Which talisman stone suits the zodiac sign of an Aries man? Selecting the perfect Aries stone.

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I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you in this article which amulets stones are suitable for the Aries zodiac sign for protection, attracting money and good luck. In our time, amulets and amulets have changed and acquired modern stylized forms. But stones still occupy one of the first places in the creation of strong magical amulets that protect against damage and the evil eye. The world of amulets amazes with its richness and diversity, but you need to choose stones for yourself, not succumbing to a sudden attraction, but knowing about their properties, understanding which stones are suitable as talismans according to the signs of the zodiac.

Protective stones amulets for people of the zodiac sign Aries

Each zodiac sign has its own protective stones. The most effective can be used as talismans that suit you energetically, and the stone, as you know, is a good natural protection. However, it is not enough just to wear a talisman that suits you according to astrology; you must first set the stone correctly.

Stones are constantly present in our lives; we come into contact with them without always thinking about their power. But talismans have great natural and magical powers. Choose a protective amulet for yourself, guided only by your aesthetic perception, is not only wrong, but even dangerous, because a talisman that is energetically alien to you will not stone amulet protecting against the evil eye, but can turn into an energy vampire that drains your life force.

To avoid this, choose an amulet for Aries not only with your eyes and heart, but also with your mind, armed with useful practical information. And one more important point: buy amulets stones that protect against the evil eye, in accordance with your zodiac sign. On the one hand, this will significantly enhance protective properties amulets, and on the other hand, it will help change your life. In this article we will talk about talisman stones for those who according to the horoscope belong to the Aries sign. So, what stone can become an amulet for men and women born under the sign of Aries?

Strong stones against the evil eye for the zodiac sign Aries

In my opinion, the magician Sergei Artgrom thinks magic stone Every person should have one that protects against the evil eye and damage. This is not the whim of a sorcerer who advises his clients to choose suitable amulets stones according to zodiac signs, but a necessity, if, of course, you are concerned about your own safety and are ready to protect your borders. A huge number of people use the services of magicians. The blow can come from any direction.

This means that choosing the right stone and wearing it as an amulet against the evil eye is very useful.

Other amulets, of which, mind you, there are many, also protect (that’s why they exist), but stones, thanks to their nature, are able to tune in with a person born sign Aries. Their crystalline model allows minerals to accumulate and store information. A strong stone talisman against the evil eye is one of best selections when you set a goal for yourself to protect yourself from negative flows.

People of the zodiac sign Aries are under the protection of Mars, and therefore

  • active,
  • energetic,
  • fast,
  • swift,
  • purposeful,
  • there is often over-cutting.

We should not forget that Aries men and women are selfish. Selfishness is precisely the weak link in their character. Correctly chosen by date of birth stone talisman for women will help suppress masculine traits and develop femininity, elegance, softness, exactly what makes a woman a woman.

If an Aries man fails to direct his energy and actions to fruitful activities, he will very quickly burn out from the inside. Sudden sharp impulses of Aries push people away and destroy relationships. The ebullient energy of this horoscope sign needs a restraining framework so that the man does not harm himself. Such conditional boundaries can be built by a stone, suitable for Aries according to the horoscope and became a talisman that brings its own.

A correctly chosen stone based on the date of birth is perfect for the role of a talisman, as it can become a good protection against negativity, the source of which can be both other people and the impulsive Aries himself.

What stones should Aries wear - magical amulets against damage and negativity

A talisman for people of the horoscope sign Aries must be in harmony with the psychological mood of the wearer, and be strong enough to restrain bursts of negativity that can interfere with the successful course of life of the impulsive Aries.

  • diamond
  • ruby
  • citrine
  • zircon
  • Tiger's Eye
  • coil

Other stones as decoration and amulet are also suitable for representatives of this zodiac sign, but deciding what stone amulet to give to an Aries man, or beautiful girl, you need to take into account the date of birth and the character traits of the person for whom the protective amulet is chosen. So, before you buy a talisman stone, try to take into account all the conditions for making the right choice.

Choosing a talisman stone for Aries horoscope people by date of birth

As I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, have already said, there are special recommendations for choosing a mineral taking into account the decade in which a person’s date of birth falls. The essence of the character of Aries, born in different decades of the month, varies. In accordance with this, when choosing talisman stones against envy and the evil eye, it is recommended to be guided by a specific date of birth.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Aries born in the first ten days (March 21-30) are patronized by Mars.

