What wall color to choose for your office. Office design in an apartment: which color scheme to choose?

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With the increasing availability of the Internet and its resources, representatives of various professions began to do part of their main work not somewhere in the office, but right at home. Any successful person, be it a politician, businessman, writer, designer or architect, must have a separate room in his home - an office. This is a room that fully meets the needs of the owner and is equipped for the most comfortable and productive performance of certain activities.

The color design of a home office is a purely individual matter, directly depending on the taste preferences of the owner and the nature of his activities. The color design is determined not only by the characteristics of this or that, but also by the desired palette for the person. By choosing the right shades, you can create ideal conditions both for complex painstaking work and for creative activities.

Color influence

It's no secret that each shade has a certain effect on a person, his mood, worldview and performance. Each representative of the color spectrum has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when designing the interior of a place for daily use. labor activity.

The white spectrum is ideal for small rooms. It puts you in a working mood and keeps you on your toes, not allowing you to give up. This color can be used to decorate walls and ceilings, or, conversely, play on the contrast of tinted surfaces with white furniture.

In office design, white shades have proven themselves well in combination with brown, gray or green. And thanks to the many options, from frosty-snowy to delicious milky, this color gives designers a lot of creative possibilities.

Beige cabinet

Beige color is considered universal. Gently soothing, evoking a feeling of stability and security, it is perfect for floors and walls, allowing you to add bright details to the environment without overloading the overall composition.
Against the background of white panels, a beige tone will emphasize the sophistication of the furniture without burdening the space. A good combination a shade of beige with gray or blue will give your home office a special chic.

Green in the interior of the office

Green color, taken as a basis when designing a workplace, reduces sensitivity to noise, increases efficiency, and neutralizes visual stress. For a home office, shades of forest moss, juicy apple or lime color are preferred.

An excellent complement to the greenery will be wood-brown, white or gray interior details.


Yellow color invigorates, energizes and increases intelligence. However, by constantly stimulating the nervous system, the bright elements of this spectrum become tiring. Therefore, when decorating your office, you should give preference to soft, unobtrusive shades.

A friendly neighborhood with the yellow base is shown by dim greens, gray or brown tones.


Orange is characterized by experts as a “cheerful” color that increases overall tone and stimulates the imagination. It is suitable for creative personalities who need creative ideas. In offices it is used in combination with wood, white and gray shades.

Northern, cold rooms should be decorated in orange tones. On the south side, with too much sunlight, such an interior will seem tiresomely hot.

Blue and light blue colors for the office

Blue color increases productivity, stimulates thought processes and gently calms the nervous system, creating a strict, business-like atmosphere.
Blue shades will be an excellent choice for decorating an office if the owner’s work requires increased attention and precision.
However, you should use the blue palette for the workplace very carefully, carefully thinking through the lighting to avoid attacks of melancholy.

Gray cabinet

Grey colour– a symbol of neatness and minimalism. In a study, it is ideal for both background decoration and furnishings. Thanks to its aristocratic restraint and majestic calm, gray color sets you up for achieving your goals and focused performance of work of any degree of complexity.
It is complemented favorably with white, greenish and orange shades.

Office in brown tones

Brown tones are traditionally associated with stability and prosperity of the owner. When it comes to cabinet design, wood brown is considered a timeless classic. All shades of this spectrum calm and help you concentrate for making important decisions.

IN modern interiors An effective contrast of a light general background and dark brown furniture is often used.


Purple color stimulates imagination. In small quantities, it has proven itself well in decorating the work area of ​​people in creative professions. The most suitable shades for an office are plum and orchid in combination with white and ashen colors.

Red and pink?

Decorating your home office in red or pink tones is not best idea.
Red is a very active color, and with prolonged exposure it can cause unnecessary irritability.
Pink is a symbol of romance and dreaminess, and such feelings are by no means conducive to productive activity...
However, if you like red or pink, and these colors have an exceptional effect on you positive influence- here are some stylish examples:

Here scientists have found out that if you somehow feel bad at work in the office, it is quite possible that the walls are to blame. More precisely their color. So, quickly read what’s going on with your office: will it help you with your work or, conversely, will drive you into severe depression.

