Strawberries from flowering to berries how long. When should strawberries produce a harvest - timing for different varieties

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Strawberry - description of the berry

Strawberry is a perennial, herbaceous plant from the Rosaceae family. Strawberries are close relatives of strawberries. Strawberries bloom in May-July. It bears fruit with small, fleshy, fragrant and tasty berries.

Strawberries are classified as medicinal and dietary plants:

  • Per 100 grams of product – 41 kcal.
  • 7.5 g carbohydrates.
  • 87.5 g water.
  • 0.8 g protein.
  • 0.4 g fat.
  • 0.4 g ash

Strawberries contain useful substances, organic acids, fiber, nitrogen compounds, salts of iron, cobalt, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, ascorbic, folic acid, vitamins (group B), carotene. Eating fresh strawberries improves immunity.

During the growing season, strawberries go through several development phases:

  • beginning of growth
  • setting buds
  • bloom
  • fruiting

Each stage of strawberry development requires certain conditions care At the first stage - the beginning of growth - strawberries develop at temperatures 2 – 5° C. The weather during the growth period should be warm, moderately sunny. The gardener pays attention to lighting, heating the beds, moistening and fertilizing them. The presence of nutritious things affects the state of strawberries - they move to a new quality level and lay buds.

During the flowering period, strawberries undergo certain changes: the inflorescences recede into the background, and fruits form to replace them. Strawberries begin to bloom 15 days after the peduncle has grown. One strawberry flower pleases the eye for a maximum of 4 – 6 days, after which the rudiment of the berry appears.

Strawberries - how long does it take for the berries to ripen?

The berries ripen immediately after flowering ends. Depending on the variety and region of planting, as well as weather conditions and quality of care, fruiting dates may vary, but there are general criteria, which the gardener focuses on.

Strawberries ripen in 15 – 35 days after flowering. The period of ripening of strawberries after the end of flowering and laying of the first fruits: from 20 to 35 days.

What happens after strawberries ripen? After the strawberry fruits finish ripening and harvesting, the growth of whiskers begins. The gardener may note that the process is intensified. A small part of the leaves around the rosette die, after which the rosettes remain unrooted. The formation of new leaves occurs only in September at moderate air temperatures.

In order for the growth of strawberry leaves or whiskers to continue, the berries are additionally watered. Watering should be moderate. From late August to mid-September there is a slowdown in strawberry growth. Nutrients accumulated during the growing season and fruiting contribute to the preservation of crops in winter.

From further care and wintering of strawberries in soil mixture greenhouse or open ground depends on the future fate of the berry: climate and care affect the formation of buds in the future. Required care criteria:

  • heat and high humidity air retard the development of the kidneys.
  • Watering, moderate temperature, and lighting have a beneficial effect on the formation of ovaries.
  • Regular irrigation and fertilizing of the beds accelerates the differentiation of buds in strawberries.

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Growing strawberries from seeds at home

Transplanting strawberries in spring

Alexandrina strawberries - growing from seeds

How to grow strawberry seedlings at home?

What do botanists call strawberry seeds?

Planting strawberry seeds at home

During the growing season, strawberry plants go through several developmental phases. Growth begins in the spring at temperatures above 2-5° and intensifies with the onset of stable warm weather. During this period, growth occurs mainly due to nutrients deposited in the stems, and partly due to the assimilation of overwintered leaves. In most areas Krasnodar region the beginning of strawberry growth is usually observed in March, and in Black Sea coast- in January - February. After 15-30 days, depending on the weather and variety, flower stalks appear. This process lasts for 10-15 days. The growth of leaves in spring occurs very rapidly.

Strawberry flowering begins 10-15 days after the appearance of the peduncle. The flowering time of one flower is 4-6 days.

The uneven flowering of strawberries is associated with the special structure of the flower raceme. Strawberry flowers are collected in inflorescences (corymbs that have from 5 to 27 flowers or an average of 5 to 14 flowers). From each heart located at the end of the horn, as a rule, one inflorescence develops. Flowers develop unevenly in it. First, the flower of the first order blooms. From the axils of the two bracts of this first flower, flowers of the second order are formed, and from the axils of the flowers of the second order, flowers of the third order are formed. The flowering process of a plantation lasts from 10 to 25 days or more, depending on the variety and weather. The last flowers may form at a time when the first berries are already ripe. It has been noticed that the last flowers are often sterile. According to I.M. Kovtun, in the Koralka and Roshchinskaya varieties the percentage of such flowers does not exceed 3-4, and in the White Pineapple variety it reaches 70. The percentage of sterile flowers increases under unfavorable conditions.

