Garden bushes. Flowering shrubs perennials with photos and names

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Who doesn’t dream of a beautiful, well-kept garden where you can relax from the everyday hustle and bustle, chat with family or friends, relax and lie in a hammock, or just wander along the shady alleys on a hot, sunny day. But this is a troublesome task and requires not only some effort, but also knowledge, experience and great desire. Today we will talk about ornamental shrubs and flowering shrubs for the garden - constant companions of any garden. And also about what they are, how best to arrange them and about the basic rules of care.

Shrubs are divided into ornamental and fruit-bearing. As a rule, with good care they have a long life expectancy (20-40 years). That is, the plants will decorate the garden for many years. The options for using bushes for a summer residence are varied: this is a background for compositions of plants, green hedges, planting in groups and a single arrangement. Shrubs make the garden cozy and familiar. They smooth out imperfections, cover unsightly places, create color accents and, most importantly, do not require constant care.

Selection and placement

The selection and composition of garden shrubs is not an easy task. It all depends on your desire. What kind of garden do you want to create: in Japanese, English, french style or a style close to natural? What should you focus on - decorativeness and color contrasts, or do you need fruit bushes for the garden? We will dwell on some points.

Our visual perception is designed in such a way that first we perceive color, and then shape. A natural garden does not have sharp color contrasts that would catch the eye. The main color is green. The motley color scheme looks very gentle against the background of greenery. Therefore, we use variegated varieties, of which there are now a great many. Plants with yellow foliage “illuminate” the garden during the day and create the illusion of sunlight in the evening. Red foliage is also good sunny weather, but in the evening it fades. Color makes it possible to expand or narrow a space. Yellow visually makes the space wider, while red, on the contrary, narrows it. So, when creating compositions, you can expand or lengthen them. If there are a lot of color accents, it can irritate rather than instill peace and tranquility. After all, any garden is, first of all, a place for relaxation. The texture of the crown, the shape and size of the leaves also matter. How to post ornamental shrubs in landscape design can be seen in the photo.

When creating compositions from ornamental shrubs and flowering shrubs, follow the basic rules:

  1. Don't buy a plant just because you like it. Find out how it will take root in a given climate zone and its frost resistance.
  2. Find out how the plant reacts to “haircut” in order to give it the desired shape.
  3. In any garden, the dominant color is green; others create spots of color against the background of greenery.
  4. Consider lighting when planting variegated forms.
  5. Do not create sharp contrasts, play in halftones.
  6. Model your garden space by creating different combinations.

The place for the bush should be sunny. Shade-tolerant plants We will plant under the canopy of larger shrubs or trees. The soil is as fertile as possible, but you can add significant amount organic matter into the planting hole. So, what shrubs should I plant in my dacha?

Blooming forms

We invite you to familiarize yourself with information about what kinds of flowering shrubs there are for summer cottages in the Moscow region.


Very elegant and at the same time picky representatives of the Rosaceae family. There are spring-flowering and summer-flowering forms. With a combination of both, flowering in your garden will be constant. Characterized by rapid growth and frost resistance. These beautiful shrubs are good in compositions.

Mock orange is amazing

Or garden jasmine. Different representatives are characterized by different flower shapes, aroma, bush shape and flowering time. Variegated forms have also been developed. Another advantage: it tolerates cold and rarely suffers from pests and diseases. Good both in single plantings and in group plantings.


It has a lot of positive features: healing, edible, beautiful. There are also decorative species with bright scarlet, unusual foliage. There are evergreen forms of the plant. It all depends on your preferences. More often, viburnum is grown in gardens, the fruits of which are medicinal raw materials. Undemanding and frost-resistant. It also grows in shaded areas and looks interesting in plantings with conifers. Viburnum has only one drawback: it is easily infected by pests.

Rose hip

Beautiful flowering shrubs for the garden. Its spring appearance depends on the species. Choose forms for hedges or for flowering. Terry forms are similar to roses. Does not get sick when transplanted or pruned, grows quickly. Over time, a rosehip fence becomes impenetrable. Grows in sun and shade. Good in combination with tree and shrub species. It does not require special care.


It is a shrub with yellow flowers. Blooms in early spring and looks absolutely fantastic at this time. Then the flowers fall and young foliage grows. Looks great in a single planting or surrounded by early flowering bulbs. This sun lover freezes in cold winters and is therefore not suitable for northern regions. In the middle zone it is thoroughly mulched, and the shoots are tilted towards the ground.


Previously, one variety of lilac was grown - common lilac. Now varieties have been developed - from lilac to purple. It is still one of the favorite flowering shrubs for the garden. It is advisable to plant on sunny area separately from other plants, leaving more free space around. The plant is not demanding on environmental conditions.


Well suited for a shady, damp corner. Grows in acidic soils, but does not tolerate windward conditions. Characterized by long flowering. Elegant inflorescences look great when cut, you can create winter bouquets. Two types are frost-resistant: paniculate and large-leaved. They winter under the snow, wrapped in spruce branches. Pairs well with hostas and ferns.


Unpretentious to any conditions, it grows even in tubs on terraces and in winter gardens. He's different abundant flowering in spring and bright colorful foliage in autumn. The fruits are used for processing (jammies and jellies) and for medicinal purposes. The sun is very important for flowering and fruit set. It is used both in hedges and in single plantings.


A relative of spirea, another ornamental flowering shrub for the garden. It grows quickly and is very unpretentious. The flowering period is up to three weeks. The carved foliage is very unusual, and in the fall it also acquires rich colors. Able to grow in the shade, tolerates drought well. The disadvantage is the rapid growth of root shoots, which easily invades neighboring areas. The plant successfully hides sheds, fences, and unattractive buildings due to its rapid and abundant growth.

