Companies operating abroad.  White list of companies dealing with labor emigration of Ukrainians

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Every person strives to learn something new. Some listen to stories about the adventures of others, others pack their things and go to a new unknown life at their own peril and risk. And everyone knows, “he who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne”! Humanity is progressing through the use of its skills and knowledge in different areas of the economy, on different territories. You cannot be fully realized while sitting in one place, especially if this place has no prospects. Therefore, many Ukrainian citizens leave for Europe, some just to relax, and others in search of new job. However, the latter contingent predominates. Most of our compatriots are interested precisely in earning money rather than in foreign vacations, for which our citizens do not have the means. The shortage of jobs forces our compatriots to leave their homes in search of funds to support their families.

Work for Ukrainians in Europe provides an opportunity to earn decent money, provide for your family, realize yourself professionally, improve your qualifications, and all this together with official employment in Europe. Before deciding to take such a bold step, you need to get full information about the job you are applying for. Find out everything about the country you are going to go to, take into account all the nuances of staying in this country, the terms of work contracts, visas. Ideal option, will be a trip abroad, to an already defined vacancy for which the employer is already ready to accept you. In this article we will look at what work for Ukrainians, what is called “shine” for our citizens in Europe.

How to quickly find your job abroad? You can spend hours gleaning information from various job sites, but nowhere will you find a guarantee of official employment. It is better to provide your resume to the company that is looking for jobs for its applicants. You should take writing your resume very seriously and correctly describe all your professional qualities. To find a decently paid job, you need to know a foreign language, or preferably two. Work for Ukrainians Without knowledge of the language, it will not bring great material expectations.

By contacting such an employment company, you will receive information about vacancies for Ukrainians, be confirmed by a guarantee that your employment abroad will be only official, receive full list everyone necessary documents and you can prepare them in advance. If you process information on your own, wandering around all the Internet sites, of course, you will be convinced that vacancies for Ukrainians, are offered in sufficient quantities for our citizens, but all of them are either low-paid or have hidden unpleasant nuances, regarding working conditions and living abroad. Most often, offered vacancies for Ukrainians, are illegal, which threatens best case scenario, deportation from the country.

The most guaranteed way to move to live in another country is to do volunteer work in the country where you are supposed to live. Volunteers are needed in all countries, but are not valued. Work abroad, in this type of activity does not imply payment. You will work for free, but you will get a lot of practice in learning the language, and you will make a lot of acquaintances and friends. The listed advantages of volunteering will subsequently help you acquire a stable, official, well-paid job. Don't forget to get Good work abroad, you must pass a test of knowledge of the language of the country in which you are going to work, only then will you be given permission to carry out work activity. It should be noted that volunteering in Europe can last a sufficient period of time during which you can adapt to one or another country, and besides, living abroad as a volunteer is not expensive.

The next option for employment abroad is to work in a family, as a housekeeper, nanny for children, or a caregiver for the elderly. Work abroad in this capacity, it may be a starting period for you, you should not be upset, you should be patient and in the future find more for yourself a good place. Working in a family, you get a lot of practice in knowing the language, often free housing in the same family.

The next option is to work abroad. Remember our parents, during their holidays they went “to the apples”? Every self-respecting Soviet engineer, having a higher technical education, sacrificed his vacation in order to earn money in a month for a furniture set, a refrigerator, and a tape recorder. Those who were especially lucky were able to make money this way, even on a Zhiguli. Today, there is a similar option for earning money; a European employer offers seasonal work abroad, which is related to harvesting. Work abroad seasonal , coincides with the calendar period for harvesting a particular agricultural crop. People who do not have special professional skills, or simply those who decided to quickly earn extra money in a short period of time, go to this type of income. Please be warned that work abroad for harvesting vegetables and fruits, as a rule, not official and upon receipt wages, you risk being deceived. But if you still decide to take a risk, you have a chance to earn money, live in another country, practice studying foreign language.

Work in Europe
It’s always there, you just have to look for it. Currently a large number of people have found work abroad and are successfully working there. More people doubt their capabilities, are afraid of being deceived, and are afraid of leaving their place of residence. The costs of moving, paperwork, and foreign passports are an unaffordable amount for many. Let's look at this issue.

