Which is the best insulation for your home? Which insulation for the roof is better: choose according to the criteria and use a calculator to calculate the thickness of the roof insulation

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Which insulation is better for the walls of a house outside and inside, how to choose the most effective one? We will also consider the dependence of their characteristics and basic properties on the place of application.

What is the best insulation for a home, and which for the floor, ceiling or roof? We will try to answer these questions by carefully studying the properties that have different types insulation materials. What is insulation, types of insulation and their characteristics, we will tell you everything you need to know.

In the production of these heat insulators, raw materials of organic origin are used. The composition of modern organic insulation no longer includes toxic substances - phenols and formaldehydes, but may include cement and various plasticizers.

First, let's look at the type of insulation that is used to insulate walls from the inside, as well as for the floor and ceiling.


Produced from pressed small chips. IN modern construction It is used extremely rarely due to its flammability and susceptibility to rotting, due to its high hygroscopicity.

The thermal conductivity of particle boards is from 0.09 to 0.18 W/m*K depending on the density, which can range from 500 to 1000 kg/m3.

Wood fiber insulation board

During production, organic raw materials are used with the addition of antiseptics and water-repellent substances, which makes this material more suitable as a heat insulator for a house to be insulated from the inside.

Thermal conductivity - from 0.09 to 0.18 W/m*K. The main advantage of this material is environmental friendliness and ease of installation on interior walls, as well as the variability of their final processing.

Polyurethane foam

Some people believe that it can be used for both external and internal wall insulation and that it is the best insulation for walls, but I strongly disagree with this (it is not environmentally friendly).

Has the following characteristics:

  • density – 40–80 kg/m3, which provides good water resistance, noise and heat insulation;
  • thermal conductivity – 0.019–0.028 W/m*K;
  • durability - 30 years.

Thanks to the spraying method, the formation of cold bridges is completely eliminated when using this insulation. According to its flammability properties, polyurethane foam is a self-extinguishing, difficult to ignite material. Main disadvantage This heat insulator is high cost and is applied using special equipment.


The scope of application of penoizol is quite wide: it is used for facade walls, ceilings and floors. It is not recommended to use penoizol for walls inside a building, since the material contains formaldehyde resins and is not environmentally friendly.

The material is produced in the form of loose crumbs or in the form of blocks. Penoizol in liquid form is poured into previously prepared cavities. This technique can most often be found in the internal insulation of foundations, but there is an opinion that this heat insulator cannot be used in humid environments due to the high moisture absorption parameter.

Characteristics of penoizol:

  • density – up to 20 kg/m3;
  • thermal conductivity index – 0.03 W/m*K;
  • service life -50 years;
  • flammability class - G3, ignition temperature - over 500 degrees.

The disadvantages of penoizol include: it is not environmentally friendly, exposure to aggressive environments, and high moisture absorption.

Expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene contains polystyrene, an organic compound obtained from petroleum. Expanded polystyrene is used for insulation of facades, floors and roofs.

No insulation causes as much controversy as expanded polystyrene. Many professional builders believe that this is one of the the best insulation materials, despite its many shortcomings, the latter recommend under no circumstances to use it for walls, since it is not environmentally friendly, flammable, and leads to the formation of condensation and mold.

Properties of expanded polystyrene:

  • thermal conductivity index – 0.037–0.042 W/m*K, which is its main advantage;
  • resistance to aggressive environments – average;
  • excellent hydro and sound insulation;
  • flammability class G2, when burned, it releases toxic substances hazardous to human health;
  • vapor permeability – 0.015–0.019 kg/m*hour*Pa;
  • The hygroscopicity of a material depends entirely on its density.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Warm insulating material, made by extrusion, due to which the material has a cellular structure. The cells are filled with air, providing heat-insulating and noise-absorbing properties.

The technical characteristics are as follows:

  • density 35 kg/m3;
  • thermal conductivity – from 0.037 to 0.048 W/m*K;
  • flammability class – G2.

This is the best insulation for thermal insulation of foundations: it has a low degree of moisture absorption and is resistant to rodents. We do not recommend using it to insulate the walls of a house for two reasons: it is not environmentally friendly; when heated, extruded polystyrene foam emits toxic fumes, and it is flammable.