Beautiful flowering shrubs for the Moscow region, photos and names can also be found on the Internet.

Decorative foliage forms

Flowering plants They invariably inspire admiration, but plants with variegated, red or yellow leaves are no less attractive. If autumn yellow leaves are familiar, then red ones evoke enthusiastic emotions. When the flowers fade, the void is filled with various shrubs with unusual, colorful foliage.

Ornamental shrubs for the garden include:


It has purple and burgundy leaves with edges. Different types of shrubs have different leaf colors, which can be combined in compositions. Looks neat hedge from this plant. And it coexists well with conifers (juniper, thuja, pine). There is a dwarf barberry, which is used for small compositions, for example, in a rocky garden.


It grows in regions with warm climates, but has already taken root in central Russia, and is an excellent ornamental plant for the garden. In spring it forms inflorescences - pink fluffy panicles, and in autumn the leaves turn purple, orange or burgundy (it all depends on the variety). First the veins turn red, and then the entire leaf becomes colored. Loves sunny, windless places. It grows well, so it needs space. Resistant to pests and diseases, but may require shelter in winter.

Derain white

Looks elegant all year round. A variegated plant that has a white border along the edge of the leaf. The bush looks elegant and light. It has a semicircular shape that needs to be maintained by removing old shoots. Unpretentious, frost-resistant, shade-tolerant. But it loves fertile, well-moistened soils. It is also decorative in winter: red shoots are clearly visible against the background of snow.

Bladderwort viburnum

It is beautiful in spring, when its large foliage is painted in rich purple tones, and its inflorescences, collected in corymbs, are white-pink color. Later the foliage becomes darker and slightly gloomy. Now new varieties are appearing in which the color of the leaves does not change. The plant is frost-resistant, unpretentious to the composition and moisture of the soil. It is good in layered plantings, as an ornamental shrub for the garden.

Black elderberry

Will take its rightful place on your personal plot. You can plant a bush with golden foliage, or you can choose a more elegant one - red with carved leaves. It is better to plant it in slight shade, under the crowns of other trees, since the leaves may fade in bright sun. As for the rest, it is very unpretentious. Grows on any soil and does not require special care. There is no need to cover it for the winter either: the plant is frost-resistant. In August, clusters of ripe berries (black or red) ripen, which makes the bush even more decorative. It can be planted separately, or it can be planted on the shore of a pond, as it loves humidity very much.

Of course, not all ornamental shrubs for the Moscow region are listed here - photos with names can be found in large quantities on the Internet. It all depends on your preference. But not all of them tolerate our climatic conditions. I would like to once again draw attention to the frost-resistant beautiful shrubs for the Moscow region, which were discussed above:

  • spirea;
  • mock orange;
  • viburnum;
  • rose hip;
  • lilac;
  • hawthorn;
  • derain;
  • vesicular carp;
  • elder .

Fruit forms

Fruit bushes are both ornamental and produce berries, which is why they are most often grown. Let's look at the most popular plants.


One of the most widespread and beloved crops. There are red, black and white varieties of this plant. Not afraid of frost, tolerates heat and drought. Grows up to 15 years. Loves the sun, but does not tolerate waterlogging and drafts.


No less popular culture. In another way it is also called “northern grapes”. Grows up to 24 years. Disadvantages: does not like waterlogging and frost. In winter it needs shelter.


It is demanding on the soil and is afraid of waterlogging and drafts. Garden bushes of this plant are self-pollinating, so you should not plant them nearby. different varieties. The bushes are growing quickly. The plant is demanding of moisture and soil and does not tolerate drafts.


Translated as “youth” and “life”. It grows slowly, but its life expectancy is 100 years. It does not freeze even in severe frosts and looks beautiful in any corner of the garden. Disadvantage: the berries of some varieties fall off when ripe, so you need to harvest on time.


A beautiful shrub up to 3 m high, which is good both during flowering and during berry picking. High-yielding, berries are harvested from early July to mid-August. The berries are healthy and medicinal.

Caring for many shrubs, although not particularly labor-intensive, requires a number of mandatory actions.

Watering should provide root system water. And evenly. To do this, the tree trunk holes are torn and filled with water, which is done repeatedly. After absorption, the hole is buried with earth. The irrigation area corresponds to the crown projection area. Young shrubs require more frequent watering. Loosening and mulching: important procedures. Loosening is shallow, it is better to do it after rain or watering. Mulching is carried out in the spring. Peat, vermicompost, and compost are used as mulch.

The consumption of nutrients depends on the age of the flowering or ornamental shrub. The first fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers should be done in the spring, the second - in the fall, during the leaf fall period, with potassium and complex fertilizers. Microelements are used as fertilizers, which are sprayed on plants in the morning or evening in calm weather.

One of the serious activities is pruning. This is the removal of dry and diseased branches, thinning the crown and its formation. In addition, shelter for the winter is important. Shrubs cover special materials(for example, roofing felt). Creeping forms covered with spruce branches. Flexible bushes bend towards the ground. They are opened after frost. It is important to check that the plants do not rot or rot.

Now you have an idea what fruit, flowering and ornamental shrubs will be good in your dacha. And the main decoration of your garden will always be garden shrubs. They will help you create amazing and unique compositions that will delight you from spring to autumn. You can see beautiful shrubs for the garden, photos and names in our article. Try, observe, plant and care - and your garden will shine with new colors.

A dacha where all the bushes are the same height looks very monotonous and boring. A dacha with a wide variety of plants of varying heights looks much more fun, especially when there are flowering ones. Thanks to the abundant flowering, the area becomes bright and festive and makes everyone who visits such a dacha admire it.

