Beautiful Kazakh female names with meaning. Female Kazakh names and meanings - choosing a beautiful name for a girl

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Kazakh names

Kazakh female names and their meaning

Kazakh names are very diverse and include both native Kazakh and borrowed names.

Most Kazakh names are of Arabic, Turkic and Persian origin. There are Mogul names.

Borrowed names in the Kazakh language have undergone significant phonetic changes and differ significantly from the original names.

Kazakh names The structure can be simple, complex and complex.

Many Kazakh names are derived from the names of plants, animals, birds, food and other words associated with the culture and religion of the people.

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Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Kazakh names. Kazakh female names and their meaning

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Choosing a name for a girl is always very difficult. After all, there is so much advice and a variety of sonorous words around. Every mother wants an endowed name to give her daughter happiness and luck in life. Since ancient times, Kazakhs have chosen tender names for their daughters that describe the beauty of the moon, love or nature. We have collected 10 beautiful Kazakh names for moms and dads who will soon become happy parents of a little princess.

Don’t forget that on our portal there is a separate section where you can choose a name for both a girl and a boy.

Names on A


General characteristics of the name “Ayaru”:

The name “Ayaru” came into the Kazakh language from Turkic and means “moon beauty”. Despite the fact that Ayaru is the spoiled child of the family, she does not take advantage of her position as the “favorite” and listens to her elders. Despite her agreeableness, Ayaru has her own opinion on many things, which she can convey to her interlocutor so that he changes his point of view. He is offended infrequently, but it is difficult to leave; he may not speak to the offender for several days.

Ayaru in business, in society:

Ayaru is self-sufficient and ambitious, so she takes her choice of profession very responsibly. Ayaru will find his recognition in life quite early. Already in middle school, she will begin to engage in activities, an interest in which will only intensify with age. She has good ability to learn languages. He likes to develop in many ways: he enjoys dancing, singing, and music, although most often he regards such activities as additional and does not seek to turn them into a profession.

Ayaru as a child:

Ayaru is the heart of the family. For her, a situation where disagreements arise in relationships with loved ones is unacceptable. She is gentle with her parents, loves hugs and pleasant words. Entering adolescence, Ayaru pays increased attention to his appearance. She likes to put on makeup, try on clothes, and experiment with her look. She also loves to cook and often treats her family to her culinary creations.

Ayaru matures early. She is not characterized by the shocking antics inherent in many teenagers. Of course, she can argue with someone or even stop contacting a person who has become unpleasant to her, but this has less to do with teenage rebellion and more to do with Ayaru’s need to remain true to herself. You can trust her with any secrets that she won’t give away even as a Fendi handbag made from a lady’s fluffy mink. Although... No, still, the trust of friends is more valuable to Ayaru than all the gold in the world.


General characteristics of the name “Aisha”:

The name "Aisha" is one of the most famous Muslim female names. This name was borne by the third—favorite—wife of the Prophet Muhammad. The name "Aisha" is of Arabic origin and means "energetic" full of life" Aishas are phenomenal women, possessing a subtle mind and numerous talents, and at the same time - amazingly modest, discreet, and absolutely not vain. This is the type of ideal oriental woman.

Aisha in business, in society:

Aisha is a pleasant conversationalist with a sense of tact. She tries not to offend anyone, not to ask tactless questions, and cleverly avoids topics that are unpleasant for a person in conversation. It is not surprising that the team loves and appreciates Aisha not only as a responsible employee, but also as a good person. Aisha herself is quite sensitive to how others treat her. A woman with this name will most likely choose work related to communicating with people or practicing the arts - music, painting, clothing design, acting.

Aisha as a child:

As a child, Aisha demonstrates an increased need for a sense of security and parental love. The girl continually asks her mother: “How much do you love me?”, and in response she expects tender hugs and kisses from herself. loved one. Being a receptive and romantic person, Aisha has extremely developed intuition. This child feels things that he cannot express in words, but which have great value. For example, Aisha can predict danger where no one expects it. He studies well at school and, as a rule, has a humanitarian mindset. He often writes essays on literature better than anyone in the class, loves to read books on history, culture, and novels about love.


General characteristics of the name “Eileen”:

There are several interesting sources for the formation of the name “Eileen”. According to one version, “Aylin” is translated from Turkic as “lunar halo”, “moonlight”, or is used in the meaning of “giving inspiration”. Another theory is that the name has Irish roots and is a form of Eileen, a common name in many parts of Europe.

The owner of this name is a multifaceted personality, not without insight and ambition. She wants to lead the whole world and inspire others. Strong-willed nature, leader by nature. She is flirtatious and knows how to create a favorable impression of herself. She likes to travel, learn new things, and connect with people. different cultures. Those around her are charged with her optimism and energy.

Eileen in business, in society:

At work, Eileen does not lose her feminine charm, and successfully uses her attractiveness to attract clients and build relationships with colleagues. She achieves her goal, but does it quietly, measuredly, and does not boast about her high position. Eileen feels like a fish in water in a position that involves constant communication, business trips, acquaintances and meetings with interesting people. Eileen can motivate and push herself to deliver work on time; she does not need external “drivers”. Has a penchant for learning languages. He is also interested in art, visits various exhibitions, museums, and uses knowledge of “beauty” in his activities.

Eileen as a child:

Eileen is a little fashionista. She loves to dress up, asks to do her hair and (mommy, please) makeup. Almost any adult, seeing Eileen, immediately falls under her charm and forgives her little whims. Eileen knows how to lead her peers, but she does it quietly. Even the boys think Eileen is “a good girl to have fun with.” Eileen gets tired quickly, so she should exercise to become more resilient. Thanks to the fact that Eileen knows how to win someone over, teachers treat her favorably.


General characteristics of the name “Ayala”:

There are two versions of the origin of the name "Ayala". One source states that it is derived from the word "ayalau", which means "to caress, cherish, care for." According to another version, the name is Hebrew and is translated as “gazelle.” The owner of this name is graceful and feminine. For strangers she is capricious, for loved ones she is a faithful friend. Vulnerable, although she strives to hide her feelings. She hovers in some kind of world of her own, and must be periodically brought down from “heaven to earth.”

