Confucius the founder. ​Confucius - genius, great thinker and philosopher of Ancient China

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Chinese culture attracts many with its mystery and originality. A huge eastern power, for a long time Developing in isolation from other countries of the world, it attracts with its unpredictability and ability to preserve cultural values ​​and maintain traditions.

One of the main achievements of Chinese spiritual culture can rightfully be considered the philosophical and religious teaching - Confucianism.

The founder and founder of this teaching is a Chinese scientist of the fifth century BC. Kung Fung Tzu. His name is literally translated from Chinese language as “wise teacher Kun”, and in European transcription it sounds like Confucius. It was under this name that the sage went down in history, basing his philosophy on the ethical and moral principles of behavior that have not lost their relevance to this day.

The basis of the doctrine was the relationship between people and the state, between people belonging to different strata of society and between all citizens of the country as a whole.

The philosophy of Confucius cannot be considered a religion in the strict sense of the word, although it was adopted during the life of the sage and became the state religion. In fact, it should be considered as an incentive to actions that normalize relations within the state, relations between the ruling forces and the people. This is a special worldview that allows you to harmonize your vision of nature, man, and society.

The Life of the Great Sage Confucius

The 6th-5th centuries BC were a difficult time for the Chinese Empire: it was a period of civil strife and brutal struggle for power. The feudal lords, in their desire to seize lands and strengthen their power and influence, did not pay attention to needs and sorrows ordinary people. The peasants became poor and went bankrupt. The future scientist Kung Fu Tzu was born into a noble family that lost all its wealth, became an orphan early on, and had no means of living. He lived very modestly, so he knew first-hand about the difficulties of life of poor people, so in his early sermons he tried to open his eyes to the injustice of what was happening around him.

At a young age, he was lucky; fate gave him a chance to get to the state of Zhou, where he was hired to work in an old book depository, where he met a scientist, the founder of the doctrine. Of course, no one in our time knows about the essence of their conversations, but they clearly contributed to the formation of a scientist and philosopher. Upon returning to his hometown of Chufu, Confucius founded his own school. An interesting fact is that almost all of his students became prominent political figures.

What is the basis of relationships between people?

There is an ancient parable about Confucius and his disciples. One day, the most inquisitive student asked a wise teacher, is there such a concept, based on which you can live your whole life without coming into conflict with others?

The sage did not think for long, he immediately answered: “Yes, such a concept exists. This is Leniency. No matter how high you stand, be more lenient towards those around you, no matter how low you fall, especially be lenient towards those who are now laughing and disgracing you. Understand that all people equally have both noble and base qualities, and in order not to be disappointed in others, we must be lenient towards their weaknesses.”

The wisdom of the book "Lun Yu"

The book written by Confucius contains all his sayings and teachings. It cannot be said that he himself collected and kept his teachings; no, they were collected bit by bit by his students and, after the death of the scientist, they were placed in a collection. But in this collection you can find answers to all questions regarding government and the rules of behavior of any person in society.

Exactly life path the sage himself became the basis and model for each subsequent young generation. Based on his vision of the gradual formation of an independent person, more than one noble man adjusted his life.

  • 15 years – desire for learning and education,
  • 30 years – acquisition of independence,
  • 40 years - acquiring strong beliefs, developing a worldview,
  • 50 years - awareness of yourself as a human and understanding of what goals Heaven sets for you,
  • 60 years - you acquire the ability to read in the hearts and minds of people, no one can deceive you,
  • 70 years – understanding the harmony of the Universe, following the Rituals sent by Heaven.

The teachings of the great Confucius are still a model for the behavior of citizens of the Republic of China.

Ethical principles of Confucianism

The doctrine is based on the rules of behavior of every person and citizen of a great power. Confucius understood that the very first task facing the reformer was the education of man. That is, in first place in becoming strong state the human factor comes out.

The most difficult thing in this was to force people to act as they should, since every person is lazy by nature, and even realizing that he lives and acts incorrectly, does not want to re-educate himself. In addition, it is difficult to change already established views and look at the world differently.

In the matter of re-educating his compatriots, the great philosopher relied on the sack of his ancestors. In China, the cult of ancestors was preserved for a very long time, and in every family one could find an altar on which incense was smoked and in difficult moments they turned to the help of ancestors, wise and understanding of everything. Those who died long ago were role models, a kind of standard correct behavior Therefore, Confucius turned to the original national religion in the formation of a new citizen.

