View network status” - there “Change adapter settings” (left column) - find the desired adapter - right-click and “Properties”. Now we find Internet Protocol 4 (aka TCP/IP 4). Click Properties and set automatic detection.

If you don’t have a disk with step-by-step setup, you can go into the modem itself. This is done in the browser by entering the address

2.4. You will get approximately these settings.

Tabs with parameters are visible on the top and side. Now all that remains is to configure the IP address, subnet mask, and DNS server.
Obtain information about this data and other auxiliary settings from your provider.
The settings of different modems should not differ. As a last resort, read the manuals. This is exactly the way our modems were configured. All that remains is to right-click on the icon in the tray and select Connect.

3. To set Dial up We get to View network status (see instructions above), then at the bottom of the window click Set up a new connection.
3.1. In the new window, select Setting up a telephone connection, click next, then enter the number, username and password. This data is obtained from the telephone company.
3.2. Now all that remains is to go to Network connections (see the settings instructions for Changing adapter settings), find the required adapter (this will be a connection, it will be written By telephone line), right-click, Connect, OK.

In the figure, all that remains is to connect the cable and click Connect.

Operation and possible malfunctions

Once connected, you can safely use the Internet. If there is no Internet, then check the settings. It’s impossible to give specific advice here, since as many providers as there are individual settings, there are many ways to install a modem. As a last resort, call a specialist and remember everything he did. If the reason for the lack of Internet is a malfunction of the line, then reboot the modem. When using Dial up, monitor all actions, control traffic, and do not visit dubious sites.

Modems may have malfunctions that allow them to connect to the network and download information, and many users are surprised - the Internet light is red all the time, but downloading continues.
There are malfunctions on the part of the provider - when the light is red and there is no connection. You can check by asking your friends or neighbors whether the Internet works for them, call the support service, or connect a friend’s modem.
I hope that all your problems lie in the fact that you did not know how to install a modem or you just need to wait and conclude an agreement for the provision of services.

The Internet appeared in Russia relatively recently, but now we can say with confidence that the entire population of the multinational country uses it. In order to work with this network, you will have to purchase a special device that will allow you to freely access the global “space”. At the moment, the most famous technology is ADSL. It allows you to use the telephone line for both calls and the Internet at the same time. How is this division accomplished? Due to the splitter. It is available in any modem running on this technology. Every network user has at least once been faced with the question: how to choose the necessary device and not make a mistake? Providers and equipment manufacturers offer completely different modems. From the simplest to the most sophisticated, capable of creating a wireless network. The article discusses the most successful ADSL modems.

Acorp Sprinter W510N

More recently, this model appeared on the market. It received the functions of a router and switch. Moreover, the device is capable of working with a wireless network. Like many others ADSL modems, described operates on a powerful built-in processor from Realtek. The device received good characteristics, and the manufacturer noted that this model has improved operating speed and an energy saving function. The device received up to 32 MB of built-in memory. This detail is quite important, because it is due to it that it will either work under load or not. The modem can provide a maximum Internet speed of up to 150 Mbps. This is a normal indicator, so consumers mark this device as one of the good ones.

The model is universal; it has some functions from a router. Moreover, the device is capable of working offline. When creating a large local network, you can use this modem to quickly share the Internet.

TP-Link TD-W8961ND

The next model is the Tp-Link ADSL modem. It has long been in demand among advanced buyers. This is due to the fact that the device combines three types of similar devices. The model has many ports and is capable of working with a wireless access point. The router operates on a modern standard, and it is capable of showing excellent performance at high network speeds. The maximum incoming traffic can be 24 Mbit per second. If desired, you can always create a network with this device and use both a wired and wireless connection. The maximum data transfer speed was 300 Mbit per second. On the device you can see two removable antennas. They are the ones who provide a high signal level and are able to maintain it if it is bad. The connection itself is quite clean and never drops.

Features of the TP-LinkTD-W8961ND router

This ADSL modem is a WiFi router. Therefore, it has additional functionality. It is also great for working with television, as the network speed is at the maximum level. It is stable until problems arise on the part of the provider, in other cases it is maximum. Judging by consumer reviews, this device model does not work with breaks and failures, which is why it is in demand. A cable for connecting to a computer is supplied with the device. Some even wonder how to set up an ADSL modem. You don't have to do this yourself. It will be enough to either contact service center, or invite an assistant to your home.

