Which zodiac sign suits Pisces men. Which zodiac signs are most suitable for Pisces?

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The best partners for a Pisces man among the zodiac signs of the water element are Scorpio and Cancer. The Scorpio woman highly appreciates the versatility of his nature, and he knows how to perfectly adapt to her changeable mood. A strong spiritual connection is quickly established between these partners, thanks to which their relationship has every chance of becoming strong and happy. In union with a Cancer woman, a representative of the Pisces sign is also able to find happiness: both signs have the same emotional needs and complement each other perfectly. But this couple may lack practicality, so it may be difficult for them to cope with important life tasks, although there are usually no conflicts about this in their relationship.

Compatibility of Pisces man with earth signs

In first place in terms of compatibility with a Pisces man is Taurus. Such a woman is ideal for him for a marriage, as she is able to take on all the household chores and make their life together comfortable and stable. The Pisces man does not have such a good relationship with other representatives of the earth element. The Capricorn woman is too ambitious and demanding, and with Virgo, Pisces has too many differences in character and life priorities, so the Pisces man can only have friendly or partnership relationships with them.

Compatibility of Pisces man with air signs

WITH air signs Pisces rarely find mutual understanding, but in life the union of a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman is quite common. Both of these signs are creative people and have broad views on life, which is what attracts each other. Their relationship can be very harmonious, especially if the man in this couple is loyal to the restlessness and activity of his partner. Aquarius does not tolerate monotony, and is quiet family life being next to a philosophically minded Pisces man will soon begin to weigh on her. If she can interest him in his hobbies, this union will become truly strong.

Compatibility of Pisces man with fire signs

Among the fire signs, only Aries is suitable for Pisces. A woman of this zodiac sign, like Pisces, has idealistic views on life and love relationship, in addition, partners will appreciate rich inner world each other. The Aries woman will completely free her chosen one from everyday troubles, giving him complete freedom from earthly problems. But partners need to strive for equality and learn to give in to each other, otherwise their relationship may fall apart.

He is the most gentle and kind-hearted of all men. Sometimes it seems that he lacks decisiveness, but in fact he hesitates thanks to his innate wisdom and keen sense of the situation. The Pisces man is a brilliant artist, a great storyteller with a rich imagination. He will create the whole world for his beloved and, of course, throw him at her feet. But how to win his heart, how to catch your fish - the stars will tell you.

Pisces (Latin: “Pisces”) is the 12th sign of the zodiac, which completes the astrological cycle. Pisces neighbors Aquarius on the left and passes the baton to Aries, who is beginning a new sidereal year. Sign symbol – 2 fish, which are connected by their tails and look in opposite directions. This symbolizes the behavior of our hero: he always listens not only to the voice of reason, but also to his intuition. And it must be said that it is the subconscious that prompts him with solutions even in hopeless situations.

Element of fish is water. These are emotions, sentimentality, creativity and at the same time a rather vulnerable, subtle soul. All the Pisces man's friends readily admit that he is the most sincere person they know. But at the same time, it’s very easy to offend him. Colors that bring good luck to fish: blue, purple, green and silver. Talisman stones– lapis lazuli, tiger eye, pearls, tourmaline and seraphinite. Planet ruling Pisces: Neptune. It symbolizes faith, secret knowledge.

That is why many fish are said to be not of this world, and their actions are at least strange. Yes, they often act irrationally. But this is only at first glance. If you wait a while, a lot becomes clear and their past decisions seem quite right.

Many famous men who were born under the sign of Pisces really have a certain mystical shade to their personality. Sometimes it seems that they are the wisest of the earth. These are Albert Einstein and Michelangelo Buonarotti, Antonio Vivaldi and Kazimir Malevich, Victor Hugo and Arthur Schopenhauer, Bruce Willis and Chuck Norris, George Washington and Mikhail Gorbachev. All these people became famous thanks to some brilliant insights, non-standard approach to life. And that is why they are rightfully considered great.

Pisces man: what you need to know about his character

The nature of a Pisces man is too diverse and multifaceted to be described in a few words. But still, if we try to give the most succinct description of his personality, we can say this: a good wizard. Kind - because the leading life motive of the fish is that he tries not to hurt the feelings of others. A typical representative of this sign does not harbor aggression towards our world. He generally prefers to solve everything calmly and quietly, even if this requires sacrificing his interests.

And the magic of fish is associated with his rich imagination. Surely, you have noticed an interesting feature about this person - he is often inclined to make things up literally out of the blue, but at the same time he himself believes that it was so. Some event happened, but the fish rethought it from some angle and openly embellished it. This is probably how legends are born. However, if you treat this quality not as deception, but as true creativity, you can truly enjoy the process. It turns out that good storytellers still live next to us, but for some reason we are openly angry at some of their legends.

White and fluffy

Yes, the Pisces man is a good-natured guy. If you don’t hurt his feelings, don’t stroke his fur (or, more precisely, scales), everything is fine. And even more than that, this guy will literally surround the lady of his heart with endless care. In reality, this manifests itself, for example, in the fact that it is the fish that will walk home, but will certainly accompany you to the door. And his care is especially clearly visible in moments of trial or illness. You can even imagine a mild cold just to be sure.

Bruce Willis

Cascades of emotions

If girls think that mood swings are characteristic only of the weaker sex, they are at least exaggerating. In fact, almost all water signs of the zodiac differ in one thing interesting feature: they live through entire cycles of ups and downs, and these cycles last quite a long time. If someone spoiled the fish’s mood in the morning, he will certainly note that the day did not work out, even if its second half was truly successful.

It’s just that our hero is literally charged with some kind of strong emotion, after which it is very difficult for him to get out of this rut. This is why Pisces can create for several days in a row if they receive an impulse of inspiration. On the other hand, they sink quite deeply into apathy. It's not weirdness, it's their nature.

A real psychic

Pisces easily and simply conquer the hearts of unapproachable beauties. It’s just that these people really have acute intuition, that supersensible perception of the world that every true clairvoyant has. Surely, you have noticed that he literally knows how to predict your next desire, and by the way, he is happy to offer ideas for its fulfillment. It is not surprising that with such a sensitive heart, our hero is simply doomed to success with women.

