What are the best questions to ask an employer during an interview? "How would other people describe you?"

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What could you ask a candidate so that you can immediately understand everything about him? “Right away” and “all”, of course, will not work, but the site will share several useful tactics for conducting a conversation - they will help you choose the right employee.

Remembering that for various positions Different professional and personal qualities are important, the interviewer must carefully prepare for the interview. Any company has a certain way of working, as well as unwritten rules, the violation of which can throw the system out of balance. What questions should you ask during an interview to determine how well the candidate meets the requirements of immediate management and the company as a whole?

To understand who is in front of you, you can use well-known principles of constructing a conversation when applying for a job, resort to newfangled trends, or delve into the study of the candidate’s psychology. The most proven methods are the following:

  • The domino principle: involves general tasks with gradual deepening into the topic. In this case, the candidate, for example, is asked about his immediate responsibilities and is constantly clarifying the details and narrowing the topic of conversation. If the applicant does not invent responsibilities for himself, he answers confidently, without hesitation.
  • The principle of the circle. In the middle or at the end of the conversation, return to important questions asked at the beginning of the interview to clarify the details. Based on the answers given earlier and now, you can determine how honest the applicant is.

This type of interviewing is always appropriate, since the recruiter has very little time to understand who is sitting in front of him and whether the person meets the requirements.

Standard questions from an employer

In conversation it is important to identify different qualities person, therefore the interviewee should be provoked to talk in a certain direction. At the same time, it is worth analyzing the answers in order to create a correct portrait of the applicant. Next questions Often asked during a job interview:

  1. "Tell us about yourself". This question does not concern any specific places in the biography; rather, it gives general idea about a person's priorities. An applicant who provides information about his own experience, professional qualities, and demonstrates interest in the vacancy will be interesting. If the story is vague, and the listed facts are not relevant to the essence of the interview, then the person either has nothing to say or is simply unsure of himself and his abilities.
  2. “Why did you decide to leave your previous job?” The reasons can be very different - from dissatisfaction with the lack career growth to a low salary, while a worthy candidate will never speak badly about his immediate supervisor or the team. It is very sad if the reason for leaving was a conflict, since this characterizes the applicant as a person giving in to difficulties, and also reduces his self-esteem.
  3. “What salary would you like to receive?” A good specialist knows that he deserves a high salary and is clearly not bluffing when voicing the cost of his services. If a candidate clearly overestimates the level of the desired salary, you can always cool his ardor by calling the salary much lower than the required one.
  4. “What attracts you to work in the proposed position?” A smart candidate knows in advance that recruiters are looking for a person who not only has the necessary professional and personal qualities, but is also ready to be useful to the company, work in a team, share his own experience and learn from others.
  5. Ask the applicant what his strengths and weak sides. If the candidate voices too general phrases, ask for clarification and more detail. Typically, applicants are very happy to talk about their strengths, but avoid talking about the weak.
  6. “Tell us about your professional achievements.” A conversation in this vein will force the applicant to talk about himself, emphasizing the qualities necessary for the job. If the candidate speaks in general phrases, then his candidacy is unlikely to deserve attention.
  7. “Name your professional mistakes.” A smart candidate will not give up when hearing such a question, because he understands perfectly well that there may be mistakes in the work, the main thing is to do it correct conclusion and don't repeat them again. It is strange if the applicant cannot remember such a situation: he is either not self-critical enough or does not admit mistakes at all.
  8. “Will family/personal life affect the quality of work?” This is a common question that is mainly addressed to young women who already have small children or are at an age when they can start a family. Such information is only needed when management puts forward certain requirements to the employment of young women and imposes strict conditions.

Identification of the candidate’s life position

There is information that will help reveal general qualities candidate, understand his desire to develop, identify his position in life, or simply feel the mood. What questions should a candidate be asked during an interview?