Briefly about the basic principles of Confucian teachings

The fundamental principles of Confucius' philosophy are: love for one's neighbor, humanism and noble thinking, based on the internal and external culture of a person.

What does the concept of philanthropy according to Confucius include? This is the ability to behave with dignity in any circumstances, the ability to manage people, mercy and respect for all people without exception, the ability to inspire trust and the ability to quickly make decisions in difficult situations.

Confucius himself did not consider himself completely philanthropic and often told his students that throughout their lives they should strive to improve their inner world.

The second principle of humanism includes respect and respect for elders, patronage and mutual assistance to younger ones. The main thing for a person is not education and position, not power and nobility, but the ability to correctly build relationships with people around him.

The great teacher himself will say best about nobility: “A noble man thinks first of all about duty, and a petty man thinks about his own benefit.” The philosopher believed that a person endowed with a noble soul should not think about food and money, but about the state and society.

The teacher often told his students that only animals obey instincts, and man is a higher being and must be able to control his desires and instincts. The teaching itself is based on the spiritual side of human existence, leaving all physiology aside. Confucius believed that the brain and soul should control a noble person, but not the stomach.

The teachings of the great philosopher encouraged everyone to choose their own path, and under no circumstances turn away from it.

And today the teachings of the great Confucius have not lost their significance in the Celestial Empire. This is not just a symbol of China, it is a special ritual of life that influences the worldview and development of every citizen of the PRC.

Modern China spreads its influence on the planet through the so-called Confucian centers. After decades of oblivion, Kong Tzu returned to the Middle State to rally the nation for great achievements. His postulates entered the flesh and blood of the Chinese people, were adopted and reworked in Korea and Japan and became the basis of the Far Eastern mentality. He was one of many, but time has weeded out the unnecessary and uninteresting, leaving Confucius in eternity. Any educated Chinese will understand you if you talk about "Master", because that is what only one person is called. He did not rule over any kingdom, but in the chronicles he is called a king. Confucius is canonized as a saint to whom prayers are offered.

Terrible time of change

He was born into the family of a noble but impoverished nobleman Shuliang He from the Kong family around 551 BC. The philosopher’s mother was a very young girl, and his father was 68 years old. Historians are still not sure whether Yan Zhengzai was Shuliang He's concubine or legal wife. Their union is denoted by a hieroglyph that can be translated as “wild” or “criminal.” Was the age difference the reason for such a strange name or the intrigue that arose around the birth of a boy? The two eldest wives never fulfilled their main responsibility - they had no sons. Offended, they “squeeze” the young concubine out of the family. Together with her little son, she returns to her homeland, where she instills in him respect for his glorious ancestors.

The boy was named Kun Qiu, where Qiu is a personal name and is translated as hill or mound. His head was lumpy, which, according to Chinese canons, meant an extraordinary mind. The family lived in poverty, which was aggravated by internal problems in the Zhou Empire. Very early on, the young man realized the connection between prosperity and learning. He diligently studies the arts that a person of his origin should master:

  • reading and calligraphy;
  • ritual practice;
  • musical canon;
  • archery;
  • driving a chariot;
  • basics of accounting.

At the age of 20-25, Confucius was hired as an accountant responsible for receiving and issuing grain in the kingdom of Lu. He is already married and a completely independent person. Soon he was appointed steward of the herds, but the cows were not his flock. The glory of a righteous and wise man attracts disciples to him. This is how an official turns into a Teacher. People from different classes are drawn to him in search of the meaning of life and solid ground under their feet, which is already being shaken by princely civil strife. Confucius lived during the most difficult period in Chinese history civil war. It is no coincidence that the entire pathos of his sermons is aimed at strengthening the state. The philosopher knew too well what a time of change was.

What is the use of sitting in one place when the hearth has been destroyed, holy places have been desecrated and trampled upon, and people have forgotten their duty and turned into monkeys. Having collected his belongings, Confucius sets off on a journey across the country, moving from one warring state to another. Everything he said was written down by his students, many of whom he taught to read and write for free. Such a notebook, consisting of the sayings of Kun Tzu and remarkable events from his life, fell out one day from a hiding place in the house where the Teacher ended his days. Through the efforts of Confucius’s beloved students and son, the book “Lun Yu” (Conversations and Sayings) was compiled, which became a reference book for Chinese officials for more than two millennia.

