Who is responsible for painting gas pipes? Who should paint gas pipes in the private sector

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This foam has good properties thermal insulation and can be fireproof for a long period of time. For example, fire-resistant paints for metal products can protect metal structure for at least an hour. Technological features dyeing Many people think about whether it is possible to dye gas system on one's own? Wouldn't that be difficult? The stages of staining, in general, do not differ from the staining procedure of any metal pipe, but have one caveat: in the process of cleaning the old paint layer, it is prohibited to use heating devices. 1. A piece of the product must be wrapped in a rag, having previously soaked it with remover. After 20 minutes, you need to remove the softened paint using a spatula. 2. Next, the pipe must be cleaned with a metal brush to rid it of old coating and rusty accumulations. 3.

Who paints a gas pipe in the private sector?

Guest 14 - 10/12/2015 - 22:53 and you can also see where the fistula is simvolika 15 - 10/13/2015 - 10:04 can I ask here?! If a small, almost imperceptible tap leaks at the junction of the outlet to the house and I decide to call Gorgaz, at whose expense should the work/materials be paid? Krasnodargorgaz 16 - 10/13/2015 - 10:15 Good morning! I draw your attention to accessible way to receive information. To receive a prompt response, we ask you to correctly select the employee of the relevant department to whom your request (question) is addressed: 1) Subscription department (e-mail: ) - issues related to payments for consumed gas, concluding agreements for the maintenance of gas-using equipment. 2) Service center (e-mail: ) - primary gasification, transfer of gas equipment and gas pipelines.

Who should paint a gas pipe passing through a site in the private sector?


There are no government requirements for residential premises, either indoors or outdoors. 2. Create protection against corrosive formations. Since there is no oxygen accumulation or water vapor inside the pipe, long-term operation is directly dependent on the level of resistance to corrosive formations of external surfaces.

how to paint correctly gas pipes on the street


Color solution What color should you paint gas lines? According to the source of information (Safety Rules for the Gas Distribution System), painting occurs as follows: 1. The gas pipeline passing above the ground must be painted with two layers of yellow paint.


Varnish and enamel of a similar color are also allowed. The dye must meet the requirements of the substance for work on the outside of the product. Color marking is necessary to identify an object.


Gas pipe

Identification staining is used in certain areas: at junctions during branching. Painting gas pipes on the facade of a house that pass through a wall must include an appropriate color marker. Painting a pipe passing through a wall. Painted pipes in White color Inside a building or home, gas pipes are painted in accordance with the requirements of the interior. As a rule, base coloring linear meters gas pipeline is white.
A gas pipe passing through a wall is not specially marked. Painting services are provided by the builders themselves. Pipes inside the house Choosing paint Paint for painting gas pipes in the house or outside is also selected in accordance with certain requirements.

Questions and answers

The gas system that runs over the facades of the structure may have the color of the structures that enclose it. Painting of internal gas pipeline structures inside residential premises and the color scheme for them are not provided at all.

Finding the owner Who is responsible for painting the gas pipe? Many people ask this question. Unfortunately, responsible person for such a process in each individual case it is necessary to find separately.

In such cases, you need to be guided by the contract Maintenance gas line. In certain areas, responsibility is distributed as follows: 1.
In apartment buildings, the pipeline lines inside each apartment must be painted by the apartment owners.

Who is responsible for painting gas pipes on the facade of a house?

Has dispersions of aluminum and zinc (see. Aluminum pipe). This coating is considered the most reliable protector against corrosion formations. This type of paint, after drying, forms a unique film on the pipe, which ensures long-term durability of black steel structures. how to paint gas pipes in an apartment Gas pipelines indoors B in this case In addition to special external paints, the use of interior paint is allowed. But it is worth considering one of the main rules: you cannot use vapor-permeable coatings, since the purpose of painting pipes is to maximize the isolation of steel pipes from vapors and oxygen compounds. Paints with high level fire resistance how to paint gas pipes with your own hands These are coatings that, when heated, begin to bubble and turn into a carbon foam-like state.

Rules for painting gas pipes according to GOST

Coordination of redevelopment of premises, placement of buildings and structures on land plots, communications projects. 3) Press service (e-mail: ) - official letters, notifications, appeals addressed to the administration of OJSC Krasnodargorgaz. Additionally, I post a link http://www.krasnodargorgaz.ru/php/co...g=kuda_obr.htm Use the “FEEDBACK” service to receive a qualified response from specialists of OJSC Krasnodargorgaz. Sincerely, Doroshin A.D.
Guest 17 - 10/13/2015 - 12:52 15 - simvolika I called the gas workers in the same situation. no one demanded money from me. They did it and left. Apex 18 - 10/16/2015 - 21:08 The territory is mine, but the pipe is not. Let Miller paint it. Quote: Message from Kasya 0-fargus1981 You yourself must monitor the section of pipe that runs through your territory. And you also have to paint it yourself accordingly.

