Chicken god how to make a talisman. A stone with a hole: a panacea for misfortune, or the chicken god

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Many superstitious people have items that they believe bring good luck. It could be anything: items of clothing, jewelry, trinkets. The so-called chicken god - a stone with a hole in the middle - belongs to the category of such things. They are especially popular among children, but some adults also firmly believe in their mysterious power. Even for those who are skeptical about such ideas, such a thing can become something that will evoke Nice memories for a very long time yet.

Where can I find the chicken god stone? And why is it even called that? In fact, they are not found very often in nature. They are found on pebble beaches, and, as a rule, this happens by accident. Of course, you can look for a stone on purpose, but, firstly, the greater the disappointment will be if it is not found, and secondly, how can you then believe in the luck that such a specially found “chicken god” will bring? A stone with a hole made artificially is also not of particular value, except perhaps decorative. It is also impossible to re-gift it, since it is believed that in this case it will lose its properties, so you will have to look for the mentioned item yourself. But if you are lucky, it doesn’t matter at all what the shape of the stone and the hole will be, as well as its type or color. By the way, it is believed that the hole is formed as a result of prolonged exposure to running water. Remember the saying: “Water wears away stones”? So, this is exactly the same case.

The origin of the name of the talisman in question is interesting. Special meaning it had mainly among the ancient Slavs. Such an amulet was hung over a chicken roost or simply in a place where livestock was kept to protect animals from evil spirits. It is difficult to say why it happened that the amulet is called “chicken god”. The stone was believed to be able to protect not only chickens, but also animals, and even humans.

In other languages ​​there are also special names for amulets of this type. In Europe they are often called hagstones, holystones or witch stones. In Egypt, the name aggry was assigned to them. In Belarus, the subject of our conversation is known as the “Perunova arrow”, or “gromovka”, since local residents believe that the chicken god is a stone into which
Lightning struck and caused a hole to appear in it. Almost all nations believe that such a stone brings happiness to its owner; finding it is still considered great luck. After all, it combines two elements at once: water, which washes away any negative energy, and earth.

Some people are firmly convinced that this amulet has special properties. But the amulet only works if you wear the stone around your neck, threading a cord through a hole, or at least in your pocket. If you place such a talisman next to your bed, you can normalize your sleep and get rid of nightmares and insomnia. It also gives peace, optimism and good mood. This is what he is - the chicken god - a stone that brings happiness!

Of course, some are very, very skeptical about such superstitions, because how can this simple pebble actually influence a person? Without faith in its properties - nothing. For those who are inclined towards this point of view, the chicken god can become simply beautiful and unusual accessory, it goes especially well with ethnic style outfits.

There are things, objects and amulets that fate itself gives us. So a person can, while walking along the seashore, among the pebbles, accidentally find the chicken god, a talisman that was used by our ancestors. Several chicken gods can be made into a powerful one magic amulet do it yourself or buy a ready-made amulet, but sometimes one stone is enough. In our article with photos, we will tell you how to use the chicken god correctly, and how the natural magic of nature can make your life better and happier.


The oldest amulet in Rus' is called the chicken god stone. It looks like a naturally occurring mineral. This pebble necessarily has a hole, of any size, and it can take on bizarre shapes and has magical properties, numerous signs are associated with it. Even in paganism, people believed that the chicken god protected people, domestic animals and birds from bad external energy like a shield. Historically, the ancient Slavs celebrated Kurki Day on January 15, and in connection with this holiday, poultry houses were filled with perfect order and cleanliness. According to the beliefs of our ancestors, it was on the day of Kurki that a black rooster once laid an egg, from which the evil serpent Basilisk hatched.

Why was the stone with a hole so named? The word “chicken” comes from “churiny”, which means Churu, the spirit of the ancestors, who stood guard over the border of the other world of reality. Thus, chicken gods were intended to help people from evil spirits.

