What numbers bring good luck and money. Numbers for wealth

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Every person is persecuted in life different numbers. And while many consider this to be a common coincidence, few get acquainted with their lucky matrix of numbers. This combination brings money, wealth, fulfills dreams and desires related to finance. Surely, many have noticed how everything comes easy to one person, any work increases income, while another, despite great effort and work, cannot get any income. The numerology of money explains all this; it describes the meaning of each number and its impact on a person’s life. For each individual there is a special lucky number and a special combination of numbers, having learned which you can attract money to yourself like a magnet.

What is money numerology?

Numerology has been mentioned since ancient times of human existence. This science tells about the influence of numbers on a person’s luck, happiness and prosperity. The mystical abilities of numbers are described in the Pythogarean tradition and Muslim cosmological teaching. The great Galileo argued that the Universe was written by God in the language of numbers. With the help of mathematics, you can calculate all the processes of the Universe; it underlies all sciences. Even ancient civilizations understood the influence of numbers on many areas and identified sacred numbers for themselves. In order to always be in abundance, you need to know your lucky number and adhere to the rules of using money.

How to handle money?

In addition to the meaning of each number and the definition of your lucky one, in order to always be in abundance, remember simple rules handling money. By following them, you will notice how often banknotes of different sizes appear in the house.

So, basic rules handling money:

  • Never keep dirty, wrinkled or torn banknotes at home. They love money careful attitude. Keep them in your wallet and get rid of any torn ones immediately.
  • For new projects and cash deposits, use new banknotes. Use the old ones for household needs and everyday needs.
  • Don't lend money. If you still have to do this, then borrow the minimum number of bills. One bill equal to 1000 is better than 10 bills of 100.
  • The most favorable time for magical rituals for raising money - Friday evening, after sunset;
  • Don't count money in the evening. The favorable time for this is morning.
  • Don't focus your attention on money. Dream about things that money can buy. This way your wishes will come true much faster.
  • Do not keep jewelry purchased with your own money at home, as it will attract thieves and scammers. Store them in a jar. Gifted jewelry can be kept at home; it creates a very favorable atmosphere for cash flow.

A way to attract money

The magic of numbers can work wonders with a person’s wealth. There are several simple secrets, helping to attract money throughout your life.

Remember them and do them every day:

  • Never ask God for money, ask for desires that can be purchased with banknotes;
  • Do not spare money, do not skimp, give gifts to loved ones, invest money in charity. Thus, you will create a money funnel around yourself, and you will always have money;
  • Save money, but in moderation. Don't be hard on yourself on birthdays and holidays.

Wealth code

The money code according to numerology in comparison with the number of fate is calculated very simply. To do this, you do not need the entire date of birth, it is enough to know the name and number in which the person was born. The resulting monetary code remains unchanged with the person for life. Not all numbers are favorable for prosperity, but with a certain approach they can attract monetary wealth. Knowing your lucky number, you can avoid many losses. Its meaning will tell you whether it is possible to take out loans, lend, how to spend and save. For the calculation, we will need a table with the decoding of letters into numbers.

Example: name Inna, birthday 5

1 (I)+6(N)+6(N)+1(A)= 14+5=19=1+9=10=1+0=1

The result is the monetary number 1, which will remain unchanged throughout the owner’s life. In the numerology of money, only 9 numbers are considered sacred. Their meaning will help every person control their wealth.

Enter your name:

Your birthday:


To learn how to calculate the numbers of a name, refer to the article “Name Numerology”. In the meantime, you can familiarize yourself with the designation of your wealth code:

1 - start symbol

The money number 1 symbolizes the beginning of beginnings. After all, this is where the counting begins. One is not the luckiest number in terms of money, but with the right attitude towards money, you can achieve incredible financial wealth. People with this money code have all the makings of opening own business, development of new technologies and abilities. Increasing the wealth of a single person is possible only by acquiring knowledge and practical experience. Money will not appear from anywhere, and in addition, you will need to take care of the funds you earn and manage them correctly.

Money number 1 also symbolizes constancy, stability and incredible precision. So that luck always accompanies you life path, you should not waste money thoughtlessly. On the contrary, you need to handle them carefully and waste responsibly. For a person with a money code, the main thing is not the amount of money, but its availability. Only their presence is wealth for the owner of the unit. Therefore, value money, treat it with care, invest in trusted sources. The help of wise people will come in handy. Their advice and knowledge will help you avoid mistakes. Good wealth will require strong perseverance and work. The best mascot for one there will be an equivalent coin. Remember that one is very auspicious number, but not paired with zero. Therefore, do not invest or lend amounts that include 1s and 0s.

2 - money code

A very useful figure. People with this money code can easily make a profit. Two multiplies money and attracts large amounts. The main disadvantage is thoughtless waste. Holders of two, as a rule, spend them left and right, I don’t know the count and the value of them. The effect of a magic number can be described by the following phrase: it knows how to find money, but does not know how to spend it. This explains it all. A person with this number cannot manage his money himself; he will not be able to accumulate it and spend it measuredly.

