What stones are contraindicated for Aquarius women. Stones mascots for Aquarius

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Most people in the world know that a certain constellation corresponds to a person's date of birth. Since ancient times, people have had the knowledge that all signs of the zodiac have their patrons in the form of metals, planets or stones.

Aquarius is one of the most creative signs. These people go through life with optimism and rush to the rescue of those in need of help. The bulk of those born under this constellation have an enviable calmness and are looking for their “place under the Sun”.

What stones are suitable for Aquarius Women

amethyst stone

Women born under this zodiac sign like to keep everything under control and do not tolerate objections. This requirement also applies to their relatives, although they themselves are quite freedom-loving and do not tolerate other people's rules. With the help of amethyst, the fair sex can win the attention and location of the people around them. In addition, this stone protects their family hearth from any problems and hardships. Amethyst is perfect for Aquarius women in position.

Married ladies, who are Aquarius according to the horoscope, must have pearl jewelry that strengthens family bonds and smooth conflict situations. They also contribute to the manifestation of care and tenderness to their loved ones. And yet, pearls will help a woman not to become proud.

Often, the fair sex, born under this constellation, like to dream in solitude. Often they undeservedly praise their partner, but they can break up with him very quickly in the event of a serious disagreement. With the help of aquamarine, Aquarians will be able to throw off the romantic veil from their eyes and look at the world with sober eyes. This will help them in choosing a life partner, protect them from unforeseen mistakes and contribute to the disclosure of their sensuality.

Amber products help strengthen self-confidence, cheer up and add charm.

Which stone is suitable for Aquarius Men

jade stone

Astrologers say that Aquarius men love to bathe in the attention of women, which is facilitated by agate. This black stone helps to reveal male sexuality and acts as a magnet for the weaker sex. If you wear white or yellow agate, this can lead to increased softness of character. Gray stones contribute to reconciliation and the establishment of friendly ties.

With the help of jade, you can get rid of some negative character traits and begin your spiritual development. It gives self-confidence and also attracts finances.

Sapphire is suitable for men - Aquarius with progressive views. This stone will help you achieve new goals in life and complete the work you have begun. In addition, it is recommended to businessmen, as it helps to win in tough competition.

Stones talismans of Aquarius according to the horoscope

The best talismans- amulets for Aquarius are pastel quartz, contributing to the development of faith in them own forces and composure, since Aquarius often have a feeling of despondency and depressive states that negatively affect their future fate.

A quartz talisman helps creative development and attracts inspiration. This stone is great for people of art - actors, writers, artists and musicians. It also protects against accidents and domestic injuries.

Thanks to sapphires, Aquarius becomes calmer and more inquisitive. In people with weak spiritual development, a stone can help change this deficiency. Sapphire gives the representatives of this sign courage and confidence, and also gives a fresh charge of spiritual energy. In addition, he protects Aquarius from deceitful people and deceivers.

by the most magic stone for those born under this constellation, it is customary to consider volcanic glass or obsidian, which is patronized by Uranus, the Sun and Saturn. With the help of this mineral, you can concentrate on finding a solution to an important problem, protect yourself from liars and evil people and get rid of bad habits. Just do not wear obsidian daily, as it can make you shy.

If you feel a breakdown or your vitality has decreased, contact an amethyst. This stone will charge you with positive, give you self-confidence and help you look to the future with optimism. The amethyst talisman will make you more docile and turn away enemies. Also, with the help of this stone, intuition develops well in Aquarius.

If you want to protect yourself from damage, the evil eye and other negative influences, wear agate as a talisman. With it, you can cure stomach diseases and colds, as well as find a way out of an extreme situation.

In the event that you decide to change your life, hyacinth will come in handy. Also, this stone will help not to despair in the most difficult life situations. Since most Aquarians love to travel, aquamarine will help them with this.

What stones are contraindicated for Aquarius?

When choosing a stone for a gift to Aquarius, you need to carefully study its compatibility with this particular person. Otherwise, you may unwittingly harm him.
In no case do not give the representatives of this sign stones that have fiery energy. These include topaz, opal, carnelian, sardonyx, rock crystal, zircon, onyx and chrysolite.

Astrologers do not advise married ladies to wear turquoise jewelry. This stone can destroy a family, causes aggression and pushes to commit rash acts. It also promotes flirting, which, as a rule, does not end well.