These are the most stubborn, lively, and harsh individuals in their judgments and actions. They are purposeful, selfish and loving. There are many gems that can become talismans for these people based on their date of birth:

  • hematite
  • quartz
  • Tiger's Eye
  • cornelian
  • coil
  • amazonite
  • rhinestone

What stones that protect against the evil eye and envy are suitable for the zodiac sign Aries, born in the second decade (April 1-11)?

These people have a strong, and to some extent, painful attachment to loved ones. Family values ​​are not an empty phrase for them. Amulet stones are suitable for these people light shades:

  • heliotrope
  • sardonyx
  • amber
  • cat eye
  • pearl

For the horoscope sign Aries who gave birth in the third decade (April 12-20)

Their guiding star is Venus; a wonderful gift would be stones that are suitable against the evil eye for children of this sign:

  • sapphire
  • ruby
  • zircon
  • diamond
  • pomegranate

Warm shades of anti-damage stones for Aries give the effect of enhancing everyone inherent in the sign characteristics, and cold shades of stones help reduce the manifestation of negative traits. This is a very significant fact that should be taken into account when choosing a stone to protect against the evil eye.

How to cleanse and charge a stone against the evil eye

It is not difficult to buy a stone according to the zodiac sign Aries, but this does not mean that jewelry with this gem will immediately become a strong and reliable amulet or magical talisman. First, you need to perform certain manipulations with the stone. Stones purchased so that in the future they become reliable talismans according to the horoscope, need. You definitely need to tune the stone to yourself. For this purpose, a special ritual of cleansing with water is performed. It's quite simple. You need to keep the amulet in cool running water for some time. But, you can do it differently - just put your new talisman in the freezer for several hours.

After the cleansing ritual, it is necessary to activate the stone that protects against the evil eye. The easiest way to charge a mineral with light energy is to place it on a short time(no more than 2 hours) in the sun. However, not every stone is activated in this way. For example, moonstone is activated not by the sun, but by moonlight. Another method to make active Aries amulet stone for protection against the evil eye– activation by own energy. It is clear that a person reviving his magical mineral in this way must be physically healthy, and his energy potential must be at a high level. It is necessary to be in constant contact with your amulet. This will allow the stone to gradually reveal the full range of its magical qualities.

Protective stone suitable for Aries women

The best talisman stone for a woman in the Aries horoscope is, of course, ruby. The personification of Mars, the patron saint of this bright zodiac sign. The rich red color of ruby ​​is a source of energy; in addition, the fiery, impulsive Aries girl can draw strength, positivity and calmness from this amulet. Ruby provides people of this sign, good dream, and the same good health. Ruby is also suitable for women of this zodiac sign.

Strong stone amulet for women, born under the auspices of Mars, is a diamond that perfectly harmonizes with the strong character of Aries. Transparent shimmering stones talismans will protect a girl with the horoscope sign Aries from envy and the evil eye, strengthen her spiritual and physical strength. If a woman from the constellation Aries dreams of becoming a mother, she is recommended to wear a green diamond.

Precious and semi gems- is not simple decorations. For the most part they are strong talismans, which can protect the owner from evil forces, give him wealth, luck and attract love. However, all this can be achieved only if you choose the right stone.

The fact is that some of them may not coincide in their energy with the energy of the owner. That is why astrology recommends choosing stones according to the horoscope, i.e. according to the zodiac sign. In this article we will find out which stones are suitable for Aries, and which ones they should not wear.

Many astrologers advise choosing for Aries those stones that suit his date of birth:

  • Aries who were born in the first 10 days of this sign, i.e. from March 21 to March 31, are under the auspices of Mars. Such Aries are distinguished by stubbornness, the desire to always achieve their goals and selfishness. It is better to choose stones as a talisman: , jasper, quartz, agate, etc.
  • Aries who were born in the next eleven days of this sign, i.e. from April 1 to April 11 are characterized by attachment to loved ones. They honor the traditions of their family and try to instill them in their children. Stones such as, are suitable for them.
  • Aries, who were born from April 12 to April 20, are under the protection of Venus. It is best for them to choose the following amulets: ruby, zircon and.

In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to the shade of minerals. Thus, yellow, orange and red stones enhance all the character traits of Aries. However, they must be chosen with great care, since they enhance both good and bad traits character. If the stone has blue, blue and green tint, then he will soften certain character traits and remove aggressiveness.

In addition, Aries must choose a transparent stone - a talisman. The fact is that this zodiac sign is believed to have crystal purity. Therefore, it is better that the mineral is transparent. It does not matter whether it is transparent or has any color.

You should also look at the cutting of minerals. Gems for Aries should be rectangular, square or round in shape.

