Glue for gas silicate blocks: what is better to glue. Choosing an adhesive for the walls of your future home Glue for gas silicate blocks by hand

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Construction from aerated concrete involves laying walls from blocks in compliance with a certain technology. The main task is what to put it on aerated concrete blocks?

Let's consider the types of solutions, foam, mixtures and adhesives for laying gas blocks. Comparative analysis characteristics and properties will allow you to make right choice. You will find out which glue is better, how much is consumed, when and how to use it, cost different manufacturers+ tips for preparation and application.

In practice, several types of adhesive mixtures are used for laying aerated concrete. However, there are only two popular options:

Cement-sand mortar for laying aerated concrete

Is it possible to lay aerated blocks on cement mortar?

Usage cement mortar It is not recommended for laying aerated concrete for several reasons:

  • seam thickness 10-12 mm;
  • the composition of the solution is not constant;
  • a long preparatory period, from sifting sand to kneading, which increases work time;
  • significant dustiness of work;
  • the appearance of cold bridges at the junction of the blocks, which means additional heat loss;
  • difficulty when laying walls in winter. Because of the frost, the mixture must either be kneaded in small portions or constantly heated.

Note. Cement mortar justifies itself when laying aerated concrete blocks of the second category. When laid in a large layer, it allows you to fill the voids caused by the broken geometry of the block.

Adhesive for aerated concrete masonry

The main components of the glue (special adhesive mixtures or thin-layer mastics): cement, fine sand, polymer binders, modifying additives, the presence of which allows the solution not to harden at a temperature of -10°C.

Tool for applying glue to aerated concrete blocks

Appeared on the market new tool, which simplifies the application of the adhesive solution (controlled thickness of the adhesive layer when laying aerated concrete) - a special container, trowel-bucket or carriage for aerated concrete. These are different names for the same device.

Thanks to these devices, the laying of aerated concrete blocks is carried out faster and with minimum consumption glue, and the cost of work is reduced.

Advantages of adhesive for gas blocks:

  • the plasticity of the material and fine-grained filler (no more than 0.63 mm) makes it possible to achieve a seam thickness of 2-3 mm. Those. consumption is reduced by at least 4 times, and the thickness of the seam is reduced, which reduces the total area of ​​the joints and, as a result, eliminates the increase in heat loss through the seams;
  • a bag of dry adhesive mixture (25 kg) requires only 5.5 liters of water. This means that the humidity of aerated concrete will not increase significantly;
  • the composition of the adhesive solution is always the same, which ensures the same gluing performance;
  • the mixture contains additives (anti-frost), giving it frost resistance and moisture resistance;
  • glue can be used as putty. This eliminates the appearance of residues;
  • amount of glue from ready mixture it’s easier to knead as much as you need for work;
  • availability of special winter adhesives for aerated concrete allows you to perform work in the cold season;
  • the glue is able to harden without shrinking.

The only conditional disadvantage of the glue is the setting time. The glue hardens in about 10 minutes. At the first stage, this can create certain difficulties for beginners.

How to use aerated concrete adhesive correctly

  • store warm (not lower than +5°C);
  • aerated concrete should not be covered with snow (in this case its humidity increases, which means the properties of the glue decrease);
  • glue spatulas or carriages should be kept in warm water;
  • Use containers only for glue, otherwise larger impurities may appear. This will not significantly affect the properties of the glue, but it will definitely affect the thickness of the layer (as a result, excess glue consumption).

As the main argument, adherents of the classic recipe for cement mortar call high cost glue. Correctly and objectively, the adhesive mixture is more expensive. But if you take into account the consumption of aerated concrete adhesive per m3, it turns out that a bag of adhesive mixture is enough to lay 1 cubic meter of aerated concrete, and the “homemade” solution is only a third, then the cost overrun is obvious.

How to choose glue for gas blocks?

The solution to the issue is complicated by the significant variety of adhesive compositions on the market.

The easiest way to decide is to conduct small tests.

