What is the meaning of the mantra “Om mani padme hum”. Translation of the mantra

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! The mantra is especially associated with Shadakshari(Lord of Six Syllables) - the incarnation of Avalokiteshvara and has a deep sacred meaning.


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    Om mani padme hum!- om mani padme hum! ... Russian spelling dictionary

    This article uses fonts from Asian languages. Read more... Mantra “Om Mani Padme Hu”... Wikipedia

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    Mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum" written in Tibetan. Om mani padme hum (Sanskrit: ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ) is probably one of the most famous mantras in Mahayana Buddhism (especially characteristic of Lamaism), the six-syllable mantra of the bodhisattva of compassion... ... Wikipedia

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    MANI- (Sanskrit, usually translated as “ magic wand") in Tantrism, the designation of the male genital organ. The word "M." is part of the mantra (spell) known to every Lamaist (“om mani padme hum”), which is engraved or painted on stones.… … Atheist Dictionary

    Mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum" written in Tibetan. Om mani padme hum (Sanskrit: ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ) is probably one of the most famous mantras in Mahayana Buddhism (especially characteristic of Lamaism), the six-syllable mantra of the bodhisattva of compassion... ... Wikipedia

    Mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum" written in Tibetan. Om mani padme hum (Sanskrit: ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ) is probably one of the most famous mantras in Mahayana Buddhism (especially characteristic of Lamaism), the six-syllable mantra of the bodhisattva of compassion... ... Wikipedia

    - (Sanskrit) magical. a mantra consisting of 6 independent syllables, the most popular in all the Buddhas. countries. It is recited by Buddhists of all nationalities while fingering their beads. The stones (mani) on which it is written are found everywhere from Nepal to the South. Siberia.... ...Buddhism


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Om Mani Padme Hum is the most important mantra in Buddhism. The entire teaching of the Buddha is believed to be contained in this prayer, and it cannot be translated word for word into a simple phrase or even a few sentences. However, many people translate it as “Praise to the pearl that shines in the lotus.”
People who learn about prayer naturally want to know what it means. I think it's appropriate to talk a little about it, so that people who want to use this mantra in their meditation practice will have some idea of ​​what they are doing, and people who are just curious will understand a little better about this prayer and why it is so important for Tibetan Buddhists.

Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum.
The mantra, colloquially the Mani mantra, is the most widely used of all Buddhist prayers, and is open to anyone who feels inspired to practice it - it does not require prior initiation by a lama (meditation master).
The six syllables of a prayer often recited by Tibetans - Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum - are written below in the Tibetan alphabet:

The prayer originated in India; as it moved from India to Tibet, the pronunciation changed because some of the sounds in Indian Sanskrit were hard for Tibetan pronunciation.

Sanskrit - Om Mani Padme Hum - Avalokiteshvara Mantra.
Tibetan language - Om Mani Pem Hung - Mantra of Chenrezig.

How to pronounce it correctly?

There is a parable about a similar problem.

A sincerely religious meditator, after many years of focusing on a particular mantra (prayer), has achieved sufficient understanding to begin training. The student's humility was far from perfect, but the teachers in the monastery were not worried.

After several years of successful study, the student abandoned all thoughts of learning from anyone else, but when he heard about a famous hermit living nearby, he did not refuse such an opportunity, it was too exciting.

The hermit lived alone on an island in the middle of the lake, so the disciple hired a man with a boat to get to the island. The disciple was very respectful to the old hermit. As they drank tea brewed with herbs, the disciple asked the hermit about his spiritual practice. The old man said that he did not have any spiritual practice, except for the mantra, which he repeated to himself all the time. The disciple was glad: the hermit used the same prayer that he used on his own - but when the hermit began to pronounce the mantra out loud, the disciple was horrified!

"What's happened?" asked the hermit.
"I do not know what to say. I'm afraid you've wasted your whole life! You are saying the prayer incorrectly!”
"Oh dear! It's horrible. How should I say it?

The disciple gave the correct pronunciation, and the old hermit was very grateful, asking to be left alone so that he could begin to pray immediately.