Common talisman stones for Aries

If we talk about which amulet is suitable for Aries, regardless of the date of birth, then it is best for representatives of this zodiac sign to choose a ruby. The fact is that this stone is a symbol of Mars. enhances the owner’s energy, gives him a positive mood, calms him down, and also improves brain function.

If we are talking about Aries schoolchildren and students, then it is best for them to choose. The fact is that this stone gives the owner patience, improves memory and helps to concentrate on studies.

A good talisman for Aries is. It grants protection from evil forces, and also protects from any danger and premature death. In addition, this talisman is recommended for family Aries to wear. It protects the family, gives harmony and helps preserve the feelings of the spouses. However, selfish Aries are not recommended to wear this stone. The fact is that it strengthens all character traits, and such a trait is best eradicated, not strengthened.

Suitable for Aries as a talisman. This mineral provides protection and also smoothes out aggressiveness, stubbornness and cruelty. It makes the owner kinder and more sympathetic. In addition, amethyst helps a person find “ mutual language"with the people around you.

Stones for Aries woman

If we talk about which stone is suitable for Aries depending on gender, then it is better for a woman to opt for solid minerals. They harmoniously combine with the character of the fair sex. As for color, stones for Aries women should have yellow, white, blue, red and green shades. The best choice for representatives of the fair sex of this zodiac sign is a diamond. This is especially true for those women who want to have children. promotes conception, as well as the birth of a healthy baby. To do this, it is recommended to wear the stone on the wrist of your left hand so that it comes into contact with the skin. However, only a green mineral guarantees this effect.

Green diamond won't do unmarried girl- Aries. As for the transparent mineral, it can be chosen by all representatives of the fair sex. It will protect the owner from evil forces, damage and the evil eye.

Red Jasper

In addition, Aries is suitable for women. She bestows vitality and a powerful surge of energy that modern representatives of the fair sex need to achieve their goals and objectives. In addition, this stone increases efficiency, helps to focus on a specific task and set priorities correctly. With the help of red jasper, a woman can build a good career, as well as realize herself as a wife and mother.

Also suitable for Aries women. It helps cope with low mood, stress and depression.

Stones for Aries men

If a man is Aries, then the most suitable stones for him according to his zodiac sign are garnets. Thanks to their red color, they harmonize with the owner's energy. In addition, pomegranate grants protection from evil forces and helps to climb the corporate ladder. Wearing such a stone is recommended only for brave men who are confident in their own abilities. Also, green pomegranate is suitable for representatives of the stronger sex of this zodiac sign. It grants protection from premature and violent death.

Aries men can wear a red ruby. It increases physical endurance and improves brain activity. In addition, this stone helps to achieve your goal and overcome all obstacles that stand in the way. The talisman protects against depression and improves mood.

Representatives of the stronger sex of this zodiac sign are recommended to wear stones in a ring. It should be put on your index finger. However, this only applies to those Aries who want to take leadership positions. If a representative of this zodiac sign dreams of finding his soulmate, then it is recommended that he wear the stone in the form of a pendant or pendant. The talisman should be located at chest level. It is not recommended to frame stones for Aries men in gold or platinum.

In addition, since Aries is a fire sign, he should not wear stones that are a symbol of water. IN in this case this is a destructive element that will not bring benefits to this zodiac sign. Stones - symbols of water will not give happiness to Aries. On the contrary, they can completely destroy the owner’s aura, which can have the most disastrous consequences.

Aries are not suitable for minerals that have dark shades. These include black stones, dark blue and dark green.

Choice suitable stone- a talisman for Aries is an important and responsible matter. The mineral can either strengthen the owner’s aura or completely destroy it. Therefore, Aries are recommended to wear only stones that suit them, and which ones we have discussed in this article.

A bright, perky girl, over whom age, external pressure, and sometimes even the opinions of friends are not a hindrance. All this is her - an unpredictable, impulsive Aries woman. This lady’s horoscope shows that she is completely self-sufficient, and if she needs someone’s support, she asks for help at the very last moment, when all other methods have been tried.

The leading life motive of Aries is leadership and independence. This does not at all mean authority, much less despotism. However, the lady of this sign always knows her worth and can remind others of it at any moment. That is why, among the talisman stones that suit an Aries woman according to her zodiac sign, the choice should be made on the brightest ones that give inspiration and attract good luck.

What stones are suitable for an Aries woman: general characteristics

When choosing a talisman stone based on the date of birth, an Aries woman should take into account such an important nuance as her own feeling. It should not be confused with a logical opinion, which is distinguished by the persuasiveness of its arguments, but at the same time may not cause the proper reaction in the soul. It is no secret that he often makes decisions obeying an internal impulse. Despite the fact that others sometimes blame her for this, time proves that she is right.

