Beautiful Slavic names for girls royal. Old Russian names for girls

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In ancient times, when the parents of their daughter wanted to give her a name, they always looked first at the manifestations of her character traits, abilities, and craving for something specific. Slavic names for girls must necessarily reflect not only the purpose of the future mother and wife, but also some of their personal traits. If today more people choose names of foreign origin or from the Orthodox naming book, then earlier the Slavs relied on ritualism and even religious traditions. Beautiful Slavic names for girls were given according to personality. In the naming ceremony, the key role was played by the sorcerer conducting the ceremony. Subsequently, traditions changed, Slavic Russian names for girls began to be assigned at birth. Perhaps now the time has come when we can use rare Slavic names for girls?

According to cultural experts, the Slavs had never previously given names to their children from infancy. In addition, it was their habit to always name children or an adult person by several names. It still happens with us folk custom give nicknames to a person who already has a first name, patronymic and family surname.

Beautiful Slavic names for girls were assigned in adolescence. The purpose for each girl played a special role. It could be both personal and tribal, having family or community significance.

The first feature includes the child’s personal qualities that will remain with him for life. And to the second - social role future mother, wife, successor of the family. There is also a third meaning - this is the identification of a girl with one or another Goddess Slavic pantheon gods. Then the girl could unwittingly attract divine power to herself by just her name.

Features of Slavic names for girls

A native Slavic name for a girl is considered a rare occurrence today. People are already accustomed to naming girls with names of Greek, German, Roman and even English origin. It is also popular today to name children from the church Orthodox naming book. But most of them include Jewish names, mixed with Greek variants.

Women's names among the Slavs could be complex or simple, depending on the family structure, traditions and personal characteristics, time of birth, and circumstances. In Russian fairy tales today you can find names consisting of an additional nickname: Elena the Wise, Marya the Artisan, Tiny Khavroshechka, Varvara Krasa - Long Braid, Ognevushka-Jumping and others. In addition to fairy tales, in the life of the Slavs there were names: Zarina Svetlaya, Dobronrava Solnechnaya, Yasun Krasa, Dobryan Marten, Vedana Groza and others.

In addition to double names, which spoke about the special qualities of the child, or the special time and hour when he was born, the children of the Slavs were also called secret names. Only the priest conducting the ceremony, the Native Gods who blessed the child, and the girl herself knew about this name. This name should not be told to anyone, because there is a belief that with its help evil forces can completely take possession of a person bearing a secret name. The function of such a name is to protect against various failures, attacks of evil spirits, evil eye and other negativity.

If they wanted to mark a girl with the power of any Goddess, then she was given a name either with the root of the name of the Goddess, or by calling the child with the whole divine name. Such a relationship with the Native Gods allowed the future girl to get successfully married, the future mother to conceive, give birth and raise good children, the future wife to be a faithful friend, comrade-in-arms and caretaker of her husband.


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The following names are associated with the pantheon of Slavic goddesses: Lada, Zara (derived from Zarya Zaryanitsa), Maria (derived from Mary, Morena), Dana. Female names derived from the Gods: Yarila, Velesynya, Perunitsa.

How to choose Slavic names for girls

Rare Slavic names for girls (Vedagora, Gorislava and others) or common ones, such as Lada, for example, were chosen according to a special principle. It consisted of the following:

  1. A temporary name was given. From the moment of birth until a certain age, girls were not given any specific name, but were simply called “child”, “child”, “girl”, or even by a number - “second”, “third”.
  2. Naming. After observing what inclinations the girl showed and what she was striving for, the parents could help choose a name.
  3. Honor your ancestors. They could name the girl after some outstanding personality in the family. For example, great-grandmothers-handicraftsmen, grandmothers-witches, and so on.
  4. Honor the ancestral God. When a particular god or deities were worshiped in a Slavic family, their names could also be passed on to people at the request of parents or grown-up children.

Naming was carried out for a girl in such a way as to first “wash away” the temporary name in a lake where there is no flowing water (for boys - in a river with flowing water). Then they “attached” the new name through a special ritual. The sorcerer performed the ritual at the temple. This is all done when the girl reaches a certain age:

  • if the qualities of a future sorceress, priestess, or sorceress manifested themselves, then the girl was named at the age of 9;
  • when a child shows all the qualities of a warrior, or she was a princess - at 12 years old;
  • children showing qualities of other classes - at 16 years old.

