Career ladder - what mistakes should you be wary of? How to climb the career ladder.

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Which interfere with career growth. But you also need to follow specific steps to quickly advance at work. There are some things you already know and do, and some things will be new. In this article - simple tips that will help you climb career ladder. If these steps are not taken, the path to the top may take a long time.

1. Know how to listen to people

Try to participate as little as possible in useless conversations and do not initiate them, but participate more in constructive conversations. Listen to what the other person is telling you. Believe me, when you are silent and think about what is said, you look smarter.

You must be able to listen carefully, try to do it objectively and understand what your interlocutor wants to convey to you and why. Learn to speak when you really need to. And during the conversation, listen as if they were telling you an entertaining story.

2. Be involved

If your colleague has some insurmountable difficulty, help him cope with it and sometimes offer your help yourself. And if you don’t know how to solve a problem, help the employee find resources that will help in solving it, don’t get stuck in own juice. This way you will gain the favor of other people, and also gain invaluable experience for free.

This also applies to unofficial corporate affairs: holidays, birthdays, misfortunes of colleagues. Participate, help with the organization, get people interested. Be an informal leader, but don’t get carried away - there are cases when employees become good “social activists,” but nothing more.

3. Read educational books

An expert can afford to be whatever he wants (remember Dr. House), but a leader must be the best among equals, an open person who can listen and understand a subordinate, say “no” in a timely manner, and be able to multitask and work from various situations.

Also good help You will attend trainings to develop your leadership skills; trainings with a practical program are especially good. You should attend at least 2-3 trainings a year, and don’t wait until they start offering them to you.

4. Admit your mistakes

Unfortunately, we gain the most necessary knowledge and experience through our own mistakes. When we work, every failure seems to us the end of our brilliant career. In fact, these are valuable lessons that later force us to be careful about the decisions we make and the tasks we set.

Many people and ordinary life It wouldn’t hurt to do this: moderate your own pride and importance, admit your mistakes, understand them, analyze them and don’t repeat them in the future.

Trying to protect themselves from making decisions and responsibility, employees often do not take any action or do not complete the work in full. But there is a good one psychological technique: “I have the right to make mistakes, even the great ones made mistakes, what can we say about me.” Don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid to repeat your mistakes. Take action!

Never hide your own mistakes at work, even if you know that the mistake will be punished. The secret always becomes clear. It will be worse if the error you are hiding leads to negative consequences. Your reputation as an employee will be lost forever. It is better to report your mistake to management and suggest ways to correct it, if possible.

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5. Do your best to get the job done.

Try to complete the task as if you were doing it for yourself, and a lot depends on this task (within reason). Do more than what is expected of you, give 110%.

Consider all facets of the problem, modernize, introduce something new. Do it perhaps late, but surprise others with your approach and the results you get!

Remember, not everything depends on you, but you still have to make an effort. This quality will be appreciated by others.

6. Motivate people

Tell people that they can do it, that they will achieve more, and that their mistakes and failures are temporary. Discuss with them in conversations the topics of honesty, hard work, personal growth, and responsibility. Convey to them the idea that money is not always the main thing, there are other values.

Believe me, although the majority of people do not want to listen to conversations about high matters and may think that everything is just about money, you can hear something else in personal conversations. Pull people forward, no matter what, and you will receive support.

7. Responsibility in everything

Take responsibility, bear the burden, don't give up. Yes, you may be tired, but rest and move on. People like it when there is a responsible person nearby, and responsible in everything: he comes on time, gets things done, looks good, controls his emotions, does not abandon those who rely on him.

Become a guarantor of reliability in the team. You won’t even notice how you will rise above yourself - and up the career ladder.

The main thing is to be responsible for your words and actions, be consistent. This will serve you well.

8. Find a mentor

To climb the career ladder well, find yourself a mentor. This could be your manager, the head of a neighboring department, or even your friend. Learn from him so that he can point out your mistakes and show you new horizons. Ask him questions about control technologies - he has much more experience than you.

You can also go even further and gain experience from your manager's manager. You will absorb knowledge like a sponge and will be able to expand your professional horizons. Don't think that no one will tell you anything: everyone is flattered when they are asked about their work, what they do and how they got there.

