Paint for chipboard. Features of selection and application

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To renew old cabinet furniture, you can paint chipboard at home with your own hands. Most often, interior items are made from this material; it is also widely used in construction and repair work floor. Chipboard has been used in Russia for several decades.

Painting chipboard will improve the appearance of the most worn-out item

Chipboard is wood chips pressed and glued together using formaldehyde. But the chips are subject to various negative influences, so they easily come apart. To avoid this they are covered various materials: polypropylene film, paint products, varnishes and others. Except protective function Painting laminated chipboard improves the appearance, since this method allows you to create the necessary texture of any color on the surface.

To improve the aesthetic properties of furniture or chipboard floors and to give individual and original design, it is necessary to cover the slab with a new layer of paint. It should be noted that in addition to improving aesthetics, painting improves moisture-proof properties and protects the material from negative impact ultraviolet rays. If you carry out proper restoration work with your own hands, the furniture will have a longer service life. Formaldehyde evaporates over time, which negatively affects human health, so covering the slab prevents this process.

Laminated chipboard can be coated with varnish, film, paint, or veneer. The hardest thing. It is necessary to use several layers of primer, however, even in this case there is no guarantee that the coating will be of high quality.

Preparatory work

Before treating a chipboard floor, colorful products, need to prepare tiled surface. The quality of painting will depend on this stage of restoration of furniture pieces. Over time, paint or varnish loses its appearance and begins to crack. Therefore, the old polished surface must be removed, but this is not so easy to do. Despite the fact that this is a complex process, you need to do the job well.

For a chipboard floor to last a long time, it needs to be painted.

To do this, you can use one of the existing methods:

  1. Thermal method. The surface of the chipboard is exposed to steam or hot air. To perform this work, you need to prepare a spatula and a special hair dryer. Hot air is directed onto the coating, causing the paint to become softer. After this, it must be removed using a spatula. If the air is too hot, the stove can be damaged, so you need to monitor the temperature.
  2. Chemical method. In this case, the surface of the floor or furniture is treated with special chemicals. The choice of chemistry depends on the composition of the coating. To avoid undesirable consequences, you must strictly follow the included instructions on the packaging of the product.

After this, the surface must be puttied and treated with sandpaper. This allows you to get rid of small scratches and defects that are not visible under the coating layer.

Before using putty, it is necessary to prime the floor surface high-quality composition. For processing chipboard, it is recommended to use elastic putty. This is necessary to prevent the formation of cracks on the chipboard.

The putty is applied using a regular spatula. The layer must be applied evenly over the entire surface. When the putty is completely dry, the slab must be sanded with fine-grained sandpaper to get rid of small irregularities. The surface is cleaned of dust, after which you can begin applying the coating.

Surface paints

Main point in painting chipboard- choice of paint itself

It is recommended to paint the surface of the slab using a special spray can or spray gun. This will allow the paint to be evenly distributed without the slightest smudges. But before that you should practice a little, if before that similar works have never been carried out. You also need to choose which paint is best to refresh the surface of the slab.

You can use various types paints: acrylic, oil, alkyd and others. It should be noted that the final result will depend on the choice of paint. Painting is carried out with a roller or brush. After painting, a layer of varnish is applied to the surface to increase the product’s resistance to mechanical damage, since the varnished surface is more difficult to damage.

Painting process

  1. First of all, the polished surface must be cleaned of dirt and dust, then degreased.
  2. Use coarse sandpaper to sand the product until small scratches appear. As a result, the primer can achieve better adhesion to chipboard surface.
  3. Then you need to apply an alkyd primer.
  4. The next layer of acrylic primer is applied to the surface.
  5. The surface is painted in several layers with purchased paint. To do this, you can use a roller or a small brush. It should be noted that the final result depends on the number of layers applied. Some people want a rich color, while others want a translucent finish.
  6. If irregularities appear after the first layer, the product must be treated with fine-grained sandpaper and then painted again.

The painted chipboard surface should look perfect
  1. Before you start painting the slab, it must be treated to avoid the release of formaldehyde. This is done using NC varnish, but experts recommend using impregnations, as they are harmless.
  2. If it is necessary to highlight the texture of the product, the surface is treated with special alkyd pigments or other patination agents.
  3. To achieve a completely smooth and even surface, it is recommended to use a roller that has small bristles. Otherwise, unwanted patterns may appear on the stove. But if you need to achieve the appearance of texture, then it is a roller with a long pile that will help realize this idea.
  4. If the chipboard is painted in dark color, then to resume old surface Several layers of primer must be applied to it, otherwise the dark shade will bleed through the paint.