Strawberry varieties differ somewhat in terms of flowering time and duration. Typically, early varieties bloom earlier, and late varieties bloom later. Early varieties in the period preceding flowering require a smaller amount of effective temperatures - only 180-235°, mid-season varieties - 223-276° and late varieties- 255-353° (according to data from the Pavlovsk experimental base of the VIR).

The sum of effective temperatures before flowering varies from year to year and varies within relatively large limits. The higher the average daily temperature in the period preceding flowering, the shorter the period from the beginning of the growing season to flowering.

The timing of strawberry flowering depends not only on the average daily temperature and the sum of effective temperatures, but also on a set of other environmental conditions - air humidity, lighting period and its intensity, plant nutrition and other factors. Varieties with complex inflorescences, for example, Komsomolka, have the longest flowering time. However, the difference in the flowering time of strawberry varieties in the Kuban conditions is small and usually does not exceed 5-7 days. This is essential for the selection of pollinators for varieties with unisexual flowers. Based on this, we can assume that for the average Komsomolka variety, any variety of early, middle and medium-late ripening can be a pollinator, since the flowering of all these varieties almost completely coincides.

The end of flowering marks the beginning of the appearance of whiskers.

The ripening of berries begins immediately after the end or simultaneously with the end of flowering. In different years, the timing of the beginning of fruit ripening in Kuban conditions fluctuates within a month - from the first ten days of May to the first ten days of June, but most often in most varieties, ripening occurs in the second - third ten days of May. The duration of the berry ripening period ranges from 20 to 35 days. The end of fruit harvesting occurs almost simultaneously. A longer period of maturation is often observed in early varieties, and the shortest - in the later ones. In dry years, the ripening period is sharply reduced.

Strawberry varieties differ significantly in the nature of yield, as can be seen from Table. 5.

After the end of fruit ripening, the leaves become stronger again and an increased growth of whiskers occurs. However, in the absence of irrigation, this growth quickly stops, the whiskers do not have time to develop well, and the rosettes do not take root. Some of the leaves subsequently die off and the rosettes remain unrooted. Under these conditions, the growth of new leaves begins only in September, after the heat has subsided and precipitation has fallen. During this period, the rooting of rosettes on the mustache occurs.

With irrigation, the growth of strawberry leaves and tendrils continues throughout the growing season. In this case, the formation of new whiskers stops mainly in July, but their growth in length and the formation of new rosettes on them continues until October.

In the second half of August and early September, strawberry plants begin to grow. This period is of exceptional importance, since at this time reserve nutrients accumulate before going into winter, and differentiation of fruit buds also occurs. Most strawberry varieties are plants short day, therefore, differentiation of fruit buds in them occurs under conditions of short autumn days at low temperatures, especially at night. Only in remontant strawberry varieties can differentiation of flower buds occur during long summer days, which determines the remontant property. In varieties of common strawberries, differentiation of flower buds into summer period is possible only under abnormal conditions: with heavy rainfall at the end of summer after a dry period, after mowing the leaves. Some varieties are more prone to secondary flowering in the fall. Most often it happens autumn bloom in the Komsomolka and Dessertnaya Kubani varieties. Autumn flowering was also observed in the varieties Prevoskhodnaya, Iosif Magomet, and Roshchinskaya. Usually, in the conditions of Kuban, only single inflorescences bloom in the fall, which does not significantly affect the next year’s harvest.

Climatic conditions, agricultural technology and varietal characteristics influence the timing of flower bud formation. Typically, early varieties complete the differentiation of fruit buds earlier than late ones. Hot weather delays the passage of differentiation, and, conversely, cool weather, watering and complete mineral fertilizer contribute to its acceleration.

