Which disk to use for cutting OSB. Self-tapping screws for OSB - choose and calculate correctly

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Floors made of OSB boards can be found quite often. To install OSB on wooden floor or walls, complex highly professional installation is not required, but care must be taken, since it is important not to miss a single moment in the installation technology.

How to cover an OSB floor on joists and concrete

Making OSB flooring is not difficult, and you can use the simplest panel. To make the flooring more durable, you should choose canvases with grooves. The joints should be located directly on the joists, but if they are too large, it is better to install an additional fastener. To lay OSB panels and make a floor on joists, you will first need to prepare the necessary equipment.


  • Jigsaw;
  • Drill;
  • Roulette;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Building level.

There should be a distance of no more than 40 cm between the beams, and in this case it is permissible to lay sheets 1.5 cm thick. If the distance is greater, then the panels should be thicker. The distance between the boards is the same, and it is also important to lay the boards correctly so that a small gap remains. The gaps will subsequently be filled with the most common polyurethane foam.

Making OSB flooring with your own hands is quite simple.

If additional thermal insulation is needed, you can use polystyrene foam or ordinary mineral wool.

It is quite possible to lay OSB sheets on a concrete screed, and for this it is worth following the sequence of actions. The foundation is being prepared. The floor must be thoroughly vacuumed so that dust does not cause poor adhesion between the canvas and the floor. It is imperative to prime the concrete surface. Any primer can be used as a solution, be it deep penetration or ordinary. Next you need to cut the sheet, this can be done with your own hands. It is definitely worth considering such a point as leaving a technical gap near the walls, which should be equal to 5 mm. This is required in order to prevent the sheets from swelling when their size increases, which occurs when exposed to moisture. Direct installation is carried out using rubber-based glue and a driven dowel. Before laying sheets on a concrete floor, you need to lay insulation and also make sure that the sheets are smooth and suitable for construction. Laying on a subfloor is not difficult, and it is possible to do everything yourself.

Advantages of floor panels

A building material such as OSB board has many advantages, due to which many people prefer to lay it on the floor. The material is so high density that the canvas cannot be chewed by rodents and harm its integrity. This finish is resistant to moisture.

Accordingly, you can select panels for:

  • Baths;
  • Bathroom;
  • And similar wet rooms.

The canvas has excellent pressing, and therefore even small scraps do not crumble. The product has excellent resistance to biological factors. The canvas is completely environmentally friendly, since natural wood shavings are used for production.

OSB board has many advantages

It is not at all difficult to carry out installation, whether to concrete or to any other foundation, and no professional training is required.

The cost of the material is not too high, and one element has quite impressive dimensions, which means it can cover a large area. OSB has an excellent level of reliability, which allows for the highest quality of not only finishing, but also construction. Thanks to good wear resistance, you can use the canvas for a long time and not worry about the formation of defects, since the material does not dry out. OSB is difficult to bend, easy to saw and replace with a new one.

OSB thickness and composition

The characteristics of the material mean a lot, but when choosing OSB sheets, you also need to pay attention to such criteria as parameters and manufacturer. When creating a finished floor, or perhaps it will be a substrate for laminate flooring on a balcony, you should always follow the recommendations from specialists in the selection of finishes and then it will fully meet your expectations.

Craftsmen with extensive experience working with such fabrics prefer to use panels made in Europe and Canada.

When choosing OSB boards, take into account their technical characteristics and manufacturer

The thickness is selected according to:

  • The type of coating the panel will be laid on;
  • Budget;
  • Operational properties.

As for the dimensions, there is only one standard, and it is 2.44x1.22 m. Thickness does not affect the dimensions, but the quality of the finish does. If you need to attach small pieces of OSB, then it is possible to cut the sheet at home, which will not cause much difficulty or problems.

Do-it-yourself budget OSB furniture

OSB boards are excellent as kitchen decor, for example, for covering an apron or even creating original shelves. An openwork cabinet or bookshelf in an office will look very unusual.