Kazimir Malevich with his wife Natalya

Attitude to work and money

Pisces perform especially well in creative professions, where you not only need to make an effort, but also invest a piece of your soul. This man is attracted by everything that is associated with spectacle, light deception and entertainment of the public. Leadership positions that require constant focus and responsible decision-making do not attract fish. After all, he sincerely strives not to offend anyone, and to do this in our sinful world, alas, is unrealistic.

As for handling money, our hero certainly cannot be suspected of excessive thriftiness and outright hoarding. At the same time, this guy has a downright oddity: he can spend a decent amount of money on friends, acquaintances, just good acquaintances or a lady he likes. But when it comes to spending on yourself, you can be greedy. Yes, fish are accustomed to sacrifice. The energy of motherhood and caring are manifested in this zodiac sign as strongly as in any other.

How to please a Pisces man

Judging by how easily and affably this guy communicates with the fair sex, you might think that starting a friendship with him is as easy as shelling pears. And so it is, but the relationship can remain nothing more than friendship if you do not take into account several important nuances:

  1. First of all, strive to prove yourself as a creative person. Most of all, fish do not like routine, outright boredom. They surround themselves with very interesting, original things and try to turn the house into some kind of museum of curiosities. Moreover, these men want to meet a charismatic girl who, at a minimum, loves everything that has to do with the world of beauty.
  2. Appreciate your man's creative potential. Pisces is an artist, and every artist works not so much for a fee, but for recognition of his abilities and talents. You should not forget about this even in a moment of despondency and outright boredom.
  3. Always maintain an air of mystery around yourself. By doing this, you are guaranteed to provide an endless flow of interest and sympathy in your direction. Pisces love not open, but half-naked. They need a constant source of inspiration. So become one.
  4. Finally, more tenderness. This universal advice works especially well in relation to our sentimental hero. He doesn’t like ladies who are too decisive and especially rude, because Pisces themselves offer a completely different style of relationship.
Mikhail and Raisa Gorbachev

How can you offend a fish?

Generally speaking, you can offend a fish with anything, so it is quite difficult for many ladies, and even friends, to find an approach to him. It is important to understand that without accepting the characteristics of his personality, there is no need to talk about any psychological, and especially spiritual, contact. You should not try to “drive” the fish under general standard– this will not help and will generally give rise to many unnecessary situations. And to prevent this from happening, the stars are in a hurry to help with their invaluable advice:

  1. First of all, never be rude to fish. If you tell them the bitter truth frankly, straight to the forehead, it will always incredibly upset his sentimental soul. Moreover, fish can withdraw into themselves. Deeply and for a long time.
  2. Next, do not compare fish with other, “normal” people. He himself knows that he has a large set of oddities. Sometimes our hero rejoices at this like a child, and sometimes he sincerely regrets it. Therefore, you should not provoke such sad thoughts.
  3. Finally, don't take advantage of this man's kindness and caring nature. If he realizes that he is openly using him, it will be at least unpleasant. It’s just that Pisces often wear rose-colored glasses and idealize their companions, which is why awkward situations subsequently arise. Of course, this will not increase trust in the relationship.

Who is suitable for a Pisces man, and who is not so suitable

The Pisces man most of all values ​​sentimentality, softness, some mystery and, of course, a rich imagination in women. If a lady does not have a bohemian flair, she does not want to create a small one for her husband. fairy tale, its chances are sharply reduced. After all, our hero loves creative, bright girls, who, however, do not necessarily have to be daring and overly liberated.

That's why the stars paint this picture of this man's compatibility:

  1. First of all, ladies who represent his native water element are suitable for Pisces. There are many reasons for this. The most important thing is that water girls have a very sensitive heart, which allows them to enjoy emotional contact with their soul mate and catch even the slightest fluctuations in her mood. will be able to constantly inspire his beloved and at the same time not demand the impossible. The union looks incredibly interesting, especially to others. If you come to visit such a house, you definitely won’t want to leave it. Soft, friendly and even bohemian personalities who show miracles of mutual understanding. It is very easy for Pisces to communicate together, because they are able to understand not words, but what is between the lines. Finally, in alliance with a girl, our hero will be able to completely liberate himself at night, and this in itself is important. In addition, it is this lady who will be able to give him invaluable advice, and even inspire him to make difficult life decisions. Therefore, Pisces may well be realized thanks to such a caring soul mate.
  2. The union of this man with earthly girls is also interesting. will give him a reliable rear, and a hardworking woman will be able to properly organize the family household and set priorities. As for a woman, Pisces is probably not her type of man. She proceeds from the fact that her partner must be at least stronger than her and has taken the honorable place of the head of the family. Pisces do not like to command or give orders, unless they are in a bad mood.
  3. WITH fire signs Pisces of the zodiac will be able to build a wonderful tandem only if both partners are satisfied with the non-standard balance of power. The fact is that he will always gravitate towards power and, in fact, will become the family leader. happy to go looking for adventures with her beloved, because she couldn’t find a better companion. As for her, she can crush Pisces men with her assertiveness. If he hesitates in something, she may consider it as indecisiveness and take everything into her own hands. And our hero may be very offended in response. In short, the fire ladies will probably begin to pull the blanket over themselves, and whether Pisces will like this is a big question.
  4. The stars see compatibility with representatives of the air element as one of the most difficult for a Pisces man. It’s just that in such a tandem, the partners will constantly experience a conflict of interest. willingly devotes free time friends, not the fish, who will become jealous of her attention. Changeable ones will provide our hero with a constant influx of fresh emotions, but they are unlikely to be able to provide the necessary support in a moment of trial. But the tandem with looks more promising, although in in this case the halves will hardly be able to fully understand each other. However, they have a lot in common, which can more than cover their shortcomings. Both Pisces and Libra strive for everything beautiful; they literally seek harmony in all areas of their lives. Therefore, such a common interest can really serve as the basis for their family happiness.

Pisces in bed

A dreamer, a storyteller, a kind wizard - perhaps this is how girls see fish. In bed, this guy surprisingly becomes even more tender than in life. It would seem, is it possible to jump above your own head? In the case of fish, yes, absolutely. This guy will give even the most sentimental lady a head start. He treats the weaker sex like a jewel, and any girl will feel this especially strongly at night.