It is better to entrust the storage of your earned money to a close, trusted person, for example, a wife, husband, or parents. This is the only way to avoid thoughtless waste. Another enemy of deuce is gambling. By entering a casino, you can lose all your funds. To maintain your wealth, carry a horseshoe talisman with you always and everywhere. For a deuce, this is the most favorable talisman. Advice! Large bills with the number 2, exchange it immediately, do not keep such money in your wallet, do not give or borrow it.

3 - active money number

One of the most favorable numbers in money numerology. The owner of a three will always be in abundance. The profit from any contribution will only multiply. A bill or coin with a three is the best talisman for this person. A figurine of a three-legged toad also promises good luck for the trio. Donations with a total of three will benefit people. Success will accompany you in any endeavor, the only exception being absolute inaction.

The number 3 itself is very stable. Amounts of money with this number can be lent, invested in projects, donated and saved. People with this wealth code depend on fairness from birth. By doing good and helping others, you can improve your own life. Any help will be returned with interest.

4 is the most stable number

One of the most stable numbers from the sacred nine. It will not make a person fabulously rich, but it will bring stable, high income. Profits will multiply in a timely manner. When you open your own business with partners, money will come steadily and steadily. The owner of 4 knows the value of money, treats it with care, and most importantly knows how to earn it. There will be no luck or spontaneous profit here, only clearly set goals and completed actions to earn money.

The ideal talisman for the four would be rings. This is why many men’s financial situation improves after marriage, that is, after they began to carry them with them constantly. wedding ring. But even before marriage, you can control your wealth by purchasing a ring as a talisman of money. Women with money code 4 protect their savings from an early age by wearing jewelry in the form of rings. There will be business for such people the best way increase wealth. The main thing is to work positively and not make negative attitudes. Amounts of money of 40, 400, 4000 can be safely left for storage or accumulation. Nothing bad will happen to them.

5 is a useful number for spending

The monetary code is rightfully classified as an expense. All purchases made using banknotes with the number five will last a long time and bring pleasure. Having spent 50, 500 or five thousand, the money will be returned in the near future. The owner of an A should know that his financial situation depends on his own confidence and mood. The best talisman for a five is a round object, for example a coin of 5 kopecks, rubles, cents, and so on. It should be stored in a secluded place inaccessible to prying eyes.

Over the years, the talisman will gain strength and will give it to the owner. The energy of the five requires a person to correctly prioritize. There is no need to waste time on trifles. This applies not only to money, but also to all everyday matters. Only under such circumstances will money be a permanent guest.

Since the magic number is intended for spending, money in this amount is often taken on a trip. This will bring pleasure and positivity from shopping. If you want to build a house or equip it, then spend bills with the number five. Then everything that is purchased will last for many years.

6 - number of stable income

Money number 6, like 3, is lucky in the numerology of money. But the six is ​​more for payment utilities, paying off loans and debts, purchasing household items, clothing and shoes. This kind of money quickly returns to your wallet. The number 6 itself is a connecting sign between the spiritual and material world. To increase your wealth, it is important to take care of your physical and mental health. Taking financial solutions, listen to your sixth sense. Intuition will not let you down even at the most difficult moment.

The growth and circulation of money depends on the presence of strong friendship and devoted love from the owner. Six is ​​great for saving. When debugging your savings, choose an amount with this figure. Such a step promises not only the safety of money, but also its increase. We can say that money will work for its owner. Advice! Don't get hung up on the material world, develop your spirituality.

7 is a dangerous number for gambling

For those with a lucky seven, gambling can be an absolute disaster. You should avoid them so as not to lose all your property in an instant. Very often, thanks to people with money number 7, gambling establishments flourish. It’s not for nothing that the number seven is the favorite of all casino owners. Seven is a dangerous number in the numerology of money, one might say, the most unfavorable, although in other areas it is considered lucky. It symbolizes spiritual balance, but has nothing to do with material things, therefore it does not bring success in finance.

Some tips for those with a seven:

  • Avoid gambling, thoughtless spending and useless purchases;
  • Don’t treat money as simple pieces of paper, give it a special meaning;
  • Do not give or borrow more than you can give;
  • Listen to the instructions of wise people.

8 - infinity symbol

Eight is rightfully considered a symbol of infinity, which in the numerology of money means a constant money cycle. The main rule for the owner of the number is not to spend or save money unnecessarily. The ideal way balance cash flow - invest money in own development. In order to earn even more money, you need to make useful purchases. Fortune will always be on a person’s side, you just need to follow your heart.

Eight is considered a very changeable, unstable number. If you take a risk in time, you can win a real jackpot. To increase wealth, a person must constantly monitor changes in the world and keep up with the times. People born under this money number know how to not only save money correctly, but also make huge profits from investments. The best talisman for the code would be a coin with a figure eight or a pendant with an infinity sign.

9 is a neutral number

Nine has absolutely no effect on a person’s financial sphere. Its owners will not be fabulously rich, but they will not become extremely poor either. Subject to one condition, they will always have enough money to live and fulfill extraordinary desires. The main thing is to always adhere to this slogan: “Spend as much as you earn, and earn as much as you can spend.” This is the case when neither savings nor excessive spending of money will bring wealth to the owner.