Who should paint a gas pipe?

Dede 4 — 10/12/2015 — 19:53 Acts of delimitation are coming to the treaty balance sheet and operational responsibility? Chip AC 5 - 10.12.2015 - 21:28 According to my documents (act of balance sheet ownership), after the valve on the wall is mine, and what’s before it belongs to the gas workers. Although these 50m pipes run along my site, they do not belong to me, but to the gas workers.

I gave it to them forcibly :) I carefully paint everything that is mine. The rest is broken for now, I'm waiting for a freebie :))) Guest 6 - 10/12/2015 - 21:34 why paint it? it won't rust. There is a lot of thickness) Dimentiy Expert 7 - 10/12/2015 - 21:35 Rubber gloves, construction gloves (knitted) on top, a can of paint. You dip your little hands and then put them on the pipe. Painting happens very quickly. Chip AC 8 - 10/12/2015 - 21:39 7-Dimentiy this is not our method.

How and with what to paint gas pipes so as not to rust in a private house or apartment

The question often arises about how to paint a gas system, and whether this is allowed at all. You need to understand what colors of paint to paint pipes, what types of dyes are allowed for painting and how to apply paint to the surfaces of pipes.

What is this for? Painting gas communications is far from an aesthetic matter. This is required in order to: 1. Identify by color gas pipeline, do not confuse it with other types of pipes. This is especially necessary in industrial enterprises and boiler houses. Naturally, according to external signs and the color of the pipes, it is much easier to determine the desired line, as opposed to studying all the documents for the junction. An important nuance It should be mentioned that marking gas pipes by color is only necessary for industrial enterprises or when laying a gas pipe above ground.

Who should paint gas pipes in the private sector

Hello, Nadezhda! In this matter, everything is simple, where the pipe is located, he paints it. The street gas pipeline is painted at the expense of the municipality. The yard gas pipeline passing through the territory of your property must be painted by the owner of the household. There are no fines for an unpainted gas pipeline, but if corrosion is detected on the gas supply pipeline, the gas supply to your home may be interrupted. To avoid this, it is necessary to monitor the proper condition of gas equipment on your territory.
Please ask a clarifying question in the special form below if you think the answer is incomplete.

Dear Natalia! Border painting gas pipes in apartment building

How to correctly determine the boundaries of painting gas pipes in an apartment building? Before the ceiling tap, let’s say, our HOA paints it, and after that, the city gas service paints it? Or are all the pipes on the territory of the HOA painted by the HOA itself?

Mosgaz OJSC specialists answer

According to the Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems PB 12-529-03, the external gas pipeline is the one laid outside the building to the casing when entering the building. The specified gas pipeline is under the economic control of the enterprise, unless otherwise specified in technical documentation. Painting of the external gas pipeline is carried out according to the schedule. Gas pipelines from the point of intersection with the wall of the building, gas risers, branches from the risers to the first disconnecting device located on the branches from the risers, including disconnecting devices, are common property. According to Clause 16-B of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491 “On approval of the rules for maintaining common property in an apartment building,” proper maintenance of common property is ensured by the homeowners’ association. http://www.gazportal.ru/info/faq/?id=17. According to Art. 161 Housing Code of the Russian Federation: 1.1. Proper maintenance of the common property of premises owners in an apartment building must be carried out in accordance with legal requirements Russian Federation, including in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, on technical regulation, fire safety, protection of consumer rights, and must ensure: 5) constant readiness of utilities, metering devices and other equipment that are part of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, to supply the resources necessary to provide utilities citizens living in an apartment building, in accordance with the rules for the provision, suspension and limitation of the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings established by the Government of the Russian Federation. 2.3. When managing an apartment building by a management organization, it is responsible to the owners of the premises in the apartment building for the provision of all services and (or) performance of work that ensure the proper maintenance of the common property in this building and the quality of which must meet the requirements technical regulations and the rules established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, for the provision of utilities depending on the level of improvement of the building, the quality of which must comply with the requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the provision, suspension and limitation of the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings. According to the Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems PB 12-529-03, the external gas pipeline is the one laid outside the building to the casing when entering the building. The specified gas pipeline is under the economic control of the enterprise, unless otherwise specified in the technical documentation. Painting of the external gas pipeline is carried out according to the schedule. Gas pipelines from the point of intersection with the wall of the building, gas risers, branches from the risers to the first disconnecting device located on the branches from the risers, including disconnecting devices, are common property. I wish you good luck.