Creating optimal conditions of humidity and abundant nutrition during the period of bud differentiation has great importance for next year's harvest, since it is in the fall, and not in the spring, that not only the rudiments of inflorescences and flowers, but also pistils are formed in the fruit buds of strawberries. This is important because the pistils determine the number of achenes in the fruit and the more achenes there are, the larger the fruit (within one variety).

The quality and quantity of the harvest is also reflected in the degree of fruit development, which, in turn, is closely related to the normal development of achenes. Fruits with underdeveloped achenes never reach optimal sizes and, in addition, they come in ugly shapes. This physiological trait depends on the degree of development and vital activity of the stamens and pistils and is a varietal feature.

The difference in the timing of the formation of flower buds between individual horns of one plant can reach 10-14 days (the weakest lateral horns do not initiate them at all), which determines the duration of the flowering and fruiting period of strawberry varieties.

It should be remembered that the reserves of nutrients accumulated in the fall determine the good wintering of plants and their spring growth.

The leaves of strawberry plants acquire autumn color specific to each variety in the fall and then largely die back. Only a small part of the leaves formed in the winter remains green. autumn period. The strawberry plant gradually enters a state of winter dormancy, from which it emerges at the end of winter, before the onset of spring growth.

This berry is one of my family's favorites. Since June, everyone is looking forward to the first strawberries. The year before last, I added several more remontant varieties to my garden and now I can pamper my family with strawberries throughout the summer.

Many will agree that home-grown berries are tastier and sweeter than “rubbery” and tasteless ones from the supermarket. After all, in our garden we try to grow environmentally friendly food that can be easily given to children.

To understand when you can harvest, you need to take into account several factors, without knowledge of which it is difficult to determine the timing of harvest. Strawberries are a capricious berry and require constant care, as well as knowledge of planting and fertilizing rules.

  1. You definitely need to know when the berries are planted. The plant is usually planted in August or September, sometimes in October. It is important that the bush takes root well and root system adapted to the soil.
  2. If this time is missed, then the berries are planted already in April and covered with film, since there may still be frosts at night and the earth has not warmed up.
  3. An important factor is the characteristics of the soil and climate in the area where strawberries are grown. If the summer is rainy and cold, then you cannot count on a good harvest. Also, heat and drought, lack of timely watering will also not bring the desired result. We will consider growing strawberries in central Russia.
  4. The most important thing is which varieties are grown in the garden or in the greenhouse. Now many people grow remontant varieties. They bring harvest throughout the summer - 2 - 3 times. The process proceeds in waves. If the beginning of autumn pampers you with warm weather, then in October you can still collect not big harvest the last berries.
  5. Most gardeners grow this berry in open ground and varieties are chosen local or selected. The first berries can be collected in early June or mid-July. If the weather is bad, it is recommended to improve the yield using liquid foliar fertilizer from the Folirus line. They not only help to grow decent harvest strawberries, but also improve the taste of the berry.

So, only by connecting all the main factors together can we draw some conclusions about the timing of the first and subsequent harvests. Let's try to figure it out in order.

Features of growing remontant varieties

There are many varieties of this species, and each has its own advantages. General terms cultivation and rules allow you to feed and properly care for strawberry bushes in a timely manner.

Here are the most famous varieties of remontant strawberries:

  • Super-production.
  • Albion.
  • Geneva.
  • Fort Lar.
  • Vima Rina.
  • Alapahoe.
  • Beauty.
  • Queen Elizabeth 2.
  • Red Rich.
  • Portola.
  • Monterey.
  • Diamond.

It is important to remember that to maintain the purity of the variety, it is better to propagate the berries using mustaches. But you can also divide the bush and seeds. The advantage of seed propagation is the purity of the variety and healthy berries. They are larger than regular varieties; the weight of one berry can reach up to 75 grams.

As for the tendrils, all remontant varieties are not distinguished by large tendrils (sometimes they are practically absent). This is an advantage of regular strawberries.

Main phytoperiods of cultivation

  1. All garden strawberries are divided into 3 periods depending on the length of daylight hours: long-day, short-day and neutral strawberries. Features of varieties different periods characterized by the ability to produce different yields.
  2. The second or third harvest often accounts for 60 to 90% of the total fruiting of long-day strawberries. Naturally, a very large load falls on the bushes. Often, if not properly cared for, strawberries die after the last harvest because there are not enough nutrients.
  3. Neutral varieties do not depend in their development on the length of daylight hours and produce a harvest every 6 weeks. From July to mid-autumn the bulk of the crop ripens. These varieties may soon completely supplant all others, because they produce a lot of berries all season long.