Work for Ukrainians in Europe implies a wide range of activities, because there are a huge number of industrial enterprises and of course there is ample availability of vacancies for men and women. You can get a job as a laborer, picker, packer, and this does not require special skills; they will teach you everything on the spot. If you don’t disdain dirty work, you can find a place at a meat processing plant, a fish factory, a poultry factory, or a farm, where the wages will be higher. You can also get a job in public catering as an assistant cook or seamstress. But in in this case However, you still need to have seamstress skills or at least a little experience working in a catering establishment. For people without special education, this is not the worst option; they won’t earn any more money in their home country anyway, plus language practice, a period for adaptation. And don’t forget, if you wish, unskilled, low-paid labor can be replaced in the future by best options. Start by improving your foreign language skills.

For men vacancies in Europe have the same wide range of activities. There are many vacancies on construction sites; welders, plumbers, carpenters, installers, and builders of various specialties are also required everywhere. To work in such places you must have work experience.

If you have an international driver's license, you definitely have a chance to find work abroad. In Europe, drivers of regular buses and trolleybuses are always required; you can also work on trucks or forklifts in warehouses and loading platforms. The specialty of an auto mechanic is valued everywhere, both in Ukraine and abroad. A good auto mechanic with work experience has the opportunity to earn more money abroad. A good specialist will always find a job at the station Maintenance and will not be lost in any country.

Remember, no matter what foreign employers promise you, do not succumb to offers of illegal labor. No salary or other possible benefits of living abroad will compensate for the lack of guaranteed wage payments. You shouldn’t risk your efforts, time, and moving costs in order to end up being deceived. In this case, you will be able to go to court and exercise your rights.

For Russians, working abroad without knowing the language

It is difficult to find work abroad for Russians without knowledge of the language. For example, construction vacancies are filled instantly by guest workers from Asia and Africa. The language barrier is a serious obstacle to career growth, even in low-paid positions. Russians work abroad and earn decent money on shifts as installers, plumbers, and welders. Here the main criterion is experience, and knowledge of the language fades into the background. Moreover, with the rotation method, specialists are selected based on nationality and Slavic brigades are staffed.

  1. Jobs without language knowledge

  • A team of qualified masons of 5 people is required in Hungary. Work on a rotational basis for 6 months, full provision of accommodation and food. A room for five people with shower and toilet. Delivery to the construction site by corporate transport. The salary is piecework, depending on the quantity and quality of the masonry, but not less than 600 euros per month in cash. Flexitime, two days off. At the end of the shift, vacation pay is paid.
  • A cook is required for a Russian-speaking family, work abroad, in England, the city of Bristol. Vacation home, accommodation in guest house, own room with toilet and shower, there is a bidet. Cooking for 5 people, ability to cook borscht, cabbage soup, rassolnik, pancakes and other dishes of Russian cuisine. Cooking lunch for 8-10 people once a week. Salaries are paid weekly at £40 per day.
  • Required heavy vehicle driver with international license to travel around Eastern Europe and occasionally to Russia. Age - no older than 50 years, work experience of at least 3 years. Knowledge of European languages ​​at the initial level is welcome and is paid as an additional bonus. Subscribes labor contract, all terms and conditions of employment are stipulated. A basic salary of 800 euros is paid plus a monthly 50% accident-free bonus. Accommodation is provided in a departmental hotel, a room for 2 people with all amenities.
  • Fresh vacancies for Russians abroad

    • Product sorters and packers are required for a yoghurt dairy factory in Southern Spain. Work in shifts, 8 hours with an hour break for lunch. The worker is provided with special clothing and clean linen when starting a shift. Young people from 18 to 30 years old are accepted; knowledge of the language is not required. The newly hired person undergoes a one-week internship with benefits, and then starts working. Salaries are paid 2 times a month. The total amount given to the employee must not be less than 850 euros.
    • Working as a maid in France. A girl between 20 and 35 years old is invited to fill the position of a maid. Responsibilities include cleaning rooms and washing linen. Communication only in Russian, for development colloquial speech younger family members. The house is located in the suburbs of Marseille; a double room is available for accommodation in the service annex to the house. It has its own kitchen, toilet and bath. The salary is paid weekly in the amount of 300 euros, which is about 1200 euros per month. Free food and specials. cloth.
    • Autobahn repairs in Germany require a variety of qualified personnel for the repair and laying of highways. Shift work, mostly at night. Basic knowledge required German language. It can be obtained by completing a 2-week accelerated training course. The salary of a simple worker is 1,000 euros; specialists who know how to operate road equipment receive from 2,000 euros. Everyone employed at road works are provided with free housing and hot meals. Shift method of recruitment, minimum period 2 months, maximum - 6 months.
  • Work abroad from a direct employer