A unique heat insulator of its kind, with very high heat and sound insulation rates. The disadvantage of this insulation is a decrease in basic properties over time.

This material is made from waste from pulp and paper production. Another disadvantage is strong moisture absorption. The use of this organic insulation is possible only in dry rooms for thermal insulation of floors and floors using the bulk method.

Inorganic insulation materials and their characteristics

In the production process of heat insulators of this type, substances are used that have mineral nature: asbestos, glass, basalt rocks. Such insulation materials are resistant to aggressive environments, non-flammable, and have greater specific gravity in comparison with organic heat insulators. Insulation materials of this type include: mineral wool, glass wool, basalt-based wool, etc. Let's consider the most popular types.

Mineral wool

On the modern market, mineral wool is presented in two versions: slag and basalt (stone).

Slag wool is considered not environmentally friendly, because industrial slag is used in its production. However, it is this wool that is often used to insulate non-residential industrial buildings. Basalt mineral wool is considered more environmentally friendly, so it is often used for thermal insulation of walls, floors, roofs, as well as for the construction of ventilated facades.

The main advantage of mineral wool, which manufacturers always point out, is zero flammability. Mineral wool is also an excellent sound insulator.

Disadvantage - reduction thermal insulation properties over time and high price the material itself and components.

Characteristics of mineral wool:

  • thermal conductivity – 0.0035–0.042 W/m*K;
  • flammability class - NG;
  • vapor permeability is high.

Glass wool

The material is based on silicate production waste.

The advantages of glass wool include:

  • thermal conductivity - 0.03 to 0.052 W/m*K;
  • good noise insulation properties;
  • flammability class - NG;
  • hygroscopicity – low.

A significant disadvantage of glass wool is its brittle fibers, which can penetrate the skin, lungs, and clothing. IN Lately There are many fakes on the market that contain harmful substances, but they can be distinguished by their color and smell.

Insulation made of porous concrete with density D-140 “Velit”

If you ask the question which thermal insulation is better or which insulation is the best, I would answer that it is Velit or the Velit Plus insulation system.

This is a thermal insulation material made of porous concrete with a density of 140 kg/m3. This is a slab insulation material that consists of environmentally friendly pure materials: sand, cement, lime and air.

The material is not flammable and is not subject to destruction. They can be used to insulate walls both outside and inside the house, and also very well insulate floors, ceilings, and flat roofs.

Main advantages: environmentally friendly, non-flammable and durable. The insulation system with this material is 20 percent cheaper than insulating the facade with mineral wool.

Thickness matters

Now let's talk about the thickness, on which the thermal conductivity of the entire layer of the structure of the structure depends. When choosing one or another insulation, it is necessary to calculate its required thickness to ensure thermal insulation properties. Simply put, you need to know how thick the selected insulation should be to keep the house warm.

This indicator will depend on the properties thermal insulation material: density and thermal conductivity. Calculation required thickness insulation in each specific case is produced according to special formulas that take into account not only the characteristics of the insulation, but also the conditions under which they will be used. The calculation is very simple, I won’t show it here so as not to scare you with formulas, it’s all easy to find on the Internet using relevant queries.


Which insulation materials are best to choose for the walls of your home? Here I express my opinion, and you can agree with it or not. When asked what the best thermal insulators are, I would answer basalt wool, mineral wool. As for the question of which insulation is the best today, it is definitely Velit.

Global trend towards frugal spending natural resources dictates new energy saving standards. New types of thermal insulation are being developed that can significantly reduce energy consumption during the cold season. Consumers just have to choose the appropriate insulation.

Which thermal insulation is better

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, because each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. Fiber insulation and rigid slabs of extruded polystyrene foam are very popular today. It makes sense to compare the materials of these two groups.

Which insulation is better: polystyrene foam or mineral wool?

Foam plastic is rigid slabs of various sizes and thicknesses, which are often used to insulate foundations, walls, and ceilings. Polystyrene foam consists of many air bubbles, therefore it has a minimum thermal conductivity coefficient. It is resistant to rotting, practically does not absorb moisture, and does not collapse due to temperature changes.