Along with this, you need to keep in mind that emotional impetuosity, unpredictability and a fair amount of stubbornness, which is characteristic of almost all Aries, should also receive a certain energetic compensation. That is why, when choosing her faithful talisman stone, the stars recommend that an Aries woman proceed from the task that the gem must solve. Specific options are discussed below.

Red Jasper

Many Aries girls become real business ladies or at least are busy with development Napoleonic plans on climbing to your peak. People around you may express bewilderment, citing the fact that much in the strategy is not thought through or is even dangerous or risky. But Aries rarely pay attention to outside advice.

Red Jasper

And experience shows that their tactics work. The fact is that such ladies tend to go on their own, not being afraid to fill their bumps and subsequently acquire invaluable experience. And in order for the road to be as successful as possible, the girl should pay attention to. It brings organization to life, helps to find a balance of power and promotes the flow of creative energy.


Ladies who have already reached all professional heights often suffer from loneliness, which is a kind of payment for the constant lack of time. If the leading motive at this stage is to improve your personal life, it is better to opt for a pomegranate. It attracts the attention of the stronger sex and allows you to tune in to a romantic wave. But in such delicate matters, it is a positive, subtle attitude that creates solid foundation for a successful ending.



Finally, when the last bastion fell at the feet of the Aries girl, and all her dreams came true, you can pay attention to, namely, those gems that have lilac shades. This stone protects the hearth, promoting the development of fidelity and strengthening family relationships.

Earrings with amethyst

Aries 1st decade

Those born in the first decade are distinguished by an incredible pace of life, crazy energy, which lifts the spirits even of those who have fallen into deep melancholy. And all because these Aries are patronized by Mars - the planet of energy, confrontation, and defending their interests.

Aries are already stubborn. And largely thanks to this, they win invisible wars. And when their temperament is enhanced by the energy of Mars, the wave acquires indestructible strength. On the positive side, this manifests itself in eternal optimism. But in the negative it can give rise to Negative consequences– conflicts, collisions, incidents.

That is why, according to the horoscope, for Aries women of the 1st decade, talisman stones are optimally suited, which allow you to strengthen patience, prudence, and also cope with your own emotions:

  • agate And quartz– symbols of health and longevity;
  • hematite bestows courage and allows you to act wisely;
  • amazonite And jasper symbolize fidelity in love and friendships;
  • cornelian bestows happiness in love;
  • Tiger's Eye strengthens the will and grants patience;
  • rhinestone personifies loyalty and inner nobility;
  • coil protects against diseases and accidents.

Amazonite jewelry

Aries 2 decades

Girls born at the very beginning of the beautiful spring month of April bask in the warm rays of the Sun all their lives, because it is the sun that protects Aries during the 2nd decade. These are bright, ambitious ladies who, despite their constant readiness to defend their own interests, prefer a warm conversation to a hot war.

It seems that they never lose heart, and those around them are drawn to them, like to the real Sun. Of course, the positivity of Aries is a quality that allows you not only to win hearts, but also to maintain an optimistic attitude towards life. However, it is important for such ladies to provide themselves with regular emotional release. Therefore, you should pay close attention to stones that provide energy replenishment:

  • sardonyx attracts success;
  • pearl And cat eye personify wisdom and prudence;
  • amber gives an influx of new strength, lifts the mood and attracts luck;
  • heliotrope represents honesty and bestows courage.

Heliotrope jewelry

Aries 3rd decade

When spring finally drives away winter and declares its rights publicly, perhaps the most extraordinary representatives of the Aries sign are born. They are patronized by sentimental Venus - a planet symbolizing romantic feelings, shyness, and love of fine arts.

That is why representatives of the last decade are distinguished by an incredibly interesting combination - on the one hand, an assertive, straightforward character, which one way or another makes itself felt to all Aries. And on the other hand, the real soul of the poet: dreamy, a little reserved and moderately modest. That’s why Aries women in their 3rd decade can choose among mascot stones that allow their feelings to open up and develop confidence in their own inexhaustible powers:

  • diamond allows you to make a difficult decision, personifies unbending will and fearlessness;
  • sapphire– a symbol of fidelity, modesty and prudence;
  • pomegranate And ruby personify sexual energy, bright emotions, bestows prosperity and abundance;
  • zircon symbolizes power, allows you to maintain leadership positions.


Which stones are not suitable for Aries?