  1. “How do you feel about life?” This question is philosophical, but it allows us to identify what position in life the applicant for the position occupies. Optimists are convinced that there are difficulties in life, and they need to be dealt with or not taken to heart. They are also confident that a person creates his own destiny and can change everything. Pessimists are sure that people are evil and are always ready to set them up, let them down, that they need to keep their ears open and be on the alert. Such a person is pre-set for failure and is always unsure of his abilities.
  2. What questions should you definitely ask during an interview in order to understand that the specialist in front of you is standing in front of you? Ask the applicant how many interviews he has completed in the past Lately and from whom I received the invitation. This will allow you to assess which of your competitors are interested in the candidate and offer worthwhile work. Perhaps your company needs such a specialist.
  3. “Where do you see yourself in 5-7 years?” It has been proven that the ability to plan and set goals characterizes people as purposeful and focused on personal success. People who do not take any initiative do not plan their careers and future life, are unlikely to become outstanding.
  4. “What would you like to change in your new job?” A very insidious question, since the overwhelming majority of applicants believe that it is necessary to change something radically and are happy to talk about it, without presenting the internal problems of the company. A smart candidate will not plan major changes without understanding the internal structure of the company and without knowing its work as a whole.
  5. “Who can recommend you?” This is a standard question that helps verify the qualifications of the employee you like, and also once again confirms that the applicant did not have personal conflicts at his previous place of work.
  6. “What do you know about our company?” Of course, this should not require deep knowledge about the company. However, small short story about activities and types of products will make sure that the applicant at least prepared for the interview and was interested in what kind of job he could get.
  7. “Why do you think you can handle this job?” It is very important here that the candidate is sufficiently convincing in his answers - this is the quality he must demonstrate by talking about his strengths and advantages over competitors.

Non-standard questions

It is not at all necessary to conduct a conversation in a classical way. Today, many recruiters, when hiring a person, are interested in the most unusual and sometimes even strange things. The point is that you need to check the candidate’s reaction to an unusual question, the ability to think logically, or to adequately get out of ridiculous or stupid situations that have arisen. But in everyday life, and at work, this often happens.

The interesting thing is that there are no right or wrong answers and special attention those candidates who can answer wittyly without perceiving the recruiter with negativity deserve it. You can ask the following questions:

  1. Have you stolen office supplies from your office employees?
  2. How many people will fit in this room?
  3. Rate my interviewing skills on a 10-point scale.
  4. What is life like for people in an ideal world?
  5. How many liters of alcoholic drinks do people drink in one night in the city?
  6. Have you gotten into fights at work?
  7. What songs characterize your attitude towards work?

Now you know what questions are asked during a job interview to allow the candidate to open up as much as possible and avoid possible mistakes.

Hello! In this article we will tell you how to pass an interview.

Today you will learn:

  1. How to behave during an interview;
  2. What are the stages of the interview?
  3. What mistakes do job candidates most often make?

Few . We all understand that the ability to get a job in the desired company depends on how well the interview is completed. Therefore the most correct solution- prepare for its passage. Let’s talk today about how to do it right so as not to miss out on your dream job.

Interview: the essence of the concept

Interview refers to a personal meeting between an applicant and a potential employer or employer’s representative when applying for a job.

The purpose of the interview is to clarify the capabilities and skills of the applicant, as well as discuss possible cooperation.

What is an interview like?

The interview is divided into several types. We will talk about each of them in detail below.

  • Biographical – is an analogue of a questionnaire, discussing the applicant’s professional experience, his education, what he plans to do in the future;
  • Free – represents communication in the style of the applicant’s story about himself: by and large, this is self-presentation;
  • Situational – The interviewer formulates a situation for the applicant. And the one who is being interviewed must explain how he will behave in it. Situations may be different: to test skills, to identify the level of resistance to stress, to test the motivation and values ​​of the applicant;
  • Stressful – this type of interview is different from others in many ways. Its essence is that the applicant is deliberately provoked into conflict in order to find out how he will behave. This is very effective if stress resistance is important for your future job. During the interview, the applicant is asked provocative questions and is also asked to answer them quickly, almost without thinking;
  • Based on the study of the applicant’s abilities - The professionalism and personal qualities of the interviewee are assessed. Not only the results that a person has achieved are considered, but also how he achieved this. Also assessed leadership skills, communication skills, result orientation, etc. Typically, an interview of this type is conducted by a group of 3 interviewers, and a decision on the applicant is made immediately after the conversation.

