What is the procedure for renovating a bathroom? Where to start a major bathroom renovation? Replacing old communications with new ones

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For painting the ceiling needs to be leveled, plastered and puttied so that the surface looks perfect. The best option in this case is water-dispersion paint, which is intended for rooms with high humidity. If your neighbors suddenly flood you, then marks will remain on such a ceiling, and the structure itself will not be able to protect, but condensation will not accumulate on it.

Followed by wall decoration so as not to stain the floor. Most often, the advantages of which are in this case undeniable. Plaster and putty are applied to the pre-prepared walls, and after drying they proceed to. In this case, tile adhesive is used, and installation begins from a visible corner, so that in the most visible places the tile is solid, and cut pieces can be used for other objects. The seams between the tiles are filled, which can be the color of the tile or, conversely, contrast with it. There can be a lot of tile options, you can combine them with each other different types, use mirror inserts that can slightly expand a small bathroom.

Place it in the same way floor tiles, but for the floor it is better to choose the most non-slip coating. – a waterproof laminate that will definitely be non-slip. Together with it, you can use liquid wallpaper as a wall covering.

Installation of sockets and switches

When the finishing is ready, you can proceed to installing sockets and switches in previously prepared places. This stage also includes installation of some equipment, incl. water heater. It may be needed not only by residents of private houses, but also by many residents apartment buildings, which often practice summer shutdowns hot water. To save space, you can choose not a storage water heater, but an instantaneous water heater.

You also need to take care of. This could be an automatic fan that will monitor the humidity level and temperature, turning on and off itself. If you regulate its operation yourself, then a separate switch is provided for it, and combining the switching on of light and ventilation is not always convenient or justified. At this stage it is established sockets, switches, all necessary lighting fixtures.

Plumbing installation

This is the stage for which bathroom renovations most often begin. The choice of plumbing fixtures is now impressive, so everyone can choose something that suits their size, appearance and functionality. An alternative to the usual one can be the acrylic version: they are distinguished by a greater variety of shapes and wider functionality. If there is not much space in the bathroom, then it is better to choose shower cabin Now queue for. It is installed at the end of all work so as not to be accidentally scratched by plumbing fixtures. The door should fit well into the design of the bathroom, block sounds, and be devoid of completely transparent elements.

At the end of all the work, all that remains is to put everything necessary, hang a mirror, pictures, arrange flowers, hang towels, put them in places accessories, which in the bathroom not only serve as decoration, but also have a certain function.

In conclusion

Compiling and breaking down all repair work into stages helps you better imagine everything that needs to be done. By following a clear sequence, the risk of forgetting to do something is reduced, and the quality of the work performed improves. Moreover, strict adherence to the stages helps to meet the deadlines, so before starting a bathroom renovation, it is better to spend some time thinking about the project and the sequence of work.

29.03.2014 20:40

Without a doubt, before starting any repairs, it is worth determining what exactly we want to get as a result? In order to determine bathroom renovation sequence, need to be examined carefully Current state premises and find out exactly what work you need. At this stage, you will understand what you can do on your own and what requires the services of specialists. It may not make sense to waste your time and energy on such an independent activity.

Of course, if you just need redecorating If you have a bathroom in which the condition of the water pipes and electrics does not require repairs, then you can spend a very modest amount and do the cosmetic finishing of the bathroom yourself. But in most cases, the owner wants radical changes. And here you already need to overhaul the bathroom with updating the sewerage system, plumbing and electrical systems. The results will last for many years!

Bathroom renovation stages

The stages of a bathroom renovation include plumbing and electrical work which no one recommends doing on your own. But in order not to get confused, you need to make a plan for future repairs. Compilation detailed plan repair will help determine the cost of upcoming work and materials.

So, first the preparation:

  1. Planning. To do this, inspect the bathroom and determine what needs to be completely changed and what just needs to be updated. In cases where complex tasks are required plumbing work, be sure to involve competent and skilled specialists! At this stage, you can determine the approximate cost of renovating your bathroom. However, we advise you not to rely entirely on the amount received, since in practice unexpected expenses often arise. This will help complete the renovation of the premises and not suffer from a lack of funds.
  2. Attracting specialists. Undoubtedly, now many people can do some of the work themselves and even draw up a rough plan for the new premises and cost estimates. Let us remind you that renovation of the bathroom is the most difficult renovation in the entire apartment. In addition, the room should be convenient for all household members, functional and not present surprises in the form of unexpected breakdowns and leaks. Certainly, the best option- this is the attraction of bathroom renovation specialists. But if you really need to reduce financial expenses, then you can independently remove the tiles from the walls and floors, and if you have certain skills and experience, you can even lay new ones. Carefully weigh the pros and cons, because now is a major stage-by-stage repair bathroom is not that expensive.
  3. More information! Study carefully modern ideas for bathroom renovations, finishing technology options and material properties. There are many photographs of finished bathrooms after renovation on the Internet; perhaps some of them can be applied in practice in your case.