Astrologers do not advise Aquarius to wear diamonds, which turn them into stubborn and fanatics.

If you donate beautiful lady born under this constellation, jewelry with diamonds, then you will contribute to its distance from others and isolation. A man who wears jewelry with diamonds is narcissistic and selfish to the point of insanity.
Citrine develops a split personality in Aquarius with an equal degree of positive and negative traits character. In this case, a person cannot make a choice between good and evil.

Aquarius stones by date of birth

Each zodiac sign has its own decades. A stone in the form of a talisman must be chosen based on the date of birth. Only in this case will it have a beneficial effect on its owner over a long period of time.

obsidian stone

The first decade for people who, according to the horoscope of Aquarius, runs from January 21 to February 1. At this time, calm, non-conflict prone to romance personalities are born, whose patroness is Venus. This goddess makes Aquarians extremely sexy and liberated. They should select stones to awaken energy and charm in them.

The best amulets for those born in the first decade are jade, jasper, obsidian, amethyst and pearls.

Aquarius, born from February 2 to 11, belong to the second decade of this constellation. They live under the auspices of Mercury, they are distinguished by clear thinking, good humor and determination. Turquoise, onyx, amethyst, amber, lapis lazuli and chrysoprase are perfect for representatives of the second decade.

The third decade for Aquarius begins on February 12 and lasts until February 20. These people are patronized by Mother Luna. They hate lies, because they themselves are very truthful. They can achieve success in life only if they give up their excessive restraint. For this, there are their assistants garnet, sapphire, chrysoprase, aquamarine, tourmaline and zircon.

An ancient legend tells that noble stones are the work of the devil. Noticing that Eva admires beautiful flowers growing in Eden, Satan painted them colorful and great colors to arouse greed and temptation in people's hearts.

What do astrologers say?

Astrologers state that each stone belongs to a certain sign of the zodiac. That is why a person born in a particular month should wear appropriate jewelry.

In our article we will try to figure out which stones are like Aquarius women.


Pomegranate - semiprecious stone, which exists in several varieties that differ from each other in color (from a yellowish tint to black-red). This mineral is a symbol of love, friendship and cordial feelings. That is why the question of which stone is suitable for Aquarius women can be given a clear answer: pomegranate is a real amulet of happiness for the beautiful representatives of this zodiac sign.

Stone properties

This mineral is a real gift for the Aquarius woman, because it means reciprocity, friendship, memory and nobility. The grenade is also credited medicinal properties. It helps with sore throats, fever and migraines.

If you constantly wear jewelry with this mineral, then the question of which stone is suitable for Aquarius women for love will disappear by itself, because it is easy to notice how the beauty will flutter, inspired by love, passion, good mood and happy thoughts.

Few people know that pomegranate is also called the “stone of honesty”. This wonderful mineral is able to lose its brightness, brilliance and quickly fade when its owner is overcome by greed, greed and ignobleness.

As a rule, a grenade is quite heavy and not very lucky stone. Its main advantage is to generate strong passionate feelings and desires. Often this turns against the owner himself. They say that on the hand of a person in whose soul passion is raging, the pomegranate begins to sparkle and shine.


You ask: “What stones are suitable for Aquarius women by date of birth?” Answer: Zircon. This is a rather rare gem, referred to in the East as "the younger relative of the diamond."

Zircon has many useful properties: improves mental activity, ingenuity, stimulates the desire for knowledge, strengthens memory, etc.

The bluish zircon is considered the talisman of travelers. It also repels wild animals, protects against the bites of poisonous insects and snakes.

Zircon, which has a transparent red hue, is able to lose its radiance in front of bad weather. It is considered an excellent remedy for hallucinations and melancholy. Also, zircon is considered to be a stone of magicians. As a rule, all sorcerers and clairvoyants wear it on their chest to protect themselves from the misfortune of evil spirits and demons.

What is this stone capable of?

Many are interested in: what gems are suitable for Aquarius women according to the horoscope? Zircon is a real talisman for girls born under this sign. But along with positive properties, it also has negative ones. Zircon has long been considered a stone that prevents conception and promotes abortion.

Today, zircon is not fashionable and is considered the stone of courtesans, but among magicians and sorcerers, it is rightfully recognized as the most powerful and domineering.

