Summary of entertainment in the middle group "disgraceful holiday". Summary of entertainment in the middle group “Spring Adventures”

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Summary of entertainment in middle group"We love fairy tales"

Subject:"We we love fairy tales»

Target: formation of interest in fairy tales, creating a joyful mood.


Teach children to communicate freely.

Develop interest in theatrical activities.

Develop visual-figurative thinking, attention, memory, imagination.

Cultivate interest in fairy tales.

Create good mood.

Characters: Fairy fairy tales, Wizard.

Equipment: soundtrack of a song "There are many in the world fairy tales» , magic wand, pictures with images magic items, colorful box, candies.

Progress of entertainment:

(Children go into the hall and sit on chairs. The Fairy comes out fairy tales.)

Fairy: Hello! Hello! (Children say hello.) How are you doing?

I've been waiting for you to visit for a long time.

Even without you the fairy tale is boring

Let's clap our hands first! (Children clap their hands.)

(A fragment of a song plays "There are many in the world fairy tales» )

There are many in the world fairy tales -

Sad and funny.

And live in the world

We can't live without them.

IN in a fairy tale anything can happen,

Our fairy tale ahead.

Fairy tale knocking on our doors,

Let's tell the guest: “Come in!”

(the wizard comes in to the music)

Wizard: I fairy wizard,

I am a good sorcerer

I'm composing fairy tales

For small children.

Hello guys. (Children say hello.) Hello Fairy fairy tales. Where did the magic wand take me?

Fairy: Hello, dear Wizard. You ended up in a kindergarten with children who love fairy tales.

Wizard: Everyone in the world loves fairy tales,

Adults and children love it!

Fairy tales teach us good things

And diligent work,

They tell you how to live

To be friends with everyone around you!

I am very happy. I declare a holiday fairy tales! And I'll find out how you are love and know fairy tales.

1. Which fairy tales live: grandmother, grandfather, hare, wolf, bear, fox and little round traveler. ( "Kolobok")

2. From which fairy tales we learned about dad, his wooden son with a long nose. ( "Golden Key")

3. Which fairy tale big white birds little boy brought to the forest to Baba Yaga. ( "Swan geese")

4. What was the name of the girl who went to visit her grandmother and met her in the forest gray wolf. ("Little Red Riding Hood")

5. But the road is long, and the basket is not easy, I should sit on a stump and eat a pie. ( "Masha and the Bear")

6. Walking briskly along the path, they themselves carry the water in buckets. ( "According to the pike's command")

7. Open the door, little goats, your mother has come and brought milk. ( "The wolf and the seven Young goats")

9. Pull pull

They can't pull it out. ( "Turnip")

Fairy: Well, as our children know fairy tales?

Wizard: Well done, guys! What is this in my hands? (Magic wand). In what in fairy tales she appears? ("Cinderella") What are these items called and what are they from? fairy tales?

"Boots-walkers" ("Puss in Boots")

"Broom and Morpa" ("Swan geese")

"Needle and Egg" ("Koschei the Deathless")

"Buckets of Water" ("By magic")

"Golden Key" (« The Tale of the Golden Key, or the adventures of Pinocchio")

"Arrow" ("Frog Princess")

Well done, kids! You know everything. But I’m a little tired, I want to move. Let's warm up a little. I know the game about bears, you say the words after me and perform the movements. (Children repeat the Wizard’s words and movements.)

"Bear cubs."

The cubs lived in the thicket,

They turned their heads,

The cubs were looking for honey,

Together they rocked the tree,

Like this, like this, like this, like this.

And then they danced

They raised their legs higher,

Like this, like this, like this, like this.

Fairy: We played, warmed up, and now sit down. Now I will say phrase:

“Kolobok, Kolobok, I’ll eat you”. And you need to speak as the heroes speak fairy tales"Kolobok": (hare, wolf, bear, fox)

(children, if desired, speak with a certain intonation)

Wizard: And you completed this task!

Fairy: Can you handle the next task?