Decorative is the main tool in landscape design. They allow you to create an extraordinary view and a fabulous landscape of your garden plot.


There are a lot of decorative bushes for the garden, and each of them is unique in its own way. It is very difficult to decide on the choice of a specific plant.

There are several of the most common types that are most in demand among aesthete gardeners:


Many people believe that shrubs bloom only at one time, and the rest only occupy the usable area of ​​the garden, but this is not at all true:

Low-growing decorative

Low-growing ornamental bushes are excellent for forming hedges, borders, and also to border areas of the dacha.

The most popular plants for such purposes in landscape design:

  • Boxwood. Tolerant to drought, and does not like the sun. It is better to plant in a shady place so that it is not subject to sunburn.
  • Common in our country: honeysuckle, sea buckthorn and lingonberry, also low-growing, suitable for hedges, and they also bear fruit.
  • Beautiful low shrubs, perfect for summer cottages: , weigela.

Frost-resistant decorative

In central Russia, as well as in Siberia, they are most popular frost-resistant shrubs. Since winter here can sometimes be very severe and not every plant can withstand such weather.

The most popular frost-resistant ornamental shrubs:

  • Barberry. This bush is suitable for growing beyond the Urals and Siberia.
  • Evergreen Holly, also known as holly. Popular Christmas decoration.
  • Rose hip. It also tolerates even the harshest Siberian winters well.
  • White turf. It is frost-resistant, and in winter its bark turns a beautiful bright red color.

Ornamental fruit shrubs for the garden

Fruit bushes are not only a decorative decoration for the site, but also fruits that are healthy and also very tasty:

  • Honeysuckle;
  • Barberry;
  • Rose hip;
  • Chokeberry;
  • Red rowan;
  • Irga.

How to choose shrubs?

You always want to diversify and decorate your site. And when the choice falls on seedlings of ornamental shrubs, the question arises: How to choose shrubs for your dacha?

There are a lot of shrubs for garden plots, but you should choose according to several criteria:

  • Take into account resistance to the winter season;
  • Take into account the attitude towards light, for example, if the area is in the shade, then this can damage some shrubs.
  • Love for water;
  • Sensitivity to haircuts:
  • Care requirements.

Exist the most beautiful shrubs, which you want to plant in your dacha, but you should consider what kind of care they require so that this care is not a burden.

The combination of ornamental shrubs with each other

As a rule, all shrubs get along well with each other; the only difference may be competition in growth. If you are planning a hedge of different shrubs, you should first ask which shrubs grow the same size, so that there are no difficulties with cutting.

Where to plant?

It all depends on what purpose the plants have. If you are planning a hedge of bushes, then you need to decide not only on the bush, but also on the location. Taking into account the characteristics of each bush, so that a beautiful hedge does not turn into a bulky planting.

The shady or sunny side of the dacha should be planted with shrubs in accordance with their requirements regarding sunlight. It is better to plant in the shade unpretentious shrubs, in the sun - heat-loving southern bushes.

Shrubs have firmly won their niche in flora. Meeting them at every step (in forests, vegetable gardens, orchards, parks and just on the street), we sometimes do not attach any importance to them. And it’s completely in vain: knowing what types of shrubs there are, you can create stunning garden compositions that will delight the eye not only in spring and summer, but also in late autumn.

Shrubs: one of the life forms of plants

A life form, in other words, a biological form, is a phenotype, appearance plants, which reflects the degree of adaptation to environment. The most complete classification of life forms is considered to be authored by I. G. Serebryakov, according to which they distinguish:

  • (trees, shrubs, shrubs);
  • semi-woody plants (subshrubs and subshrubs);
  • terrestrial herbs;
  • aquatic herbs.

This division of all existing plants is based on the degree of lignification of the above-ground part. The growth of branches in shrubs begins from the base, and with age it is difficult to distinguish the main trunk. In trees, the outlines of the crown are very clear, and the entire structure of the plant, a clearly defined main shoot, is visible. Thus, the structure of the above-ground part is how trees and shrubs fundamentally differ from each other. There are also shrubs and subshrubs. The basis for their identification in separate group low height (up to 0.5 m) and weak degree lignification of shoots, respectively.

Classification is a direct answer to the question of what types of shrubs there are. The division into groups can be carried out according to various principles; let’s consider the most common ones:

Classification of shrubs by height

This division can sometimes be relative. Growth is affected by fertilization, soil composition, climatic conditions and the use of biostimulants. Depending on the size of shrubs in nature, they are usually divided into three groups:

  • low shrubs, the maximum height of which does not exceed one meter, these include, for example, Cossack juniper (pictured);
  • medium shrubs, 1-2.5 meters high, for example, currants, common barberry;
  • tall shrubs (more than 2.5 meters in height): red elderberry, lilac, Siberian hawthorn.

What types of shrubs are there depending on the intensity of growth?

Considering how quickly certain types of shrubs grow, they are usually divided into five large groups:

  • very fast growing species (for example, yellow acacia, which grows up to 3 meters in 2-3 years, forming dense thickets, mock orange, tamarix);
  • fast-growing shrubs, for example, viburnum, hazel, silver oleaster;
  • shrubs of moderate growth (lilac, cherry, Japanese quince);
  • slow-growing shrubs, these include Cossack juniper, privet, sea buckthorn;
  • very slowly growing, as a rule, these are dwarf forms of deciduous and coniferous plants.