If necessary, wood particle board can be painted different colors to achieve a general style in the interior. Use masking tape to separate areas of different shades. After painting work, it can be easily removed without damaging the surface.

It should be noted that the combination various colors allows you to change the visual perception of the room. Light shades visually enlarge the room, so this technique is often used to decorate a room with a small area.

If you doubt that you can do the work yourself, then repainting the surface of laminated chipboard furniture or floors should be entrusted to qualified specialists. Today you can easily find workshops that provide such services. In addition to painting the surface, experts use various techniques that can improve the appearance of chipboard products.

It is not always possible to replace outdated furniture with new ones, or replace a tatty, worn-out chipboard floor with expensive parquet or laminate. One way to restore an old coating is to paint chipboard. In such a simple matter There are also pitfalls, so you need to know how to properly prepare the surface and apply paints and varnishes. Compliance with technology will allow you to do the work efficiently and beautifully, and the coating will be resistant to abrasion, scratches and delamination.

Selection of materials and tools for painting chipboard furniture

If you decide to repaint old chipboard furniture yourself, start with the main thing - careful planning. Think through your future image down to the smallest detail. What exactly do you want to see: a mirror-glossy, but monochromatic surface in bright colors of the rainbow, matte patination with several pastel shades, special techniques (decoupage and others) or simple tinting under bog oak, teak or wenge. Do you need to replace fittings or parts? Check the compatibility of the selected tones using the designer’s color wheel.

Next stage– selection of materials. Depending on the project you will need:

  1. Tools: flat wide and narrow brushes, foam rubber and velor rollers with short pile, masking tape, screwdrivers, coarse and fine sandpaper, paint tray, universal glue, spatula, hair dryer.
  2. Construction chemicals: acrylic wood putty, solvent, remover of old paintwork.
  3. LMB: adhesive primer for wood and chipboard, acrylic or alkyd furniture paint, tinting pastes, tinting impregnation and varnish.
  4. Auxiliary materials: soft rags, gloves, new fittings.

The primer not only reduces paint consumption (Lakra GF-021), but also levels the surface, strengthens it (Helios Tessarol, Dufatex-Grund, Dyostar), and some contain antiseptic additives (Belinka Base).

To repaint furniture, it’s not enough to go to the store and pick up the first budget paint you come across. You need to choose carefully, because the updated façade should last at least 5-7 years. Therefore, it is better to avoid cheap PF-115 of unknown production with a high lead content - it is easy to get poisoned, but difficult to recover from. Oil formulations It’s better to take from trusted manufacturers: Blossom, Yaroslavl paints, Tex, Dyo, Tikkurila, Dulux. You can purchase time-tested furniture enamels and varnishes from Galamix, Raduga, Novbytkhim.

The same goes for acrylics (on water based) and alkyd enamels, but here the choice is already expanding due to aerosols. The latter are very convenient for application to laminated coatings, as they provide a perfectly smooth coating without drips.

The water-based acrylic paints are also good because they can be diluted and washed off with water until dry, and tinted to any color using pigments.

Another point is calculating the required amount of paint. Before purchasing, you need to measure the area of ​​chipboard that needs to be painted and multiply it by the estimated number of layers. On average, consumption is 1 liter per 5-6 square meters. m.

The process of selecting tint and varnish is simple. They also differ in basis. The strength of the coating depends on the content of the polyurethane polymer, so it is better to choose alkyd-urethane or special water-based furniture varnishes - they contain additional additives that provide impact resistance and abrasion resistance (Lakra, Alpina, Pinotex, Dyo, Tikkurila). Tinting mixtures should have good permeability and give a uniform tone without spots or whitish streaks (Belinka, Practic, Helios).

Often, for do-it-yourself tinting, you use drying oil or a simple stain for wooden products.

