Key leadership competencies: leader mindset or thought leadership. Leadership Competency Assessment

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The article is called: Key: leader's thinking or leadership in thinking. A critical reader can quite rightly remark: “Isn’t this one and the same thing?” And he will be absolutely right in his doubts - this is how our language is structured that a simple rearrangement of words can cause a serious distortion of the meaning. So let's understand this situation

The reason for the appearance of this article was a review from a friend. I sent it to him for review." An article about the theoretical justification of leadership as a phenomenon. The essence of his criticism, in general, boiled down to the question of whether a leader must be able to appear to be the best among his people, or in fact it is necessary to be the best. Then the question of authentic leadership or its image arises. That is, translating this question into management language, we get: a leader must have the special competence of a leader in the field of ideas (including the idea of ​​his own high competence in any field); is this skill alone enough, or is it really necessary to have high competence in all areas of action? groups.

Key competencies of a leader - to be or to appear?

Let's return to the conceptual apparatus used in the already mentioned article:

  1. Leadership is the position of an individual in a group, determined by the recognition of high performance results by other group members.
  2. Leadership is a process of internal management based on the initiative of group members

So, it is obvious that 1st definition is “ seem...”, 2nd is “ be...”. Because – 1. it is selling the idea of ​​one’s own superiority, and 2. it is managing the state of initiative (direction and quality) of group members - this is what we are accustomed to consider true leadership.

Oddly enough, with this approach, the initial contradiction merges into a single key competence of the leader under the conventional name “persuasion” and means the ability to sell an idea. And it doesn’t matter at all what kind, about one’s own “godlikeness,” as the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt did, or the need to sacrifice oneself in the fight for other people’s ideals, as modern leaders do, calling protesters to the barricades.

Leader competencies - thinking or perception?

Let's return to our particular case from which we started and deal with it. Let's assign a definition:

  • 1. Leader’s thinking – thinking in which all decisions have a positive (constructive) orientation – thinking in which an analysis of the situation leads to a conclusion about possibilities.
  • 2. Leadership in thinking - excellence in thinking.

The first definition is widespread and has not been perceived critically for a long time, although for a person familiar with cognitive processes there is conceptual confusion.

Let's figure it out: 5 cognitive processes: attention, perception, thinking, imagination, memory - everything: no more, no less. To subtract or add means to go against modern science.

So, definition No. 1 is the definition of perception as a cognitive process, not thinking - a bad inaccurate definition, but precisely perception. As a result, all training in the paradigm of this definition teaches leadership perception, not thinking. This also opens its great prospects, this is also very useful - and this is undeniable. From a practical point of view, for us (HR and T@D managers), this does not allow us to develop leadership as a competency in its entirety - because besides this, there is something else besides this component. A useful result of this construction is that the leader must have a special leadership perception of reality, that is, perceive the current situation as a field of future activity - operational space, and see the world, as a set of opportunities to achieve goals (of its leader).

As for definition No. 2, everything is quite simple here - the leader must, at least periodically, demonstrate to those around him his superiority in thinking. For this purpose, for a very long time, humanity has developed and is developing intellectual tools that allow, without affecting the brain, in order to enhance its performance, to obtain excellent (relative to average) results when solving thinking problems. Trainings on this topic are rare on the market, but they are also found for us (HR and T@D managers); solving the problem of developing the thinking apparatus of managers at all levels is currently not difficult.

If you are interested in training on systems thinking for managers, you can conduct this project with the author of the article.

Alexey Shirokopoyas, consultant, editor-in-chief of the magazine "COMPETENCE"

8-926-210-84-19. [email protected]

In the leadership competency model, this area is usually called “Systems Thinking”, “Innovative Thinking”, “Creativity” (I don’t understand why, but for some reason it is), “Leadership Thinking” and the like. Conclusion: a leader needs to have superiority in thinking, but only in order to demonstrate his process superiority in solving the problems of the group.