This strawberry bears fruit throughout the summer and part of the fall, so it needs good care and attention. Some knowledge and skills are needed to keep yields good.

Rules for caring for remontant varieties

  • The duration of fruiting in day-neutral varieties is not more than a year, and for a long one - no more than three, because the load on the bushes is very high. Therefore, special care is simply necessary.
  • It is advisable to remove the first flower stalks, then the second ovary and subsequent harvests will be much larger.
  • It is advisable to plant new bushes in places where used to grow up onions, carrots, beets, radishes (green manure crops). Doesn't like it very much remontant strawberry such predecessors: peppers, eggplants, potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, legumes. You can plant garlic between rows to protect strawberries from pests and fungal infections.
  • Bushes should be planted in holes at a distance of 20 - 25 cm. The row spacing should be at least 50 cm wide.
  • Be sure to choose well-lit and warm places for planting and ensure regular watering.
  • First loosen the soil, and then mulch.
  • Fertilize and feed in a timely manner, remove old dried and reddening leaves.

In order for the plant to prepare for winter, which is problematic because we harvest even in October, the beds should be covered with film.

Especially in regions with cold climates. This will increase the yield and make it possible to harvest ripe berries earlier. If you do not track the process of preparing for winter, the strawberries may simply freeze.

Ripening of ordinary strawberries

Such bushes produce a harvest mainly once per season. Their fruits are smaller - 25 - 30 grams. The tendrils are much more developed compared to remontant strawberry varieties. Divided into 4 subgroups:

  1. Early ripening period.
  2. Mid-early.
  3. Average.
  4. Late.

Each subgroup has its most favorite varieties, which are priority when planting. Let's take a closer look at the features of some.

Early varieties of strawberries


I fell in love with it because of its large, dense and juicy berries (up to 40 g). You can collect up to one and a half kg from one bush. Despite their large size, they have excellent sweet taste. They begin to ripen from May 15 to May 25.


A big plus is high disease resistance. The fruits are medium (up to 30 g), elongated conical in shape. In the European part of Russia, the berry ripens early - in the first ten days of May. Up to 1.2 kg is collected from one bush. The variety also tolerates transportation well.


The variety also has very large fruits - at first up to 50 grams, at the end of fruiting up to 30 grams. They have a wonderful strawberry aroma, are well transported, are well preserved, do not rot, and on average they harvest up to one and a half kg from one bush.

Anita and Kimberly are also popular. The berries of these varieties have a pronounced sweet taste. The advantage is that with excellent taste they have high yields.

Mid-early varieties


Considered a Dutch variety, it begins to bear fruit between the 15th and 18th of June. Powdery mildew almost never occurs.

Florida Festival

The berries are very large (up to 50 g) and store well. They have an elongated shape, dense and juicy in structure. The variety is highly resistant to diseases.


Characteristic the average size(30 g), have a strong aroma, elongated shape, are perfectly stored and transported. Gray rot is not terrible for this variety. Feature: It yields twice a season.

Still enjoying success: Anita, Krasny Bereg, Ellis.

Mid-season varieties


Dessert variety, very delicious strawberries, with a slight sourness, size is smaller than average (13 - 15 g). The fruits are conical and slightly rounded. Perfectly stored.


The berries are quite large, weighing more than 40 grams. They have a sweet taste and tolerate transportation well.

White Swede

A unique variety - the berries are white with a pinkish tint, with a pronounced pineapple taste, fruit weight - up to 25 grams. Up to 1 kg is collected from the bush; strawberries are sweet to taste.

To these varieties you need to add the following: Nightingale, Syria, Marmelada, Darselect, Tsarina. They begin to ripen in the second half of June and actively bear fruit until the second half of July.

Late varieties of strawberries


The latest to ripen is at the end of July. The berries are bright scarlet, juicy and shiny. Up to 2 kg are collected per season. Perfectly preserved. The variety is winter-hardy.