Pisces love romantic games; they do not treat sex as something ordinary. For them, it is rather a small holiday that can be arranged suddenly, without any apparent reason. This guy is a master of improvisation. He proposes a completely different approach: gentleness instead of brute force, submission instead of authority. And the whole point is that our hero is a real ladies' man. A girl for him is a work of art that he creates himself. That is why in intimate fun you can expect anything from fish except boredom and outright vulgarity.

The Pisces man is the most unusual, the most mysterious and at the same time the warmest man. A lady who expects from marriage, first of all, emotional warmth, constant tender care for herself, should turn her attention to him.

Often relationships, both men and women of the Pisces zodiac sign, develop from friendship into love; they sometimes cannot understand them and often confuse pity and compassion for a person with love. Outwardly, Pisces representatives are soft and gentle people, and they give all of themselves, all their warmth to their beloved partner. In their souls there is always a place for illusions and dreams, which in rare cases are revealed to anyone, even to their loved one.

Pisces are compatible with many people, because they can get along well with almost all horoscope signs; in principle, they are ready to submit and do not like to take the initiative into their own hands, gladly transferring it into the hands of their partner. Sustainable Relationships Pisces are good at building and preserving, and all thanks to their ability to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their partner and common interests. They are wonderful parents and are completely devoted to raising their children.

According to the compatibility horoscope, women and men born under the zodiac sign of Pisces are unique people in their own way; they harmoniously combine mysterious character traits with stubbornness that is difficult to tolerate for those who know them.

To understand how to behave in the society of men and women of the Pisces sign, you need to know about their belonging to the water element. It is for this reason that we present a horoscope of compatibility of Pisces with other signs of the Zodiac, which will help you learn more about these people, about various fields the life activity of this sign, whether it is everyday, family relationships, love interests, or their relationships in business.

One of the main elements when drawing up a horoscope for the Pisces zodiac sign is the ascendant - the rising sign. In order to determine the zodiac sign in which a person was (ascendant) at the time of his birth, we suggest using the table below ascendants.

How to use the table of ascendants below: for example, you were born on February 19.... at 8.30 - that means your ascendant at the time of your birth was in zodiac sign Aries.

19.02 - 28.02 01.03 - 10.03 11.03 - 20.03 Ascendant
8.30-9.30 7.50-8.50 7.10-8.10 Aries
9.30-10.50 8.50-10.10 8.10-9.30 Taurus
10.50-12.30 10,10-11.50 9.30-11.10 Twins
12.30-15.00 11.50-14.20 11.10-13.40 Cancer
15.00-17.50 14.20-17.10 13.40-16.30 a lion
17.50-20.30 17.10-19.50 16.30-19.10 Virgo
20.30-23.10 19.50-22.30 19.10-21.50 Scales
23.10-2.00 22.30-1.20 21.50-0.40 Scorpion
2.00-4.20 1.20-3.40 0.40-3.00 Sagittarius
4.20-6.10 3.40-5.30 3.00-4.50 Capricorn
6.10-7.30 5.30-6.50 4.50-6.10 Aquarius
7.30-8.30 6.50-7.50 6.10-7.10 Fish

Compatibility of Pisces women and men

Sometimes Pisces may seem weak and helpless, and they themselves reinforce this impression, believing that it is easier for them to receive support. In fact, they are mostly lazy, and they are also visionaries and daydreamers; they prefer to spend their energy not on real things, but on virtual ones. site/node/3823

Among these people there are very weak personalities; they easily succumb to bad influence, although among them there are also strong, purposeful individuals who have achieved a lot in life.

You can hardly expect bold decisions and decisive actions from men, representatives of Pisces; they will prefer to go with the flow, which, in their opinion, will ultimately take them to their goal. If a man of this sign has achieved success in life, then he probably owes his success not to himself, but to his partner, or to simple luck, or perhaps to a coincidence of circumstances.

Women born under the sign of Pisces are very sentimental, they try to draw the attention of others to their vulnerability and vulnerability, and they do not hide the fact that they dream of the protection and patronage of a strong man. Pisces women are kind and attentive, they are good mothers and love their children, but they do not know how to raise them, because their character is too soft.

Are Pisces and Aries compatible?

Sensual and fragile Pisces are attracted by the passion and determination of Aries, they are ready to give him tenderness that will flatter him. The imagination and mysterious charm of the Pisces man will reveal to his partner the sensitivity and romanticism of this person.

Aries in alliance with Pisces will make decisions, as well as protect a partner who will always need it. Stubborn and warlike Aries loves to dominate, but this will not confuse Pisces, because she is looking for strong support. Although Pisces may be bothered by Aries' criticism of her from time to time.

Are Pisces and Taurus compatible?

A strong and powerful representative of Taurus can provide protection and peace to the indecisive Pisces. Taurus' creative interests will stimulate Pisces' artistic imagination.

Pisces will encourage Taurus's love for comfortable life, comfort in their home, together they will create a wonderful love nest for themselves. Both of these signs are passionate and sensual, although Pisces can be changeable and is more emotional than Taurus. Taurus' possessive tendencies will give Pisces a sense of security.

On the other hand, Taurus is too practical and down-to-earth to constantly spend his time satisfying the romantic nature of Pisces. If they can resolve these problems, everything can work out for them, and their family life together can be calm and happy.

Are Pisces and Gemini compatible?

Pisces is surprised by the wit and sociability of the Gemini representative, and the mystery of Pisces is also captivating. But these impressions of each other are not sufficient for life together, their relationship is unstable and ready to explode at any moment.

Pisces will not be able to accept Gemini with his changeability and frivolity,the same ones will be irritated by the emotionality and dreaminess of the former.

Insecure Pisces in this pair will show a sense of ownership and try to tightly hold on to their partner, which is unlikely to happen, because Gemini craves entertainment and novelty.

Both of them are mobile and quite fickle, although in different ways. One cannot choose a direction in life, while the other is torn in all directions at the same time. Both of them need more powerful partners to create a strong family.

Are Pisces and Cancer compatible?

Pisces in this union receive true pleasure by satisfying the sexual needs of the sensual Cancer. This romantic pair of partners will find tenderness and passion in each other.