Sequence of bathroom renovation

The sequence of renovations in the bathroom and its compliance has great value. Of course, some points can be swapped, but within reasonable limits and in accordance with common sense!

1. Dismantling. First, the space is cleared of furniture and personal items. Then:

  • tiles are removed from walls and floors;
  • the bathtub, sink, heated towel rail are dismantled; in the case of a combined bathroom, the toilet is dismantled;
  • withdrawal door frame(if the plan is to replace doors);
  • dismantling the rear wall of the toilet in order to gain access to the riser;
  • replacement of taps on risers;
  • dismantling of water supply and sewerage pipes;
  • wall gating;

in the event that it is planned to install rack or suspended ceiling, then the ceilings do not need to be cleared of paint.

2. Installation of water supply and sewerage systems

  • distribution of water pipes;
  • sewerage distribution and installation;
  • installation of electrical wiring and grounding device;
  • installation of the rear wall of the toilet;

3. Walls, floor, ceiling

  • wall primer;
  • plastering the walls according to the beacons and preparing for laying tiles. It is necessary to carefully and evenly plaster the walls so that the tiles lie flat;
  • installation of new doors;
  • waterproofing device (possible using the “Waterstop” mixture);
  • laying tiles on the floor and walls, installing a ceramic border if necessary;
  • grouting;
  • installation of slatted or suspended ceilings. If you just need to paint the ceiling water-based paint, then this must be done while preparing the walls for laying tiles;
  • installation of skirting boards;
  • installation of plumbing (bath, shower, sink, toilet) and their connection to communications;

4. Final work

  • installation of faucets, heated towel rails, sockets and switches;
  • installation of a bathroom screen;
  • installation of accessories, shelves, furniture arrangement.

Pay special attention to tile laying work. It is very important that surfaces are carefully prepared and leveled. If it is decided that the bathroom will have tile on the floor and walls, then follow the order: first lay the tiles on the floor, and then on the walls.

Let us remind you that major renovation in the bathroom - this is not a reason to save on professional work specialists. Nowadays, a bathroom renovation won't cost much. When you contact us, a team of private craftsmen will offer options for saving on simpler finishing techniques or on purchasing quality materials, but on affordable prices. Sometimes the cost of redoing “amateur” work is more expensive!

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Sometimes people try to save money and do only selective cosmetic finishing in their living space. But this principle is not entirely acceptable for a bathroom or toilet. It is recommended to carry out this procedure to avoid serious costs in the future. This is due to the functionality of the room and the concentration of main communications. It is about repairs from scratch that will be discussed in our article.

What is renovation from scratch?

When they talk about renovation from scratch, they mean all stages of work in the bathroom:

    1. replacement or connection of sewer and water pipes for cold and hot supply;
    2. installing electrics on walls and ceilings;
    3. finishing the walls from the base to the final coating;
    4. floor work from screed to finishing layer;
    5. ceiling finishing;
    6. plumbing installation;
    7. connecting faucets and household appliances;
    8. ventilation system;
    9. installation of an interior door;
    10. installation of bathroom furniture;
    11. filling the space with accessories.

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Important! Regardless of the room in which the bathroom renovation is being done ( new flat or secondary), from scratch - this means everything is updated down to the smallest detail. Such renovations require careful consideration at the design stage because costs can vary between completely identical bathrooms. It is during this period that it is necessary to decide on the design of the bathroom and understand what materials and components will be needed for the project.

  • In new apartments, the developer only makes connections to the bathroom, and leaves the placement of engineering structures at the discretion of the residents.
  • In apartments that have been renovated for more than five years, communications are usually not in the best condition, which requires their replacement to prevent breakdowns. If you do not replace it, it will be a waste and costly to eliminate the consequences in the future. For modern renovation in the bathroom from scratch is acceptable hidden installation communications so as not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the room. Doing this with old pipes is risky. It is more economical to replace old communications with new ones, not forgetting about plumbing.

Sequence of work when repairing from scratch

Having imagined the scale of work when renovating a bathroom from scratch, you need to draw up an estimate. Without detailed analysis space and drawings on paper it is difficult to make a list necessary materials. If you are far from design-minded and have no experience finishing works, trust the specialists to renovate your bathroom from scratch. Believe me, this option will be cheaper than redoing it after an incompetent master.