Which stones are suitable for Aquarius women, we examined, and which ones are combined with their zodiac constellations that dominate the sky at the time of birth? We will talk about this further.


This is the most beautiful gemstone, which is a real symbol of fidelity, modesty and chastity. Sapphire is a talisman for lovers and those who are in a marriage union. This stone is also considered an "amulet of wisdom".

Sapphire strengthens memory, excites a thirst for knowledge, enhances prudence and prudence. He is also able to protect from slander, heal from melancholy, depression, attract the mercy of fate and the sympathy of others.

Sapphire is also called the stone of travelers and seafarers, because it helps to avoid shipwrecks and summon the wind.

Stone abilities

This stone has the ability to give strength to a tired person and save from treachery.

If you wear a bracelet or ring with a sapphire on your left hand, then this will get rid of heart disease, neuralgia and asthma.

Many people ask the question: “And which stone is suitable for Aquarius women for health?” It is also a sapphire. It is he who gives strength against all diseases of the body and soul, against infidelity, fear and anger, but its owner must be kind and chaste.

Rumor has it that sapphire is able to cool passion, but in ancient times, a woman, wanting to seduce a man, held a stone over a bowl of wine before letting her drink from it.

The most powerful is the star sapphire, inside which is a six-pointed star. Its three lines, which are at the intersection, are the three main lines of life: hope, faith and love.

If you are concerned about what gems fit Aquarius and can they bring bad luck to women, we answer: sapphire, on which small cracks, specks, etc. are visible, can bring very big trouble to its owner.


In order to figure out which stones are suitable for Aquarius women, one should understand the nature and interests of the sign itself. As you know, girls born under this sign are quite strong-willed individuals, so they just need a stone that will feed their strength and direct it in the right direction. It is obsidian that has these properties. This stone is considered very strong. It will not allow its owner to take a step in the wrong direction or make the wrong decision.

It is believed that it is not necessary to wear it all the time, otherwise everything in life can turn upside down.

Stone properties

If you are concerned about the question of which stones are suitable for Aquarius women to protect against evil forces, charm and evil eye, then the answer is this case definitely obsidian.

Also, this stone has other properties. For example, travelers and sailors always take it with them to protect themselves from storms and all sorts of other destructive factors.

Lovers can also be calm, because it is obsidian that can protect a couple from quarrels, betrayals and evil thoughts.

Rumor has it that this stone protects against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, normalizes blood pressure, improves immunity, cures gout, impotence and diseases of the genital organs.

For magicians, clairvoyants and sorcerers, obsidian is a kind of window into the past and the future. Necromancers also use them in their work. In the world of magic, this stone is called "meteorite fragments" or "the heart of a demon."

Since ancient times, obsidian has been used for magical rituals and rites. So, for example, the Sumerians used it to make temple mirrors. Previously, it was believed that obsidian carries the power of three planets at once - the Sun, Uranus, Saturn, so when in contact with it, you should be extremely careful.

Also, this powerful mineral is used by sorcerers and witches in the manufacture of their magic balls. It is widely believed that he is able to show future events.

In some countries, obsidian was hung around the neck of children to protect them from external influence, evil eye, negative impact strangers, etc.


We hope that we answered the question in detail about which stones are suitable for Aquarius women (we presented a photo of all the stones above). The main thing to remember is that under no pretext should this sign wear jewelry with carnelian, sardonyx, onyx and emerald.

May your talismans bring you only good luck!

Perhaps there is no girl who would not love jewelry with stones. And although everyone knows Marilyn Monroe's catchphrase that "diamonds are a girl's best friend", there is no single standard in choosing jewelry.

After all, it, first of all, should suit its owner, emphasize her beauty and grace. Therefore, it is worth figuring out which stone suits an Aquarius woman.

Aquarius - all about the sign

Aquarians, and especially Aquarius women, are very romantic natures, they quickly get carried away with something new, they like to flutter through life like moths. But at the same time, they value their freedom and independence, therefore it is impossible to win such a girl with a “golden cage” - in any relationship, she values, first of all, her right to personal space and hobbies.

At first glance, an Aquarius girl may seem too soft, even a little infantile, but in fact, behind this lies a deep inner strength. Creative professions are the most suitable for them, and in terms of family life with such a woman you will not get bored.