Slavic mythology describes a number of conditions in the traditions of the ancient Slavs, when children or adults could be renamed. This usually happened if a new name “from the language of the people” was already fixed in a girl or woman, taking into account the passage of one or another stage of life, where she showed herself in a special way. They could conduct new naming rituals when, for some reason, the previously given name was not suitable. It rarely happens that a temporary name is assigned to a child for life.

The name of a girl, girl, woman must definitely sound! Our Slavic ancestors believed that spoken words had magical power, including this also applied to names, which were repeated out loud more often than other words. The future mother and wife must receive strength from Nature, the elements, and the gods in order to successfully create virtuous offspring. The Slavic culture of the Russian North has in many ways now most fully preserved these traditions, especially in the villages.

Slavic female names

AGNIYA - fiery, enlightened
ALLA - highly spiritual
BAZHENA - desired
BELA - white, clean
BELOYARA - light-colored
BORISLAVA - fighting for glory
BOYANA - fighting, courageous
BRATISLAVA - taking glory
BELOSLAVA - glorifying purity
BELYANA - enlightened, spiritualized
BOGOLYUBA - loving her gods
VLASYA - long-haired
VELENA - commanding
VESNYANA - spring
VLADA - okay, slender
VELMIRA (Velemira) - ruler of the world (people)
VEDANA (Vedeneya, Vedenya) - in charge
VELIMIRA - very peaceful, balanced
FAITH - knowing Ra (sun, primordial Light)
VSESLAV - glorifying everything
GALA - soulful
GALINA - feminine, earthy
DANA (Danuta) - given
DARYANA (Daria) - courageous
DRAGOMIRA (Darling) - dear, dear to the world (society)
ZLATA (Zlatana) - golden, golden-haired
ZVENISLAVA - calling on glory
ZLATOYARA - ardent, strong like the sun
INNA (Inga) - feminine
KARINA - brown-eyed, little race
LYUBAVA (Lyuba, Lyubima, Lyubusha) - beloved
LUDA - humane
LUCHESARA - radiant, illuminating with light
LYUBOYARA - loving Yarila
LYUDMILA - dear to people, humane
MILA (Mlava, Militsa) - sweetheart
MIRA (Mirava, Mirana, Mirona, Mireta) - peaceful, reconciling
OLESYA - forest
OLGA (Olyana) - playful
OGNESLAV - glorifying Fire
POLADA - flexible
PEREYASLAVA - which took over the glory of its ancestors
RUSSIA - fair-haired
RITA - born in accordance with the Law of the Family
SVETANA (Sveta, Svetla) - light
SNEZHANA (Snezhina) - snowy, white-faced
SVETLANA (Svetlena) - bright, pure soul
FLOWER - blooming, tender
YADVIGA - nurse
YANA - courageous
YAROSLAVA - glorifying Yarila the sun

Not all Russian names have Slavic origin. Most modern Russian names are names from Orthodox calendar, foreign or Russified names. But beautiful female Slavic names are not uncommon now.

Naming traditions among the Eastern Slavs

The turning point in the naming tradition among the Slavs was the adoption of Christianity. For some time Slavic and christian names coexisted, moreover, in the naming of one person: a Slavic name for everyday life, and a baptismal, Christian name for the church. Christian names used in Rus' came from Byzantium and therefore have ancient Greek roots, but some of them are of Hebrew and Roman origin. Starting from the 14th century, Slavic names began to be replaced by Christian ones, and for a long time were perceived as pagan and became forbidden. The exception was the Slavic names of saints included in the calendar. The Months or Saints are church calendar with a brief indication church holidays and days of remembrance of saints. Each name included in the calendar must belong to a saint canonized by the church. The month book was compiled in the order of the months and days of the year. Orthodox names girls were given according to their month of birth.

In the 19th century, some Slavic names, especially those of princely origin - Vladimir, Svyatoslav, Vsevolod, became widespread among the Russian intelligentsia. The fashion for Slavic names, including women's ones, returned to Russia with the advent of the new millennium and the passion for neo-paganism. Moreover, not only East Slavic and Old Slavonic names, but also common Slavic names adopted from others Slavic peoples– Bulgarians, Poles, Czechs, Serbs.