Good income for a nine arises only with positive attitude and a talisman with sharp corners. It can be a triangle, square and other similar shapes. The peculiarity of the talisman is symmetry. For improvement financial situation It is important to learn money signs and predictions every day. Nines should also always be aware financial horoscopes And lunar calendar. The money number symbolizes wisdom in business and life experience.

Lucky bills

Regardless of the wealth code, there is such a thing as a lucky bill. It cannot be spent or exchanged. In order to always have money, you need to carry a lucky bill in your wallet. But how to determine that same money? There are several ways:

  1. If in the room banknote If there are three sevens, even if not in a row, then this is definitely lucky. The number seven has a sacred meaning. It symbolizes success that happened without any effort, but only thanks to luck.
  2. If there are a huge number of eights in the banknote number, then it will definitely become lucky for the owner. In Feng Shui, the infinity symbol is also a symbol of wealth and prosperity. The more eights, the better.
  3. If the letters in the banknote series correspond to the person’s initials, then it can also be used to attract money.
  4. You will be even more lucky if you find a banknote with numbers corresponding to your date of birth. For example, 09/05/1989 will appear in the same order in the serial number.
  5. Effective money talisman a banknote long forgotten in clothes may also become. IN in this case its denomination and serial number do not matter. If you accidentally stumble upon money that has been hidden or forgotten for a long time while going through things, place it in your wallet to attract new bills.
  6. When you receive your salary, do not spend all your money. When you get home, take the entire amount and throw it up. The bill that lands at your feet or closest will be the lucky one. Place it in your wallet and carry it until your next paycheck. Then replace it with a new one and spend the old one as soon as possible.
  7. Do you want to find a special bill, just for you? Then you will need to calculate your numeric code. To do this, you will need your full name and letter decoding table. Under each letter you need to write its numerical value, and then add everything up. The output will be a prime number. This should be done with the last name and patronymic. As a result, you will receive three special numbers, which are what you look for on banknotes. Once you find a bill with all these numbers, keep it in your wallet.
  8. Well, in conclusion, another difficult way to find a lucky bill. To do this, you will need to calculate your personal number by adding three digits of your first name, middle name and last name. Look for the personal number in the serial number of the bill. Ideal option will be if it comes first.

Everything in the world is measured and fair. Each aspect has its own terms and conditions. The financial sector is no exception. Regardless of the specific data about a person, you need to adhere to these rules in order to gain wealth. They love money good attitude, keep them banknote to bill in your wallet, do not tie them with rubber bands. When making a wish, focus not on the amount of money, but on the thing that can be bought for it. Don't be stingy, help your neighbors with deeds and money. As your money grows, increase your giving to charity.

Useful tips

Everyone knows that numbers, in addition to quantitative characteristics, also have qualitative ones. They are endowed with a rich symbolic meaning that can be attributed to any area of ​​life.

Below we will tell you about the symbolic meaning of numbers from 1 to 9. Numbers greater than 9 must be reduced to a single digit. For example, 15 is 1+5=6, 3462 is 3+4+6+2=15=1+5=6. A single digit number in monetary terms represents the most powerful energy, but each part of a multi-digit number also carries important energy. For example, the number 3462 includes the energies of 3000, 400, 60, 2 and 6.

Note that in order to obtain accurate information regarding a specific person, his life circumstances and events, any individual number in complex human numerology charts must be an integral part of a larger analysis that includes several numbers in different positions of the chart. However, starting to study energy from each individual number is a good first step.

So let's get started.

Money Numerology

Digit 1

1, 10 and even 19 (the number of karmic debt) in a key position symbolize monetary advantage. However, as a temporary vibration, 1 can represent the ending of something good, where a person must start over. At the same time, initiating new cases under the sign of this number is very good sign future prosperity.

Digit 2

IN monetary numerology this number symbolizes debt, sacrifice and need. It is not at all advisable to purchase goods with deuces or receive a salary that contains deuces. The same can be applied to 11, because when this number is reduced to a single digit, the same 2 is obtained.

Do not borrow amounts with deuces, because you will have difficulty paying it back. Also, you should not lend 2000, 11,000 or 20,000 to anyone, because the likelihood of non-repayment of the debt increases significantly.

We also advise you not to store your funds in two places. It is not recommended to keep all your eggs in one basket, but it is also not recommended to divide your hard-earned money between two banks, because the chances of going broke increase. Better choose 4 banks. Two represents theft, deceit, duplicity and constant savings.

Digit 3

This figure symbolizes some financial acquisition. Three are lucky only when it comes to a constant financial flow. The energy of the troika is the energy of additional earnings, expansion, and new opportunities. Threes really like movement, activity and action.

However, this number is not suitable for savings, because it will not quietly lie in a piggy bank or on a card. Therefore, it is not recommended to save amounts with threes or threes, because they will quickly be spent. You need to constantly do something with triplets.

Digit 4

This number carries the energy of stability, because the four is strong, stable and resilient. It is ideal for those who like predictability and stability. Amounts containing this figure are excellent savings in family budgets and are suitable for bank deposits.