The device uses special firewalls. The signal that passes through the modem is strengthened and protected, which helps prevent hacker attacks.

Modem ZyXEL P660RT3

Another famous router. It easily connects to an existing local network and starts working immediately. The device has many functions, including router options. It is capable of working with any type of equipment via a cable. But connect to several at once external devices It won’t work, since there is only one port. However, you can easily “distribute” the Internet to all members of a given local network. This makes it much easier to maintain existing computers.

Not all ADSL Internet modems work with an emphasis on the domestic user, we are talking about the same device. It has strong signal, standard and connection encryption. This is what will protect a person from having his computer hacked. Otherwise, the consequences can be quite dire. The connection is good, without interruptions. Problems do not arise even if there is some kind of interruption on the line. Communication works at high speed. The maximum load rate of this modem is limited to no more than 24 Mbit per second. The device comes with an external charging unit and indicators on the router itself. With this firmware installed on the device, you can easily use IP telephony. It's much more convenient and cheaper.


This ADSL modem is a router that is equipped with a wide range of functions. It is capable of working in two modes at once. This is quite convenient and allows you to use a large number of options. The switch is designed for four ports. Due to this quantity, you can simultaneously connect a laptop, computer and other equipment.

The modem of this model is also capable of working with an access point wireless internet. Concerning appearance, then the device looks good and attracts consumers. The available maximum Internet speed is 300 Mbps. This result is achieved through the use of three antennas and modern technologies functioning. There is a button to turn off and turn on the wireless network on the case, which is quite convenient.

D-Link DSL-2520U

Not all ADSL modems are suitable for large offices and premises. This is exactly what will be discussed further. The DSL-2520U router is recommended for use at home. This model works with two ports: one is responsible for data transfer for computer networks, and the second is USB. This device positions itself as quite convenient, which will allow you to quickly and in a few minutes create an access point. The device is equipped with a special function that makes it possible to transmit a higher quality signal, and it also has a built-in screen. To manage and configure your ADSL device (D-Link modem), you can always go to the web settings. They are as clear as possible, so it is unlikely that anyone will have to deal with them. If any problems nevertheless arise, you can always use either the online help from the official website, or take the special booklet that comes with the kit.

Linksys LAPN600

This model known for having a protocol forwarding option. According to consumers, the device is quite easy to set up. Wireless Internet speed is 300 Mbit per second. The ADSL model (WiFi modem LAPN600) supports many standard modes. The device can heat up to a temperature of no more than 35 °C. In general, this does not affect the operation and functionality, so it cannot be considered something negative. The modem is capable of interacting with many known network modes.

Cisco SB WAP188

The router works with a built-in antenna, so you won’t be able to change it if necessary. The modem has a special receiver that amplifies the signal and allows it to be made better. According to consumers, setting up an ADSL modem is quite easy.

Internet frequency - no more than 2.3 GHz. The model can operate in several network modes. The Internet extends to 210 meters, but no more. The device operates stably at positive temperatures and at temperatures not less than -10 °C. The user can view all configuration texts and is also allowed to make changes to them. The weight of the device is 310 g. Sold for 6 thousand rubles. Cannot be configured via the command line.

Asus EA-N66

How is an ADSL modem configured? This is quite easy to do, but it needs to be explained using the example of one of these devices. This can be done through a special VAN port. You can easily find it on the back of the device. It clearly stands out from the rest, as it is painted blue. After the cable is connected, you need to go to the browser and make all the settings there. If you have any special requirements, you need to contact your provider. The router itself is sold with a prioritization option. You don't have to spend a lot of time setting up different channels. Immediately after making all the changes, you need to pay attention to whether the update has been released software? If yes, then install it immediately.

The device also works as a repeater. The antenna of this device is of a removable type, so that, if necessary, you can use more powerful parts. The Internet router extends to 240 meters. The router itself has special protection against viruses. It is quite high quality, there are no complaints from users. If desired, you can manually view the configurations and change them. The model costs about 5-6 thousand rubles. There is no forwarding option here.