    • Estonia: janitor-cleaner without qualifications and without work experience. Salary from 5 euros per hour. Men and women are accepted. Email your resume [email protected]
    • Portugal: loom operator. Salary from 600 euros. Employer email: [email protected]
    • Czech Republic: operator for the production of plastic molding. Salary from 900 euros. HR department mailbox [email protected]
    • Poland: operator of a plastic processing machine. Salary up to 4000 zlotys. Contact Email: [email protected]
    • Slovenia: joiner-carpenter at permanent job with a minimum salary of 825 euros. Contacting your employer by mail [email protected]
    • Slovenia: master hairdresser with experience in haircuts and hairstyles. Salary is negotiable. Send your resume by email [email protected]
    • Malta: nanny for children over 3 years old, preferably with experience. Salary 170 euros per week. Email for sending your resume: [email protected]
    • Cyprus: massage therapist with experience and knowledge in English. Salary from 900 euros per month. Email for sending your resume: [email protected]
    • Iceland: care for the elderly and assistance with everyday problems. Experience is desirable. Mail: [email protected]
    • Romania: construction workers demolishing and dismantling buildings. Payment is piecework. Write by email: [email protected].
  • Reviews about working in Poland

    • Lydia: I’ll share my experience of working in Poland. It is not suitable for everyone - only girls and women who know how to sew on industrial sewing machines. I have long wanted to go to work abroad, but two reasons stopped me. The first was the fear of remaining in a foreign country without protection, money and a passport. And the second is ignorance of a foreign language. Which of us fifty-year-olds studied at least English in full at school and university? Only a few, because then it was not relevant. Therefore, when I saw an advertisement in the newspaper about hiring women in a garment factory, I called and made an appointment for a consultation. There were 9 people in our group, and 7 of us signed a contract of employment after consultation. Because we were shown certificates and the registration number of the agency, shown the website and its pages on social networks, photos of the factory and dorm rooms. The contract was concluded for 6 months. Everything was organized clearly - transportation, accommodation in a hostel, familiarization with the workplace in the workshop. The first month was difficult - strangers, monotonous work on simple sewing operations, inability to communicate in transport and in stores. But then I learned new words and phrases - life forced me. So finding a job abroad without knowing the language is possible. But only through official representatives.
    • Igor: Last year I decided to leave my comfort zone and went abroad to earn money in Poland. Without knowing the language, it is very difficult to find a job, and it is very difficult to survive alone. A friend of mine who lives in Krakow gave me the address of an office that recruits Russian-speaking workers. They offered hard work, the kind that in Russia is performed by guest workers from Central Asia. I worked as a laborer, concrete worker, and slinger for about 10 months, but I couldn’t do it anymore. Gradually I learned the basics of Polish and got a job at McDonald's. He worked as a waiter, cleaner and loader. It was difficult, but gradually I got the hang of it and began to speak Polish fluently. Now I work as a taxi driver, the earnings are not great, because the car is rented, but there is a prospect of earning decent money here.
    • Olga: I came to Poland on vacation, but circumstances were such that I had to stay and look for work without knowing the language. I started by translating my resume into Polish and sending it out to job advertisements - mostly cleaning and washing dishes in restaurants. In one of the restaurants, they understood my situation and took me to wash dishes. They paid me 8 zlotys per hour (standard pay for such work at that time) with free lunch. Apart from me, there were no other foreigners in the team, so quite quickly I was able to start speaking Polish and new opportunities arose to find a better-paid job.