Preparation of furniture surfaces made of laminated chipboard and chipboard

The façade preparation process includes the following steps:

  1. Dismantling- unscrew all fittings, pull out or remove all drawers, extensions and other elements;
  2. Removing an old layer(laminated or painted): sandpaper (sand first with rough, sweeping, wide movements, then level with fine-grained sandpaper), abrasive remover according to the instructions (Pufas, Dufa) or carefully heat with a hair dryer and remove with a spatula or scraper;
  3. Degreasing and cleaning. You can first brush off the dust with a wide flat brush, then use a rag moistened with water or solvent to clean the surface of the facade from debris and remnants of the old coating;
  4. Alignment: Fill all cracks and holes with acrylic putty. It is advisable to apply 1 coat of primer before starting to make unevenness appear better. Then, for perfect smoothness, walk again sanding paper-zero, wipe with a wet cloth;
  5. Padding: Apply 1-2 coats of primer and let dry.

At the end, be sure to sweep out the garbage from the room where the renovation is being carried out, wipe all surfaces (tables, chairs, floors, window sills, etc.) so that dust and remnants of removed coatings do not accidentally stain the prepared facade.

Technology of applying paint and varnish to furniture

So, you can start painting the furniture. First, you should check the expiration date of the paintwork material. If the enamel (varnish) has thickened or dried out, you need to dilute it with water or a solvent according to the instructions and stir thoroughly.

Apply the first (background) layer of enamel with a roller or brush and leave to dry for 24 hours. Then either paint the surface again, or carefully and tightly stick masking tape in accordance with the design idea or a stencil with a pattern and cover with a second layer. The drying time depends on the manufacturer, but, as a rule, is at least a day.

If the coverage of the selected brand is weak, and the original color shows through the paint, then you can and should apply the coating one more time. Mirror gloss is achieved with an additional layer of acrylic or alkyd universal varnish.

The total drying time should be at least 3-4 days. Only in this case will the furniture coating be of good quality and durable.

Varnishing and tinting impregnation is carried out according to the same scheme. The difference is that this process requires perfect cleanliness of both the surface and the room; any speck of dust can nullify all efforts.

Painting chipboard floors: materials and stages of work

One of the most effective ways preserve the integrity of the chipboard floor covering and give it high strength characteristics - paint it yourself with high-quality floor enamel or parquet varnish. Moreover, it is not necessary to limit yourself to just one color. By playing with shades, you can visually expand the space, place bright accents, and zone the room. And such a simple technique as stencils with patterns will allow you to create a designer floor in a few days.

The required set of tools and materials includes:

The primer used is the same type as for furniture, but the paint should be designed specifically for the floor. Simple acrylic quickly wears out, loses its gloss and attractive appearance.

To repaint flooring, it is necessary to choose enamel with improved quality characteristics (impact resistance, resistance to fading, scratches).

Alkyd compounds can only be used if last layer will be lacquered. But even in this case, a simple wood varnish or a universal one like NC will not work. This must be it parquet varnish with polyurethane additives (Practic, Dyo, Belinka, Marshall), providing increased surface resistance to abrasion and mechanical loads. Oil paint PF-266 (Lakra, Yarko, Rastsvet, Chief Technologist) and polymer floor enamels (Dufa, Dulux, Tikkurila) have the same properties.

You should prepare a chipboard floor for painting especially carefully, since any defect will appear almost instantly and cannot be corrected.

The work includes the following stages:

  1. Checking the floor for creaks, defects, scratches, cracks. Creaking is eliminated with additional fasteners, chips and pits are puttied, and the gaps between the sheets are sealed.
  2. Inspection of fasteners: all hardware is examined for strength, protruding ones must be attached with a hammer, loose ones must be sealed with glue or sealant.
  3. Degreasing and sanding chipboard: grease stains and dirt are removed with a solvent, then the board is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper, especially at the joints. Finally, wipe thoroughly with a damp cloth.
  4. Priming: the impregnating primer is applied in 2 layers, then the floor is checked again for defects.

The quality of restoration work depends not only on the qualifications (or lack thereof) of the master, but also on the quality of the materials used. Only high-quality, proven brands guarantee a long service life of the coating and its resistance to any mechanical load.

Paint or varnish is applied in 2-3 layers with a brush, roller or spray gun in accordance with the instructions. Highlighting or applying additional elements made with a separate small brush. Between layers, roughness can be removed with sanding paper.

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Due to ease of processing and excellent consumer qualities, today it is one of the most widely used in furniture production. Modern technological processes make it possible to obtain sufficiently high-quality and easy-to-use material from chips and composite resin.

However, chipboard also has its own specific use, which dictates some conditions for its processing. For example, this board can crumble and split under strong physical impact, and to a much greater extent than ordinary wood. The fact is that the wood fibers present in an array of natural solid wood are like a connecting element that gives additional strength to the entire board.