A game "Correct the mistake":

"Ryaba the Cockerel"

"Dasha and the Bear"

"The Wolf and the Seven Lambs"

"Ducks Swans"

"Fox with a saucepan"

"Zayushkin's House"

"Princess Turkey"

"Boy with a fist"

Wizard: Well done! And now I'll wave mine with a magic wand, and you will no longer be able to speak - you will only move.

As soon as we arrived in the forest, mosquitoes appeared. (Children improvise)

Suddenly we see a chick falling out of the nest near a bush.

We quietly pick up the chick and carry it back to the nest.

A red fox looks out from behind a bush ahead.

We will outwit the fox and run on tiptoes.

We became lumberjacks, we took axes in our hands.

And with his hands he made a strong swing at the log - BANG!

Two girlfriends, two frogs in the swamp

In the morning we washed ourselves early, rubbed ourselves with a towel,

They spanked with their paws, they clapped with their paws

Paws together, paws apart, paws straight, paws at an angle,

Paws here, paws there, what a noise and what a din!

Well done boys! I see that you know and love fairy tales. I have prepared a gift for you. (He takes out candy from a colorfully decorated box and treats it to the children.) Thank you guys, it was interesting with you. But I have to go. Goodbye!

Fairy: Our journey through fairy tales have come to an end! I think you are even more loved fairy tales! And what fairy tales We remembered today, you can draw, sculpt, read again. Goodbye young ones fairy tale lovers!

(Children leave the hall.)

Publications on the topic:

SP " Kindergarten“Planet of Childhood” GBOU Secondary School No. 7, Pokhvistnevo Samara region. Summary of an integrated lesson in the middle group on the topic.

Summary of a music lesson in the middle group “We love our mother very much” Topic of the lesson: “We love mom very much” Purpose of the lesson: Develop children’s singing abilities Program content: Cultivate children’s interest.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Labor”. Goal: Formation of children’s cognitive interest.

Abstract of the educational activity “We love fairy tales” (middle group) Topic: “We love fairy tales” Goal: to develop children’s interest and love for fiction. Objectives: -develop monologue and dialogic.

Summary of an open integrated lesson in the middle group “Journey to the land of fairy tales” Summary of an open integrated lesson in the middle group on the topic “Journey to the land of fairy tales.” Program objectives: 1. Teach children.


  1. Introduce folklore works.
  2. Cultivate a love for your native language.
  3. Form cognitive activity.
  4. Create a joyful mood in children.

Material. Planar images of nursery rhyme characters, a cat (soft toy), a children's rocking horse; Russian hut, chest, costumes for children.

Preliminary work. The teacher learns songs and nursery rhymes with the kids.

Progress of the event

The teacher brings a letter to the group.


I brought you a letter,
Here (shows), it’s from grandma.
You are going to visit her,
Dress up quickly, quickly
After all, at grandma’s, at Varvarushka’s

(Reads the invitation letter).

“Come visit me
Let's hit the road,
I'm looking forward to seeing you
The treat is ready!
Grandma Varvarushka."

Children and the teacher dress up in Russian folk costumes.

Educator. Let's go quickly to grandma's. We also have horses. Previously, in the old days, people rode horses, and on holidays they harnessed troikas. In order for our trio to rush, it must be said magic words:

I'm riding, I'm riding on a horse,
On a horse in a red hat
To Grandma Varvarushka
Visit for pancakes.

The children say the magic words and, holding the bit, go to visit their grandmother.

Educator. Whoa, stop, horse! Guys, look at the meadow. Let's stop, rest, and sing a song.

Dance-song “Kalinka”

I'm riding, I'm riding on a horse,
On a horse in a red hat
To Grandma Varvarushka
Visit for pancakes.


And here is a small house,
Smoke rings above the chimney,
Apparently, dinner is being cooked,
Is there anyone here or not?


Frets, okay, okay
We came to grandma's
To our dear grandmother
To the funny grandmother,
The boys have arrived -
Dear grandchildren.

A grandmother comes out in a Russian sundress (an adult) and greets the children.