Name-giving ritual among the Slavs

Interest in Slavic culture, its traditions and rituals, has revived some cult practices, including the naming ceremony, which was once common among the ancient Slavs. Followers of Slavic paganism strive to restore the lost meanings of the naming process, its magical meaning.

Ancient Slavic names always had sacred meaning and were never accidental. The ancient Slavs knew that names reflect the deep meanings of existence, the structure of the universe, determine the fate of a person, his purpose.

In accordance with the idea of magical meaning A person should have two names - a “secret name” and a “name for everyone.” A name for everyone is more of a nickname, emphasizing character traits, appearance, as well as shortcomings, real or, most often, imaginary. This is a false name, and it was given to protect against evil forces. A false name is often dissonant, and its meaning should scare away unkind people and evil spirits. The names Nekras, Nemil, Kriv, Zloba are unlikely to attract envious people, but will protect its bearers.

Zealots Slavic traditions They believe that a child should receive a true name not immediately after birth, but at the age of nine to twelve years, when he realizes his destiny. The naming ceremony must be performed by a sorcerer (priest). This is a kind of initiation, after which the child acquires a true name, hidden from everyone (except him and the priest) and common name, which became his public personal name. A true name determines a person’s destiny, harmonizes him with the world, preserves and protects his inner harmony.

Groups of Slavic names

Old Slavic names are divided into the following groups:

  • names associated with the time of birth of the child (Winter, Frost);
  • names that emphasize the characteristics of the physical appearance (Chernysh, Malyuta, Golovach, Tolstoy);
  • numerical names (Perva, Vtorak, Tretyak);
  • names associated with distinctive features character or temperament (Brave, Stoyan, Smeyana);
  • names from an animal or flora(Hare, Eagle, Walnut, Wolf, Pike);
  • names of gods and goddesses (Yarila, Lada, Veles);
  • names reflecting the desire or undesirability of a child (Nezhdan, Nechay).

Under the influence of Christianization, these nicknames were forced out of use, becoming the basis for the formation of surnames.

Princely names stand apart among the old Slavic names. Almost all of them are two-basic - Vladimir, Yaroslav, Mstislav, Svyatopolk and others. The meaning of such names is based on words symbolizing power and glory. The use of princely names by mere mortals was prohibited. By the 15th century, representatives of the ruling Rurik dynasty already bore Christian names as their main name. The Vladimirs and Svyatoslavs are replaced by Ivans, Vasilys, and Alexandras.

Female princely names are also two-basic - Yaroslav, Vysheslav, Dobroneg, Pereyaslav. Basically, these names were derived from male names. Unfortunately, few female Slavic names have reached us. The reason for this is the insignificant role of women in medieval Rus' and, perhaps, an earlier spread of Christian names than among men.

The meaning of Slavic female names

The sound of Slavic female names is beautiful and melodic, and the meaning is clear and close to any Slav. Their popularity is growing every day, and the list of Slavic female names chosen for girls is becoming wider:

  • Arina - according to one version, Arina is a form of the Slavic name Yarina, formed on behalf of the god Yaril;
  • Bazhena - desired, respected, sweet, beloved;
  • Berislava - taking glory;
  • Blagoslava - blessing kindness;
  • Bogdana – given by God;
  • Bogumila - dear to God;
  • Boleslava - more glorious;
  • Bozena - God's, blessed;
  • Branislava – protector of glory;
  • Bratislava - brotherly glory;
  • Bronislava is a glorious protector;
  • Wenceslas - more glorious;
  • Velimira – big world;
  • Veselina – cheerful;
  • Vladimir - who owns the world;
  • Vlada is a short form of Vladislava;
  • Vladislava - owner of glory;
  • Vseslava - all glory;
  • Gordislava - proud glory;
  • Gorislava – burn or grief + glory;
  • Goritsa – forest;
  • Gradislava – protecting the world;
  • Gremislava - thundering glory;
  • Darina – gifted;
  • Dobronega - kind bliss;
  • Dobromila – kind and sweet;
  • Dobroslava - good glory;
  • Dragomira - dear to the world;
  • Zhdana - long-awaited;
  • Zvenislava - ringing glory;
  • Zlata – golden;
  • Lada - dear, beloved;
  • Lyubava - beloved;
  • Lyubomila - beloved, dear;
  • Lyubomyra - lover of peace;
  • Lyudmila - dear to people;
  • Malusha – small;
  • Milana - sweetheart;
  • Militsa – pretty;
  • Miloslava - glorious by mercy;
  • Miroslava - glorious in peace;
  • Mlada – young;
  • Mstislava - avenging glory;
  • Unexpected - unexpected;
  • Pereslava - strive for glory;
  • Prebyslava - to remain in glory;
  • Rada – joyful;
  • Radimira – caring for the world;
  • Radmila – caring, sweet;
  • Radoslava - joyful glory;
  • Rostislava - growing fame;
  • Svetozara – illuminating with light;
  • Svetoslava - glorifying the light;
  • Svetlana – light;
  • Svyatoslav - holy glory;
  • Snezhana – snowy, cold;
  • Stanislava - asserter of glory;
  • Tikhomira – quiet, peaceful;
  • Cheslava - honest glory;
  • Yarina - possibly from the god Yaril;
  • Yaroslav - ardent, strong glory.

Famous Russian female names - Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov - are not Slavic in origin, but are a copy of the ancient Greek words meaning Faith (Pistis), Hope (Elpis) and Love (Agape).

It’s interesting, but some modern Slavic names, including women’s ones, are the fruit of literary and cult fantasies. Representatives of the currently popular “Slavic fantasy” genre and neo-pagan Rodnovers are happy to invent new names, most often two-base ones.

In our century, educated parents are paying more and more attention to Old Church Slavonic names, giving them to their children. Thus, they return to the original Russian traditions that have existed in Rus' since ancient times in naming.

Old names in new times

New sound in modern world acquire the names Vsevolod and Milana, Mstislav and Darina. Such a keen interest of modern residents in rare, long-unused ancient Slavic names is not surprising. When looking for a name for their child, parents strive to make it original and unusual. In addition, they want the baby’s name to be sonorous and poetic. In addition to the above, modern parents do not forget about the content and semantics of the name.

The Slavs used to give their children names with meaning. In this case, the name must have only positive energy. Ancient Slavic names meet all these requirements. Russian people intuitively understand their meaning, and the beauty with which they sound will not leave anyone indifferent. Ancient Slavic names (male and female) today are considered by many parents as best names for your children.

Double naming

A name determines a person's destiny. It serves as the key to his inner world. Ancients Slavic tribes adhered to the tradition of double naming, which was based on the belief in the mystical connection between the name and the person to whom it was given. It is no coincidence that in Rus' a person had two names: one was false - for everyone, and the other secret - for himself and his closest friends. Names were supposed to serve as protection from evil spirits and bad people. Often the first false Slavic name was given to those who were purposefully unattractive (Zloba, Kriv, Byaka, Nekras, Likho).

It was believed that a name is the key to a person, and without knowing the essence of an individual, it is much more difficult to harm him. The rite of secondary naming was performed upon reaching adolescence, when all the main character traits have already been formed, and it is already possible to judge which of them have become predominant. Based on these traits, the name was given.

The meaning of ancient Slavic names

Let's analyze ancient Slavic names and their meanings.

According to their meaning, Old Church Slavonic names are conventionally divided into several groups:

  • Names that repeat the names of various representatives of flora and fauna (Raven, Eagle, Walnut). These days such names are not used.
  • Old Slavonic names reflecting various traits of human character. For example, Veselin can mean “cheerful”, and the name Khrabr means “courageous”; Dobrolyub means “loving and kind.” In the modern world, the names of this group have become widespread.
  • Names relating to various mythical characters. These were mainly the names of ancient Slavic deities. So, Lada is the Slavic goddess of love, Yarilo is Slavic god sun.
  • Interesting ancient Slavic names indicating the order in which a child was born in the family. The logic was completely simple. The first son received the name Pervush, the second son was called Vtorak, the third - Tretyak, and so on.

For a more detailed study of Slavic names and their meanings, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following lists.