Another legend says that Confucius was acquainted with the founder of Taoism, Lao Tzu. They actually lived at approximately the same time, and the latter could have been the teacher of the former. It is difficult to overcome the temptation to “introduce” the two greatest teachers of the Chinese people, but they talk about different things. Taoism grows out of shamanic practices and primitive magic, and the teachings of Confucius appeal to reason, secular learning and statehood.

The legacy of ancestors

This is the main “trick” of the Teacher. Wandering among the scorched fields and rotting corpses of people and animals, he realized that the cause of misfortune was the moral decline of man. Kong Tzu's ethics is based on the exact execution of rituals that were passed down by predecessors. China is a country of learning and historical authenticity. His story is reflected in chronicles telling about the darkness of ignorance and the legendary emperor who gave people the light of knowledge, public order and ritual. Latest achievement is a fastening solution that allows you to preserve the well-being of the state and pass it on to descendants.

Occupying various positions in the courts of local rulers, the Teacher performed the ritual with enviable zeal. There is a known case when he fell ill and could not get out of bed. But the prince came to him himself to consult on a very important issue. Confucius ordered to put on ritual clothes and spoke to the ruler in this way. Another time, he severely scolded a student for simply squatting. It is said that Confucius ordered the execution of a man who came too close to the throne of one of the kings.

His ethical system can be summed up in three phrases: honor the emperor, respect the memory of your ancestors, and always do your duty, no matter how small it may be. Confucius was the first teacher to emphasize the teaching of reading and writing. An illiterate person cannot follow the tradition recorded in the treatises. Contemporaries considered him initiated into the secrets of magic and witchcraft, because Kun Tzu was engaged in healing. But he did not call upon occult forces for help, but the power of the mind, seeing in illness a violation of natural harmony. Confucius is the founder of a rational attitude to reality.

The Teacher did not write down his thoughts and ideas, preferring to systematize the heritage of the past - the Book of Songs and the Book of Changes. The chronicle of the ancient Chinese state of Lu “Spring and Autumn” is the most reliable work of Confucius. It should be said that Confucianism arose three hundred years after the death of Kong Tzu and only in general outline reminiscent of the teachings of a sage. Appealing to his authority, scribes of subsequent times developed the most complex system exams for government officials and achieved high level literacy of the population. Medieval Europe cannot be compared with the sophisticated and civilized Chinese Empire.

Axial time

Confucius lived and taught at approximately the same time as Buddha, Socrates and the Hebrew prophets. Karl Jaspers called this era in human history “Axial Time.” Reinterpretation of myths and an attempt to rationally substantiate life was undertaken in all the then centers of civilization. Man is the measure of all things, said Socrates. Confucius developed five virtues of a righteous person:

  • Ren. We can rightfully translate this word as “humanity,” because this dignity implies mercy and philanthropy. The words of Confucius “Do not do to a person what you do not wish for yourself” sound like a biblical commandment.
  • I. Justice is a broad concept and includes not only defending one’s own interests, but also caring for parents. The duty of a noble person is to firmly adhere to the principles of justice, neglecting personal gain.
  • Lee. This is not only a ritual or observance of customs, but any right actions that lead to good in the family and to stability in the state.
  • Zhi. Virtuous actions must be consistent with prudence and prudence. The ability to see the consequences of your actions and calculate their impact in the future.
  • Xin. Sincere and good intentions, ease in relations with family members and neighbors. This quality is contrasted with hypocrisy.

The five virtues of a virtuous person correspond to the philosophical doctrine of the five elements. Complementing each other, flowing and shading, these qualities together make up the concept of “wen”, which means a civilized person. Here it is necessary to clarify that only a Chinese can be civilized. Even in the most difficult years of humiliation and shame, the Chinese did not doubt for a second their superiority over other races and nationalities. What did Confucius do? He advised treating barbarians condescendingly and calmly.