Grandmother. My little children have come! Hello! Be a guest! And my children, young children, sat down, some on a bench, some on a stool. I’ll make tea and bake cookies! It’s good in my hut, it’s warm, but there’s so much goodness of all sorts - visible and invisible. There are benches and a table. What else is there?

Children(list household utensils) . Samovar, wooden utensils, rugs, cradle, icon, stove, nesting dolls...

Educator. Guys, let's play with nesting dolls?

Musical game "Matryoshka"

Grandmother. And I don’t live alone in the house.

The cat Vaska lives with me. At night he catches mice, and during the day he warms himself on the stove and purrs.

Like our cat
The fur coat is very good
Like a cat's mustache
Amazingly beautiful
Bold eyes
The teeth are white.
The cat will go out into the garden,
All the people will be alarmed:
Both the rooster and the hen
From a village street
They will invite the cat to visit,
They will give the cat a treat.
And you should call him too!


Kitty, kitten, cat,
Kitty, gray pubis!
Come, cat, spend the night,
Rock our baby!
How am I for you, cat?
I will pay for the work:
I'll give you a piece of the pie
And a jug of milk.

Grandmother. I also have chickens, a rooster, geese and ducks.

A verbal game is played: the grandmother says the first line, the children say the second, etc.

Our chickens through the window
Co-co-co, co-co-co!
Our ducks in the morning
Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!
Our geese by the pond
Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha!
And the turkey in the yard
Ball-ball-ball! Bullshit!
What about Petya the Cockerel?
Early in the morning
He will sing to us ka-ka-re-ku!

Grandmother. This is how fun I live! My sons also come to visit me and we play with them.

Russian folk game"Seven Sons" Children accompany their grandmother's words with appropriate movements.


At Varvara's, at the old woman's
Lived in a small hut
Seven sons
All without eyebrows (shows eyebrows).
With eyes like these (shows big eyes),
With ears like these (shows huge ears) ,
With a head like this (shows a big head),
With a beard like this (shows a long beard).
They didn't eat anything
Everyone looked at grandma
They did it like this (grandmother demonstrates any movement, the children repeat).

The game is repeated at the request of the children, now they show the movements.

Grandmother. I've got magic chest. Let's open it and guess nursery rhymes about animals.

Give me milk, Burenushka,
At least a drop - to the bottom!
Give us a spoonful of cream,
A little cottage cheese.
Gives everyone health
Cow's milk.

Cool little ladies
They walk through the mountains
They play the pipe
The children are amused.

Gray bunny sitting
And he wiggles his ears.
(Children show.)

It's cold for the bunny to sit
We need to warm our paws,
(Children show.)

One or two, we need to warm up our little paws.
It's cold for the bunny to stand
The bunny needs to jump.
(Children are jumping.)

The horned goat is coming
For the little guys
Those who don’t eat porridge and don’t drink milk:
Gored, gored, gored.


Who's going to the fair on horseback?
Rides a horse
Himself with a gray beard,
Remember, guys?


Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandfather Egor is driving:
On a horse myself
Wife on a cow
Children on calves
Grandchildren on baby goats.

Grandmother. Well done guys, you know all the nursery rhymes. Oh, we've been sitting too long, let's do a round dance and play.

Musical game “Vanya is walking”

The children and their grandmother lead a round dance and dance.

There's a knock on the door. “Guests” come in (in Cossack costumes). Congratulations to grandma.

Educator. Grandma, the guys have prepared a musical gift for you.

The song “Dorozhenka” performed by “Cossacks of Russia”

Girls dance "Dance with scarves"

Grandmother. Thank you, my dears, for your congratulations. And here the treat is ready. Try my apples autumn garden. Delicious, pourable!

Treats children with apples.

April Fool's fun

“Holiday-disgrace” in the middle group “Romashki”

Target: Introduce children to the April Fool's Day holiday, take initiative in joint activities. Strengthen friendships between children in the group.

Preliminary work: tell children about the holiday. Explain that April Fool's Day is a comic, cheerful holiday. The event can be held outside, on a site.