Earth and Air

What to do if you suddenly find a chicken god stone? What needs to be done and how to use it correctly so that the stone god with a hole begins to work and fulfill its mission? You must always carry it with you so that its magical properties directly affect your life. It was believed that the chicken gods belong to the elements of earth; water punches a hole in it and gives its protective energy. A through hole symbolizes victory over obstacles and vicissitudes of fate. The lucky ones who were lucky enough to find stones with a hole later admitted to extraordinary luck in all matters; any of their wishes were quickly fulfilled.

So different and amazing

How to use the talisman correctly? You can give it as a gift or keep it for yourself. Pay attention to its size, shape, color and composition. Depending on what you want, you need to pick up a chicken stone and carry the amulet with you until you achieve what you want.

  • Crystal chicken gods are the most powerful amulets, favorably changing the fate of their owner to the maximum.
  • A malachite round stone with a hole is intended to protect children from evil spirits, and adults - for good physical health.
  • The turquoise amulet is suitable for those who want to fly career ladder in the shortest possible time and in general to all businessmen.
  • For travelers, a coral stone will be an ideal assistant, because it is precisely this composition that will repel troubles on the road from the owner and protect against injuries.
  • The chicken gods choose an exceptionally lucky person, because only one and the same person can be called one who finds seven pebbles at once. From now on you will be lucky for the rest of your days.
  • Did you find five amulets? If you hang them on one string, you will attract fortune to you for 20 years.

Now look at the color of the amulet if you are lucky enough to find a stone god made from ordinary minerals. The color of the through pebble gives a hint on how to use it correctly so that it works:

  • White. Softens character, increases insight and harmony.
  • If you want liberation and confidence, as well as popularity with others, you will need an amulet made of black chicken stone.
  • Red. Want to find true love? The red god will help you.
  • Dots and stripes of red and white. A wonderful talisman for strengthening marital ties. Keeps you from cheating.
  • The Blue Chicken God brings creative inspiration.
  • To achieve improvement financial situation, look for the green chicken god.
  • Amulet orange color gives improves health and resists the vicissitudes of fate.
  • A talisman of multi-colored chicken gods greatly enhances your strength.

Where to get

If you find a chicken god talisman with one hole or several holes, you need to handle it correctly. Take it in your hands and cast the spell three times to awaken its magical properties. Then you need to bring the amulet home, rinse it with cool running water, dry it and choose a method of use.

Summer is vacation time. The vast majority of my compatriots prefer to spend their legal leisure time at sea, basking under the friendly southern sun. Before your eyes there are boundless waves, and under your feet there are smooth pebbles caressed by water. I recommend taking a closer look at it - somewhere there, under your feet, good luck awaits you.

Usually only children hunt for the chicken god. For some reason, adults think that this natural talisman looks funny and undignified (most likely, this is because of the name), therefore, even if it catches the eye, it is simply ignored. Let me introduce you to the story of the chicken god - it is too remarkable to sink into oblivion.

History of the name

Since time immemorial, a stone with a through hole of natural origin was considered the best amulet For poultry. Protecting chickens, geese and ducks from pestilence, evil spirits and other misfortunes that beset the feathered race, the chicken god has earned and maintained its reputation for centuries. He was placed above the perch, where he performed “service”. Subsequently, the range of responsibilities of the amulet expanded. The chicken god appeared on farms and barnyards: suspended under the very roof, the stone protected its wards from predators and bad people.

Everything would be fine, but the talisman turned out to be a real deficiency. Try to get one of these somewhere in steppe zone- You’ll grind your feet into dust, but you won’t be able to find them. But, as the well-known saying goes, there is no need for invention - and now, instead of a pebble with a natural hole, under the roofs of chicken coops and other abodes of livestock there are jugs and jars with a knocked out bottom. If you think about it, this “defense” looks quite logical. These containers were made of clay, and clay was quite natural material. And the hole is relatively natural - you never know, maybe the bottom fell off on its own. So all the “signs” of the chicken god are in place, the unwritten rules are followed, and the neck of the jug, along with the “bottomless” jug, unsuitable for household use, protected livestock on par with nature's chicken god.

