How to choose a mattress in a crib for a newborn baby. Baby mattresses for newborns: how to choose and care

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If you are faced with a choice of which mattress to choose for a newborn's crib, immediately discard the option with a grandmother's feather bed. The times of down-filled mattresses have sunk into oblivion, and now you will choose a product of medium hardness, if not hard.

A newborn spends most of the day in the crib, so serious requirements are put forward for the mattress. What, now you will find out.

Mattress in the crib - what is important to pay attention to?

When choosing a mattress for a crib, you must measure 4 main parameters: size, firmness, filler and surface.

  • The size. Before you go shopping for a mattress, you need to accurately measure your crib. Ideally, the mattress should be 1-2 cm smaller than the bed;

If more, there will be folds and tubercles, which the baby will certainly feel and not appreciate. And a small mattress will wobble from side to side, or there is a risk of injury to the newborn if the handle falls into the gap between the wall and the mattress.

  • Rigidity. The best mattress for a newborn is hard;

Spring, like an orthopedic baby, is absolutely useless, except that a one-year-old toddler will happily use it as a trampoline. You should know that it is even dangerous for a fragile body to sleep on a soft mattress - poor posture or scoliosis may develop. But it is recommended to sleep on a hard surface until the age of three.

If you decide to buy spring mattress, then choose a model with unrelated springs, or as it is called: with an independent spring block. This will last longer, and will not sag like a hammock.

  • Filler. Inside the mattress for a newborn can be both natural ingredients, and artificial fiber. Among natural materials the most common are coconut fibre, wool, horsehair and natural latex. Artificial ones include foam rubber, cotton wool, struttofiber, polyurethane foam;

Each filler has its own strengths and weak sides, the main thing: that the material complies with the standards and state standards.

  • Surface. You know for sure that the material for the surface of the mattress should be made of natural fabrics, but this parameter is not enough. Satin and cotton are natural, but short-lived. A good option is jacquard from several layers. Another option is a double-sided mattress, one side of which is thin - summer, the other with insulation is ideal for winter.

Not bad if you get an extra mattress cover that can be easily removed for washing. It will protect the mattress from unexpected leaks and dirt.

It is better for you to refuse various "useful" impregnations of a mattress cover. They can and will save you from pests and pollution, but they can also add problems in the form of allergic reactions.

Types of mattresses in the crib

As you have seen, there are plenty of variations of mattresses for a newborn, and their price is also quite diverse. Often parents are motivated precisely by the price tag, forgetting about the health of the baby. The cheap version is most often made of artificial materials or is made of poor quality and does not comply with state standards.

And so that you can choose the best option, let's look at what mattresses are.

Orthopedic mattress

For a newborn up to a year, an orthopedic mattress is absolutely not needed. In the crib you need to buy a hard springless mattress;

  1. Do not forget that in most cases, at this age, your baby sleeps with you in your bed, so you should pay attention to your mattress. It should be of medium hardness with an independent spring block, otherwise the newborn will roll down and lie at an angle like on a hammock, since your weight is much greater, and the mattress will sag under you;

If you are interested in the question of how to transfer a baby to your own crib, be sure to pay attention to our course How to transfer a child to a separate bed?>>>

You need to carefully examine the certificate of the mattress and make sure that the fiber is connected to each other using natural latex. Such a coconut mattress for a newborn with latex will please you for more than one year.

Cocoon mattress

  1. The thing is interesting, but not cheap. Designed for newborns up to 4 months, it is an ergonomically shaped oval mattress that can be carried from room to room, or placed on your knees and rocked your baby (did you know that babies often start to sleep poorly at this age? Why does this happen and what to do, learn from the article Sleep regression in 4 months >>>);
  2. The newborn lies in a position that is as close as possible to the intrauterine position, the legs are bent and are above the body, and the head is slightly tilted forward;
  3. Fabrics and fillers depend on the manufacturer, the price of the product is high. You can hear how positive reviews, and the opinion of mothers that it is quite possible to do without this mattress.