Confucianism in history and culture

He became a grain of sand around which the pearl of the great Chinese civilization was formed. Each new dynasty extolled him higher and higher, finding in him justification for their power. The most complex hieroglyphic writing did not prevent China from being the most educated country in the world at all times. They always loved to study here and always respected the authority of the ruler. Whatever political system, the principles of Confucianism have always been present in the management system. Wild experiments over the country could not shake traditions and a sense of their own greatness.

The mausoleum of Mao Zedong in Beijing does not overshadow the majestic crypt of Kong Tzu in the city of Qufu, where the Teacher was born. The new relations of production find their justification in Confucianism, whose principles have entered the flesh and blood of every Chinese. They firmly believe in the righteousness of their own way of life and spread the flavor of their culture throughout the world. A state that has managed to maintain its identity for several millennia admires and frightens at the same time. One day the whole world could become Chinese without us even noticing it.

Confucianism gets its name from the Latin for "wise teacher Kun". It is considered the teaching of well-bred and enlightened people. It is also often called the “religion of scientists.”

Confucianism became the main ideology of China. Its influence can be compared to Catholicism in Europe.

The founder of the teaching, Confucius, lived in the 6th-5th centuries. BC. The country at that time suffered from internecine wars and fragmentation. Confucianism can briefly be called the doctrine of the desire for stability and order. Confucius was interested in music and ancient rituals. It is through them that a person must achieve harmony with the Universe. The philosopher managed to found his own school and become a teacher of Chinese history. Most important political figures were graduates of this school.

Lun Yu is the main book of Confucianism. It was produced by the disciples of the deceased philosopher. The book describes Confucius's long life experience of fifteen years:

  • 15 years of planning for studies;
  • 30 years of becoming independent;
  • 40 years freedom from doubts;
  • 50 years of mastery of heavenly will;
  • 60 years of art of distinguishing lies from truth;
  • 70 years of observing rituals and listening to your heart.

Harmony is subject to only a well-mannered and highly moral person. Only after the correct education of people in the country will there be order in everything. One should feel the soul of the people when taking management measures. Time has proven Confucius right. The philosopher considered the most difficult thing to force a person to follow the principles of morality and ethics. For some it takes many years, while others are simply too lazy to work on themselves. Confucius skillfully used in his teaching the cult of ancestors, revered by the Chinese for many centuries. Legendary ancestors became role models.

Confucius called for love from those around him, to be responsible for one’s own actions, to honor elders and show concern for younger ones, to remain loyal and sincere.

Family norms were transferred to the state level. China began to prosper because each person had his own place and fulfilled his duties - the basic principle of human relationships.

To become a humane person, you should cultivate the following qualities:

  • achieve success through your intelligence;
  • show mercy in management;
  • the ability to inspire confidence in oneself;
  • conquer the crowd with your breadth of outlook;
  • behave with dignity and avoid awkward situations.

The principles of Confucianism are broad. For example, philanthropy means not only love for people, but also responsibility, reading traditions, heritage, etc. Humanity means respect for elders, brotherly love, patronage and help of younger ones. But Confucius considered strict execution of instructions, principles and dogmas higher than humanity. There was an incident in the philosopher’s life when he ordered the execution of actors for not following the script.

Every person should be noble and cultured. People should think about higher matters, and not earthly pleasures.

Man is the highest being in the animal world. He is able to control his actions and knows a sense of proportion. There should be a golden mean in everything: food, pleasures, etc.

A noble Chinese must go through all three roads:

  • military;
  • official;
  • hermit.

He must be aware of what is happening around him, think logically and briefly, and master the main principles for the development of his field of activity.

Confucius was the first to open free schools. Lessons were conducted not in the form of lectures, but in the form of conversations. The teacher was lenient, but demanded a lot from smart and insightful students.

Today, Confucianism is a way of life with a thousand-year history. People's actions are based on the heritage of their ancestors and their life experiences. Confucianism plays a big role in the life of the Middle Kingdom and its inhabitants.

Confucius is an ancient sage and philosopher of China. Born around 551 BC. e. his mother Yan Zhengzai was a concubine who was 17 years old. Shuliang He's father was 63 years old at this time and was a descendant of Wei Tzu, the emperor's general. The boy was given the name Kong Qiu at birth. When the child was one and a half years old, the father died.