So, the key competencies of a leader:

  • 1.Be able to sell ideas.
  • 2. See the world around you as a set of opportunities to achieve goals.
  • 3. Have superior thinking.

And that is not all…..

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The concept of “leadership” has many definitions and interpretations. In popular, business and pseudo-scientific literature, authors often equate the words “leader” with “boss”, “manager”, “supervisor”. At the same time, a leader can also be called a person who does not exercise leadership in the usual sense, but at the same time has expressed an idea that subsequently found its adherents, or demonstrates the implementation of an idea by his behavior and also has followers. Having followers makes a leader a leader. Leadership without followers is impossible.

That is why I would like to immediately separate the concepts of “leadership” and “management”, as well as the concepts of “leader” and “manager”. A good leader charges his followers with an idea, gives them the opportunity to believe in its importance and truth, and encourages them to follow themselves. These are necessary but not sufficient components of a manager's success. A manager manages the people under his command. He consciously influences them and their behavior in order to achieve a certain goal. A competent manager pays attention to the basic functions of management - predicts the development of the situation, plans work, organizes, coordinates, motivates and controls his subordinates.

Thus, it is easy to see that the concepts of “leader” and “manager” are not equivalent and cannot be synonymous. An effective leader is not always a manager. But at the same time, an effective manager is almost always a leader.

And here an important question arises: if we separate the concepts of “leader” and “manager” and at the same time recognize the importance of the leadership component for successful management, then what specific leadership competencies - qualities, abilities, knowledge, skills or abilities - should a manager have in order to to manage effectively?

Attempts to answer this question have been made previously; thus, theories of leadership qualities have become widely known, aiming to determine what qualities distinguish successful leaders (mainly flourishing in the 40-80s), concepts of leadership behavior that study patterns of behavior, inherent in leaders (50-60s), the concept of situational leadership, based on the assumption that the successful behavior of a leader will vary depending on the situation (actively developed since the 60s).

In addition, the very concept of leadership is undergoing semantic changes. If initially it could be understood as the ability to motivate people to achieve a given goal, which brings the onset of a better future closer, now the focus significantly shifts from the goal itself and creating motivation to achieve it to creating the necessary trust between people in order to link together their interests and actions , create an opportunity for joint creativity and development.

But there is still a lack of any coherent theoretical understanding of how leadership works and what makes successful leaders successful.

This issue arises especially acutely in a rapidly changing environment, when a decision made based on yesterday’s and today’s realities may no longer work tomorrow. How much will the required leadership competencies differ under different possible future scenarios? And how different are they from those we are used to seeing today?

Any preparation takes time, which means that if we want to prepare leaders who can work effectively tomorrow, we need to start the process now.

Let us turn to existing federal state standards training of managers (Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education), formulating the expected results of student learning in terms of competencies.

In particular, in the bachelor's training standard, leadership is directly mentioned when disclosing the professional competence “possession of the skills to use the basic theories of motivation, leadership and power to solve strategic and operational management problems, as well as for the organization group work based on knowledge of the processes of group dynamics and the principles of team formation,” which students should have after completing training in this area of ​​training.

In the text of one of the previous standards for training masters in management, leadership qualities were also directly mentioned: “The university must provide for the use innovative technologies training that develops teamwork, interpersonal communication, decision-making, and leadership skills.” The new standard does not contain a direct indication of the need for graduates to have leadership qualities, but the need for them inevitably appears when describing the graduate’s competencies and when revealing them through behavioral indicators.

Thus, the importance of having leadership qualities in a graduate manager is beyond doubt, but the question of what these qualities actually are, how to assess their presence and, most importantly, how to develop them, still remains open.

And here there are inevitably several problematic issues that should be paid attention to.

Firstly, the leadership competency at different levels of its manifestation can be closely related to other competencies, for example, such as “impact” and “influencing”, “achievement orientation”, “building relationships”.