Asus EA-AC22

This ADSL modem is a WiFi router. Many buyers choose this type of equipment simply because it can provide maximum wireless network speed. That is, we must immediately say that in this model it is at a high level. The router works freely with many network modes. Built-in antennas. The device weighs a little, a little more than 300 g. Operating the device is quite easy. Customize too, since the web interface is as clear and convenient as possible. Updating the described modem, like many others, will not be difficult.

If we talk about data and connection security, then it must be said that it is here top level. Moreover, there is even a built-in filter.


Nowadays, those devices that are considered universal are becoming increasingly popular. Not all ADSL modems are capable of working with a wireless access point. However, those who received this function, show only its stable functionality, there are no complaints about it. The connection passes through a wired and wireless channel.

Here I will describe in detail what home methods can improve the stability, speed and ping of modems. Let's look at this using the example of a provider mobile network Megaphone and modem HUAWEI E352. Surely everyone has encountered the problem of poor communication quality/bad signal. Buying an antenna (if the modem has a connector for an external antenna) is not always the solution to this problem. You can make a 3G signal booster yourself.

1. We buy cheap Chinese speakers, plug them into a power outlet and place them next to the USB modem - signal amplification is guaranteed by at least 30%.
2. Take copper wire, the longer the better, open the modem cover, wrap it in 5-6 circles in the place where the SIM card is located. Next, throw the wire out the window. You can attach a 1 liter beer can to the end of the wire, after cutting off the lid with scissors or a knife (as if you were making a glass from it). We place the jar with the cut side where the signal is best caught. In this way you can amplify the signal up to 90-95%.

Further. Surely everyone has encountered the fact that a USB modem suddenly turns off randomly (disappears from the system as a device and then connects again). The reason for this is the lack of USB power supply to the motherboard ports. This usually happens when a USB extension cable is used to connect a 3G modem. That is, part of the power goes into the USB cable, so the device turns off spontaneously at the most unexpected moments. Therefore, NEVER CONNECT A 3G MODEM VIA A USB EXTENSION CABLE. I sympathize with those who connect to the Internet through Cell phones- after all, they use a USB cable - there will be no stable Internet - the phone constantly turns off, or even reboots it.

Surely everyone knows about unstable 3G network pings. They jump from 700 to 1000 and above + on top of all this, the modem sometimes disconnects from the network (not because there is not enough USB power, but for a simple reason, which I will describe below). Many people don’t know or even have no idea why this happens. Especially ordinary users of USB 3G modems.

So what is really happening and why 3G is either slow or very fast. When connecting, everyone noticed that the modem connected in 3G mode, but during operation it suddenly switched to EDGE or, worse, dropped it from the network altogether. The automatic mode of searching for a stable signal is to blame for everything - so the modem jumps to WCDMA, then to HSPA, or even to EDGE. Example: EDGE signal 96%, WCDMA signal 90%, HSPA signal 50%-60%. That is, the modem automatically selects the mode in which the signal is received most reliably. Naturally, of these three examples, the modem will operate in EDGE mode. Next, I will tell you how to make the modem work only in the fastest mode - HSPA.
Open our Megafon-Internet utility (let's look at the example of the Megafon operator). Click Settings, then Network, we see:
Network type - here we select only WCDMA
Range - here we set GSM900/GSM1800/WCDMA900/WCDMA2100
Registration mode - Manual search, click update, wait, then select MegaFon (3G) - click on it and click register.
Close the settings window and connect to the Internet.
After connecting, move the mouse pointer over the 3G icon - it is located in the Megafon-Internet program in the upper left corner (B old version programs at the bottom left, instead of 3G there is a WCDMA icon). We see in what mode our modem operates - WCDMA. Now we need one small program - it’s called HSPA Locker 1.3b (that’s what I use). Let's download it. Unpack, launch, but do not press START. Where the divisions are located in the program, we set the maximum to 3.0 kb - you can test it later by choosing a lower mode. So now we begin to intensively download something through any download manager. We see that the signal in the Megafon-Internet program has become not WCDMA, but HSPA (or HSDPA is the same thing). Now press the START button in the HSPA Locker program. Then we minimize it to tray and disable what we set for downloading. We admire the results: in the Megafon-Internet program, communication always shows HSPA. The program drives tiny traffic within the network and the modem operates in the fastest mode. Signal 50% for stable operation HSPA is quite sufficient. Why is all this being done?
First, this way we reduced the ping from 1000 to 600.
Secondly, now the pages begin to open very quickly.
Third, our favorite online games are not stupid!
Well, the best part is that your Internet will stop constantly disconnecting. That is, for stable operation the modem needs to be set to only one operating mode.