    Feedback about working in Israel

    Sergey: I myself live in Smolensk, I’m a welder by profession, here I earned pennies from us, and I decided to go to Israel to work as a welder as well. On the Internet, through a recruitment agency, they found me construction company with a team consisting of CIS citizens. The owner there is a Jew who left during the Soviet era.
    There were fears that they would be deceived - they were Jews after all, but there was no need to worry. The salary is excellent, it can’t be compared with ours, I received about 2200 per month, if converted into dollars. Standardized days, salaries were paid on time, all safety standards were observed.
    In Israel, everyone speaks Hebrew, and there are also many people who speak English. When you go out into the city, there are no big difficulties in communication. To buy something in a store or at the market, you explain yourself using gestures. There was a funny incident when a friend and I, using facial expressions and gestures, showed an electronics seller that we needed wireless headphones. He tells us so calmly: “Guys, why are you puffing yourself up, say what you need.”

    Feedback about working in London

    Alexey: I had experience working abroad, or rather in London. We were sent to practice by the university. I stayed there exactly one month, made good money, we were paid 30 pounds a day. But the problem was different, I didn’t know English well, but I could read and write, but unfortunately I couldn’t speak. I found myself in such a ridiculous situation in a store, they asked me what to serve, but I was confused and didn’t even know what to answer. He said the first thing that came to mind, took his water and walked away. Learn English! This may be useful to you.

    Feedback about working in Austria

    Anna: They offered me a job in Austria as a sales manager, I doubted it for a long time. The problem was poor knowledge of the language. Still, I decided to take a risk, I signed a contract for 3 months, so that during this time I could understand whether it was mine or not, if I liked it, I would extend it. After the first month of work, I understood. that I was not mistaken. Housing, working conditions, employer relations, everything is excellent!
    For those who do not know the language, a mentor was provided to help them adapt and learn the language. In a month I earned 1,760 euros, which is great by our Russian standards. Fortunately, my contract was extended and they hinted at an increase in salary after 6 months of experience.

    How to get help

    If you want help from businessmen, famous people or charitable foundations write your request. We will send your letter to 39 addresses. The cost of the donation is 45 rubles.

    How to post your resume for foreign employers

    If you would like to post your resume on different languages To get a job abroad, donate 50 rubles. And submit your application. We will translate it and publish it on the website.

    For translation into 5 languages ​​- 150 rubles, for 4 languages ​​- 120, for 3 - 100 rubles, for 2 - 80 rubles, for 1 - 50 rubles.

    Irina Davydova

    Reading time: 7 minutes

    A A

    According to statistics, Russians most often go to Germany and Spain, Israel and Italy, the Czech Republic, Greece and the USA in search of work. There are also those who want to work in New Zealand and Australia. Those who come not on a work visa, but “at random”, in Russian, have a difficult time - unskilled labor is not paid so highly. But qualified specialists don’t eat honey with spoons either—most professions require recertification.

    Who can get a job abroad, and what kind of salaries attract Russians?


    They remain in high demand in many countries. These include: Austria and Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Canada, Finland, Hong Kong and Germany, Ireland, India, Hungary, New Zealand and Norway, Slovenia, Singapore and Slovakia.

    average salary — 44000-57000 $/year.

    • For example, in Australia, nurses are needed in surgical and psychiatric departments. The higher the knowledge of the language, the richer the experience, the greater the chances of employment.
    • The UK is no less interested in these workers, where this profession is classified as “prestigious” and is paid very well.
    • In the USA (especially in resort states), nurses are paid about $69,000/year. In Sweden - 600-2000 euros/month (depending on the availability of a certificate).
    • In Denmark - from 20,000 kroons (about 200,000 rubles / month).
    • Well, in Austria, health workers are honored and respected everywhere. Many people dream of enrolling in medical school precisely because of the high salaries.


    In these specialists ( different directions) need almost all countries of the world .

    From all industries The most actively recruited workers are in the automotive industry, the oil and gas industry, and the aerospace industry.

    For example, the Austrian list of vacancies for mechanics, technicians and other engineers includes 23 specialties, including even specialists in cooling and heating systems. And thanks new system employment, potential job chances foreign workers have grown significantly.

    Regarding salary , her the average size- about 43,000 $/year.

    • The salary of an engineer in Germany is about 4,000 euros/month, and after 6-7 years of work it is already 5,000-6,000 euros.
    • You can also try your luck in the USA, Slovenia, and the Emirates.