Mineral wool is produced by pulling fibers from molten rocks. The material is available in the form of mats or slabs, has a fibrous structure, and is characterized by resistance to extreme heating. In addition, mineral fibers do not rot or rust, and they are not eaten by rodents and insects. Cotton wool is often used for external insulation of baths, saunas, and house walls.

Comparison of polystyrene foam and mineral wool



Mineral wool

Compressive strength, MPa

Bending strength, MPa

Moisture absorption,%

Relation to fire

Which is better: basalt insulation or mineral wool?

There is no answer to this question because both materials are the same thing. Mats obtained by pressing fibers of basalt, slag, and various rocks are called mineral wool. And the concept “basalt” refers to only one type of insulation of this group and denotes the name of the mineral from which it is made.

Expanded polystyrene or basalt wool

Extruded polystyrene foam is essentially the same polystyrene foam, but sold under different trade names and produced at a higher cost. modern technologies. It is also worth understanding that there is still a difference between the types of foam that were produced earlier and new materials. Over time, the technical and operational characteristics of the slabs have been improved, and the main shortcomings have been smoothed out. Their main advantage is the ability to operate with constant contact with groundwater and in conditions of high humidity.

Comparison of extruded polystyrene foam and basalt wool



Basalt wool

Compressive strength, MPa

Bending strength, MPa

Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/(mhK)

Moisture absorption,%

Relation to fire

Does not support combustion, but emits acrid smoke

Vapor permeability coefficient, mg/(m*h*Pa)

Maximum heating temperature, °C

Basalt wool or glass wool

Both materials belong to the same group, but in the first case basalt is used as the starting material, and in the second - glass. Modern glass wool no longer crumbles and generates dust so much during use; it is flexible and elastic, therefore it is often used for insulating structures complex shape. Basalt mats are thicker and heavier, but they settle much more slowly and, with high-quality vapor barrier, are considered almost eternal.

Comparison of glass wool and basalt wool


Glass wool

Basalt wool

Compressive strength, MPa

Bending strength, MPa

Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/(m*K)

Moisture absorption during partial immersion,%

Relation to fire

Vapor permeability coefficient, mg/(m*h*Pa)

Maximum heating temperature, °C

Polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam

It is also difficult to compare here, as in the case of basalt wool and mineral wool. The materials are similar in structure. Extruded polystyrene foam is produced by extrusion, so it is stronger, harder and more rigid than polystyrene foam. In addition, many manufacturers add fire retardants and rodent repellents to the material.

  • November 6, 2007
  • Published: Construction of a cottage

With the arrival of cold weather, a person strives to insulate himself and insulate his home. If personal insulation is inherited from parents and a person has his own independent experience from birth, what will keep you warm in winter, then to insulate everyone’s home practical experience No. An ordinary person who cannot seek help from specialists cannot accept correct solution, what is still more reasonable to use. If you choose a jacket poorly, then it’s not a problem, if you get a little cold in it, put on something warmer underneath. Housing is more difficult internal insulation It is strongly not recommended to do this, and outside when bad choice It is not very comfortable to redo insulation in winter, and the “issue price” of a mistake is expensive.

There is real freedom here for various “steamers” of the “warmest materials in the world.” What to choose for your home, what is the best way to insulate the walls?

Let's consider the main requirements for thermal insulation materials, and why they are needed:

1. High thermal insulation performance– in fact, the better the material insulates from low temperatures in winter and high in summer, the better.
2. Low weight of insulation– cheaper fastening, low cost of transportation, ease of work, no need to strengthen walls, foundation, etc.
3. High vapor permeability – allows you to remove excess moisture from the premises and dry the building structure, the wetter the structure, the lower its thermal resistance (compare, which jacket is warmer in a dry or damp one after rain?) and the faster mold and mildew will appear. In case of poor steam output (it always escapes from the room to the street through the walls), it is necessary to do improved ventilation, often forced, which leads to an increase in the cost of insulation due to the purchase of forced automatic supply and exhaust systems and additional heat loss through forced increased ventilation of interior spaces.
4. Choice of finishes– the material must give in decorative finishing, the more various options the finishes you can use are the better. The cheaper the use of these options directly on the insulation without additional base devices, the cheaper the application will be.
5. Durabilitynecessary condition For long service material.
6. Environmental friendliness– safe for human health use.
7. Flammability– indicator of the flammability of the material.
8. Price– for many, this is the main indicator of applicability in their home, whether they can afford it or not. I would still recommend evaluating other indicators more carefully.

