Fastening HDPE pipes to the ground. Installation of HDPE pipes - installation nuances

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Installation of HDPE pipes for water supply in the country using fittings is the most best option. Polyethylene pipes are inexpensive, but quite strong and durable, and the use of fittings will make the system collapsible.

Requirements for HDPE pipes

HDPE pipes must comply with the Requirements of GOST 18599-2001, which state:

  • The surface of the pipe must be absolutely smooth inside and outside.
  • Any minor deviations that exist should not exceed the established tolerances.
  • There should be no foreign inclusions, cracks, or cavities either inside, outside, or at the end of the pipe.
  • The color of the pipes is black or blue, which allows you to quickly distinguish water pipes from others. Sometimes there may be at least three evenly distributed longitudinal blue marking stripes on the black background of the pipe.
  • The pipe is designed for a maximum operating pressure of 16-20 atm.

The main indicators for classifying all polyethylene pipes for water supply are:

  • Marking - PE 80, PE 100, the first were pipes marked PE 63, but now they are not used.
  • Resistance to internal pressure - SDR, determined by the ratio of the outside diameter of the pipe to the wall thickness. The higher this indicator, the thinner the wall thickness.
  • Diameter.

PE 80 is used for installing water pipes with a diameter of up to 90 mm, PE 100 is used for larger pipelines. When choosing, it is important to correctly decipher symbol, applied to the pipe. For example, the designation PE 100, SDR13, 110 x 8.1 drinking, GOST 18599-2001, is deciphered as follows:

  • polyethylene pipe with a diameter of 110 mm, wall thickness 8.1 mm;
  • intended for drinking water;
  • manufactured in accordance with GOST 18599-2001;
  • Low pressure polyethylene PE 100 was used for production.

Selecting the diameter of pipes and fittings

The key parameters when selecting pipes and fittings for water supply are:

  • Diameter internal. It should be the same for both pipes and fittings. It is directly dependent on the wall thickness.
  • Pipe length.
  • Conditional pass. Designated by DN with the addition of the value in mm.
  • Wall thickness.

The choice of pipe diameter is influenced by the flow rate. Its nominal value for a standard water supply is 0.02 km/sec. There is the following relationship between the length of the water pipeline and the diameter of the pipes:

  • For system lengths up to 30 m optimal diameter pipes are 25 mm, which provides a throughput of 30 l/min.
  • For installation of a water supply system longer than 30 m, pipes with a diameter of 32 mm are suitable, increasing the throughput rate to 50 l/min.
  • For systems less than 10 m long, pipes with a diameter of 20 mm are used.

Important: When choosing pipes by diameter, be guided by the expected water consumption, taking into account that throughput kitchen and bathroom taps are no more than 5 l/min. The more points of consumption, the larger the diameter of the pipes.

The following parameters have a decisive influence on the choice of pipe diameter for a country water supply:

  • system length;
  • estimated number of joints;
  • number of turns;
  • consumption rate;
  • water pressure.

Keep in mind: with the same pipe diameter for cold and hot water, the wall thickness of the latter should be 2 times greater.

DIY installation

Installation should begin with drawing up a diagram, taking into account the location of the site in relation to the water intake, determining the number and location of water distribution points. Based on the existing sketch, the amount of consumables and reinforcement material is calculated.

The number of water consumption points depends on the location of the bathhouse, shower, garden beds, and pool on the site. Rational decision- arrange from 5 to 10 pipe outlets, and connect rubber hoses to them so that there is convenient access of water to each zone.

Installation of a summer collapsible water supply system at the dacha

For installation of water supply on summer cottage required standard set tools and material:

  • HDPE pipes in quantities depending on the wiring diagram. For the main water supply, pipes of a larger diameter are taken, and for distribution to supply points - smaller ones.
  • Various fittings.
  • Cutting tool: cone-shaped end knife, hacksaw for metal.
  • Connecting elements for connecting HDPE pipes to taps, irrigation installations, and showers.
  • Plastic water trays, covering grates.