On the way back across the lake, the student, now convinced that he was already an experienced teacher, pondered the sad fate of the hermit.
“The old man was lucky that I came. At least he'll have some time to practice properly before he dies." It was then that the disciple noticed that the boatman looked completely shocked and turned to see the hermit standing reverently on the water, next to the boat.

"Excuse me please. I really don't want to bother you, but I forgot the correct pronunciation. Could you repeat it for me again?"
“You obviously don’t need this,” said the student, stuttering; but the old man persisted in his polite question until the disciple came to his senses and told him again the way in which he thought the prayer should be said.

The old hermit repeated the prayer very carefully, slowly, many times as he walked across the surface of the water back to the island.

The meaning of this mantra.

OM, consists of three letters, A, U, M; which symbolize the sublime pure bodies, speeches and minds of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas ( beings with awakened consciousness).

Mani, means jewel, symbolizes method (way), great compassion and love. As well as gem is able to fulfill the external needs of living beings, in the same way, love and compassion are capable of fulfilling the internal needs of living beings.

Padmé, means lotus, symbolizes wisdom.
Just as a lotus grows from mud, but is not contaminated by it, similarly, the wisdom of “higher knowledge” grows from the ordinary mind, but is not contaminated by ordinary thoughts.

Hum, indicates a conjunction. The union of spiritual method and wisdom results in the pure, exalted body, speech and mind of enlightened beings.

The meaning of the six syllables is great and vast.

Six syllables Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum, means that through the path of practice, which is the union of love and compassion with wisdom, you can transform your impure body, speech and mind into the pure, exalted body, speech and mind of a Buddha. The benefits of reciting this mantra are limitless and cannot be fully described even by the Buddha. He said that the sand of the Ganges and the drops of water in the ocean can be counted, but the benefits of repeating this mantra cannot be counted. This mantra is a manifestation of the great love and compassion of all Buddhas. She helps us develop love and compassion to make our lives meaningful. This mantra also brings healing and can be used as a prayer for another sentient being.

Believing and repeating this mantra every day as many times as you can has the energy to dissolve negative karma. In Mahayana Buddhist schools it is practiced as part of daily practice. Monks sit for hours repeating this mantra in the lotus position.

It can be spoken or sung slowly or quickly, like a song. No matter how you chant it, this mantra works in helping you get rid of the created negative karma accumulated from your bad actions.

Avalokiteshvara is the bodhisattva of absolute compassion, and chanting her mantra evokes her spirit and therefore, usually you will feel a warm sensation for a while after chanting.
Some practitioners say they have seen her in a revelation or felt as if some kind of wrapping of her arms around them. Emotions will always awaken while chanting OM Mani Padme Hum, some cry, this is due to the cleansing of negative karma.

The mantra OM MANI PADME HUM is popular in Tibet among Buddhist monks. The emergence is associated with a Bodhisattva (a being with the potential of a Buddha) named Avalokiteshvara. She is also called Chenrezig, Guan Yin (Goddess of Mercy) and Manipadma ("jewel and lotus holder"). It is from the last name that the famous mantra originated.

In this article

The depth of interpretations of the mantra

Let's start with the literal translation. The word OM has a universal meaning, which can be reduced to the concept of God, the Absolute and, in general, everything that exists. MANI means "jewel" or "pearl". The word PADME is translated as “lotus”, and HUM is translated as “heart”. The words form a phrase:

O treasure in the lotus of my heart!

However, this is the most simplified interpretation.

The inscription OM MANI PADME HUM, laid out with stones in the mountains of Tuva

The spiritual leader of Tibet, the Dalai Lama XIV, gave the following interpretation of the mantra. He associates OM with the image of Buddha, or more precisely, with his purity. MANI (“treasure”) means Love, Compassion for living beings and the desire for Enlightenment. PADME, meaning "lotus", indicates the wisdom of the Buddha. Finally, HUM means “heart”, in which lies the unity of knowledge and practice.