Don't have access to the Internet? Do you think that the cause may be a faulty ADSL modem? Today I will help you do the minimum yourself basic diagnostics ADSL modem or router and determine for yourself what the problem is and how to fix it, without resorting to calling an expensive computer repairman to your home.

Let's start in order - look at the modem from the front side:

The Power indicator is off or red.

We check the connection of the ADSL modem to the power grid. We try to disconnect and reconnect the power supply to the power connector on the modem. We plug the adapter into a 220V outlet. Let's try pressing the " ON/OFF" on the back of the router several times (if there is one).
If this does not help, we take it to the service center. Most likely, either the power supply burned out or the modem itself burned out.

The power indicator - Power - is on, the connection indicator - DSL - is off and does not blink.

When the modem is turned on, while a connection is being established, the connection indicator is DSL or Link- will flash. The connection can be established from 20 seconds to two to three minutes, after which the indicator begins to light continuously and blink quickly while transmitting data.
If the indicator DSL or Link off, this means that the ADSL modem cannot communicate with the DSL multiplexer on the station side. To eliminate the option of the modem freezing, first turn it off, wait a minute and turn it on again. Link didn't show up?!
This may happen for the following reasons:
— incorrect connection diagram of the router/splitter and/or parallel phones;
— poor contact in the connectors of telephone wires connected to the splitter and ADSL router;
— splitter malfunction;
— modem DSL module malfunction;
— interference on the line or its break;
- you have been disconnected for non-payment.
To troubleshoot the problem, try the following:
We read and check the correct connection of the splitter, modem and parallel phones to the line.
We check that the modem and phone are connected correctly to the splitter connectors.
We pick up the handset of the telephone. A telephone buzzer (continuous tone) should be heard in the handset. If there is no buzzer, we connect the telephone directly to the line without a splitter. If the buzzer appears, then the splitter is faulty. If there is no buzzer, you most likely have a break in the line. If the buzzer is heard against a background of strong interference - noise, crackling - there is a problem on the line. In case of a break or interference on the line, you must contact your Provider's repair bureau.
If the buzzer is normal, we try to connect the ADSL router directly to the line without a splitter, having first disconnected all parallel phones. If after this the connection is established and the DSL or Link indicator is constantly on, then the splitter is faulty.
If these steps do not help and if the connection is still not established, try the following:
1. We check the integrity of the telephone wiring coming from the entrance to the apartment to the splitter and the wires connecting the splitter and the ADSL modem;
2. Disconnect the plug connectors of the telephone wires connected to the splitter and ADSL modem and turn it on again - the cable may not be fully inserted into the connector;
3. We call the provider’s technical support and find out whether you have been disconnected for non-payment and whether any work is being carried out on the line or station.
4. We ask friends or acquaintances for a working modem for a couple of hours and connect it to our line - with this we will check whether your modem is working or not.

The Power and DSL indicators are on. The LAN indicator is off.

Be sure to make sure that the local network connection on your computer is enabled in the network settings of your computer’s operating system. Disconnect the Ethernet cable from the computer's network card and reconnect it.
We check the integrity of the Ethernet network cable, try to disconnect it and connect it one by one to all the Ethernet connectors on the modem.
If possible, try a different Ethernet cable.
If these steps do not help, most likely your ADSL modem LAN module is faulty - there is only one way - take it to a service center.

All indicators on the modem are on, but there is no connection. Error: No or limited connection, network without Internet access.

In this case, we study these instructions in detail -.
Did not help? We are trying to reset the router settings to factory settings. To do this, use a thin rod or paper clip to press and hold the "" button for 5-10 seconds. RESET" located on the back of the router. After this, the modem will reboot and all router settings (including the password for entering the settings) will be reset to their original factory settings. Now you need to reconfigure the modem.