Ayala in business, in society:

“And the reaper, and the reader, and the player of the pipe” - this saying reflects all the internal tossing of Ayala. All she wants is to open her own business, travel around the world, become a chess champion, learn to draw portraits... And all this is desirable today, or even better in the next hour, otherwise a parachute jump and courses are planned for tomorrow Chinese language. Unfortunately, in pursuit of all the hares, squirrels and her own cockroaches, Ayala is not able to complete a single project. The only salvation for her is working in a team that can “stretch” her enthusiasm to the bitter end. Otherwise, Ayala will never be able to settle on one calling, and will constantly change jobs to “now this is definitely mine, and I will do this for the rest of my life.”

Ayala as a child:

Either Ayala is growing up early, or not growing up at all, since her lifestyle of “drama club, photo club, and I also want to sing” does not change with age. Little Ayala also wants to “embrace the immensity.” Studying is difficult for her, since she requires maximum concentration to sit at her desk, and when asked the phrase “it’s time to do her homework,” she attacks headache and incredible sleepiness. You shouldn’t scold her too much for her poor performance, because she really tries. She needs her parents' help in organizing her routine. Reminding her about preparing school supplies for tomorrow, helping her tidy up her desk, and reminding her about dinner is the best thing her family can do for her.

Names on B


General characteristics of the name “Bayan”:

"Bayan" is translated from Arabic as “clarity”, “narrative”. The Turkic peoples gave this name the meaning of “happy.” Previously, this word was used as a prefix to both female and male names. Now it stands out as a separate name, most often given to girls. Bayan is incredibly strong in spirit. She maintains equanimity even in the most difficult situations. She is serious, reasons intelligently and logically. When making a decision, he tries to isolate himself from emotions. A closed person, he prefers to carry all his experiences within himself so as not to worry others.

Bayan in business, in society:

Bayan is a man of his word. What she says is immediately supported by concrete actions. She loves specifics, is punctual, and does not talk too much. A leader by nature, he sees the potential of a talented person and helps to reveal it. He earns his authority through honest work, does not bully his colleagues, and does not tolerate intrigue in the workplace. She is self-critical and knows how to correctly distribute her strength. Concentrates on one activity to which he devotes maximum time. A perfectionist, very demanding of herself. Does not stop there, develops and improves further.

Bayan in childhood:

IN early age Bayan is a sensible girl. She is not capricious, you can negotiate with her. Sick a little. Treats elders with respect. The only thing that can make little Bayan sad is a quarrel or discord between her parents. Otherwise, if a girl feels supported by her family, she is ready to grow and develop further.


General characteristics of the name “Bibinur”:

From Persian “bibi” is translated as “girl”, “mistress”, and “nur” - “radiance”, “light”. Translated from Iranian, this name means “fair-faced lady.” Bibinur feels like a queen at this celebration of life. Her friendly facial expression and flying gait make her stand out from the crowd. She is full of optimism. It is difficult for Bibinur to spoil her mood, her inner peace is unshakable. Every morning she seems to say to herself: “Well, dear, it’s time to grace the world with your presence.” She is so self-sufficient that she does not need external confirmation of her beauty or intelligence - Bibinur already knows that she is ideal in every way

Bibinur in business, in society:

Bibinur's calmness and poise help her achieve success in the fields of pedagogy, psychology, medicine, and management. She is also able to master “exact” specialties: programming, economics, construction. Bibinur does not strive to do everything at once; she carries out the work assigned to her methodically, according to plan, without going beyond the scope and schedule. Bibinur quickly joins the new team, creating a friendly and sunny atmosphere in the office.

Bibinur in childhood:

Bibinur is attached to her parents. She needs hugs, kisses and teasing. It is important for her to be accepted in the team, to have best friend and know that her family is waiting for her at home. Filled with love in childhood, Bibinur will carry this feeling further into adulthood and happily share it with others.

Names on D


General characteristics of the name “Dayana”:

One source states that the name Dayana is a variant of the name Diana. According to another version, the name “Dayana” is derived from the Jewish male name “Dayan,” which was originally used to name religious judges, that is, the name means “God is a judge.” The third version is this: the name “Dayana” has Turkic roots and is translated as “pilgrim”, “traveler”. In appearance she is tough and strict, but this is just a mask behind which hides a very impulsive, receptive and vulnerable personality. Diana has a complex nature. On the one hand, she is selfish, demanding, and domineering; on the other hand, she is sacrificial, generous, and compliant. Does not tolerate lies, gossip, or intrigue. Often withdraws into himself. It is important for her to be heard and to be realized in the outside world.

Dayana in business, in society:

Dayana gives preference to “serious” professions: finance, medicine, banking, law, economics. She is a materialist, comfort is important to her, and therefore she tries to earn as much as possible. She is not suitable for ordinary, “conveyor” positions. Diana has an “iron” grip. She is able to open her own business and promote a talented person or project as a producer. Competitors who play “unfairly” are dealt with harshly. A business partner who lets her down at least once is irrevocably sent to the “black list”.

Diana in childhood:

Dayanochka is restrained and reasonable. She does not need to be reminded about lessons and preparation for tomorrow - she will do all this herself without reminders. A “little adult”, she can cope with some of the responsibilities of the “big ones”: cook, clean, look after the younger ones. Still, you shouldn’t overload your child beyond a certain amount, because everyone has the same childhood.

Names on TO


General characteristics of the name “Kamila”:

Translated from Arabic it means “perfect”. “Energizer” (in common parlance “electric broom”) by nature, she constantly moves herself and charges others with her energy. She feels comfortable being in an intelligent society. He is not afraid of failures; he sets about his plans again and again, and so on until victory. Tries to avoid conflicts. She is quite emotional, and, at the same time, knows how to hide her true feelings well. Able to view situations objectively. Doesn't like to lie and make empty promises. Endowed with a phenomenal memory. Selfish, but in moderation, if necessary, she is ready to provide help, even if she infringes on her own needs in some way.

Kamila in business, in society:

Kamila is more inclined towards creative professions. A flexible work schedule is most convenient for her. Artist, writer, fashion designer, designer - this is not the entire list of occupations acceptable to her. Kamila also has excellent organizational skills, which helps her make an excellent career as a manager and administrator. In relations with colleagues, he shows friendliness and can become the boss’s favorite without undermining relationships with colleagues.

Kamila in childhood:

Little Camila is distinguished by her prudence and calmness. As a child, she gives her parents virtually no trouble. He likes to calmly go about his business: draw, read, sing. However, in adolescence her behavior changes dramatically. She constantly rebels, is capable of falling under negative influence and getting into contact with bad company.