Research has shown that 17% of office workers would rather watch walls drying with fresh paint than go to a meeting. And it’s true that no one needs so many meetings. Half can be safely cancelled. As for the paint, that’s quite an idea - instead of a couple of meetings, you can take and repaint the office. After all, the walls of your office are much more important than some meeting? Basically, what's the point of a meeting? An extra half hour of sleep? And the color of the office walls, as it turned out, will be long years influence productivity and your desire to work. So gather your strength and paints and run to paint your office. Well, or if you are lazy, just take this text to your boss, let him also be impressed and hire specially trained people for this task. And of course, you can relax for a couple of days at home while your office is being painted.

Gray and other neutral colors

The tradition of painting offices in neutral (feel free to read as dull) colors was born by itself, well, apparently, so as not to irritate the eyes once again. Grey, white, beige – a considerable number of offices around the world are painted in these calm colors. And gray suits are also prescribed by a lot of strict office dress codes. And now, attention, surprise! Gray color completely deprives employees of motivation and makes them passive. And beige and white make employees, and especially female employees, sad and depressed. As for male employees, orange and purple, which are far from neutral, also have a similar effect on them. In general, you understand what kind of paint should be left in the store.


Here the scientists were a little torn by the conclusions they had drawn. Some say yellow is cool. Everyone will look at him, enjoy life and be creative to the fullest. Others argue that it couldn’t be worse; your eyes will get tired of yellow before you even get to work, and it will be completely impossible to concentrate. Well, they can continue to argue, but it seems to us that everything is quite obvious: if you plan to be creative and produce new ideas, paint the walls yellow, if you are going to concentrate and concentrate, don’t paint!


An office painted green is the dream of any workaholic or someone whose boss forces him to sit in the office for days on end. This color does not tire the eye, and, in fact, it does not tire you either. But it calms you down and helps you concentrate. And also very good for reading. So if you have to spend a long time checking documents written in small print, green will help you keep yourself in control, not get mad from monotonous work and not lose concentration. Look how the guy in the picture is shining, it’s probably all because of the stained walls, or he just liked the blonde, or he’s now being told on the phone that his bonus this month will be a couple of million dollars. But, most likely, it’s still because of the green!


In the ranking of the most successful office colors, blue confidently shares first place with green. It helps not to lose concentration and, like green, does not tire. For anyone who has to work with numbers or small details, this is exactly what you need. The main thing is not to confuse it with blue (this is the one that is darker) or gray (this is the color of the office suit, which will make everyone depressed).


Oddly enough, the brown one was not included in the “dull” group along with his comrade, the gray one. On the contrary, scientists believe that this color can create a feeling of safety and security. So if you sell insurance, for example, or services security company, then brown will help convince clients that everything will be fine with you.


It would seem that you would have to go crazy to paint your office red. But no, it really seemed like it. Red can also help creative people. It enhances emotionality and expressiveness, almost like yellow promotes creative activity, and generally invigorates. The latter, by the way, can also help those whose work is related to physical labor. True, along with cheerfulness, red also increases hostility, so perhaps don’t paint your meeting room this color. And also know that if you decide to paint your open space red, everyone will always be gnawing on something in it, red stimulates the appetite. Well, you understand that everything is too ambiguous to paint the entire office. So if you are not a homicidal maniac or a member of the Communist Party, it is better not to paint all the walls. But you can use red in the corner where the coffee machine stood, workers will come, watch and be invigorated without any coffee.

Now you can apply our color ideal range to your office and decide how much it helps you in your work. If suddenly the assistant is not so-so, you urgently need to repaint it.

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We spend at least a third of our time at work. That is why the color design of an office is very important, as it directly affects the psychophysical state of the people working in it. Let's look at all aspects of proper office color design in more detail.

Let's start, in fact, with the concept itself: color design - the implementation of rational, reasonable, material-saving, rational, giving color finishing works. The color design of an office has a strong impact on the performance and well-being of the team working there. Each of us daily and almost continuously experiences the color influence of the world around us. Color directly affects such important psycho-emotional and physical characteristics, How:

  • mood
  • general health
  • performance

Therefore, office color design should stimulate the following factors:

  • attention
  • calm mental state
  • thought processes

The influence can be both negative and positive.