To choose the ideal employer, a candidate must be able to ask the right questions during an interview. When choosing a job, relying only on the functionality described in the vacancy is wrong.

With this approach, you may expect unpleasant surprises when you return to work., for example, unpaid, inflated requirements for work, lack of prospects for building a career and many others.

To fully understand your future work, just a job title is not enough. IN various companies one and the same position can differ greatly in functionality, and most importantly, in the tasks assigned to the employee.

To ensure that your ideas about the position coincide with the employer's expectations, be sure to find out what your responsibilities will include, what goals and objectives will be set, and how the results of your work will be evaluated.

Why are you looking for an employee?

If a company is looking for an employee for a position that has existed in the company for a long time, then ask what happened to the previous employee. If he quit, then for what reason. Also check how long the employee worked in this position. If the position is new to the company, find out why it was needed.

Who will be my leader?

Usually the manager is involved in the selection process of his employees, but how soon you meet with him depends on the company structure and the approved selection procedure.

But a correspondence acquaintance will also be useful for understanding how comfortable you will be working with your future leader. Ask how long the manager has been working in this position and in the company itself, how he sets tasks and evaluates results.

Is there a mentoring system in the company?

Adaptation to a new place of work is an important process. Find out if you will have professional support when you go back to work. How exactly will the procedure of getting to know the company, colleagues, and tasks take place?

Is there a probationary period and how to pass it?

Find out from your future employer whether this position includes a probationary period. If yes, then for what period and what are the criteria for passing it. Check if there are differences in wages during the probationary period and after it.

What is the corporate culture in the company?

Working in a team involves communication, so it will be useful to find out what awaits you in this area in your new place. Find out whether the company has a dress code, whether corporate events and professional competitions are held, and if so, in what format.

Will I have opportunities for professional and career development?

It is important for a future employer to understand how you can be useful to their company. And it is advisable for you to find out what the company can offer for your development.

Ask if there is training for employees, how often it is provided and under what conditions. You can also ask about your career prospects. What career opportunities does this position offer and what results of your work will be the basis for a promotion.

Is there a social package for employees?

All more companies introduce social packages into the system of material motivation. This is an important point for assessing the attractiveness of an employer.

Sometimes the salary of one employer may differ slightly from its competitors, but the social package will include voluntary health insurance, compensation for cellular communications, and classes in the fitness center. Such an offer in terms of money may turn out to be more profitable than that of a competitor without a social package.

What will the work schedule be?

In most cases, it is described in the vacancy for which you applied. But it’s better to discuss this issue. Sometimes companies offer a choice of a schedule from 8 to 17, from 9 to 18, or other options. Be sure to clarify the issue of overtime, as well as work on weekends and holidays.

When will I know the decision on my candidacy?

At the end of the dialogue, be sure to clarify when and in what form you will find out the decision about readiness to hire you.

The right questions will help you win over the interviewer and find out important points about future work.

But there are also the wrong questions that should be avoided in a dialogue with a future employer.

Questions you shouldn't ask in an interview

What does your company do?

It is necessary to prepare for any interview. Collecting information about the company is one of the stages of preparation. Be sure to check out the company website and information on corporate social networks. If you have friends who work or have worked in this company, you can find out their opinion.

Can I go on vacation earlier? And if I do my job quickly, can I leave early?

You haven’t gotten a job yet, but you’ve already started planning how you’ll take a break from it - this approach will clearly put the employer on guard. You can ask your manager questions like this after, and before that it is advisable to prove your effectiveness and ability to work.

Such a question will lead the employer to believe that you have something to hide. You hid something or, on the contrary, embellished your experience and professional achievements. Eliminate this question and, of course, you should not deceive your future employer.

Are you married? Where did you buy this suit?

Don't ask the interviewer personal questions. Keep your conversations within the bounds of business ethics. Questions from the interviewer about your marital status and presence of children are completely acceptable. Perhaps future work involves processing or processing, and he needs to understand your readiness for this.