The required thickness of the thermal insulation material is calculated according to modern standards for Moscow without taking into account other structures - only the thickness of the thermal insulation is taken into account.
All data is taken from Test Reports, SNiPs and, in their absence, based on official data from manufacturers. The materials shown are used externally.
I don’t take the managerial chatter “about the best material in the world” into account. In this regard, I ask those who are dissatisfied with this fact or who believed the stories of sellers about more best performance that you remember, don’t make a fuss, don’t prove that it’s not so, but it’s much better, they say, they told me that... I’m sorry for your wasted time and money, but there are laws of physics, there are standards, so don’t splash your saliva and don't try to prove anything else.

The following materials are indicated by numbers in the table:

1. Foamed polystyrene foam (facade grade with a density of 16-17 kg/cubic meter)
2. Extruded polystyrene foam grade 35
3. Basalt mineral wool type Rockwool Facade Batts D
4. Masonry made of aerated concrete with a density of 400 kg/cub.m.
5. Foiled penofol on both sides, type B
6. Polyurethane foam (sprayed)
7. Ecowool
8. Penoizol
9. Foam glass











Required thickness, mm
Insulation weight, kg/cub.m
Vapor permeability, mg/(m*h*Pa)








Possibility of finishing - *1
Durability of material (years)
Harmless to health - *2
Flammability, flammability group




Price for 1 cubic meter of material (thousand rubles)


Price/thickness ratio - *3 2573 1292 1512 431 104 1110

Prices at the time of writing November 2007

The ratings for the characteristics of the material are highlighted in color in the table:

*1 - ratings are given in points for the maximum possible choice in application various types finishing of external walls, such as:
- installation in a frame (such as siding, ventilated facade cladding, clapboard upholstery, block house)
- creation of an adhesive paint coating on the insulation layer
- lining with sheet finishing without frame
- front facing brickwork("well")
- sticker decorative tiles or stone
but, one point is deducted if necessary before finishing additional training installed insulation.

*3 - thickness/price ratio, where the price spent on the resulting standard thermal resistance of the selected thermal insulation material is obtained.


1. Expanded polystyrene
Excellent price for insulation with a small thickness. Suitable for any further finishing without any special preparation. Guaranteed service life of more than 25 years. The only drawback is the low-flammability material. It is not recommended to sheathe wooden houses and roofs, but at the same time there are no fire restrictions for use on single-family cottages up to 2 floors high. For use on multi-storey buildings additional fire prevention measures. Be sure to be protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

2. Extruded polystyrene foam.
Not bad, reasonable cost of insulation. The guaranteed service life is more than 25 years, tests show a life of up to 50 years. The material is flammable and has very low vapor permeability, so there will be a need for investment costs, because we need to arrange additional ventilation up to automatic supply and exhaust, which increases the cost of insulation with this material and increased operating energy costs for additional ventilation of the premises. Any materials are suitable for finishing, but when applying paint adhesive layers to the surface, it is necessary to additionally prepare - roughen. Be sure to be protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

3. Mineral wool type Rockwool Facade Batts D
The price of insulation is starting to bite a little, although the material is highly vapor-permeable and does not burn at all. Please do not confuse it with flammable glass wool, which, due to its properties, is not used for external insulation in principle. This material is from basalt fiber, high density, but not heavy, which ensures durability of more than 25 years with any type of finish.

4. Masonry made of aerated concrete with a density of 400 kg/cub.m.
Disgusting prices for insulation, heavy material. TO effective insulation It is almost impossible to classify aerated concrete as density D400, because the thickness of the insulation exceeds reasonable limits, but the good vapor permeability and non-flammability of the material, as well as the fact that it is also structural, will still make it possible to reduce the relative cost of the share of insulation in the building structure. Any exterior finish can be used on aerated concrete.