The question of which stones are suitable for an Aries woman should not be considered in isolation from the equally important question of gems that are contraindicated for her nature. In general, we should proceed from the principle that any stones with bright yellow, orange and rich red colors harmonize well with the fire element of Aries. They allow you to develop leadership skills and attract positive events into life.

Stones that are painted in cool blue, cyan, turquoise and partly green tones, on the contrary, can weaken the will of Aries, enhancing a calmer wave. If we talk about specific gems, which don't pay attention, the following need to be highlighted:

  • lapis lazuli;
  • opal;
  • chrysolite;
  • beryl;
  • malachite.

And most importantly, try to hear your own feelings, do not rush to make the final choice. Aries often behave too hastily, after which they have to correct undesirable consequences. Therefore, it is better to check your feelings with observations and time - the most impartial judge.

What are the best stones to choose for an Aries woman? This question is very important if you need to choose a precious gift for a woman of this sign or if an Aries girl decides to choose a talisman for herself. But who knows in what other situation this valuable information might be needed?

Special Features

Impulsiveness, perseverance, hot temper, determination - these are the main characteristics inherent in Aries. These are bright, hot, stubborn and temperamental people, which is not surprising, because the element of this sign is Fire. In this regard, it is very important role plays the stone of Aries woman. Choosing him according to his horoscope is the most The best decision. You need to buy one that can pay off some negative traits, emphasize the expressive nature and at the same time not introduce conflict into inner world its owner. Aries are multifaceted and often contradictory, their energy is simply in full swing, so it is very important to channel it in the right direction. Their energy, will, activity and determination can be enough for all areas of life: family, career, friends, travel and much more. However, self-confidence and straightforwardness can often play a cruel joke on them, ruining relationships with family, colleagues, and friends. The fire element also manifests itself in them in the form of a love for everything bright and colorful, this is especially reflected in their clothes and accessories and, of course, in the choice of jewelry. So what are the best stones for an Aries woman to choose in order to emphasize her passionate nature and not cause harm?

Stones that should not be worn

Yes, indeed, for each sign there are certain stones, the wearing of which can be absolutely useless, since they do not bring any benefit to their owner. positive energy. There are minerals that are not compatible with one or another zodiac sign. For example, talismans for Libra will bring Aries unwanted and negative energy due to their incompatibility with this sign. So which stones are definitely not suitable for an Aries woman by date of birth? Gems, suitable for Libra, are contraindicated for Aries. These are opal, lapis lazuli, malachite, coral and chrysolite. Due to the fact that the color range of precious and semi-precious stones suitable for this fire sign is in a palette of fiery and light shades up to transparency, you should absolutely not choose gems of black, dark blue and dark green tones. It is also worth abandoning the cold shades inherent in the element of Water.

Emphasize or moderate

The ardent and passionate nature of stubborn people should be emphasized with jewelry with bright colors- red, orange and yellow, which show the energy of this sign. But overly hot-tempered people should pay attention to delicate blue, light blue, light green or transparent shades, which will help smooth out some negative character traits. According to the horoscope, a correctly selected stone for an Aries woman can perform various functions: protective, restorative. It will help with concentration, development of self-organization, gaining confidence and much more.

Warriors of Mars, children of the Sun and lovers of Venus

Despite the fact that most of the features and characteristics are common to all representatives of this sign, there are still differences that appear depending on the decade in which a particular person was born. March 21-31 is the first decade of Aries, passing under the influence of Mars, which gives its wards firmness, ardor, masculinity, and love. Such people are considered goal-oriented, narcissistic and selfish. Stones for an Aries woman by date of birth in this decade are rock crystal, carnelian, jasper, tiger's eye, agate, hematite and quartz.

The second decade (April 1-11) is patronized by the Sun, which gives pride, nobility, ambition and generosity. His protégés become noble, loyal and family-oriented, and it is better for them to choose talismans such as cat's eye, amber, sardonyx, heliotrope, and pearl.

But the last ten days (April 12-20) are dominated by Venus, which gives impulsiveness along with tenderness and creative abilities. An incorrigible romantic and adventurer is Aries born in the third decade. In this case, the following talisman stone for a woman is suitable: diamond, ruby, garnet, sapphire or zircon.

Different Aries and universal stones

And yet, choosing a piece of jewelry or a talisman is a very difficult matter, because the stone must not only fit, but also be pleasing to the eye. The choice of gems depending on the decade of birth is not always an axiom. Some astrologers agree with this, some don't. Therefore, there are stones for the Aries woman that are universal and suitable for any representative of this sign.