Do you have a kitchen for employees? What is the best way to get to you?

Everyday issues can also negatively affect the impression of you. Is the ability to drink coffee at work in a separate room or knowing the number of the bus that comes directly to the office going to be key factors in your decision to work for this company? Ask only questions that really matter.

By asking smart questions, you will show not only your interest in the proposed position, but also your professional approach to choosing a future employer. The answers you receive will help you form a more complete picture of your potential job and evaluate how attractive the company's offer is for you.

Almost every working adult has been interviewed at least once to get a job. new job. We all understand perfectly how exciting and responsible this is. After all, this is where you can establish yourself as a competent and experienced employee. But in addition to the fact that during the interview you have to answer the questions asked, they also need to be asked. In this article we will study questions that should be asked at an interview with an employer.

Why is it necessary to ask questions to the employer during an interview?

Many people believe that the applicant should not ask counter questions, tiring and delaying the employer or personnel officer. Is it really? Certainly not. The applicant must certainly ask at least a few questions that interest him.

To leave a good impression of yourself, you need to be able to conduct a dialogue. When an applicant asks counter questions, the employer is convinced of his interest in the vacancy, awareness and professionalism. Based on this, before going to the interview, do not forget to prepare a couple of counter questions that you will ask the employer. We bring to your attention the 10 most popular and correct interview questions for HR officers.

The right interview questions

So, to significantly increase your chances of getting a job, after answering all the employer’s questions, in turn, ask him the following:

  • Which ones exactly? job responsibilities will I have to comply?
    It would be appropriate to ask this question first, because the employee must know the job responsibilities by heart. And in each company they can be different. In addition, by learning what exactly you have to do in the workplace, you will make a specific decision: can I cope with this, and is it interesting for me?
  • Vacancy open for a new position or an old one workplace?
    This question can also be called important. After all, if a position has just been introduced, then the applicant can clarify what exactly is expected of him. And in the case where the vacancy is old and the employee was fired, you can clarify the reasons for the dismissal.
  • What mode does the company operate under?
    This question is very important. After all, at present, all companies operate according to different schedules. Some people start work at 8 a.m. and finish at 6 p.m. And others have a schedule from 10-00 to 20-00. In addition to the work schedule, you should clarify the timing of going to work on holidays and weekends. Do not hesitate to ask how payment for processing takes place. And don't forget to ask about lunch breaks and smoking breaks (so there are no surprises later).

Learn about frequently asked interview questions:

How to conduct a conversation with an employer during an interview?

In order for the interview to go in favor of the applicant, he needs to competently conduct a dialogue with the employer. Under no circumstances should you immediately attack him with your questions. He will ask them to you first. You need to listen carefully asked question, and then answer it strictly on topic. There should be no demagoguery. The answer should be short and clear.

Job interview: how to sell yourself wisely

When going for an interview, prepare for possible questions from the employer. Think about what an employer might ask and how to respond. As a rule, during a job interview you are asked standard set basic questions, as well as additional ones, depending on the specific position. Below we provide a list of popular employer questions and answers to them. Use the answers provided as a template, edit them in accordance with the characteristics of the position for which you are applying.

You have been invited to an interview and you really want to get this position, but are you afraid of competitors, are you afraid of answering a tricky question incorrectly or just getting confused? In this case, you need to gather all your will into a fist and prepare for a responsible conversation with the employer. Be sure to think about your clothing style, hairstyle, and rehearse your speech, taking into account possible options expected answers.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main questions that recruiters ask a job applicant during an interview. You will find all the correct answers in our article. How to respond to specific and non-standard tasks in order to stand out from the crowd of competitors?

Very popular in job interviews these days. situational questions, examples below (click to enlarge):

13 popular interview questions and answers to them

Question 1 Tell us a little about yourself

Very popular and one of the first questions recruiters ask. How best to answer the question - tell us about yourself?

Answer. It is necessary to remain calm when answering, speech must be clear and confident. Tell what the interviewer wants to hear: where you studied, your specialty, previous jobs, interests, hobbies, hobbies. Tell me what exactly interested you in new position and be sure to focus on personal qualities. Among them, it is important to note resistance to stress, quick learning, hard work and discipline, desire for a goal, Full time job above oneself.