If the price of a product includes a four, then you can safely take such a product in installments. This figure does not promise big money, amounts with a four, as a rule, are earned exclusively by honest work. But at the same time, the four rewards you with the ability to plan income and expenses, and also protects you from pointless spending.

Money and numbers

Number 5

This number is closely related to money and luck. Five is a prosperous career, five is great for acquisitions of any kind. If it is included in the price tag of the product, then you can make the purchase without even thinking about it.

Amounts with a five are great for various contributions and investments. With the help of this number they often win at casinos; it is also good to spend five on buying a gift, since in the future it will be a justified investment. However, the five is not at all suitable for storage; it will constantly force you to spend money on entertainment and pleasure.

Number 6

This number is capable of attracting financial resources exclusively for the most necessary things, and only if a person has no debts from past life, which happens quite often. The Six will not let you go hungry, wear leaky shoes and accumulate debts. utility bills. However, don't expect a luxurious life either.

The energy of money is directly related to the energy of numbers. And the six itself is energy level– these are restrictions and hard work. If a person wage associated with this number, then in most cases it is very difficult for him, he works from dusk to dawn and accepts many restrictions. Experts do not advise investing in anything related to the six amounts, or putting them on deposit, because they will generate the smallest income.

Number 7

This number is a wildcard for money. In the vast majority of cases, the seven symbolizes financial problems. Many people believe that seven is divine guardianship, a lucky number. This is actually true if we look at it from the point of view of self-development and spirituality. However, in money numerology it is incredibly dangerous.

This number likes surprises and savers like stability. It is extremely undesirable to lend, give, deposit, or inherit amounts with this number. Do not purchase products that have a seven in the price tag; you may face losses.

Number 8

In the numerology of money, this number is considered a real magnet that attracts money like a magnet. This is a lot of money, but it can also result in big losses and big troubles. This number is also called the God number or the infinity number. The Eight helps increase capital and also helps open up new opportunities for making money.

Moreover, the number eight helps money come from different sources. The number is great for working with financial indicators. It patronizes currency exchange employees whose work involves constant risk. The number is great for investment.

Number 9

Nine, like seven, is more connected with the spiritual world than with the material world. Finances are by and large indifferent to her. However, this figure, unlike 7, is not charged with negativity in monetary terms. Moreover, it helps those who know how to care for other people.

Amounts with a nine can and should be given to those in need, as well as donated to charitable organizations. In this way, a person activates the energy of giving, which will certainly return to him a hundredfold.

Money in a person's life

But how do numbers in monetary terms affect a person’s life? There are several theories trying to explain this phenomenon. According to the first, numbers have vibrations that are on the same wavelength with different areas of our lives. Each number comes into contact with a person and with the universe. That is, their influence on us cannot be underestimated.

Another theory says that numbers carry a certain sacred meaning, due to which they attract energy. Most likely, both theories are true, but the truth, as always, is somewhere between them.

Can't vibrations be a part sacred meaning, or vice versa? If you think in this vein, then the theory will immediately acquire new interesting details. The way a person attracts money to himself is also one of these energies or vibrations, and therefore can be influenced.

There are two ways in which a person can influence his cash flow through bills and numbers. The first is to find a lucky banknote that can bring you financial well-being. But choosing it is not very easy. The second way is numerology. Everyone will be able to find something for themselves. Will these bills somehow differ in the strength of their action (successful and calculated according to numerological principles)? No, there won't be any difference.

Numerology of money

The method you choose is entirely up to you as you like. The main thing to remember is: do not approach this issue unless you have confidence in what you are doing. It is very important to believe that this particular banknote will be your talisman, no matter what. Moreover, the bill will only help you, but not do everything for you. Therefore, you will also need to try. You yourself must begin to move towards wealth.

How to choose your lucky banknote?

The choice must be made based on certain factors. First of all, the bill should carry a psychological and energetic message. In other words, it must mean something to its owner. Also, the banknote should be a kind of hook for the subconscious; it should be charged to bring success in monetary matters.

The bill must be associated with some incredibly successful purchase or purchase. Moreover, the banknote must have positive energy. For example, it should be pleasant to the touch for you personally.

Our daily life is surrounded by numbers. Numerical values ​​follow us literally at every step.

But how many people have thought that there is a so-called numerology of money?

Many of you have noticed that there are people who are constantly lucky in money matters. They easily find a decent job and it seems that money flows to them like a river. Others, on the contrary, try in vain to attract money into their lives.

The thing is that, according to numerology, there is a special money matrix for each person individually, as well as special lucky money numbers, using which you can correctly use your financial flows.

Personal payment

In order to determine specifically your money number according to numerology, you need to carry out enough simple calculations. They are all based on your full name. Add up all the numbers that correspond to the letters from the table below.

As an example, let's look at a specific name:

  • Eliseev Ivan Sergeevich
  • Eliseev: 6+1+10+7+6+6+3=39=3+9=12
  • Ivan: 10+3+1+3=17
  • Sergeevich: 7+6+6+4+6+6+3+10+1=49=4+9=12
  • The resulting number is: 12+17+12= 41= 4+1= 5

Significance of the results obtained

When calculating, you should get certain number up to the number 22 inclusive. This is how the personal numerology of money is calculated. Now let’s look at the meaning of each number in monetary numerology.