Struttofiber as a filler

  • This fiber is a blend of wool and polyester material. AT pure form wool is not used, as it does not hold its shape and quickly cakes;
  • Struttofiber is just a part of the filling of the mattress, a layer that is used in double-sided products in the winter version;
  • It is well breathable, hypoallergenic, retains heat, but the price is a little expensive.

Mattress with horsehair

  1. Natural filler has several positive aspects: elastic, keeps its shape well and lets air through, repels odors, but at the same time it is a relatively expensive component;
  2. In addition, horse hair can cause an allergic reaction in your baby.


  • There is a product that is made exclusively of latex. To ensure adequate ventilation, air circulation rods are distributed throughout the mattress. No matter how elastic this mattress may seem to you, its rigidity is not sufficient for a newborn;
  • This option is suitable for children older than a year (read the current article: How much should a child sleep at 2 years >>>);
  • Positive aspects: elasticity, resistance to moisture and odors, durability;
  • But the weaknesses are insufficient rigidity for a newborn and high cost.

polyurethane foam

  1. This material resembles latex in properties, but is an artificial filler. Despite this, polyurethane foam is hypoallergenic and resistant;
  2. A mattress with such a filler is cheaper than a latex one, lightweight and easy to carry;
  3. But you should know that this type of mattress is not suitable for babies of the first year of life, so as an option for your newborn baby, you should refuse polyurethane foam mattresses.

There are many more variations of mattresses in the crib for newborns listed. Manufacturers combine several components, add impregnations, which should reduce the risk of allergies or the development of a fungus. But you must remember that there are GOSTs and requirements for products, require a quality certificate.

Rules for caring for a children's mattress

  • In order for the mattress in the crib to last as long as possible, you need to periodically ventilate and vacuum the product. It is necessary to ensure that moisture does not get inside, and when peeing, rub it as quickly as possible wet place and dry it.
  • The product with a spring block cannot be rolled up;
  • Coconut is dried only in a dry way;
  • And cotton is aired at least 1 time per month;
  • All products need to be turned over from time to time.

Do not forget that no matter how good the mattress in the crib is, and no matter how comfortable the baby sleeps there, nature has not come up with anything better than sleeping together with you. So you will always be on the alert and will be able to protect both sleep and wakefulness of the newborn.

Caring parents are well aware of how important deep restful sleep is for the well-being and normal development of the baby. And for a good night's sleep, you need a comfortable bed. We will figure out which mattress is best for a newborn, how to choose the right one, how long it can last, and what conditions must be met so that your child sleeps peacefully and stays healthy.

The child's spine is actively formed in the first months of life. Besides, total time A newborn's sleep should be between 16 and 18 hours a day. Therefore, it is necessary to take the choice of a solid and comfortable mattress with all responsibility: after all, both the quality of sleep and health depend on it.

main parameters

It is better not to make a mattress yourself, as it may not meet all the necessary parameters. Models based on batting or foam rubber, which are in abundance on the market, unfortunately, also do not stand up to criticism in a number of standards - from environmental friendliness to adequate orthopedic support. Orthopedic mattresses for newborns are made of fundamentally different materials - more on that later. If you properly search and choose a really high-quality product, it will not only be useful for the health of the baby, but will also last for a long time - at least three years! And this is important for many.


First, we “screen out” the products by this parameter. The usual dimensions of the base of the crib (most manufacturers make their beds exactly like this):

  • 140×70 cm;
  • 125×65 cm;
  • 120×60 cm.

Knowing exactly the length, width, depth of the base of the crib, especially if it was made to order, you will find a mattress that fits it perfectly. It is better to choose a children's mattress for a newborn (or order it) 2 cm less in length and width. Then he will not slip in the bed, but will not be too tight to invest in it, and if necessary, it is easy to take it out. Consider the thickness of the mattress: it should not be less than 8 and more than 15 centimeters.

A quality baby mattress should have small vents on both sides to allow air to circulate.