Names on M


General characteristics of the name “Mahabbat (Markhabat)”:

Translated from many Turkic languages, the name “Mahabbat” means “love”. It is love that is the essence and purpose of a woman who bears this beautiful fragrant name. It gives its owner not only rich sensuality and passion, but also extremely strong emotions that Mahabbat is sometimes unable to cope with. Love Mahabbat can be a destructive feeling, and, first of all, for itself. This is her curse, and her blessing, her strength.

Mahabbat (Marhabat) in business, in society:

Appearance has great importance for Mahabbat. She always has a fresh manicure and excellent styling. The girl follows fashion trends, purchasing packs of style magazines. Mahabbat often turns this passion into a profession by opening a beauty salon or a fashion boutique. Mahabbat may become seriously interested in alternative medicine, palmistry and astrology. Such a traditionally male sphere as politics is no stranger to the beauty Mahi. Mahabbat is not afraid of responsibility. Thanks to the ability to find mutual language with people and determination, she is able to achieve good results in the “art of the possible,” as politics is called.

Mahabbat (Marhabat) in childhood:

Since the name carries only positive associations among others, people pamper little Makha with special pleasure. Numerous tateshki and apashki shower the girl with gifts and sweets, sighing about their love. The girl is destined to grow up in an atmosphere of kindness and the most benevolent attention. Maha quickly recognizes the power of her spell, and therefore does not put much effort into her studies. After all, everyone loves her anyway. Studying for Mahabbat is usually not of significant importance. Her main passion is communication with peers. Mahabbat has many friends, and the closest ones pass through her entire life, sharing joys and hardships with Maha.

Names on WITH

  • SULU

General characteristics of the name “Sulu”;

The name “Sulu” translated from the Kazakh language means “beautiful”, “beauty”. It is no coincidence, the most famous beauty Kazakh folk epic is named Bayan Sulu, which means “rich, noble, famous, beautiful.” The name “Sulu” is very popular among the nomadic Turkic peoples, both as an independent name and as part of a compound name. Sulu are women marked by a lot of purely feminine virtues, such as compassion, love for one’s neighbor, gentleness, kindness, and dreaminess. They are compliant and would rather compromise than adhere to principle. Sulu is the ideal classic “weak woman” for a strong man. Or a woman skillfully pretending to be weak, who knows?

Sulu in business, in society;

From a young age, Sulu has been drawn to the work of a doctor, psychiatrist or psychologist. The fact is that a woman with that name has a very developed intuition, and it helps her make a correct medical diagnosis or give psychological assessment personality. Sulu should give up his habit of thinking about something for a long time and trust more in his brilliant intuition, which rarely deceives. People around her value Sula, believing that her presence alone is calming and reassuring. There is something magical about this woman, something that binds people to her stronger than the strongest rope. Sulu is also a good organizer and a rather diplomatic person, sensitive in her statements, which has a positive effect on her image in the team. Sulu can flare up, but her anger is short-lived, and, fortunately, she is not at all vindictive.

Sulu in childhood;

Sulu as a child is a charming, neat girl who loves to play with dolls. She does not strive to become a leader, but enjoys playing with her friends. If Sulu has a brother and sister, then you can note interesting feature: Sulu is not very friendly with her sister, but she is close with her brother, who becomes her protector and helper. Sulu usually has good musical abilities, and if parents develop them by sending the girl to a music school, she can become an excellent pianist, violinist or domplayer. At Sulu's school there are not enough stars from the sky; she is, rather, from the category of quiet, diligent crammers, but, as a rule, she graduates from school with a good certificate.

And Persian roots. Kazakhs, like many other peoples, believed in the power of the name. They named their children wisely, attached great importance to the meaning of the name, and chose those words that characterized something strong and good. In this way they wanted to influence the fate and character of the child.

The Kazakhs had interesting tradition: the choice of name fell on the shoulders of the elders of the clan. They gathered at dawn on the fortieth day after the birth of the child and chose how best to name the new person. Afterwards, the mullah (priest) read a prayer three times and whispered the name of the baby. The ritual clearly demonstrates how seriously Kazakhs take choosing a name.

Women's Kazakh names mainly glorify beauty, intelligence, and chastity, while men's names glorify strength, courage, and courage. Girls are compared to the moon and flowers, and boys to animals. Choosing a name is difficult, because you need to combine not only the wishes, but also the wishes of the parents. Kazakhs often give their children the names of ancestors and relatives who distinguished themselves by intelligence or strength, earning authority and respect.

The meaning of Kazakh names

In Kazakh culture, there is no female name that has no meaning. Considering that there are more than 10 thousand Kazakh names, this is a great achievement. There is always the opportunity to consider options from the list of rare Kazakh names, traditional for Kazakhstan or Muslim. To protect the child, you can choose the name of a relative of the Prophet or his closest companions. It is believed that such a name will protect the baby from the vices of modernity and endow it with piety.

Beautiful Muslim names:

  • the name of the Prophet's wife is Aisha;
  • the names of the daughters of the Prophet are Khadija, Ruqaiya, Zainab, Fatima.

In order for a girl to grow up virtuous, she was called Aliya (divine), Aidana (chaste) or Ainagul (devotee). Eat large group names based on appearance, another reflects character traits, the third consists of translations of beautiful words, objects and phenomena.

Popular names with good value:

  • Asiya - helping the weak;
  • Rimma - everyone likes it;
  • Bagila – faithful;
  • Zilya – merciful;
  • Hania – happy;
  • Sabira – patient;
  • Rakima - merciful;
  • Zakiya is pure.

Borrowed names

Kazakh names for girls, borrowed from the Turks: Anan (clouds), Varda (rose), Khana (happiness), Jumana (pearl), Yakutakh (emerald). Some names borrowed from the Turks are two-part: Aizhan (lunar soul), Aigul (light of the moon), Nargul (flower of light). “Moon” names have the prefix “ai”: Aisulu, Aidan, Aibala.

There are several types of Kazakh names for girls, which are taken from the Turks:

  • direct translation: Arman (dream);
  • wishes for the future: Bagila (constantly faithful);
  • names with two roots: Nurzhan (solar soul);
  • names consisting of a noun and a verb: Zhumabike (princess born on Friday).

Kazakh names of Arabic origin:

  • historical and biblical (Mariam, Israel, Zakaria, Ibrahim, Isa);
  • Turkic and Arabic roots (Gulzada);
  • “sweet” names (Assel, Alua);
  • abbreviations of Arabic names;
  • changed.