Secondly, in different models“leadership” can be interpreted and described in various ways, which potentially creates difficulties in formalizing the definition and manifestations of leadership qualities and, as a consequence, their subsequent assessment.

For example, R. N. Azarova and N. M. Zolotareva, in their methodological recommendations for organizers of project work and university teaching staff, propose to break down this competence as follows. A leader “inspires people to get work done, delegates authority, coordinates the activities of colleagues/team members/subordinates, provides mentoring, thinks strategically and creatively, and sets clear goals.” As you can see, the leader in in this case supervises subordinates, but the ability to “inspire people to get the job done” is not formalized.

In order to conduct an interview for admission to a master's program high school Management of St. Petersburg State University1, the “leadership abilities” competency presupposes “the applicant’s ability to be a project leader, create and inspire a team.” leader trend motivation competence

Svetlana Ivanova in her article “Leadership competencies and their definition. Model of success in a specific organization", analyzing experience and typical mistakes companies in defining leadership, provides the following list of universal leadership competencies: “Willingness to take responsibility for the team, willingness to be responsible for the collective result, preference for the overall result over the personal one, positive attitude towards people, learning ability, desire to develop, ability and willingness to inspire, listen to others, willingness and ability to teach others, an expert or an excellent manager, the ability to organize others, one’s own point of view, willingness to make unpopular decisions, resistance to stress” and some others. As you can see, this list represents both areas of leadership activity and potentially necessary qualities.

Perhaps a formalization of what a leader should do and how a leader should behave, an attempt to identify and develop qualities and abilities that will help the future leader to effectively perform this role, may be warranted.

However, firstly, the possession of the same qualities, abilities and equal potential for their development does not always lead to the demonstration of the same behavior. And secondly, the same behavior does not always lead to the same result. The result itself can be achieved in different ways.

The development and implementation of a competency model usually takes more than one day, and then, if we are talking about a rapidly changing external environment, we must initially develop a model that would take into account not today’s, but tomorrow’s realities. Otherwise, today we can achieve the development of those competencies that were needed yesterday. And here the question arises again: how to do this? How then to create an actual model and what needs to be taken into account?

There are a number of existing trends in leadership development that are usually discussed in last years. First, due to rapid, complex and unpredictable changes in the external environment, the necessary leadership skills change. The ability to adapt comes to the fore modern leader What is needed is more flexible thinking and the ability to learn new things. Secondly, there is a shift in focus in the study of leadership. If previously the main question was to define what constitutes good leadership, now it is necessary to formulate a new idea of ​​​​how to prepare future leaders, what needs to be done to develop them.

Here are a few aspects that leadership researchers recommend paying attention to in this context of consideration.

The first of them is horizontal and vertical (cognitive) types of development. Previously, much attention was paid to the so-called “horizontal” development (development of competencies), and the stages of development were given much less importance. Researchers believe that in modern world the emphasis on developing competencies should gradually give way to creating opportunities and an environment for “vertical development”, which still has great potential. At the same time, the methods of “horizontal” and “vertical” development are different - “vertical development” is impossible by transferring knowledge from an expert, it can only be achieved by independent work.

The second aspect highlighted by the researchers is responsibility. Classic approaches to personnel development often creates the illusion that professional growth someone else is responsible - a teacher, boss or HR service. At the same time, people tend to develop faster when they feel independent responsibility for their progress.

The third aspect that researchers pay attention to is that the development of leadership competence in the classical model, as a rule, is of a purely individual nature. At the same time, leadership is no longer an individual role; the leader is no longer a lone figure whom people may want to follow. The paradigm is changing. Nowadays, leadership is increasingly associated with building connections and relationships between people that will lead to their joint development and prosperity. Leadership takes on the features of a collective process. For a leader, the ability to collaborate, to break down communication barriers between people, and network thinking is becoming increasingly important.