In chipboard, these fibers are destroyed, so such a board requires slightly different conditions of use and handling.

How to cut chipboard correctly

If you don’t have any power tools at hand, almost any saw will do for sawing chipboard. The only thing that should be observed when sawing is to try to guide the saw almost flat in relation to the surface of the slab. This way the slab will crumble less when sawing, and the cut will be more accurate.

Circular saw or electric jigsaw, of course, will prove to be more productive tools in this matter. The only wish for this is to not move the instrument too quickly, only applying light pressure. However, it is better to keep the rotation speed of the circular saw and the stroke of the jigsaw at a high level. Best suited for sawing such material saw blade or a blade with a fine tooth, so you can avoid coloring the material and the appearance of an uneven edge.

It is clear that the sharper the mil, the cleaner the cut. You can additionally protect the edge from painting by using masking tape glued to the cutting line. This is especially true when sawing chipboard with a decorative coating.

At chipboard processing With a decorative (for example, laminated) coating, you should also not rush; it is better to cut slowly, avoiding chipping. Another way to protect the coating from chipping is to cut it first with a sharp knife.

We drill, plan and process with a rasp

With drilling and planing chipboard, everything is exactly the same as with sawing - a blunt or slowly moving tool will split and crumble the material. So, a dull drill will chip the edges of the hole; in order to get smooth, high-quality holes, you should approach the choice of drilling tool with all responsibility. When working, you need to feed the drill smoothly and not too quickly, this way you can improve the quality of drilling.

Small irregularities resulting from cutting the slab can be eliminated using a plane or rasp. The tool is blown in along the edge smoothly and carefully, making sure that there are no chips or tears in the material.

If the chipboard you are processing has a coating in the form of a film, it is better to plan its edge with a plane. If you do not have the skills to work with this tool, you can use a file.

Treating the chipboard surface

For this operation, you can use two methods - covering the surface with some decorative material or varnishing. It must be said that due to the specifics and texture of this chipboard material They are rarely varnished; it is very difficult to achieve any impressive results in terms of beauty. Therefore, this is most often done in order to protect the outer layer of the slab from moisture.

Before you start varnishing the surface of the slab, it should be carefully leveled using putty and sanded. The fact is that a layer of varnish will reveal all the smallest surface irregularities, which will greatly spoil the impression of the result of your work.

The putty must be applied using a spatula, it must be allowed to dry thoroughly, and then the surface must be treated with sandpaper. This preparation will help you get a completely even and smooth surface, ready to apply varnish.

If you have thoroughly puttyed and sanded the surface of the slab, most likely you will only need to apply one coat varnish coating. If, during varnishing, flaws and irregularities are discovered, you can repeat the procedure - before reapplying the varnish, thoroughly dry the first layer and walk over it a little with fine sandpaper.

Regarding application decorative covering, then for this purpose it is better to choose decorative self-adhesive film - it is convenient to work with, and a wide selection of colors and textures will allow you to choose exactly what you need. This film has adhesive layer, which makes its application easier and faster, before applying such a film the slab must also be thoroughly sanded - the fact is that the thickness of the film is small, so all the unevenness of the slab will show through it. With due diligence you will get a beautiful and smooth surface.

As an option, instead of film, you can use sheet plastic - it is more durable and provides better protection for the slab surface. To apply it, you will need a special glue, which is applied to the surface and ensures strong adhesion of the plastic to the chipboard.

How to protect the surface and edges of chipboard

We have already mentioned above that chipboard furniture has some peculiarities of storage and use - for example, it does not tolerate excessive humidity very well (strictly speaking, no furniture tolerates dampness well, but this is most noticeable on chipboard furniture).

Therefore, if you have made any piece of furniture from this material, it would be useful to protect the edges and surface of the slab. In addition to protecting against moisture, such a measure will also help reduce the release of harmful substances that may be contained in chipboard.

An excellent measure in this regard would be to apply additional layers of varnish - this will help avoid the release of formaldehyde. The varnish layer must be thick enough; the furniture must be varnished at least twice.

You can also protect the chipboard surface using laminated plastic or self-adhesive film, as we have already written about this above. The only thing that can be added here is that the joints of the protective material should be as tight as possible to prevent moisture penetration.