Test 1. Take several types of glue and glue two aerated concrete blocks with each. After a day, break the connection and look at the location of the break. If the fracture goes along the seam, this glue is not suitable for use. If partly along the seam, and partly the blocks themselves are deformed, then the use of such glue is questionable. If the seam remains intact, but the aerated block is damaged, this is the best adhesive for aerated concrete. This is the glue that should be preferred.

Test 2. Prepare for use 1 kg of each type of glue being tested. Fill identical containers with them. After hardening (24 hours), weigh. Preference should be given to glue from the container that weighs less. Low weight indicates that most of the moisture has gone, which means the mixture is less thermally conductive.

Anticipating a healthy dose of irony from readers, we note that testing several adhesives is, of course, troublesome and expensive. But it will be useful for those who have a couple of types of glue and don’t know which one to choose.

We will indicate those brands of adhesive for aerated concrete blocks that have been tested by professionals and have earned their approval.

Manufacturers and cost of aerated concrete adhesive

Today you can buy adhesive for aerated concrete in many online construction stores. Before placing an order, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the top three, by number positive feedback(the table shows manufacturers and average prices at the end of 2015)


Glue cost Glue consumption kg per 1 sq.m. with a layer of 2 mm Seam thickness, mm
Ceresit CT 21 (+ “Winter”) 300 RUR/25 kg 2,6 2-10
Baumit PorenbetonKleber
Baumit PorenbetonKleber Winter (winter)
200 RUR/25 kg
270 RUR/25 kg
2,5-3 2-3
KREISEL 125 (Kreisel) 250 RUR/25 kg 2,5-3 1-3
Good reviews about glue for gas blocks (second three)
Found Selform MS112 (T-112) 199 RUR/20 kg 2,6 1-5
AEROC winter 240 RUR/25 kg 2-3 1-5
Ytong-economy (winter solution) 260 RUR/25 kg 3-3,2 1-3
Bonolit 220 RUR/25 kg 2,6-3 2-8

As you can see, adhesives are presented in different price categories, despite approximately the same composition and purpose.

It is worth noting that a modern adhesive material has appeared for laying blocks from cellular concrete - .

Unique technology the use of foam allows you to make a very thin seam and eliminate cold seam bridges, along with incredible efficiency (1 cylinder = 1 cubic meter of masonry) and high adhesion.

The new product is still being treated with caution. Due to the lack of time-tested confirmation, manufacturers are limited to recommendations for the use of adhesive foam for internal self-supporting walls. IN European countries Foam is already actively used for laying blocks.

Material prepared for the website

Adhesive consumption for aerated concrete

A 25 kg bag of dry mixture is dissolved in 5-6 liters of water, resulting in 18 liters of finished glue from the bag.

Glue consumption (dry masonry mixture) with thin-seam masonry (seam 1-3 mm) per cubic meter. is 16-17 kg.

The lifespan of the finished adhesive mixture is 2-3 hours. The time for adjusting blocks after laying is 10-15 minutes.

The consumption of aerated concrete adhesive directly depends on the dimensions (the indicated calculation data are based on blocks 600 mm long and 300 mm high) and the quality of the aerated block surfaces (poor geometry, chips and defects increase consumption), as well as on the professionalism of the mason. Therefore, calculated values ​​may differ from actual ones. It is better to calculate with a reserve.

Formula for calculating glue consumption

P – consumption of dry glue mixture kg per cubic meter aerated concrete masonry;
L – length of aerated block (m);
H – height of aerated block (m);
d – seam thickness (mm);
1.4 – calculated value of dry mixture consumption for glue (kg/m2 with a layer thickness of 1 mm).

What affects the price of aerated concrete adhesive?

  1. place of purchase (retail store, wholesale warehouse, online store);
  2. delivery (pickup);
  3. purchase volume (pieces, wholesale);
  4. brand awareness.

Technology for preparing adhesive for aerated concrete

Each manufacturer puts instructions for use on the packaging. But as general rules we indicate:

  • the required volume of water is measured;
  • the mixture is poured into water in small batches;
  • mix with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained for 5 minutes;
  • the mass should “rest” for 5-10 minutes, during which time the polymer additives will open;
  • mix the solution again;
  • Stir the solution periodically during operation.