  1. A person whose money number corresponds to the number 1 the greatest profit will receive from intellectual activity, which is associated with different trips, is the number of the road. For example, raising money will be most likely through business trips.
  2. Those who have the number 2 have a greater tendency to spend money; they should be careful in this matter. The most suitable profession for them will be in the field of accounting related to finance.
  3. They strive for luxury, they want to get easy money. You need to be very careful with the people around you and trust only trusted partners.
  4. Very hardworking people who are able to earn money in almost any field of activity. But you should be very careful in your spending, you can accumulate a lot of debts.
  5. This number is positive enough to receive money. Such people easily receive the desired amounts, and it is also possible to receive a large inheritance. But at the same time, you should watch your financial condition, keep everything under control at all times.
  6. By investing their money correctly, such people are able to attract money into their lives without special effort. The number 6 itself already has special money vibrations.
  7. Money will come from different places with a certain frequency, but very stably. Unnecessary risks should be avoided.
  8. The thirst for big profit, the desire to get income from everywhere can lead to big expenses. Such people should be more attentive to their partners and check their sources of income more carefully.
  9. The person has a great desire to achieve financial well-being, uses his savings very wisely. You need to listen to your inner voice; the most profitable investments will be in investing.
  10. Gambler. Seeks to get money through various lotteries and gambling. And he succeeds, but there are also big losses, so you should not abuse your luck.
  11. Such people have very developed powers of persuasion. There are always many like-minded people around them who can support them in difficult times and increase their savings.
  12. There is a dual attitude towards money, sometimes ups, sometimes small downs. Most often, people are very hardworking, and with enough effort, they can easily and quickly achieve the desired result.
  13. If a person is satisfied with his work, then he is able to achieve very good results in his business, money will be easy for him.
  14. His income depends on how honest a person is. Only honesty in work and relationships with colleagues will help such people make a good profit.
  15. People with original ideas, very addicted. Receiving money comes through the embodiment of the most daring ideas, and you should be persistent and persistent in your endeavors.
  16. Hardworking people earn money through hard work. They are also able to spend them quickly. Support from a partner is required.
  17. A person earns profit from different places. Such people can have a main job, but at the same time realize their intended interests. The travel industry is very successful.
  18. When he receives the desired amount of money, he is able to multiply it many times without much effort.
  19. This figure suggests that a person should not be afraid major projects, be decisive, then luck will smile, and money will easily come into his life.
  20. Initiative people. They receive a stable income and know how to manage their finances correctly. Making a profit is possible through good gifts, inheritance.
  21. A person with a developed sense. It is recommended to play on the exchanges. A very useful number that can attract good profits.
  22. Not a very good figure for money, but if you have reserves for future use, you can avoid financial pitfalls.

Meanings of numbers

In order for money to bring even more income to its owners, some features in the numerology of numerical values ​​should be taken into account. Each person can attract the necessary amount to himself, knowing certain numerical values ​​of money.

The meaning of numbers in relation to money:

  • 0 is the so-called empty number, the absence of a result. If you have a desire to accumulate a certain amount, then you do not need to start with it, most likely it will not bring the result you need.
  • The unit itself begins the number series; it is a good number for starting a project or business. Generally a positive number in monetary numerology.
  • 2 – two is usually considered a useful number for money, it can double profits, you can get good result. However, you should try not to lend amounts that contain the number 2. That is, 200, 2000, and so on.
  • 3 is a very active money number. It is suitable for business development, in order to spend amounts with the numbers 3. This is the number of acquisitions. It is not very suitable for saving money, but when purchasing something, you can get very good results.
  • 4 is a very stable number. It symbolizes average income, but very stable. If four partners open their own business, then you can be sure that everything will go well; immediate upswing, of course, is not expected, but the company will develop very steadily, and the profit will be constant. If you keep funds in the amount of 40, 400, and so on, then you can be sure that nothing will happen to them. A very good stable number for money.
  • 5 – intended for various expenses. If you are going on a trip, it is best to take this amount of money with you. Five will bring positive emotions from shopping and entertainment. If you keep five in your wallet, you can attract easy money to your wallet.
  • 6 – not very good for money good number. It is very weak in financially. It entails need, lack of funds. This kind of money will only be enough to survive. It can attract everyday routine worries and troubles.
  • 7 – It is believed that if you keep your savings in amounts with sevens, it can bring good luck. This is a lucky number. And also use this number in card numbers and PIN codes.
  • 8 is a very changeable money number. You can get big profits with it if you know how to take the right risks. It is necessary to monitor external changes in the world, keep up with the times, then you can get very rich.
  • 9 is a neutral monetary number. It is unlikely to bring great results in savings, but it can be used for donations and spending for your own personal purposes. Symbolizes life experience and wisdom in business and life.

To achieve financial well-being, you need hard work and knowledge of your business, but knowledge of some numerological laws will be very useful.