Men's names

Ancient Slavic names of boys and their meaning:

  1. Bajan. It means "desired child."
  2. Belogov. It means "enlightened".
  3. Borislav. It is believed that this is interpreted as "fighting for glory."
  4. Vsevolod. The interpretation of this name is “knowing everything.”
  5. Radiant. Means “radiant, luminous.”
  6. Radimir. The meaning of the name is “rejoicing in the world, caring for the world.”
  7. Svyatopolk. This means “commands the holy regiment.”
  8. Trojan. The meaning is "third".
  9. Chedomir. Derived from two words: “peace” and “child”.
  10. Yarema. Explained as “bearing a yoke.”

Women's names

Ancient Slavic female names and their meanings:

  • Bogdana means “given by God himself”;
  • Faith. It means “keeping faithful”;
  • Dalina. Means "far";
  • Christmas tree. The name comes from the name of the tree - spruce;
  • Zlata. Interpreted as “gold-colored”;
  • Lana. Means "sweetheart";
  • Lyubina. It is derived from the word “love”;
  • Milada. Interpreted as “sweetheart”;
  • Stanislava. The meaning is "holy glory";
  • Yuna. Derived from the word “young”.

Two-basic Slavic names and their meaning

One of the largest groups of Slavic names are names with two stems. Until the era of Christianity began, the names of this group were most widespread.

Many names used by the Slavs are composed of 2 basics. For example, the name Lubomir is considered to be a derivative of two words - “to love” and “peace”, and Boguslav is a derivative of “glory” and “god”. It sounds very beautiful and at the same time the name has an absolutely clear meaning. It is thanks to this that Slavic names have received a second life in our time, becoming very popular among their contemporaries. Most often, these names are given to children born in Poland, Ukraine, Serbia, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic.

These names are divided into two subgroups. The main group includes two-basic names (Tikhomir, Svyatoslav, Ratibor, Dobrozhir, Gostomysl, Yaropolk, Velimudr, Vsevolod, Bogdan, Lyubomila, Dobrogneva), and the second group contains names that are derived from the names of the main group (Dobrynya, Svyatosha, Ratisha, Tishilo , Yarilka, Putyata, Miloneg).

History of Slavic names

Without a doubt, a significant part is connected with the names of people cultural life and formation folk traditions. In Russia, with the advent of Christianity, ancient Slavic names were almost completely forgotten. There were even lists of ancient Slavic names that were prohibited Christian Church. It is quite easy to guess the reasons for what is happening. Some of the names (Yarilo, Lada) were the names of ancient Slavic gods. Some of them formed a group of people who, after the baptism of Rus', tried to promote the restoration of the Old Slavonic cult and traditions.

Today in Russia Slavic names are not in fashion. They are called only 5% of babies born. This makes Russian culture poorer. Although ancient Slavic names (male) are undoubtedly truly Russian.

Propaganda of Slavic names is of great importance. People are trying to preserve ancient Slavic female names, full list which can be found in special publications.

Some of the names are very popular. Let's talk about two of them.

The meaning of the name Bogdan

Bogdan often becomes the late and only boy, the fruit of long expectations. Parents, sometimes regardless of their wishes, call those children who were born after great anxieties and fears this way. In infancy, Bogdan is prone to colds. At the same time, the mother, concerned about her son’s health, does not deny him anything.

The role of the father in upbringing is almost not felt. The child becomes attached to his mother, jealous of almost everyone. He lacks sociability, so he doesn’t get along very well with his peers. IN school years Bogdan is friends with children who enjoy authority among his comrades and who are able to stand up for him. The grades in the subjects are not very good. Despite the presence of abilities, natural laziness, to which Bogdan is prone, interferes. True, laziness becomes dull over time.

In adulthood, Bogdan is a calm man with good self-esteem. He strives to get well in life and make a career. A man is capable of achieving heights in any specific specialty that does not require improvisation.

In the family, Bogdan wants to be the unquestioned leader. He likes his wives to be submissive and allow him to show his power. Such categoricalness manifests itself not only in relationships with his wife, but also in communication with colleagues and acquaintances. Having had too much alcohol, Bogdan can get involved in an argument about any issue, without listening to his opponent’s arguments. At the same time, he has many character traits that turn him into good husband. For example, he shows persistence in seeking additional income, being frugal in his expenses. Bogdan likes to spend money only on vacations for the whole family.