Kazakh-Russian families use Russian names with Turkic roots, like or. In Kazakhstan they use the names of Sakas and Massagets (, Sogdiana).

Kazakh female names of our time

There are approximately 5 thousand modern Kazakh names for girls. Their meanings are surprisingly varied. Parents have a lot of choice, but often still find themselves at a dead end. They want to choose a beautiful name with a good meaning that will be liked by the family and suitable for the child. Also today, Kazakh parents want unique names.

Among modern Kazakh names, euphonious names like Amal, Imal or Hanan are very popular. Both parents and the girls themselves will be pleased to hear it every day. To express your daughter's boundless love and admiration, you can give her a name gemstone or flower: Zumrat (emerald), Gulshat (flower of joy), Altyn (gold), Zamzagul (many flowers).

Kazakh female names and their meaning

Names based on character traits

Agila is smart.

Gafura is forgiving.

Adela is fair.

Azima is feminine.

Amanay – calm as the moon.

Maksat is purposeful.

Rakima is merciful.

Aigerim is a smart beauty.

Ainagul is sincere, devoted.

Kanipa is sincere.

Aidaria – generous.

Akshara is good help.

Aripa is wise.

Zhazira is a broad person.

Alima is knowledgeable.

Bagila is faithful.

Aisha is life-loving.

Wasila – protector, support.

Malika is a princess, a queen.

Akaisha – cheerful, immaculate.

Ashima is a protector, patroness.

- faithful, safe.

Danesh – knowledgeable, scientist

Amal is active.

Sabira – hardy, patient.

Akbanu is an immaculate girl.

Kalima – noble, sweet.

Aidana is chaste.

Rabiga is affectionate, carefree.

Bates is pure.

Akbayan – infinitely happy.

Almazhan is a darling.

Aman – safe, healthy.

Names that characterize appearance

Ademi is an elegant, sophisticated beauty.

Aibala is as beautiful as the moon.

Badigulzhamal is an incomparable beauty.

Asylbike is a noble beauty.

Badiga is an amazing beauty.

Gulshara is a beautiful face.

Gulbarshyn is like a flower.

Akzhamal is beautiful.

Aru is a beauty.

Saulet is beautiful, pretty, prominent.

Ziba – elegant, beautiful.

Ayagoz – beautiful eyes.

Azima – feminine, great.

Zeine – beautiful, decorated.

Zhamal – beautiful, charming, attractive.

Asem – beautiful, beautiful.

Uazipa – clean, beautiful.

Azhar – beautiful, sweet, pretty.

Bayansulu is a rich beauty.

Gulmaria is beautiful, like Maria.

Aksulu is a pure, immaculate beauty.

Dariga is wonderful.

Zulfiya is curly.

Aktoty is beautiful.

"Precious" names

Altyn is gold.

Dilda is pure gold.

Zara is golden.

- silver coin.

Meruert is a gem.

Danara is a talisman.

Zumrat is an emerald.

Zere – golden.

Gauhar is a diamond.

Akaltyn is pure gold.

"Flower" names

Balgul is a honey flower.

Gulayim is a moon flower.

Gulbarshyn is as beautiful as a flower.

Gulshat – a lot of joy.

Zamzagul - an abundance of flowers.

Almagul is the color of an apple.

Arshagul is a heather flower.

Zhupar – fragrant.

Ziyagul – shining like a flower.

Anargul is the color of pomegranate.

Arnagul is the flower of the valley.

Zarina – golden-flowered.

Alkagul is a precious flower.

Ayimgul is a lunar flower.

Other beautiful Kazakh names for girls

Sholpan is the morning star.

Kunke is my sunshine.

Karlygash is a swallow.

Torgyn is precious silk.

Leila - night.

Zhania is a sweet soul.

Zhibek – silk.

Duria - silk.

Aluash - sweetness.

Aktolkyn - white wave.

Anar, Anara - pomegranate.

Adiet is a gift, a gift.

Azel – eternal, eternity.

Balsheker – sweet as honey.

Alma is an apple.

Unusual names for Russia have become fashionable for some time now. And therefore in last years Many children appeared with names from Europe and America. Less often, parents turn to the East and Asia, but in vain. This article is dedicated to Kazakhstan and will be useful for those who are looking for beautiful Kazakh

List of names

The names included in this list will be divided into thematic categories. It is immediately worth noting that due to strong Islamization, many original Kazakh names were forgotten, but the traditional Muslim onomasticon, composed mainly of words of Arabic and Persian origin, plays a huge role in the current culture of the republic.

Reason, wisdom and intelligence

  • Aguila. Arabic origin. Translated as "wisdom".
  • Galima. Means “knowing”, “competent”.
  • Dana. Translated as "wisdom".
  • Laliba. This word refers to the quality of a discerning mind.
  • Magripa. This name can be translated as “talent”. In addition, it means skill, knowledge and mastery of art.

Personality qualities

  • Adela. There are two translations of this name. For example, in German it means "nobility". But this name came to Kazakhstan from the Arab East, where its meaning is “justice”.
  • Bagilya. The name is of Arabic origin. Translated as “faithful”, “eternal”.
  • Gaini. Bright features Personalities often become the basis on which names for girls are then compiled. Kazakh modern traditions This name was also conveyed to us, meaning “the most noticeable.”
  • Galia. The word is derived from an Arabic root meaning “venerable”, “respected”.
  • Zhazira. Sometimes you have to sacrifice the literal meaning to understand what some girl names really mean. Kazakh modern traditions have brought to our time, for example, this name. If translated literally, it will mean “wide”. However, in fact, we are talking about the sociability and sociability of its owner, about the breadth of soul.
  • Zaliha. This name is difficult to translate into Russian. In Kazakh, its meaning is something between an eloquent and a sharp-tongued girl. Probably the most accurate translation would be “witty.”
  • Kabira. The word is of Arabic origin. Means majesty and solidity.
  • Latifa. This name does not have a clear translation. This word is a collective term that combines the concepts of goodness, peace, prosperity, beauty and everything positive.


  • Ademi. Beauty is a common theme with which names for girls are associated. Kazakh names are no exception here. Actually, “beauty” is a direct translation of this name.
  • Azhar. When describing beautiful Kazakh names for girls, it is necessary to mention this original Kazakh word, which translates as “beautiful”, “charming” or “charming”.
  • Bagida. Many names for girls, Kazakh and borrowed, are associated with the concept of charm. This name is one of them.
  • Yerziba. This name is also compound. But in in this case the Kazakh root was combined with an Iranian word meaning beauty. The result was a name that can be translated as “masculine beauty.” If translated not literally, the name will become an illustration of the expression “the beauty of a wife is the pride of her husband.”
  • Zhaina. This name translates as “brilliance”, “shine”, “shine”. Talks about the beauty of its bearer.
  • Zhamalai. A name that again combines Arabic and Kazakh roots. Literally translated as "beautiful moon".