The work is carried out using the following technology:

  1. Connect country water supply to source. Whether it is a common pipe or a column, a special adapter is used for this. The connection is made at an angle.
  2. Distribution is carried out throughout the site by laying pipes with a diameter of 20 or 25 mm to the water intake points.
  3. Connect the pipe sections using collet fittings, having first checked the correct assembly. Before this, the fitting is disassembled, the gasket and clamp are removed. The gasket is firmly inserted into place again, and a clamp with special fixing protrusions is placed behind it. Screw on the clamping nut, but only lightly.
  4. The ends of polyethylene pipes are prepared for installation. First, cut the end with a knife, then insert it into the fitting and tighten the clamping nut.
  5. Connect pipes to taps, irrigation systems, etc.

Attention: all pipe connections are made by hand; if you use a clamping tool, you can overtighten the nut and deform the fitting parts or the end of the pipe.

If a seasonal water supply is laid on the surface, it will become a hindrance for both equipment and people. It is better to make a trench using special plastic trays, and then cover it with the gratings included in the kit.

It is quite possible to replace HDPE pipes with a rubber hose reinforced with nylon fibers. This material is also strong and quite durable.

Installation of water supply in a country house

Installation of water supply in the house is carried out using a slightly different technology:

  1. Measure the required length of pipe and mark its edge with a marker.
  2. In place, marks around the circumference are glued masking tape so that its edges align exactly.
  3. Cut the pipe as evenly as possible perpendicular to the axis of the pipe, focusing on the edge of the tape. Remove the auxiliary material.
  4. On the cut end, make an even bevel 2-3 mm wide using a chamfer cutter or a regular file, simply grinding off the edge with it at 20 degrees.
  5. Screw on the union nut with the clamping and locking rings, and place the sealing ring on the edge of the chamfer. Release the edge of the pipe, slightly moving the previously installed parts to the side, and lubricate it with plumbing grease.
  6. Insert the free edge into the fitting until it stops. Pull the union nut with the ring closer and screw it onto the threaded part of the fitting. The same is done on the opposite side of the fitting. It is important that the pipe does not rest against the gasket, but against the collar, then the connection will be airtight.
  7. The pipeline is tested by introducing water into the system. If there are leaks, tighten the connections.

If all connections are made correctly, then there will be no surprises in the form of leaks.

will. If HDPE pipes are connected to metal, then it is better to play it safe by wrapping the tape.

Price for work

The price for installing a water supply system varies depending on the type of pipes, installation technology, and scope of work. Average prices are summarized in the table:

External water supply
1. Laying HDPE pipes ǿ 100 mmm1 360
2. Installation of elbows, bends, transitions, pipesPC.1 450
3. Installation of teesPC.1 800
Internal water supply
4. Laying a pipeline from turnkey pipes ǿ up to 32 mmm100 4500
5. pipeline made of HDPE pipes with a diameter of less than 20 mmm100 7600
6. -“- pipes up to 63 mmm100 6100
7. -“- up to 90 mmm100 6400
8. -“- up to 110 mmm100 6900

In the future, polymer pipes will replace their metal counterparts. And which polymer to choose HDPE, LDPE or PVC depends on the purpose of the water supply and power.

When you are renovating your old home or building new house, then it is quite reasonable that there is a need to replace old rusty steel pipes water supply for more modern materials. One of the first places in the market of materials for installing water supply, drainage, sewerage, telecommunications and electrical networks occupied by pipes made of HDPE (low pressure polyethylene). This great alternative metal products, they are not only not inferior in their properties, but are also better. Pipes made of low-density polyethylene have become very popular due to the mass of their advantages, as well as due to the ease of installation. Even an ordinary person who does not have the skills to perform such work can install HDPE pipes with his own hands. It’s just that, as in any other business, you need to learn and take into account some nuances and features in your work. So if you're a beginner, first read up on how to do it, what to consider, and what you'll need. This is what will be discussed further in this article.