The optimal consistency of the glue is such that the teeth that appear on the surface after applying the glue with a notched trowel (comb) do not spread.

Advice. Add water to the mixture glue solution during operation is unacceptable, this will reduce its adhesive properties. Therefore, you should prepare a small portion of glue, sufficient to work for half an hour.

When can you lay aerated concrete?

When deciding on the choice of adhesive for aerated concrete, you should remember that external factors also affect the adhesive ability of the glue. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to lay aerated concrete in winter, in frost, in rain, at what temperature, etc.

External factors:

  • humidity environment . Laying walls made of aerated concrete should be done in the dry season. Then the glue will harden at the optimal speed. During rain, snow and strong wind - it is impossible. Actually, it is also undesirable to work with dirty, wet and icy blocks;
  • air temperature. The hotter it is, the faster the hardening process will occur, which can lead to the appearance of shrinkage cracks. During the cold season, the glue will harden more slowly.

Advice. If you are laying blocks in winter, use summer glue to cover the container with glue and seal it with hot water.

How to correctly lay aerated concrete with glue

  • block preparation. An aerated concrete block suitable for work must be of the proper size and free of contamination (dust, dirt, snow are not allowed). Excessive moisture in the block is also undesirable;
  • the block is not moistened before applying the glue (!);
  • to reduce glue consumption, it is applied to the surface of the aerated concrete block with a notched trowel or carriage;
  • Excess glue is removed after hardening. They are cut off with a trowel (the exception is spreading glue over the front surface of the block).

Having thus compared adhesives for aerated concrete and a cement-sand mixture, one can make an unambiguous conclusion in favor of using ready-made adhesive solutions.

Large-block construction of houses is beneficial in all respects: it is carried out faster than traditional brickwork Moreover, glue for gas silicate blocks is consumed much less than cement-sand mortar. Now on sale the new kind– foam glue in cans: one tube is equivalent to 25 kg of dry mixture, but the product has not been time-tested.

You need to choose a material according to its characteristics. Adhesive mixtures will cost more than cement mixtures, but in the end their cost turns out to be less than production costs masonry mortar, delivery of sand and cement to the construction site.

Gluing blocks requires the professionalism of masons and the precise geometry of the cellular brick.

Features and advantages of adhesive for gas silicate blocks

Masonry- adhesive composition EK 7000 GSB

Special adhesive mixtures, in addition to Portland cement, contain a number of other components. Quartz sand provides a low thickness of the bonding layer. Mineral additives retain water and prevent cracks. Polymer plasticizers reduce heat loss through mortar joints and increase the adhesion force between blocks.

Advantages of adhesive mixtures:

  • Thin joints (2 - 5 mm) - and the cement-sand mixture requires a layer at least 15 mm thick, otherwise the masonry will lose strength due to the hygroscopicity of the blocks.
  • Cost-effective - to lay aerated concrete blocks, you will need 6 times less glue than conventional mortar, and the price is only twice as high.
  • Plastic.
  • Fire safety and fire resistance.
  • Resistance to moisture and low temperatures.
  • No cold bridges in the masonry.
  • Connection strength.
  • Hardening speed.
  • Ease of making a ready-made mixture from a semi-finished product.

How to choose an adhesive composition

To avoid having to check the quality of your purchase during direct installation, be sure to use the following recommendations:

  • When choosing a manufacturer, it is better to choose a company with well-established technology.
  • A low price is a sign of a fake or low-quality product.
  • Use the product within the time indicated on the packaging.
  • Excessive humidity or low temperature in the room for storing mixtures leads to a deterioration in the physical and mechanical properties of the resulting solutions and a decrease in the strength of the masonry.
  • You should adhere to the technology for preparing the solution, conditions of use, drying - if you have to work in winter period at temperatures below +5, it will be necessary to add special components that increase the frost resistance of the composition.

When choosing, specify the amount of glue. According to the norm, consumption per 1 m2 is 1.5-1.6 kg of adhesive powder. Knowing the consumption of glue for gas silicate blocks per 1 m3, it is easy to calculate the dry mixture required for constructing the box. To dilute 25 kg, 6 - 6.5 liters of water are required, that is, the weight of the finished glue from 1 package is 31 - 31.5 kg. You can calculate the quantity for masonry using a calculator.