Color design techniques for painting work include:

  • lime staining
  • painting with cement laitance
  • painting with silicate paints
  • painting with adhesive paints
  • coloring with disperse dyes and sketching
  • painting with varnishes and oil paints
  • impregnation
  • painting with various enamels

TO decorative techniques Office color schemes include:

  • surface treatment various kinds decorative compositions
  • wallpapering
  • plastic coating
  • fabric upholstery
  • the use of decorative elements: paintings, screens, etc.

General provisions for color design of premises

The coloring of a room directly depends on its area of ​​application. For office or work room The most preferred colors are warm gray and light brown for painting walls. The following indicators are also important:

  • square
  • height
  • location
  • breakdown into internal zones
  • the actual furnishings of the room and decorative elements

A large and tall office allows for the use of highly saturated and less vibrant shades of preferred colors. For small offices with low ceilings, the saturation should be much less so as not to visually reduce the office workspace. If the office is not well lit, it creates an oppressive atmosphere of gloom, which can be corrected with the help of office color design, if you choose the right colors. Light and warm colors will eliminate this negative factor, which causes nervousness and decreased performance in the team. Using color, you can highlight the beautiful elements of your office and hide imperfections.

The depth of the room can be optically changed simply by selecting the appropriate color end wall. Red, orange, red-brown and gray colors optically shorten the room, bright hues blue, green or yellow flowers- lengthen.

The color design of the office should stimulate the following tasks:

  • positively influence the hygienic quality of the office
  • improve well-being
  • provide morale and business activity
  • improve visibility conditions, do not tire the eyes, each color has its own level of reflectivity,%: white - 80, Ivory- 75, yellow - 60, red - 30, green - 25, blue - 15
  • improve labor protection
  • improve the organization of the work process
  • have a stabilizing effect on a person’s positive emotions, which help improve the performance of both the individual and the entire team as a whole
  • increase labor productivity
  • smooth out negative impacts related to the implementation of the work process and the interaction of individuals within the team.

The following colors and their shades are perfect for these purposes:

  • low saturated yellow
  • yellow-pink
  • yellow-green

It is permissible to paint the ceiling and one of the walls in one of following colors or their shades:

  • gray-blue
  • gray-green
  • taupe

Colors opposing negative conditions labor, with correct selection will help correct some negative factors that negatively affect work in your office. Let's look at them in more detail.

If heat and dryness bother you production process, then blue and blue-green and their lightened shades: due to their qualities, they have a cooling and moisturizing effect, significantly reducing the feeling of heat and dryness.

If dampness and coolness create depressing psycho-emotional discomfort, call for help yellow and red-orange, their lightened shades. Their effect significantly reduces the feeling of dampness and coolness.

Each of us knows firsthand that noise is very insidious and dangerous enemy performance and health. In the city, the level of man-made noise can even lead to various kinds of physical and mental disorders and diseases. To solve this unpleasant problem, use such helpers as dark green, blue-blue, brown and their lightened shades. They calm the nervous system and muffle the feeling of a noisy environment.

The other extreme is silence and a monotonously depressing environment, which also have a bad effect on the condition of people working in the office and the process of work itself. Labor productivity indicators sharply decrease, a person becomes lethargic and apathetic, loses interest in everything, and withdraws into himself. This flaw can be easily corrected using bright colors. It is enough to bring a few colorful details of appropriate tones into the office and the problem will be solved. Use yellow, orange, yellow-green colors that relieve monotony.

Dampness and an acidic smell can bring to naught even the most vigorous activity. This problem can be eliminated purely psychologically thanks to the beneficial effects of pink and red-orange color therapy. Thanks to the "sweet" effect Pink colour and its shades on human perception and the “warmish-dryish” perception of orange, dampness and acidity are practically not felt.

Sweet smells also negatively affect the work process in the office. They are fought with yellow and blue-green colors and their lightened shades. Their “sourish” effect helps to effectively combat this problem, which interferes with the comfortable implementation of the work process.

Color scheme of warning signs

It is also important to remember that colors and color combinations help improve organization and safety at work. Let's look at four types of color schemes for warning signs that help improve the safety of the work process and mobilize a person during force majeure situations.