The use of OSB panels is very diverse, since the board can be installed as a partition between rooms, and can also be used:

  • For arranging a roof in a private house;
  • For finishing the stairs to the second floor;
  • As a cladding;
  • As a canvas to cover a warm floor;
  • For making furniture with your own hands.

Using OSB boards you can make your own furniture

Due to the fact that the slabs are hard and will not warp, massive cabinets are made from them. Among additional benefits it is worth noting the presence decorative structure. The furniture is made simply, but looks very unusual, and sometimes it does not even require additional finishing.

If you glue original pictures onto OSB furniture, creating a Provence style, you can achieve an excellent result and create an original interior with your own hands.

There are a lot of options, but it all depends on preferences and capabilities. If desired, you can design a whole playground inside the house, but first you need to familiarize yourself with what screws will be used to carry out the fastening.

Correct installation of OSB on a wooden floor

Over time, any coating loses its aesthetics and therefore, in order to cover the old plank floor, you need to lay OSB boards, and it is better if the board is moisture resistant. There are still some rooms in which the floor is not linoleum, but a plank floor.

Many were in a hurry to install such a coating, since it:

  • Durable;
  • Wear-resistant;
  • Durable.

Before laying OSB boards, it is necessary to prepare the base of the floor

The principle of laying the floor in this way is not complicated. The foundation is being prepared. You need to make sure that there are no protruding nails. If during the period of operation the boards have not only become deformed, but have become uneven, then before fastening is carried out, it is necessary to carry out leveling. A plane is used for this.

When laying out cut OSB sheets, you must not forget about the seams to move the sheets.

Fastening is carried out with self-tapping screws, the length of which is 4 cm. The fasteners are installed at a distance of 30 cm from each other. The caps must be recessed into the covering. After completing the work, you need to sand the joints of the canvas.

How to install OSB on walls

OSB panels should not be confused with a material such as plywood, the front side of which is unlikely to surprise anyone. It is worth noting that you also need to correctly pronounce the name of this canvas.

Some misinterpret RSD as:

  • YIZBI;
  • WESBY;

This is required so that the OSB panel is chosen to cover the floor or walls, since an incredible amount of construction and finishing materials, and it’s not difficult to confuse them by their names. The laminated OSB panel is laid on a self-leveling or concrete floor using compounds such as mastic or glue.

To secure the OSB board to the wall, you need a sheathing that is installed to the building frame

To glue the canvases together, that is, concrete and boards, you need a lot of composition, but how much is needed is calculated depending on the situation, since more solution is transferred to the porous coating.

To secure the product to the wall, you need a sheathing that is installed to the building frame. The installation of the slabs itself is carried out with two-inch spiral nails of 51 mm or ring nails 4.5-7.5 cm long. Driving is carried out every 30 cm into the supports in the gaps. Where the slabs are connected, you need to drive in nails every 15 cm. In addition, you need to take care to leave expansion gaps so that the installation is as correct as possible. A space of 1 cm should be left between the edge of the slab located at the top and the crown-type beam. Between the edge of the slab located at the bottom and the foundation, 1 cm should also be left. Between the canvases that do not have grooves, there should be a distance of 0.3 cm.

In some cases, finishing of walls covered with OSB panels is not carried out in the future, since rooms with such finishing look very unusual. The most common method of decorating a canvas can be called puttying, since it is not only a finishing touch, but also an additional sealing of cracks and joints. High-quality puttying allows you to get a perfectly beautiful room. If necessary, the putty can be painted, covered with wallpaper or any other finishing materials.

Sheet building materials are used in frame housing construction, with dry leveling of planes. One of these materials is OSB board (OSB). She pushed aside GKL. And all because with good technical specifications, has a low price.

What is OSB board and OSB

One of the sheet building materials is OSB (also called OSB). The name is an abbreviation for full name material - “oriented- particle board" That is, it is correct to call this material OSB. The second name - OSB - comes from the transliteration of the English version of the name - OSB ( oriented strand board). English letters were simply replaced with similar ones in Cyrillic.