In this video, the Dalai Lama explains the meaning of the mantra OM MANI PADME HUM (translation - subtitles)

There is also a decoding of the mantra as a way of attracting wealth into your life. Here OM is interpreted as the personification of the Universe, the Creator or Creator. MANI means “most precious”. Of course, we are talking not only about earthly, but also spiritual gifts. PADME is a “lotus”, that is, prosperity. HUM can be translated as “heart” or “soul”. In this context, the meaning of the prayer is:

Oh Universe! Your abundance makes my heart bloom!

Deciphering the phrase “OM MANI PADME HUM” is enough difficult task. To understand it, you need to know Buddhist symbolism, where one word “lotus” is extremely multifaceted. Let us at least remember the famous asana in yoga – the Lotus pose.

Lotus is a symbol of the Sun, eternal rebirth and spiritual purity

In India, the lotus has been worshiped since ancient times, seeing in it the image of the creation of the Universe. The lotus opens in the morning and closes at night, demonstrating its connection with the Sun. He awakens at dawn, symbolizing rebirth, renewal and immortality. The aroma of the flower is associated with the Spirit of creation, Divine beauty, purity and nobility.

Buddhism deifies the lotus. This flower symbolizes the spiritual awakening of a person, great wisdom and the state of nirvana. Buddha and lotus are equivalent concepts. The flower grows from the mud, but has incredible purity. So Buddha, born in a sinful world, retained the Divine light in his soul. By the way, a lotus flower is like a candle flame that illuminates the darkness.

Any mystical text has several layers of meaning, and words are not enough to fully understand the level. The practice of meditative chanting or listening to a mantra will give much more in this regard.

Sacred sounds and color of prayer

The mantra OM MANI PADME HUM is divided into six syllables, and each will have an independent sacred meaning. Let's consider the spiritual meaning of the syllabic components of the mantra and the color that expresses belonging to different worlds.

  1. OM. Yogis believe that the first syllable contains White color, which refers to the world of divine beings. OM gives a person the opportunity to experience the state of nirvana and throw off the burden of past sins.
  2. MA – here is a rich Blue colour. Sound is associated with the world of demigods - asuras and is able to cleanse the soul from the consequences of sinful conversations.
  3. NI – traditionally represents the world of people and is colored yellow. It cleanses the soul of old karmic layers that a person has already forgotten about.
  4. PAD. The syllable belongs to the animal world. Its color is green. Helps wash away sins associated with denying the wisdom of the Buddha.
  5. ME – associated with the color red, frees the mind from delusions. Behind it stands the subtle world of invisible spirits.
  6. HUM symbolizes the world of the inhabitants of hell, painted black. By pronouncing this syllable, a person corrects errors accumulated in previous lives and attains righteousness.

According to another interpretation, OM eliminates the sin of pride, MA extinguishes jealousy in the soul, NI makes one free from attachments, PAD gives awareness, ME negates greed, HUM dissolves anger.

Methods of Meditation

Meditative work with a mantra requires regular practice. Turning to it from time to time, of course, will bring some results, but the result will be minimal and unstable. If you take time to meditate every day, it is as if you are charging your internal battery with spiritual power, increasing your potential. A long break will de-energize your spiritual center, and you will have to start almost from scratch.

Second important rule- mood. Mechanically speaking will not bring any benefit. Faith in the power of the mantra, extreme concentration, inner peace and bodily relaxation. On initial stage It is better to choose a secluded place so that no one will disturb you.

The lotus pose is ideal for practice, even a simplified version. It is important to keep your back straight and avoid tension. You can meditate simply by listening to a recording of a mantra, or by speaking or chanting the text out loud yourself.

Collective meditation of Buddhist monks

They read the text in a chant, clearly pronouncing each syllable, thereby enhancing its impact on consciousness. At the same time, you can close your eyes and imagine the colors corresponding to each fragment of the prayer.

For the first month, set the task of reciting the mantra 108 times in one practice. This will actually take 10-20 minutes depending on the pace you choose. In order not to lose count, use rosaries made up of 27, 54 or 108 beads. Choose the material of the rosary at your discretion.