  • Adia. Translated as “gift” or “reward”.
  • Lala. According to the main version, this name was borrowed from India, and should be translated as “pearl”. There is, however, a version that it comes from Azerbaijan, where it means “lighthouse”.


  • Gaisha. This name is a unique example of the feminine form of the name Jesus Christ. Accordingly, its meaning is “salvation from God.”
  • Dameli. Many Arabic borrowings in the Kazakh onomasticon are Kazakh traditions that have been adopted, for example, and this name, which is translated as “hope”, “hope”.
  • Zakira. Many names in Kazakhstan, as already mentioned, are Islamic in origin and meaning. This name is one of them. It means “she who praises God.”
  • Madina. This word in Arabic refers to the city as such. But as a personal name he points to Medina - one of the most important cities in the Islamic world.

Other names

  • Abira. In Tajikistan this word means great-granddaughter. In Kazakhstan, it began to be used as a personal name.
  • Adina. Some rare Kazakh names for girls were originally masculine names. For example, given from the Iranian language and meaning “Friday”.
  • Gaziza. To convey the meaning of this name, it is necessary to use words such as “honor” and “courtesy”.
  • Eldana. Some Kazakh girl names are traditionally believed to be actually composed of multilingual roots. For example, this name consists of two words in Arabic and Kazakh languages, which together give the translation “wise people.”
  • Enlik. This name cannot be translated into Russian because it is actually the name of a local plant from which hair dye is obtained.
  • It stung. Difficult to translate word. General meaning can be conveyed by the concept of “majestic”.
  • Zaida. A name that has two translation options. On the one hand, it means “the best.” On the other hand, it can be understood as “growth”, “development” and “evolution”.
  • Zaytuna. Plant theme is also often the source from which names for girls are generated. Kazakh names, among others, contain this beautiful name, which means In addition, the same word also refers to a crown woven from olive branches and leaves. The latter is a symbol of victory.
  • Cadia. Translated as “gift”.
  • Laik. Female original Kazakh name. It means "dignity".
  • Lamzia. Literally translated as “radiance of light.”
  • Magira. This name is of Arabic origin. Means "craftswoman".
  • Alarm. which means plant or shoot. An alternative translation is “sweetness”, “sugar”.

Choosing a name for a girl is not as easy as it seems at first glance. From all the abundance of names, we have to select the most euphonious and promising a happy fate. To make things easier for parents, we have made for you a selection of the most popular Kazakh female names with beautiful meaning. Based on this list, you can understand what popular Kazakh female name you can give to your daughter.

For your convenience, we have created a service where you can choose a name for your children or find out the meaning of your own.

Aisha (Aisha)

General characteristics of the name “Aisha”

The name "Aisha" is one of the most famous Muslim female names. This name was borne by the third—favorite—wife of the Prophet Muhammad. The name "Aisha" is of Arabic origin and means "energetic" or "full of life." Aishas are phenomenal women, possessing a subtle mind and numerous talents, and at the same time - amazingly modest, discreet, and absolutely not vain. This is the type of ideal oriental woman.

Aisha in business, in society

Aisha is a pleasant conversationalist with a sense of tact. She tries not to offend anyone, not to ask tactless questions, and cleverly avoids topics that are unpleasant for a person in conversation. It is not surprising that the team loves and appreciates Aisha not only as a responsible employee, but also as a good person. Aisha herself is quite sensitive to how others treat her. A woman with this name will most likely choose work related to communicating with people or practicing the arts - music, painting, clothing design, acting.

Aisha as a child

As a child, Aisha demonstrates an increased need for a sense of security and parental love. The girl continually asks her mother: “How much do you love me?”, and in response she expects tender hugs and kisses from the person closest to her. Being a receptive and romantic person, Aisha has extremely developed intuition. This child feels things that he cannot express in words, but which are of great importance. For example, Aisha can predict danger where no one expects it. He studies well at school and, as a rule, has a humanitarian mindset. He often writes essays on literature better than anyone in the class, loves to read books on history, culture, and novels about love.


General characteristics of the name “Ayaru”

The name “Ayaru” came into the Kazakh language from Turkic and means “moon beauty”. Despite the fact that Ayaru is the spoiled child of the family, she does not take advantage of her position as the “favorite” and listens to her elders. Despite her agreeableness, Ayaru has her own opinion on many things, which she can convey to her interlocutor so that he changes his point of view. He is offended infrequently, but it is difficult to leave; he may not speak to the offender for several days.

Ayaru in business, in society

Ayaru is self-sufficient and ambitious, so she takes her choice of profession very responsibly. Ayaru will find his recognition in life quite early. Already in middle school, she will begin to engage in activities, an interest in which will only intensify with age. She has good ability to learn languages. He likes to develop in many ways: he enjoys dancing, singing, and music, although most often he regards such activities as additional and does not seek to turn them into a profession.

Ayaru as a child

Ayaru is the heart of the family. For her, a situation where disagreements arise in relationships with loved ones is unacceptable. She is gentle with her parents, loves hugs and pleasant words.

Entering adolescence, Ayaru pays increased attention to his appearance. She likes to put on makeup, try on clothes, and experiment with her look. She also loves to cook and often treats her family to her culinary creations.

Ayaru matures early. She is not characterized by the shocking antics inherent in many teenagers. Of course, she can argue with someone or even stop contacting a person who has become unpleasant to her, but this has less to do with teenage rebellion and more to do with Ayaru’s need to remain true to herself. You can trust her with any secrets that she won’t give away even as a Fendi handbag made from a lady’s fluffy mink. Although... No, still, the trust of friends is more valuable to Ayaru than all the gold in the world.