Scope and characteristics of HDPE pipes

The material from which such pipes are made is dense, high-quality polyethylene, thanks to which the products are quite durable and flexible. Unlike heavy metal pipes, HDPE pipes are lightweight, which makes them easy to install yourself, without outside help. Cathodic coating, unlike the same metal products, these pipes don't need either. It’s also nice that they don’t require any special maintenance. Let's look at their main advantages:

  1. The pipes are resistant to many chemical compounds and aggressive environments: acids, alkalis.
  2. Corrosion does not threaten products made of polyethylene at all, and they do not need to be insulated.
  3. If the water inside the pipes freezes and begins to expand, they will not be damaged, since the material is strong enough and resistant to mechanical stress. The size of the pipes can increase by 5–7% from the original state, and then return to its original position without loss of properties.
  4. Excellent water hammer tolerance.
  5. They are not afraid of rotting, bacteria and fungi that can affect various materials.
  6. They are quite elastic, which allows them to be used in seismically hazardous areas. What's impressive is that they break when extended to six times!
  7. Relatively low cost.
  8. Light weight and convenient and cheap transportation, which will cost 2 or 3 times less than transportation of heavy metal pipes.
  9. Easy to operate, assemble and install pipes yourself, all this can be done without the help of experts.
  10. The service life of HDPE pipes is more than 50 years.
  11. Polyethylene is a dielectric material, i.e. nonconducting electricity, which means that pipes made from it also do not conduct current.
  12. Unlike metal pipes, during operation the pipes do not accumulate silt and scale on the walls, and condensation rarely forms on their surface.

The only point to note is that the material begins to soften when the temperature reaches 80˚C. Therefore, the use of hot water pipes is not recommended. But they have found their application in the following areas:

  • sewerage device;
  • cold water plumbing;
  • protection of electrical high-voltage wires from water and other external factors.

There are two types of low pressure polyethylene pipes:

  1. Pressure pipes – for water systems and gas pipelines.
  2. Non-pressure pipes - for storm drains and sewage systems.

If we talk about the wall thickness of HDPE pipes, it can vary from 2 mm to 72 mm. Their diameter also varies – from 20 mm to 1200 mm. The size of the product is selected depending on where the pipes will be used and what their purpose is. If you need to ensure water supply in your home or country house, then ideal option there will be pipes whose cross-section varies from 20 mm to 30 mm, and they can be connected using plastic or compression brass fittings. When you need to lay a sewer system, the suitable pipes for you will be products with a diameter from 90 mm to 160 mm. It is advisable to fasten them with couplings, complementing the O-rings.

In order to correctly install HDPE pipes, it is important to know how they need to be connected to each other. Depending on the diameter and size, three various methods how to connect pipes:

  1. Butt welding is a one-piece type of installation carried out using a special apparatus.
  2. Connection using electrofusion welding.
  3. Connection through fittings and flanges is a dismountable method of pipe installation.
Note! Detachable connection methods are more suitable for home use where the pipes are not under high pressure. But permanent connections are used for pipelines in which high blood pressure. Thanks to welding, the connecting seam is even stronger than the body itself. Therefore, leaks and breaks are not a problem for such connections.

Let's look at what each connection method is, how it is done, and why one or another method is used.

Butt welding - work technology

The peculiarity of this method is that such welding is used to connect pipes whose cross-section is greater than 50 mm, and their thickness exceeds 5 mm. This method cannot be called simple, since it requires a special welding machine and some skill in working with it. How are pipes connected by welding? The order of work is as follows:

  1. To begin with, the master aligns the edges of the pipes, cuts them at right angles and carefully cleans them.
  2. Using a welding machine, the ends of the pipe are heated to the melting temperature and quickly connected.
  3. All that remains is to wait until the seam cools down and becomes secure.
  4. Finally, it is important to check the tightness of the connection by filling the pipe with water.