Guardian of the Borders

... and soon I saw a wooden bearded man sticking out of the ground just above the knee with a crooked grin on his black lips. Seredin took a breath of relief: Chur, guardian of borders. There is, therefore, life in these places, if someone measures the borders.

A. Prozorov, “Sorcerer”

The Slavs had a deity called Chur, or Shchur. His amulet allowed him to cross other people’s borders and protect his own, and Chur also helped protect his own, protect him from evil forces and dashing people. And for a long time, the chicken god was often called Churin, or Shchurin. Moreover, the connection between a stone with a hole and castle-boundaries can be traced not only in Slavic tradition. For example, in England it is customary to attach the chicken god to a bunch of house keys. It was believed that if a stone (a sort of sacred keychain) dangles from the keys, then no thief will be able to break into the home. Gradually this tradition spread throughout Europe.

The Celts did not pass by either. Their druids wore the chicken god around their necks, along with other protective amulets - of course, this meant that the stone had supernatural powers. Those who could not boast of magical skills also found a use for the talisman, and, completely forgetting all the beliefs and legends that were associated with it, began to use the stone in a completely different form. Now he had to “catch up” with the desired weather. For the uninitiated, this ritual looked like preparing a slinger for battle: a person threaded a strong cord into the hole of the chicken god and began to unwind it above his head. The duration of the ritual depended on many factors, but, as I see it, not on the newly minted climatologist. It was supposed to swing a stone over your head until the desired weather was established. How about a prolonged downpour, lasting ten days? Well, you can be left without a hand...

Stone for the witch

It was not for nothing that I noted at the beginning of the article that today the chicken god is of interest only to children. Adults understand perfectly well that a stone with a hole is just a lucky result. collaboration water and wind. And I understand that. But I prefer not to remember the rational side - there must be at least a place for magic somewhere? So let it be the chicken god!

The ancestors also believed in miracles, and therefore the unusual pebble... and whoever it was. Here you can see a petrified snake curled into a ring, and the formation of a hole after lightning struck a stone. They called it both a thunderbolt and a Perun arrow. It is noteworthy that this can also be seen among the Scandinavians: there, similar stones were formed as a result of the vigorous activity of Thor, and were also called upon to protect domestic birds.

The gods weakened and were forgotten for a time. But the stone remained, which means it was necessary to come up with another explanation for its appearance. This time it was romantic. True, the name had to be changed - the unattractive chicken god became the witch's stone. A new legend says that a once young, noble gentleman fell in love with a beautiful gypsy, and she reciprocated his feelings. But the young man’s parents turned out to be against the unequal union (which is not surprising), and quickly married their son to someone else. The gypsy turned to the witch from her camp and asked for help: the creature in love wanted nothing more than to be close to her chosen one and protect him from all troubles. The woman listened to the pleas and turned the beauty into stone. When she handed the talisman to the young man, a hole appeared in its center: the master threaded a cord through it and did not remove it until the end of his days.

Application of Chicken God

The simplest thing you can think of is to use it as a pendant around your neck, or, in extreme cases, as a keychain. For more experienced “users,” this method is suitable: you need to milk a cow or goat in such a way that a chicken god is placed between the milk container and the udder, and the milk, if possible, passes through its hole. No cow? Not critical. Do you still occasionally buy milk at the store? I noticed that in a clay jug even store-bought milk acquires a special taste and is stored much longer. And experts from the world of esotericism claim that if you pour the purchased product into a jug through the chicken god, it will turn sour only after it runs out.

The pebble will come to the rescue and bad sleep. So that neither you nor your household suffer from nightmares, and sleep brings rest and peace, you need to hang a chicken god at the head of your bed. It’s worth a try - why not a fashionable “dream catcher”?

The chicken god also attracts good luck and helps in fulfilling desires. It’s unlikely to send you into space, and it won’t make you a time traveler. And something simpler, everyday, something that will bring benefits is welcome. First you need to acquire the actual stone. It doesn’t matter how it happens - whether you find it yourself or buy it, only the result is important. And when the chicken god is in your hands, just whisper your desire into the hole and warm the stone a little in your palms, saturating it with your warmth.