You can also protect the surface of chipboard using plywood; the only point here is that the plywood itself can be made using formaldehyde. If you know or suspect that your plywood may contain formaldehyde, coat the plywood with a varnish to reduce the release.

Fabric or wallpaper are not very good for this purpose - the porous structure of these materials will not be able to reduce the amount of formaldehyde released from plywood, although they are quite suitable as a decorative material. Separate topic - edges chipboards.

Their protection is no less important than for the surface of the slab; with prolonged exposure to moisture, the edge swells greatly and loses strength and integrity. The edge also requires protection from mechanical impact; with a strong impact, it can crumble. In addition, the chipboard cut is not very aesthetically pleasing, so furniture manufacturers strive to further decorate it.

For this purpose, many manufacturers produce special edges for decorating chipboard cuts; the market today offers a huge variety of products, differing in thickness, material, color and texture.

Using this material is quite easy - usually such a strip already has a layer of glue applied to it; using a not very heated iron or hair dryer, the glue is heated and the strip is applied to the edge. Afterwards, in order to secure the edge in place, you can iron it again.

If the edges of your chipboard board are subject to high loads, it makes sense to protect them with thin wooden strips - such cladding will not only protect them from impacts, but will also harmonize perfectly with the color of the surface itself. It is better to install such planks with glue, but if there are no other options, you can use small nails, but it is better to bite off their caps so as not to spoil the appearance.

After the wooden plank is installed in place, it is cleaned and, together with the surface of the slab, covered with a layer of varnish or other protective compound.

Sometimes when decorating premises, both internal and external, it is used OSB material, chipboard and more. First of all, the application sheet material aimed at leveling the surface, secondly, to ensure original coating, which can be colored to match design solution premises. Let's try to figure out how to paint chipboard at home.

Laminated chipboard is also widely used for making furniture. But most often in construction, ordinary sheets are used, which subsequently need to be protected by painting.

Any job requires preliminary preparation. It is necessary to carefully consider what is needed to achieve the desired result. To do this, we determine what surface we need in its finished form:

  • gloss;
  • matte finish;
  • tinted surface;
  • decoupage

We also decide on the replacement of fittings or individual parts if furniture repair is planned. Based on the tasks set, we select the tools and materials that will be needed to achieve the goal of changing the color of furniture.

Tools you may need:

  • rollers with foam and velor attachments;

  • tape to protect surfaces when painting;

  • sandpaper with varying degrees of abrasiveness;

  • a container for paint or varnish, preferably a tray for a roller;

  • spatula.

Depending on the planned work, the following materials may be useful:

  • putty mixtures;

  • solvents or removers of old coating;

  • primers to increase the adhesive properties of the surface;

  • paste with color;

  • impregnations for tinting;

  • varnish or paint.

Additionally, you will definitely need: gloves to protect the skin of your hands, soft rags, new fittings if you plan to replace them.

Advice! Be sure to use a primer. This will not only increase the adhesion of the paint material to the surface of the chipboard, but also reduce its consumption.

Painting chipboard begins with the correct determination of the material with which it is planned to perform this process. Compositions for coloring are selected very carefully in accordance with their area of ​​application and characteristics:

  • It is not recommended to use PF-115 paints. Especially from the cheap options. They contain quite a large amount of lead. Furniture painted with this composition can lead to poisoning.
  • Can furniture be painted with oil-based paint? Experts do not recommend it. It is better to repaint a wood surface with furniture varnishes or enamels.
  • As for painting chipboards with acrylic or alkyd materials, there is quite big choice. It is carried out through aerosol types. They are very easy to use and provide perfect coverage.

Acrylic paints are also valued for the ability to dilute them with ordinary water, as well as for the tinting process in any shade.

Once you have decided on the type of paint for chipboard, you need to calculate the required quantity. Correct calculation Starts by measuring the size of the area that needs to be painted. Once the area is determined, it must be divided by the number indicated on the packaging of the material. In this way the quantity is determined. Don't forget to multiply the consumable material by the number of layers. The standard consumption is 1 m 3 per 5–6 m 2.

Preparation and painting of chipboard

Any work on painting chipboard at home consists of several stages. You should not neglect them if you ultimately want to get a high-quality result. Furniture made from particle board must first be prepared for painting.

Before painting chipboard furniture, you need to decide on several questions:

  • full and partial repainting is planned;
  • coloring design, that is, completely in one color or combined.