When choosing a team, find out the prices of different companies and choose the best option for your budget. Typically, the range of services includes plumbing and electrician work. If you are doing your own repairs, you will have to invite them to connect water, sewerage and electricity.

Important! The timing of a bathroom renovation depends on the condition of the room. If a new floor screed is required, the time frame is long so that the solution has time to dry. It also takes time to dry the walls if the leveling is done with beacon plaster. But to achieve ideal evenness of surfaces is to obtain beautiful walls, floor without level differences.

When a bathroom is being renovated from scratch, there is the possibility of redevelopment:

  • combine toilet and bathroom;
  • move the door;
  • change the geometry of the room to a more functional one;
  • install a heated floor;
  • add a heating element;
  • replace bulky plumbing fixtures with compact version, if the space is small.

Important! The choice of materials must be made in advance, because many are delivered only to order and the lead time can be long. The designer's advice will help you avoid such expectations by offering analogues.

If the renovation is done from scratch, then the choice of style depends on the wishes and tastes of the owner. Here important criterion is the size of the bathroom. Not all styles are suitable for small rooms, but for spacious ones there are a lot of ideas. For any style it is possible to choose both expensive finishing and budget materials good quality. And this is an important question when deciding to renovate a bathroom from scratch.

If you are about to make major changes in your bathroom, then you should be patient for a certain period. The period depends on the type of work and the experience of the team or home craftsman.

Let's look at the photo:

Video material:

Watch a video of finishing a bathroom from scratch.

Many home craftsmen do not know where to start renovating a bathroom and in what sequence to carry out such work. We have prepared detailed and understandable instructions.

The room in which we take water procedures is considered very specific. Serious humidity and temperature changes are constantly present here, and water flows in large volumes. It is clear that to renovate such a room it is necessary to select special materials that can withstand all negative impacts. To decorate the room we are interested in, we usually choose:

  • plastic panels;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • tiles (for finishing walls and floors).

These materials have the required qualities that allow them to be used in rooms where there is steam and high temperature.

Bathroom finishing plastic panels

In addition, the bathroom should have special atmosphere, promoting human relaxation. This means that you need to carefully think through the design of this room and choose it correctly color scheme. Most often, bathrooms are designed in pastel colors, not irritating a person, but on the contrary, calming him nervous system after a busy day. Professional designers recommend finishing bathroom units with products in beige, blue, peach, and blue shades.

Thus, bathroom renovation should begin with drawing up a design project, selecting and purchasing the required materials. At this stage, you will need to provide for a lot of little things and purchase a lot of different products, ranging from sewer pipes and adhesive for installing tiles and ending with shut-off valves and heated towel rails.

Now you need to decide on the scope of work and make a plan for completing it. Subsequence self-repair The bathroom is usually like this:

  1. Preparing the room for renovations.
  2. Analysis of the existing condition flooring and the choice of technology for its restoration or complete replacement.
  3. Floor repair, insulation and waterproofing.
  4. Installation of sewer and water pipes.
  5. Laying electrical wiring.
  6. Plastering ceiling and wall surfaces, covering them with the selected material and insulating them.
  7. Installation of an effective ventilation system.
  8. Installation of sanitary equipment.

The given sequence will allow you to spend a minimum of time on giving the room water procedures perfect look.

Where to start preparing the described room for its complete transformation with your own hands? Of course, from the dismantling of all plumbing fixtures installed in it, as well as furniture (if any), lighting fixtures, mirrors and hanging structures. If you are doing a major bathroom renovation, be sure to remove the faucets and mixers.

Removal old tiles in the bathroom

After that, start deleting old finishing materials. Remove cladding from walls and ceilings, knock down ceramic tiles(along with the layer of glue that held it in place), wash off the paint. If you have a hammer drill, preparing the bathroom for good repair goes much faster - feel free to knock down everything that moves away from the ceiling and walls. Your task is to get to the brick or panel wall masonry and floor slabs.

After such actions, it will be necessary to carefully treat the areas that you have “exposed” with primers. You should choose them wisely. Do not forget that now there are a variety of primers - bioprotective, hydrophobic, contact, increasing adhesion, strengthening. If you don’t know exactly what composition you need to purchase, be sure to consult a specialist. Real help Consultants from good hardware stores often provide assistance in this matter.

The next step in preparing the bathroom is to inspect the flooring. When the old screed showed itself during operation exclusively with best side(for example, you forgot to turn off the water, it flowed for a couple of hours, and not a drop of moisture leaked to the neighbors below), leave it. If the screed has clearly served its purpose, it must be removed.