To glue a cubic meter of masonry you will need 15 - 40 kg of mortar - consumption depends on the thickness of the layer. For comparison: at 100 cubic meters gas silicate uses 3000 kg of cement. The layer of the applied composition is several times thicker, which means the consumption is higher.

What is the glue consumption for gas silicate blocks?

To understand how much solution is needed, consider the table. The information given is based on the minimum joint thickness.

How to optimize glue consumption for gas silicate blocks, technological techniques

Before you start gluing the blocks, you should do preparatory work and operations so as not to waste excess glue, and at the same time create a durable and a reliable wall.

  • Basic masonry techniques. The adhesive mass is applied to the vertical or horizontal plane of the first laid block using a 6x6 cm comb spatula. Place the prepared gas silicate blocks on the glue should be lightly pressed to the base, followed by settling rubber tool(with a hammer). This way a thickness of no more than 5 mm is achieved. The reinforcing mesh is covered with a 2-5 mm layer of glue, and metal rods (diameter 8 mm) are poured. Optimal temperature drying – +5 – +25 o C.

    Glue consumption depends on weather conditions. If work is carried out in winter, a frost-resistant composition is used.

    If you adhere to the instructions and prepare the mixture correctly, then the glue consumption for gas silicate blocks will be economical, and the mounted walls will be monolithic.

The rapid development of the building materials market makes it possible to choose from a wide range of different materials needed in construction. Since ancient times, when building a house, important factors influencing this process were environmental friendliness and the possibility of saving heat in the house. To this is usually added the desire to carry out construction at a minimum cost.

Gaining particular popularity among consumers different kinds cellular concrete: foam blocks, gas silicate blocks, foam concrete. First, let's figure out why this material is popular among consumers.

An important factor when choosing cellular concrete is its low thermal conductivity compared to brick. This is possible thanks to its manufacturing technology.

The most common components: sand, water, cement, lime are the raw materials for the production of cellular concrete, but its structure is unusual in the presence of numerous small pores and voids filled with air. Namely, air is the best and natural heat insulator.

Gas silicate blocks are an excellent replacement for brick. Their standard size is 60x30x20 cm, and when using only one such block, a space equal to 18 bricks is closed. The mass of these bricks will be 65 kg, and a gas silicate block with a density of about 600 kg/m³ will be only 23 kg! These blocks, having convenient size for styling and perfect geometric shape, has greatly supplanted ordinary brick in the construction of buildings and structures.

The consumer justifies his choice in favor of gas silicate blocks due to its special thermal insulation properties. By reducing the funds spent on heating the house, the costs of gas silicate blocks more than pay for themselves.

Features of work

In order to minimize heat loss in the room when working with gas silicate blocks, it is necessary to use aerated concrete glue. Let's determine what the advantage of this glue is.

When using ordinary cement-sand mortar to connect blocks, the thickness of the seam between the blocks turns out to be too wide - about 15-20 mm. Cement-sand mortar, having weak thermal insulation properties, does not allow maximum heat retention in the room, thereby reducing the use of aerated concrete blocks themselves to almost zero.

But it is not possible to reduce the layer of cement-sand mortar to a minimum of 3-4 mm, since the blocks absorb the water contained in the mortar, and therefore the strength of the masonry is lost.

What should be the “correct” glue?

Unlike cement-sand mortar, special glue can significantly reduce the size of the resulting seam - up to 2 mm. However, it's not just about the thickness of the seam.

Certain additives are used in the adhesive for working with gas silicate blocks, which significantly increase its thermal insulation properties.

The question arises: why can there be such a small thickness of masonry when laying gas silicate blocks, because this is impossible when working with brick. This is primarily due to the shape and size of the blocks used; as mentioned above, blocks are made with minimal deviations from perfect shape. Therefore, the use of glue becomes possible.