When carrying out such manipulations, it is very important to monitor the heating time of the product in order to make it ideal for joining and not to overmelt or not heat it enough. The pressure on the surfaces to be joined is also important, since to ensure maximum strength of the connection, it must be uniform along the length.

Note! You should not try to weld products from different manufacturers together. Their characteristics may vary slightly, so during operation, water pressure may tear the seam made in this way.

Connection using electrofusion welding

For this method of connecting pipes, it is necessary to use shaped elements with electric spirals mounted inside. This coupling is put on the pipes, the spirals begin to heat up and melt the polyethylene, which is then tightly soldered. This pipe connection is quite reliable and is used when installing sections whose diameter is less than 160 mm or in cases where it is quite difficult to get to the joining point. In this case, you need to take into account that the cross-section of the pipes being joined should not differ by more than 10%.

If you want to connect pipes in this way, you need to clean the edges of the pipes from dirt and align them. During operation, it is advisable to securely fix the product using a positioner. After which the two ends of the pipe are installed in the coupling and turned on welding machine. All data, such as soldering time and temperature, can usually be seen on the part's barcode.

Note! It is clear that people who have nothing to do with construction do not have such a device. If you need it one time to get the job done, and in the future you won’t need it at all, you can ask your acquaintances, friends and neighbors for a loan. You can also rent one from a specialty store if they provide such services.

How to weld pipes using an electric coupling, see below:

Connecting pipes using fittings

The simplest and in an accessible way The way to connect HDPE pipes is to connect using fittings. Typically, pipes for water supply and sewerage in city apartments and houses are connected in this way. Typically, the diameter of such pipes is small - 110 mm or less.

If we talk about the previous two methods, then their disadvantage is that they can be disassembled brazed pipes no longer possible. They can only be cut. But the connection on the fittings allows you to disassemble the pipe system at any time and replace some parts. Moreover, you can do this more than once, but as many times as you need. It is also important that there is a market a large assortment connection elements having different diameters, and this will make it possible to assemble the various necessary branches and wiring in the pipeline system.

To assemble a pipeline using fittings, you need to purchase them at the store. They can be plastic or brass compression type. In the same store you need to buy socket plugs that have a flexible seal. Now everything is step by step:

  1. First you need to cut the pipes the right size, as in welding. In this case, the ends must be cut clearly perpendicular to the pipe body.
  2. Now unscrew the union nut located on the fitting by making a few turns.
  3. Insert the pipe into the fitting until it stops. It should fit into a reinforced rubber seal.
  4. Then put on the collet, elastic ring and tighten the nut. Small parts can be turned by hand, and when you need to connect pipes with a large cross-section, it is better to use a wrench.
  5. As always, after installation it is necessary to check the tightness of the connection by filling the pipe with water.

So easy and without special effort You can install HDPE pipes by connecting them through fittings.

Holders for HDPE pipes

But assembling the piping system is not all, you need to secure it. For this purpose, the products are attached to the walls using clamps. For greater reliability, such fasteners are mounted under each section where pipes are joined. In other places, you need to maintain a distance between the clamps equal to ten pipe diameters. Maintain a distance from the walls of 2–4 mm.

Most often, rigid clamps with a rubber seal that absorb noise are chosen for work. However, to prevent internal stress from arising in the pipes during operation, holders are installed without gaskets so that the pipeline is freely located in the fastening ring. Thanks to this, the pipes can be slightly flexible, which will ensure their long service life.

Some mistakes when installing HDPE pipes

Before you begin pipe installation work, familiarize yourself with the most common mistakes that are made during work. This will help you install the pipes correctly, without errors.

  1. Often, many people, out of ignorance or simply forget about making a linear expansion of the pipeline. This is very important, since its absence will lead to high stress in the pipes, and this in turn will lead to a decrease in service life.
  2. Be sure to choose correct distance between fasteners. If you make a mistake at this stage of work, over time this will lead to sagging of the pipeline, which will also shorten the service life of the system.
  3. When the pipes are cemented, first of all make sure that they are insulated.
  4. It is important to comply the right conditions welding During operation, do not overtighten the adapters so as not to disrupt the subsequent operation of the pipeline.