This operation is performed with a hammer drill and a chisel. These tools can also remove the previous cement backing under the tiles. Important point! If you do not touch the old screed, it is better to clean the substrate with a grinder equipped with a cup-shaped grinding wheel (usually called a diamond cup). The cost of such a device is quite high. But it will always be useful to a craftsman who does all the housework with his own hands.

Now you can sweep away all the dirt and debris and proceed directly to repair work.

  • sifted quartz sand;
  • cement M500 (you can also take M400);
  • PVA emulsion;
  • water.

The ratio of cement to sand is 1 to 4. The same amount of water needs to be mixed as cement. The most convenient way to form a screed with your own hands is using marker beacons. The mixture is applied in a layer of about 4–5 cm, rubbed building rule, after which it must be carefully smoothed with a polyurethane foam polisher or of stainless steel to perfect condition (no cracks, ripples or other defects). Very important! The screed made from sand and cement cannot be touched for 40 days. During this time, no work can be done in the bathroom.

Creating a new concrete floor screed

Waterproofing the room with high humidity It is best to use materials made of polyester or aquaizol. Do not use regular waterproof film for these purposes. Hydro insulating material lay as carefully as possible, the joints between it in separate parts connected in two ways:

  1. Construction hairdryer.
  2. Adhesive mastic having a special composition.

Waterproofing is applied to the walls by 25–30 centimeters. Please note that the presence of cuts in the moisture-proof film is not allowed in the corners of the room. It’s better to bend the insulating material and make folds. But under no circumstances cut the film.

Open sewer pipelines These days it is almost impossible to see in apartments. Such communications spoil the entire appearance of the bathroom and nullify all the designers’ tricks. Scoring walls to hide pipes is also not a solution. This procedure is very tedious, dusty and truly lengthy.

Installation of pipelines in the bathroom

For this reason, sewer pipes are now most often installed using a special method - they are run along the bottom in a bunch, and then masked with galvanized slopes. You can then easily glue tiles (cladding) onto the latter using silicone. The silicone composition is also used for fastening the slope with floor surface and to the wall.

Unfortunately, bathroom renovations cannot be completed without gating. In any case, you will need to make two grooves for cases when a separate faucet is installed on the washbasin, or one if a common faucet is used. One thing is reassuring - the length of the groove will be minimal. In addition, they are located vertically. Punching them with your own hands is relatively simple, which cannot be said about horizontal grooves.

For a heated towel rail, it is advisable to install metal-plastic pipes. It’s not worth looking for other options these days. Such pipe products are ideal for use. They can be easily bent, slanted, using transition fittings.

But for a cold water supply system in the bathroom they are more suitable polypropylene pipes(PPN). They are easily welded into a strong and reliable monolithic structure and then hide in the walls. It’s worth saying right away that it is advisable to purchase fittings for such pipes from solid plastic. It is not advisable to use metal reinforcement elements. They can leak at any time. But sealed plastic will never let water through.

Pipeline installation should begin with the installation of sewer pipes. Using sealant and seals, you will spend no more than one day on their assembly. After that, feel free to install polypropylene products For cold water and solder them. Be sure to blow polyurethane foam pipes in grooves. This way you will be sure that the pipeline will not fog up. And heat loss in this case will be significantly reduced. Follow the recommended sequence of piping installation, and your bathroom renovation will go faster.

Electrical wiring is carried out with a cable protected by a double insulating layer. It is advisable to place the wire in a metal or plastic corrugation. It is better to use a metal sheath, as it perfectly shields the wiring.

Having dealt with communications, proceed to processing wall surfaces. It is performed with two compositions – starting (it has increased tenacity) and finishing. The latter perfectly levels the treated surface. It is necessary to plaster from the ceiling to the floor.

Plastering walls in the bathroom

The following stages of repair work:

  • Insulation and ceiling covering. It is recommended to perform thermal insulation in the form of a pie consisting of two glass magnesium sheets and insulation placed between them. The cladding can be made with clapboard (plastic) or laminated boards, which are fixed to the ceiling with construction silicone or durable mounting adhesive.
  • Laying tiles on the floor. The sequence of the operation is as follows: mount the products with glue, starting from the door, tap each tile with a hammer (rubber). All cut rows should be laid in last resort and after the adhesive under the remaining rows has completely hardened.
  • Wall covering. It is produced using plastic panels, porcelain stoneware, and ordinary tiles.

Last stages work - cleaning ventilation duct(or installation of a new one), installation of a sink, bathtub (shower stall), faucets, water meters. If you were able to complete all the previous operations, placing the plumbing will be easy for you. There is no special wisdom here.

That's basically all step-by-step plan do-it-yourself bathroom renovation. You just need to start implementing it and after a while you will enjoy the new look of your water treatment room.


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