Often produces a second harvest on par with remontant varieties. On a bush big size fruits (up to 50 g), yield 1.5 - 1.8 kg per season. The shape is wide, cone-shaped, juicy inside, shiny on top and bright red.


Large strawberries - up to 40 grams, cone-shaped with a cut end, yield up to 1 kg from one bush. Inside the berry pink light shade, sweet and aromatic. The bushes are resistant to cold and disease.

Late-ripening varieties also include Galya Chiv, Adria, and Alice.

This video will help you learn how to care for strawberries after fruiting. at excellent care on next year Strawberry bushes will again delight you with a good harvest. When you have more experience in growing strawberries, you can combine different varieties and types of this berry. Then there will be fresh fruit almost the entire season.

Caring for strawberries during flowering and fruit ripening is one of the most important activities in May and June. Berry lovers are well aware that the health and productivity of strawberries depends on the correct implementation of all procedures. We invite you to learn how to care for strawberries during flowering and fruiting in order to reap a large harvest of large and sweet berries.

Caring for strawberries during flowering and fruit ripening is one of the most important activities in May and June.

Caring for strawberries during flowering I

Strawberries love care, and not only the quantity of the harvest, but also the taste of the berries depends on its quality. During the budding period, the plant especially needs feeding, watering, protection from pests and diseases. Early varieties of strawberries bloom in May. Medium and late varieties bloom in early June. During this period, the gardener is expected to carry out the following activities to care for strawberries, namely:

  1. Loosening. Strawberries bloom and bear fruit well if their roots receive enough oxygen and solar heat. Regular loosening of the soil helps to promptly remove weeds from the garden bed and prevents the formation of a dense crust around the bushes. After watering, loosen the soil the next day. Through well-loosened soil, the roots receive more nutrients and moisture.
  2. Watering. According to gardeners, improper watering is a common cause of the development of fungal diseases and the formation of small berries. During flowering strawberries, watering is carried out in the morning using the drip method, and not by irrigating the bushes. It is strictly forbidden to use cool water, otherwise fungi will attack the plantings. If it rains during flowering, watering is not carried out or it is reduced. It is enough to water the strawberries at the root once every 4-5 days, then mulch the ground with straw.
  3. Feeding. During flowering, a single application of fertilizer is sufficient. TO good results leads to the introduction of complex mineral and organic fertilizers. In the ash fruit trees contained a large number of microelements. It is enough to sprinkle the ground around each bush with ash. An infusion of fermented chicken droppings or mullein will provide strawberry bushes with organic matter. As foliar feeding it is recommended to use irrigation of bushes boric acid. Boron strengthens the plant and increases .
  4. Removing tendrils and leaves. Excess tendrils, dry or wilted leaves create shadows and take away moisture from the plant. Strawberries during the flowering period, juice from nutrients necessary for full fruiting. Gardeners recommend removing tendrils and dry leaves using pruning shears. You can improve the quality of the harvest if you remove the whiskers completely or partially immediately after flowering.
  5. Artificial pollination. In cold and rainy summers, strawberry flowers may not be pollinated enough, as bees natural reasons They can't do their job in bad weather. With poor pollination of flowers, the berries are formed deformed and small. To pollinate strawberries, you can use a soft brush or ear stick, which is gently passed over the flowers in the heat of the day.
  6. Pruning flower stalks. The first flower stalks are usually smaller than the next ones. To make the berries larger, it is worth trimming small flower stalks.
  7. Preventative treatment- a last resort measure, which is resorted to only in case of urgent need. Gardeners advise spraying bushes before or after flowering. But if a problem arises, the use of the drug “Actofit”, which does not harm bees, will help solve the problem. If signs of damage appear on the leaves or peduncles of strawberries, it is recommended to spray the bush with Fitosporin solution.