Aigerim (Әigerim)

General characteristics of the name “Aigerim”

The name "Aigerim" has Arabic origins. Translated from Arabic "kerim" means “beautiful”, “beautiful”, “noble by birth”. The name took root in the Turkic world, where it was supplemented with semantic nuances: “ay” - “moon”, and “kerim” - “beauty”, general meaning- “moon-faced beauty”, “lunar beauty”. In Kazakhstan, the name “Aigerim” gained enormous popularity, mainly thanks to the novel “Abai’s Path”, which describes that it was with this word (literal translation - “Hey, beauty!”) that the famous Kazakh educator and philosopher addressed his wife Shukiman. The excellent phonetics and semantics of the name Aigerim endows its bearer with fantastic charm. Aigerims are women after whom men wring their necks: the beauties bearing this ringing name are endowed with such magnetism and sexuality.

Aigerim in business, in society

Aigerim is an enthusiastic and active person on social and professional paths. She may have a brilliant talent for the arts and languages. The owner of this name often finds her “I” in creative activities or in areas where creativity is required: acting, journalism, linguistics, tourism, design, sports (especially figure skating and rhythmic gymnastics). A profession related to issues of justice is also suitable for Aigerim: jurisprudence (especially the legal profession), political activity, law enforcement agencies. Aigerim will not be able to work in a company or government agency where he is excluded career. Aigerim can, without regret, part with a job in which she does not see prospects for promotion.

Aigerim in childhood

Little perfectionist Aigerisha loves active games, where her grace and endless charm are revealed. This child with fantastically powerful energy cannot stand monotony and boredom. Aigerim is drawn to various adventures and adventures, where she goes enviable consistency pulls in his girlfriends. Aigerim usually gets A's and B's in his studies. If a girl with that name has lower grades in her diary, this is a sure sign that the teacher could not interest her, and Aigerim became bored with studying.

AYA (Aya)

General characteristics of the name “Aya (Aya)”

In the Arab world, the name “Aya” has two meanings - the first: “wonderful, amazing, beautiful, special” and the second: “verse”, which denotes small chapters of the Koran. Translated from Greek, Aya means “saint.” In the Turkic tradition, “Aya” means “moonlight” or “air” (aua). The name “Aya” for the Kazakhs is a typical example of the borrowing of names under the influence of Islamic culture. It is not surprising that by calling their daughter such a magical name, parents endow the newborn with pure and bright vibrations that can Aye live a decent life surrounded by friendly and happy family, in prosperity and mental health.

Aya in business, in society

Being a rather private person, when choosing a profession, Aya is rarely inclined to follow the lead of those around her and chooses what her soul lies in. This girl can greatly upset her relatives, who predict a career for her financial manager, and go to study as a fashion model at a modeling school. But this is Aya, who does not want to accept the fact that with each such choice the distance between her and the world around her only increases. For life success Aya needs to learn the very useful skill of understanding and feeling other people, without which a happy life is impossible.

Aya in childhood

It's hard to resist spoiling little Aya, because she's so cute and mischievous. Parents need to be careful: without meeting reasonable resistance to her irrepressible desires, Aya can become cold and selfish and grow up completely disregarding the interests of other people. Therefore it will be better. if from an early age there is a living creature in the house that the girl can take care of. It could be a kitten or a tame hamster. Then in Aya they will open up best sides her nature: compassion, sacrifice and caring.


General characteristics of the name “Altynai”

The name "Altynai" is of Kazakh origin. Translated from Kazakh, it literally means “golden moon”. In Turkic culture, the Moon is revered as a symbol of beauty and fidelity, as well as traditional feminine virtues. A woman named Altynai is drawn to justice with all her soul, she is merciful and compassionate, romantic and charming.

Altynai in business, in society

In relations with people, Altynai usually shows tact, mercy and respect. She deeply feels the surrounding reality, has a rich inner world and subtle intuition. Women named Altynai are drawn to art and crafts. They can become excellent jewelers, designers, architects, costume designers, as well as writers and musicians. Altynai will be successful in any business that requires communication with people. A woman with this name will easily find a common language with any interlocutor, regardless of age, social and professional status and level of education. From Altynai it will work good psychologist, especially for children.

Altynai in childhood

Little Altynka – amazing child who believes in a fairy tale in reality. If the adult world around her is too harsh and not too welcoming, then Altynai will create her own pink world in her imagination and will happily live in it, not caring about the harsh reality. It is very difficult for little Altyn to believe that people can be cruel. Parents need to gently but firmly prepare the girl for adult life and explain that she does not need to look at the world only through rose-colored glasses. Altynai, as a rule, studies only with good and excellent grades. The teacher often sets her as an example to other children, as a diligent and responsible student.


General characteristics of the name “Anel”

Many sources attribute the name “Anel” to the Turkic peoples. Its meaning is described by the words “homeland”, “tribe”, “fatherland”. Some argue that the name “Anel” has ancient Greek roots and means “bright”; according to another version, the name is Arabic, and it means “lucky”. From Kazakh it can be translated literally as “an” - “song” and “el” - “people”, and together - “melody of the country”. In any case, the owner of this name is characterized by such character traits as charm, intelligence, politeness, and self-sufficiency. It is typical for Anelya to go to extremes: today she wants to please others, and tomorrow she can manipulate people, taking advantage of the fact that she makes a pleasant impression on others.

Anel in business, in society

Anel is endowed with quick wit and a sharp mind. If she has a desire to learn something new, she can master the knowledge on her own. Her high intelligence and perseverance set her apart from the team, which sometimes becomes the cause of envy of others. Her emotionality and impulsiveness make it difficult to maintain long-term relationships with colleagues. With age, she will learn diplomacy, and yet she will put her own interests first. To achieve the greatest results in her career, she needs to learn to work in a team.

Anel in childhood

Anel's main character traits are most often similar to her father, as well as external characteristics. In general, Anel’s father is an authority, and it is to him that she turns for help first of all.

Anel loves the attention of others. However, in childhood it was confirmed by such character traits as touchiness and impulsiveness. She has an unstable nervous system, and therefore mood swings are often observed. But he loves animals very much, sometimes it even seems that more than people.


General characteristics of the name “Aruzhan”

“Aruzhan” translated from Turkic means: “aru” - “beauty” and “zhan” - “soul”. Aruzhan is happy with her name, as well as with herself in general. She is neat and takes care of her appearance. Contrary to fashion, she loves long and airy dresses; she is close to the romantic style. And she herself is like a princess from a fairy tale - beautiful and mysterious. Honest, fair, with a good sense of humor. Strictly judges others, loves to criticize. She has many girlfriends, but often chooses the one with whom she is ready to hitchhike halfway across the country and arrange a gorgeous photo shoot against the backdrop of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Aruzhan in business, in society

Despite Aruzhan’s clearly expressed values ​​such as family and children, she is ambitious. She chooses different professions: from journalist to accountant, but this choice was made consciously. Loves to learn something new, to reveal previously unknown qualities in himself. Most often he works in his acquired specialty, or tries to realize himself in related professions. Having received one education, he does not stop; he learns with interest the basics of another activity. Doesn’t like to “jump” from project to project, first reaches a certain level in one area, and only then moves on to the next industry.