A newborn baby lies almost all the time, so the hygienic properties of bedding are important. The mattress should not emit bad smell or, on the contrary, accumulate odors inside and, of course, should not cause allergies. Perfect option- if it is made of "breathable" materials that pass air well. By the way, the filler does not have to be of natural origin.

It is very good if there is a removable cover: it can be rinsed or washed, if necessary, and put on again. This cover is usually durable, cotton or jacquard, often with a moisture-resistant lining. There are no special requirements for it, just pay attention that it is smooth or very thinly quilted, and coarse seams, as well as zippers or other fasteners, do not come into contact with the baby’s body and do not disturb him during sleep.

Orthopedic indicators

Orthopedic qualities do not mean medicinal properties, but simply sufficient rigidity of the surface on which the child will sleep - only then will the spine take the correct, natural position. For example, coconut fiber as a filler is moderately hard, resilient, ventilated. We'll talk more about fillers later.

Pediatrician's recommendations: too soft featherbed, which some parents seek to provide for the "comfort" of the baby, leads to deformation of the fragile spine (scoliosis). The spine of a baby up to 2-3 years old is straight, that is, it has not yet formed the S-shaped bend inherent in adults. Therefore, the mattress should be flat, medium hardness. It is better if up to three years the baby does not even have a pillow, especially a large one (the child can suffocate by burying his nose in it) and with a natural filler (he may be allergic to it).

At the same time, a child's mattress should be flexible enough so that its head side can be raised - for example, by placing a flat roll of a folded towel under it. This is useful if, and also convenient when he has: a slightly elevated position of the head allows for freer breathing. The main thing is to take this position only from time to time: the newborn should still sleep on a flat surface. Therefore, factory mattresses asymmetrical shape not recommended for permanent use.

Materials for a children's mattress

Among the many types of bedding presented in children's supermarkets and specialized stores, it is easy to get confused. Especially many questions are raised by the materials from which the filling is made. The table will help you navigate and choose the right mattress in a crib for newborns.

Filling materialMaterial PropertiesAttention
Coconut coir (fiber, coconut lint)Orthopedic properties - the load on the spine is evenly distributed;
moisture resistance - thanks to natural polymers;
free air circulation - it is not cold to sleep in winter, it is not hot in summer;
Coconut coir should not be stitched (over time, the material crumbles and deforms), but with natural latex impregnation that holds the fibers together. This is evidenced by the certificate of quality. Coir should not be confused with coconut flakes: such a filling quickly cakes and melts
HorsehairOrthopedic properties;
elasticity - keeps its shape perfectly;
hygroscopic - absorbs moisture
Expensive natural filler with latex impregnation. Allergy possible
Latex natural (from rubber - foamed hevea juice)Elasticity - quickly restores shape;
environmental friendliness and hypoallergenicity;
antibacterial properties;
antistatic properties;
long service life;
"rubber" smell (quickly disappears, especially after airing)
A full latex mattress is not recommended. A good option is “for growth”: a double-sided mattress for a newborn with one side made of coconut fibers and the other made of latex (softer, better to use after 3 years).
Synthetic latex is not recommended, although it is cheaper than natural latex.
Polyurethane foam (PPU, foamed polymer of artificial origin)High strength;
resistance to deformation;
relatively low cost
Polyurethane foam filling may not be rigid enough. If possible, independently (in the store) compare its stiffness with the base of coconut coir
Struttofiber (artificial filler like wool)Elasticity;
good ventilation and heat transfer;
cheaper than foam
It is used as a filling for one side of the mattress (while the second can be made of coconut fiber). A great idea for a mattress for children "for growth"
Holofiber (non-woven artificial material polyester fiber)Medium hardness;
water resistance;
wear resistance;
resistance to deformation;
ease of care;
relatively low cost
Suitable for children from birth, can be used up to 3-4 years. Can be double-sided (the other side is with coconut coir)

coconut coir Horsehair natural latex

polyurethane foam
Struttofiber holofiber

All of these materials have antibacterial and antifungal properties, are hypoallergenic and, of course, environmentally friendly. Not all of them are natural, but this is not always a minus. For example, wool can cause allergies. Felt, straw or wood shavings will not withstand several “leaks”, they will begin to rot, collapse.