The meaning of the name Radmila

Parents continue to choose Radmila - this is one of the most popular names. It combines two words: joyful and sweet. Despite the fact that the girl has a calm character, you should not leave her alone. Because of her developed imagination, it is not easy to predict what will come to her mind when she is left to her own devices.

Predisposed to colds and other infectious diseases. She is absolutely not afraid of dogs. Regardless of the size of the animals, he boldly approaches them and pets them.

Radmila asks adults a lot of different, sometimes unchildish questions that can confuse them. He enjoys communicating with strangers, since parents are sometimes tired of answering numerous questions. Radmila retains her sociability throughout her life. Radmila does not always experience pleasure when she finds herself in the center of someone else's attention. She is characterized by authority, but this trait makes her a potential leader.

Such ancient Russian names have become widespread at the moment. Names have long story, and, apparently, it will not end soon.

A name is something that is given to a person for his entire life. It determines the fate of a person and his character.

Nowadays, parents prefer to give their children newfangled names that they heard on TV or read in books, without especially thinking about them. meaning. In former times, before naming a child one way or another, the meaning of the intended name was carefully studied, believing that a name can instill in a child certain character traits.

What female names are considered Slavic?

Those names that we are accustomed to consider primordially Russian, Slavic, in fact, they are not. For example, Marya, Ivan, Peter, Evsei, Semyon, Gleb, Mikhail, Ilya, Maria, Alena, Sophia, Margarita, Anna, Elena, Marina. None of these names are of original Slavic origin. These names were borrowed from the Jewish people.

Truly Slavic names always consisted of two words. For example, Lyudmila is nice to people. In addition, it was customary for the Slavs to give children two names. One name was given to everyone who had any connection with the family with the newborn. The second name was secret and was not shared with anyone. It was believed that in this way it was possible to protect the child from any evil directed in his direction.

The meaning of female Slavic names

Among the Slavs, any name was endowed with meaning. And each name necessarily meant something.

  • Azorina - the beauty and charm of dawn.
  • Alesa is a girl, an assistant.
  • Bazhena is the female version of the name Bazhen, a desired child.
  • Belogora - enlightened, bright.
  • Beloslava - white, glorify.
  • Berislava is the female version of the name Berislav, taking glory, caring about glory.
  • Blagoslava - glorifying kindness, goodness.
  • Bogdana is the feminine version of the name Bogdan, a God-given child.
  • Bogomila - dear to God.
  • Bozhidara - gift from God.
  • Boleslava is the female version of the name Boleslav, glorifying the forest Gods.
  • Borislava is the female version of the name Borislav, a fighter for glory.
  • Boyana is a storyteller, storyteller.
  • Bratislava - fight and praise.
  • Bronislava is the female version of the name Bronislav, an illustrious, famous warrior.
  • Velimira is a big world.
  • Velislava is a great glory, the most glorious.
  • Vedana (Vedeneya, Vedenya) - knowledgeable, knowing.
  • Vedislava - glorifying knowledge.
  • Velizhana is polite, pacifying her feelings.
  • Velizara - multi-lighted, illuminated, enlightened.
  • Wenceslas - dedicated to glory, crowned with glory.
  • Vlasya is long-haired.
  • Voislava is a glorious warrior.
  • Vsemila - beloved by all, dear to all people.
  • Vseslava - all-glorifying, very famous, popular.
  • Faith is faith, true.
  • Veselina (Vesela) - the female version of the name Veselin, cheerful, cheerful.
  • Vladimir is the female version of the name Vladimir, who owns the world.
  • Vladislava is the female version of the name Vladislav, possessing glory, having glory.