And finally, the fourth aspect is characterized by the fact that such changes will most likely inevitably require changes in programs and methods of leadership development, and forms of leader training. The question of how exactly remains open. But now we can assume that the full development of leaders within the framework of the usual lecture-seminar system with the prevailing use traditional methods and forms of education and a large number individual tasks little possible. It is necessary to create an open environment in which students will be able and motivated to realize their potential and learn to build effective interaction with each other.


1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 12, 2016 No. 7 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of training 03/38/02 Management (undergraduate level).”

2. Order No. 636 dated November 18, 2009 “On approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard of higher vocational education in the direction of training 080200 Management (qualification (degree) “master”).”

3. Lyle M. Spencer Jr. and Cyne M. Spencer. Competencies at work / Transl. from English - M: HIPPO, 2005. - 384 p.

4. Azarova R N., Zolotareva N. M. Development of a competency passport: Methodological recommendations for organizers of project work and university teaching teams. First ed. - M.: Research Center for Problems of the Quality of Training of Specialists, Coordination Council of Educational and Methodological Associations and Scientific and Methodological Councils of Higher Schools, 2010. - 52 p.



Annotation. This article is devoted to issues related to the role of leadership and training leaders in the modern world. It describes the characteristics of the concept of “leadership”, examines the connection between leadership and management, and presents existing trends in leadership development.

Key words: leadership, leadership qualities, leadership competencies, training of leaders, training of managers, training of management personnel.


Abstract. This article is devoted to the issues related to the role of leadership and leadership development. The article presents the characteristics of the leadership, considers the connection between leadership and management, provides current trends in leadership development.

Key words: leadership, leadership competencies, leadership development, management development.

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1 1 Thinking like entrepreneurs MODEL OF LEADERSHIP COMPETENCIES


3 1 CAREER LEVEL Specialist; Manager (line) 3 ACHIEVEMENT OF EXCELLENT RESULTS Purposeful and organized; does not waste time on non-priority tasks; shows persistence in achieving results; looks for ways to overcome barriers takes on complex tasks, requiring intense effort Involves other colleagues in his tasks, if necessary Consistently demonstrates high results Goes to results and helps others achieve results LEADERSHIP IN KNOWLEDGE, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Demonstrates a high interest in functional knowledge, skills, abilities Finds time to acquire new knowledge Has sufficient knowledge/skills/skills to perform their tasks at a high level Makes an effort to have the latest knowledge in their field Actively shares functional knowledge when necessary Maintains a balance between knowledge, skills, skills and corporate competencies Shows tolerance for those who has less functional knowledge/abilities/skills WORKING IN A TEAM Treats others with respect Can keep personal emotions and feelings in check while working Colleagues consider him to be a good team player Solve a problem with the direct participation of the colleagues involved Easily gains trust and support from colleagues Encourages others on interaction HIGH STANDARDS OF SERVICE Maintains a balance between bank procedures and respect for the client's time Demonstrates a desire to help clients Hears and responds to client requests Maintains self-control when interacting with difficult clients Consistently demonstrates the best service standards over time LEARNING ABILITY Discussing work, draws conclusions about successes and problems zones Understands the essence/causes of the problem Does not give up quickly, seeks better solutions Learns quickly in new complex situations Identifies cause-and-effect relationships in a large amount of information Open to new things Sees opportunities in new complex situations Searches for new optimal solutions Actively asks questions to learn