A universal double-sided (combined) mattress is useful in the long run - it is good not only because it is durable and will serve the child even when he grows up, but also because it has a hard and soft side. Experts recommend laying children over the age of 3 on the softer side - the spine will form enough for the mattress to support its natural curves.

Armed with information and deciding which mattress to choose for a child, it is enough to focus on your feelings (checking the quality personally, in the store) and on the price-performance ratio of the product. Remember that a good mattress cannot be too cheap, but the health of the child is at stake.

With or without springs

Sometimes parents wonder which mattress will be better for a newborn baby to sleep on - spring or springless. Since the weight of a child up to six months is small, the presence of springs in the mattress is not so important. The spring model is considered universal, but it is more useful for active kids over the age of one, who not only sleep in their bed, but also move a lot in it, play, jump.

So: spring or springless? There is different types spring mattresses.

  • with dependent springs. The elements are connected to each other. If the position of one element changes, it affects the others. Thus, depressions are formed under the child (in the worst case, one deep, like a hammock), which does not meet the requirements for a flat surface.
  • With independent springs. Each of the springs is "autonomous", that is, it is located in a separate compartment. If you click on it, the rest of the elements will remain in place. The mattress does not creak. True, it costs more than a model with dependent springs, in terms of weight it is heavier, thick enough, so it is necessary that the sides of the crib remain high for the baby if such a mattress is invested in it.

Parents have lively discussions about choosing a mattress for a newborn: reviews on this matter are different, but many agree that for small child You don't really need a box spring mattress. Rather, it would be preferable to have a springless model with various fillers (of those described above). It provides the rigidity recommended by pediatricians, the formation of the correct posture in the baby, which is very important in such early age. In addition, parents are advised in the selection process to make sure that the product is from well-known manufacturer, made in accordance with GOST, provided with a certificate confirming its complete safety.

In order for the mattress, without losing its qualities, to serve the child longer, follow a few simple recommendations. They are useful for any models - however, the manufacturer should have instructions for caring for the product.

  • Ventilate periodically. Within a couple of hours or, if possible, throughout the day. And vacuum your mattress - at least once a month.
  • Keep the cover (mattress cover) fresh. Wash it often.
  • Turn the mattress over from time to time. From one side to the other - if they are the same in composition, and if not - rotate it with the hard side up, laying the head in the opposite end of the crib.
  • Remove the packaging. Regardless of the quality of the filler, it can "suffocate" if you leave the mattress in store-bought plastic packaging. Air exchange will be even better if the base of the bed is not solid, but slatted.

The cost of a mattress depends on the size, materials used, trademark. Products can be found today domestic production, no less quality than foreign.

Deciding how to choose a mattress for a newborn is best based on the recommendations of experts. You can personally examine each product in the store in detail, compare them, listen to the stories of consultants and, if necessary, ask them for documents confirming the quality. Ultimately, you will protect your baby from allergies or problems with the musculoskeletal system, and provide him with a healthy and comfortable sleep.


The mattress cover is a special cover that protects the mattress from moisture, dirt, mechanical damage and able to partially correct its useful properties. Previous generations in infancy slept on sheets, under which mother carefully placed oilcloth to protect the surface of the mattress from children's surprises, today this function is performed by a mattress cover, and often also has useful orthopedic properties. Agree, washing and drying a mattress pad is much easier than doing similar manipulations with a mattress.

Focus on sustainable materials and hygiene

Usage trend eco-friendly materials in last decade has become generally accepted, especially when it comes to any goods for children. Independent studies periodically shock society with their conclusions about the influence of a particular chemistry, synthetic materials on the health of newborns. Probably everyone already knows that you should not abuse diapers, but only those who know how to take care of cleanliness can afford it. bed child.