Based on what is written above, you can do it yourself correct installation pipes If you are confident in your abilities and are ready to do it, then go ahead, but if you have doubts, you can take the help of specialists. Now let's take a closer look at how to perform such installation from “A” to “Z”.

Preparatory work

Before you begin installing HDPE pipes, you must:

  1. Make a sketch or plan of the future route and measure its length. Also count the number of drops and turns.
  2. Determine how much material you will need for the job and purchase it at the store. Don't forget about the mounting clamps.
  3. Prepare the right set tools that should be at hand.
  4. Turn off the indoor water.
  5. When the connection of new pipes will be carried out from old system made of metal, it is necessary to place the connecting fitting on metal pipe, which will serve as an adapter.
  6. Then you should cut the pipes into pieces of the required length using a pipe cutter or a hacksaw. Maintain a 90 degree cutting angle. The ends must be cleaned after cutting.

When you have done all this, you can proceed directly to installation.


For more information about fittings for HDPE pipes, see below:

Polymer materials are widely used both in industry and in everyday life. Low-density polyethylene has gained particular popularity among builders. Pipes made from this material have found application in many areas. Despite the ease of installation, you need to have an idea of ​​how to work with HDPE pipes. Next, we will talk about the main types of connecting such pipes: using a fitting, manual welding, etc., and you will also learn how to bend (or straighten) a HDPE pipe.

What are the advantages of HDPE pipe?

HDPE pipes are made from high-quality (light and durable) low-density polyethylene. He started to conquer the market pipeline fittings back in the early 80s and today, about 75% of all products presented on this market are made of polyethylene.

The material has excellent technical characteristics which often consider its advantages:

  • is not afraid of exposure to almost any aggressive chemicals;
  • is not an electrical conductor;
  • incredibly high degree of wear resistance - retains its appearance for about 50 years;
  • absolute environmental Safety material;
  • the material is completely not subject to corrosive destruction;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • the material is not damaged by fungus and mold;
  • acceptable cost.

HDPE pipes

Thanks so much a large number advantages HDPE is widely used in various fields(both in industry and in everyday life). For example, it is used to protect electrical cables (power and communication cables). The material is often used in the installation of water/sewer pipelines and construction.

It is worth noting that despite such diverse areas of application of the material, it is quite simple to install it - even a person without relevant experience is quite capable of coping with this task.

But under no circumstances should pipes made from HDPE be used in hot water supply, since the maximum temperature that the material can withstand while maintaining its properties and aesthetic appearance is about 60 degrees. Let's say, at a temperature of about +75 it will begin to soften little by little.

Methods for connecting HDPE pipes

HDPE pipes are fastened using detachable and permanent methods. In the first case we are talking about the use of intermediate connecting elements, in the second - about welding. More on everything in order below.

Detachable connection method

The most widely used connecting elements for HDPE pipes are couplings and compression couplings. Couplings are created by extrusion. Using these connecting elements, fastening individual parts mono pipes can be made quickly, easily and efficiently without the use of specialized tools and equipment.

To assemble HDPE pipes, several types of couplings are used:

  • Connecting. The simplest of the presented types. Used for connection individual elements pipes having the same diameter.
  • Compression. Such couplings can have both external and internal threads. They are an excellent fastener for water and gas HDPE pipes.
  • Reducing. Ideal for connecting pipes of different diameters.

Compression fittings are another type of threaded connecting elements used as fasteners for HDPE pipes. Distinctive feature and at the same time, the advantage of fittings is the ability to dismantle fasteners. And installation can be carried out even at sub-zero temperatures.

Attention! Despite all the advantages detachable connections, they can be used to connect HDPE pipes of a very limited diameter: 2-3.5 cm.