Confucius had a difficult childhood; from a young age he had to work. Yan Zhengzai's mother spoke about his ancestors and their great activities. This was a huge incentive to regain the great title that had been lost. Therefore, he began to educate himself. IN adolescence Confucius loses his mother.

At the age of 20, he received recognition and created a whole teaching - Confucianism, which had great value in the development of China. He became the founder of the first university and wrote rules for all classes. He taught literature, language, politics and morality in his own private school, which accepted everyone who wanted independence from class and material wealth.

When Confucius was 44 years old, he took over the post of residence of the Principality of Lu. He was very active in his post and was an experienced and skillful politician. After some time, he resigned, after which he began to preach philosophical teachings together with his followers. His idea was to preach knowledge to the poor, the ploughmen, the old and the young.

At the age of 60 he returns to his homeland, which he does not leave until his death. He spends the rest of his life working on his creations, The Book of Songs, The Book of Changes, and much more.

Confucius died in the 73rd year, before which he predicted his imminent death, which he told his students about.

About it outstanding person very little is known, but this does not prevent us from believing that Confucius is an influential figure in the development of China.

Biography of Confucius about the main thing

Around 551 BC, the future thinker and philosopher Confucius was born. At that time, his father was approximately 63 years old, and his mother was only 17. After the death of little Confucius’s father, unprecedented quarrels occurred between the two wives and a young concubine, which forced him to leave their home. Having moved to the city of Qufu, she began to live alone with her son. I spent my childhood in poverty, so I had to work a lot. Listening to his mother's stories about his father and his noble family, Confucius understood that in order to be worthy of his family it was necessary to educate himself.

To begin with, he studied the basis of the education system of young aristocrats - in which he excelled in the six arts, and he was appointed to the post of official manager of barns, then - official responsible for livestock. He began his successful career at about 20-25 years old. At about 19 he got married and had two children.

In addition, he was engaged in teaching, he opened the first private school, where all children were accepted, regardless of their origin or financial condition. There were 4 disciplines taught there: politics, morality, language, literature.

Around 583 BC, his mother dies and, according to tradition, he must leave government work for 3 years. During this period, he was completely immersed in thoughts of creating an ideal state.

Quickly, the country was swept by great changes. Stable dynasties of rule were replaced by corruption, greed of officials, and internecine strife. Realizing his hopelessness, Confucius resigned and, together with his students, began traveling around China. At this time, he tried to convey his ideas to the governments of different provinces. At about 60 years old, he finished his wanderings and settled in one place. He took a nominal fee for his studies and lived on funds allocated by wealthy students. He began teaching new students and systematizing the ancient books Shi Jin and I Jin. The students themselves compiled the book of Lun Yu. It became the fundamental book of Confucianism, which contains brief sayings, notes, and actions of their teacher.

Interestingly, according to scientists, he had approximately 3,000 students, but according to the exact number, there are approximately 26.

Although Confucianism is considered a religion, it has nothing to do with theology. It reflects the principles of creating a harmonious society. The basic rule that Confucius formulated is: “Do not do to a person what you do not wish for yourself.”

He died around 479 at the age of 72, and there is an opinion that before that he simply slept for 7 days. He was buried in the cemetery where his followers were supposed to be buried. Of course, the biography of Confucius is partially covered with legends, but the fact of the influence of his teachings on future generations should not be underestimated.

After his death, a temple was built on the site of the house, which was rebuilt more than once and its area was increased. The House of Confucius has been under the protection of UNESCO since 1994. In China, it is customary to give the Confucius Prize for achievements in the field of education.

Interesting Facts and dates from life

Countries and peoples. Questions and answers Kukanova Yu. V.

Who is Confucius?

Who is Confucius?

Confucius is the most famous sage and thinker in Chinese history. His teaching had a huge impact on the life of China and East Asia, becoming the basis of a philosophical system called Confucianism. He was born in Lu (now Shandong Province) in 551 BC.

Confucius was the first in China to advocate that people should be educated to make the world a better place, and considered learning a way of life. He excelled in six Chinese arts: ritual, music, archery, chariot riding, calligraphy (writing), and arithmetic. In addition, Confucius was a brilliant teacher.

Statue of Confucius in temple complex Shanghai-Wenmiao, China

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