Currently, FTTB technology is becoming more and more widely used, which allows you to obtain high-quality, uninterrupted communication between your computer and your Internet provider. However, a large number of users, for certain reasons, still use ADSL modems (for example, in places remote from the city, where it is inappropriate to run a cable). The reality is that an ADSL connection is quite capricious, so to speak, and requires compliance with many conditions. The most common problem with operating such equipment is that the DSL light on the modem does not light up. Typically, users try to solve the problem by calling technical service. However, the lack of a signal is not always due to problems with the Internet provider. According to statistics, equipment malfunction occurs in less than 1% of cases. Loss of connection often occurs on the cable section from distribution box to the hardware device itself. Let's try to figure out why our device loses connection to the Internet and how to quickly fix it.

  1. We turn on the hardware device to the network and press the start button.
  2. We wait about half a minute for the device to boot.
  3. Check to see if the DSL light is on. If the light is constantly on, it means that the connection to the Internet is established and correct. If the light blinks, the equipment is trying to find a connection to the Internet. Typically, searching for a network takes 30 seconds, maximum - up to three minutes. Once communication is established, the light should light up.

If the DSL light is still off on the modem, this indicates a breakdown in communication between the modem and the Internet provider. This happens due to the following factors:

  • The subscriber is disconnected from the PBX network;
  • The PBX line is unstable, there is interference or a break;
  • The splitter does not work;
  • Incorrect operation of equipment;
  • The telephone cable is not connected correctly to the hardware device.

First we check the telephone line. To do this, you need to make sure that a characteristic dial tone is heard in the handset.

If there is no dial tone, connect the phone directly to the cable without using a splitter. If a beep now appears in the handset, it means the splitter itself is not working. No dial tone indicates a disconnected telephone line. If the dial tone is heard with wheezing, crackling and similar noises, then there is some kind of interference on the telephone line.

If the dial tone in the handset is normal, you can turn on the device directly, ignoring the splitter. In this case, if the DSL light comes on, it means that the Internet has appeared, and the problem lies in the splitter.

If the light still does not light up, follow this procedure:

  • Disconnect the modem from electricity a short time and connect again;
  • We check for mechanical damage to the cable;
  • We check whether the cables fit completely into the connectors of the device.

If none of the above methods help, call the hotline.

  1. Check to see if the “Link LAN” LED is lit.

The DSL light on the modem should be on. If the light is off, it means there is no connection between the modem and the network. We perform the following steps:

Sometimes connection loss can be caused by disabling the Internet connection function operating system user. To enable this option, do the following:

If the problem is not resolved, call technical support.

If the page doesn't load. This does not yet indicate connection problems. There may be problems with the server on which the requested site is located. Open other pages. If they don’t load, call technical support.

Setting up the operation of the ADSL - USB modem

If there is no Internet connection, check whether the hardware device is connected to the cable correctly. The “USB” and “DSL” LEDs on the modem body should be lit. If at least one of the LEDs does not light up, reconnect all cables.

Checking the modem settings.

In some cases, problems with the Internet appear due to an incorrectly installed driver. In this case, you should uninstall the current version of the software and install a new driver.

In some cases, if you have Windows 98 or Windows ME installed, you should make sure that the “remote access controller” is present. If it is not installed, use the standard installation in the Add or Remove Programs menu in Control Panel.

If necessary, for detailed instructions on setting up ADSL USB equipment, please refer to the User Manual. Included with the modem is detailed instructions to installing and using the device. If you have questions, you can search necessary information there.

The most common network errors:

  • Error No. 629 (with Windows 98 installed) - The remote server interrupted the connection.
  • Error No. 678 (with Windows 2000, XP installed) - No response from the server.
  • Error 692 - Hardware error.

With such errors, updating the device driver helps.

Error #769 - The specified parameter is not available.


As a result, having considered all the problems associated with modem malfunction, we can conclude that the most common reason for the lack of an Internet connection is not a hardware error, but an incorrect connection of the device. This problem is quite easy to solve by following the instructions described above. If you can’t fix the problem yourself, you can always contact technical support for help, which usually works around the clock.


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