Pisces will give the reins to Cancer, who will make most of the decisions, as well as take care of the material security of the union, and Cancer’s financial sense will help cope with this.

These two are equally sentimental and home-loving. The devoted Cancer completely suits the insecure Pisces, they, in turn, admire the former, and in the end - quite compatible couple, although there are a few but!

Are Pisces and Leo compatible?

Pisces prefer to dream and think, but they do not know how to act, which will irritate Leo, who considers them best case scenario- idle dreamers. These two are very different people, because Pisces are shy and indecisive, they are always self-absorbed, while Leo representatives are self-confident and domineering people.

Although both are emotional, each in their own way; if Leo is hot-tempered, then Pisces hides themselves in their fantasies. It will be difficult for Leo to understand his partner’s touchiness and dreaminess. The more sociable Leo always needs a circle of fans, while Pisces does not like publicity and will demand exclusive rights to their partner.

Leo loves to travel around the world, but Pisces does not like to move away from home. These two cannot be combined, just like water and fire.

Are Pisces and Virgos compatible?

The loving nature of Pisces will initially intrigue the Virgo representative, but this will initially, and in the future, the opposite of these people will exclude any mutual understanding. Virgo simply cannot trust the feelings of Pisces, while she is ruled by emotions rather than by her mind.

A restrained Virgo, and even a critical one, she will not bring her Pisces partner sexual satisfaction, and her claims in life will make Pisces feel even more insecure.

Virgo will not be able to give her partner the love she needs, and will not be able to provide the support that Pisces needs. This couple, most likely, is not destined to go through life together.

Are Pisces and Libra compatible?

From the first day they meet, these two zodiac signs will be imbued with mutual sympathy, because both of them have creative potential and artistic flair.

Although the family relationship in this couple is in question, because Pisces is looking for not only emotional support, but also life support, Libra will not be able to provide such support. They want love and harmony in life, but run away from responsibility and unnecessary obligations.

Pisces and Libra equally love luxury and beautiful housing, but the question is: Pisces are too lazy to earn money, while Libra, although wasteful, knows how to earn money.

Libra has many interests, including different areas life and it seems to them that Pisces is strangling them, trying to limit their freedom. Sexual harmony is clearly not enough in this couple; for a long-term relationship, the family can live a long time, but as long as it persists, it means they still get pleasure from each other.

Are Pisces and Scorpio compatible?

Pisces see Scorpio as a wonderful partner, who will give them a wonderful sexual union and emotional support. Jealous Scorpio, does not bother Pisces in any way; in fact, thanks to jealousy, they feel loved by people.

Pisces' dependence on a partner is exactly what Scorpio needs. These two, in a relationship, will acquire, on a sensory level, a special commonality of views and approaches to life.

A perfect combination, like a wonderful marriage. Both of them are wild in emotions, have intuition, will be faithful to each other, and their interests coincide.

Are Pisces and Sagittarius compatible?

These two zodiac signs ignite each other only in bed, and this is where the compatibility of Pisces and Sagittarius ends. As you know, Pisces are dreamy with a rich fantasy and imagination, they do not know how to act, unlike Sagittarius, who enjoys their activity.

Independent Sagittarius loves freedom of movement too much; he will not be able to sit still, like Pisces. Sagittarius, with its causticity, will hurt Pisces, its romantic and sensitive nature.

Pisces strive for intimacy, but will be rebuffed by Sagittarius, who seeks to free himself from unnecessary obligations. Life together is unlikely, because Pisces are dependent and love their home, and the restless adventurer Sagittarius will not be able to linger at home.

Are Pisces and Capricorn compatible?

These two individuals, different in nature and approaches to life, will sympathize with each other. The strong and powerful representative of Capricorn is exactly the person that Pisces needs. They will feel protected with a pragmatic Capricorn, who will take responsibility for making overall decisions.

Pisces, for their part, will breathe romance into their partner, into his sober approach to life, which will please him with the generosity with which Pisces exudes praise towards him.

Capricorn can hardly express his feelings, but Pisces, thanks to his intuition, will feel his devotion and love for her. Everything is fine in their intimate relationships.

At first glance, these are zodiac signs that are sharply different from each other in character and outlook on life, but nevertheless they are a good couple.

Are Pisces and Aquarius compatible?

Romantic Pisces inspires the Aquarius representative to experiment in love. Sex is likely to be a great pleasure for both of them because they love to fantasize, albeit in slightly different ways. site/node/3823

Aquarius is inherently dispassionate, he is interested in learning about the world, and everything, while Pisces will strive in this pair for a closer relationship. As a result, the sociable and slightly flighty Aquarius will begin to look around. Pisces, having learned about this, will not tolerate betrayal.

An independent Aquarius always strives for freedom, just as he needs it; he will be outraged by his partner’s desire to keep him under house arrest, so family life can develop successfully in this couple, only in certain cases.

Are Pisces and Pisces compatible?

If all life's issues could be resolved in bed, this couple would be the happiest, but unfortunately this does not happen, although each of them needs each other, because one lacks what the other has.

Both of them are weak-willed and dependent on outside help, both are subject to self-doubt, tend to plunge into pity, and do not want to perceive real life.

In a joint union, they will only increase each other’s uncertainty and confusion, and will strive to indulge their weaknesses. It is difficult for them to solve even a simple life problem; they simply need a strong hand that will push them in the right direction.

Apparently, this marriage union has few prospects; sooner or later, each of them will begin to look for someone they can rely on.

Compatibility horoscope: who suits a Pisces man according to his zodiac sign among women is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Often relationships, both men and women of the Pisces zodiac sign, develop from friendship into love; they sometimes cannot understand them and often confuse pity and compassion for a person with love. Outwardly, Pisces representatives are soft and gentle people, and they give all of themselves, all their warmth to their beloved partner. In their souls there is always a place for illusions and dreams, which in rare cases are revealed to anyone, even to their loved one.

Pisces are compatible with many people, because they can get along well with almost all horoscope signs; in principle, they are ready to submit and do not like to take the initiative into their own hands, gladly transferring it into the hands of their partner. Pisces are good at building and maintaining stable relationships, and all thanks to their ability to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their partner and common interests. They are wonderful parents and are completely devoted to raising their children.