Not an easy path, as you will have to constantly leave your comfort zone, be able to accept complex solutions and take responsibility for them when everyone around is silent. In our time, a leader becomes a disciplined person, moderately talkative, able to listen, proactive and responsible. Moreover, he can be both an introvert and an extrovert.

The good thing about being a manager is that you have to develop yourself as an individual and at the same time climb the career ladder. Remember that leaders are not born, but made.

The seven principles you will learn about below will definitely make it easier for you to move up the career ladder. Shall we get started?

Most importantly, you must have your sincere desire!

As always, the beginning of all beginnings is psychology. Attitude, self-confidence, self-confidence, and a sincere desire to achieve something specific. IN in this case- promotion up the career ladder. Only this should be yours, and it should be your sincere desire. That is, in practice, you “simply cannot imagine yourself without the position to which you will strive.” As they say, “it’s either hit or miss.” There is no third. Either I will achieve it, or...

Constant professional growth.

In order for there to be career growth, it is necessary to constantly improve professionally. It is necessary to independently seek and gain new knowledge, track positive experiences, and analyze negative ones. It is not enough to rely on the knowledge that a company can provide (nowadays many companies budget for training). A constant, sincere desire to learn and use innovations and improve the quality of work will only contribute to your growth. It is also important to monitor your competitors. Analysis of their activities (namely: skills, abilities, abilities) also allows for professional growth.

Concentration on the main goal.

Very often, in order to get a promotion up the career ladder, you need to be able to stand out with your successes, to ensure that your merits are appreciated and recognized. To obtain such a result you need to put in a lot of effort. Well, who said that career- is it easy? Simple, but not that easy. However, this does not mean that you will have to work hard, and certainly does not mean that you need to become a pro in everything and cover all areas. Moreover, if you try to become an “irreplaceable” employee at a company, you may not even notice how a lot of unnecessary things for your career growth will fall on you, and all this will only lead to a physical and nervous breakdown from overexertion and, of course, to reluctance to achieve anything at all.

You need to be able to concentrate your efforts! That is, stop scattering yourself and become truly a pro in one direction. Moreover, this does not oblige you to religiously adhere to this particular direction in the future. Moreover, most often after receiving new position you will be able to notice new and no less interesting directions for personal and professional growth.

It is very important to understand that significant results are important for moving up the career ladder, which can only be achieved by achieving basic goals. In order for the effectiveness of your activities to be visible, you must be able to concentrate your efforts on achieving ONE goal, and achieve it persistently.

Organization of time and activities.

Most often, career growth can only be achieved when work time optimized as much as possible. It is self-organization that allows you to learn as efficiently as possible and plan activities purposefully.

Now many companies are introducing remote work capabilities, coming - sliding schedule. On the one hand, this frees up the hands of the careerist (there will always be additional features for professional growth), on the other hand, they bring difficulties and difficulties. For example, if it is difficult to maintain your discipline, it means that your work schedule will be disrupted, and at this time you can start doing something completely different from what you need to do at the moment.

The ability to finish what you start. Moreover, a person who wants to advance up the career ladder must remember that every task must be completed to the end! That is, take on each next one only when the previous one is completely completed. If you have been given this since childhood (that is, your parents taught you not to pay attention to external stimuli), then this is simply excellent, but if not, this can be achieved using various techniques. Of course, you will have to spend a lot of time (a couple of years for sure) on training such an ability, to isolate the BASIC ones from the variety of ideas, proposals, activities around you. And the sooner you start training your focus, the more success and satisfaction you can achieve from what you have done. Moreover, this will affect not only professional activity, but also in my personal life.

Ability to cope with stress.

This is the last and most important factor. Ability to cope with stress, failures and mistakes. Of course, here it is necessary to understand that they will still exist. The main thing is not to make the two most common mistakes:

    bring stress home

    care and cherish your problems (mistakes, failures).

Let's start with the second mistake. If there is a problem, you need to learn to think about it in terms of “what to do to solve it, or who can really help.” You can't complain to friends, family and colleagues all the time. It is imperative to discuss difficulties with one goal - to find a solution, and then it will definitely be found. In my opinion, it is important: if advice (recommendation) is found, and someone gives a hint/shows direction, you need to start changing the situation, that is, act, and not look next advice(recommendations). Understand whether the advice (or yours) was correct own idea) is possible only in the process. But this is also an invaluable experience!