Let's look at all the stages using a specific example of how to repaint a chest of drawers. In principle, it doesn’t matter what is being repainted, the main thing is to understand the process, and it can be applied to any furniture.

In the video: painting chipboard products.

Surface treatment

Before painting chipboard furniture, it is important to properly treat its surface and prepare it for painting. Initially, the chest of drawers should be disassembled into individual elements. Remove all drawers, disassemble them if possible and remove fittings. It will be easier to process them and paint high-quality chipboard furniture with your own hands.

Important! Processing begins with application sandpaper with coarse grain.

It is necessary to peel until it completely disappears. old paint. We also make sure that there is no residue left on the surface. greasy stains and other contaminants. Otherwise guarantee high-quality painting it is forbidden. When sanding, movements are performed in a sweeping manner and along the fibers.

After completing the rough processing, we clean the parts of the chest of drawers from shavings and dust. Can be used flat paint brush. It is impossible to work efficiently with this rag. On the contrary, the rag will clog shavings into the smallest dents of the chipboard slab, which will negatively affect the quality of the paint.

The main thing in this process is to treat difficult areas. When finishing the process, we completely clear the chips again. At the final stage, we wipe the parts of the chest of drawers with a damp cloth, then wipe them with a dry cloth and let them dry thoroughly.


Painting work should not begin without first priming the furniture parts. Treating them with a primer will significantly improve the quality of painting. It is better to use an acrylic-based primer composition.

Painting furniture made of chipboard is done either with a brush or with a roller. The main thing is that the layer is as thin as possible. After applying the composition to the surface, leave the parts for some time to dry completely.

Choosing a paint shade

While the primer dries, we select the tone of the paint. If you plan to paint in one color, for example, White color, That special nuances will not arise. If you decide to be creative and paint old chipboard furniture in combined colors, then you should choose tones that are comparable to each other. We choose the main color, and then select related tones for it, as if shading the main palette.

By the way, you can achieve lighter shades by adding some white dye.

Before you paint the chipboard with dyes, you need to apply the paint to the unwanted wooden surface to determine the natural shade. This is justified by the fact that acrylic paints When dry, they change tone.

Application of paint and varnish

Next, we’ll take a closer look at how to paint chipboard with your own hands. At the first stage, we decide on the coloring solution, or rather on its quality. It should be of optimal consistency, neither liquid nor thick. It should also not contain dry grains.

Next, we determine the number of layers to be applied. Here the consumer himself must decide, taking into account the condition old furniture from chipboard, personal preferences and other factors. But, experienced craftsmen advise applying at least two layers. It is imperative that each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried. To apply the layer evenly, paint should be done using a roller or brush, moving in the same direction.

The next step is to fix the paint with varnish.

To do this, wait until the paint has completely dried and apply varnish to the surface using foam rubber. To do this, dip the foam rubber into a container of varnish and apply it evenly and gently onto the layer of paint. For better effect, repeat the procedure several times, naturally after the previous layer has dried. After waiting for the last layer to dry completely, you can assemble the chest of drawers.

Additional touches can be added to add originality or achieve a vintage design. Draw golden lines or artificially age them. The main thing is not to leave smudges or other marks when performing additional strokes. You can ruin all the work done. For insurance, it is better to use masking tape.

Features of laminated chipboard

The question often arises of how to repaint furniture with a laminated surface. The process of painting laminated chipboard is almost no different from those carried out when working with painted material. It consists of three stages:

  • treatment;
  • primer;
  • painting.

The only difference is the process of initial sanding of the chipboard. The lamination is not completely removed. The main thing is to bring it to a rough state. The primer should be used as a surface primer; a composition with penetrating properties is not suitable for laminated chipboard.

So, by choosing the right paint tone and studying the repainting technology, you can restore the color of furniture, update a table, or paint a chipboard floor. A thing repainted in this way can last for a long time.

Chipboard restoration (1 video)

Sometimes it’s not necessary to throw out your old closet. If the owner has taste, then the item can be given as a gift new life. And what satisfaction does restored furniture give? with my own hands! For it to truly become a source of pride, you should carefully study how to paint chipboard furniture at home. This knowledge will help you inexpensively refresh the appearance of a table, bedside table, living room wall, bed, chest of drawers or stool. The tips in this article are universal for any objects made of particleboard.