Let's make a list of the main advantages when using glue when working with gas silicate blocks:

  • Cheap glue. Do the math: the consumption of such glue is much less (six times) than sand-cement mortar, and the cost of the glue is only twice as high;
  • Absence of “cold bridges”— layers of material with high thermal conductivity, the formation of which leads to an increase in heat loss and a decrease in the uniformity of the masonry;
  • Glue durability to the effects of precipitation (rain, frost);
  • Strength– compared to use cement-sand mortar the strength of masonry using glue is much higher.

Preparation of adhesive solution

The instructions indicate the ratio of parts of the mixture and water. Prepare the adhesive solution in a regular clean bucket. Following the instructions in the instructions, the mixture is added to the water prepared in a bucket and mixed thoroughly. Mixing is carried out using a drill with a special attachment.

After the first stirring, the solution should settle, then stir again. Having received a homogeneous mass, the solution can be considered ready for use. Since it tends to harden, you should not prepare excessive amounts in advance.

The resulting mixture is applied to the surface of the gas silicate block and leveled using a notched trowel.

Glue selection

When purchasing glue, due to the variety of materials on the market, a logical question arises: which manufacturer should you prefer? Today, the choice of glue is not a problem, since this segment is quite saturated, and you can choose glue from both imported and domestic production.

Let's look at several noteworthy types of glue for gas silicate blocks.

  • Ytong has proven itself to be excellent. The adhesives of this company are indispensable assistants in house construction;
  • Taifun Master - adhesive options for laying gas silicate blocks with excellent characteristics;
  • ilmax 2200 is an excellent choice when working with gas silicate blocks; allows you to eliminate defects such as unevenness, chips, potholes.

Gas silicate blocks have many advantages over others building materials, however, when using them, there is also a need for “wet” processes when plastering and puttying. Let's look at how to properly apply plaster with a minimum of time and material loss.

Plastering gas silicate blocks

To plaster a gas silicate block, the following tools are required:

  • the rule is for “pulling” the solution between the beacons;
  • beacon profiles - used when leveling the wall surface;
  • grater – used for grouting the applied layer;
  • plumb line – used to determine the geometry of walls to be plastered;
  • trowel and ladle - needed for throwing mortar onto the wall surface;
  • drill and attachment for it (mixer attachment) – stirring the mixture;
  • plastic container - the solution is prepared in it.

Before the process begins, the surface of the wall is cleaned of dirt and dust. To increase the adhesion of the solution, notches are made on the surface of the gas silicate block - the contact area increases plaster mortar with a wall.

Using a plumb line, the evenness of the walls is determined.

Typically, plaster compositions are applied with a thickness of within 2 cm, since with a larger thickness they become free-flowing. If for any reason a greater thickness of the solution is required, then the application is done in several layers.

At internal plastering use gypsum and gypsum-lime mixtures; for external work - cement.

The plaster mixture is prepared in plastic container: the dry mixture is poured with water and stirred with a drill until it reaches a creamy consistency.

Plaster is applied to the wall surface with a ladle or trowel. The lifetime of cement mortar for plastering is about 30 minutes, gypsum mortar is 20 minutes. Therefore, the solution is prepared gradually.

Since gas silicate blocks are afraid of water, it is recommended to use special plaster, which should have the following characteristics:

  • adhesion to gas silicate block 0.6 MPa;
  • strength after 28 days 20 MPa;
  • viability not less than 2 hours;
  • thickness of the applied layer is 3-6 mm;
  • frost resistance 35 cycles;
  • consumption with a layer thickness of 1 mm – 1.3-1.5 kg/m²;
  • have water-repellent ability.

Walls made of gas silicate blocks need to be prepared for finishing as follows:

  • Before plastering, the wall must be cleaned of dust, drips, stains and debris.
  • then the surface must be primed with a deep penetration strengthening mixture.
  • To plaster gas silicate blocks, a reinforcing fiberglass mesh must be used, which gives strength to the plaster after it dries.

Glue is a mixture of elements, thanks to which it is possible to achieve tenacity with various materials. But for the durability of the resulting seam, you should focus on a quality product, especially if you have to glue gas silicate blocks. Such adhesive can be obtained from sand, cement, organic and plasticizers. mineral origin. Today, the construction market for gluing gas silicate blocks has a large number of compositions, the choice of which depends on the preferences of the owner, as well as the conditions for laying the material. Let's consider which options are best to choose in terms of price/quality ratio.