Now let's go back to the first mistake. Many, upset and angry, bring these negative emotions home, which is highly not recommended!

Firstly, because home should be associated with relaxation, and not with the opportunity to throw out another portion of negativity on loving and, most importantly, beloved people who are not to blame for anything. Secondly, in such cases you simply will not be able to relax at home.

What can be done? If you are irritated, stay in nature. You can return home 15 minutes later by walking a little, for example, in any park in the city, or sitting on a bench, watching the children and nature. This allows you to relieve tension and, as a result, there will be no trace of irritation.

If you are angry, there is no need to go home! Most The best way detente - 10-15 minutes of active struggle, but, of course, not with the person who caused your anger. The best way to use a punching bag. In this case negative energy dissipates and is neutralized by exposure physical activity. It would be nice to buy such a pear for home - this, by the way, great alternative broken plates. Of course, it is not recommended to place this pear in bedrooms.

I really hope that these tips will help you achieve your desired position. And your movement up the career ladder will bring you joy and benefit those around you. Believe in yourself, in your strengths, and you will definitely succeed!

In the Western value system financial well-being both personal and professional growth have great value. Today, careerism is not a pathology, but a norm of life. Only a few people question whether they are really capable of coping new role and whether they need a leadership position at all.

However, such a position is still considered shameful, so if an employee is offered a promotion, he, of course, agrees. And then he comes to his senses, drops everything and goes to live in Barbados. If everyone sensibly weighed their capabilities and desires before agreeing to a promotion, such a phenomenon as downshifting would not exist at all.

Therefore, in order to avoid disappointment, nervous breakdowns and professional burnout in the future, we suggest considering several compelling arguments against.

Fear of responsibility

Perhaps the most common reason for refusing an appointment is fear of additional responsibility. It is one thing to carry out one’s own responsibilities in a linear position, but quite another to manage even a very small team and competently organize a continuous work process.

If you don't like taking responsibility, but you work great as a performer, that's normal. Remember: one is not better than the other, both types of workers are valuable to the company. The main thing here is to know yourself well and act accordingly.

However, the fear of not being able to cope with new responsibilities is often not justified and may subside over time. If a person is offered a promotion, there are two options: either he was prepared in advance for this position, or not. If a person assumes that he will not be able to cope with his duties after training, then perhaps it makes sense to try after all, since you have received the necessary knowledge. If you are thrown out of a boat into a river, you should think twice, or even three times. People need to be trained for leadership positions.

Thirst for change

Often the reason for refusing a promotion is the desire for change. It is clear that career growth and a stable high salary are very attractive, which is why they so often demotivate people to give up what they love. If the prospect of a promotion looms before you, it becomes much more difficult to refuse even a job you don’t like, which means you risk getting bogged down even deeper in a job structure you don’t need. It is quite possible that you are not afraid of being a manager, but you would be more willing to manage your subordinates in some other professional environment.

It all depends on career plans: if a person is focused on career development, vertical growth and his priority is to increase his personal income, it may make sense to stay at his job and agree to a promotion. Work for a year. This will allow you to gain experience and apply for something more in the labor market. If you change profession, you will have to start all over again. If you're tired of everything at your current job, if comfort in the workplace and the desire to do what you love are important to you, you shouldn't take on additional responsibilities that you don't need.

Administrative routine

Oddly enough, reluctance to receive a promotion can be caused not only by a dislike of work, but also, on the contrary, by the most reverent attitude towards one’s current responsibilities.

“I worked for almost two years as an ordinary designer in one company,” says illustrator Mikhail. - I always tried to help my colleagues as much as possible. If necessary, I took upon myself the training of newcomers, but most of my working time was still spent on creative tasks. When the boss offered me to head the division, his main argument was: “Nothing will change, you will also drag everyone on yourself, but now for money.” I believed and agreed. In fact, it turned out that I had no time left to work with orders; instead, I had to do the routine: calling someone, instructing, delegating, and going to boring meetings and conferences. In general, very soon I asked to return to my place. It all ended sadly: the boss was offended that I let him down like that, and I had to leave the company.”