Classification depending on plant lifespan

The plant as a whole must be distinguished from that of the individual shoots. For example, raspberries can grow on a plot for up to 50 years. But its shoots live only two years. There are four groups of shrubs:

Classification based on frost resistance

This information is often of interest to gardeners, especially in those regions where, as a rule, winters are quite harsh, but they really want to please themselves with unusual plants. This is where the question arises about what kinds of shrubs and herbs are suitable for harsh climatic conditions. It is necessary to take into account the factor of resistance to cold, as this will save you from the wrong purchase, unnecessary expenses and disappointment. All shrubs are divided into 5 groups:

  • very frost-resistant - these are plants that can withstand winter temperature drops of up to -40 degrees, and sometimes more, this does not harm them; basically the group consists of coniferous shrubs dwarf cedar), but there are also representatives of deciduous trees, for example, hawthorn and Siberian turf;
  • frost-resistant, they tolerate cold winters, but when too severe frosts shoots not covered with snow freeze (hawthorn, viburnum, honeysuckle);
  • relatively heat-loving - these are plants that have a long growing season; young shoots often do not have time to become lignified and therefore are easily damaged during spring frosts and prolonged strong winter cold snaps, for example, shrubs of the genus Euonymus, spirea, privet;
  • thermophilic, in such plants during prolonged cold spells aboveground part may die completely, so they require additional shelter;
  • very heat-loving shrubs, they absolutely cannot tolerate cold temperatures below -10 degrees.

What types of shrubs are there depending on their lighting requirements?

Lighting is another factor in the successful development of a plant. An incorrectly chosen location can ruin it. Therefore, it is so important to take into account the light factor when landscaping your site. Although it must be remembered that in many cases, light-lovingness is a fickle characteristic. As a rule, young plants require shade due to the risk of burns, but when they grow up, they grow well even under the brightest rays.

Let's look at what types of shrubs there are depending on their requirements for sunlight:

  • light-loving, they absolutely cannot tolerate long-term shading and prefer to grow in open spaces, for example, rose hips, spirea, rowan;
  • relatively shade-tolerant shrubs: Tatarian honeysuckle, paniculata hydrangea (pictured), yellow acacia;
  • Shade-tolerant shrubs tolerate shade well, but still grow better in a lighted place; these include warty euonymus, privet, and hazel.

Decorative deciduous shrubs

Landscape designers actively use not only flowers and trees, but also shrubs in their work. Because with their help you can create light compositions, voluminous hedges, green figures, or simply create color contrasts, since many species are distinguished by their beautiful colors. Many amateur gardeners know what types of shrubs there are (names, varieties) with decorative leaves, and this is used perfectly in practice. When choosing them for yourself, keep in mind that there are deciduous and evergreen species. The latter are mainly miniature, dwarf forms of coniferous trees. Deciduous species include a huge number of shrubs. It is important to remember that they are all quite heat-loving, light-loving and demanding on soil fertility, so in areas further middle zone Russia require careful care and shelter for the winter. The most prominent representatives:

Beautiful flowering shrubs

When you mention such plants, the first thing that comes to mind is magnificent bush roses, an ornamental shrub, the species of which are very popular. Another frequent and well-known guest of Russian gardens is mock orange, which for some reason has firmly secured the name jasmine, which is completely incorrect, since these plants even belong to different genera (Hydrangeaceae and Oliveceae, respectively). There are about 60 species of Chubushnikov, the most popular representatives are Caucasian and Shrenka. Those who want to have a fragrant and unusual garden should also pay attention to forsythia, viburnum, spirea, lilac, cinquefoil, rhododendron, buddleia, deutia, and tree peonies (pictured).

Berry bushes

Berry bushes are of great economic importance. Rarely does a garden in our country exist without currants or raspberries and their closest relatives, blackberries. Selection has moved far ahead in this regard; many varieties and varieties have been bred, differing in the size of the bush, the color of the berries, and the speed of ripening. Fragrant currants produce not only berries, but also leaves, which are brewed as tea or used in cooking. It is also worth trying to plant Japanese quince, chokeberry, hawthorn, serviceberry, viburnum, (pictured), honeysuckle and sea buckthorn.

Of course, the nature of care depends on the purpose. So, berry bushes require more attention, they are often subjected to various pests and diseases. But the time spent is worth it, because in the end you get the most valuable vitamins and microelements in natural “packaging”, grown with your own hands.

When choosing plants for your garden, it is important to know what types of shrubs there are (names, varieties, types). This will definitely help right choice, correctly determine the planting site and achieve a positive result when growing.

A modern garden with a beautiful landscape design cannot do without such a landscaping element as ornamental shrubs. They are planted in open areas, used as hedges, grown as single specimens or in groups, and with their help they create a background for flower arrangements. Now there are a considerable number of species and varieties of garden shrubs, differing in size, shape and color of foliage and flowers, timing and duration of flowering. Therefore, when choosing them, you need to be guided by certain criteria.

Top 20 ornamental shrubs

These beautiful plants may have significant differences in the requirements for agricultural conditions, so in order for them to truly become a decoration of the garden plot, you must first study their botanical description and maintenance rules. Next, for your dacha or garden plot, you need to choose exactly those that will be combined with already planted plants or fit smoothly into the planned landscape design. In this case, you should take into account the size and characteristics of the seedlings and the garden itself, as well as the weather conditions of the region. The most popular shrubs with high decorative properties include the following plants.


This shrub begins to delight people with its aroma at the end of spring.

Lilac (Syringa) has remained for many years one of the most popular garden shrubs in dachas and garden plots, and at the same time it is quite frost-resistant. To date, more than two thousand new hybrid varieties have been developed. Their inflorescences consist of many flowers, which can be either small with a simple shape or large, densely double. In addition to lilac, they have white, pink, lilac, bluish, lilac, purple and violet colors. Lilac bushes grow from 2 to 5 m in height and are quite compact in shape.