Frost-resistant for laying blocks in winter

When determining the the best glue for gas silicate blocks, it is necessary to take into account reviews from consumers who have already been able to evaluate the quality of the products from their own experience. Let's consider the most popular and high-quality brands of masonry adhesive in winter.


This composition is perfect for laying blocks in winter time. The reason is in the components that make up it. There is a special additive that is not affected even by severe frost (frost-resistant). Many builders speak positively about this product, because the glue is characterized by such advantages as ease of application and ease of use. In addition, the cost of Zabudov is not high, which allows the adhesive composition to occupy a leading position in the market of ready-made dry mixes. The cost of production is 120 rubles per bag.


This composition is also not afraid of frost. It can be used for laying cellular blocks and even slabs. Characteristic feature glue remains it quick cooking. The cost of the composition is slightly higher than that of the first option. For a 25 kg bag you will pay an average of 140 rubles. You can find out which foam glue to use for the ceiling from the article.


This adhesive for aerated concrete blocks can also be used in winter. The main advantage of the mixture is its environmental friendliness. The glue contains no harmful impurities or toxins. It is completely safe for human health. But its cost is higher than the previously described options. You will have to pay 180 rubles for the bag. can be used in construction from the article by following the link.

Eunice Uniblock

Uniblock glue is now actively used for laying gas silicate blocks. The reason for this popularity is due to the set positive qualities, which include the following:

AEROC glue

These products are characterized by high strength characteristics. Glue is actively used for laying blocks of cellular concrete when providing thin-layer laying of external and external walls. The thickness of the resulting layer is 1-3 mm.

The high popularity of the product is due to its following characteristics:

  • there is no formation of “cold bridges”;
  • not affected by moisture;
  • severe frosts are not scary;
  • It is allowed to use the prepared solution within 2 hours, as it will not harden;
  • vapor permeable.

Due to high adhesion, it is possible to achieve solidity and high strength characteristics of the building being constructed. The adhesive contains the following components: cement, mineral fillers, modifiers of organic and polymer origin. The cost of a bag is 250 rubles.

This composition is presented in the form of a multicomponent dry mixture, which is based on cement, quartz sand and various modifying additives. Glue is used for laying gas silicate blocks. You can purchase the mixture for work in summer or winter. This product is also very popular, because it is suitable for most gas blocks produced in Russia. After preparing the composition, it is characterized by high plasticity and manufacturability. It does not stick strongly to the instrument, and after application it forms a good moisture-resistant layer. The glue is characterized by high fixing ability. The cost of the product is 190 rubles per bag.

EK Chemicals190

Purchasing this mixture involves its use for thick-layer laying of gas silicate blocks not only in winter, but also in summer. In addition to laying blocks, it is actively used when installing tiles, sides and slabs, as well as other highly porous materials with further coating. When using this glue, it is not necessary to level the surface. Changes and slopes can reach up to 15 mm. Can be used inside the house to level walls built from the sides. The product costs 190 rubles.

Which gas silicate glue is better to choose?

There is no clear answer to this question. The reason is that the best adhesive compositions were presented above, according to the reviews of many people who have experienced all their pros and cons. The choice of adhesive composition should be made not only taking into account personal wishes. Here it is important to take into account the type of work and the conditions for laying the block.

Each of the available products has a safe composition, high plasticity, and can be used for severe frosts. Today, the best adhesive compositions are the products listed above, and only you can choose which is the best when you do your research when working with them. Some prefer to use it for installation.