King of Stones

First of all, it is a diamond that gives good luck, fills with courage and raises the strength of spirit. It is also called the stone of winners; it will help you overcome difficulties and achieve success, overcome fears and protect yourself from negativity. Diamond helps to achieve what you want, so it is the most important stone of the sign. An Aries woman wearing a diamond attracts harmony, love and financial success. This gem has some special features: it must be obtained honestly. In order for its power to be activated, it would be better if it was given as a gift. Also this is a stone married women, not suitable for young girls, it should be worn on the neck or ring finger. White diamonds are universal, they are stones suitable for all Aries women without exception. A red diamond will protect from damage and the evil eye, and a blue diamond will guide and protect. Green variety This gem represents femininity and motherhood and should be worn by women who want to have a child. It will help you conceive, carry and give birth safely.

Fire stones

The gem should be optimally suited to such a bright and passionate nature as Aries. The talisman stone for a woman in this case is a ruby ​​or garnet. Ruby has a positive effect on the love and sexual spheres, restores strength, and imparts determination. It will also help improve relationships with colleagues. There is a possibility that if the connection between the wearer and the stone is strong, then the ruby ​​will warn of danger - it will darken.

Garnet is a stone of friendship and success, suppresses outbreaks of aggression. This is a stone of active and strong-willed women who know what they want, then garnet will help them on the path to prosperity and wealth. Not a single business woman of this sign can do without it.

The final three

Stones suitable for Aries women are also amethyst, rock crystal and carnelian. All shades of amethyst are suitable for this fire sign, because this gem gives harmony, helps personal development, and also uplifts the mood and improves energy. It is believed that greatest strength will have an amethyst talisman, which is inherited. A silver cut is recommended for it. Rock crystal will help develop intuition, achieve spiritual harmony and recognition. Thanks to its constant coolness, it will help cool down the ardent temper of its owner and make him more accommodating. Carnelian will protect against poverty, give strength and health, and attract the interest of men. It is also recommended to wear it in silver jewelry and preferably on ring finger. These stones will be the most suitable for an Aries woman; the main thing is to choose exactly the one that is optimal for a person according to his characteristics, features and appearance. You can choose several and wear them depending on the occasion and need. If you truly become close to the stone, then it will be able to give as much of its energy to the bearer as possible.

Impetuous, emotional and passionate, Aries begins the horoscope, and he should have talismans suitable for the sign, such as a diamond. Everyone decides for himself whether to choose the recommended red stones for good luck, warm yellow ones for profit, cold blue ones to moderate ardor and curb character.

Many people are interested in what stones are suitable for Aries? The most accurate recommendations are based on date of birth.

21.03 – 31.03. The first decade under the sign of Mars. Bright personalities with a militant disposition, they are endowed with an authoritarian leadership character, it is easy for them to reach the top. Such Aries, for the sake of petty goals, demolish everything in their path, sometimes crushing what is really important. It is advisable for them to extinguish their excess energy or direct it in the right direction, so as not to be overwhelmed by excess ambition, aggression and selfishness.

  • Rhinestone (transparent);
  • Carnelian (red-orange shades);
  • Jasper (warm colors);
  • Agate (yellow-brown tones);
  • Hematite or bloodstone (mostly with red inclusions);
  • Amazonite;
  • Eye of the Tiger.

Born 01.04 – 11.04 patronized by the Sun. These are the best representatives of the Aries zodiac sign - generous and noble sun people who bring a positive atmosphere to the team. They have organizational skills, know how to level out the shortcomings of others and see the potential of those suppressed in a complex team. But not everyone likes their nobility and ambition - Aries suffer from envious people and competitors. But it’s not their career, but their family that comes first; they can give up everything to take care of loved ones. Among the disadvantages, representatives of the “solar” decade are characterized by jealousy, hot temper and an authoritarian type of leadership, even in the family. Aries women subconsciously take the reins of power into their own hands if their spouse is weaker and softer according to the horoscope.

The best precious gift for “sunny” Aries:

  • Sunstone or amber (yellow, transparent);
  • Heliotrope or “bloody” jasper;
  • Natural pearls (pink or golden shade);
  • Sardonyx (red-orange stripes).

From 12.04 to 20.04 dreamy romantics are born, their patron is Venus. Ebullient energy does not leave the zodiac sign in this decade, it is simply directed in a different direction - the thirst for passionate love and harmonious relations. In search of their chosen one, Aries-Venusians often commit rash acts. These natures are characterized by adventurism and unpredictability, especially when they are unrequitedly in love, which is inherent in Aries women. Men are also amorous, ready to fight for their choice with anyone or anything, even if their lady love does not appreciate it. These are some “Don Quixotes” in the flesh.

