Karbofos - instructions for use for plants, reviews. Karbofos is an effective remedy for combating many types of parasitic insects

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Karbofos is a broad-spectrum insecticide that protects your garden plants well from insect pests. This drug has long proven its reliability, and its effectiveness in the fight against aphids, codling moths, weevils and other bugs has been tested by time. Therefore, every gardener should know how to use karbofos; instructions for use in the garden should be memorized.

Use Karbofos - application in the garden 100% destroys pests!

Karbofos is a yellow-brown mass with a pungent aroma (which completely evaporates after use), which mixes well with water and does not lose its toxic properties even in a cold environment. This substance penetrates the insect’s body and instantly paralyzes it. The drug is commercially available in powder form. If you use it to treat plants in open ground, then it must be taken into account that under the influence of sunlight and wind, its effect from spraying quickly decreases. This property is a significant advantage compared to the effects of other toxic insecticides.

Many gardeners use karbofos in the garden from insects year after year to protect their plantings. This spraying will help protect against pests. decorative plantings, melons, trees (both fruit and coniferous), berry bushes. Thus, most of the midges will be destroyed, and nothing will prevent the plants from growing and bearing fruit.

When working with karbofos, the following precautions must be taken into account:

Do not make mixtures from it and other products;
- prepare a solution against insects immediately before use;
- do not spray plants when flowers appear on them and ovaries form;
- carry out the procedure in calm weather, when the air temperature does not exceed 17C°;
- treat trees and bushes no more than 2 times per season;
- spray only after wearing protective clothing, and then wash your face and hands well, rinse your mouth;
- store away from fire, medicines and food;
- avoid contact with children and animals;
- the drug is dangerous for bees and can cause severe harm to them when they collect nectar from flowers;
- prevent the product from getting into water bodies.

In order for plant treatment to be effective, the established proportions must be observed: for trees, the norm is 90g. per 10 liters of water, and for bushes - 75 grams per bucket of liquid. When spraying big tree about 5-10 liters are consumed, and when processing a bush - about one and a half. (Ed. Of course, it depends on what you use - a broom or a sprayer.) You can collect fruits and eat them only until at least a month has passed from the moment of using this product.

Karbofos protects your harvest!

If you are faced with the fact that your trees in the garden are affected by pests, then next year Right from the beginning of spring, you need to begin a thorough fight against them. But since “karbofos” does not affect egg laying, treatment should begin when the larvae and adults appear. This period occurs during the swelling of the kidneys. The second spraying of trees should be carried out when the buds begin to open. When flower buds turn pink, mites, aphids, sawflies and other insects begin to become active.

Except fruit trees Bushes should also be treated with karbofos solution. For example, currants and gooseberries are susceptible to damage from spider mite. Spraying is first carried out when the buds open, and then immediately before flowering.

Those gardeners who grow strawberries on their plots know well how much damage insect pests can cause to their beds. Due to the destructive actions of the strawberry weevil, even in the most ideal beds, buds fall off, and, consequently, ovaries do not form. To avoid this, you need to start treating the beds with karbofos solution when the ground warms up to 8C° - it is during this period that the weevil begins to spread.

Another pest that adversely affects the strawberry harvest is the strawberry mite, which prevents the plant from accumulating juice. Due to its spread, strawberry bushes weaken, the leaves become deformed, and the berries become small. In this case, spraying should be carried out after the fruiting period. After pruning, the rosettes are watered with the preparation (60 grams per 8 liters) and covered with film.

Experienced gardeners have long and very successfully used spraying with a solution of the organophosphate preparation "Karbofos", noting its excellent properties in comparison with analogues. This product is recommended for use on personal plots and vegetable gardens. Spraying will have an excellent effect on the development, growth and fruiting of plants, will increase the volume and quality harvested. Follow the instructions and spraying rules, strictly follow the recipe when preparing the solution, and you can independently take care of the health of your plantings.

Despite the many modern insecticide preparations, many summer residents prefer the time-tested Karbofos. Karbofos is an insecticide used to control insect pests. The product is also an acaricide - karbofos is used in the fight against ticks.

  • extermination of bed bugs, cockroaches, ticks, flies and mosquitoes in everyday life;
  • extermination of pests in the garden and vegetable garden - aphids, sawflies, weevils, moths, spider mites, bedbugs;
  • for sanitary disinfection (against malaria mosquitoes).

Release form of the drug: concentrated emulsion, powder, ampoules with liquid concentrate, ready-made solution.

Instructions for using the drug Karbofos in the garden

The drug should be used with caution. The product should be diluted strictly according to the instructions. The working solution must be prepared before use. If plants are treated, all leaves should be wetted evenly.