    Preference in different countries the world, of course, are given to people with experience, education, knowledge modern systems, equipment and PC, as well as subject to fluency in at least English. Knowledge of the country's language will be a key advantage.

    Highly specialized specialists with more than 2 years of experience and a 2nd higher education diploma are invariably in special demand.


    In most countries of the world, you will have to confirm the diploma you received, undergo testing and recertification. And in the USA or Canada you will also have to work in a residency for 2-7 years (note - like our residency). But then you can live comfortably and enjoy your salary.

    In the countries described above it is from 250,000 to 1 million $/year.

    In Germany, a doctor can count on $63,000/year, and in New Zealand, anesthesiologists, surgeons, psychologists and physiotherapists are very welcome, who are paid from $59,000/year. In Finland, dentists and maxillofacial surgeons are needed, but in Denmark there is such a shortage of doctors that they will even help with the legalization of a foreign diploma.

    IT and computer technology

    Nowadays, these specialists are needed almost everywhere. From system engineers and analysts to database administrators, programmers and website developers themselves.

    In principle, these specialists earn good money in Russia, but if you want more, then pay attention, for example, to the vacancies offered for computer security specialists. They really receive fantastic salaries (more than $100,000/year) and are required in all developed countries.

    However, do not forget about taxes. In particular, in the USA, 40% will be deducted from your salary, and in Europe - about 30% with an income of $55,000/year.

    Of course, being just a “cool hacker” is not enough. English should bounce off your teeth. That is, you have to practically think on it.


    Well, of course, there is an eternal shortage of specialists in this area. True, this is due to their career growth, and not with the lack of teachers.

    How much pay? In European countries (Germany, England, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands) a teacher’s salary is 2500-3500 euros/month, in Luxembourg – more than 5000 euros/month.

    A teacher in France, Finland, Italy and Slovenia, Portugal and Norway will receive up to 2500 euros/month. And in Estonia, the Czech Republic or Poland it’s even less - about 750 euros.

    To work abroad, you cannot do without an international certificate (note - EFL, TEFL, ESL, TESL and TESOL), with which you will get a job anywhere.

    And don’t forget about Asia (Korea, Japan, etc.)! Teachers there are paid very well.


    Foreigners are most often hired for this “specialty” in Turkey and Egypt, Spain/Italy and Tunisia.

    The work is hard (even at a resort), very exhausting, and a bad mood is prohibited and unacceptable.

    Speak English you are obliged to perfection. And if you also know German, French and Italian, then you won’t be priced out.

    Salary… small. But stable. About 800 euros/month. For an animator with experience - 2200 euros/month.

    By the way, Russian animators at the most famous resorts are preferred for their ingenuity, mobility, and talent - to ignite the audience and involve them in the game.

    Truck drivers

    Nothing is impossible for this profession.

    Our tough Russian truck driver can easily find a job in almost any European country, if he has a category “E” license, speaks perfect spoken English and has completed the required 2-month internship.

    How much money? A truck driver earns $1300-2000/month.


    One of the most popular and sought-after professions in many countries.

    In Russia there are a bunch of lawyers and a cart, but there is nowhere to work. And in some countries, a qualified lawyer - even during the day, as they say...

    For example, in Italy these are the richest people in the country. The most in demand there are car lawyers, notaries (with an income of more than 90,000 euros/year), and divorce specialists. So, if you are a lawyer, have studied the language and laws of Italy, and are hungry for the sea and a big salary, it’s time for you to go south.


    Always a popular profession. And everywhere.

    In Germany, for example, (if you speak German) tilers and installers, masons and interior decorators are required.

    Salary: from 2500 euros - for specialists, 7-10 euros / hour - for auxiliary workers and unskilled personnel.

    • In Finland they pay well only large companies, regularly increasing your earnings - you can earn about $3,000 in a month.
    • In Poland you will find work with difficulty (strong competition) and for 2-3 euros/hour.
    • In Sweden you can earn about 2700 euros/month, and in Norway - 3000.


    They are expected in the following countries: Australia, Canada and Finland, New Zealand, Ireland and India, Slovenia, Singapore, Norway, Sweden.

    The shortage of pharmacists is now acute almost all over the world - both in large reputable companies and in small pharmacies.

    Salary can reach $95,000/year.