4 2 CAREER LEVEL Manager (line); Expert 4 PROACTIVITY IN TASK IMPLEMENTATION Takes time to understand the essence of a problem or task Uses a variety of sources to gather information Can see hidden, non-obvious problems in implementation Finds better, faster and effective ways performance of work Can reliably predict the consequences decision taken Takes the necessary risks to solve a problem PROCESS LEADERSHIP Develops schedules/effectively assigns tasks to others Takes the courage to make choices and say “no” when necessary Determines the duration and complexity of tasks with high accuracy Summarizes interim results, checks results with original goals Focuses others on priorities Can juggle multiple tasks BUILDING TRUSTED RELATIONSHIPS Treats direct reports, project team members, and co-workers with sincerity and respect Trusted Maintains confidentiality Accepts responsibility for actions; Admits to mistakes Fulfills its commitments ACTS AS A PERSONAL ADVISOR TO THE CLIENT Shows personal responsibility Resolves customer service issues quickly and without excuses Works for the long term by addressing customer problems Suggests solutions to the customer based on their needs Recommends more appropriate approaches, new ones and different from those requested by the client SELF-DEVELOPMENT Demonstrates high motivation and active work for self-development Develops and improves one’s strengths Works to compensate for areas of development and weaknesses Understands the different skills and approaches needed in different situations

5 3 CAREER LEVEL Manager (middle and senior); Chief Expert 5 TEAM PERFORMANCE Knows and understands the strategy of Alfa-Bank, key businesses and competitors Able to translate Alfa-Bank's strategy into an action plan for other employees Possesses key knowledge of how strategies and tactics work in the banking market Effectively manages human, organizational and financial resources Takes into account internal processes when implementing Alfa Bank's goals Demonstrates an entrepreneurial spirit and takes the necessary risks INVOLVING OTHERS Cascades information and tasks below and discusses their solution Does not make quick critical judgments about others Inspires senior managers, colleagues or their employees to get involved in tasks, projects and work and share responsibility for tasks Successfully uses delegation to accomplish tasks Recognizes the achievements of other people in the project team, function or among subordinates Uses different styles behavior towards different people of an EFFECTIVE TEAM Evaluates and recognizes performance based on key business achievements Values ​​diversity of experience and skills Open and accessible to employees of any level Ensures the retention of people in projects, functions and teams through the relationship of their own success and the success of Alfa-Bank Acts in as a mentor and develops others, recognizing their potential for development Can assess people, their strengths and areas of development with maximum accuracy, gives constructive and positive feedback Takes the initiative to engage the best people Sets developmental tasks for colleagues, employees in teams and his subordinates Able to balance between leading a team and participating in it MANAGING GROWTH IN CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Forecasts and responds to customer requests, delivers on promises and successfully resolves problems Develops and maintains an attitude towards employees and colleagues as internal to customers Creates and implements improvements in products and services based on customer feedback Develops its subordinates in the spirit of customer orientation Maintains a balance between the interests of the organization and the needs of the customer Improves the quality of relationships with customers on an ongoing, systematic basis Develops long-term relationships with the customer READINESS FOR CHANGE Quickly Accepts and cascades new ideas from manager to peers and employees Actively seeks feedback Understands the value of change and can communicate it to others Demonstrates flexibility in different situations Manages significant business changes when necessary

6 4 CAREER LEVEL Top manager; Top Expert 6 PERFORMANCE OF THE ORGANIZATION AS A WHOLE Creation of a unified system of KPIs, coordination and provision of goals in the SMART format at all levels of the organization Identifies early signals of problems in the implementation of tasks, listening to colleagues and subordinates in the organization Keeps abreast of key projects and activities of other functions and divisions Ensures effectiveness of cross-functional interaction, creating transparency in the organization and overcoming organizational barriers Integrates and correlates its projects with other departments Taking risks, does not jeopardize Alfa-Bank as a whole VISION OF THE FUTURE AND IMPLEMENTATION OF STRATEGY Develops a long-term business vision and development strategy for the Bank, analyzing the market and lessons from the past Preserves and develops what works effectively in the business and proposes improvements to processes that require it When creating a strategy, puts the interests of Alfa Bank above the interests of its division Keeps the entire organization focused on key business development priorities and sees the big picture Ensures understands the vision of the future within the organization, is able to communicate the strategy simply and clearly to each employee, ensuring acceptance Anticipates, analyzes and can deal with the possible consequences of the implementation of the strategy Can inspire functions and the organization as a whole of an EFFECTIVE ORGANIZATION Influences the creation of teams and partnerships that understand the strategy and are capable interact effectively Creates a team, complementing and strengthening oneself. Builds organizational structure and teams while maintaining a balance of effective organizational development of their strengths, as well as areas of employee development in the current team Creates effective plans for organizational and team development for three years ahead Creates and supports the activities of effective teams at the level of cross-functional interaction IMPLEMENTING CHANGES WITH A FOCUS ON THE CUSTOMER Puts prioritizing the implementation of changes related to improvements for the client Able to find and implement creative ideas of other people that bring profit to Alfa-Bank Creates an effective, working system that supports innovation with a focus on the client and their improvement INTELLECTUAL AND EMOTIONAL EXCELLENCE - VANIE Actively seeks opportunities for personal development Demonstrates a broad outlook Able to listen and hear, clarifying what is heard Actively seeks and uses role models who can help in development or problem solving Compensates for own areas of development with the help of the strengths of other people on the team Is normal in the discomfort zone and sees it as an opportunity for development Knows your strengths and recognizes your weaknesses