Planting of lilacs begins in mid-August and ends at the end of September. It is not recommended to root seedlings in the spring; they take a long time to take root and grow weak and painful.

Depending on the variety and region of growth, flowering of bushes can begin in May and last until the end of July.


This plant begins to bloom very early, and the leaves, which sometimes change color to purple in the fall, grow only after the buds fall off.

Forsythia (Forsythia) is a long-lived shrub; it can grow safely in one place for more than seventy years.

Bright and unusually flowering spreading bushes are highly valued, while in warm regions inflorescences can appear as early as April and last for about a month. The plants are covered with graceful bell flowers that are golden yellow in color. At the same time, the light green foliage begins to hatch only after the buds fall off. It has an oval shape with smooth or jagged edges. With the onset of autumn, it acquires yellow, orange and purple colors, which makes the bushes even more decorative. The height of the shrub ranges from 1 to 3 m, and the crown width can reach 2 m.


This “tree”, in addition to crimson, can have five more colors

Weigela is a small garden shrub from 70 cm to 2 m high. About 20 species of this plant are now known, and there are also hybrid varieties. All of them have large, tubular, bell-shaped flowers that grow either singly or in umbrella inflorescences. They can be white, cream, yellowish, pink and red in color. Only a few species of this ornamental shrub are grown in our country:

  • Early wegeela (Weigela praecox) with cream flowers, the core of which is decorated with orange spots;
  • Weigela middendorffiana, which has yellowish-white flowers with purple and bright yellow streaks in the throat cavity;
  • Pleasant weigela (Weigela suavis), considered the most graceful of all species - its flowers are light purple on the outside and pale pink on the inside;
  • Weigela hybrida, which combines many varieties obtained as a result of the work of breeders.

Vegeila is valued by gardeners for its two-time flowering, the first of which begins in May, and the second at the end of August. The buds replace each other within a month.

Shrubs should be planted in mid-spring. Since vegeila is a heat-loving plant, seedlings planted in the fall may freeze in regions with cold winters.

It is very convenient to grow, so today breeders have already developed many of its varieties.

Spiraea is one of the popular frost-resistant ornamental shrubs that bloom quite unusually. It is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, abundant flowering and rapid growth. Moreover, there are about 130 natural species of this plant and many hybrids. Their height ranges from 30 cm to 3 m, the shoots can be either erect or drooping. The shape of the jagged foliage is lobed, depending on the species it can be lanceolate, linear or round.

All plant species are divided into early flowering and late flowering. Therefore, if you choose the right seedlings, you can get bush planting, which will bloom from mid-May to early October. It is advisable to plant young plants in the garden plot in mid-August.

Spring spirea will produce white corymbose inflorescences. In summer varieties, small flowers are collected in pink umbrellas, and in autumn varieties in purple clusters. It's really original decoration for any garden.


This “Japanese quince” bears small yellow apple-like fruits after flowering.

Chaenomeles or Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica) is a very showy thorny shrub with dark green shiny foliage. Its height ranges from 50 cm to 3 m. Large flowers with a diameter of up to 5 cm have a simple or double shape and are collected in small bunches.

Flowering of Chaenomeles begins in mid-spring and lasts for a month. After its completion, interesting fruits are formed on the plants, reminiscent of small apples. Against the background of glossy foliage, they give the plant a special decorative effect.

This shrub is of Asian origin and prefers spring planting, which can be carried out from mid-April to the end of May.

These mini-apples are not only edible, but also very healthy, although they are a bit sour if you try to eat them fresh and without sugar.


Falling branches light shades and its delicate aroma evokes associations with a veil

Mock orange (Philadelphus) has been known since the times of Ancient Egypt, but even now it is one of the most common ornamental shrubs, beautiful and frost-resistant. This is due to its unpretentiousness, rapid rooting and rare damage by diseases and pests. The plant is quite spreading, from 1 to 3 m high and up to 2 m wide. Its dark green foliage of an elongated ovoid shape takes on a bright lemon hue in the fall.

The goblet-shaped flowers of numerous species can have a simple or densely double shape and a white, light cream or pinkish color. They gather in delicate clusters and spread a delicate, sweetish jasmine aroma throughout the garden. Flowering of various varieties lasts from mid-June to early autumn.

Planting mock orange in the garden permanent place Possible both in autumn and spring.

She has a relative with flowers of similar shape - herbaceous cinquefoil

Cinquefoil (Potentilla) is not only a brightly flowering plant, but also a medicinal plant, which is even recognized official medicine. It grows from 70 cm to 1.5 m in height. Its greyish-green, pubescent foliage is pinnately shaped and consists of five small leaves.

The golden-yellow flowers have five petals and a diameter of about 3 cm. They are collected in small racemes that bloom in mid-June. Flowering continues until the first frost. Hybrid varieties of shrubby cinquefoil can have a double shape and a white, pinkish or red color.

It is best to plant young plants in a permanent place in mid-spring.


And this plant’s relative is the indoor azalea, with almost a large range of shades

Rhododendron (Rhododendron), blooming luxuriantly and abundantly, is valued by many gardeners for its special grace and noble appearance. This ornamental shrub is the true king of the dacha or garden. Depending on the species, the dark green, shiny or leathery foliage of the plant has a serrated or ovoid shape, its length can reach 15 cm. The height of the plant ranges from 50 cm to 4 m, and the crown width can reach 2 m.

Large rhododendron flowers have a diameter of up to 15 cm and are white, pinkish, purple, orange or bright red in color. Their shape resembles garden roses. Each inflorescence has from 10 to 25 buds and can be a separate spectacular bouquet.