Chipboard is a material that perfectly replaces wood. Knowing its properties will help explain how to paint chipboard furniture. So here they are:

  1. Strength - under impact external forces tension arises on the chipboard inside it, counteracting the destruction process. The limit of this property in tension is up to 0.5 MPa, in bending – up to 25 MPa. The strength of the material is due to the uniformity of its structure;
  2. Ease of processing - despite its significant density, chipboard lends itself well to cutting, milling, sanding, gluing and painting;
  3. Moisture content – ​​even after drying, chipboard retains an average of 8% moisture. So the right color can seal out moisture and extend the life of the slabs;
  4. Moisture resistance - it is slightly lower than wood slabs, but quality slabs can easily tolerate the humid air of bathrooms. This quality also depends on what material they are lined with. Best performance moisture resistance of plastic-coated chipboard;
  5. Fire resistance - particle boards are able to restrain the spread of fire and maintain basic qualities in the event of a fire. To increase fire resistance, this material is impregnated with compounds containing fire retardants. Good non-flammable paint can also enhance this property of the material.

How to choose the right paint materials

Chipboard works well with acrylic and latex paints, as well as alkyd enamels.

Acrylic paints have significant advantages:

  • Non-toxic, they can be applied directly in the apartment;
  • The acrylic composition is based on water, so it can be diluted to the desired consistency;
  • Convenience: sloppy strokes of this paint can be removed with a wet rag;
  • Fast drying. Thin layers dry in a few minutes, and thick ones in two hours;
  • A rich palette of rich, bright colors;
  • The coating is water-permeable and vapor-proof. Its color does not fade or fade under the sun.

Acrylic paints that have proven themselves are called Olimp, Helle, Triora, Parade and Ceresit. Latex paints are water-dispersion enamels. They are good because they do not contain harmful substances and create a durable, wear-resistant layer on the furniture. The disadvantage of latex compounds is their inability to resist microorganisms. In damp rooms, mold forms on the painted surface. Most Popular latex paints– KABE, DALI, Sniezka.

Alkyd enamels are resistant to moisture, and therefore can be used for kitchens and bathrooms. Their disadvantage is that they contain a toxic organic solvent. This paint should be applied with caution. Alkyd materials lay flat, do not create gaps and dry quickly. Paint furniture from Chipboard is better all with Tikkurila Miranol paint.

As for the choice of paint color, you need to be guided by the requirements of the interior style. To give furniture an effect natural wood You can use varnish with a warm tint.

Any of the above products are suitable for restoring chipboard surfaces, but for the sake of your own safety, you should avoid compounds containing lead.



Necessary means at hand

For the furniture restoration process, except paint and varnish materials, you will need:

  • Latex gloves;
  • Sanding paper (emery cloth);
  • Solvent for removing old coating;
  • Degreaser-detergent;
  • Flannel rags;
  • Construction tape;
  • Glue;
  • Acrylic putty;
  • Acrylic primer.

The last 2 materials are necessary to prepare surfaces for painting. Working on the principle of adhesion, priming creates solid foundation for the subsequent process. Construction tape helps when several colors are used in painting. It prevents them from being accidentally mixed. With this “helper” you can even draw ornaments or geometric shapes.

Basic tools:

  • Brushes and rollers;
  • Putty knife;
  • Screwdrivers;
  • Knives;
  • Construction hair dryer.

It is convenient to paint furniture with aerosol cans. In this case, there is no need to use a pallet, rollers and brushes. In this case, it is better to enclose the object to be painted with a film like an awning.

It is important to purchase high-quality brushes, otherwise fallen hairs will spoil the work by remaining on the painted surface. For priming you will need a thin roller. It also needs to be checked carefully. Quality tool It has firmly fixed foam rubber and a stable handle. In addition, you will need newspapers, plastic bags and cardboard bedding to keep the work area clean.

Basic processes

No matter how much your hands itch to begin the wonderful process of transformation as soon as possible, you cannot immediately grab your brush. Otherwise, the new paint will quickly peel off. Painting chipboard furniture needs to be approached thoroughly and, like all significant projects, divided into stages. The more carefully you highlight them, the better the final result will be.

Before you repaint the furniture, you need to carry out preparatory work. It is more comfortable to carry out any processing of furniture if you first disassemble the item into parts. Therefore, you first need to dismantle all the fittings (handles, rollers, corners), then remove the doors (at the cabinet), remove the drawers (at the chest of drawers), remove the legs (at the table). The item to be painted should be disassembled as much as possible. Metal parts can also be updated. To do this, they need to be kept in white vinegar for 24 hours. The substance dissolves rust. After this, the fittings can be repainted with Zinga anti-corrosion paint.