Modern unite unique properties natural materials and synthetic fabrics of the latest generation, the latter being used as a layer and directly adjacent to the surface of the mattress, and not to the child's skin. As the top layer, a natural cotton knitted fabric is usually used - the safest hypoallergenic material, which, importantly, is very easy to wash in a machine. These products also have the ability to absorb and retain liquids, which is indispensable in the crib of a newborn.

Most manufacturers take every detail seriously in the manufacture of mattress covers, from the incoming control of all materials for the content of allergens and harmful substances to testing fabrics for noise during friction. Many models have a special antibacterial impregnation. Obviously, this approach allows them to ensure that the baby is always surrounded by warmth and comfort in his crib.

Affordable price and the possibility of serious savings

Future parents rarely spare money for arranging a child's bed, but when it comes to purchasing additional accessories, many are afraid that they will have to pay a tidy sum, in addition to the cost of the bed itself and the bed. Fortunately, mattress covers are quite inexpensive, and the choice similar products big enough today. Moreover, the cost of acquiring it pays off over time, thanks to the unique useful properties. The obvious advantage of using mattress covers consists of several components:

  • the product significantly extends the life of the mattress (usually quite expensive), which allows you to change it much less often;
  • affordable price products are significantly lower than the total cost of purchasing disposable waterproof diapers for several years;
  • a favorable sanitary environment and the preservation of the health of the child are priceless!

The main thing you need to pay attention to is that the size of the mattress pad matches the parameters of the mattress, otherwise the product will not only lose all its own, but will also begin to crumple, form folds, which will automatically create discomfort for the child. Before buying, it is advisable to find out not only the length and width, but also the thickness of the mattress, so as not to make a mistake with the choice, because the mounts also differ from each other.

Maximum sleeping comfort for your child

Thus, the mattress cover, which is presented to many as a minor accessory for a crib, in fact solves a number of problems. important issues, significantly facilitating maternal work. Here are just the main useful functions of mattress toppers for a bed for newborns:

  • cleanliness and dryness in the crib - protecting the child from diaper rash, allergies, fungi and pathogenic bacteria, sleepless nights;
  • protection of the surface and sides of the mattress from moisture and dirt, and therefore from stains and unpleasant odors that are so difficult to eliminate;
  • formation of a perfectly flat sleeping surface, even if the mattress in the crib has certain signs wear and deformation;
  • constant internal ventilation and active air circulation will protect the baby's skin from irritation;
  • maintaining optimum temperature keeping warm in the crib.

To date, this is the most convenient and practical means to protect a bed from children's surprises. Unlike oilcloths and disposable waterproof diapers, a mattress pad is purchased for a specific size of a children's mattress and is firmly attached to it, as a rule, using corner or side elastic bands. This avoids situations when the diaper moves out due to the movements of the baby in bed and the mattress is not protected. In addition, with a mattress pad will not slip and bed sheets, which means you will provide the child with everything necessary for a sound and healthy sleep!

When a small cozy crib has already appeared in the nursery, it's time to find the right accessories for it. For some, a beautiful, but absolutely impractical canopy will turn out to be an essential thing, someone, first of all, will think about buying protection on the walls of the bed. Meanwhile, incredible important condition A proper sleep of the baby is a well-chosen mattress. How to choose a mattress for a newborn? How long can he serve a child? These and other questions concern many new parents.

mattress for a newborn

Mattress requirements for toddlers

It is indeed worthwhile to treat the choice of a children's mattress responsibly, since a quality product bought even for a newborn can last at least up to three years. Models made entirely of batting are slowly but surely losing ground on modern market. However, even when buying the most fashionable and beautiful mattress, you always need to make sure that it has:

  • Right size

Mattress designed for baby sleep, must match the dimensions of the crib. If it turns out to be smaller than the perimeter of the crib, it will constantly move out and cause inconvenience to the child during sleep. regular sizes the size is considered to be 120 by 60 cm. However, knowing the exact length and width of the bottom of the crib, you can choose a mattress that is slightly different from the standard one.