OSB is a multilayer material (3 or more layers). Each layer consists of wood, ground into chips, mixed with resins. The wood chips used are long and thin (several millimeters thick, up to 7 cm long). The chips in the layers are located in different directions: the outer layers have a longitudinal orientation, the inner layers have a transverse orientation. Due to this, high elasticity and dimensional stability are achieved. Various resins are used as a binder. They make the material waterproof, but contain formaldehyde. It is the content of this substance that stops many from using OSB. But, if the material is produced in accordance with GOST, formaldehyde emissions do not exceed those of wood. But this can only be verified in laboratory conditions. So the average buyer can only rely on the inspection authorities. Or choose a different material.

Types of OSB

Depending on the consumer properties, oriented strand boards are produced in several types:

If you need moisture-resistant OSB, carefully choose the manufacturer. Be prepared for the fact that OSB 3 is more expensive than non-moisture resistant brands. You will have to pay even more money for OSB 4. Search cheap material We don't recommend it. Too many people complain that purchased OSB 3 swelled by 3-8 mm due to humidity, in some cases it even blossomed or became overgrown with fungi. All this is due to attempts to reduce costs. To do this, they use less disinfectants and a cheaper binder. Chinese manufacturers use deciduous wood instead of pine wood chips, which is easily affected by fungi and diseases.

Properties and technical specifications

OSB boards compete with other sheet materials both in the field of construction (for covering frames, creating formwork) and in the field of finishing (leveling walls, floors, ceilings). This is facilitated by the properties of OSB:

Once again, please note that moisture resistance and resistance to deformation are characteristic of OSB, which was made in compliance with the technology. Unfortunately, Russian-made material is no different high quality. Less powerful presses are used, they try to save on binders, and do not apply markings. As a result, there are many examples negative experience: the slabs swell from moisture, they warp, the glue is washed out... The solution is to look for slabs made imported (Europe or the USA). Due to the rise of the dollar, they now have considerable prices; there are very few of them on the market, but, if desired, you can find them or order them for delivery.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that it is impossible to distinguish moisture-resistant OSB3 from non-moisture-resistant OSB2 or 1 by appearance. The latter cost much less. Unscrupulous sellers sell cheaper ones under the guise of being moisture resistant. This is where trouble starts. As a way out of the situation, you can do this: buy one sheet of OSB 3, check its behavior when high humidity. If there are no visible changes, buy a batch.

Application area

The properties of OSB allow this material to be used as a construction or finishing material. Here are the types of work it can be used for:

  • Covering frames and walls inside and out.
  • Leveling the floor and ceiling.
  • Laying rough or finished floors along joists.
  • Removable formwork when working with concrete.
  • Continuous sheathing for metal tiles, slate,.
  • Production of SIP panels and thermal panels.

There is constant debate among developers about how safe OSB board is. Its production uses resins that emit formaldehyde. Manufacturers claim that the release of this substance does not exceed 1%. Materials with such formaldehyde emissions are considered absolutely safe. Wood releases approximately the same amount of this substance. Therefore, such materials are allowed for the construction of children's furniture. In addition, OSB boards with emissions of 0.5% appeared. They can be distinguished by two criteria: the name contains the prefix Bio or Green and they are more expensive.

Please note that the level of formaldehyde emission must be controlled. Each batch of material must be checked and the actual parameters indicated in the accompanying documents. Despite all the arguments, not everyone considers this material safe, preferring to use natural material - boards. They are, without a doubt, an environmentally friendly material, but the boards take longer to work with and are more expensive. In general, everyone decides for themselves whether to use OSB boards or not.

Oriented Strand Board Dimensions

Since OSB boards have different purposes, different sizes may be convenient. The situation with the sizes of OSB boards is not simple. 1220*2440 mm and 1250*2500 mm are always on sale. There are also formats 1250*2800 mm, 1250*3000 mm, 1200*6000 mm, but they are extremely rare in our market, although in many cases they are much more convenient to use. Having picked up right size you get rid of the need to “grow” the missing centimeters or saw off the extra ones. But there are not many of them on the market, since these are imported slabs, and importing is difficult now...