A. Removal of obsolete coating

Removing the old coating is painstaking, slow work and the most difficult stage of furniture restoration. There are two ways to implement this idea:

  • Thermal - it is used construction hair dryer, heating the old coating until it melts. Softened paint and varnish can be easily removed with a spatula. Instead of a hairdryer, you can use a torch or iron through foil. This method is especially good for old paint. When heated, it forms bubbles and is easier to remove. It is also ideal for flooring, since after removing the old layer it can be painted immediately, without waiting for it to dry, which reduces repair time;
  • Chemical (the most effective) - special reagents are used here. They dissolve the resins contained in the paint, and it is removed with a scraper. The agents are divided into volatile organic solvents and washes. The latter are paste or liquid substances based on acids, alkalis or organic solvents.



The algorithm of actions for chemical paint removal is as follows:

  1. The product is applied to a long-painted surface with a roller or nylon brush in one direction;
  2. It is kept on the coating certain time specified in the annotation for the wash;
  3. The softened coating is removed with a stainless steel brush;
  4. The procedure is repeated if the coating consists of several layers.

After removing the paint, sanding the surface is required. It gives smoothness, which will make subsequent painting easier. Removal of old layers should be completed by degreasing the surface using a detergent.

Apply the remover

Remove with a spatula

Sanding with sandpaper

B. Primer and sanding

After the furniture has dried, you need to check it for traces of accidental mechanical damage. If there are any, it is advisable to seal them with a special mixture. It is easy to prepare: you need to mix PVA glue with small wood shavings. Chipboard putty is also suitable for smoothing out uneven surfaces. Next, you need to wait until the putty hardens and sand the surface again, first with coarse-grained and then fine-grained sandpaper. The movements should be sweeping, and it is necessary to move along the fibers of the chipboard. The resulting dust should be brushed off with a flat brush.

Next comes the primer. This process ensures excellent adhesion (cohesion) of dissimilar layers, guarantees uniform distribution of paint over the entire surface and reduces its consumption by three times. To avoid rotting of the material, a hydrophobic additive can be added to the primer. It will prevent the appearance of fungus and mold and preserve the appearance of the restored product for a long time.

The primer should be applied with a roller or brush, trying to completely saturate the surface to be treated. One layer is quite enough. In this case, the air temperature in the room should be more than 5°C. The primer layer on the surface of the product will dry completely within a day. Then you can start painting.

Apply putty

Process with sandpaper

Apply primer

B. Painting technology

It is advisable to place the object being processed horizontally. This will eliminate the possibility of drips. It is recommended to paint vertically located objects from top to bottom. Only unidirectional brush or roller strokes will result in an even finish. If the paint is aerosol, then before starting you need to shake the can for half a minute. It is better to apply paint from a distance of 23 centimeters.

First the background layer is applied. After it dries, after 30 minutes, the next one falls on it. There should be three layers in total. Hard to reach places (internal corners, joints, convexities, concavities) are best treated with a radiator brush with a curved handle. Paints (especially acrylics) inevitably wear off over time. Three coats of top coat varnish will provide excellent protection against this. The varnish should be applied with a sponge, using the “stamp” principle, but not by “smearing”.

Laminate flooring can also be painted. To paint such material, the following sequence of steps is used:

  • Washing away dirt and degreasing - products that break down fat will help with this. After the main wash, you need to wipe the laminate clean water and wipe it with a dry cloth;
  • Transforming a smooth coating into a rough one - to do this, you need to treat the surface with the finest-grained sandpaper. This is important for creating adhesion;
  • Primer – soil will do on polyurethane based. Allow 12 hours for the layer to dry;
  • Leveling cracks - latex putty can handle this;
  • Re-priming and drying;
  • Painting – laminated chipboard flooring is ideally suited to alkyd enamel. It is also suitable for laminate;
  • Varnishing – varnish (anti-slip) is applied with a wide brush in three layers.

How to paint chipboard furniture at home is a relevant question for creative people. This is a more interesting and profitable process than purchasing new furniture. In order for the result to be excellent, you need to clearly know how to paint chipboard. Choose suitable option and go for it!


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