The reluctance to switch from interesting professional tasks to boring administrative routine work often makes one refuse to be appointed to a new, even higher position. This is especially true for representatives of creative professions, and in general for people who are passionate about their work. In addition to the fact that the position of a manager is simply not interesting to you, there is also no guarantee that in the managerial field you will achieve greater career success than in your current position.

Busy schedule

Often, a promotion entails not only an increase in personal responsibility, but also involves an increase in the amount of work, and often a completely different, more difficult schedule. Will you be able to get used to the new conditions?

Unfortunately, many companies do not provide appropriate training: a person who has received a leadership position continues to perform his function, and an administrative burden is added to this. Such situations are far from uncommon. Often, in addition to the increased workload, a person may not only gain nothing, but also lose money in salary.

So even if the material component of the new position is significant for you, you should not immediately cling to the new appointment and agree to the offer from your superiors. Think carefully about whether you really qualify for financial benefits. If so, then think about whether it will be worth your effort and whether it is worth working twice as hard to end up with only one and a half times more.

Alexandra Ilyina, Andrey Sidelnikov
Based on materials from Trud

With Mila Sivatskaya (“The Last Hero”) in the title role. At the center of the story is Ksenia Zavgorodnyaya, a student at the Altai University of Tourism and Recreation, who managed to make a dizzying career in the hotel business.

Taboo No. 3: getting a job through an acquaintance

Former colleagues who can vouch for you are good. But overly loving relatives can do a disservice and ruin your professional future.

This is exactly what happens to the heroine of Mila Sivatskaya. Trying to get a job through her father, she does not take into account the fact that the new bosses can simply change the staff, fire her father and devalue all his recommendations.

Therefore, look for a job yourself, earn a good professional reputation, thanks to which your name will speak for itself.

Taboo #4: Don't keep your distance from your boss

Not making attempts to get closer is only half the battle. It is equally important to respond correctly to signs of attention from superiors: to maintain neutral tone, without insulting a person’s “best feelings” and clearly separating personal and professional. Compliance with the rules of the office dress code plays an important role in this.

Otherwise, there is only one outcome - loss of a job or, as in the case of Mila Sivatskaya’s character, a place at the university.

Taboo #5: Don't study on the job

Even the most monotonous and uncreative work, with the right attitude, can be extremely useful: after all, it shows from the inside how the company and all its departments work. A person who studies - in advanced training courses or directly at work - never stays in one place for long.

Therefore, observe, remember, draw conclusions and do not forget to offer solutions if you notice malfunctions in the system. It is this kind of initiative that is valued by managers above all else and reveals the employee as a talented potential manager.

Take a step closer to success by learning about other career lifehacks of the heroine of the series “Grand” Ksenia Zavgorodnya in the MTS TV application.

The era of super-fast career building, when in six months it was possible to retrain from a simple assistant to a marketing director, has sunk into oblivion along with the dashing nineties. Nowadays one makes a career gradually. And one of the most important talents of a manager is to determine in time which employees need to be promoted up the career ladder, and how to do it.

Career advancement is the movement of an employee within a company from one job to another, more important and responsible and, as a rule, with higher pay, which is very desirable for any employee. Very often, a new position has a higher status and is accompanied by additional benefits and privileges, which stimulates additional development. The goal of any career advancement is to improve the use professional qualities and employee motivation. Any leader needs to remember: competent organization personnel promotion helps to increase the prestige of the company and the moral satisfaction of employees, and incorrect and ill-considered promotion can lead to the emergence of a feeling of dissatisfaction in the company and even the outflow of the most valuable employees from it. Therefore, before you start promoting what you think is a promising employee, you need to calculate all the risks in advance and make the process of “travelling” up the career ladder as easy as possible for both the employee, the manager and the entire team.

According to the Canadian Lawrence Peter, in any hierarchical system, each employee strives to rise to his level of incompetence. This means that the employee must be promoted until he hits the “ceiling” of his capabilities and it becomes clear that he will not be able to cope with his responsibilities after the next promotion. In other words, you need to get the most out of an employee, no matter how harsh it may sound, and try your best to avoid a situation called “driving nails with a microscope,” when an employee who is capable of more and can bring considerable profit to the company works in a position that is not allows you to realize your full potential and fully reveal all your abilities and skills.