Using the knowledge gained in the numerology of money in the practice of saving money, you can achieve great results, the main thing is the desire. Author: Marina Tsurkan

Each number has its own energy charge, on which its ability to attract good luck depends. various fields, including financial ones. What number should you bet on so that the money never leaves your wallet?

Your money number

The first thing you need to do is determine your monetary number, which you received when you were born. It denotes the main line of the financial sphere and depends on the birthday.

  • If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th (of any month), your money number is 1. Quite unfortunate for those who need to improve their financial situation. Money comes from painstaking work.
  • For those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th, the money number is 2. It, just like the unit, prevents the influx of money. In addition, “two” people tend to give everything away: they will take off their last shirt to help someone who asks.
  • Were you born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th? Your money number is 3. It’s difficult for you to save money for future use: the desire to reach new heights eats up almost everything you put aside. But there is always potential for development.
  • For those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st, the money number is 4. The opportunity you have to save up, however, is not very large. Your income, although stable, is still small.
  • People who came into this world on the 5th, 14th or 23rd are assigned the money number 5. Your wallet is never completely empty, but there are practically no savings either. You just don’t consider it necessary to limit yourself in anything.
  • If your birthday is the 6th, 15th or 24th, your money number is 6. It actively attracts money. True, on your way to financial success Obstacles often arise.
  • Those born on the 7th, 16th or 25th are assigned the money number 7. Seven people are rarely rich: they tend to make grandiose, but not always realistic plans.
  • Those born on the 8th, 17th or 26th are lucky: your money number is 8. You excellent chances attract money if you keep your nose to the wind.
  • Were you born on the 9th, 18th or 27th? Your money number is 9. Financial flows are not particularly attracted to you, because you are not tuned in to them: you are more interested in the spiritual side of life.

If the money number is unlucky

As can be seen from the descriptions of monetary numbers, most of them cannot in any way be called a magnet for finance. And therefore we will have to rebuild.

For example, you are a “four”. Analyze your spending and optimize your budget. If you owe money, try to pay off creditors as quickly as possible - and start your financial life with a clean slate. You can also: look for another job (or maybe even a profession - this is a chance to finally do what you love), take on a part-time job.

The Seven should look at things more practically. If you are calculating the result, first of all keep in mind the most unfortunate possible one. And under no circumstances get involved in dubious adventures.

Of the other numbers, “one” and “two” are the most difficult. If the idealistic “nine” itself does not strive to meet monetary energies (and money does not come without an invitation), the “five” loves pleasure too much to tighten its belt (although it is quite capable of doing this), and the “three”, due to its irrepressibility, never finds themselves broke (and you just need to concentrate on a specific matter), then people with money numbers 1 and 2 don’t have many options to improve the situation.

And yet there is no reason to despair. Just avoid in Everyday life numbers 1,2, 5, 7 and 9. But on the contrary, attract 6 and 8: they are favorable for absolutely everyone! Keep not one, but 6 pens on your desk; went to the store to buy apples - buy 6 or 8 pieces and so on. This will definitely work!

How to save money

Money must be respected and not squandered. And also, put it aside correctly so that it doesn’t slip through your fingers. Be sure to make a “down payment” towards your future material well-being(at least a symbolic amount) - without this, money will not find its way to you. But first calculate the number of the amount of money. If it is favorable (6 or 8), then everything will go according to the saying: “Money leads to money.”

The number of the amount of money is determined simply. Let's say you want to save 3,500 rubles. We add up the numbers that make up this amount: 3+5+0+0=8, you can put it aside. Another example: 2800 rubles. The number of the amount of money is: 2+8+0+0=10. We reduce it to single digits according to the rule of numerology: 1+0=1. And “one” is a direct road to lack of money. What to do? By selection, adjust the amount so that the result is 6 or 8. A good “stash” would be 2780 rubles (2+7+8+0=17, 1+7=8) or 2760 rubles (2+7+6+0= 15, 1+5=6).

With the help of numbers, we can speed up or slow down the actions taking place around us, increase fortune and love, and reduce problems.

Don't believe me? Try it yourself! And the money code will work for you!

Success, prosperity, happiness!

The money code will make your life different...

Money code – Magic square Ford

Let's fast forward to the richest country, America, in other words, the United States. Henry Ford, in whose factories the conveyor belt was first invented and used, was himself an engineer-inventor. He was also interested in arithmetic.

Pythagorean money code

Few people know that one day Ford read about the magic square of Pythagoras. It goes without saying that the ancient Greek mathematician believed that the world is ruled by numbers, and everything can be calculated and expressed mathematically. Everyone knows that he created a whole science of numbers - numerology, proving that there are nine main numbers: from 1 to 9, and all the rest are composite: for example, 12 = 3 (1 + 2); 29 = 2 (2+9=11, but 1+1=2). The mathematician composed a special magic square from 9 numbers (from 1 to 9), in which he expressed the harmony of the world. The square is simple and written from top to bottom:

1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9

But it is amazing: the sum of the numbers in the left row (1+2+3=6) is equal to the sum of the numbers in the middle row (4+5+6=15, in other words 1+5=6) and the sum of the numbers in the right row (7+8+9 =24, in other words 2+4=6).