    The demand for this profession is also great all over the world. And even in Russia. True, we pay much less.

    In Ireland, there are few vacancies and many restrictions (approx. age 18-36 years, English/language, etc.), and the salary is about $250/week.

    In the USA, a nanny earns about $350/week from the age of 21, and perfect English is not required, because most often our nannies work for immigrants from Russia or the former USSR.

    In an English-speaking family, you can (if you know the language and have a driving license) earn up to $500/week.

    • A nanny's salary in Israel is no more than $170/week.
    • In Spain/Italy - about $120 (35-50 years).
    • In Cyprus - no more than $70/week.
    • In Greece - about $100.
    • In Portugal - no more than $200/week, but for two people with a husband (they hire married couples).


    Experienced specialists are needed everywhere in the banking industry. And, if you can boast of a specialized diploma and excellent knowledge of the language, then you are welcome in all developed countries of Europe - to assess risks, to make forecasts, to analyze company data, etc.

    Regarding salary , you will have an income of 3,000 euros/month (on average).

    It is better to start conquering foreign economic Olympus from Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

    And in Ireland you can get a job as an accountant even if you do not know international accounting standards.


    To find this vacancy, you don’t even need to go for an interview - it will take place over the phone.

    Another thing is the license. Sometimes to get it you have to fly to exams (note - in English!) in another country.

    In the absence of proper experience, crewing companies usually offer contracts that are substantial in terms of time - up to 9-10 months. Moreover, a foreigner does not have to count on a permanent contract - only a temporary one.

    Maximum salary , for example, old mechanic - $500/day (with a successful combination of circumstances and a long contract), but most often average earnings our seaman abroad is about 1600-4000 $/month depending on qualifications.

    Most often, “our brother” can be found in Norway, where Russian specialists are valued.

    On a note: Reputable companies do not advertise vacancies on the Internet. As a last resort - on personal websites.

    Unskilled labor

    Work on farms.

    This “hack job” abroad is in (not very high, by the way) demand among our students, who want to see the world and earn money for a new iPhone.

    As a rule, this job involves picking vegetables, berries or flowers somewhere in Sweden, England, Denmark or Poland for $600-1000/month. True, you will have to work 10-12 hours a day with one day off.

    And without knowing English, they won’t even hire you to dig up potatoes.

    And in Denmark you can get a job as a laborer on a farm for 3,500 euros/month.

    Home assistant

    In other words, a servant.

    The easiest way to get a job in this very dusty job is in the USA, England, Germany and Canada. Food and accommodation are paid for, of course, by the employer.

    You will be given a day off once a week (and not always), and your income depends on many factors (location, knowledge of language, country, etc.), on average - from 700 to 2500 $/month.

    And most importantly, note:

    Whatever your reasons for going abroad to work, pack your bags only after concluding a contract or on a work visa. Private invitations can result in a lack of salary, and sometimes even more serious consequences.

    If you liked our article and have any thoughts on this matter, please share with us. It is very important for us to know your opinion!

    It is not known what 2017 will bring us. Our realities are such that in the CIS it is becoming more and more difficult to ensure one’s own livelihood and happiness for one’s family. The immigration crisis due to the war in Syria is making it difficult for us to find work abroad. But working abroad in the EU and USA is for different types working qualifications exist and are still in demand. You will have an advantage over illegal immigrants. which blocked France and Germany in that. that you are a specialist and you are legally crossing the border to look for work. Of course, unless you already have a job offer in hand.


    We spent months searching for you useful information and interviewed people who have practical experience for employment abroad in different countries for different positions. By reading our section you will gain inspiration and confidence to take action. You will have a clear picture of how to find a job as a specialist abroad. Of course, we will help with informational articles for unqualified people. If this announcement is read by an employee of an employment agency abroad, then you can send us your proposal for cooperation to the specified contacts on our website.

    Working abroad is the dream and goal of many Russians. The level of wages in developed countries is much higher than in the Russian Federation. Russians of different types can find employment age groups regardless of gender, existing professional skills and education. You can also work without knowing the local language.

    Many people are interested in the question: how to find work abroad? To do this you need:

    1. Determine your professional skills and financial capabilities.
    2. Select the appropriate country.
    3. View the list of in-demand vacancies that offer foreign companies, and choose the most suitable profession.
    4. Find an employer.
    5. Prepare documents for entry into the country and permits for employment.