Heroes : Tyapa the Clown is present.

( Children dress “in reverse” for this holiday - T-shirts are worn inside out, things are turned inside out, boys can wear bows and braid their hair )


Hello kids,Girls and boys!We have come to tell you:“The holiday can begin!”All of you without exceptionAdventure awaits today!We'll play gamesWe will sing and dance.

Leading: Guys, today is an unusual day for us.
Today you came to the Feast of Laughter. People say this: “The first of April - I don’t trust anyone!” Because April 1st is humor, April 1st is a joke, April 1st is laughter and smiles on your faces!
Leading : - Oh, guys, who’s that knocking there? Who's in a hurry to join us for the holiday?

Tyapa the clown runs in.

Leading : - Hello, Tyapa!

Tyapa : (sad). Hello girls, hello boys.

Leading : Why are you so sad today? After all, the guys and Ifun party!

Tyapa: It's somehow boring! This “Hello” makes me neither cold nor hot.

Leading: Guys, let’s say hello so that Tyapa’s mood improves!

(All children say hello loudly)

Tyapa: Oh, it seems my heart has warmed. How nice it is to say hello. But to make our greeting even more fun, imagine that our holiday has come... cows! How would they greet us?

(Children respond with onomatopoeia).

Tyapa: What if these were small dogs? Or cats? (bark, meow)

Leading: And even better... baby frogs! (children croak) Ducklings! (quack). Here! It's a completely different matter. We can continue the celebration.

Tyapa: Well, my spirits have lifted. How beautiful and elegant you all are (he gestures around the children, pointing to their “outfits”). I invite you all, without exception, to have fun.


Let's play, I even have interesting riddles for them. I’ll ask tricky questions if the answer is negative. Please answer with the word no, but then yes

Say yes out loud. 1.The builder builds cities. Do wasps build honeycombs?(No)2. Can a skinny boy, like a skeleton, easily lift a barbell?(No)3.Do pedestrians have a dream of stumbling and falling into a hole?(No)4. When the cold weather comes, do all the moose fly south?(No)5. We bake cheesecakes from ice, in a hot oven, right? (No) 6.Can you answer me without difficulty, do cherry blossoms bloom in winter?(No)7.We put cups in the buffet, shall we put the sofa there?(No)8. The snow melts - there is water in the streams, does this happen in the spring?(Yes)9. An elephant sits on the wires to have lunch, right?(No)10.A toad definitely doesn’t have a tail, but does a cow have one?(Yes)11. Will Mommy buy me sweets because I was lazy?(No)

Leading: Well done, guys!

We announce a competitionSoap bubbles:Who will catch moreBetter and faster.

The Soap Bubbles competition is being held.

All children participate in this competition; their task is to catch soap bubbles so that not a single bubble falls to the floor.

Tyapa: How well done you are, my assistants!

Anow, attention! Fun competitions!

Let's start the attraction“Unwrap the candy in your mittens” ( children need to unwrap the candy while wearing thick mittens or gloves)

Tyapa: Well done boys! My school!

Leading: And I suggest you play the game “What is your name? »

Who is the smartest, funniest, most reasonable? (The child comes out)

Let's... (child's name) take the word "teapot." And now you answer my questions only with the word “teapot”

What is your name?(kettle)…

What do you have? (Points to nose)

What did mom put in your pocket?

What's on your head?

What did you eat this morning?

(Asks until the child makes a mistake)

Leading : Oh, how great you guys are!

Tyapa: So as not to stand still,

Let's dance together.

(Children dance “Dance of the Little Ducklings”).

Leading:Well done, guys!

Oh! We had great fun!

And now we will rest!

We'll solve the riddles!