Rhododendrons can be planted in open ground in mid-spring and early autumn.

In recent years, hydrangea has come back into fashion and is very popular both in garden plots and in floristry.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea) is a very shade-tolerant and fairly frost-resistant garden plant. In addition, it is unpretentious and can grow even on the most acidified soils, and depending on changes in the composition of the soil, it can change the color of the inflorescences. The height of different types of hydrangea ranges from 1 to 3 m. Large bright green foliage has an ovoid, pointed shape.

Hydrangea inflorescences consist of a huge number of small flowers and are bright large balls, umbrellas or panicles, coloring cottages and garden plots. They can be white, pink, blue, blue, purple. They are often used as cut flowers for original bouquets.

This shrub can be planted both in the spring and in the fall, several months before the onset of frost.

During the season, it is characterized by a change in color not only of the stems, but also of the leaves and needles

Thunberg's barberry (Berberis thunbergii) is beautiful plant with colorful stems and foliage, blooming in shades of yellow, pink and red. This plant has a huge number of species. Its peculiarity is the stems, which over time change their color from yellow to bright red, purple-red, and as a result become reddish-brown. Depending on the time of year, the shoots are strewn with small green, golden or orange leaves and needles. The height of the bushes can reach 3 m.

The flowers of this ornamental shrub are collected in large, distinctive inflorescences, appearing in late May or early June and remaining on the branches for a month.

After its completion, fruits about 1 cm in diameter begin to form on the bushes, which when ripe acquire a bright red color and a sour taste. Thunberg barberry can be planted from mid-spring to early autumn.

The berries of this plant are widely used in cooking.

In our next article you will find a selection of unpretentious flowers for the cottage and garden:.

Its flowering is a bit reminiscent of the brushes of decorative Kalanchoe, but on a bush it looks much more beautiful

Hawthorn (Crataegus) can be grown on garden plot not only in decorative purposes, but also to collect medicinal fruits from it. This shrub is not only beautiful, but also frost-resistant, unpretentious in care and undemanding to growing conditions. The height of some of its species can reach 4 m. Its bright green foliage has a diamond shape and sharp, deep cavities.

Corymbose inflorescences consist of small white or pink flowers, in place of which bright red berries are formed in the fall.

These red berries are useful for normalizing the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, digestion and nervous system

Hawthorn blooms throughout June, and fruit ripening ends in early September. This shrub can be planted in the garden both during the spring and autumn.

This is how it looks in the fall and can remain just as elegant all winter long.

Holly (Ilex) is a frost-hardy evergreen shrub. Its glossy foliage is characterized by an elliptical shape and pointed teeth along the edges. In addition to species that have a green color, there are variegated specimens, the leaves of which have white or yellow spots. The height of the bush ranges from 3 to 5 m.

Holly blooms from May to July, but this plant becomes most beautiful in the fall, when it is covered with large fruits of red, white, yellow or dark brown color, adding brightness to the garden. They can remain on the plant until next spring. Holly can be planted in a country house or garden throughout the entire growing season.

These “summer snowballs” in the fall are replaced by clusters of red berries, useful as an antiseptic, blood purifier and metabolic stimulant.

Viburnum Buldonezh or snow globe (Viburnum buldenezh) is frost-resistant and has very beautiful carved bright foliage Green colour. Delicate white flowers are collected in large inflorescences that reach 20 cm in diameter. From a distance they really do resemble dazzling snow globes. In autumn, large clusters with red berries, which have medicinal properties, form in their place. This ornamental shrub is very famous and popular in dachas and garden plots.

The flowering of this ornamental shrub begins in late May - early June and lasts for a month.

It is advisable to plant Viburnum Buldonezh on a garden plot in spring period, but you can do this in early autumn.

Its “cap” of this plant can also be pink, lilac or purple

Deutzia is a beautiful shrub with a spreading crown and abundant flowering, which is of East Asian origin, and therefore is not very frost-resistant. The plant reaches a height of 50 cm to 2 m. The entire foliage can be smooth or rough, and have smooth or jagged edges.

Small bell-shaped flowers can be single or double. They gather in numerous panicle inflorescences of white, pink, lilac or purple color.

Flowering begins at the end of May and ends at the beginning of July. Deutia can be planted both in spring and autumn.

White or pink inflorescences against a background of purple or violet-burgundy leaves look quite impressive

Bladderwort (Physocarpus Amurensis) - beautiful, frost-resistant and unpretentious plant, tolerates light shading well. The shrub has an interesting spherical shape of a dense crown. Its large foliage is purple or violet-burgundy in color.

Small inflorescences up to 7 cm in diameter are formed by small white or pink flowers. The height of the vesicular carp can be more than 3 m, and the width is about 2 m.

Flowering of this shrub begins in June and continues throughout the month. Bladderwort can be propagated from mid-spring to early autumn.

It blooms with white and pink clusters, and the fruits can also be black in color, while eating them has a beneficial effect on the immune system, skin covering, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract and metabolism

Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster) is an ornamental shrub, highly valued in gardening for its dense crown, which is easy to shape and long time maintains the contours given to it. In addition, it is not too demanding on growing conditions. Its shoots are covered with many bright green, shiny, ovoid leaves, which turn reddish and then purple in color with the onset of autumn. Depending on the varietal affiliation the plant can reach from 50 cm to 3 m in height.

Small white or pink cotoneaster flowers are collected in small clusters. Flowering begins at the end of May and continues until the beginning of July.