    What specialties are in demand?

    When searching suitable vacancy It should be remembered that you can work abroad both in a highly qualified profession and in a specialty that does not require training.

    If we talk about unskilled labor, then service sector workers are most in demand here. If we are talking about vacancies for men, then it is worth noting that since 2015, the greatest demand has been for drivers, builders, electricians and workers in the agricultural sector (usually such work is designed for a season).

    It is important to remember that employment abroad is only possible for adult applicants. For students of Russian universities, there are special internship exchange programs in America and Europe at enterprises in their specialty.

    Russian specialists with work experience will also get jobs. The most in demand among highly qualified personnel around the world are doctors and IT specialists.


    Working abroad pays differently. The amount of wages depends directly on the professional skills and demand for specialists. Typically, unskilled labor is paid quite low - from 300 to 1000 dollars per month, the work of internship students - from 600 to 1500, highly qualified (doctors, programmers, engineers) - from 3000.

    Is language necessary?

    Working abroad is possible even without knowing the language. Typically, such vacancies are available in the service sector. However, the size of wages depends on this factor. Typically, employers consider applicants with knowledge of English or a local language at a conversational level. Knowing several languages ​​increases your chances of getting the job you want.

    Where to look

    Jobs abroad can be found in several ways. First of all, you can look for work through your friends, acquaintances, and relatives living abroad. They will help you deal with all the formalities of employment.

    Searching for work abroad is also possible through specialized recruitment agencies. However, there are a number of disadvantages:

    1. The agency charges a fee.
    2. The agency offers a limited list of vacancies.
    3. Perhaps working conditions will not meet expectations.
    4. It is necessary to obtain additional medical insurance.

    In addition, you can search on your own. To do this, you need to place advertisements “looking for work abroad” on specialized forums and websites. You can also look at the advertisements “vacancies 2019 for Russians”. Employers will probably respond to them. But the main disadvantage will be the duration of the search. In addition, they are looking for similar profiles and intermediaries, who will subsequently demand payment for their services.

    What does it take to leave

    How to go to work abroad? To do this, you must first familiarize yourself with the requirements labor legislation and entry rules in the country you are interested in. In general, entry will require a work permit and the appropriate type of visa.

    What visa can I work on?

    If you have decided where to go to earn money, you can safely apply for an entry visa. As a rule, a work visa is required to work. If we are talking about students who plan to do an internship at one of the foreign enterprises, then employment on a study visa is possible.

    Work permit

    Working abroad in most cases is impossible without obtaining a work permit. As a rule, this document is drawn up by the employer. The need to obtain it in advance can be clarified at the diplomatic mission of a foreign state.

    Seasonal work

    Russians can go abroad for seasonal agricultural work. Such vacancies are quite in demand among our compatriots, regardless of gender and age. They are usually available in summer.

    Farms offer work for 3-4 months, but this type of work is the simplest and highest paid. In a few months you can get up to several thousand dollars. In this regard, many married couples leave for harvesting.

    Workers usually work in several jobs at once farms. In addition to harvesters, loaders, mechanics, carpenters, and sorters are needed. At the same time, special professional training is not needed, but you can live on the employer’s premises.

    Scam Alert

    There is always work abroad for Russians. But do not forget about scammers who impose their intermediary services and do not fulfill their promises. When interacting with such organizations, care and caution are required. Fraudsters have long developed and are using a number of proven deception schemes. Below are the cases when it is necessary to refuse the services of a supposed recruitment agency:

    1. The promise of a high salary without knowledge of the language or other professional skills in exchange for a substantial amount of money.
    2. The organization has specified in the contract the provision of consulting services to you without searching for a job.
    3. The company does not issue a work visa, but promises to provide it upon arrival in the country.
    4. The agency promises to issue a work visa without the participation of the applicant.
    5. After receiving money from you, the company was liquidated.

    IN last years Russians no longer think about where to go to work in Russia. They are more attracted to working abroad. You can find your dream job, but it requires a lot of effort and persistence. It is also important to comply with all the formalities of the labor legislation of the country to which you plan to leave.


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