How beautiful picture

Weaved a big web

Neither a mosquito nor a bug

A skillful (SPIDER)

He sits alone in a cage

talking to himself

Guess the riddle

This is a bird (PARROT)

She can't sleep early in the morning

I really want to work

So I brought honey

Hardworking (BEE)

He's funny and funny

Together he jumps with me

Jumps deftly like a bunny

Striped, round (BALL)

It's been dark in the yard for a long time

I'll look out my window

She's like a round cheese

Yellow in the sky (MOON)

He lives in a chicken coop

Sings songs cheerfully

Even the flies wake up in the morning

It's green and big

I'll pour water on it

Like a huge toddler

Will grow soon (WATERMELON)

Gray, fat giant

The nose is like a long tap

He'll ride on his back

Mischievous eared (ELEPHANT)

Tyapa:Well done, children! You are the smartest children in the world! Teach me how to solve riddles too?


Tyapa:Are you tired of playing yet?

Children: No!

The musical game “Who is the fastest” is being played.

Children stand in a circle, given balloon. To the music, children pass the ball to each other, as soon as the music stops, the children dance with the balls to the music. Game continues.

Tyapa: Look, how smart you are! But I'll still beat you! And the next game is called “Ball Ball”! Try to overtake me!

(The game is played with balloons, children are divided into 2 teams, you need to carry the ball in a spoon at speed)

Leading: Well done, guys! We overtook our Tyapa.

Tyapa : Yeah. Now I want to once again congratulate all our children on this outrageous holiday, wish them to be obedient, brave, kind children and give gifts to everyone, everyone, everyone.(hands out balloons and candy)

The presenter and the clown say goodbye to the guys:

Thanks everyone for the fun,

For a good mood!

Now clap (children clap)

Stomp your feet (children stomp)

Wave your hands (children wave)

Tell us goodbye!

Everyone, together with the clown Tyapa, sings the song “Smile”.

Abstract spring fun in the middle group

Entertainment in the middle group "Spring Adventures"

Garifulina Olga Ilyinichna, music director of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 96 “Firefly”, Kemerovo region. Prokopyevsk
Description: The entertainment is built in the form of a journey, during which children meet forest dwellers and various heroes - Vodyany, Scarecrow. The lesson uses logorhythmic exercises and round dances.
Target: creating a positive emotional mood in children.
- develop motor activity of children;
- develop speech and cognitive activity;
- cultivate interest in natural changes, curiosity;
- instill love for the world around us.
Progress of entertainment:
Leading: The sky is clean, gentle, clear,
Blue and mysterious light,
It’s Spring, the beautiful sorceress,
Gives us his cheerful greetings.
1 child: The sun warms you hot in spring.
The warmth of spring melts snow everywhere.
2nd child: Soon, soon the buds will open,
Streams will run along the roads.
The hills and hummocks will turn black,
And the nightingales will sing in the forests.
3rd child: Shine brighter, sunshine,
Warm our earth.
Grass, grass, greener,
Come, Spring, quickly!
4th child: With tender leaves
With the first flowers,
With warm, joyful rain
Come, Spring, we are waiting!
The song “Spring” is performed, A. Voinov
Leading: It’s so good that spring has come to us!
The sun shines all day long until late,
The birds sing funny songs,
They invite you to a fairytale forest for a walk.
A sparrow appears on the multimedia screen (pic 1.jpg)
Leading: Look, the little sparrow has arrived and is so joyful and loud
chirped. I wonder what he wants to tell us? Oh look what this is
there? (raises the envelope and reads the letter.)
Get ready soon
On an unusual trip.
Forest secrets await you,
The path calls into the distance.
Host: Guys, do you want to go to the forest? Not for mushrooms, not for
flowers, and for forest wonders! Do you know how to behave in the forest?
Let's remember our favorite poem"Forest rules":
If you came to the forest for a walk,
Fresh air breathe,
Run, jump and play
Just don't forget,
That you can't make noise in the forest,
Even sing very loudly,
The animals will be scared
They will run away from the forest edge,
You are just a guest in the forest,
Here the owner is the oak and the elk,
Take care of their peace,
After all, they are not our enemies.
Let's hit the road!
Movement exercise “Go!”
We walk into the spring forest
We raise our legs higher. (They walk at a marching pace.)
Feet stomping
On a straight path. (They walk with a stomping step.)
Along a narrow path
The legs will walk quietly. (They walk on their toes.)
They ran after each other.