But building a nest with it in the image of conservatism and housing construction is absolutely useless.

Stones for Aquarius girls

All girls love jewelry with stones, and “water” stones are perfect for girls of the Aquarius sign, because it is directly related to the element of water. Such suitable minerals include topaz, rock crystal, lapis lazuli,. These stones have different properties, but one thing is invariable in them - the embodiment of majestic tranquility and, at the same time, tenderness and sensuality.


As for the frame, it is best to buy jewelry made of silver - all " water stones» will not only look great in silver, but will also interact harmoniously.

Aquarius to Aquarius strife - choose stones by decades

I must say that the division according to the horoscope into signs is quite general. Therefore, each sign is usually further divided into 3 decades.

If we talk about deep interaction and connection, then here we can distinguish 3 groups of Aquarius girls by date of birth and, accordingly, 3 groups into which the corresponding precious and semi-precious stones are divided:

  1. Girls born between January 21 to February 1. Despite the fact that January and February are the coldest months of the year, those born at this time are characterized by great sensuality, romance, airiness. Best suited for them are such “warm” stones as pink tourmaline, amethyst, jasper.
  2. born with 2 to 11 February. Such Aquarius women are more energetic, lively - just like the sun's rays. Their stones can be safely called lapis lazuli, amber, charoite, and.
  3. Those who were born with 12 to 20 February. Girls born during this period are very sincere, passionate, addicted natures. They are patronized by the Moon, therefore among the minerals there will be sapphire, moonstone, alexandrite, tourmaline of greenish and blue hues, aquamarine,.

If you were born on the borderline of two decades, then you are most likely to fit stones related to both of them.

Talismans and amulets

Many stones have long been considered not just decoration, but talismans and amulets - in a word, magical artifacts. We have already listed the names of the minerals corresponding to the sign of Aquarius - now we will deal with their properties.

For love

Love magic is ancient art known to many women of antiquity. There were no stones here.

by the most strong talismans for are considered:


This is a transparent blue stone of amazing beauty. It is best worn by middle-aged women with strong character and rich life experience. Sapphire is a stone of sensuality inner strength, power, contributing to family happiness and well-being in long-term love relationships.


Here the name speaks for itself. The spell of this stone will help keep the warmth of the family hearth, smooth out sharp corners in relationships, and help slightly cooled feelings flare up again.


Oh, this red stone, like passion itself, knows a lot about love affairs. He is able to cause affection, love, attraction - burning and irresistible.

Such talismans can be carried with you, put on as an amulet or kept in the house, and they will become your faithful helpers in family affairs.

For welfare

Material well-being is a very important aspect of life, therefore it is important to develop your talents, your strengths.

The following amulets will help Aquarius in this:


Blue topaz is one of the most expensive and beautiful stones. Its inimitable heavenly shade is able to decorate any decoration. Topaz will help its owner to interact with people, find peace and achieve success in work. In addition, topaz is considered an effective amulet against lies and evil intentions.


Truly, this is the stone of those who like to "go into work with their heads." It will help you conduct business negotiations well, give you confidence, strength, make it easier to think and perceive information.

Of course, the determining factor in the field of earnings is your efforts. But sometimes there are circumstances over which we have no control. And in such situations, one can hope for magical properties talismans.

For health, good luck, from the evil eye

It is important to remember about health, because without it, everything else cannot be achieved.

For good health and for good luck you need to wear:


This transparent stone can be blue, light blue or greenish in color. Already from its name it can be understood that this mineral is directly related to water, and therefore suits Aquarius perfectly. It gives a sense of peace, helps to cope with difficult life circumstances. Also, it can help in matters of the heart. Often this stone is used for meditation.


This mineral has always been considered a stone of purification, energy, the very magical potential. He will help his owner in learning, love affairs, discovering hidden potential in himself.

Lapis lazuli

It is an opaque stone saturated of blue color with golden veins. It is very strong, the most the best amulet, capable of becoming for the girl wearing it powerful protection. It is great for meditation, attracting into your life good people, solving personal problems, etc. Often lapis lazuli is used in love magic- it is able to awaken feelings, deep and strong, like the river itself.


Blue and greenish fluorite serves as a source of inspiration, energy for Aquarius, allows you to find harmony and maintain good spirits.