  • Signs with the meaning "Stop!" always painted bright red. This category includes: funds fire safety, first aid and pointer to the emergency switch. Red warns about possible danger, increases attention and allows you to mobilize strength and attention.
  • Yellow-black contrast with the meaning “Attention, danger!” used in the following cases: protective devices ( lifting devices and fences) are awarded with a bright striped yellow and black coloring.
  • Green-white contrast relaxes and evokes a feeling of peace and security, calms the human psyche and nervous system. It signals that there is no danger. The “Emergency Exit” and “Smoking Area” signs are painted in this contrast.
  • Signs for transport routes and parking spaces near the office are painted in neutral white.

If you approach the problem of office color design wisely, the working day will be pleasant and without unnecessary hassle and worry, employees will be less tired and show good results.

Scientists have already conducted a lot of research on how the environment in the workplace affects the desire to go to work every day, stay at the workplace all day, and labor productivity. In fact, its influence is colossal. That is why it is recommended to approach the choice of finishing colors wisely, taking into account the psychological state of employees when perceiving a specific color. Today we will talk about what the color of the walls in the office should be so that every employee works fully and goes to work with pleasure.

Features of the influence of certain colors

When deciding what the walls in the office will be like, it is necessary to take into account a huge number of factors, the influence of specific shades on a person’s visual perception. To create a successful overall picture, you should consider the most popular examples of painting office walls:

  • Gray color, all its derivatives, neutral shades. They refer to calm flowers, do not irritate the eyes, but at the same time cause apathy and despondency. The gray color is combined with the shade of office clothes, which is why there is a high probability that employees may begin to fall asleep in the workplace, and accordingly, labor productivity will decrease.
  • Yellow. Psychologists have a lot of controversy around it. Some believe that this shade pleases the eye, increases productivity, and lifts the mood. Other experts are sure that in such an environment it is simply impossible to concentrate and complete the task. Both opinions are completely reasonable and have evidence, but, nevertheless, each person has a different attitude towards this color and perceives it in his own way.
  • Green. This is the optimal tone for office space. It does not tire you out at all throughout the entire workbench, so employees can work in peace long time. This design is soothing to the eye. This is the best solution when doing work that requires maximum concentration. Green walls give the office a businesslike feel.
  • Brown. When choosing this color, you need to take into account that it has a depressing effect on the psyche. It is only acceptable for an investigator’s office, because visitors will feel protected.
  • Blue. If you paint your office walls this color, your productivity will increase significantly. It will become optimal solution for rooms where people do calculations or work with small parts.

Important! It is worth paying attention to the blue tone, not blue, otherwise the overall perception will completely change.

  • Orange. Painting walls with this shade will become the best solution for concluding contracts and receiving clients. It is recommended to use an orange tint, since it is softer and does not irritate the eyes.
  • Red. This office wall color is optimal for creative people. It causes aggression in people with an unbalanced psyche and promotes increased emotionality. This shade is perfectly invigorating and is well suited for people whose work involves physical labor.

Important! Red is not recommended for use in offices where contracts are concluded, negotiations are conducted, and the manager works. Such a design aggravates the situation that arises when resolving controversial issues; it irritates and excites, causing conflict situations.

  • Violet. This color helps you relax, it calms you down, and it’s better to paint certain places with it.
  • White. If you paint the walls this color, you will make the room visually larger, it will become more formal and business-like.
  • Black. More often it is used to create contrast with other shades. In general, it is not used as a main color, as it causes negative reactions.
  • Pink. Reduces efficiency, so it is better not to use it for office decoration.

How to choose a color for painting walls in an office?

To decide what wall color to choose for your office, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Total area of ​​the room.
  • Location of windows relative to cardinal directions.
  • Dimensions of windows and degree of illumination of the room.

Important! Often a disadvantage natural light trying to correct by adding additional light sources. Warm shades are traditionally used to decorate walls in rooms where windows face north, but cool tones can cool the interior of rooms facing south.

In addition, the choice of wall color is influenced by several other points:

  • Styling interior design.
  • Wishes of the office owners, management, people working in it.
  • The color of furniture that is already used in the room.
  • Shade design of others finishing materials, which have already been selected and purchased.
  • The influence of color on the human psyche.

Psychologists believe that you should very carefully choose what color to paint the walls in the office, because its design affects composure, performance, concentration, brain activity, fatigue, condition nervous system. By the way, many years of practice have made it possible to prove the validity of their various conclusions.