What and how to paint a gas pipe? In this article we will have to decide what colors are acceptable to use, what types of paints should be preferred and how to apply them correctly.

Why is this necessary?

Painting a gas pipe is not at all a tribute to aesthetics.

It has two goals:

  1. Pipeline color identification in the conditions of industrial enterprises, gas boiler houses, etc. Agree, determining the functionality of a pipe by color is much easier than lifting documentation to the junction in front of you.

Important: as we will see later, color coding is only used in industrial conditions or on the ground, when laying overhead gas pipelines. Any requirements of local authorities regarding the color of the pipe on the facade of a residential building or inside its premises are unlawful.

  1. Anti-corrosion protection. Since the environment inside the pipe is devoid of oxygen and water vapor, its service life depends solely on the corrosion resistance of the outer coating.


So, what color should gas pipes be?

The source of information for us will be the safety rules for gas distribution systems PB 12-529-03, where paragraph 2.3.9 clearly states:

  • Aboveground gas pipelines are painted with two layers of yellow varnish, enamel or paint. The coating must be intended for outdoor use. Color coding pursues identification purposes.
  • External gas pipes running along the surface of the building facade can be painted to match the color of the building envelope.

The painting of gas pipelines inside apartments and private houses is not regulated at all in terms of color choice.

At home - any colors and shades.

We are looking for the owner

Who should paint a gas pipe? The question of this constantly comes up in the most different regions countries - from quiet courtyards on the outskirts of the capital to small villages in the wilderness. Alas, each time you have to look for someone responsible for the condition of the gas pipeline separately: everything is determined by the terms of the contract for the maintenance of the gas pipeline.

In general, areas of responsibility are distributed as follows.

Apartment buildings

Internal gas pipelines of apartments are painted by residents. Pipes passing along the facade, entrance or street - by the gas supplier or utility services (again, depending on the terms of the service agreement). The boundary between areas of responsibility is the apartment wall.

Please note: this is just about painting. Maintenance of shut-off valves is performed only and exclusively by the gas service.

Private sector

Gas pipeline in the territories common use serviced by gas workers, on private property - by their owner. Gas pipelines passing through private property can also be serviced by the gas supplying organization; however, in this case, it will be quite reasonable for her to bill for their periodic painting ().

Private territory— area of ​​responsibility of the owner of the site.

Types of paint

What kind of paint can be used for a gas pipe?

External gas pipelines

In short, absolutely any anti-corrosion coatings for outdoor use are suitable for our purposes.

  • Alkyd enamels (PF-115) are a time-tested classic. It forms a thin durable coating, resistant to any weather conditions. The service life is at least five years, the price of a kilogram of paint is 40-60 rubles.
  • Polyurethane paints are distinguished by excellent adhesion to any substrate, elasticity and even greater durability: in the most difficult conditions they last at least 10-12 years.
  • Two-component epoxy coatings are less elastic, but extremely wear-resistant.
  • Dispersions of aluminum or zinc powder in organic varnish are probably the most reliable corrosion protection. Thus, Zinga electrically conductive paint, after drying, creates a thin zinc film on the surface of the pipe, which increases the service life of black steel to several decades.

The photo shows silver, a dispersion of aluminum powder in organic varnish.

Internal gas pipelines

Here, in addition to exterior paints, interior paints can be used. The only limitation is that you should not use coatings that are marketed as vapor-permeable: the purpose of painting is to isolate the surface as much as possible steel pipe from water vapor and oxygen.

The list of binders used in exterior paints is also relevant here. Separately, I would like to introduce a class of coatings that is directly related to safety of use. gas equipment— . What it is?

This is the name for coatings that swell when heated and turn into carbon foam, which has excellent thermal insulation properties and can for a long time resist the flame. Thus, fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil can protect a metal base for at least 45 minutes.

Painting technology

Is it difficult to paint a gas pipe with your own hands?

Painting instructions are no different from those relevant for any other metal product- with one caveat: when stripping the old coating, you cannot use heat.

  1. The pipe section is wrapped in a rag soaked in detergent. After 10-15 minutes, softened paint.
  2. Then the pipe is cleaned with a wire brush. The goal is to remove residues old paint and rust.
  1. The surface is degreased. The easiest way to do this job is with a rag soaked in solvent or gasoline.
  2. Paint or varnish is applied in two layers with intermediate drying. No more than six hours should pass between cleaning the corroded surface and painting: atmospheric humidity will very quickly cause the steel to become covered with a layer of new rust. The tool is a regular brush.