Sometimes the installation of pipe fragments can be carried out even without connecting elements. We are talking about the so-called socket connection. IN in this case Only special elastic seals are used. Similar connection cannot be considered strong enough, therefore the scope of application of pipes fastened in this way is very limited. They are most often used in non-pressure sewer systems.

Permanent connection method

Used for hermetically sealed installation of pipes (more than 5 cm in diameter) that will be operated at high pressure. The peculiarity of permanent connections is that they are several times stronger than the material being fastened. In this case, it is stronger than HDPE.

Soldering diagram

There are two types of welding: electrofusion and butt. In the first case, a polyethylene coupling with electric spirals is used during operation. When current is connected to them, they heat the coupling to desired temperature, and it is attached to the pipes, sealing them tightly when solidified.

Advice. During electrofusion welding, all elements must be absolutely motionless (both during heating of the coupling and during its hardening).

But for butt welding you will need a welding machine. The essence of the welding process is very simple. The parts of the pipes, previously degreased and free of dirt, are heated until their edges become viscous. They are then held together under pressure. After which the pipes are left motionless until completely solidified.

How can you bend/unbend a HDPE pipe

Pipes made from HDPE are often sold in straight lengths, but sometimes they are wound in the form of a coil. You can cut off a part of it, but how can you straighten it? In principle, quite simple. If installation is carried out in summer period and it’s hot outside, you can leave the pipe to “bask” in the sun. Polyethylene is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation, but under its influence it will soften slightly. So you can lower the pipe into a trench or attach it along the wall.

HDPE pipe in roll

But sometimes during the installation process another need arises - the pipe needs to be bent. Of course, you shouldn't do this manually. It is enough just to pour boiling water over the intended bend area or warm it up with a hair dryer.

Advice. When using heating devices to bend/unbend a polyethylene pipe, special care should be taken: do not hold the device too close to the pipe, as this may cause it to overheat or even ignite.

A large part of the popularity of polyethylene pipes among developers in private construction is due to the fact that the installation of pipes made of polymer materials is easier than steel. Often, assembling communications does not require special tools or skills.

The abbreviation HDPE stands for low-density polyethylene. This polymer material, made using special technology when polymerization occurs without external pressure. The output is a strong, elastic polymer that is chemically inert and can be used for storage and transportation food products(including drinking water).

Positive qualities of HDPE communications:

  • Chemically resistant. Polymer communications made from HDPE are not susceptible to aggressive liquids and can be used to transport drinking water.
  • Do not corrode. The service life of communications is more than 50 years.
  • They do not conduct electric current.
  • Elastic. HDPE pipelines have proven themselves to be excellent in seismic zones and areas with high vibration. They don't lose theirs performance qualities in such conditions, durable and reliable.
  • The high elasticity of the material prevents pipes from cracking when they freeze with water inside. Where a steel pipeline bursts, polyethylene communications will maintain integrity and tightness.
  • Resistant to water hammer.
  • Lungs. Light weight makes it possible to: save on delivery, assemble communications without involving third-party labor.
  • Easy to install. Ease of cutting, availability of special fittings makes it possible to assemble a pipeline without professional skills.

The disadvantages include the limited scope of application of HDPE pipes, since the material does not withstand high temperature. The maximum temperature for operation is 80 degrees.

Note! For long-term and trouble-free operation of HDPE pipelines, it is recommended not to use them for transporting liquids that are hotter than 40 degrees.

Manufacturers offer two types of HDPE pipes:

  • for operation under pressure - water supply, gas pipeline;
  • for operation without pressure inside the pipe - sewerage, storm drains, electrical communications.

If you are building a house or renovating an old home, you are probably faced with the need to replace rusted steel pipelines with new ones. Plastic or low-pressure polyethylene (LDPE) products are best suited as an alternative to metal. Installing HDPE pipes with your own hands is very easy, even without special knowledge. Manufacturers typically include assembly instructions with their products.