According to the compatibility horoscope, women and men born under the zodiac sign of Pisces are unique people in their own way; they harmoniously combine mysterious character traits with stubbornness that is difficult to tolerate for those who know them.

To understand how to behave in the society of men and women of the Pisces sign, you need to know about their belonging to the water element. It is for this reason that we present a horoscope of compatibility of Pisces with other signs of the Zodiac, which will help you learn more about these people, about the various spheres of life of this sign, whether it is everyday, family relationships, love hobbies, or their relationships in business.

One of the main elements when drawing up a horoscope for the Pisces zodiac sign is the ascendant - the rising sign. In order to determine the zodiac sign in which a person was (ascendant) at the time of his birth, we suggest using the table below ascendants.

How to use the table of ascendants below: For example, you were born on 02/19. year at 8.30 - it means your ascendant at the time of your birth was in the zodiac sign of Aries.

Who suits Pisces

Pisces is a zodiac sign of the water element, whose representatives are endowed with qualities that are not found in other zodiac signs: mystery, mysticism, flexibility, insight. People of this sign strive for loneliness, so they understand themselves better, but in order to feel complete, such people need a partner who will be much stronger morally and physically. Pisces need a patron who can guide them on the right path.

Which zodiac signs are most suitable for Pisces?

People born under the Pisces zodiac sign in relationships are charming, they have a good sense of humor, they are sympathetic, and this wins the hearts of people. In long love, in a relationship zodiac sign Pisces caring, diligent and accurate; insightful, which allows them to sense the most subtle currents in human relationships.

They tend to stay aloof from others and do not seem to strive for material wealth at all. This is connected with their instincts; they realize that spiritual development can only be successful if they are free from material things.

Zodiac sign Pisces – love, relationships, temperament

People of the zodiac sign Pisces find it difficult to make decisions in love, they are not fighters, any arguments, shouting, or rudeness disgust them. But this does not mean that people of this sign are timid, they are able to resolve any conflict, calm down any brawler and bully, but they do not do this through physical pressure, representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign in relationships are born psychologists, they see people and know how to influence them. These people are patient, but when patience runs out, they get angry. But even in this state they manage to control themselves.

They take care of their individuality, trust their intuition, are able to sincerely sympathize with others, the spectrum of their moods ranges from optimism to black melancholy.

The Pisces zodiac sign is quite complex in relationships, striving to communicate with a partner on a deep intuitive level. People under the zodiac sign Pisces love to go into their illusory worlds, live in dreams, and are distinguished by a rich imagination. Many people of creative professions were born under this zodiac constellation.

Zodiac sign Pisces in relationships

People of the zodiac sign Pisces are in love with the hidden side of life; it is difficult to connect them with anything; every moment contains its own truth for them. It is difficult for them to devote themselves to daily petty concerns and to overcome constantly arising obstacles.

Let's see, which zodiac signs suit Pisces. Most of all, this sign is combined with other representatives of the element of Water - Cancer and Scorpio. Also among the best partners are earth signs - Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. Good compatibility with Gemini, while the fiery energy of Aries and Leo can hardly be combined with the cool ocean of Pisces.

The zodiac sign Pisces in relationships is divided by gender, and here the cardinal differences are revealed!

Many Pisces women have reduced or absent libido in love; with their partners they behave imperiously, rudely, and cynically in order to compensate for their sexual coldness. As a rule, they put on a mask of virtue, while they are eager to destroy everything connected with the very principle of sexual desire.

Men of the Pisces zodiac sign behave completely differently in love. They are romantic, gentle, attentive. Devoted lovers they become good husbands, in bed with his wife they think little about their pleasure, wanting to please their beloved. If it turns out that there is poor compatibility in a marriage, they do not break off the relationship, but make efforts to develop the positive aspects of the marriage.

Zodiac signs suitable for Pisces

For people born under the zodiac sign of Pisces in relationships, the most difficult thing is to find a partner and create a successful union. Sometimes it works out happy couples in the most unthinkable pairs from an astrological point of view, for example, Pisces - Leo.

In youth, for the zodiac sign Pisces, the best partners in love are Cancer and Scorpio. They are possessed by the same element, their relationship is emotional, passionate, they closely rub against each other. Pisces is attracted by the strength of Scorpio, fascinated by his power over others, and also likes the childish naivety of Cancer.

After 30, people of the Pisces sign in love begin to think in other categories, try not to drown in their burdens, and seek balance. During this period, they are attracted to Libra with its frozen beauty and sense of balance.

Mature representatives zodiac sign Pisces in love attract Aquarians who expand the boundaries of their communication with real world. The best astrological partner for this sign after 40 years is Virgo, which stabilizes Pisces.

Who suits a Pisces Woman

In some wonderful American film, women and men walked around with small icons above their heads, indicating the compatibility of opposite sexes. Those. If a girl and a guy have suns or, for example, hearts or stars shining above their heads at the same time, then they are perfect for each other. It would be wonderful if we immediately knew one hundred percent that this particular person is the one for whom I was born! Well, it was in the movies, but in our not so simple life, unfortunately, there are no such designations. But there is a horoscope, thanks to which, not one hundred percent, but with a high degree of probability, you can find out who is suitable for the Pisces Woman.

A fairly dynamic and interesting union in which Pisces can fully open up. However, the relationship may be overshadowed by Aries's excessive harshness towards the emotional and vulnerable Pisces. Pisces are also very sensitive to criticism. Even if it is justified, it must be said softly and unobtrusively, which Aries practically cannot do.

An extremely sensitive and sentimental union, however, Pisces are even more vulnerable and emotional, and sometimes it seems to them that Taurus treats them extremely insultingly and casually. But if they manage to overcome these problems, then they will become a successful and happy couple.

Most likely, the union will be quite unstable. The physical attraction between them can be very strong, but there are problems and disagreements in the relationship, namely that Gemini will constantly upset Pisces with their inattention and some indifference.

This union can become almost perfect. Cancers require attention and sexuality just like Pisces. They are clearly aware of their desires, and therefore it is not difficult for them to fulfill the desires of their loved one.