Pythagoras considered this square as a description of the past (left row), the real (center) and the future (right row). The past (1, 2, 3) consists of small numbers, but all mathematics begins with them.

The middle row is the most stable and purposeful, because 4 is a square, 5 is a star, 6 is a hexagon tending to a circle. But the right row, consisting of the largest numbers (7, 8, 9) is the future of a person.

Ford was interested in Pythagorean numerology and made sure that the magic square worked on a purely material level (the Greeks had great respect for the real world and its real benefits) and therefore could help in acquiring wealth.

The ancient Greeks wrote the Pythagorean square on special tablets and placed those tablets in amphorae, where gold and silver ingots, measures of grain or combed wool were stored - the main wealth of the era of Antiquity, believing that the magic numbers of Pythagoras would help increase all this.

And so the cunning Ford took and drew a square on a dollar bill, hid it in a secret compartment of his own wallet and did not show it to anyone.

So what would you think? His funds really began to multiply. And indeed, very soon, the first assembly line was launched at Ford enterprises...

The money code works!

Please note that the remaining entrepreneurs, who knew about the essence of the invention, did not even want to look at the money code. The assembly line increased production at Ford plants exponentially.

There are many magic squares in arithmetic, and all of this is the code for money.

Paracelsus money code

There is, for example, the Paracelsian square or the Paracelsian money code:

2 9 4
7 5 3
6 1 8

The highlight of this square is that it is calculated from top to bottom (like the Pythagorean square) and from right to left according to the number 15, in other words 1+5=6 (just like Pythagoras).

But since Paracelsus was a doctor, he built his own square to help correct and evolve the physical body. It is useful to keep this square written on a piece of leather or natural fabric (silk, linen) at the head of the bed or under the pillow during illness.

Jupiter money code

There is another powerful square called the Jupiter square (Jupiter money code). I would really like to emphasize that it no longer consists of 3 sides, but of 4 and, as it were, takes into account not only, as we put it, ordinary numbers(1-9), and the components are from 1 to 16. Please note that this is a square (money code) of fame and domination. And there is no need to even say that if you need it, write it on reddish silk and place it in the southern corner of your room or apartment.

4 14 15 1
9 7 6 12
5 11 10 8
16 2 3 13

The sum of any side of the square of Jupiter is 34 – one of the magic numbers. And there is no need to even say that this square is “higher” than the square of Pythagoras or Paracelsus, because the total, in general, is not 6, but 7 (3+4). No matter how strange it may be, in other words, he finally appeals not to material energies (6), but to, as we constantly say, spiritual, which is usually expressed, so to speak, by the number 7.

But when working with squares, in the end, you should keep one rule in mind - you don’t need to get too carried away with anything. In other words, if you are generally healthy, you should not sleep with a Paracelsus square under your pillow. It is also possible that you will need to put it in a hidden place later. It goes without saying that the same is true with the square of Jupiter.

You will eventually be able to use the Pythagorean square (Pythagorean money code) to attract luck, as many put it, material world. It goes without saying that for multiplication Money the square, so to speak, is drawn directly on the bill, which is later stored in the wallet.

For health, you should finally use the Paracelsus square. It must be emphasized that it is written on a piece of leather or, as many say, natural fabric (silk, linen) and is placed at the head of the bed or under the pillow during illness.

For strength and power, use the square of Jupiter (Jupiter money code). It must be emphasized that it is drawn on reddish silk and placed in the southern corner of your room or apartment.

Speeding up - Slowing down...

If you need, to put it mildly, to speed up this or that process (for example, you are late for work, but, as luck would have it, there is no transport, or there are absolutely no funds left in your wallet, and your long-awaited salary is delayed), repeat to yourself as often as possible: "twenty". 2 will increase your efforts, and 0 will nullify the force of opposition.

If, on the contrary, you need to slow down one or another process (for example, a child who wants to get married urgently, but this is not part of your plans), repeat to yourself: “four.” 4 is a square, the most stable figure. It is she who will delay and slow down the action. It's no secret that a square has all sides equal, everything is the same - stability and deceleration.

Add - Subtract

To add something (for example, the number of bills in your wallet or the number of fans), imagine it and repeat: “seven plus one.” 7 is the number of a seemingly mysterious act, 1 is the number of purpose and energy, and 8 (7+1) is the number of infinity.

If you need to lose something (for example, your weight), imagine yourself slim and repeat: “10 minus one.” Undoubtedly, it is worth mentioning that in this case, be prepared for changes: 10-1 = 9, 9 is the number of changes.

Line up - Return

If you need to build or return something ( new house, affairs with the boss or with a loved one), imagine this and repeat: “40 forty“. Do you remember how an unprecedented number of churches were also celebrated in old Moscow? Magically: 40 forties. So say “40 forties,” and what you think about will multiply to infinity.

Damage - Harm

If you need to damage something, you must imagine this something for yourself and say to yourself: “40 four.” First of all, these numbers look like two lightning bolts on the outside. Secondly, the imposition of the 1st square (4) on the second square (4) splits any stability into parts, because there are eight angles, and 8 is the number of infinity. This will result in crushing to infinity - into dust.