The OSB board can be different thicknesses- 9 mm, 12 mm, 15 mm, 18 mm, 22 mm, 25 mm. Each type of use has its own thickness:

  • Wall and ceiling cladding - from 9 mm.
  • Continuous sheathing under roofing materials- from 12 mm.
  • An OSB board of 15 mm thickness will be used on the floor.

Another application of OSB boards is removable formwork for concrete work.

OSB board is a convenient building material. It can be sawed regular saw on wood, use a grinder with cutting disc, jigsaw. The material drills well; screw nails can be used without pre-drilling. But then their hats stick out, which is not always convenient.

Before finishing, the OSB board is coated with a primer. It is selected depending on the finishing materials - to equalize absorbency and improve adhesion to other materials.

IN Lately Oriented strand boards are gaining popularity in construction. In Russian standards, this material is abbreviated as OSB; sometimes they are designated by the English letters OSB (oriented strand boards) or Russian OSB. We have already reviewed the main characteristics, brands and areas of application of these products in the article . In this article we will talk about how to properly work with oriented strand boards.

What is important to understand when working with OSB

First of all, when working with it, it is important to understand the principle of manufacturing this material. Structurally, the slab consists of chips (chips) that are oriented in a certain direction. All scraps have their own clear direction, the chips in each subsequent layer are located perpendicular to the subsequent and previous ones. This is the key to the strength of OSB. Accordingly, depending on the direction, each oriented plate has a longitudinal and transverse axes. The longitudinal (major) axis has the highest bending strength, while the transverse (minor) axis can have two times lower values. For this reason, installation should be done so that the main load falls on the main axis.

Internal structure of the material

In addition to the strength characteristics and brand, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the particle material itself. According to GOST, wood chips have certain acceptable parameters; their length cannot be less than 5 cm, and their thickness cannot be less than 2 mm. If there are no large chips in the slab, but mostly dust or sawdust, then the actual structural properties of the material are reduced.

Acclimatization problems

Before use, it is necessary that they undergo acclimatization in the environment where they will be used in the future. This is due to the fact that wood material tends to change its volume depending on humidity and temperature. Structural changes in OSB are greater than in plywood - depending on the brand, the material can swell from water by 15 - 25%.

Oriented strand board is divided into four grades. OSB-1 - material general purpose, designed for a humidity of no more than 65%, OSB-2 is used at a similar humidity level, but can withstand load-bearing loads, OSB-3 and OSB-4 are used in an environment with a humidity level of no more than 85%.

Acclimatization takes place within two days. The plates are installed in a vertical position, and slats are placed between the sheets to improve air circulation. According to GOST, it is recommended that the absolute humidity of products range from 2 to 12%. At the same time, in an unheated room, the humidity of the material can fluctuate at the level of 16 - 18%.

Particle boards must be protected from water even if OSB-3 and OSB-4 grades are used. Contact with liquid will cause deformation and swelling of the material. After installation, the slabs must be protected from moisture facing materials(lining, siding, etc.). It is not recommended to treat the chipped surface with products containing a high water content. When using material for external walls, they cover him protective film To prevent the slabs from becoming saturated with moisture from the ground, the sheets are laid on wooden pads. Also, using wooden slats, you need to create an air space between the film and the OSB, again this is done for air circulation.

The ends are the most vulnerable areas of OSB; during the acclimatization process, when the environment changes from dry to wet, they can swell; in this case, they must be sanded before installation.


Cut into sheets before installation different sizes. A hand or power tool can be used for this. When working, it is important to eliminate vibrations of the slab, so it is securely secured with clamps. To take a sip straight line use guides made from straight boards. When sawing, it is important to use a corner so that the cut always goes perpendicular to the edge of the sheet.

When marking, you need to take into account the thickness of the cut; all tools have their own thickness. Before starting work, it is recommended to carry out a rough cutting of an unnecessary piece of material. Oriented strand material should be cut at a moderate speed, forward movement must be done smoothly. Marking is done using a ruler and a construction marker. Due to the large dimensions of the sheets, they are installed on wooden stand, the option of cutting in a vertical position is also allowed. Let's look at the basic tools that can be used for cutting.