Well what can I say? Fire and Water! The incontinence of one and the secrecy of others are completely incompatible with each other. It will be difficult for them to find common ground, and therefore marriage and relationships will not bring satisfaction to either one or the other.

For Pisces, Virgo is too reserved and unemotional, especially sexually. This will irritate both one and the other partner equally, causing additional difficulties in communication. Also, they will not see eye to eye on the material side of life.

There are some difficulties in communication. Also, Pisces generally like to take the side of the follower, and Libra is not capable of acting as a leader, i.e. they simply will not be able to hold the Fish, and therefore, most likely, it will swim away in an unknown direction.

The most harmonious union. The emotional and sexual components will satisfy both one and the other partner. Scorpios are tactful and energetically strong. Pisces are sentimental and loyal. The sooner they get married, the more successful it will be.

Sagittarius will always strive to go ahead, while Pisces is more accustomed to being in an already familiar habitat. So, they quickly realize that they have absolutely nothing in common and they are better off living their own lives rather than trying to understand each other.

Good, but short-lived relationship. The first time they plunge into torrent passions, emotions and feelings, but after a while they realize that passion alone will not get you far. They are literally so different that all the crazy emotional connection can turn into hatred.

Well, this couple has every chance of becoming the best in the entire astrological circle. They are harmonious and self-sufficient, they feel and understand each other perfectly. The only thing that can overshadow their happiness is minor everyday problems that Pisces, as a sign, do not like to fight.

Who is more suitable for a Pisces man?

If you are a Pisces, you probably want to know what zodiac signs are suitable for Pisces? That's right, a person should know how to behave with his future or current partner. Every man secretly dreams of someone like a Pisces woman. She is so fragile, tender, pure and defenseless that it seems that it would have been much better for her to have been born in the century before last! The Pisces woman seems to have stepped out of the pages of one of the novels of that time. Looking at her. All about Pisces >>

The strongest and most successful union for Pisces men can be with representatives of the following signs:

  • Calf. Tenderness and attentiveness of both partners can lead to a fairly strong and long-lasting relationship, although ardent passion may not arise. But they may separate if a more ardent nature appears on the horizon for one of the two.
  • Scorpion. Perhaps the most erotic couple of all. Pisces are happy to surrender to the whims and desires of Scorpio, which creates the basis for a long and lasting relationship.
  • Capricorn. Quite good compatibility between the two signs, promising a promising relationship. But a successful union is possible provided that the man gets used to his partner’s financial expenses and her frequent absence.

In what situation and who is suitable for a Pisces man? the best way, there is no clear answer. It all depends on individual characteristics an individual person. Pisces men may well develop successful and lasting relationships with representatives of other zodiac signs not mentioned above.

What is he like in love?

A man of this sign is very attractive to the opposite sex. It is not surprising, because a Pisces man in love is very romantic, sincere, caring and attentive. He is able to satisfy all the needs of his other half, including spiritual ones. He sees in his partner not only an object to satisfy carnal desires, but also a personality, he knows how to consider the best features in her.

Even the most delicate, soft, thoughtful attempts to penetrate the soul of a representative of this sign do not lead to success, and therefore his soul never ceases to be a mystery. Not a single Pisces spouse, even with a long history of marriage, can say that she knows everything about her faithful companion. This person will not allow his soul to be studied; he always makes it clear that he will not allow a violation of autonomy, that he will seclude himself and withdraw into himself.

The Pisces man will not be frank not only with his wife, but also with the patron he so desperately needs. People around them always perceive people of this sign not as they really are: their image is a little more false and vague.

Pisces are considered good lovers. They will never trumpet their achievements in this field and compromise their partners for the sake of this image. Sensitive nature, intuitive knowledge of psychology, and the ability to read the thoughts of another allow men of this sign to understand a woman’s needs well. Their affectionate, heartfelt, “enveloping” speeches can melt any ice. However, not only this leaves the most favorable, unforgettable impressions and memories of the time spent in bed with a Pisces man. His wild imagination finds a very worthy use in this case. With these erotic ones, thin men Women are capable of experiencing very vivid sensations.

Pisces man in sex

In intimate relationships involving Pisces there is always a considerable amount of romance; these men can pick up the keys to anyone to a woman's heart, their sensual speeches envelop and intoxicate. This sign has a reputation good lovers, although sex with them is not always physically passionate. Women are captivated by the subtle understanding of their nature and the sensitivity of Pisces, as well as their rich imagination, which can turn an intimate date into something unforgettable. These are very sensual, erotic men who perfectly understand the needs of women in bed.

For more information, see the erotic horoscope of Pisces

Pisces - Virgo: Highly sensitive Pisces will not receive sufficient satisfaction from the reserved Virgo. Virgo rejects the excessive sexual claims of Pisces and becomes overly critical and picky. There are other problems too. The practical, logical Virgo will not put up with the extravagant tastes of Pisces and their increased emotionality. Virgo makes plans, while Pisces acts on the spur of the moment and then changes their mind. A relationship that causes a lot of quarrels, a joyless marriage.

So, Pisces (zodiac sign): which signs suit them? A good alliance can develop with representatives of Libra. This is a tandem of creative individuals. However, everything will be fine only if Pisces is not too passive. Often they are simply too simple for Libra, and representatives of such a constellation become uninterested in marriage. The statistics here are quite optimistic - the chances of success are 75%.


If a person is Pisces (zodiac sign), which signs suit him ideally? This is definitely an alliance with Scorpio. This tandem will be ideal for Pisces representatives. Everything will be in harmony here: everyday life, temperament, sexual component. Scorpios are ready to envelop Pisces with the amount of love and care that they desperately need. Such a union gives almost 100% chance of success in a relationship.

I'm Capricorn. It seems to me that Pisces and Capricorn are not suitable for each other. I’m now reading with you about the compatibility of Signs.

A complex union, but both are completely ready to solve any problems and misunderstandings, and will be able to easily cope with them together. Especially that they fit each other perfectly erotically, and in terms of differences in views they complement each other well.

Compatibility Pisces - Aquarius.