Happiness - Luck

If you lack happiness, luck, ease, repeat: “20 one.” Calculating the numerological meaning of the word “happiness” (as if adding up the letters in their digital calculation), you will also get 21!


If you are short on time, repeat to yourself: “ninety-one.” 9 – change, 1 – the most rapid number. Also 1 is the beginning, 9 is the end, in other words, full coverage of the time cycle. It should be noted that the number 911 is not at all accidental; it is used not only as a rescue number. Magicians know that 911 is also the number of the universal office - the one where everything has its own time.

Money Code - Raising Money

On the first lunar day, you can perform an effective ritual to attract money into your life. To do this, you need to choose a code word. For example, the word “abundance” or the word “money”.

1. Say the word “abundance” 3 times.

2. Slowly count from 9 to 1.

3. Say the money code 9 times (“Cosmic abundance is manifested by the flow of money in my life”), being in the most serene state, the reference one, where you feel amazing, are in your most favorite place, where waves of Divine and human love envelop you.

4. Visualize how the flow of cosmic abundance fills your aura, like the gentle rays of the sun. It is ideal to do all this on a sunny day, when you are overwhelmed with positive emotions. Enjoying the perfection of nature, the vastness of the blue sky. Everything blooms and bears fruit. You are part of this whole.

5. Remember that the world was created for you, as for any creature. Feel this fullness of abundance, this oneness of abundance, finally pouring into you and becoming a flow of excitement, happiness, prosperity and harmony, and you repeat again: “Cosmic abundance is manifesting as a flow of money in my life.” Record this state.

6. Say the word - the money code is “abundance”.

7. Count from 1 to 9.

8. Say the word “abundance” again. When pronouncing the word “abundance”, connect your index finger and thumb twice right hand. This gesture, called mudra in acupuncture, plays important role in many esoteric and mystical techniques.

9. Perform this technique every day for a week until this condition becomes stable for you.

10. When you pronounce the word “abundance” and connect your fingers in mudra twice, a program of financial well-being and prosperity will be laid in your subconscious, and later promoted.

Money Code - Success

1 — 3 — 2 — — 5 — 4 — 9 — 9

To ensure yourself success in a particular business, repeat this code in the morning 21 times within a month and imagine that success has already come.

Money Code - Luck

8 – – 9 – 3 –1 – – 5 – 4 – 2

Repeat 77 times.

Money Code - Strength and Health

3 — 3 — 4 — 2 — — 8 — — — 8 — 7

To lift vitality and healing, repeat this code at noon 18 times.

Money Code - Energy of Abundance

3 — 3 — 3 — — — 5 — 7 — 9 — 9

To attract the Energy of Abundance into your life, this code must be repeated in the morning at least 21 times.

Code of Harmony and Peace

4 – 2 – – 4 – 2 – – 7 – 3 – 1

Repeat 33 times in the evening.

Money Code - Developing Intuition

7 — 7 — 7 — — — 5 — 9 — 3 — 9

To develop intuition, this code must be repeated 33 times.

Confidence code

5 – 1 – 1 – – 2 – 4 – 6 – 1

Repeat 77 times.

Code for quickly making the right decision

3 – 6 – 9 – – 7 – – 2 – 4 – 9

Repeat 77 times before making an important decision

Money Code - Overcoming unexpected obstacles and obstacles

1 — 8 — 5 — 1 — 5 — 1 — 8

To overcome unexpected obstacles, this code must be repeated 33 times. The code must be repeated as many days as it takes to achieve the desired result. For some people it is enough to do it once.


1. Dash in numeric code(–) indicates a second pause. That is…

  • – pause lasting one second
  • – – pause lasting two seconds
  • – – – pause of three seconds

2. Repeating a certain code at the same time every day strengthens its magical properties.

As you noticed, each code consists of 7 digits. This is not at all accidental. The fact is that seven is a creative number, a number of mysterious action. Just let the mystery of numbers into your life, and you won’t regret it!

Tibetan mantra

7-7-5-3-1-9-1 is a special mantra that came to us from Tibetan monks. The mantra helps to attract money and other material benefits into life. It must be read 7 times within 7 days. It is pronounced like this: “Seven, seven, five, three, one, nine, one.”

Also, to attract prosperity into life, there is such a ritual. On a small piece of paper, write 7753191. Then bury this note in a pot of earth, saying 3 times: “The earth is full of riches, now my dream is in you.”

After 3 days, plant the seeds of some plant (sprouted, which will probably take root) in the same pot. Every time you water them, say 3 times: “Water and earth revive the seeds.”

Every 3 days, bring the pot to open window and say 3 times: “I need you, Air, like light, and give my dream the dawn.”

When a sprout appears in the pot, light a small candle and say 3 times:

“Burn, Fire, candle, burn and destroy poverty, let the sprout that hides the money sheet increase. And I will prosper with him, attract wealth in money.”

Wait until the candle burns completely, then throw the stub away from the house.

Now you have your own personal well-being plant.


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