Carry out the treatment in dry, windless weather. The best time treatments are considered morning or evening hours with an air temperature not higher than 15 degrees.

It is forbidden to spray plants with karbofos during flowering - the drug is dangerous for bees!

The table shows the preparation of a working solution from 60 g of dry powder!!!

Culture Pest Amount of water Solution consumption Last processing
Grape Phylloxera, spider mite, mealybug 8 l 15 l per 100 m2 45 days before harvest
Gooseberry Sawflies, moths, moths, leaf rollers 1 l per 1 bush 30 days before harvest
Blackberries and raspberries Aphids, mites, weevils, bud moths, raspberry-strawberry beetles 10 l for 10 bushes
Currant Sawfly, bud moth, gall midge, leaf roller, scale insect, aphid 1.5 l per 1 bush
Pear, apple, quince Leaf roller, codling moth, weevil, cherry fly, scale insect, sawfly, mites 6-8 l 2-10 l per 1 tree
Peach, apricot Aphids, leaf roller, codling moth 10 l
Cherry, sweet cherry, plum Leaf roller, weevil, cherry fly, scale insect, sawfly, mites 8 l
Melon watermelon Melon ladybird, melon fly, aphids, mites 8 l 10 l per 100 m2 20 days before harvest
Beet Aphids, miners, moths, bedbugs 10 l 10 l per 100 m2 30 days before harvest
Cabbage Aphids, bugs, whites, flies, moths
Tomatoes Spider mites, whiteflies, aphids
Peppers, cucumbers Thrips, spider mite, sprout fly
Sea ​​buckthorn Aphids, gall mites 3 l 20 l per 100 m2
Tobacco Aphids, bedbugs 6 l 10 l per 100 m2 60 days before harvest
Roses and other shrubs Aphids, spider mites, rose sawfly 8 l 20 l per 100 m2 before and after flowering
Flower crops Thrips, mites, aphids 8 l 10 l per 100 m2 treatment before and after flowering
Citrus Whitefly, mealybug, mites 6-7 l 5 l per 1 tree 50 days before harvest

Instructions for using Karbofos against bedbugs and ticks

Before using in residential premises, you need to carefully prepare for processing. When treating with karbofos, you need to wear protective equipment (masks, gloves). During processing, remove everyone living in the apartment (people, pets). Food products must be hermetically sealed.

To get rid of bedbugs and ticks, dilute the product according to the instructions. Treat the room with a brush or spray. The following are subject to mandatory treatment for bedbugs:

  • Bedroom set,
  • Bottom of the mattress.
  • Windows, doors.
  • Upholstered fabric part of the furniture.
  • The back walls of furniture.
  • Unpainted wooden surfaces.
  • Gaps in floors and baseboards.

A few days after the treatment, the rooms are thoroughly cleaned.

Karbofos is valid for 2 months, so you should not clean places that no one will touch.

Security measures

When using karbofos, strictly follow safety precautions.

During work, it is prohibited to eat, drink, or smoke. Be sure to wear protective equipment: gloves, a respirator, closed work clothes. Upon completion of treatment, wash your hands and face thoroughly with soap.

Karbofos should not be used near fire.

When processing housing, it is necessary to remove other people and animals from the premises. After treating the room, you need to wait at least 5 hours before returning home. Afterwards it is carried out spring-cleaning, during which things that have been in contact with Karbofos are thoroughly washed, washed or thrown away.

Storage of karbofos

Karbofos is stored exclusively in a dry place. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years.

Karbofos is a product that has been proven over the years, and no variety of modern imported and Russian insect control products can replace it for most gardeners. It is effective against pests of vegetables, fruit and berry trees, melons, ornamental plants and flowers.

Karbofos is an organophosphorus compound that has an insecticidal and acaricidal effect. The main substance in karbofos is malathion, a clear oily liquid with a pungent odor.

Karbofos is available in the form:

Based on malathion, other drugs have been created, enhanced with additional additives - Antiklesch, Atkellic, Iskra-M, Alatar, Fufanov-nova. In any form, for the safety of people and animals, strong fragrances are added to the product, which quickly disappear after use.

Belongs to drugs of the third hazard group.

Features of the drug:

Application of karbofos

It is widely used in many areas - in forestry and agriculture, for controlling pests of seeds and food supplies, for disinfestation in the household, sanitary and medical fields.

In gardening it is used to kill scale insects, aphids, mites, bedbugs, thrips, whiteflies, sawflies, weevils, mealybugs, flies

When using karbofos, it is important to remember that it has the same negative effect on all insects, including beneficial wasps, bees and bumblebees. Therefore, it is not used during the active flowering phase and is not sprayed near the hives (up to 5 km).