In addition to ease of installation, HDPE pipes have other advantages, which explain their increasing popularity:

  • they are resistant to most chemical compounds;
  • polyethylene does not corrode;
  • when frozen inside the water, they will not crack;
  • tolerate water hammer well;
  • do not rot and are not affected by fungi and bacteria;
  • elastic and therefore suitable for use in seismically hazardous regions;
  • transportation and installation of plastic is 2–3 times cheaper than transportation and installation of metal products;
  • service life exceeds 50 years.

The disadvantage of HDPE pipes is that they can serve at temperatures up to 40°C, i.e. not suitable for hot water supply.

There are two types of pipes:

  1. Non-pressure – for sewerage and storm drains;
  2. Pressure - for gas pipelines and water systems.

The wall thickness of HDPE pipes varies from 2 to 72 mm, and their diameter - from 20 to 1200 mm. Dimensions are selected depending on the installation location and purpose. To supply water to the house, products with a cross-section of 20 to 30 mm using compression brass or plastic fittings are most often used. When installing a sewer system, HDPE pipes with a diameter of 90 to 160 mm are selected, fastening them with couplings with O-rings.

For pipes different sizes there are also 3 different ways connections:

  1. Butt welding is a one-piece type, performed using a special apparatus;
  2. Electrofusion welding;
  3. Using fittings and flanges - detachable type of installation.

Permanent connections are more suitable for pipelines high pressure. The seam resulting from welding is even stronger than the body itself.

Butt welding technology

Welding is used to build up pipes with a cross-section of more than 50 mm and a wall thickness of more than 5 mm. This is a rather complex method that requires some operator training and the presence of a welding machine. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The edges of the pipes are leveled, cut at right angles and thoroughly cleaned.
  2. They are then heated to melting temperature and quickly combined.
  3. Wait for the seam to cool down.

When working, you need to monitor the warm-up time and the pressure on the joining surfaces. Weld seam must be uniform along the entire length, then it will be as strong as possible.

There is no need to try to weld two pipes from different manufacturers. The characteristics of polyethylene can vary significantly, and the resulting seam will tear due to water pressure.

Electrofusion welding connection

This fastening method consists of using shaped elements with built-in electric spirals. The spirals heat up and melt the polyethylene, tightly soldering the pipes.

This method is used when installing sections with a cross-section of less than 160 mm or when access to the joining point is difficult. The diameters of the pipes being welded should not differ by more than 10%.

To make a connection, the edges must be cleaned of dirt and leveled. And also fix it for the duration of work. A positioner will help with this.

Both ends are inserted into the coupling and the welding machine is turned on. The duration and temperature of heating are usually indicated on the barcode of the part.

Connecting pipes with fittings

For small pipes, with a cross-section of up to 110 mm, removable connections are more suitable. They are used to install water supply and sewerage systems in city apartments.

For assembly you will need brass or plastic compression fittings and socket plugs with flexible seals.

Just like when welding, we cut the pipes to the required length, and the ends are made strictly perpendicular to the body.

Unscrew the union nut of the fitting a few turns and insert the pipe into it until the end. It should fit into the rubber seal with force. After this, you need to put on the collet and elastic ring and tighten the nut. Small parts are screwed on manually, but for installation of larger diameter pipes it is better to use wrench. Finally, do not forget to check the tightness of the connection.

Pipe holders

The HDPE pipeline is attached to the walls with clamps. Moreover, for reliability, they are installed under each docking point. In other sections, the distance between the fasteners is equal to 10 pipe diameters. The distance from the walls is 2–4 mm.

Typically, rigid noise-absorbing clamps with rubber seal. But to prevent internal stresses from arising in the pipes during operation, some holders are installed without a gasket, leaving the pipeline to lie freely in the fastening ring. This will allow it to maintain mobility and last for many years without special care.


In the following video you can see how to fasten HDPE pipes using fittings:


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