  • Voislava is the female version of the name Voislav, truly glorious.
  • Omniscient - omniscient, omniscient.
  • Goluba is meek.
  • Gorislava - burning in glory.
  • Gradislava - guardian of glory.
  • Granislava - improving fame.
  • Darena - gifted, donated.
  • Deyana is hardworking and active.
  • Dobromila - kind, sweet.
  • Dobroslava - exalting kindness.
  • Dragomira - more valuable than the world, precious.
  • Dzvenislava - glorified.
  • Dobrovlada - possessing kindness.
  • Dobrogora - exalting kindness.
  • Dobrolyuba - loving goodness, kindness and kindness.
  • Danika is the morning star.
  • Zhdana - awaited, desired.
  • Zhivoroda - priestess of Zhiva.
  • Zaryana - the beauty of dawn.
  • Zvenislava - proclaiming glory.
  • Zlatotsveta - golden-flowered.
  • Zora is the ray of dawn.
  • Spark - bright, honest, sincere.
  • Krasimira is the beauty of the world.
  • Lada is the goddess of love and beauty.
  • Lyubomira - loving the whole world.
  • Malusha is the youngest, small.
  • Mlada is the youngest.
  • Mstislava - glorifying revenge.
  • Not beautiful - ugly.
  • Ogneslava - glorifying Fire.
  • Ogneyara is the female version of the name Ogneyar, a fusion of two elements, solar flame.

  • Peredslava (Predslava) - preceding glory.
  • Peresveta is the female version of the name Peresvet, very light.
  • Radimira - protector of the world.
  • Radislava - caring about fame.
  • Radomira - protector of the world, caring for the world.
  • Joy - joy, happiness.
  • Rusalina is a mermaid, fair-haired.
  • Svetislava - glorifying light, glorious, bright.
  • Svetlozara - illuminating everything around with light.
  • Svyatoslav - holy glory.
  • Stanimira - peacemaker, peacemaker.
  • Tikhomira - calm, peaceful, quiet.
  • Chernavka - has dark hair, dark complexion.
  • Chaslava (Cheslava) is the female version of the name Chaslav.
  • Pike is a personified name for the animal world. The earthly incarnation of the ROD.
  • Jaromila - dear Yarile (to the Sun).
  • Yaroslava is the female version of the name Yaroslav, glorifying the Sun.
  • Yanika is a river.

Traditions of Old Slavonic female naming

Old Slavonic names for women were divided into simple and complex. This was due to the influence of traditions, the time and circumstances of birth, as well as the peculiarities of the tribal way of life.

In Russian fairy tales you can find variants of names in which an additional nickname is used: Varvara Krasa - Long Braid, Elena the Wise, Marya the Artisan and others. IN ordinary life this was transformed into such options as:

  • Dobronrava Kunitsa;
  • Dobryana Solnechnaya;
  • Yasun Light;
  • Zarina Krasa.

Apart from the double names that were talked about individual qualities child, secret names were used. The secret name was known only to the priest who performed the naming ceremony, as well as to the owner of the name herself. According to legend, the function of a secret name was to protect a person throughout his life from negativity, failure and attacks from evil spirits.

To mark a girl with the power of any Goddess, she was given a name using the root of the name of the chosen Goddess, or the entire divine name was used. It was believed that such a connection with the Gods made it possible in the future to get married successfully, easily give birth to children, and become a companion and a real caretaker for her husband. According to the pantheon of Slavic goddesses and gods, names such as Zara (derived from Zarya Zaryanitsa), Maria (derived from Mary, Morena), Dana, Yarila, Perunitsa, Velesynya were used.

Features of choice

According to Slavic mythology the name was chosen according to a special principle. Initially, the girl was given a temporary name. It was used for several years from the moment of birth. It was not specific; options such as “Child” or “Child” were used, as well as serial numbers. When the girl grew up, her parents chose a name for her according to her personality traits.

When naming prerequisite was to honor the ancestors and the ancestral God. The ritual began in the lake and ended at the temple. Usually the ceremony was carried out upon reaching the age of 9, 12 or 16 years, depending on the qualities of which classes were manifested in the child.

Slavic mythology described cases when it was allowed to rename a child. New naming rituals were used when the previously chosen name was not suitable. Cases were also described when a temporary name was assigned to a girl for life.

The name definitely had to sound! The Slavic ancestors believed that names had mystical powers. The name was a conductor of power from the gods, nature and elements. The Slavic culture of the Northern part of Russia still preserves these traditions, especially in the outback.