The best gemstones are suitable for Aries under the sign of Venus:

  • Diamond and diamond (crystal clean water suitable for three decades);
  • Garnet stone;
  • Sapphire;
  • Ruby (natural);
  • Zircon;
  • Citrine.

Experts also say that other gems are suitable for Aries - yellow, orange and red crystals of rich tones. And clear crystals with a blue tint will help curb your temper, but they cannot be worn all the time. Diamond is considered the main patron among stones according to the zodiac sign Aries, but only an “eternal crystal” that is donated or acquired honestly “works.”

One diamond is a talisman for a married woman. It is worn on the ring finger of the left hand or in a pendant at heart level. This is a stone of wealth, luck and love that should not be lost, sold or pawned. It gains its strength when it is inherited. If the crystal has changed its owner, it must be washed under running water and “charged” at any source of focused light.

“Girls' Best Friends” awaken noble traits, protect from troubles and provide prosperity. But for this, girls need to wear small crystals in earrings. This stone brings good luck to representatives of the fire element, but is more suitable for those born in the 3rd decade. And for Aries men will do signet with an oblong crystal, next to the engraving of the initials. This will be the stone of the winner and triumphant. It is passed on as a family heirloom, but it is recommended to give the guy a name starting with the same letter.

Decorations made from fakes will not become a talisman for Aries, but they will not harm either - they do not have the power of patronage. It is better to buy jewelry with natural diamonds, where the weight, color and deposit are indicated on the tag. Cut diamonds often have a tint, then their properties change slightly:

  • pure crystals are universal, suitable for all Aries without exception;
  • a reddish diamond is the best talisman against the evil eye and energy attacks;
  • a blue or light blue tint gives insight, it will protect you from impulsive decisions;
  • greenish diamonds are extremely rare, they are best stone- a talisman that develops the feminine principle, with it she can easily give birth, happy motherhood is guaranteed.

The unbridled energy of Aries needs adjustment and sublimation, so the right stone will protect and develop, leading through life to success. It is advisable to choose a talisman stone intuitively - look at several pieces of jewelry from the recommended list, but feel with your heart and choose one. It’s good if the recommendations for the Aries sign coincide by decade, date and year of birth - according to the Chinese horoscope.

Aries birthstones by year of birth

We have already figured out how to select stones by date of birth. But what to do with Chinese horoscope when does each year have its own gem?

Aries born in the year of the Rabbit are very temperamental, and those born in the year of the Rooster are eccentric. If Aries was born in the year of the Sheep, not everything is clear - the trusting sheep also “bucks.” And in Japan, they generally try not to marry Aries women born in the year of the Horse - they are unpredictable and uncontrollable natures. Only Monkeys born in the year of the Rat can cope with them.

There are two solutions:

  • buy a beneficial stone for every year;
  • choose the optimal amulet that matches the year of birth and zodiac sign.

For example, a diamond is recommended for Rats to look at themselves sensibly from the outside. And he guarantees the Tigers protection from insidious ill-wishers, of whom he always has plenty. But ruby ​​is also suitable for Tigers - it relieves stress and provides balance.

Zircon protects Monkeys from a negative environment and bad companies. And the red garnet, which Aries men should wear, is most useful for Rats, who have few friends due to excellent career or business prospects. The same stone helps the Horse to store family bonds, gives moderation in spending.

Rock crystal, recommended for Aries girls, is suitable for those born in the year of the Rabbit or Cat. The Rooster benefits from diamond and citrine. Moonstone and carnelian are recommended for Dogs. Red jasper recommended for Aries women - best amulet for the Snake. For Aries born in the year of the Sheep, pomegranate will be optimal. Agate and beryl in golden shades are suitable for boars; agate is also recommended for the Ox.

Sign stones, talismans and amulets

The color, properties of the stone, cut and setting matter when choosing amulets that bring good luck and prosperity with natural stones.

For those interested in which stone is suitable for Aries men, experts recommend purchasing a crystal in the form of a rectangle, square or rhombus. Diamonds for women - in a classic cut or in the shape of a heart (drops).

Convex cabochons or pendants are made from translucent gems, but this form is also suitable for pure crystals, if one side is smooth and the other is faceted.

When choosing a talisman with natural stones, take into account that warm shades enhance the power of the fire sign, while cold shades pacify and direct in a positive direction. Therefore, the purpose of the purchase and the character of the owner are important. Aries practically never wear green crystals, but we can recommend minerals with healing properties for the period of illness.