They like to take care of the woman they love, but at the same time they want to receive no less affection and care in return. And if, in addition to all the above characteristics, you intuitively understand each other, this is already the lion’s share of success in a relationship with a Pisces man.

Pisces man compatibility

Here we will look at the compatibility of the Pisces man with representatives of each of the 12 zodiac signs. This article will list and describe all possible combinations that give him a good, average and bad relationship prospect. As a result, we will receive lists of suitable and unsuitable signs, successful and unsuccessful couples, one of the partners in which will be a Pisces man.

Compatibility between Pisces man and Aries woman

This alliance will be difficult and unbearable from the very beginning. Outbursts of negative emotions, irritability and inability to understand each other - all this, sooner or later, will ruin any feelings, no matter how passionate and strong they are. This is precisely the fate that most likely awaits this couple, and even physical intimacy and strong sexual attraction that may exist between these partners are unlikely to be able to save this marriage.

Compatibility between Pisces man and Taurus woman

In such a marriage, both partners feel very comfortable and natural. They have a good relationship and complete harmony in their relationships. The support of such a couple is Taurus, who cares and looks after his spouse, who plays a role in such a union creativity and is a source for the development of both. In general, an interesting and eventful life awaits them, although minor quarrels and conflicts, apparently, cannot be avoided.

Compatibility between Pisces man and Gemini woman

Each of the representatives of this couple needs a stronger partner. Their relationship is characterized by short-term outbursts of feelings, but they are not capable of a long-term and stable alliance. The contradictions that separate them are too strong, and there are too few moments that bring them together. There is no stable and obvious harmony between them.

Compatibility between Pisces man and Cancer woman

Despite all the differences and disagreements between them, their marriage is quite stable and favorable. It will not be easy, but it will be bright, emotional and romantic. Of course, complete harmony will require the efforts of both partners, but their sublime relationship is worth the effort.

Compatibility between Pisces man and Leo woman

The marriage of a bright and energetic Lioness with such a lethargic, cold and unpredictable Pisces has little chance of success. The lioness is simply bored with this quiet and indifferent man; although he can adapt to his wife’s character, he is unlikely to enjoy it. There is also no success in the sexual relationship of this couple, which contributes to further separation and alienation of the partners.

Compatibility between Pisces man and Virgo woman

This alliance is very harmonious and has good prospects. Virgo will provide in the family home comfort and comfort, order and cleanliness are exactly what her partner values ​​and loves so much. He, in turn, will fill their relationship with warmth and tenderness, which will strengthen their compatibility and make the marriage with Virgo stable and indestructible.

Compatibility between Pisces man and Libra woman

The marriage is unsuccessful, although it can last quite a long time thanks to Libra’s desire for balance, as well as the peacefulness and lack of conflict of Pisces. There will be little mutual understanding here, and even less spiritual closeness, but the words “endure - fall in love” can just be attributed to such a couple.

Compatibility between Pisces man and Scorpio woman

The prospects for such a connection are high from any point of view: they are close psychologically, spiritually, emotionally and physically. All this helps to ensure that their marriage is long and strong, and their relationship is warm and stable.

Compatibility between Pisces man and Sagittarius woman

The main problem of this marriage is the combination of the activity and energy of Sagittarius with the lethargy, indifference and indifference of her partner. She needs everything at once, he doesn’t need anything. Their life needs are so different that it is difficult for them to find common goals, objectives, or at least common interests. Everyone has their own world, and their worlds don’t even intersect. It is pointless to talk about harmony in their relationship, since it is practically unattainable.

Compatibility between Pisces man and Capricorn woman

For harmony and happiness, this couple needs the emotional Pisces to submit to the reasonable and purposeful Capricorn. This distribution of roles is the only acceptable option for them.

Compatibility between Pisces man and Aquarius woman

Unfortunately, this pairing is far from ideal. She is irritated by Pisces' softness, indecisiveness and weakness. He cannot come to terms with the love of freedom and independence of Aquarius. And although they have mutual understanding on an emotional and sensual level, this is still not enough for their life to be happy, their marriage to be harmonious, and their characters to be suitable.

Compatibility between Pisces man and Pisces woman

Spiritually and emotionally, this alliance shows good prospects. This is a couple where feelings and emotions prevail over mind and matter. And this is quite comfortable for both partners, but they just turn out to be too far from real life. Both are always in a state of daydreaming and crazy fantasies, but they have no material basis for life, no sense of purpose and stability.

In addition to the above description, you can also read general information about the compatibility of the Pisces sign. A complete list of all possible combinations signs are given in the materials: signs of the zodiac.

Ideal Pair for Pisces

In the first half of your life, you will be able to build an ideal marriage only with others water signs- Cancers and Scorpios. At the same time, Cancer should not constantly set his mother as an example to his wife. With Scorpio, you will always have fun, interesting, nothing more. It's scary, like being on a volcano. In the second half of life, the ideal should be sought among other signs - Capricorns and Taurus. If, in addition, you come across a Capricorn with a poetic soul, Pisces will simply find themselves at the height of bliss. And from Taurus for harmonious relations All you need is a good sense of humor.

Best Couple for Pisces

Cancer: As the compatibility horoscope promises, Pisces and Cancer will be an unusually successful combination of zodiac signs. They immediately find mutual language. Pisces likes Cancer's sensitivity and the fact that together with him they will bathe in tenderness and care. Cancer is fascinated by the mystery and unusualness of Pisces. This couple manages to successfully avoid conflicts due to the similarity of characters. This romance promises to continue in a successful and happy marriage, this is the forecast given by the Pisces Cancer compatibility horoscope.

Scorpion: According to the compatibility horoscope, Pisces and Scorpio are exactly the ideal couple about whom novels are written and films with a happy ending are made. The mystery of Pisces inspires Scorpio, and he can easily take the lead in a couple. Scorpio's jealousy not only does not bother Pisces, but even flatters: for them it is a manifestation of deep feelings. These signs feel complete harmony in each other's company, and these are almost ideal relationship have every chance to continue in the long term and successful marriage, this forecast is given by the Pisces Scorpio compatibility horoscope.