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“The most important quality of a leader is to be recognized as such” Andre Maurois

In personal coaching with executives, the topic of leadership often comes up. These include requests for the development of leadership competencies, the position of the manager in the company, the attitude of subordinates and colleagues towards him, and conflicts with informal leaders in the department. There are also many other topics that managers work on in coaching, relating them to leadership. Are there criteria that distinguish a leader in a company or indicate that a manager has leadership potential? I propose to consider this issue in today's column.

There are many characteristics in the literature that a leader should have. Let's look at some of them, namely charisma, communication skills, competence, focus, initiative, confidence, self-discipline.

1. Charisma

Charisma is charm, the ability to inspire and attract people, inner strength and energy. Energy is the most valuable resource of managers (and indeed of every person). All success is based on someone's high energy level. Therefore, a leader simply needs to be a source of energy for those around him.

1. Plan how you will stay fit?
2. Decide which habits you need to change, which ones to get rid of and how?
3. Think about what time of day is most suitable for a psychological reboot? What methods will help you personally with this?

2. Communication skills also distinguishes a successful leader and accounts for approximately a third of executive coaching requests. As strange as it may sound, most managers are not aware of how their communication skills affect their leadership.

Criteria communicative competence might be something like this:

  • ability to establish and maintain contact
  • oratory
  • presentation skills
  • ability to listen and hear
  • Feedback
  • focus on understanding the interlocutor’s problems

Tasks worth working on today:

1. Measure your current communication skills using the scaling method. To do this, rate the criteria proposed above on a 10-point scale

2. Select 1-2 most relevant (for example, those who received the lowest scores) and plan a set of developmental activities for the next few months.

Examples of developmental activities for the skill “Oratory skills:

  • improve your diction daily by doing articulatory gymnastics exercises
  • take public speaking training
  • identify at least 4 events per month where you can give a master class or report, etc.

3. Set control points for the entire period of skill development
4. Think about who or what will support (motivate) you on the way to achieving your goal
5. Start Implementing Your Action Plan Today

3. Competence

“The secret of a leader lies in the challenges with which

he encountered during his life, and habits of action,

which he developed while coping with these challenges"

Gail Sheehy

Business competence is practically the main parameter of successful relationships. No matter how good your other leadership characteristics are, you must have a certain level of qualifications. A leader's competence demonstrates whether he or she has the resources to meet the needs of the target audience. Such resources may be his knowledge, skills, and experience. Don't stop improving, constantly learning, gaining new experience, developing successful habits.

Tasks worth working on today:

1. Determine what you are most competent at? Are these competencies going to enable you to become a leader in your organization?
2. Are there competencies that, when developed, will help improve your leadership status?
3. What actions can be added to your “Individual Development Plan” for the coming year in order to increase the level of necessary competencies?

4. Focus

"Set a goal for yourself. Get such an education,
whatever you can, but then,
For God's sake, do something!"