  • - for sawing OSB, a tool with a fine tooth is used. For serious construction work, a hand saw is not suitable, since the cutting speed is limited by the physical effort of a person. Give up completely hand saw It’s also not worth it, it can play an auxiliary role when cutting small elements. A hacksaw with a fine tooth is best for cutting OSB.

  • - the tool can be hand-held or table-top. When working with the latter, the user himself pushes the plate onto the rotating disk. For sawing OSB, discs with a large number of teeth and hard alloy tips are suitable. Some circular saws have a connection for connecting a vacuum cleaner, which collects sawdust left over from work.

  • - easy to use sawing tool various materials. The cutting is carried out using the movement of the hacksaw blade. Some devices have a pendulum cutting function, when the blade moves not only up and down, but also in the direction of the cut. Operating the device is simplified with keyless blade replacement. Adjusting the angle of the sole helps make complex cuts in inclined plane. For cutting large slabs, a jigsaw is less effective than a circular saw. The main inconvenience is the difficulty of making an even cut.

Some manufacturers produce blades specifically for cutting wood panels.

Firmly and firmly - types of fasteners

Oriented strand board can be used in a variety of construction applications. Depending on the application, the fastening elements vary. Nails, self-tapping screws, screws and staples are commonly used.

  • - a fastening element in the form of a rod, most often used for fastening OSB to an external frame (during construction frame house) and on the roof sheathing. In this regard, nails have a serious advantage over self-tapping screws, since they keep the slabs from moving. The self-tapping screw will simply break off under the weight of the vertical slab, and the nail may bend, but will continue to hold the wall of the house. Best for working with flexible materials Screw nails show themselves. Ruff and ring nails are also used and are more common for roofing work. It must be remembered that it will be difficult to pull out such nails. IN finishing works hardware with a small head is used.

For fastening it is necessary to use galvanized fasteners so that it does not corrode.

  • Screw connections - these include wood screws and . The fasteners are easy to tighten and unscrew without causing harm to the material. Screw connections are used when attaching OSB to concrete using dowels (laying a subfloor on concrete screed). Screws and self-tapping screws provide better tear-off fixation, therefore they are more often used on horizontal connections.
  • Staples- H-shaped fasteners are used to connect the edges of the particle board on the roof. Pneumatic or electric construction staplers are used to fasten surfaces.
  • Gluing is not used as the main method of fixation; more often the application of adhesives is used as additional fastening when laying slabs on joists. Usually any wood glues are used; they are selected depending on the method of fastening and the humidity in the room.

Installation features

Installation differs depending on the type of work. TO general recommendations This includes the presence of an expansion joint and protection from contact with water.

Expansion (expansion) seam- this element is called differently, in fact it is a regular seam. As we know from the characteristics of the material, OSB boards tend to swell, change their shape and volume depending on temperature conditions. When installed without an expansion joint, waves and bumps appear on the surface of the slabs over time. The seam between the slabs should be 3 cm, next to the walls - 12 - 15 cm, to the foundation when installing the wall - 10 cm. If the length of the mounted plane exceeds 12 m, then make a gap of 25 cm.

When installing tongue and groove slabs expansion joint is formed by itself thanks to the tongue-and-groove design.

An example of creating expansion joints when installing a floor

Now let's look at the installation features using specific examples.

  • Installing a subfloor- oriented strand boards are laid for subsequent placement of laminate or parquet on them. Installation is carried out on logs or on a concrete screed. The thickness of the sheet when installed on a concrete screed is 8-10 mm; for logs, a slab of up to 22 mm will be required, depending on the distance between the supports. Fastening is carried out using nails or dowels with self-tapping screws, sometimes as additional means glue is used for fixation.
  • Floor on strip foundation - in this case, installation is also carried out on logs made of timber, but the OSB side facing the ground is processed. It is possible to lay two layers of slabs; in this case, they are laid “staggered” so that the seams are not on top of each other.