Aruzhan in childhood

Aruka is a little moody. He carries out instructions from his elders, but only out of necessity, and not at the behest of his soul. Jealous of parents towards other children. Curious, asks interesting questions. She draws, dances, and enjoys attending creative clubs.

Asem (ӘSEM)

General characteristics of the name “Asem”

The name “Asem” is a rather rare case of a purely Kazakh name. Translated from the Kazakh language, Asem means “beautiful”, “wonderful”, “graceful”, “attractive”. Asems are very vulnerable and impressionable women, sensitive to the moods of people and the world around them. Faced with the harsh prose of life, they often get lost. Therefore, Asem, perhaps more than anyone else, needs the support and patronage of loved ones.

Asem in business, in society

Asem can be called creative personality, because in her lovely head there is always a swarm of all kinds of ideas. A woman with this name clearly grasps trends in society and prefers to make money on the fashion path. If the husband lends our heroine a large sum enough money to run own business, Asema will open a coffee shop or spa that will quickly become popular thanks to her owner's wide social connections. Asems are born “party girls”; they love to appear in fashionable places where they can see people and show off themselves, their beloved. For Asem, the atmosphere in the team is of great importance; if she becomes uncomfortable communicating with her colleagues, she would rather quit than endure psychological discomfort.

Asem in childhood

Little Asema is the embodiment of tenderness, the favorite of all relatives. Mom, both apashki and numerous tateshki pamper the girl, trying to protect the child from life's problems. Therefore, you should not be surprised that Asema is characterized by some capriciousness, which, however, only adds to her charm. At school, Asema often has a hard time, because in class she has to compete with children. Psychologists advise parents of girls named Asem to teach them to be independent as early as possible and not to patronize them for any reason.


General characteristics of the name “Ayala”

There are two versions of the origin of the name "Ayala". One source states that it is derived from the word "ayalau", which means "to caress, cherish, care for." According to another version, the name is Hebrew and is translated as “gazelle.” The owner of this name is graceful and feminine. For strangers she is capricious, for loved ones she is a faithful friend. Vulnerable, although she strives to hide her feelings. She hovers in some kind of world of her own, and must be periodically brought down from “heaven to earth.”

Ayala in business, in society

“And the reaper, and the reader, and the player of the pipe” - this saying reflects all the internal tossing of Ayala. She wants only: to open her own business, travel around the world, become a chess champion, learn to draw portraits... And all this is desirable today, or even better in the next hour, otherwise a parachute jump and Chinese language courses are planned for tomorrow. Unfortunately, in pursuit of all the hares, squirrels and her own cockroaches, Ayala is not able to complete a single project. The only salvation for her is working in a team that can “stretch” her enthusiasm to the bitter end. Otherwise, Ayala will never be able to settle on one calling, and will constantly change jobs to “now this is definitely mine, and I will do this for the rest of my life.”

Ayala as a child

Either Ayala is growing up early, or not growing up at all, since her lifestyle of “drama club, photo club, and I also want to sing” does not change with age. Little Ayala also wants to “embrace the immensity.” Studying is difficult for her, because she needs maximum concentration to sit at her desk, and when she says “it’s time to do her homework,” she gets a headache and incredible drowsiness. You shouldn’t scold her too much for her poor performance, because she really tries. She needs her parents' help in organizing her routine. Reminding her about preparing school supplies for tomorrow, helping her tidy up her desk, and reminding her about dinner is the best thing her family can do for her.


General characteristics of the name “Daria”

The name “Daria” originates from the name of the Persian king Darius and means “victor”, “sovereign”. According to the second version, the name Dara has Slavic roots, and is a form of the Slavic names Daria, Darena, Darina, which mean “gift given.” According to the third version, the name Daria is considered Muslim, as it comes from the Arabic verb “dara” and means “knowing, competent.” Translated from Kazakh the word “d” aria" means "sea" big river" It is no coincidence that the two largest rivers in Central Asia are called Amudarya and Syr Darya. Darii are strong, brave, self-confident women with extraordinary appearance. “Summer” and “autumn” Daria are often wonderful beauties, around whom men hover, ready to fulfill their every whim.

Daria in business, in society

The greatest success awaits Daria in the family business, which she organizes together with her husband. Daria is capable of becoming a good leader; people respect her and willingly recognize her right to leadership. If anything can hinder the matter, it is Daria’s inability to bring what she started to its logical conclusion; she is one of those who quickly cools down and lets things take their course. Daria knows how to earn money, but she also easily spends money, buying herself a one hundred and thirtieth handbag and “spending” capital in beauty salons. Therefore, if her husband takes control of the family finances, it will be better for both of them.

Daria in childhood

Dariyusha is a fire girl, a lover of noisy games. She is not the kind of girl who will sit quietly under the table playing with her dolls. Daria was born to “rule the roost.” She can easily use her fists to put the offender in his place. As a teenager, classmates are afraid of Daria's sharp tongue, which she uses masterfully: her rather offensive jokes are spread throughout the school, and woe to the one on whom Daria sticks her derogatory label. Daria is her mother’s favorite, she takes over from her feminine tricks and usually looks flawless. Daria lacks perseverance and perseverance at school, but overall she studies well, thanks to her quick wits and ability to grasp everything on the fly.

Zhanar (Zhanara)

General characteristics of the name “Zhanara”

The name “Zhanar” is of Persian and Arabic origin, like many of the names that contain the root “-zhan-”, which means “soul”. The Kazakh people added a purely Kazakh ending to the borrowed root. The name “Zhanar” in the Kazakh tradition has the meaning of “spiritual”, “native” and - the second option - “brilliance of the eyes”. Zhanars are shy, hypersensitive and emotional. Women with this name have an excellent imagination and excellent intuition, which allows them to see right through people.