Capricorn: Conservative Capricorn – the best choice for romantic and dreamy Pisces, who will find in such a companion someone on whom they can blame the need for decision-making. With such a purposeful and hardworking other half as Capricorn, Pisces will feel like stone wall. Subtle intuition allows Pisces to achieve complete understanding with the secretive Capricorn. According to the Pisces Capricorn compatibility horoscope, this marriage is one of the most reliable.

Worst Match for Pisces

Scales: As the compatibility horoscope promises, Libra and Pisces can become the heroes of a pleasant and harmonious romance. The fantasy and mystery of Pisces inspires Libra, and their desire for balance gives Pisces the necessary sense of confidence. TO negative traits These relationships can be attributed to the passivity with which they approach the realization of their desires. Pisces are too dreamy, and Libra is too afraid of responsibility to realize all their plans. Despite this, they sincerely enjoy each other’s company, as predicted by the Pisces Libra compatibility horoscope.

Twins: This couple will enjoy each other's company, but also suffer from inconstancy. Gemini is attracted to the mystery of Pisces, and they like the lightness of Gemini's character. However, after the euphoria of first love passes, Pisces will not understand the frivolity of their companion, and Gemini will be bothered by the emotional instability of Pisces. This relationship is doomed to fail because this couple needs a leader, which neither of these signs wants to become. This forecast is given by the Pisces Gemini compatibility horoscope.

Sagittarius: As the compatibility horoscope assures, Pisces and Sagittarius can enjoy each other’s company for a short time. Problems begin very quickly, and all the romance of the novel comes apart at the seams. Active and active Sagittarius has no time to pay attention to the idle daydreaming of Pisces, and Pisces needs care and love, which is practically useless to expect from the flighty and frivolous Sagittarius. This relationship will be a suitcase without a handle for both, as the Pisces Sagittarius compatibility horoscope speaks about this.

Strained relations

Fish: The romance of this couple will be unusual, as the compatibility horoscope assures. Pisces quickly find language with representatives of their own zodiac sign. This is exactly the case when they can even eloquently remain silent together. The idyll of this relationship is disrupted by the mutual reluctance of Pisces to take on responsibility and obligations. This couple lacks a leader. But as the compatibility horoscope says, the Pisces man often takes the reins into his own hands.

Virgo: This couple will feel the idyll for a very short time, the compatibility horoscope warns about this. Virgo and Pisces have too different characters for harmonious long-term relationships. Pisces attach extremely important importance to emotions, and this only irritates the reserved Virgo. Pisces expect tenderness and romance from their partner, and the queen of logic, Virgo, considers all this to be sentimental fluff. Relationships can only be saved by increased attention of partners to each other, this is confirmed by the compatibility horoscope of Pisces Virgo.

The Pisces man is a romantic, a dreamer and a visionary. His distinctive features are kindness, compassion, tact, and gentleness. He needs a patron friend who will guide and support him. Due to his vulnerability, touchiness, and frequent mood swings, it is not easy to communicate with him. He either gets irritated or withdraws into himself. Thanks to his great potential, the Pisces man is able to achieve success in his work. But often he doesn't use it. A representative of this zodiac sign usually starts a family late. In marriage, he does not strive to take a leadership position.

Love and family

The Pisces man is inclined to idealize his partner, not notice her shortcomings and forgive a lot. In relationships, he strives to find stability and mutual understanding. The representative of this zodiac sign is a soft person by nature. In the family, he often gives the reins to his wife. Such a man gives his soulmate love and tenderness and expects the same manifestations in return. He is capable of great things if his energy is channeled in the right direction. Inventive in sex. His partners like his sensitivity and rich imagination. He becomes a good friend for children.


The Pisces man has good compatibility with representatives of the following zodiac signs: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn. Difficult relationships develop with Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius.

Pisces man and Aries woman: an ambiguous union due to differences in characters. If a man begins to strive for specific goals, a woman surrounds him with attention and care. Then the relationship between them becomes happy and long-lasting.

Pisces man and Taurus woman: promising union. Helps partners achieve harmony in relationships inner work over oneself, mutual development and correct distribution of roles in the family.

Pisces man and Gemini woman: low compatibility due to opposite characters and inability to understand each other. Constructive communication helps save relationships.

Pisces man and Cancer woman: a promising union thanks to understanding each other. The partner's desire to become more open to his other half improves the couple's compatibility.

Pisces man and Leo woman:complex union. Relationships become happy if a man cedes leadership in the family to a woman.

Pisces man and Virgo woman: difficult union due to differences in characters. A common goal or hobby helps strengthen relationships.

Pisces man and Libra woman: a difficult union due to the partners’ inability to make important life decisions. Voluntary sharing of family responsibilities helps strengthen relationships.

Pisces man and Scorpio woman: good union thanks to good mutual understanding between partners. A common cause helps strengthen relationships.

Pisces man and Sagittarius woman: a complex union due to the dissimilarity of temperaments. The desire for a common spiritual goal helps strengthen relationships.

Pisces man and Capricorn woman: a promising couple thanks to excellent mutual understanding and ability to cooperate. The future of the relationship depends on the partner: it is important for her not to try to change her lover.

Pisces man and Aquarius woman: unpredictable union. Both partners live in dreams and are divorced from reality. A common creative project helps strengthen relationships.

Pisces man and Pisces woman: an unpredictable union due to the passivity of the partners and reluctance to resolve everyday and economic issues. Relationships become happy if someone takes the initiative and solves problems for both.

Career and profession

For a Pisces man, career is not the main thing. He is not ambitious, does not strive for fame and power, and does not have organizational skills. Therefore, he can rarely be found in a leadership position. In the role of a subordinate, the representative of this zodiac sign is irreplaceable. He prefers to do interesting work. The Pisces man is a creative person. The profession of an artist, musician or singer suits him. He is capable of becoming an excellent makeup artist, hairdresser, and stylist. A developed sense of compassion can be useful to him in industries that are associated with charity and medicine.


The Pisces man is sensitive and anxious. He often becomes a victim of stress and mental disorders. To avoid them, he needs to rest more, master the art of relaxation and not bring the body to complete overwork. A dietary regimen is recommended, otherwise problems with the gastrointestinal tract may occur. A representative of this zodiac sign is prone to infectious diseases and colds. Therefore, during epidemics, it should be given due attention to preventive measures.


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