Caring for strawberries during fruiting I

Strawberries love care and not only the quantity of the harvest, but also the taste of the berries depends on its quality

During fruiting, the strawberry bush needs especially careful care. What agrotechnical measures need to be carried out to harvest a good harvest of berries? We suggest you use the tips experienced summer residents, namely:

  • the number of waterings during fruiting is reduced. It is enough to moisten the soil under the bush well once every 3-5 days (depending on weather conditions). It is strictly forbidden to irrigate strawberries using the spray method. Worth giving preference drip irrigation. After moistening, the ground around the bush is mulched with hay and straw so that the ripening berries remain clean;
  • For minerals 1 handful of wood ash is poured under each bush;
  • Fermented infusion of mullein in a ratio of 1:15 is poured under the bush, 1 liter;
  • fermented infusion chicken manure in a ratio of 1:30, add 1 liter to the root;
  • It is recommended to fertilize the row spacing with manure.

Caring for strawberries during flowering, video

Caring for strawberries during fruiting, form O

Organizing proper care of strawberries during flowering and fruiting is a task for gardeners who want to get bountiful harvest berries According to reviews from summer residents, carrying out all the activities to care for strawberry plantings does not take much time. It is only important to carry out all procedures regularly, then the bushes will grow strong, and the berries will be fragrant and sweet.

Strawberries are a tasty and healthy wild berry that is suitable for people with heart problems and all those who want to boost their immunity. This crop grows in forest and field conditions, so finding bushes to collect fruits is not easy.

To get tasty and useful harvest, you should know the places for collection, as well as the ripening period of the berries. It can vary significantly depending on the type and location of the strawberry.


Small, juicy berries with a lot of vitamins grow both in the field and in the forest. The bushes actively develop and bear fruit where there is sufficient sunlight. Without it, the berries will not grow and, on the contrary, if there is enough light, ripening will occur faster.

Strawberries are a treasure trove useful substances. The largest amount of them is contained in the fruits of the crop, which are collected in the “second wave”. To save everything beneficial features product, it is recommended to consume it raw, and also collect in accordance with certain rules, which are discussed below.

Important! In Samara, strawberries appear much earlier than in the Moscow region or the Moscow region.

Where to find?

Strawberries, as mentioned above, grow in unshaded places. Of course, it can also be found in the forest, but then it will be adjacent to a lit lawn or a place where trees have fallen due to the wind, and a gap has formed. In the forest, bushes should be looked for in the following places:

  • at the edge of the forest;
  • in the clearings;
  • in places with a lot of dead wood;
  • in clusters of bushes;
  • in young groves, where tree crowns do not yet absorb all the sunlight.

It should be noted that the most juicy and healthy berries grow where there is the most sun. At the same time, excessive aridity of the area does not benefit the culture. When picking berries in brightly lit meadows, it is recommended to immediately try the strawberries. It may be overdried, especially if summer season there was little rain.

To obtain best harvest, it should be collected in locations where moist, but not waterlogged soil and an abundance of sunlight are combined.

Wild strawberries can also be found in the field, where they are usually smaller than in the forest, since the field area is initially less wet than the forest area, but the berries ripen faster here. If you want to collect fruits with sourness, it is best to look for them in the field. In field conditions, strawberries rarely grow among ears of rye, wheat and other grain crops. It cannot be found on plowed land planted with industrial crops - beets, potatoes, cabbage.

To grow, strawberries require wild conditions, unplowed land and a fairly dense, but not too high, herbaceous environment. Optimal conditions for growth in the field are clusters of weeds: they protect fruit crop from burning out, if there is excess moisture in the summer, they save the berries from excessive wateriness.

Maturation period

The ripening period of strawberries varies depending on factors such as:

  • type of crop (wild or domesticated);
  • climatic zone (middle zone, southern or northern regions);
  • growing conditions (field, forest, home garden);
  • additional factors (too dry or cold summer, the presence of an awning over the beds with crops).

Taking into account these factors, the time of ripening and harvesting also changes.

On average, strawberries ripen in the first month of summer and can be harvested during the second half of July and throughout August.

However, in some areas the harvest season may begin in May, while in others it may begin and end in August or even September. It is worth considering in more detail several popular varieties of strawberries.

  • Field strawberries ripens slightly earlier than the forest variety, as it is provided with more sunlight. In the middle zone, you can start collecting it from mid-June, if the month was quite warm. However, the crop disappears early: by mid-July, all the berries usually dry out or are taken apart by the harvesters, and new ones do not ripen, since there are no more ovaries.
  • Lesnaya. In the forest, strawberries ripen more slowly. Harvesting in the middle zone should begin towards the end of June or in its last third. The harvest season ends at the end of July. In the forest, the berries may be more watery, so you should be careful when picking fruits that are too large: they may turn out to be soft and tasteless.