Zhanara in business, in society

Zhanara will try to find a place of work where everything is calm and stable, preferring large companies with an established way of life. There is also a high probability that Zhanara will choose a profession related to communication or raising children. She will be in her place in the role school teacher, psychologist, ecologist, accountant, social worker. Zhanara is hampered in communicating with people by excessive seriousness and thoroughness. For this reason, she may feel internal discomfort, forcing her to frequently change jobs. Someone might say that Zhanara is driven by a desire to assert herself, but in fact, in this way she is trying to hide weakness and self-doubt. Zhanara should learn to be tougher and more decisive, and then success will not be long in coming.

Zhanara in childhood

Little Zhanarochka is growing up as a dreamy girl, with a rich inner world, where she is not too willing to let strangers in. The girl gives the impression of being secretive, but she knows how to make friends, she always has friends whom she loves and cares about. Zhanara has a trait that may not serve her very well. Zhanarochka is very often ready to sacrifice her own your own desires for the sake of the happiness of others. Unscrupulous people can take advantage of this quality of Zhanara, so it is very important that this child always has a decent human environment around him.

Zhuldyz (Zhuldyz)

General characteristics of the name “Zhuldyz”

The name “Zhuldyz” is of Turkic origin, but this name received truly popular love from the Kazakhs. Translated from Kazakh “Zhuldyz” means “star”, “radiant”, “luminous”. Zhuldyz is a woman with a capital “W” who is capable of attaching any man to her. Reliable, smart, decisive and strong-willed Zhuldyz goes through life without bending to circumstances, on the contrary, preferring to bend them to herself.

Zhuldyz in business, in society

In communicating with strangers and colleagues, Zhuldyz is a strict woman, condemning any manifestations of dishonesty and lies. The image of a truth-seeker allows Zhuldyz to make a remark to any person, even if he is ranked higher than her. career ladder. This behavior strategy is quite risky, but it also has positive aspects. Zhuldyz enjoys unquestioning respect in the team as a person who will not remain silent and encourage injustice and meanness. Hardworking and diligent Zhuldyz will have success in the medical field, in law, in management and marketing.

Zhuldyz in childhood

Little Zhuldyz is growing up as a calm and docile girl who does not cause much trouble or trouble to her parents. At kindergarten age, Zhuldyz easily gets acquainted with and gets along with peers, but at school he can conflict with girls in the class. The fact is that Zhuldyz is uncompromising about hypocrisy, she is used to bringing out hypocrites on clean water, and not everyone will like it. However, Zhuldyz will be able to find a common language with her classmates. Thanks to hard work and perseverance, Zhuldyz studies well and succeeds in all school subjects. The girl takes an early interest in reading and reads everything indiscriminately, she especially likes romance novels and books about travel and animals.


General characteristics of the name “Marzhan”

The name “Marjan” is borrowed from Arabic and means “coral”. In the Kazakh language, the meaning of this name is broader: “corals”, “beads”, “necklace”, “decoration”. Pink and red corals have been valued by Kazakhs since ancient times; folk craftsmen used them to make stunningly beautiful women's jewelry. The woman named Marzhan has such strong personal qualities like will, calmness and reliability. Marzhan can be trusted in any difficult situation.

Marzhan in business, in society

Marzhan often chooses a profession that is not associated with great psychological and physical stress. It is important for her that work does not take up all her time and gives her the opportunity to solve her own problems. Marzhan will feel comfortable in professions related to culture or show business, as well as trade, administration, book publishing and computer design. In the team, Marzhan, as a rule, enjoys respect because she has the talent to listen and hear her colleagues, she loves people and can often help with good advice.

Marjane in childhood

Little Marjane fits the concept of “ good girl": reasonable at school, polite and helpful with neighbors and relatives. The girl is always the first to say hello, is ready to help her poor neighbor carry her bag to the apartment, and can take patronage over a stray cat living in the basement. Gold, not a girl! Marjane becomes very attached to people and certain things, for example, she will not go to bed without her favorite teddy bear. The most ideal option for Marzhan is to graduate from the very school to which her mother took her by the hand in first grade. Marjane has difficulty getting used to new things and may fall into melancholy due to a particular change of environment.


General characteristics of the name “Saltanat”

The name "Saltanat" translated from Arabic means "wife of the king", "powerful", "magnificent", "brilliant". This name is used in the Muslim world, but it was in Kazakhstan that it gained truly national popularity. Women named Saltanat are endowed with harmonious personality traits, such as goodwill towards people, openness to the world and a strong thirst for self-expression. Saltanat will never go unnoticed; she attracts admiring glances from men and jealous glances from women like a magnet.

Saltanat in business, in society

If Salta used her feminine charm in professional field, she would easily have made the most brilliant career. Fortunately, this woman believes that it is rude to exploit one's own sexuality to achieve ambitious plans. For professional self-affirmation, Saltanat often chooses “non-female specialties” - for example, knowledge-intensive areas where competition with men is traditionally strong. Saltanat is also attracted to journalism (especially reporting), publishing, business administration, economics, finance, accounting and auditing.

Saltanat in childhood

Little Salta is growing independent child who enjoys exploring the world. With this girl, the parents do not have serious problems either in terms of behavior or in terms of studies. Salta demonstrates an excellent memory, easily memorizing long poems and even fairy tales that her mother reads to her at night. From a young age, Saltatat has been increasingly displaying a very useful character trait - she tries not to leave things halfway and almost always brings her plans to their logical conclusion.


General characteristics of the name “Tomiris”

According to one version, the name became famous thanks to the Scythian queen Tomiris. This name means “break iron” (from the word “temir” - “iron”). Other sources say that “Tomiris” is derived from the ancient Iranian “Tomruz” and is translated as “home”. There is a third option: “Tomiris” could be formed from the name “Takhmina”, which in Uzbek and Kazakh means “dominant”. Proud and wayward Tomiris, like her namesake many centuries ago, requires special treatment. Her look, gait, speech - everything says that in front of you is Miss “I will achieve everything I want, because I am the Queen.”

Tomiris in business, in society

Tomiris has business acumen. The owner of this name is the very typical businesswoman who will build her own business at the drop of a hat and enter the market in the midst of a crisis. Planning, time management, tactics, strategy - for Tomiris this is not just a set of words, but instructions for survival for every day. Any profession that requires nerves of steel is suitable for her: a doctor, a manager, and even a policeman.

Tomiris in childhood

Organized, attentive, diligent beyond her years. She doesn’t like it when her name is shortened – after all, Toma doesn’t sound as proud as Tomiris. Loves to read, and chooses serious literature. Argues with teachers if she does not agree with the assessment. Stubborn. Tears and hysterics are not her method; she will go on a hunger strike or boycott.


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