They ran into the spring forest. (Run on tiptoes.)
On the screen there is a slide “Animals dance in a circle” (pic 2.jpg)

Leading: Look, the animals have gathered at the forest edge:
Hedgehogs, bunnies, bears and squirrels.
Everyone is celebrating spring and starting to dance.
Children perform a round dance “In a forest clearing”, B. Kravchenko
On the screen is the slide “Sun and Cloud” (pic 3.jpg)

Leading: Here comes the spring rain!
Cloud and sunshine again
They started playing hide and seek.
Only the sun will hide -
The cloud will burst into tears!
And when the sun is found,
The rainbow is laughing in the sky!
While it's raining, let's hide under an umbrella!
Children hide under an umbrella, rain music sounds
Happy sunshine music sounds
Leading: The sun is shining and calling for a walk,
Come out, children, let's play!
Children dancing and having fun
Rain music sounds and everyone hides under an umbrella again
The game is repeated 2 times.
Leading: Let's call the sun, children!
Sunny, dress up! – “flashlights”
Red, show yourself! - clap
Leading: The spring rain has arrived! (puts away the umbrella)
He washed everything around, watered the earth, and the sun shone!
Wait, the sun wants to tell us something.
Voice of the sun: I will walk across the sky, I will warm the earth,
I will give everyone warmth:
I'll rise a little higher -
I will see everything, I will hear everything.
Look, I have with me
Golden magic ray.
Where will my ray fall?
He will take us there. (throws a ray)
My little ray fell into the river
And there I met someone.
On the “Water” screen, (pic 4.jpg)

And Vodyanoy enters the hall
Leading: Oh, who are you?
Water: And who am I? I will not say.
You can guess for yourself.
I'm sitting in the water, the water,
And not alone, with friends. (children guess)
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh,
I am a handsome Vodyanoy.
I have been living in a small river for many years.
But I can't stand it anymore.
They clogged up and muddied all the water.
Will there be anyone in the river?
At the bottom of my bottle
And torn shoes
Paper, rags, bottles,
Plants, crayfish, and fish die.
You, friends, help me a little.
Leading: Well, of course, we will help you, Vodyanoy.
Game “Clean the river from garbage”
Vodyanoy: Thank you for your help. Do you all like water? Do you know
you, what floats in water and what sinks? Now we will play with you.
Game “What floats and what sinks”
Two teams, two basins of water and floating and sinking objects
Water: And now I want to see how you can dance.
Performing "Dance of the Ducklings"
Water: Thank you, children, for helping to clear the river of garbage. But I
I can’t stay on earth for a long time, it’s time for me to go to the river. Goodbye! (leaves)
Leading: Let's listen to what else Sunny will tell us.
Voice of the sun: Where will my ray fall?
He will take us there. (throws a ray)
My ray of light fell into the garden
And there I met someone.
On the screen “Scarecrow”, (pic 5.jpg)