At the beginning of autumn, red, bright orange or black fruits ripen on the bushes. In combination with burgundy leaves, they give the bushes a particularly attractive appearance. It is advisable to plant cotoneaster in mid-spring.

This plant can very often be found in gardens and dachas in the South of Russia, although it is also suitable for more northern ones, since it is quite frost-resistant.

Beautiful foliage is one of the advantages of this plant; in addition to yellow-green, its colors can also include orange, red and purple.

Euonymus (Euonymus) can be called a rather unusual garden shrub. The green leaves of some of its species can be simultaneously decorated with white, yellow, orange, red and purple patterns. Plant height ranges from 50 cm to 3.5 m. This is a frost-resistant plant that needs bright light.

Small inflorescences consisting of small yellowish-green flowers look inconspicuous. And the fruits that are formed from them are highly decorative. They are four- or five-sided boxes of pink or red color. Large seeds of white, yellow, red or black color ripen in them. When the ripe fruits burst, they come out.

The fruits of this plant look like red or pink boxes, and the seeds inside them are white, yellow, red or black.

Euonymus blooms in May and June. Young plants are planted in the fall.

Sometimes this plant is sold in pots, being considered elite and expensive.

Camellia (Camellia) has many varieties, but in garden plots, as a rule, Japanese Camellia and Williams Camellia hybrids are grown. This shrub has dense elliptical or ovoid leaves with a shiny surface and serrated edges. Their length ranges from 10 to 17 cm.

The height of the plant can reach 5 m.

Camellia is valued by gardeners for its large flowers, the diameter of which reaches 12 cm. They can be simple or double, have a white, pink, red or variegated color. Their core is formed by many yellow stamens. From a distance, camellia bushes resemble roses. It is not very frost-resistant, and is grown in regions with mild climates, where flowering begins in mid-spring and continues for several months. Plants are planted in the garden plot in the spring.

The seeds of this type of almond are also edible and have a number of beneficial properties, including rejuvenation of the body

Low almond (Amygdalus nana) is small but very beautiful bush about 1.5 m high. On its erect stems there are a large number of narrow lanceolate leaves with serrated edges. Many simple flowers of this frost-resistant plant, unlike its dessert varieties, are white or bright pink.

Low almond blossoms begin at the end of April, when there is no foliage on it yet. It lasts for a month, then the formation and ripening of small fruits in a fluffy shell begins. Planting young plants in the garden or country house can be done both in spring and autumn.

This winter-hardy mini-tree can also be white or pink

Ceanothus is interesting for its late flowering. In appearance it resembles a small tree with a spreading crown. Its shoots are covered with large green, velvety leaves. Small flowers are collected in large beautiful inflorescences, reminiscent of lilacs. They can be white, pink, blue or purple.

The value of ceanothus lies in the fact that its flowering begins in August and continues until mid-autumn. You can plant shrubs in the garden both in spring and autumn. This ornamental shrub is quite frost-resistant.

In addition to those listed, there are many more ornamental shrubs that can adequately decorate any garden. Therefore, everyone can choose plants for their dacha or garden according to their wishes and create their intended landscape compositions. Of course, you need to take into account the characteristics of the site, plant characteristics, flowering period and planting time.

This variety of colors really enlivens the landscape.

Conifers are also suitable for decorating and landscaping the area. There are a lot of them. We have made a selection of plants popular with gardeners and summer residents: .

Even if your plot of land is small, you can always create a cozy garden atmosphere in it through a well-thought-out selection of ornamental shrubs, frost-resistant and long-flowering, adding greenery and bright colors to your living space, the rustle of foliage and the delicate aroma of flowers, and also obtaining with their help in autumn, bright, tasty, healthy fruits.

Ornamental shrubs are a decoration for any modern garden. They are used to create hedges and group plantings. A garden in which ornamental shrubs bloom is always amazingly beautiful.

Experienced gardeners prefer to grow on their plot at the same time several different types of ornamental shrubs that bloom in different time to create your own garden continuous flowering.

In the photo on the left: weigela profusely blooming ( Weigela floribunda(Siebold & Zucc.) K. Koch).

One of the first to bloom, immediately after the snow melts. forsythia or forsythia (Forsythia Vahl). It blooms profusely with beautiful bright yellow bell-shaped flowers. The forsythia bush is completely covered with flowers.

Plant height is 1-3 meters, width up to 2 meters.
Forsythia is frost-resistant, undemanding to soil, and shade-tolerant. Propagated by cuttings.

Forsythia is a primrose shrub. Bright yellow flowers appear on the bare branches of forsythia long before leaves appear on other trees and shrubs. The leaves on this shrub bloom after flowering.
Immediately after flowering, forsythia must be pruned, otherwise it will grow very quickly.

Forsythia got its name in honor of the Scottish gardener William Forsyth ( William Forsyth) (1737-1804), who brought this plant from China to Europe. William Forsyth was the head gardener at Kensington Palace and one of the founders of the Royal Horticultural Society ( Royal Horticultural Society).

Blooms in spring bean or laburnum (Laburnum Fabr.). This plant is also popularly called Golden Rain.

Laburnum is a small tree up to 5-6 meters high.
The flowers are very beautiful, bright yellow, collected in racemes 10-30 cm long. In their shape, laburnum flowers resemble butterflies. It blooms profusely and for a long time, from April to June.

Bobovnik is unpretentious, undemanding to soil and frost-resistant.

It should be remembered that all parts of laburnum, especially its seeds, very poisonous, therefore this plant must be handled with extreme caution.

Photo: Anneli Salo, Pöllö, Jeffdelonge.

Golden arch of laburnum in bloom at Bodnant Garden, Wales, UK.
Photo: GerritR.