The video explains which glue to choose for gas silicate blocks:

Flow calculation technology

If all the rules for producing the mixture and applying it to the blocks have been followed, then its consumption can be carried out in the following ways: glue is sold in bags weighing 25 kg. This value was not chosen by chance by the manufacturer, because the weight of dry glue is optimal for laying 1 m3 of blocks. Thanks to this, the consumption of the composition will be very easy to carry out. Let's look at this in more detail using an example:

  1. After you have calculated everything, it turns out that to lay the walls and partitions you will need, say, 63 m3 of aerated concrete.
  2. If the thickness of the laying layer is 3 mm, then the consumption of the adhesive composition per 1 m3 of blocks will be 63 bags.
  3. When the thickness of the seam between the laying blocks is 2 mm, the amount of glue consumed will decrease by 5 kg. Then for 63 m3 you will have to spend 20x63 = 1260 kg of mixture. Next, 1260/25= 50, 4 bags. Round up and get 51 bags of glue.
  4. The obtained value is the smallest amount of glue that needs to be spent to erect a building, the construction of which involves the use of 63 m3 of aerated concrete. When the price is known, you can simply find out the cost of the adhesive solution.

In the video - winter glue for gas silicate blocks:

If you use a cement-sand mortar for installation for such a volume of work, then here you will need 2 dm 3 of glue. Thus, 1 cube of the mixture will be used to lay 4 cubes of blocks. To prepare a cube of mortar, you will need 7 bags of cement. The price will also have to include the price of sand, purchase or rental of a concrete mixer. Taking all this into account, you can obtain the amount of mixture required to lay 1 m3 of aerated concrete: 7/5 = 1.4 bags.

Construction modern houses Most often it is carried out from gas silicate blocks. For strong adhesion, it is very important to choose a high-quality adhesive composition and accurately calculate its consumption. Thus, you can save money if you buy glue in larger quantities. The constructed structure, if all conditions are met, will serve you for a long time without the formation of certain defects.

Gas silicate blocks have become widespread. The motives are clear: low price on the material, high speed of construction of structures, as well as relatively low weight, which in turn makes it possible to abandon deep foundations.

However, gas silicate itself is a porous material, which makes it colder and reduces the thermal efficiency of the building. Heat escapes through many small holes in the block. It is these features that should be taken into account when choosing masonry adhesive.

For gas silicate blocks, glue based on sand, cement, plasticizers of organic and mineral origin is used. The thickness of the seams and glue consumption will depend on the manufacturer and the elements included in the glue.

Composition and properties of adhesive for gas silicate blocks

The composition of the adhesive for gas silicate blocks necessarily includes:

  • fine sand;
  • binder in the form of high-quality Portland cement;
  • modifying inclusions.

Polymer additives provide plasticity and adhesive properties of the solution. Modifying inclusions retain internal moisture, which protects the seams. The solution ensures high adhesion of the blocks, is not absorbed by them and reduces their thermal conductivity.

These properties of the composition are among the main features of gas silicate adhesive.

Which glue is best for gas silicate blocks

  • Manufacturer. Well-known suppliers value their reputation and carefully monitor the quality of their products.
  • Storage and packaging. Important condition for glue - a dry, ventilated room. If you are not sure exactly how to store the product or the packaging is damaged, it is better to refuse. Also, experts do not recommend taking the dry mixture by weight.
  • Advance paynemt. Before purchasing glue for gas silicate blocks, it is recommended to make a preliminary calculation of material consumption, which will allow you to more accurately determine your needs and save money. cash not allowing you to buy too much.
Parameters when calculating solution consumption per 1 m3 basis - thickness adhesive layer. If the layer thickness is no more than 3 mm per 1 m3 of surface, 8-9 kg of working composition is required.

Pros and cons of gas silicate glue

The advantages of adhesive for laying blocks include:

  • increased level of adhesion;
  • resistance to low temperatures and moisture;
  • the adhesive composition does not shrink and also has a high setting speed.

It should also be noted that the products are of interest due to their final budget cost. Although the adhesive mortar costs twice as much as ordinary cement mortar, the adhesive consumption is 4-5 times less (the solution must be applied minimum thickness 2-3 cm).

This also has its advantages:

  • increasing the strength of the structure;
  • increased thermal insulation;
  • Due to the small thickness of the seams, the laying of gas silicate blocks turns out smooth and beautiful.

On to the cons gas silicate glue This includes increased requirements for flatness and the surface being processed.

Where to buy glue for gas silicate blocks

You can buy glue for gas silicate blocks in our online store at a price of 144 rubles per 25 kg bag.

In our store there are different brands and packaging of glue, so you can calculate the required volume and choose the option that is suitable for your purposes.


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