If on some day you cannot find time for practice, you can work with the mantra OM MANI PADME HUM while walking or while taking a shower. You can sing it to yourself while riding the bus or if you have a free minute at work. You can record it on your smartphone and listen to it with headphones.

In this video you can listen to the mantra OM MANI PADME HUM in an authentic performance:

The power of the sacred syllable

The mantra OM MANI PADME HUM has a positive effect on a person’s energy and other aspects of his life:

  • it harmonizes the movement of energy flows of the physical body, thus normalizing the functioning of the body's systems. Meditation has a beneficial effect on nervous system, strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood circulation and heart function;
  • mantra makes the mind calm. Negative thoughts dissolve in its sounds, and consciousness is filled with sublime images. Problems stop bothering you;
  • the emotional state also levels out. Inner tension goes away, your heart fills with warmth, you feel calm and joy. It’s as if you are smiling, but not externally, but with your whole being. This state of mysticism is called “Buddha’s smile”;
  • During singing, changes occur in energy external space. Under the influence of vibrations OM MANI PADME HUM, it is cleared of clots negative energy and is filled with goodness. This way you can clean the room in which you sleep or eat, and the entire apartment;
  • if you sit by a river or lake and recite this mantra, the sounds will have a beneficial effect on all living beings that are nearby. In this way, you can charge a section of the forest and even the wind, which will carry the mantra throughout the world. Everyone who falls under its flow will feel the power of the sacred sound;
  • mystics claim that the mantra rids a person of bad karma and completely reveals him natural opportunities. It also has protective powers and can keep a soldier safe on the battlefield;
  • Buddhist monks believe that by repeating a prayer continuously one hundred thousand times, one can enter the state of nirvana. However, this is extremely difficult, because even if you spend two seconds on each repetition, it will take more than two days of non-stop practice.

Separately, we should indicate four rewards that a person deserves who regularly practices the mantra OM MANI PADME HUM.

  1. After passing away, he will go to a heavenly place, where he will see the Divine light and meet Buddha.
  2. In his next life he will have a chance to be born in a better place. favorable conditions– in another country, with more caring parents.
  3. This person will be taken under protection Higher power, who will guide his evolution and send him the gifts of Fate.
  4. In the next incarnation, this practitioner will be able to achieve Enlightenment. Moreover, a Buddha field will be created around him, the influence of which will affect seven generations of his family. Close friends will also feel the impact of holiness.

Execution of the mantra from Vladimir Muranov:

Tattoo with a sacred sign

Tibetan monks have a tradition of tattooing their bodies related to the Buddhist tradition. Of course, such drawings cannot be perceived as decoration. It is more appropriate to compare them with an amulet that protects a person from dark forces the astral world and unpleasant situations in earthly life.

Tattoo sample with mantra text

Currently, the OM MANI PADME HUM tattoo is applied to the body not only by representatives of the youth subculture, but also by world-famous media persons. They believe that a sacred Sanskrit phrase in the form of a tattoo can control destiny and attract success into their lives.

In a tattoo, a mantra can be used as an independent symbol or be integral part more complex composition. There is, for example, an image of a lotus containing a sacred inscription.

In fact, the outline retains the same power as the sound of the mantra. In Sanskrit, a letter is not just a symbol, it is an image with certain vibrations. Therefore, getting a tattoo will have consequences for the person. A mantra can change fate, character and worldview. Therefore, such a step must be taken consciously, and not follow the whims of fashion.

In this case, the tattoo will remind you of the meaning human life. Anyone who chooses mantra symbols for tattoos must abide by the highest laws of the Universe and adhere to impeccable behavior.

The mantra does not have to be tattooed on the body. You can simply engrave a copper amulet or ring. Recommended typeface with outside. This enhances the protective effect of the sacred text from the attacks of the dark ones. astral entities. In addition, the owner has the opportunity to contemplate the symbols OM MANI PADME HUM or touch them with his hand to feel the magical power.


Reciting mantras in Sanskrit turns the ritual into a real sacrament. The practitioner of mantra chanting comes into direct contact with the Creator and actually gains access to the privileges of the Creator himself.