“Testing” the soil

In order to determine whether an employee can cope with new responsibilities, it is necessary to apply practical methods for developing the potential of employees and diagnosing their readiness for important step in their career. For maximum quick solution tasks in some cases it is worth using the so-called “ method shock therapy» , when an employee who copes well with his duties is taken out of his “comfort zone” and deliberately placed in an unusual and unexpected situation. This may include negotiations with problematic clients, public performance, making presentations or any other tasks that the employee has not previously performed. New experience will help management assess the employee’s stress resistance, ability to “keep a face” and quickly navigate the situation. The main thing is that when conducting this experiment, you must try to give the employee maximum attention, help and support him, and in no case allow a moral breakdown when an employee who finds himself in an unexpected situation loses faith in himself and harms the company.

“I have always been a very calm and shy girl, out of date and “Turgenev”, as they often said about me at school and later at the institute. But I always studied well, graduated from school with a medal and easily entered the Faculty of Economics at a well-known university in our city. She graduated from college with honors and immediately got a job in a company that sold rolled metal. I can’t say that I quickly joined the team, but there were no special problems either. I performed my duties conscientiously, and soon my superiors began to respect me, in addition, I managed to make friends with some colleagues. Of course, my shyness still got in the way, I understood that. Perhaps this is why I was not promoted for almost three years, and my salary remained the same. I understood that I was capable of more, that I could become the head of a department, but I could not convey this to general director. True, the boss knew that I was striving for a promotion, because one day he instructed me to go to negotiations with one very important client with whom I had not worked before. In this way I wanted to check whether I was fit for the role of a leader. I was very worried, and the negotiations did not go well. But, oddly enough, I was promoted after that. The boss said that I had excellent self-control and a smart approach to business, and therefore I would be able to develop in my career. I’m very glad that my calm nature did not interfere with my career, and I was given a chance to prove myself.”

Zoya Petrovskaya, head of department

Reducing control

The goal of any manager who plans to promote an employee is to check his independence, responsibility and possible areas of growth, as well as his ability to work without constant support from his superiors. To do this, the employee is given the maximum possible freedom of action and given a specific task that he must complete.

With this approach, several scenarios are possible, including:

a) The employee completes tasks on time and shows excellent preparation for achieving high results. He is completely ready for promotion.

b) The employee works well, but is not able to independently accept important decisions and constantly waits for tips from management. He needs additional training and support.

c) The subject avoids responsibility, performs the work poorly, constantly looks for excuses and does not want to take responsibility for the result. The conclusion is obvious - he is not ready for a promotion.

Internship – the initial stage of promotion

If you have determined that an employee is suitable for career advancement, you need to help him smoothly enter the role and either remain in this position or understand that the task is beyond his strength. An internship is the best fit for this, as it will help you prepare for a new position both psychologically and professionally. The “trial” period will allow the employee to see not only the pros, but also the cons of the new position, because observing from the outside and being responsible for performing new duties are completely different things. The internship should show the employee all the pitfalls of the job and help identify his most weak spots. All this will help determine whether the right choice has been made.

“I have never hidden the fact that I have great ambitions, and I will always achieve more than I currently have. Before getting to work at the company where I work now, I changed several jobs over eight years and was in good standing everywhere, I was respected by both managers and colleagues. I aspired to leadership positions, which I for a long time were unavailable. I tried to talk about this topic with my superiors, demonstrated my abilities in every possible way and was confident that as the head of the department I would cope with my responsibilities perfectly. At the previous company where I worked, I was once given the opportunity to do an internship. Before this, they organized my training and assigned a mentor to me. What can I say... In my opinion, I coped with my responsibilities with a minimum number of errors. After the internship, we talked with the management, analyzed the work performed, after which I concluded that I wanted to change direction. I realized that I didn’t want to delve further into the work of this company, not because I couldn’t cope with the work, but because the topic of sales itself was not interesting to me. I left and am now looking for myself in another field.”

To summarize the recommendations for the correct promotion of employees, we can only say one thing: promote those employees who have independently taken a step forward and are ready to move on. There are no positive results when an employee is promoted “under pressure” or is constantly monitored and prompted for his every step. Either the employee himself understands what he needs and moves forward, or he chooses a calm, stable place, without rushing anywhere and without moving on.


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