Answer examples:

The second most popular job interview question is why you left your previous job. How to respond to a recruiter?

Answer. The answer should not talk about a conflict with management, if any. You should also not speak negatively about the director and colleagues. The applicant may be suspected of being quarrelsome, inability to get along with people, or work in a team. When answering this question, talk about former job in positive tones, remember fun and pleasant moments. The reason for leaving can be called the desire to reveal your potential, unique abilities, desire for professional growth and a higher salary.

More example answers:

How to answer the interview question - why do you want to work with us? The employer will definitely ask you this – prepare for it.

Answer. It is worth mentioning the positive characteristics of the company, among them - stability, opportunity for professional growth, well-coordinated team, interesting job, decent salary. You can also add that what attracts you is the work schedule, management policies aimed at subordinates and other important points.

To give a reasoned answer about the reason for wanting to work in a particular company, read about it, look at the website, ask what the company does, what it produces, how many years it has been on the market.

What to answer to an employer if he asks a tricky question about why they should hire you for a vacant position.

Answer. The applicant must give a clear, intelligible and reasoned answer, namely, say that he is an excellent specialist, has invaluable experience, is constantly improving in a specific area. You need to prepare in advance to tell in detail about the company’s field of activity, about the industry in which you are going to work. There is no need to be ashamed to praise yourself, talk about your successes and talents.

Question 5 What are your weaknesses?

Perhaps the most difficult thing to answer in an interview is what your shortcomings are.

Answer. It’s worth noting right away that this is a trick question. It’s not worth laying out your flaws as best you can. Try to name yours positive traits, pretending to consider them your shortcomings. For example, they are too demanding of themselves, do not know how to disconnect from work, are pedantic, strict, scrupulous. You can also answer a tricky question that everyone has shortcomings, but yours do not in any way affect your professional qualities.

Examples of answers about shortcomings:

How should you answer a question about your strengths at an interview?

Answer. Let us tell you right away which aspects should not be named, because almost every applicant for a position talks about them:

  • Punctuality.
  • You make contact with people easily.
  • Performance.

These are standard qualities, recruiters are already tired of them, so they need to be more creative. Tell them at the interview that you can easily find an approach to people, know how to inspire trust, use your working day rationally, have experience in negotiations, and conclude profitable contracts. Managers should pay attention to such answers.

How to answer the question about the desired salary level?

Answer. A good specialist must know his own worth. Try to name a salary that is 10-15% higher than your previous one. A golden mean is needed here, because if the payment is understated, I will think that the person bad worker, and with too high a salary, which is overly ambitious.

Usually this question ends the study of the candidate. How to answer about where you see yourself in 5-10 or more years?

Answer. A persistent person always sets high goals for himself, advancement career ladder. During the interview, you need to emphasize that your dream is to work in this company and during this time take a leadership position.

Don’t talk about living in a luxury apartment surrounded by a crowd of children and a beautiful wife. This is not what the employer wants to hear.

Example of a good answer:

“In 5 years, I see myself as a mature specialist, perhaps a project manager (direction, division), who has significantly improved his level of professional training.”

Answer. Here they hint at overtime work. You need to ask how often overtime occurs and understand for yourself whether you are really ready for it or whether this position is not suitable for you. If yes, then answer in the affirmative, say that you are ready to stay at work and do everything for the benefit of the company.

Answer: Be sure to say that you are hungry for new experiences and will happily complete all the assigned tasks, because you are gaining invaluable experience and skills.

Answer. This is also a tricky question; here the employer finds out whether the job is so important to the applicant. Therefore, ask in detail about the work schedule provided by the social service. package on the requirements for company employees.

Any job interview is stressful. A person is nervous and even the simplest question can confuse him. By knowing what recruiters ask most often, you can be well prepared and answer them correctly. Any tricky question can be answered, the main thing is to be sure own strength. Study our article and confidently go for an interview, impressing employers with your erudition and excellent professional qualities.


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