These minerals will help you stay in good shape and not fall under the harmful influence. In addition, they look very gentle and elegant, so any girl can decorate herself with such pebbles.

What stones are not suitable for Aquarius?

In the previous section, we found out which stones suit Aquarius the most. Now let's talk about what jewelry they should not wear. Definitely you should not wear stones of "fire signs" - tiger's eye, spinel, carnelian, golden quartz.

Also, it is better for married women not to wear turquoise - this masterful, unbalanced stone can shake family happiness.

Choosing jewelry with stones is not an easy task. But in addition to the signs of the zodiac, age and other parameters, it is necessary, of course, to focus on personal preferences. After all, the decoration should, first of all, please its owner and please her.

Knowing the decade in which a person was born, you can pick up a stone that suits him the best way. The stone of Aquarius-woman in the first place is sapphire. For them, he strong amulet. Minerals with strong and light energy are suitable for the Aquarius man. For example, aquamarine, which increases his self-esteem. If a person born under the indicated sign is honest by nature, turquoise will become his reliable ally.

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    Choosing a stone for Aquarius

    Each sign of the zodiac includes several decades. That's why important criterion The choice of a talisman is the correspondence of the stone to a certain period of the year.

    Aquarians born from January 21 to February 1 belong to the first decade. The patroness Venus provides them with incredible sexuality, a quiet and calm disposition. Such people should be given preference to stones that give energy. They fit by date of birth:

      • pearl;
      • amethyst;
      • obsidian;
      • jasper;
      • nephritis.

      Aquarians of the second decade are those born in the period from February 2 to February 11. Being under the protection of Mercury, they are distinguished by an excellent sense of humor and natural prudence, able to succeed in any business. The following stones can have the most beneficial effect on them:

      • chrysoprase;
      • lapis lazuli;
      • amber;
      • amethyst;
      • onyx;
      • sardonyx;
      • turquoise.

      The period of Aquarius is completed by people born in the third decade, namely from February 12 to 20. Under the aegis of mysterious moon they value sincerity and hate deceivers. The following stones are suitable for such people:

      • zircon;
      • tourmaline;
      • aquamarine;
      • chrysoprase;
      • sapphire;
      • alexandrite;
      • pomegranate.

      Universal Talismans

      There are several talismans that can have a beneficial effect on Aquarius of any decade. Most strong stone Aquarius is quartz. He is able to protect his subtle nature from depression, increase self-confidence, and develop a creative streak.

      Sapphire gives confidence and masculinity to its owner. It helps to find peace of mind. The stone is a powerful amulet against deceivers.

      Obsidian, or volcanic glass, has a direct relationship with Uranus, Saturn and the Sun. It is the most beneficial mineral for health, as it helps to get rid of bad habits. The gem helps the owner to concentrate on his goals, which will certainly lead him to success. This stone has negative impact- with constant wear, its owner becomes too timid.

      The most positive gem can be called amethyst. It has an amazing ability to tone up and charge with optimism. It smooths out the features of stubbornness and develops the so-called "sixth sense" in its owner.

      Agate has healing properties, it is able to have a positive effect on the stomach and respiratory organs. In addition, it will protect the wearer from evil eyes enemies.

      If Aquarius is a lover of change and extreme solutions, then the best stone there will be hyacinth for him. It will help you keep yourself in good shape and not lose heart in case of failures.

      Aquarius travelers best friend and aquamarine will be an assistant in matters of knowledge and broadening one's horizons.

      Charms for women

      A true connoisseur of freedom - a girl born under the sign of Aquarius, just needs to establish relationships with those around her. Amethyst will become a faithful assistant in this matter for her. For an Aquarius woman, he is a family stone. It will help maintain harmony in relationships and will maintain vitality.

      Another assistant in matters of maintaining peace and harmony in the family is pearls. This graceful talisman is more suitable for married ladies, it will help to tame the pride of its owner and show their best qualities how tender and loving wife and mother.

      Dreamy and romantic Aquarius girls tend to idealize the world, so they are not alien to disappointment and a sense of dissatisfaction with the present. Aquamarine will help them take off their “rose-colored glasses” and look at the world more realistically. He is able to reveal the sensuality of a woman, which will undoubtedly delight her man. The mineral is able to strengthen the spirit of those born in the year of the Ox.