Processing methods


You need to spray in a calm, dry and sunny weather, in the absence of wind in the evening or morning hours, the temperature should be above +15 degrees.

The solution for work must be prepared in advance. The dosage is selected based on the instructions, taking into account the area of ​​treatment, the degree of infection, the variety and type of plants, as well as the type of pest. Apply the solution until the leaves and shoots of the plant are completely moistened.


What pests: aphids, bud moths, weevils, raspberry-strawberry beetles, mites.

Processing time: Raspberries are processed before flowering in early spring. Repeated processing can be carried out after picking the berries.

Instructions: 75 gr. karbofos in a bucket of water.


What pests: leaf roller, bud moth, sawfly, aphids, mites.

Processing times:

Instructions: 75 gr. funds per bucket of water, thus up to 1.5 liters of solution per bush.


What pests: leaf roller, moth, moth, sawfly.

Instructions: 60 gr. funds for 8 l. water, on the basis that 1 liter of solution will be needed for 1 bush.

Timing: the last treatment should be no later than a month before harvest.

Decorative and floral shrubs (roses, barberry, cotoneaster, and others)

Who are the pests: spider mites, roseate sawflies, aphids.

Instructions: 60 gr. funds for 8 l. water at the rate of 2 liters of solution per 10 square meters landings.

Timing: treatment should be carried out strictly before or after flowering.

Sea ​​buckthorn.

Dates: in the spring during the budding period.

Instructions: for 60 grams of product, 3 liters of water, at the rate of 2 liters of solution per 10 square meters of shrub area.

Fruit and berry trees.

Who are the pests: mites, leaf rollers, sawflies, scale insects, codling moths, cherry flies.


for cherries, sweet cherries and plums – 60 gr. funds for 8 l. water,

for pear, apple, quince – 60 gr. products for 6 - 8 liters. water,

for peaches, apricots, nectarines – 60 gr. funds for 10 l. water.

Strawberries and wild strawberries.

Who are the pests: strawberry weevil and mites.

Instructions: 60 gr. Products for 8 liters. water.

Security measures

  • Store in a place safe from children and animals. Shelf life is no more than 3 years at temperatures from minus 20 to plus 35 degrees. Do not heat, protect from accidental fire.
  • When used on one type of plant or shrub, the remaining beds and bushes located nearby must be covered with some kind of covering material.

Do not treat during the flowering period of ornamental plants, shrubs and trees, so as not to harm the bees.

  • Spraying is carried out in mandatory protective clothing and equipment (clothing, gloves, respirator, goggles)
  • When preparing the solution, it is prohibited to consume liquid or solid food or smoke.
  • After the spraying procedure, you need to change clothes, wash in running water with plenty of soap, and rinse your mouth with water.
  • Cannot be used in combination with other drugs.
  • Do not use in rainy weather.

Despite the abundance modern means against insects, gardeners still prefer time-tested karbofos. The drug is used to combat numerous types of pests garden crops: vegetables, melons, fruits berry bushes and trees, berries, grapes, flowers, ornamental plants.

Characteristics of the drug

Karbofos is used to control numerous pests.

Refers to organophosphorus compounds (OPCs). It is an insecticidal and acaricidal drug, half of which consists of malathion. IN pure form Malathion is a colorless liquid with a characteristic pungent odor and an oily consistency.

Karbofos easily dissolves in water, forming a stable emulsion. At negative temperatures thickens while maintaining toxicity.

Karbofos is produced by several manufacturers in different forms (liquid, granules, powder, tablets, emulsions), with various additives and in different concentrations (Alatar, Antiklesch, Atkellic, Inta-CM, Iskra-M, Karbofos, Fenaxin-plus, Fufanon-nova). All preparations contain fragrances with a strong unpleasant smell to improve the safety of animals and people. After use, the smell disappears quickly.

Belongs to drugs of the third group (medium degree) of danger, not very phytotoxic. The popularity of karbofos is due to its high efficiency.

Important. The creators of the first insecticidal preparations Based on malathion, specialists from the American Cyanamid Company are considered. Introduced to the market in 1950 under the name TM4049, the drug was later renamed malatone and then malathion.

Research in this area was also conducted in the Soviet Union. In 1952, regardless of American developments, chemists K.D. Shevtsova-Shilovskaya and N.N. Melnikov received domestic malathion. The drug, which began to be produced for Agriculture and sanitary disinfection, called karbofos.