  • High hygiene and safety

A newly born baby will spend a lot of time in his crib, which means that the mattress for him should be well ventilated, have, if not a moisture-resistant coating, then at least a removable cover that is easy to remove and rinse or even wash. Important role also plays filler. The naturalness of the composition does not always mean that your child is fit best manner. For example, completely natural wool or felt can cause allergies in children. In addition, after several leaks missed by the mother, such fillers can emit an unpleasant odor over time.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the cover, which is mainly made of their cotton fabric. For a newborn, it is important that there are no coarse seams, snakes, buttons and other details on the cover at the points of contact with the body, which can cause anxiety to the baby during sleep.

  • Good orthopedic properties

We are not talking about the treatment of an already formed curvature of the spine, but only about ensuring that the mattress for the newborn has sufficient rigidity. Then the spine of the little peanut will take a natural position during sleep. Pediatricians categorically do not advise children to sleep on a surface that is too soft, since in this case the fragile spine can be deformed. In this regard, such a filler as coconut fiber has proven itself well, which simultaneously gives the mattress both the necessary rigidity and elasticity, absorbs odors well and allows air to pass through.

correct mattresses for newborns

After familiarizing yourself with the listed requirements for mattresses for newborns, you can safely decide on the choice of model.

In order to figure out which is still the best mattress to choose for our newborn baby, you need to decide how long you plan to use the mattress:

Moms take note!

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1. A universal model without springs is suitable for the smallest crumbs, and for those who are already 3-4 years old.

mattress without springs

It can be based on coconut fiber or polyurethane foam, which is also considered anti-allergenic and non-toxic material. Felt or wool can be used as an additional layer. In addition, there are also two-sided models. Different rigidity of the sides is intended for children of different ages: more rigid (coconut) - for newborns, more elastic (latex or polyurethane foam) - for children older than a year.

The mattress sometimes has an asymmetric shape (one side is thicker than the other), imitating an incubator in a maternity hospital, located at a certain angle. This is done to avoid choking the child at the time of spitting up. Which model to choose is already up to the parents. In any case, we must remember that it is categorically not recommended to put a pillow under the head of a child up to a year old for these purposes.

A cover made of natural cotton fabric (coarse calico, calico, jacquard) can be stitched with cotton wool for extra softness. Also, this material contributes to better air exchange in the heat. A zipper or other fastener for removing the cover is usually located on the side.

2. Spring mattress.

mattress for children with springs

It is also positioned by manufacturers as a universal model for both a newborn and a school-age child. However, it will still be more useful for children from a year old, who not only sleep on a mattress, but can actively frolic on it and even jump. Therefore, the size of such products is often already 190 by 90 cm (although there are also models of the traditional size). For a newborn, the presence of springs will not play a significant role due to the low weight of the child.

In the composition, in addition to springs, there may be a block of felt, coconut fiber, and polyurethane foam. Additional tool ventilation of such a mattress can be vents called aerators. It can be frameless or have a frame that guarantees shape retention for a long time.

table: choose the right mattress

At the same time, if the mother decides to sleep together with the child for the first few months, then even the most best mattress, bought for a crib, may not be needed at first. Then young parents should make sure that their own bed has a sufficiently hard and at the same time elastic mattress that can support the baby in an anatomically correct position during sleep.

The purchase of a mattress for a future newborn is currently not a big problem, since there are a sufficient number of samples for sale, for every taste and every price category.

Therefore, parents have only one question - the choice of a quality product that will perform the main function - maintaining the health of the child. A newly born child spends most of his time sleeping, so a crib and a mattress are the most important items that will provide him with comfort and coziness.

And if in the matter of choosing a crib all parents agree and choose natural materials, then opinions often differ in choosing a mattress.

Some parents, having fallen under the influence of fashion, try to purchase an orthopedic mattress for a newborn child, but in the first months of life such a mattress will be practically useless, since the baby's weight is still too small and the supporting effect of an orthopedic mattress will not appear.

by the most the best option, contrary to popular belief, is the most rigid mattress that will not allow Negative influence on fragile bones and muscles of the newborn. Therefore, when choosing a mattress, you need to know the basic rule - what younger child the less skill he has, the firmer and flatter his mattress should be.