      Amber will help to preserve beauty and youth, to believe in yourself and not to succumb to despondency. For Aquarius born in the year of the Rabbit, the lucky stone-talisman is malachite. Helps to lead successful business, protects from poverty. A stone called "tiger's eye" is suitable for tigers.

Contemplative by nature. They do not seek to change life, move it forward - they prefer to observe the picture of the world from the outside. Money and sex play a secondary role for them. First, spirituality interesting communication, profession. Representatives of the sign are alien to such concepts as envy and hatred. Aquarians are loyal friends. But they are in no hurry to create a family - they value their personal freedom too much. But, having entered into marriage, as a rule, keep marital fidelity all their lives.

The weak point of the sign is the lack of insight. Credulity, bordering on naivety, can seriously complicate the life of Aquarius. Many individuals tend to be addicted pipe dreams. Talking about their grandiose plans for the future, they do nothing to implement them.

The right selection will not only attract happiness and success, but also help smooth out the contradictions of nature, the influence of dark energies. The collection of amulets of Aquarius is very diverse. For a sign that personifies the peak of winter, transparent, shimmering gems, similar to ice crystals or the northern lights, are beneficial. Thanks to the patronage of Uranus, it is also protected by gloomy minerals dangerous to others.

In people of the eleventh sign, angelic and demonic traits are always fighting. To enhance the bright beginning, they are advised to supplement the set of amulets with stones of a different plan - bright, warm.

Astrologers advise Aquarius to choose 3 cold and 5 warm stones in accordance with the horoscope.

The main stones of the talismans of Aquarius


This piece of blue beryl is a symbol of friendship that Aquarius values ​​so much. has an unusually strong bond with its owner. Sensitively reacting to all the sorrows and ailments of a person, he relieves stress, streamlines thoughts, protects a gullible individual from deception.


The magic of stone transforms inner world person in better side. Like aquamarine, it gives Aquarius insight. To achieve success in any activity, representatives of the sign often lack dedication, the ability to concentrate. directs their energy in the right direction. The gem has extraordinary healing properties - it cures insomnia, normalizes cerebral circulation.


Translated from the ancient Persian language, this name means "stone of happiness." The mineral is associated with victory, the successful achievement of the goal. Aquarians often need money. attracts into their lives material well-being. Thanks to this gem, you can detect a hidden ailment in time. The bright color of the stone fades at the first symptoms of the disease.


The coldness of Aquarius is an obstacle to happy love. "Stone of Passion" awakens the sexual temperament and inflames the soul. In addition, pomegranate is useful for boosting self-esteem. It makes childbirth easier for women.

Blue sapphire

Many Aquarians dream of achieving public recognition. In this case, they need decoration with. The “Stone of the Wise Men” will show the owner his true purpose in life, give stamina and courage, and sharpen intuition.


This gem develops talents, memory, craving for knowledge, brings inspiration creative people. It also instills confidence and optimism in a person, charges with positive energy. A pendant with zircon will help to find a life partner for a single woman.

Selection of amulets stones by horoscope date for Aquarius

In the first decade, charming romantics are born. Their Achilles heel is timidity, indecision, melancholy. Stones with strong energy have a beneficial effect on these people:

(white, gold), (white, light green), (brown black).

Representatives of the second decade are endowed with a brilliant mind and a sense of humor. To achieve respect and recognition is their cherished dream. The following talismans will help them in its implementation:

  • - personification of success
  • chrysoprase- a symbol of new beginnings
  • - a source of creativity and optimism

These individuals are characterized by excessive dreaminess and emotionality, hidden under the guise of external calm. These qualities can interfere with successful self-realization. Aquarians of the third decade need stones that can push to action:

  • colorless and blue"medicine" against inexplicable fears
  • grey, blue energy vampire protector
  • guard against disappointment

Additional stones of Aquarius:

  • (colorless);
  • (pink);
  • (silver blue);
  • (except Arabic - with black and white layers);
  • (milky white);
  • nacre;
  • tourmaline;
  • uvarovite(rare green garnet).

Unfavorable stones for Aquarius

Aquarius has few enemies among the stones. These include minerals with fiery energy. Although the opinions of modern Astrologers differ about inappropriate stones, and some, on the contrary, advise choosing stones, not according to the Solar sign, but according to the weak one. A list of stones that Aquarius should take a closer look at.


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