And the Scarecrow enters the hall
Scarecrow: The scarecrow got tired of scaring the sparrows.
Scarecrow really wants to play with you.
Leading: Hello, Scarecrow!
Scarecrow: Hello, dears. Why did you come to my garden?
Leading: We want to see if everything is in order in your garden?
Scarecrow: It's alright, it's alright
I vigilantly guard the beds,
So that they can keep up in the beds
Apples and chocolates.
Leading: Children, Scarecrow has messed up something!
Do apples and chocolates grow in garden beds?
Scarecrow: Yes, I was joking. I know what grows in my garden beds. Do children know this? Guess the garden riddles:
1. That's how a mischievous vegetable is,
He hid from us in the greenhouse!
Grew tall, well done!
What kind of vegetable? (cucumber)
2. Grew up in the heat and slush
This bitter root vegetable.
At least it will make us cry,
But it will save you from the flu. (onion)
3. It is a vegetable with a round side
And with burgundy sweet juice.
If you want to eat borscht,
Look for her quickly. (beet)
4. I emerge from the garden
I'm growing smartly.
Eat me up guys
Redhead... (carrot)
5. He warms his side in the sun,
Gives us tomato juice.
People have loved it for a long time
Red ripe... (tomato)
6. The hedgehog was surprised in the field:
“What a vegetable, a hundred clothes!”
And the little bunny gobbled it up with a crunch
Appetizing... (cabbage)
7. Here's your favorite side dish,
He conquered the whole world.
Hurry up and grab a spoon
Eat delicious... (potatoes)
Scarecrow: Well done, you are so smart. All the riddles were solved.
The gentle sun lit up in the sky,
From spring warmth everything around was warm.
Gray sparrows jump along the paths,
They chirp cheerfully about the spring sunshine.
everyone performs the “Naughty Song”, E. Goltsova
Leading: After a funny song, are you ready to dance, friends? (Yes)
Play the music louder, get everyone dancing!
Performing the dance “Sunny Dress”, E. Gomonova
Scarecrow: We had a lot of fun. But it’s time for me to go to work, guard the garden. Goodbye! (leaves)
Leading: We had a nice walk in the spring forest,
But you, children, must remember the main thing.
The inhabitants of the forest are our friends.
And we know how to offend our friends -
Children say together: It is forbidden!
Leading: It's time to head back as soon as possible.
Don't forget a spring walk with friends!

Program content:

Target: to cultivate emotional responsiveness to music in children of various nature V different types musical activity



To develop in children the ability to improvise to different types of music.

To train children in the ability to coordinate movements with words, to perform movements rhythmically, freely, and expressively.

To form in children a desire to speak out about music, its character and means of expression.


Develop pitch, intonation hearing, sense of rhythm.

Develop children's speech with the help of musical and rhythmic exercises and songs.


Continue to instill in children a love of music. The ability to listen, respect for adults and peers, and empathy.

Methods and techniques:

Visual: showing the teacher singing, moving, playing the musical instruments. Examination of toy characters Verbal: conversation, questions for children. Practical: exercises, situation simulation, didactic game, music games, round dance, singing, perception of music.


Tambourines, bells, musical triangles.

Toys: bunny, squirrel, bear, Christmas tree, snowflakes, house, Preliminary work:

Conversations about winter winter games, about how animals prepare for winter. preliminary listening to music by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Nutcracker” “Waltz of the Snowflakes”. Learning songs: “Christmas tree”, “Snow, snowball”, round dance “Zainka”. Learning the “Bears” dance. Learning the musical and rhythmic game “Pass”, “Musical bell”.

Progress of the lesson:

Music is playing. P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of Snow Flakes". Children enter the hall and greet the guests.

M.R. Guys, hello! Listen to the magical music that greets you! This "Waltz of Snow Flakes" and the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky wrote this music.

The music told us that snow flakes are falling and covering the ground with snowflakes. Shall we play with snowflakes?

Musical game “Snow-snowball” music. etc. E. Makshantseva

M.R. Guys, what time of year is it now?

M.R. That's right, winter has come (logorhythmic game)

The fluffs are spinning,

On bushes, on houses

Snowflakes are falling.

The earth has been whitewashed

Covered the paths

White snowflakes are falling and swirling...

Also an interesting winter activity for the older group:


Oh, look, I caught a snowflake, but it doesn’t melt, it’s probably magical.

(takes a snowflake)

Guys, listen.

The sweet-toothed bear has always been playful from the cradle.

He didn’t listen to mom and dad, the bear ate a lot of honey.

He didn’t want to go to bed, he wanted to go for a walk in the winter.

You guys go into the forest and find us a bear cub!

Can we help return the bear to its den? But the road ahead is difficult and long. Shall we go?

Children's answers.

Everybody hold hands so you don't get lost.

They walk like a snake to the music. We went to the piano.

M.R. And here comes the first obstacle - these are the guys high mountain. Let's climb it together.

(chant: “Here I go up, here I go down”)

The soundtrack of a blizzard sounds.