Effect of the drug Karbofos

Karbofos instantly rids plants of pests.

The drug karbofos:

  1. Insecticide and acaricide of contact action. Effective only upon direct contact with an insect. The “hidden” insect does not die and is capable of producing offspring.
  2. It has a protective effect only on those parts of the plant with which it comes into contact. The advantages of contact preparations include fast, almost instantaneous ridding of plants from pests.
  3. Short-acting drug. It quickly deteriorates under the influence of sun, air, and water. Complete disintegration when treating plants in open ground occurs 7-10 days after application, and in greenhouses after a week. Karbofos is removed from plants within a week.
  4. Belongs to the group of funds continuous action. Destroys several types of insects and larvae at the same time. Regular use can create resistance (addiction).

Important. International organization Healthcare annually purchases and distributes thousands of tons of the drug to combat Anophles mosquitoes, which are carriers of malaria.

Application area

Karbofos is widely used in many areas.

It is used in agriculture and forestry, household, sanitary and medical disinsection, to control pests of food and seed stocks.

In gardening and gardening it is used to combat gnawing, herbivorous and sucking insects, their larvae and caterpillars:

  • scale insects;
  • aphids;
  • red and spider mites;
  • bedbugs;
  • thrips;
  • gall midges;
  • whiteflies;
  • copperheads;
  • bud moth;
  • sawflies;
  • weevils;
  • codling moths;
  • mealybugs;
  • leafhoppers;
  • bean moth;
  • pea grain;
  • flies.

Important. Karbofos affects beneficial pollinating insects: bees, wasps, bumblebees. It cannot be used during active flowering and should not be sprayed within a radius of less than 5 kilometers from the hives.

Processing rules

The most common method of treating plants with karbofos is garden plot- spraying. The procedure is carried out in sunny, calm weather without wind or rain at a temperature not lower than + 15ºС, in the morning or evening hours. The spray solution must be freshly prepared.

Spray the leaves and stems of the plant until the solution is completely wetted.

The dosage is determined using the instructions for use in the garden, taking into account the area of ​​treatment, the degree of damage, the type of plants and pests.

It is advisable to treat the plants no more than twice during the season.

Raspberries and blackberries

Raspberries and blackberries are processed for the first time in early spring before flowering begins. Secondary after picking berries.

Karbofos saves shrubs from aphids, bud moths, ticks, weevils, and raspberry-strawberry beetles.

The consumption rate is 75 grams of product per bucket of water. For 10 bushes, up to 2 liters of working solution is required.


The insecticide eliminates currants from leaf beetles, scale insects, bud moths, gallicia, sawflies, aphids, and mites.

Treatment is carried out three times per season:

  • during swelling and opening of the kidneys;
  • during the formation of the flower brush;
  • last time 30 days before the berries ripen.

The working solution is prepared from 75 grams of product per bucket of water, at the rate of one and a half liters per currant bush.

In case of severe damage to the bushes by spider mites and red mites, in the fall, additionally, currant bushes and the soil under them are generously moistened with a 2% solution of karbofos.


Spring treatment of gooseberries with karbofos.

Gooseberry karbofos protects against leaf rollers, moths, moths, sawflies, spider mites and red mites.

A liter of working solution of 60 grams of karbofos and 8 liters of water is enough for one bush. Last treatment a month before harvest.

Flower and ornamental shrubs

A solution of 60 grams of the product in 8 liters of water will help protect shrubs (roses, jasmine, barberry, spirea, cotoneaster, etc.) from spider mites, roseate sawflies, and aphids.

For 10 m² you will need 2 liters. Spraying is carried out before and after flowering.

Sea ​​buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is sprayed in the spring during budding. To prepare the solution, a larger volume of water is required than for other berry bushes - 3 liters per standard package of the drug of 60 grams. When processing 10 m², it takes about two liters.

In autumn in the garden, to receive good harvest in the future, sea buckthorn cuttings are dipped into a freshly prepared solution for a few minutes, placed in plastic bag, tie and leave for a day.

Fruit trees

These trees are often damaged by weevils, mites, leaf rollers, sawflies, codling moths, scale insects, and cherry flies. The trees are sprayed for the first time during the swelling of the buds and the beginning of budding, the second time - a month before the start of berry picking.

The first time it is necessary to treat with Karbofos, during the swelling of the buds.

Important. For citrus trees, 5 liters of solution is enough for one tree. Last treatment carried out 50 days before collection.

Strawberry wild-strawberry)

Karbofos is effective in the fight against the main enemies of strawberries - strawberry weevils and mites. The berry garden is treated until the spring mass emergence of weevils to the surface at a soil temperature of + 8°C during the formation of buds.