Lee Iacocca

An effective leader is a person who demonstrates achievement of high results at by example. To become such a leader, you must constantly keep your goals in focus. Priorities and concentration are the main indicators of focus.

You need to learn to prioritize and solve truly important problems; this knowledge will lead to maximum results.

And yet, it is not enough to just know, you need to do. Concentrate as much as possible on what you can do best, and also remember to explore new areas. Eliminate ineffective strategies from your life, fight time wasters, freeing up resources for activities. And do the right thing at the most appropriate time.

Tasks worth working on today:

1. Analyze your today. Were all of your activities categorized as “Important/Urgent” and “Important/Non-Urgent”? Perhaps you wasted time on routine work, the results of which will not in any way affect the achievement of significant goals?
2. Plan tomorrow so that your time of maximum productivity is spent on the most important things.
3. Think about what functionality can be delegated? This will help you be more focused, and will give your subordinates the opportunity to develop their competencies

5. Initiative

Most people are constantly waiting for more suitable life circumstances and hoping for a chance that suddenly arises. Such tactics almost never lead to success, because no active steps are taken. A person who has leadership qualities, will not count on chance. Such people themselves create successful circumstances by taking initiative and taking advantage of all suitable opportunities.

Tasks worth working on today:

1. Test your own level of initiative. How often do you get active and step out of your comfort zone? If life has become a routine, perhaps you should increase your initiative and decide what you ultimately want?
2. Answer the question “What do I want?” for yourself. Write down your answers and re-read them periodically. This information is very valuable to you as it helps you align your goals with the opportunities that present themselves.

6. Self-confidence in the correctness of your actions
- here is another quality that distinguishes leaders. When high level a person charges others with confidence and conveys a feeling of security to other people. Confident people They do not limit themselves, their team, or the organization in anything. They are not afraid to surround themselves with successful people who are competent and know more than themselves. When a confident leader's subordinates achieve significant results, he perceives this as confirmation of his leadership skills.
If the “Confidence” criterion is lower than you would like, remember the saying “We are what we think of ourselves.” First you need to change your train of thought and negative perception of reality. And then work on increasing self-confidence.

Tasks worth working on today:

1. Try to study yourself as well as possible. To do this, create a table “Strengths/Weaknesses”
2. If the number of minuses is greater, think about what else you can add to the left column? Ask your acquaintances, friends and colleagues. It is necessary, at a minimum, to equalize both columns. But it’s better if the number of strengths prevails
3. Expand the table by adding the “Implement”/“Develop” columns. Describe in them how you will use your strengths and how to develop your weaknesses? Act based on the data in the table and your confidence will increase many times over!

7. Self-discipline

"No man can command another man,
if he doesn’t know how to command himself”

William Penn

Self-discipline is the ability to do what you set out to do no matter what. The ability to follow a set goal despite real and imaginary obstacles, laziness and momentary whims. Increasing the level of self-discipline is more of the proverbial “getting out of the comfort zone”, not hard work, but systematic training. And like training, building self-discipline can be an enjoyable process.

Tasks worth working on today:

1. Test your goals. Are they truly meaningful and desirable to you? Are they really yours or are they a reflection of other people's desires?
2. Analyze how you distribute your energy? Perhaps the lack of self-discipline is simply fatigue from an excess of unnecessary actions?
Or maybe it’s ineffective communication, the inability to say “no” or the struggle with “time sinks”?
3. Think about what or who will support you on the path to developing self-discipline? Who can you turn to for support if your confidence in your abilities weakens at any time? Maybe you should look for support among those who solve problems similar to yours?

All 22 techniques listed above relate to coaching in one way or another. The success of coaching technologies lies in action. Don’t put off what you have planned, take your first steps today after reading this article. Have a successful workout!