List by month




  • Agnia- “from the fire”, “enlightened”. There is also such a translation as “immaculate”, “innocent”. The meaning of the name Agnia is considered related to the name ancient god Agni (progenitor of fire).
  • Varvara- “foreigner”, “tough”. The name was formed from the ancient Slavic battle cry “in ar, in ar,” which warriors shouted when rushing into battle. "Ar" is translated as earth.
  • Gorislava- “glory”, “blazing in fire”. Sometimes you can find such a translation as “bright glory.” The male equivalent is Gorislav.
  • Golub- “modest”, “meek”.
  • Zvenislava- “ringing glory.” The male version is Zvenislav.
  • Casimir- "world". The male equivalent is Casimir.




  • Velizhana- “pacifying feelings”, “polite”. In the male version - Velizhan.
  • Daria(in the old version of Darius) - “gift”, “gift”, “owner of the good”, “rich”. It is also interpreted as “kind”, “positive”.
  • Marina- “sea”. This is a derivative of Mary, the Old Slavic goddess of winter, the patroness of Rus'.
  • Hope– “hoping for the best” or literally “hope”. Included in the Russian name book along with the names Vera and Lyubov.
  • Polada– “steel”, “powerful”. Male equivalent – ​​Polad.


  • Boyana- “fighter”, “warrior”. The male equivalent is Boyan.
  • Dana– “given”, “given”, “God is my judge”. This modern form the names Danitsa and Denitsa, formed from the common Slavic “dennitsa”, meaning “morning star” (after the name of the planet Venus). According to historical data, the name Danuta was previously used instead of Dana.
  • Spark– “sparkling”, “honest”. Sometimes you can find such a translation as “sincere.” There is a little-known male version - Iskr.
  • Miroslava- “bringing glory to the world”, “glorified throughout the world.” Men's doubles version - Miroslav. Consists of a combination of 2 semantic units.
  • Stanislava- “becoming glory”, “creating glory”. This is a two-root name. The root “stan” is short for “to set” or “install”, and the root “slav” is short for “to glorify”.




  • Akulina- “eagle”, “eagle”. The name became widespread in Rus' with the advent of Christianity.
  • Alyona– “attractive”, “shining”, “exciting”. From Old Church Slavonic it is translated as “scarlet”, “chosen”, “fiery”. According to history, it is believed that the name comes from the name of the Slavic tribes Alyonov.
  • Blaginya- "good". Sometimes translated as “possessing good energy.”
  • Maria- “beloved”, “desired”. Maria is a derivative name from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mara.



  • Vladana– “possessing”, “possessing”. Sometimes used as one of the forms of the name Vladislav, however, it is an independent name.
  • Gala– “spiritual”, “feminine”, “earthly”. IN modern version sometimes used as a shortened form of the female name Galina.
  • Karina- “friend”, “beloved”. Translated from Slavic it means “mourning.” Literally translated as - steering the ship, or the keel of the ship.
  • Milena- “sweetheart”, “beloved”. The Slavic names Milada and Militsa have a similar meaning. They are used as various shapes for each other, but, nevertheless, these are independent names.
  • Yarolika- “symbol of reliability”, “sun-like”, “like the sun”. Sometimes you can find the translation “with a furious face.”




  • Alla- “different”, “different”, “goddess”, highly spiritual. There are similar names in ancient Greek, German and Chaldean.
  • Vedana- “knowing”, “knowing”. Can be converted into the name Vedeneya.
  • Vladislav- “possessing glory”, “glorious mistress”. Given name can act short form appeals in relation to such female names as Vladlena, Vladilena and the male name Vladislav.
  • Dobrodeya- “doing good.” Male name- Dobrodey.
  • Zlata- “golden”, “gold”, “golden”, “golden”. This name is a literal translation of the Greek "chrys". It is believed to be a shortened form of Goldenflower.
  • Prekrasa (Prekrasa)- “beautiful.” History mentions that in the 10th century Princess Olga (premarital name) - the wife of Igor the Old - was called Beautiful.
  • Semidola- “experienced”. The more common male version is Semidol.


Beautiful Slavic names for girls are incredibly popular in modern society. And this is not surprising! After all, Old Church Slavonic names are harmonious, filled with deep meaning, sound original and carry pieces of the history of many generations. Periodically returning from the past, they never lose their relevance.


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