The mantra OM MANI PADME HUM has great power. Thanks to it, a person enters a state of cosmic harmony and gets rid of illusions. He discovers the lotus within himself - the Buddha nature - and moves to another level of evolution.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

A person himself is the creator of his own happiness and the most important wizard in his life. To do this, it is necessary to unblock the corresponding energy flows. An example of eastern spiritual practices proves that with the help of mantras a person can clear his mind, expand his consciousness and change his life. The mantra Om Mani Padme Hum is one of the most popular and powerful combinations in Buddhist practice, which helps to find happiness.

The meaning of the Hum mantra

A mantra is a set certain words, the combined sound of which causes certain vibrations that organize the flow of energy in a person and the world around him. The practice of using mantras helps to attract the energy of the Universe and achieve harmony. Each combination is aimed at achieving a specific result.

The mantra Om Mani Padme Hum is the energy of internal fire that neutralizes any negative impacts. It is a combination of compassion and wisdom that represents the purity of speech, body and mind of the Buddha. Literally translated, it sounds like: “Hail, Treasure of the Lotus Flower.” Each syllable contains a power that transforms into wisdom the feelings that prevent its achievement:

  • Om is the white color and the world of the gods, the original reality. It is our desire to purify the mind and body and get closer to the Buddha.
  • Mani - the desire for compassion, relieves sins concentrated in the mind and body. Symbolizes the correctness of our actions.
  • Pad - cleanses from sins that arose outside of Buddhist teachings;
  • Me - delivers from the source of sins, personifies greed and greed;
  • Hum - transforms aggression and hatred and helps to become a righteous person in your circle of friends. It is the merging and unity that gives rise to happiness, joy and absolute bliss.

The influence of the Hum mantra on a person

Each syllable of the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum has its own benefit for a person, eliminating the following main negative qualities:

  • pride;
  • jealousy;
  • attachment;
  • lack of education;
  • greed;
  • anger.

In addition, the Hum mantra has the following effects:

  • cleanses negative karma;
  • reveals hidden talents;
  • has an effect on the subconscious at all levels;
  • gives rise to compassion and mercy for all living things on earth;
  • protects against attack by an aggressive animal or poisonous snake;
  • removes danger when on the battlefield during combat operations;
  • protects against the effects of negative mantras and magic.

By getting rid of and protecting yourself from negativity in your life with the help of the Hum mantra, a person can achieve a state of harmony and happiness. This is a universal combination that charges positive energy to whatever you choose to direct it to.

Practice and rules for using the Hum mantra

When using the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra, it is important to adhere to the basic recommendations that will help achieve maximum results.

  1. Each syllable of the text carries its own meaning, so it is very important to accurately convey the sound when reading it. Listen carefully and repeatedly to the Hum mantra to correct pronunciation. For this you can use audio or video:

  2. The combination must be repeated 108 times - an amount that is considered sacred in Buddhism. For accurate counting, you can use a rosary.
  3. You need to chant the mantra in a cozy and calm place where no one will disturb you.
  4. The text must be recited early in the morning, at dawn, during the full moon.
  5. Before you begin the process of singing the combination, clear your mind of negative thoughts and tune in to a positive wave.

Especially popular in Tibet.

Writing the mantra OM MANI PADME HUNG in Tibetan

Writing the mantra OM MANI PADME HUNG in Sanskrit


Loving eyes are most revered in the Himalayas. This Yidam is the expression of the highest compassion of our Buddha nature. Chenrezig is considered the patron saint of Tibet, where his mantra, OM MANI PEME HUNG, was the first to be uttered. Many great lamas, such as the Dalai Lama, Karmapa or Kalu Rinpoche, are considered to be emanations from him. However, being an emanation of Avalokiteshvara is not the exclusive privilege of Tibetan Teachers; they can be anyone who works for the benefit of others and spreads love that lies beyond the limitations of our personality, not clouded by attachment, jealousy, or partiality. If one is imbued with such energy, it indicates the presence of Loving Eyes.