Features of rough installation flooring from particle board materials depend on subsequent finishing. For example, tiles will require a solid base, so it is better to use tongue-and-groove designs when using roll material(carpet) gaps must be sealed using adhesive sealant.

  • - in the ceiling, the same schemes are used as when fixing the floor on joists, only beams are used for the ceiling. To ensure structural rigidity, the main axis must be perpendicular to the beams. The ceiling is covered with a waterproofing film to protect it from water, and special holes are made to drain liquid. Fixation is carried out using self-tapping screws, screws or nails.

Ceiling installation using OSB

  • Wall installation produced on the racks of a frame house. The task of the particle board is not to clad the structure, but to give rigidity to the structure and create the power contour of the house. Fastening is carried out on three frame posts using screw nails, which are driven in around the perimeter every 15 cm, in the central part of the sheet - every 30 cm. When the distance between the posts is 50 cm, slabs with a thickness of 12 mm are used. The nail should be 2.5 times the thickness of the sheet itself and should be driven in at a distance of 1 cm from the edge. To prevent water from the house from condensing on the insulation and on the stove, with inside the material is protected with
  • WITH outside OSB is closed, it prevents moisture from precipitation from getting on the material, while allowing the wall of the house to “breathe”, organizing air exchange inside the wall. Steam escapes from the room unhindered, but moisture remains on the outside.

Multilayer wall of a frame house - “frame pie”

This structure is called the “pie” of a frame house. Main purpose multilayer wall- protection of OSB from condensation. Improper design leads to the development of mold and damage to the entire structure.

  • - oriented slabs are the basis for subsequent fastening of the roof; the sheets are installed on the rafter system. Sheet thickness is selected depending on the pitch rafter leg. At 60 cm it is optimal to use slabs with a thickness of 12 mm, at 80 cm - 15 - 18 mm, for larger rafter pitches 22 mm OSB is used. Fastening is carried out using screw nails, since pitched roof Shear fasteners are important. The longitudinal axis of the slabs is located perpendicular to the rafter system. The layers of material are connected to each other in two ways: tongues or staples. If there is a tongue-and-groove connection, there is no need to make an expansion gap, otherwise the gap should be 3 mm, and fastening is done with H-shaped brackets.

When installing the roof, the slabs are laid with the rough side out to make it easier for builders to move


After installation it needs final finishing. The material is suitable for wallpapering, puttying and painting. But for this the surface needs to be prepared.

  • Sealing seams- it is not necessary to seal technological seams. In most cases, they are covered with laminate, tiles or any other outer covering. Sometimes sealing seams is even harmful. When using dry mixtures, the slab may become deformed during shrinkage. For some types of work, you will still have to process the seams, for example, when painting, a gap of 3 cm will spoil appearance rooms, so the cracks are closed using a joining mesh, which is attached to the putty.
  • Grinding- unsanded OSB does not have a completely smooth texture. To cover paint and varnish compositions It is better to use sanded material or process the product yourself using a belt or eccentric sander. This procedure is especially relevant before treating the floor covering, as it allows you to get rid of unevenness.

A factory-ground plate has the letter Ш in its marking; unpolished products are designated by the letter combination НШ.

  • Primer- the simplest and most universal way to prepare a surface for finishing. The primer is used before painting, before laying tiles, before using varnish, etc. For oriented strand board, primer mixtures provide protection from moisture and increase adhesion (adhesion to other materials). Antiseptic mixtures can also be used to prevent the development of pathogenic microflora, for subsequent use alkyd paints apply primer. Primer is used for filling.

  • Reinforcement- application of reinforcing mesh for subsequent plastering, laying tiles or tiles.


OSB is a multifunctional material that can be used in different areas, the features of installation and processing depend on this, but there are also general principles for working with particle boards. Care must be taken to minimize contact with water. When installing walls, it is important to ensure the correct design of the walls to avoid the formation of condensation. When laying slabs, we must not forget about the need for expansion joints.

Building yard

OSB (OSB): features for working with slabs and installation recommendations

Oriented strand board or OSB is an indispensable attribute of any modern construction. The material is used for both external and interior decoration, can play the role of a load-bearing or connecting element, for example, in a roofing pie, or maybe independent decision, say, in the role of interior partitions or ceilings.