Remontant strawberry

Remontant strawberries are a domesticated crop that has a longer period of fruiting and flowering compared to wild ones. Domesticated bushes are slightly larger, as are the berries on them. Due to this taste remontant strawberries less rich, but sweeter.

There are also fewer vitamins in home culture, but their amount still exceeds the level typical for strawberries. For this reason, eating even homemade strawberries is very beneficial for health.

If strawberries are grown under transparent film, it can ripen at the very beginning of June. The fruits are sour, but this is normal for the “first wave” of both wild and domesticated crops. Next come sweeter and richer berries.

It is the remontant strawberries grown under film that are most often sold at the beginning of the summer season. It can be distinguished by its larger fruits and the absence strong aroma, which is inherent in wild berries.

The fruiting period of remontant strawberries depends on the conditions of their care. The more mineral fertilizers, sunlight and water (but without swamping the area) it receives, the better the ovaries develop, which in the future will become fruits. At proper care You can get a harvest from strawberries for the entire summer season and even for September if the first month of autumn is warm.

If the gardener's goal is to get as many berries as possible, you should not collect flowers and leaves for decoctions and teas. The plant may weaken and stop bearing fruit normally.

In the southern regions and in the North

Above were the timing of crop maturation for middle zone Russia. However, in other regions of the country, the characteristics of strawberry fruiting differ. In the south, where the warm season begins in May, the harvest can be expected in late spring. It lasts until the end of June; individual bushes can be found in July, but with a very low probability.

In the northern regions, where both May and June are quite cold, fruiting begins only towards the end of July, during a warmer period. Accordingly, berries can be picked throughout August, and sometimes in the first two weeks of September.

Rules for picking berries

Due to the small fruits, strawberries are difficult to pick. Sometimes the process can take several days, or even weeks. To shorten and simplify it, you should follow simple rules.

  • Berries should be picked only in clean areas where there is no pollution from the road or swamp. Some forests are filled with household and plastic waste. It is also not worth harvesting in such places, as this can lead to poisoning.
  • Before picking berries from a field, you should make sure that it is not cultivated for agricultural purposes. If the field or part of it is used as a location for mass cultivation different cultures, then strawberry berries and leaves most likely contain large amounts of pesticides. They are dangerous to health, especially if a child consumes the berries.
  • Attention should also be paid to where the crop received its moisture during ripening. If there is a stream or river nearby, you need to make sure that they are fairly clean. Polluted water from which plants feed is one of the most common reasons food poisoning when consuming forest fruits.

How to extend the shelf life of a crop?

There is an opinion that berries should only be picked early in the morning, “in the dew.” Then the fruits will be stored for a long time and will not change during transportation. However, in fact, morning dew, which is standard condensation, can lead to accelerated rotting of the berry if it is not dried.

You cannot harvest during rain, because the abundance of moisture will lead to rapid rotting of the product. In addition, it will be very wrinkled in a basket or bucket and is unlikely to reach the table in suitable form. Large, too watery berries are not recommended for the same reason. Being too soft, they can easily turn into mush and also stain other berries.

It is better to place the berries in a basket, since there are holes in it to drain moisture. Even slightly damp fruits will dry out a little if you place the basket in a ventilated place.

If harvested seriously wet, you should remove it from the container and place it on kitchen towel so that the berries dry.

How to pick berries correctly?

How exactly the berries are removed from the stalk depends on their shelf life, as well as the integrity of the strawberry bush. The last factor is important, even if the bush is wild and not located on the site. “Wild plants” can still produce a harvest during the ripening period if their stems are not damaged, so they should be treated with care. The same rule applies to remontant strawberries. When picking fruits, it is recommended to use small scissors and cut off the stalk close to the berry itself.

If you separate the berry from the stalk, leaving it on the stem, the juice may quickly leak out of the fruit, and it may become deformed during transportation and storage. Often the berry is damaged just at the moment when they try to remove it from the stalk.

The following video describes how to grow strawberries on the balcony.


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