The main nuance is the visualization of desire. You need to imagine what you want as accurately as possible, and try to “see” it in the hole. You need to see that everything has already come true, experience the emotions received, feel everything down to the smallest detail. Actually, visualization already does a good job of implementing plans, and the chicken god here simply helps you concentrate faster. The only thing he will “demand” in exchange for help is an early rise. True, for people who are not accustomed to starting their day with sunrise, this may seem difficult, but there is no need to ignore this instruction - it is worth it.

The miraculous talisman “Chicken God” is a stone with a hole.

Everyone knows the saying that water wears away stones. Stones with holes are direct proof of this. Those who find them are considered lucky.

There are several reasons for this: firstly, the stone itself is unusual, and secondly, such a creation of nature has long been considered lucky mascot. For a long time drops of water make a hole millimeter by millimeter, endowing the stone (as people believe) with its power.
A stone with a hole has different names. The Slavs call him “Chicken God”.
The strange name comes from an old belief that a stone with a hole suspended over a chicken roost protects poultry from all sorts of harm. However, over time, people noticed that they themselves were protected by the “Chicken God” no worse.

Every stone embodies the element of earth. And a through hole in a stone symbolizes passage through matter, overcoming earthly obstacles, therefore the ‘chicken god’ can serve as a talisman that helps overcome everyday difficulties and physical ailments. Many people noticed that after finding a holey stone, the hardships in life became less, as if someone was taking them away from those places where trouble could happen to them.

Stones with through holes serve as an excellent talisman for those who have a dangerous job, who often have to risk their health, money or other material assets.

It is useful to carry holey stones for people burdened with physical ailments. At the same time, it is more effective to place such stones at the level of diseased organs.

Leaky stones help to get rid of worries associated with material difficulties, to drive away thoughts about the hopelessness of one’s situation. The spirit of the “Chicken God” alleviates mental and physical suffering, inspires the desire to look for ways to solve one’s problems, so it is useful to wear stones with holes for those who have become depressed and pessimists.

“Chicken God” will help you get rid of something material. For example, reset excess weight, sell an apartment, a car, break off a relationship with some person. In such situations, you don’t have to wear it all the time, but put it on only for the period when you need to solve a specific problem.

It is especially useful to have holey stones with you as a talisman that makes life easier for people born under one of the earthly signs of the Zodiac (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), whose character, by definition, is heavy and whose life is most likely to be difficult tests.
For people of air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), such stones will help maintain the inner lightness that was originally inherent in them.

Stones with a hole are usually hung on a cord and worn as an amulet. If the size of the stone does not allow you to do this, you can hang it somewhere in the house - near the entrance, for example. The ideal number of such unusual pebbles is seven. It’s not for nothing that in some countries they carry whole bunches of such stones with them.
Many peoples considered stones with a hole to be a disguised keyhole or a key to an unknown world, therefore such stones are credited with the ability to help in fulfilling the most cherished desires. There is even a special ritual that must be performed for the stone to show its magical power.

Take it in your hand and look through the hole in the stone (even if it’s 2mm in diameter, that’s enough). So, look through this hole at the Sun or Moon and make any wish - it will definitely come true!

If you have to rest on pebble beach or in the mountains, be sure to look for a stone with a through hole. This is very powerful talisman, and its very discovery already indicates that fate is ready to show you favor.

If you really want to have a talisman stone, but you doubt which stone is best for you, find a stone with a hole for yourself, and you will not regret it. A specially found stone will be just as beneficial for you as one found by chance.

Life does not give us what should not belong to us, and if you went in search of your talisman and found a stone with a hole, even if it took several hours or days, it will become your assistant.

Those who fail to find the “Chicken God” sometimes have the idea of ​​drilling some kind of stone themselves. An empty idea: a stone with a natural hole is endowed with natural strength, which was put into it over a long time. Having drilled a hole in a stone in a few minutes, neither we nor nature will have time to give it the necessary energy that can lead us through the difficulties of this world.