Each strawberry bush is watered against mites in August-September after the crop has been harvested and the plantation has been cleared of dry leaves. After treatment, the berry plant is covered for 6-12 hours.

The concentration of the working solution is 60 grams of karbofos per 8 liters.

Safety precautions for use and storage

When using karbofos in the garden and storing karbofos, you must follow the following mandatory rules:

  1. Store out of the reach of children and pets at temperatures from -20°C to +35°C for no more than three years. Avoid heating. Keep away from fire.
  2. When spraying shrubs and trees, nearby beds are covered with any covering material.
  3. During the procedure, wear protective equipment: latex gloves, respirator, special clothing, glasses. When preparing the solution or processing, do not drink, eat, or smoke.
  4. After work, clothes need to be changed, open areas rinse the body under running water with plenty of soap, rinse the mouth.
  5. Do not mix with other drugs.
  6. To avoid the insecticide getting into water bodies, do not carry out protective work in the garden during or immediately before rain.

When spraying with karbofos, use protective equipment.

Main active substance The drug is the organophosphorus compound malathion. It is one of the few products approved for use in gardens.

Belongs to the category of insecticides. It has an unpleasant odor of a specific nature, which after some time disappears without a trace. When the drug is combined with water, a stable emulsion is formed, which can be used to spray plants. The product belongs to the category of highly toxic insecticides. The advantage over other analogue drugs is the short duration of action of the active substance, which is limited to 14 days, after which malathion as chemical compound breaks down into components.

Necessity of application

Karbofos is used in case of damage to plants and tree leaves by bugs, sucking and leaf-eating insects.

Most often, pests attack crops:

  • fruit and berry;
  • citrus;
  • vegetable;
  • grape.

How to use?

Due to the fact that karbofos belongs to the category of drugs toxic effects on the viability of living cells, you need to work with it using personal protective equipment:

  • medical or rubber gloves;
  • respirator;
  • glasses;
  • clothing that completely covers the human body (trousers and a blouse with long sleeves).

After preparing a solution of the required concentration, the value of which depends on the type of pest that needs to be combated, it is necessary to spray the damaged object using special equipment - a sprayer.

Conditions successful implementation Pest control measures:

  1. The procedure must be carried out with a freshly prepared solution until the surface of the plant leaf is completely wetted.
  2. The air temperature should not exceed 15°C.
  3. The weather should be calm and dry.
  4. The optimal time for processing is morning or evening.
  5. Treatment carried out in early spring at the first signs of pest appearance is effective. Spraying is prohibited after plants begin to flower. It is allowed to control harmful insects during the period after harvesting.
  6. You cannot process crops more than 2 times per season.

Step-by-step instruction

The spray liquid is prepared by mixing the main preparation with water. In this case, water is added to the karbofos gradually, constantly stirring the solution until a homogeneous suspension is formed.

The protective effect of karbofos lasts for 2 weeks. Maximum efficiency effects are achieved after 4 hours.

When preparing a working solution, it is worth considering that its preparation is different for each crop and each pest:

Security measures

When storing the drug, when preparing a solution for spraying damaged trees and plants, and during insecticidal treatment, you should carry out certain rules safe handling of the drug:

  1. You cannot eat or drink liquids.
  2. After completing the work, you need to change clothes, which, together with the personal protective equipment used, should be subjected to special treatment in the form of washing.
  3. Upon completion of work, you must wash your face, remembering to clear the contents of the internal nasal cavity, and wash your hands thoroughly. All procedures should be carried out using soap.
  4. It is prohibited to treat with the drug near bodies of water.
  5. Vegetation should not be sprayed during periods of flowering. This is due to the fact that flowers attract bees, for which karbofos is a poison.
  6. The drug is subject to decomposition when heated, therefore, when performing all procedures, including preparing the solution and storing the original product, increasing the temperature should be avoided.
  7. The drug should be stored in a dry room away from fire. Storing karbofos with food or medicine can lead to poisoning.
  8. Animals and children should not have access to karbofos.
  9. Do not use when mixed with other analogue drugs.

Estimated cost

Karbofos belongs to the category of economical insecticides due to the high concentration of the drug, which allows the preparation of large volumes of working solution, and low cost. The price of a package of karbofos depends on the amount of the drug contained in it.

The manufacturer produces insecticidal agents of various weights:

  • 30 grams;
  • 60 grams;
  • 1000 grams.

Cost of packaging with 30 gr corresponds 30 rubles, With 60 gr60 rubles.

More profitable buy liter packaging for 150 rubles.


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