History of Avalokitesvara

Thangka of Avalokiteshvara

In order to further understand the meaning of Chenrezig's mantra, one needs to know more about who or what he is; Let's try to approach him from the side of his “biography” described in numerous legends.

Many eons ago, there lived King Tsangpocheog, who really wanted to have a son, and for this he constantly made offerings to the Three Jewels of Refuge. Among the gifts were lotus flowers collected by servants from a nearby lake. One day one of the assistants discovered a very large lotus in the middle of the lake and told the king about it. He immediately realized that his wish was close to coming true, and immediately went to the lake. During this time, the flower blossomed, and in its bowl people discovered a beautiful sixteen-year-old youth with a white luminous body and all the physical signs of a perfect Buddha. The young man said: “It is terrible that all beings experience such great suffering!” The ruler and his retinue made prostrations to him and invited him to the palace. As a sign of his miraculous birth, the king gave the young man the name “Born in the Lotus.” The king told about what happened to his Teacher, the Buddha of Limitless Light (Amitabha), who said that the young man is a manifestation of the activity and compassion of all Buddhas, his name is Avalokiteshvara and he came to free beings.

Loving Eyes felt great compassion for all beings in all six worlds. He saw that the illusion of the eternal self draws them into the endless cycle of the wheel of samsara; Realizing the senselessness and horror of it all, he asked all the Buddhas to help him free beings. The Buddhas replied that he would have to develop the deepest love and compassion, learn not to stop working for a moment and never despair, never give up; In order for Chenrezig to accomplish all this, Buddha Amitabha gave him special teachings and Initiations.

After this, Avalokiteshvara promised to work until all beings were liberated from samsara. He also promised not to go into nirvana until the last creature leaves the cycle of existence. If the slightest attachment to the ego remains, said the Bodhisattva, may my body be split into a thousand pieces.

After some time, it seemed to Avalokiteshvara that he had completed his work. However, a moment later, when he looked again at the conditioned worlds, it turned out that the situation had even worsened. He again began to radiate light into all spheres, but the beings were in such confusion that the work began to seem useless. He experienced deep disappointment and thought: “Space is truly infinite. I have already liberated so many, but countless beings continue to suffer. All this is pointless, and I would rather start working on my own Liberation.” At that moment, he broke his Bodhisattva Vow, and his head split into a thousand pieces. In desperation, he called upon Buddha Amitabha and all the Buddhas for help. Amitabha collected all the fragments and gave them Loving Eyes new uniform: he now had 100 arms and 11 heads: 9 "peaceful" and the tenth was the head of Mahakala, the six-armed protector. He placed his head on top, securing the entire structure with it. This powerful form should not have difficulty in its sympathetic work.

The meaning of the mantra

The literal translation (which is usually not used for practice) is: “O pearl shining in the lotus flower!”, or “Om! Precious lotus! Hum!

The texts say that Buddha Amitabha asked Loving Eyes to teach beings in the six worlds the six-syllable mantra “OM MANI PEME HUNG”, as it helps to avoid rebirth in the “lower” realms of existence. Each of the six syllables corresponds to one of the worlds:

  • OM closes the entrance to the worlds of the gods, who, although they enjoy life, waste their time because they are too happy to think about Dharma; they fall out of "heaven" when the good karma ends.
  • MA prevents demigods from entering the worlds - powerful beings obsessed with pride, who constantly fight for a place in the realm of the gods and accumulate bad karma.
  • NI frees people from the world.
  • PE closes the gates to the animal worlds, where, according to Gampopa, one can spend an entire kalpa.
  • ME gets rid of hungry ghosts from entering the spheres, which can never get enough and suffer terribly.
  • HUNG locks the doors to the so-called hells - worlds of paranoid states, where creatures seem to be constantly tormented and tormented, which is why existence there seems endless.

The six-syllable mantra is the name of the Loving Eyes, and by repeating it we invoke Chenrezig and connect with his field of power - blessing, compassion and the desire to work for the benefit of all beings. This also works when we imagine ourselves in its form.


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