Labradorite with yellow and green tints, which is sometimes called “moonstone”, is also useful for Aries - as a talisman against dangers. But it is not included in the list of basic recommendations. Agate of golden shades helps during training - courses, driving school, student years, graduate school.

Transparent stones of yellow, orange and red shades are worn for money, without even knowing the name. Money Tree with pebbles yellow color and every Aries should have coins in the hallway, but not in front of the mirror.

Stones for Aries women

Suitable stones for Aries (woman) are indicated by date of birth or by decade. For girls - rock crystal and pale lilac amethyst, large diamond - for mature ladies. Girls who are in search of a chosen one are better off wearing orange or red carnelian. It is suitable for women of all ages when there are heart problems - worn in beads or a large pendant. The gem is also protected from ruin and chronic need if worn in a silver ring, A.S. Pushkin wrote about this.

Rock crystal distinguishes gemstones for Aries in that it is always cold - it helps impetuous natures to cool their immoderate ardor. It makes it easier to build a career and achieve your goals.

Red jasper is the best amulet for married women who are completely devoted to work. Aries tend to take a long time to decide on something, and then work until exhaustion. This good talisman for Aries, returning women to family values ​​and taking care of themselves and their health, it protects them from overwork.

Stones for Aries men

Ruby is the best stone for an Aries man, especially in a ring or tie pin if the heart is in search. This is a talisman of real leaders and winners, regardless of zodiac. It was worn on the finger or in the crown of every emperor, king, king, Indian rajah or ancient commander. The captured kings were first of all stripped of their index finger a ring with a ruby, as a symbol of the deprivation of their power.

You should not only carefully select the crystal, but also the frame for it. It is believed that platinum and scarlet gold are not suitable for Aries. The jewelry must be engraved with initials or an image, such as a fleece or lamb. Mascots with a predator - a jaguar, a wolf or an owl with red pupils - also have a positive effect on leaders. It’s good when such jewelry is made to order from steel or cupronickel – such an Aries will not miss out on his cash flow.

Rare green garnet as a symbol powerful protection from premature death, disasters and violent death, is recommended for unbridled individuals. But the classic lilac-red garnet is also recommended for men of this sign. It will help you make a career unnoticed by competitors and will distract ill-wishers from striving for an important goal.

For hot-tempered people, pale shades of amethyst in silver are also recommended to improve relationships with their spouse and at work. It is recommended for protection against excessive hobbies (alcohol, gambling). Amethyst gives sanity of mind and protects against depression.

Video on the topic: Stones of the zodiac sign Aries

Stones that are contraindicated for Aries

This sign has many stones that are recommended to be worn as a talisman. If you like the jewelry, but don’t know its name and meaning, you can safely purchase any transparent crystal in warm colors. Often, an intuitively acquired gem is the very stone of wealth and luck that was missing in life.

Semi-precious samples that are suitable for those born under the auspices of the element of Water, do not extinguish the typical fire sign. Fire and Water will never give harmony and mutual understanding - this threatens with disorientation in false life situations. The only exception is to wear the jewelry occasionally, to match the color of the outfit, if given as a gift dear person. Cold “watery” shades also extinguish the energy of a fire sign, but this is useful for unbridled personalities.

Black and cloudy stones according to the zodiac sign, dark green, purple and dark blue cannot be suitable, these are for other signs. IN best case scenario, they will be useless, worse - they will harm the owner. Surprisingly, Aries who are ignorant of this issue often like what is contraindicated - black opal or agate with gray-black stripes.

Amber of milky shades is also not suitable - the relic resin fell into the water, where it lost its “solar” characteristics and petrified. Only a transparent sample of reddish and brown shades with glare (from heat treatment).

Astrologers do not recommend Aries to wear stones for Libra, the opposite sign. These are moonstone, opal and lapis lazuli, malachite and coral, peridot and beryl (except for the yellow tint). Rhodonite and aventurine are also not your option.

Do not buy beads, necklaces and necklaces where different stones are mixed - they will block beneficial features will not bring any benefit to each other.

Boxes of stones for Aries, who is passionate about natural gems, often contain jewelry with different inserts nearby. It is better to put them in separate cases and wear them according to your mood. Ruby is a typical individualist, it is alone in rings, it is not worn with “neighbors”. When both spouses are Aries, they buy different stones so that there is no competition for leadership, but different facets of character are revealed.

And yet, how to choose jewelry after the stones for Aries women are known, recommended by date of birth. The hardest thing is for those who lack some stones to be happy, but need to carry others with money. You shouldn’t get hung up on one thing, but gradually look at inserts for different properties. This is how crystals are selected, which can become an amulet for men.


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