The snowstorm sweeps the white path.

He wants to drown in the soft snow.

The frisky wind fell asleep on the way.

You can't drive through the forest, you can't walk through it.

Guys, how is the snowstorm swirling?

(motor improvisation of children to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky)

The music fades out.

Guys, here we are in the forest... how much snow has piled up, how big the snowdrifts are, we need to get through them. Walk, just raise your feet high so as not to get stuck in the snow... let's stand one after another, hands on our belts.

(walking with legs raised high)

Guys, is anyone lost? I'll check now.

(game “Echo” by E. Tilicheev)

Everyone is here, we haven’t lost anyone, let’s call Mishutka - no one answers. Guys, look, there are teddy bear footprints, and they lead to the Christmas tree.

(children approach the Christmas tree)

It was hard for the Christmas tree, its branches were covered with snow. Let's take pity on the Christmas tree and stroke it.

(Children perform a spring and soft, stroking movements with their hands, singing: “The Christmas tree is good, the Christmas tree is pretty.”)

Does not hear! We need to warm the Christmas tree, we need to sing a song to it.

The song “The Christmas tree stood” music and lyrics by N. Karavaeva, arrangement by L. Oliferova.

And who sits under the Christmas tree and shivers from the cold?

Little bunny, little white bunny.

Stroke him, have pity on him. What is he like?

Answers: soft, fluffy!

M.R. That's right! The bunny is cold, he can't sing, he asks you guys to sing a plaintive song for him, about how his tail is frozen.

Children sing sadly: “It’s cold for the bunny, it’s cold for the white one.”

The bunny is jumping at the Christmas tree,

He taps his paw on his paw.

These frosts are so fierce

Let's warm up the bunny? Dance with us, bunny!

Round dance "Zainka"

The bunny has warmed up and is happy.

Thank you for warming me up, and now I want to play with you.

Listen to the music carefully and pass the tambourine.

Relay game with a tambourine.

Thank you, bunny. Have you seen Mishka?

I saw him come running to our clearing, play, and when he had played enough, he ran on.

Thank you, bunny. Goodbye!

Walking with legs raised high.

Look who's jumping towards us:

Guess the riddle:

I dried the russula,

She picked some nuts.

All supplies in the pantry

They will be useful to her.

Children: Squirrel!

The squirrel sings:

Hello guys!

The children sing back.


Squirrel, have you seen a bear in the forest?

Of course I saw it. He was sledding here. He sat down and rolled down, and here are the tracks...

How can we find him?

I have a funny bell. I'll give it to you. You play with him, and the bear will hear and come running...

Thank you, squirrel! See you!

Game "Bell" lyrics. Music M. Kartushina

Oh guys, do you hear:

Someone is cracking branches

Someone is rushing here to join us.

The teacher takes out the bear.

A hat and a fur coat, that’s all the bear is.

He waves his paws and dances merrily!

Guys, shall we dance?

Dance "Teddy Bear"

Yes, it’s beautiful and fun in winter, but there are no raspberries, blueberries, mushrooms, or sweet honey in the forest. Snow and ice all around. It's good that bears sleep in winter.

And here is the bear's house. What a beautiful! What beautiful icicles on it! What do they sound like?

(plays triangle)

Children's answers.

Thank you for finding me and bringing me home. In gratitude for this I want to treat you.

M.R. Thank you, Misha!

Guys, let's put the bear to bed. And so that he has sweet dreams, we will play a lullaby for him.

Mozart . Mozart “Lullaby” (noise orchestra)

The bear fell asleep. The soundtrack of a blizzard sounds.

The blizzard howls again

And sweeps away the paths

Run back everyone

To our favorite kindergarten!

The children leave the hall.

Nomination: Kindergarten, winter classes, middle group, class notes, ECD, music classes
Title: Winter classes. Summary in the middle group of musical entertainment “In Search of the Little Bear.”

Position: music director
Place of work: GBOU School No. 1353 DO No. 4
Location: Zelenograd, Russia


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