Chaenomeles or japonica (Chaenomeles japonica(Thunb.) Lindl. ex Spach) blooms in April-May.

A shrub 80-120 cm high, often used to create a hedge. Has thorns.

The flowers are large, 3-5 cm in diameter, usually bright red, less often pink or white.
In order for chaenomeles to bloom better, it must be periodically pruned.

Japanese quince fruits ripen in September-October. They are edible, but very sour, and quite aromatic. The fruits can be used to make preserves, jams, compotes, etc.

Chaenomeles prefers rich, well-fertilized soils. Best time for planting April or early October.

Blooms in late May - early June weigela (Weigela Thunb.).
This is a very beautiful bush, 70-80 cm high, about 1 meter wide. It blooms with pink or purple-red bell-shaped flowers. It is distinguished by abundant and very beautiful flowering. During flowering, the weigela bush looks like a pink cloud.

Weigela is shade-tolerant and is used for single or group plantings in the garden, rock gardens, and also for creating hedges.

Weigela was named after the famous German botanist Christian Ehrenfried von Weigel ( Christian Ehrenfried von Weige), (1748-1831).

Weigela blooming (Weigela florida(Bunge) A.D.C.)

Weigela profusely blooming or weigela floribunda (Weigela floribunda(Siebold & Zucc.) K. Koch)
Japan, Saitama Prefecture, Musashi Kyuryou National Government Park.

Blooms from late spring - early summer action (Deutzia Thunb.). This is a low shrub with a height of 50 cm to 1.5 meters. Characterized by abundant and long flowering. Deutia flowers are white, pink, lilac, purple, and are often collected in inflorescences. There are varieties of deutzia with double flowers. Unfortunately, deutia flowers have virtually no scent.

Deytsia is shade-tolerant and grows well in urban conditions. Used to decorate borders, in group and single plantings.

A deutia bush in one place can live up to 25 years.

Most common in gardening deytsia rough, or stellate (Deutzia scabra Thunb.), imported from Japan and China.

Blooms at the end of spring kerria japonica (Kerria japonica DC.). Flowering time is from April to June.
Kerria reaches a height of 1-2 meters. It blooms with golden yellow flowers with 5 petals, shaped like a rose. Kerry flowers reach 5-6 cm in diameter.
Because of the beauty of its flowers, kerria is sometimes called the "Easter Rose".

Kerria is not demanding on soils and is resistant to exhaust gases. Therefore, it is often planted on the side of roads, near the garden fence. Kerria can also be used for vertical gardening. Its stems often climb other plants, house walls, fences, and rocks.

Kerry got its name in honor of the Scottish gardener, plant collector and first gardener of the Royal botanical garden in Ceylon by William Kerr ( William Kerr).

William Kerr developed a special variety of Kerria japonica "Pleniflora". Its flowers are very beautiful, double. Therefore, this variety of kerria is also called Japanese yellow rose(Japanese Yellow Rose).

Photo: Reggaeman, Jeffdelonge, Ignis and others.

Blooms in July - August hydrangea (Hydrangea L.), with ornamental gardening most common hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens L.). This is a shrub 1-3 meters high with white flowers collected in large inflorescences in the form of balls up to 15 cm in diameter.

Tree hydrangea is unpretentious, frost-resistant, prefers fertile acidic soils. It does not tolerate drought well, so it requires regular watering.

Hydrangea must be pruned systematically: in late autumn after flowering and in early spring, before the leaves appear.

Hydrangea is propagated by cuttings. The best time for planting is early April.

All parts of hydrangea are poisonous, so this plant must be handled with extreme caution. It cannot be eaten.

One of the most popular varieties of tree hydrangea "Annabelle" has very large inflorescences, white with a slightly greenish tint.

Blooms from June to October bush cinquefoil or shrubby cinquefoil or Kuril tea (Pentaphylloides fruticosa(L.) O.Schwarz). Bush up to 1.5 meters high. One plant can bloom for up to 2 months.
Kurl tea - medicinal plant, widely used in folk medicine.

Kuril Chas is a popular ornamental shrub, used to decorate rock gardens, borders, and groups. More than 130 varieties of Kuril tea are known in gardening. Most varieties have yellow flowers, just like the wild species of the shrub. In addition, there are varieties of cinquefoil with white, pink, orange and red flowers.

Shrub cinquefoil is unpretentious, frost-resistant, and undemanding to soil. It can be trimmed once every 3 years.

Kuril tea variety "Mckay's White".

Kuril tea variety "Red Ace".

Snowberry, snowfield, snow berry or wolfberry (Symphoricarpos Dill. ex Juss.) blooms all summer, from May to September. Depending on the type, its flowers can be white, pink, red. But the snowberry is famous not for its flowers, but for its snow-white fruits in the form of berries with a diameter of about 1 cm, which stay on the bush all autumn and winter, giving it great decorative value.

Snowberry blooms profusely and for a long time. The flowers are small, bell-shaped, 5 mm in diameter, collected in dense racemes. Snowberry is a unique shrub; you can see both flowers and fruits on it at the same time.

The height of the bush is 1-2 meters. Used to create hedges and in group plantings. Tolerates haircuts well. Unpretentious, winter-hardy, not picky about soil.

Snowberry is poisonous and its berries cannot be eaten.

Caring for these ornamental shrubs is not difficult. They are all frost-resistant; they do not need to be covered for the winter (perhaps only young shoots).
Ornamental shrubs propagate by cuttings and are not picky about soil.
The only care is that they need to be periodically trimmed to give them a beautiful, regular shape.

These beautiful, abundantly flowering shrubs will decorate your garden all season - from early spring to late autumn.


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