  1. Oversupply bright colors too distracting, exciting, overloads the nervous system.
  2. Motley tones increase fatigue and cause headaches.
  3. Warm, calm tones increase performance.
  4. Cool shades can visually enlarge a space, give it volume, and promote maximum concentration.
  5. The combination of warm and cold tones allows you to achieve the desired psychological background for effective work.

Important! The color of the walls in the office of a creative person who is more engaged in creative work should be unobtrusive and have smooth transitions, more different shade combinations. Premises for conducting strict calculations or making sales are best decorated in a strict style, because it is important that nothing distracts clients and employees from the main task.

Thousands of books have been written on how to increase work efficiency. But it is quite possible that smart heads are not all that a leader needs. After all, the environment in which a person works has a significant impact on energy, creativity and the ability to concentrate. And experts continue to prove the relationship between the workplace and performance. We have put their recommendations together and compiled a set of rules - what you need to know about the influence of color and how to use it correctly.

Team spirit

If you work in a team, a great solution would be to decorate the interior in blue and tones, as these colors contribute to a feeling of trust and ease of communication. In addition, these colors prevent tension from building up when disagreements arise within the team. That is why the break room, if you have one in your office, is also useful to decorate with such color accents.

Photo: Design Milk

On the other hand, peace and quiet are not always good for work, and if your creative team often gathers for brainstorming sessions, you should definitely include green color- harmonious, balanced and stimulating creativity. He doesn't have to be dominant, he just has to be.

Photo: Design Milk

There are also cases when it is recommended to paint the workspace in. For example, red is needed where people work at night, because this color stimulates brain activity. Orange is good where people need to be energetic, and yellow – active and lively (can you guess why fast food restaurants and bistros, where employees need to be efficient, and where visitors stop in for a bite and run away, are decorated primarily in these colors?).

The Color Productivity Palette: How Color Can Influence Workplace Behavior

Research shows that our perception of the surrounding reality. The more intense the color, the stronger its impact. Scientists have also found that people experience psychological changes when exposed to certain colors. So colors can:

  • excite
  • stimulate
  • calm down
  • drive
  • increase appetite
  • create a feeling of warmth or coolness

Photo: Aurimas

How to choose correct colors for different spaces?


What is he doing? Inspires a sense of optimism, stimulates and gives energy. Too much yellow in a space can make people feel anxious and will increase their temperament.

For rooms where energy and creativity are required - as small color accents.

Photo: Haldane Martin

Orange color

What is he doing? Activates Creative skills and inspires enthusiasm.

What is it best suited for? Like yellow - for rooms where energy and creativity are required, as small ones.

Photo: Haldane Martin

Red color

What is he doing? Increases heart rate, enhances brain activity, stimulates appetite.

What is it best suited for? First of all, for premises where people work at night or do physical labor.

Photo: Haldane Martin

Green color

What is he doing? Increases creativity, inspires something new, gives a feeling of harmony and balance, enhances creativity, reduces anxiety, reduces eye strain.

What is it best suited for? For, where the main activity of employees is innovation; for premises where staff constantly and monotonously work at computers; for offices and spaces where brainstorming takes place.

Photo: Haldane Martin

Grey colour

What is he doing? Causes a feeling of self-doubt.

What is it best suited for? If the manager does not have insidious plans to suppress the will of his subordinates and enslave the employees of a particular office, then it must be used exclusively as a background for bright colors, like red or yellow.

Photo: Mazzali

White color

What is he doing? Creates a feeling of space (especially in combination with natural lighting) and increases creativity.

What is it best suited for? ideal for spaces where the main activity of employees is to invent, compose, create.

Photo: dhub limited

A few rules for creating a highly effective workspace

  • stimulate more than pale ones.
  • Accent colors help balance a space. And dominance a certain color indoors, on the contrary, leads to an imbalance. The golden mean is to choose a couple accent colors and stick to them.
  • Red is a very specific color and, as you can see, it is not suitable for all workspaces. But as an accent, red can be used with great benefit for business, for example - in a meeting room.

Photo: dhub limited

  • Yellow is a good accent color for a room where workers need to constantly focus and concentrate on something.
  • Texture also matters: smooth, shiny surfaces are more energetic.
  • The same rules can be used to distinguish between residential and work area. If you are not tied to the office and do your work at home, paint your “work corner” in a color with characteristics that suit you.

Photo: atravellingmom

Yulia Lyubeznova


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