  • 1. Willingness to take responsibility for the team.
  • 2. Willingness to be responsible for the collective result even in case of failure.
  • 3. Preference for the general result over the personal one.
  • 4. Positive attitude towards people.
  • 5. Learning ability, desire to develop.
  • 6. Not afraid of strong subordinates.
  • 7. Ability and willingness to inspire.
  • 8. The ability to hear others.
  • 9. Willingness and ability to teach others.
  • 10. Expert or excellent manager.
  • 11. Ability to organize others.
  • 12. Own point of view.
  • 13. Willingness to make unpopular decisions.
  • 14. Stress resistance.
  • 15. Lack of desire to assert oneself at the expense of others.

Quite often, during trainings on potential management, certification and personnel management, I ask participants to independently formulate what competencies a leader needs. Usually, many of the requirements that we have just discussed are mentioned by participants, but at the same time they forget about one very important point. I'll try to demonstrate this with examples.

One of the accounting employees, being a good professional, completely unexpectedly showed herself to be a bright, charismatic leader during a training session that developed communication competencies and teamwork skills. This story was repeated at several more corporate events. As a result, she received an offer to become a section leader. Everything went well, but after a while problems began. She could have handled this role quite successfully, but her family was a priority, so she tried to minimize her efforts and not stay late at work. Unfortunately, the leadership position required much more effort and took much more time, including having to stay late after work... As a result, she returned to her old position with pleasure. Everything ended well, but in most cases, failed leaders are prevented from giving up a high post by ambition, and as a result, the company loses good employee, and he doesn’t make a leader.

In another case, a person himself refused the role of head of a division of a company operating in the telecommunications industry. A manager candidate with almost all of these competencies said, “I am well aware that as a manager I will have to devote all my time and energy to work, as a result I will stop growing as a professional, and I am not happy with that.”

You probably already guessed why I told these two stories. The components of success in any activity are CAN + WANT. We have already discussed the “maybe” topic; now it is important to determine what aspects related to a person’s motivation and priorities are required in order to consider him as a future leader.

The main thing is the readiness and desire to become a leader, the desire to lead people. It is very important to separate the motivation to make a career from the desire to receive substitutes (in particular, more income, more interesting tasks, status and much more, which in the eyes of many correlates with a high position). Quite often I came across people who talked about their desire for career growth. But in about half of the cases (and maybe more often), a person does not need career growth, not a leadership position, but substitutes. But there is another category of people who simply do not need career growth, but they are ashamed to admit it. They view giving up their career as the equivalent of admitting that they are not committed to development. Actually this is not true. But how can one determine whether a person needs a career, its substitutes, or whether he is simply ashamed to refuse the offered position? We will return to this issue when we talk about assessing leadership competencies.

In addition, do not forget that a person’s motivation, priorities and preferences can change over the years, so you should not give up on a person if he “can, but does not want” at the moment. You need to return to assessing his motivator map after some time, for example after six months or a year, but only if he has made any significant changes in his life or work.

The first condition of motivation: a person must be determined to manage people and really become a leader. It is very important to ensure that the leadership candidate has a correct understanding of the role and responsibilities of a leader. Often, when analyzing the possibility of promoting employees to leadership positions and interviewing outside candidates who were looking for a higher position, I met people who really aspired to career growth specifically how to manage people, but in fact they misrepresented the balance of pros and cons of this new job. As you probably guess, most saw the advantages, not realizing what disadvantages and pitfalls await them in the new place. It is clear that we see what we want to see, besides, existing stereotypes like “Career is a criterion” also play a role. successful person“If you haven’t made a career, it means you’re worthless” and the like. When analyzing the feasibility of promoting a particular employee, it is very important to make sure that he correctly understands what awaits him and really wants it. If his ideas are erroneous, then it is worth correcting them and giving the person more complete or accurate information.

The second condition: the candidate is a bearer of corporate values, or at least his beliefs do not conflict with them. We will consider this issue more specifically when we talk about the specifics of the model of leadership competencies in relation to a specific organization.


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