The main criterion when choosing a mattress should be its quality, and if there are any doubts about a particular sample, then such a purchase should be refrained from. Many parents, first of all, pay attention to the price, but it should be remembered that saving on the health of the child is unacceptable.

The price of any mattress depends on its size, the materials used in production, and the brand of the product. Do not chase famous foreign brands, now it is easy to purchase products domestic manufacturers quite affordable and good quality which is under constant control.


Since it is not recommended to buy an orthopedic mattress for a newborn for the first time, when choosing, parents should be given Special attention the quality of the mattress filler. Most experts believe that the best filler for children's mattresses is coconut fiber, the so-called coir. This natural product is perfectly ventilated, does not absorb liquids and odors, which is very important for a newborn, does not rot, and prevents the appearance of bed mites and other microbes. In addition, the price of a mattress with such a filler is relatively low.

Mattresses made from natural latex have similar properties., but here the influence is rather high price which not everyone can afford. Artificial latex products are much cheaper, but they are products of the chemical industry, and it is not worth exposing the body of a newborn baby to danger, even theoretical.

The use of natural fillings in the mattress, such as batting or horsehair, will have a positive effect on providing comfort for the baby, but these fillers have one drawback. They absorb moisture and odors very well, so mattresses with such fillers must be protected with a waterproof cover or medical oilcloth should be used.

Wool and felt, wood shavings and bamboo fibers, straw of certain varieties are also used as natural fillers for mattresses. But all these options are not suitable for a newborn baby, because they also absorb moisture well and dry out for a very long time.

Orthopedic mattresses for baby

Pretty soon, the baby will begin to acquire certain skills and will no longer spend most of the time in a dream. That's when parents should take care of buying an orthopedic mattress, especially since this mattress, unlike the first one, will last the child much longer.

Choice orthopedic mattresses for newborns is currently very large, so it will be quite easy to choose the right one for the price and quality. Experts recommend paying attention to combined mattresses that have two "working" surfaces made of different materials.

As a filler in such mattresses, coconut fiber, latex, polyurethane foam and spring blocks are used. various combinations. One of the advantages of such mattresses is the use of their "working" sides, depending on the season and temperature in the house. For example, the tougher side, with coconut filling, is used in summer time, and latex - in winter.

In addition, the combined mattress is designed for different age child, and accordingly at different stages of its development and different weight. Therefore, for a newborn baby, for the period of formation of the musculoskeletal structure, the hard side is used, and later, as they grow older, the child can be laid on the soft side.

Orthopedic mattresses for babies with spring blocks are almost always made with additional filler. Therefore, when choosing this type of mattress, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition and quality of the layer between the spring block and the mattress cover.

As a rule, manufacturers use the same materials as in springless mattresses, which means that the properties of the interlayer will be the same. It is very good if the layer in such a mattress is two-layer. For example, one side is filled with coconut coir, and the other is made of latex or its substitute. Thus, you get a traditional mattress with a spring block and orthopedic properties.

It is impossible not to mention the size of the mattress for a newborn, although there are no specific criteria in this matter. There is only one rule, the observance of which will allow young parents to avoid unnecessary spending on the family budget. First of all, a crib is purchased for a newborn, and based on its size, a mattress is bought.

If it is not possible to choose a mattress exactly in size, then it is allowed that the mattress is slightly smaller, but not more than 2 cm in length and 1 cm in width. Although most retail chains offering products for newborns try to sell cribs complete with a mattress. But do not forget one more rule - the older the child becomes, the thicker his mattress should be.

Do not forget about such things as removable covers and mattress covers. In addition to additional hygienic properties, they will increase the life of the children's mattress and keep its orthopedic qualities longer. If such accessories do not fit into the family budget, then it is quite easy to make them yourself.


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