What kind of screws to fasten OSB depends on design features buildings and places direct installation particle boards.

The versatility of OSB is truly unmatched. It is used with equal success at any stages and cycles of construction.

In order to consider everything possible options fastening OSB boards, it will be convenient to divide their installation into several main groups:

  • roofing;
  • wall;
  • floor.

Methods of fastening OSB for roofing work

Installation OSB boards as one of the layers roofing pie, requires increased attention to the strength characteristics of both the material itself and the fasteners used in the work.

Considering the significant wind and snow loads on the roof plane, as well as the fact that roofing structures are not a static, rigid structure, experts recommend paying attention to the following points:

  • when laying OSB on the roof, priority should be given to special “ruff” or ring nails;
  • phosphated self-tapping screws used in OSB installation are more fragile and have less strength when the structure moves;
  • the final choice of which screws to attach the OSB to the frame is up to the craftsmen and depends on the climatic conditions in the construction area;
  • the length of nails or self-tapping screws used in roofing work is calculated using a simple formula: OSB sheet thickness + minimum 40-45 mm for the fastener entry into the frame;
  • that is, if OSB sizes of 9 mm, 12 mm, 15 mm are considered standard, then, therefore, the length of the screw will be in the range of 50-75 mm;
  • The fastening map looks like this: along the rafters, the pitch of the screws is 300 mm, at the joints of the slabs - 150 mm, along the eaves or ridge cut - 100 mm and the distance from the edge of the sheet is at least 10 mm.

Conclusion! When installing OSB on the roof, preference should be given to special nails, due to their greater shear strength!

Vertical or wall method of OSB installation

What screws are used to secure OSB in case of wall mounting? The question has an unambiguous and very specific answer. If the recommended standard thickness used for vertical installation of OSB sheets is 12 mm, then, accordingly, adding to this value the minimum screw body required by the rules of 45-50 mm in a rack or frame, we get the answer -50-70 mm.

The fastening map is the same as the roofing one: in the middle of the sheet, the fasteners go in increments of 300 mm, at the joints of the plates the increment is reduced to 150 mm, the sides adjacent to the ceiling or floor are fastened at 100 mm intervals. The standard distance from the edge is 10 mm.

The choice of the shape of screws for vertical installation is determined by the need to hide the head flush with the plane of the wall. That is why, on the facades and external planes of buildings, self-tapping screws with a disc-shaped head are used, which, when tightened, not only sits in the pocket, but also does not chip the wood, maintaining the appearance of the wall.

Self-tapping screws wall installation can be replaced with spiral or ring-cut nails. Their length is determined by multiplying the OSB thickness by a factor of 2.5. In our case, this is: 2.5 * 12 mm = 30 mm. This is the minimum allowed length.

Installation of OSB sheets in a horizontal plane: floor/ceiling

There is no need to dwell in detail on the choice of self-tapping screws for installing OSB on the ceiling. The pattern, number and size of self-tapping screws used for these purposes repeats the above examples exactly.

Selection of self-tapping screws and fastener pattern for floor installation OSB is determined by the base on which the material is laid.

If it is a beam or slatted frame, then phosphated self-tapping screws with a body length of at least 50 mm and countersunk head– an ideal choice.

When laying osb For a rough, solid floor, galvanized self-tapping screws with double threads are suitable. Determination procedure optimal length indicated above.

If you read the article carefully, you have already noticed that regardless of where the OSB is installed, the fastener map remains the same. Accordingly, the number of screws required for the job will generally be the same.

The average consumption of self-tapping screws when installing OSB is about 30 pcs. per m². Accordingly, to install a standard sheet you will need about 75-100 pieces. self-tapping screws

Now you know which screws to use to fasten OSB for high-quality and durable use of the boards in combination with other construction and finishing materials.

Advice! When buying, do not chase low prices and check the quality of the screws. There are enough cases of marriage. And there are no trifles at a construction site!


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