The video in this article, as usual, will delight the reader with an abundance of additional information on the topic we are discussing. Good luck!

How to correctly determine the boundaries of painting gas pipes in an apartment building? Before the ceiling tap, let’s say, our HOA paints it, and after that, the city gas service paints it? Or are all the pipes on the territory of the HOA painted by the HOA itself?

Mosgaz OJSC specialists answer

According to the Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems PB 12-529-03, the external gas pipeline is the one laid outside the building to the casing when entering the building. The specified gas pipeline is under the economic control of the enterprise, unless otherwise specified in the technical documentation. Painting of the external gas pipeline is carried out according to the schedule. Gas pipelines from the point of intersection with the wall of the building, gas risers, branches from the risers to the first disconnecting device located on the branches from the risers, including disconnecting devices, are common property. According to Clause 16-B of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491 “On approval of the rules for maintaining common property in an apartment building,” proper maintenance of common property is ensured by the homeowners’ association.

The question arose from the condominium association in connection with an inspection and an order for mandatory painting of the gas pipeline on the territory of the house.

The conditions for the transfer of housing stock are regulated by part 4 of article 7 of the Law of Ukraine “On the transfer of objects of state and municipal property rights” No. 147 / 980VR dated 03/03/1998. Thus, built-in and attached premises are transferred along with the housing stock, external gas supply networks , as well as buildings intended to serve this fund. Facade gas pipelines multi-storey buildings from the shut-off device at the exit of the gas pipeline from the ground to the facade of the building to the entry of the gas pipeline into the house refers to engineering home communications .
According to 4.15. Safety Rules for Gas Supply Systems, approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine dated May 15, 2015 No. 285, above-ground, above-ground and internal gas pipelines, as well as fittings must be protected from atmospheric corrosion in accordance with the requirements of DBN V.2.5-20-2001 "Gas supply" and painted (with the exception of internal gas pipelines of residential and public buildings) in accordance with the requirements of GOST 14202-69 "Pipelines of industrial enterprises. Identification painting, warning signs and marking panels" and GOST 4666-75 "Pipeline fittings. Marking and distinctive painting". Owner ( balance holder and/or tenant (tenant)) must monitor the condition of the house inlet gas pipeline and its fastening, paint the specified gas pipeline at least once every 5 years (clause 1.14 of these Rules). Inlet gas pipeline - a section of the gas pipeline from the disconnecting device at the entrance to the house (when installing the disconnecting device outside the building) to the internal gas pipeline, including a gas pipeline laid in a case through the wall of the building (clause 2.1. of the Rules).
Note that the point of distribution of external and internal communications for the gas pipeline is the valve near the building (according to clause 2.3.7 of the order of the State Committee of Ukraine on Housing and Communal Services No. 76 dated May 17, 2005 “On approval of the Maintenance Rules residential buildings And adjacent areas"). On balance PJSC "Odessagaz" there are gas pipelines up to the valve (valve, shut-off device) at the entrance to the house. Gas pipelines after valve (valve, shut-off device) are included in the book value of the building and are on the balance sheet of the owner (balance holder and / or tenant (tenant)) of the house and must be maintained at the expense of the owner (balance holder and / or tenant (tenant)) of the house, or a person who, under an agreement with the owner, maintains the house.
In addition, according to paragraph 5 of clause 5.10. of these Rules, the owners (balance holders and / or tenants (tenants)) of residential and public buildings, public utility and consumer services enterprises must maintain façade and internal gas pipelines in proper condition for operation.
According to the Regulations on the procedure for the maintenance of in-house gas supply systems of residential buildings, public buildings, household and utility enterprises, approved by order of DAHP “Ukrgas” dated July 30, 1997 No. 35, “ The balance holder must provide conditions for timely painting and repair of house gas pipelines ».
To carry out replacement work faulty elements gas supply systems or their repair, the balance holder must enter into an appropriate agreement with a specialized gas supply and gasification enterprise that has the appropriate license and permission for this, for example, with PJSC "Odessagaz". Work on painting gas pipelines can be carried out both by the owner of the house and PJSC "Odessagaz" under the terms of the contract. PJSC "Odessagaz" will be able to complete the above work on time and under the conditions provided for in the agreement concluded with the owner of the house.

Accordingly, work on painting the gas pipeline after the valve must be carried out by the balance holder at home. If the condition of the gas pipe in some places leaves much to be desired, it is recommended to conclude an agreement between the condominium association and PJSC "Odessagaz" for painting work on the external gas supply networks of the house.


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