5. Foiled penofol on both sides, type B
Non-vapor-permeable material (foamed polyethylene, with foil glued on both sides, analogues, without foil - Izolon, etc.), with good thermal resistance and weight. But very expensive compared to other insulation materials. Insulating the walls of a building with penofol will entail a further significant increase in cost, because there will be additional investment costs for supply and exhaust ventilation, additional operating costs for heating the ventilated air. The properties of this material (lack of adhesion of polymer and cement materials) greatly limits the choice of finishes and narrows it down to use only in frame systems. The presence of foil on both sides does not affect the thermal resistance of the walls in any way; a slight improvement in thermal resistance is observed only in a closed air gap(SNiP II-3-79* Appendix 4), the effect of which is measured within the limits of mathematical error, and such layers are practically absent in the building structures. Well, if anyone likes the thickness of 12.3 cm, then insulate yourself! :) The material sold in rolls with a thickness of 5.10 mm is not suitable even for 2 and 3 layers for insulation.

6. Polyurethane foam (sprayed)
An expensive pleasure from insulation, which must be protected from ultraviolet radiation. There is not a wide choice of finishing: it is brick cladding (with some difficulties) or only a hanging frame with finishing slabs and only on single-apartment cottages up to two floors high, since due to flammability, use on buildings for other purposes is prohibited. It turns out that this is an expensive and impractical material for housing. Eliminates the possibility independent work, since application to the base requires expensive equipment.

7. Ecowool
Good price for cellulose-based insulation natural material. Due to looseness and weak bearing capacity There is practically no choice of finishing, as is the case with polyurethane foam - you can pour it into the facing brickwork (“well”) or spray it into the frame using special equipment. The flammability of the material prohibits its use in mass construction; its service life is normal.

8. Penoizol
The most advantageous low cost of insulation among the presented insulation materials is immediately crossed out by a number of significant disadvantages, such as a narrow choice finishing materials (well masonry or in the frame), the need for protection from ultraviolet radiation, otherwise the material begins to decompose into formaldehyde and concentrated chemical fertilizers, after production it also releases harmful substances for a long time, the material is flammable and not very durable (durability has not been studied sufficiently), it is afraid of dampness. In the case of using the spraying (pouring) method, special equipment is required.

9. Foam glass
The good performance of any finish, durability and non-flammability of the material are very pleasing, but the high price of the material itself is frustrating, which is even more frustrating, since when insulating with foam glass there is a need for additional investment costs for supply and exhaust ventilation and subsequent operating costs for unreasonable heat loss from forced excessive ventilation of premises.

You can compare the characteristics of materials more carefully in numbers in the table below.

Nowadays, everyone who is somehow faced with the construction or renovation of a house pays special attention to insulation. building structures. Well, how could it be otherwise? Energy prices have increased so much that just throwing heat out of your home can cost a pretty penny. That’s why during construction the house is insulated from the foundation to the roof.

Some basics

As practice and calculations have shown, the most highest percentage of heat loss Houses falls on the walls. And in order to reduce this very percentage, modern builders have undertaken to insulate walls, as they say, conscientiously, and approach this issue very thoroughly. It used to be, some 20-25 years ago, when the only insulation was glass wool, private developers simply made walls with an air gap, rightly considering air to be the worst conductor of heat. Today, the situation with the insulation of building structures has improved dramatically. In construction stores there is a huge variety of insulation materials for a variety of purposes.

  • These are polystyrene foam boards
  • insulation based on stone wool

What are the fundamental differences, advantages and disadvantages of these two types?

Expanded polystyrene – in other words, polystyrene foam. But there is a difference between polystyrene foam and foam plastic. There is simply gas-filled polystyrene made from small granules, pressed together by sintering at elevated temperatures. And there is extruded polystyrene foam (labeled XPS) in which there is no separation into granules, but the gas-filled mixture is squeezed out of the extruder into a pre-prepared form and then pressed into slabs.

Inorganic fiber insulation obtained from mineral chips (basalt, quartz sand), which is melted at high temperatures and drawn into fibers. Then the resulting mineral fiber treated with binders and pressed into slabs. This is somewhat reminiscent of the technology of felt boots, which are felted from wool. And, please note, it has not yet been invented for a good winter best shoes than woolen socks and felt boots. What does this mean? It is true that as insulation, compressed fiber behaves excellently.

The approximate price per square is 245 rubles (with a thickness of 50 mm), one slab has dimensions of 600 * 1200.

Here's a short review. Which insulation to choose for thermal insulation of a house is, of course, up to you to decide.


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