Remember how, as a child, you found a stone with a hole on the shore of the sea or a pond and heard from adults that this is the “chicken god” that brings good luck. Let's see if this is really the case. And why is “god” specifically “chicken”?

According to ethnographers, this magical tradition arose during pagan times. The ancients considered a through hole in a stone as a female erotic symbol. In some Russian provinces it was believed that such a pebble would help chickens lay eggs better. In addition, hanging in chicken coops, pigsties, cowsheds and other outbuildings, “chicken gods” served as protective amulets for poultry and livestock. But not only for animals. The peasants believed that the “chicken god” was able to protect people. In the old days it was placed under lower crown village hut. According to legend, this protected from evil spirits, for example, from kikimora, which could harm livestock, create a mess in the house, or cause children scary dreams... Therefore, if a child slept restlessly, a small pebble with a hole was hung around his neck. They say it helped. Often “chicken gods” were worn by adults, next to pectoral cross. Although the church does not recognize magic, such traditions have never been eliminated. And probably it wasn’t worth it...

Large stones with through holes often placed inside the hut, and in a visible place, usually somewhere at the top. This allegedly protected against a possible evil eye. Any stranger who appeared in the house could, consciously or unconsciously, jinx the owners. People at that time were characterized by magical thinking, and even neighbors or close relatives were treated with some distrust. If, after their visits, something wrong began to happen in the house - say, children got sick, a bird was attacked by pestilence, then suspicion fell on the visitor of “spoilage” and other dirty deeds. That's why our ancestors played it safe. It was believed that if a visitor looks at one lying or hanging in a prominent place, he will certainly be surprised, and the negativity with which he may have come to the house will immediately lose its power...

“Chicken gods” were also used in medicinal purposes. With the help of such a stone, healers identified the evil eye and removed it. It was also believed that if a boy has difficulty urinating, to improve the process, the child must be forced to urinate through a hole in the stone...

How does this talisman “work”? According to esotericists, a through hole, as it were, opens a path through the universe, helps to overcome earthly obstacles... According to modern beliefs, the “chicken god” not only brings good luck, but also fulfills desires, inspires an optimistic attitude, and promotes financial well-being and relieves physical ailments.

Now on sale you can find many, which are pebbles with holes. But they are usually drilled by hand, and no magical power do not possess. Do you want to find a real talisman? Look for pebbles with natural holes among the pebbles!

There are especially many such stones on Crimean beaches. Bored vacationers look for similar seafood in the rounded pebbles to wear as an amulet, hanging them on a thread around their necks. But as soon as you return home from vacation, the pebble is most often put aside somewhere on a distant shelf. After all, our contemporaries treat the “chicken gods” more like a funny tradition, and do not really believe in it miraculous power.

In 2003, in a cave on the mountainside Demerdzhi, not far from Alushta, a cluster of unusual stones was discovered. Each granite or limestone pebble (some were the size of a fist, others weighed several kilograms) had a hole! And there were hundreds of thousands of such stones!

How to explain such an incredible number of “holey” stones? One of the Moscow editorial offices sent its correspondent to the Demerdzhi area. He brought to Moscow a whole backpack filled with “chicken gods”... However, the capital’s scientists just shook their heads and could not say anything intelligible... Maybe the legacy of some supercivilization?

Although there is a fairly high probability that the holes in this mass of stones were made artificially, which means they do not represent any special magical value. It is better to look for such pebbles among ordinary pebbles. There can't be too many of them.

A larger stone may serve a talisman for your home. You can put it, as they did in the old days, in a prominent place in the living room or kitchen. Or you can hang it on a strong thread, rope or fishing line. Small stones can also be worn around the neck. It is clear that this is not always convenient, especially in the warm season, when your neck is open and you also wear various decorations. Therefore, you should wear the “chicken god” when you feel the need to protect it or when you desperately need good luck. The rest of the time, let the stone lie in a secluded place.


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