Wealth line and money triangle (3 photos). The meaning of the triangle on the life line

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Knowing palmistry well and all its nuances, you can really follow a person’s life. All lines on the hand are individual for each person.

According to palmistry, there are several main lines on the hand - the line of Fate, the line of Life, the line of the Head, and Health. There is also a line of money; sometimes palmists also highlight the line of a businessman.

Palmistry of money is very exciting modern man, since everything in this life is connected with money. Therefore, a person often turns to palmistry to find out what awaits him in the material part of life, what money issue. Palmistry of money will help answer such questions.

The main feature in palmistry of money is the so-called triangle of money. It is located in the very center of a person’s palm. In palmistry of money, using this triangle and money lines, you can determine how much a person needs money, what his current wealth is, what his material future is.


money line

According to palmistry of money, you can judge from the triangle how much wealth this person has. When the triangle of money is barely visible, it is not closed, fuzzy lines - this means that such a person’s money does not stay for a long time, is not saved, and therefore does not multiply.

In addition to the main triangle of money, there are also secondary lines of money in palmistry of money. When thin lines branch off from the line of life, then from them you can trace what kind of future a person has in material terms. When such a money line is heading towards index finger on the hand, this means that success awaits the person, he will achieve his goal. Such a person has talent and a specific goal. According to palmistry, such a line of money can also symbolize big money in life. this person.

Sometimes a small line of money can end on a hillock called Saturn. This means that there will be money, but you will have to work hard, perhaps it will be monotonous work.
When such a line of money breaks off on the Mount of Mercury, at the little finger, it means that the money that will come to a person will be associated with scientific activity. And when on the hill of Apollo, it is with the help of his talents.

Money on hand

Sometimes it happens that money comes to a person suddenly, unexpectedly. This could be winning a lottery, a casino, a prize, an inheritance, a gift. Such monetary events are also reflected on the hand according to palmistry of money. There is an inner side of the line of life, and so it is on it, with the signs of small, barely noticeable triangles, that this very easy money can be traced.

By the location of such triangles, you can determine which life stage money will come to the person. Since the location is connected with the life line.

According to palmistry, the money triangle is located in the center of the palm, in the center of a large triangle. It consists of main lines - on the one hand, this is the line of the Head, on the other, the line of Fate. It is these two lines that form the triangle of money, which you can see in your palm. This is due to the fact that without fate itself and without effort, there simply won’t be money in a person’s life, which is why these main lines form it.

A triangle that is clearly visible, the bottom line is clear and closed, i.e. forms a real triangle - according to palmistry, this is a lucky sign. When the triangle is clearly visible and, more importantly, it is a closed figure, this means, according to palmistry of money, that such an owner will have success in material world. His money will increase and also be saved. By the size of the triangle you can see what wealth awaits the owner. Here I would like to note that the size of the triangle, as well as the size of the income, are individual for each person. Everyone determines their own wealth. For some, a million will be enough, but for others, a billion is not enough.

Money triangle

In addition to all of the above, you can also notice money lines or money triangles associated with marriage lines. Sometimes wealth comes with the chosen one. All this can be traced along the lines of marriage.
Sometimes you can see a businessman's line, which may start at the wrist.

When there are such marks on the Sun line, lines that seem to interrupt the main line, this indicates a loss of money. All the so-called money islands, crosses, and other lines in palmistry - all this can tell about a person’s material wealth.

Also, money palmistry can tell you whether a person will generally have a lot of money on hand in life. It is enough to compare the phalanx on the little finger. The lower one should be the length of the other two phalanges. By this sign, specialist palmists will immediately determine whether a person will ever have big money.

With the help of money palmistry, this ancient science, you can reveal the secrets associated with money, you can find out whether you will have big win, or perhaps you will simply have a successful career or open your own business. All this can be read on the palm using palmistry of money.


The life line is the main line along which the palmist draws conclusions about the fate of a person. It covers the Mount of Venus, which is located closer to the thumb. In palmistry it is considered good sign, if the life line is clearly drawn and there are no breaks in it. Each person has an individual life line. Signs on the life line help to understand the overall picture of a person’s fate. Such a sign is a triangle on the life line on right hand and left hand.

The meaning of a triangle as a sign

Using a triangle on the life line, palmists talk about potential wealth in a person’s life. The lines forming a triangle in this case tend either towards the thumb or the little finger.

This triangle appears on both the right and left hands. But on one of the hands it is usually more expressive. Palmists call the triangle formed at the intersection of the life stripe and other stripes the money triangle.

To understand what kind of wealth a person is destined for, take a close look at the top of the money triangle. Pay attention to which direction the vertex of the triangle is turned:

  • If the formed triangle with its apex points towards the thumb and towards the Mount of Venus, then this person is already rich or will become rich. This sign means that good luck accompanies a person throughout his life in his financial affairs. This means that no matter what business a person starts, a large money triangle will help him find success in his business. Even in the photo you can see which direction the vertex is facing, especially if the triangle is large.
  • What does it mean if the vertex of such a triangle is not turned towards the Mount of Venus? This means that the individual does not have a good relationship with money. Moreover, such relationships are a punishment for sins from a past life. Palmistry says that such a person experiences periods when he can barely make ends meet, when his income is small. But such obstacles mean that the person will pass these tests are to clear karma and earn wealth.

How to determine the period of potential wealth?

If the meaning of the triangle on your hand indicates that you are a potentially rich person, then, of course, you want to understand exactly when the moment of wealth will come in your life.

It is wrong to think that if you are the happy owner of the right money triangle, then relax and wait for fate itself to give you wealth.

Such a sign only means that you yourself have strength and energy that, if realized, will lead you to wealth. But they must be implemented. However, palmistry will help you determine which period will be most favorable for earning your wealth.

Life Lines - signs

PALMISTRY. Signs of WEALTH on the hands. Triangles

Look closely at your right palm. Take a closer look at how the stripes of fate go. Study the space between the beginning and end of the life line. Its beginning can go almost from the outside, it begins in the space between the index and thumb, its end can be on outside base of the palm. If you see that the end of the line seems to embrace the entire Mount of Venus, it means that you will live a long time, at least seventy years.

Now take a close look at the money triangle. Triangle on the line of life on the left hand and on the right hand, pay attention to what area its beginning lies on, what it looks like, so calculate the years when you are promised the greatest financial success. The more accurately you calculate the period between the beginning and end of your money period, the better. Typically, such a period lasts a short time, which means that it needs to be used to the maximum. At the end of such a period, there is a decline in energy, this must be taken into account in order to know when to start a financial business and when to finish it.

It is a very good sign if two or three money triangles are present in your destiny at once, this means that you will feel on the crest of financial success more than once. Two small triangles are better than one big one.

Details of the location of the money triangle

A triangle adjacent to the life bar indicates that there will be times in your life when you will have to pay off debts, sometimes this can be seen even in the photo. By the upper point of such a triangle one can judge when exactly such a period will occur. Keep track of how long the segment is between the beginning and end of the black stripe. An unfortunate period ends when the inner edge of the sign adjoins the life strip.

Wealth is judged precisely by the triangle, which is located on the life line. If this sign is located on other lanes, then it is interpreted completely differently.

Moles on triangles

It is important to pay attention to the accompanying signs that are present on the triangle, this is what moles indicate:

  1. If a mole on this sign has round shape, if it is large in size, then a person needs to be careful in financial endeavors. Such a sign, both on the right and left hand, indicates that you may encounter unscrupulous partners along the way.
  2. If there is a mole on this sign oval size, then this suggests that your monetary success depends on your mood, which is unstable. You need to maintain optimism in yourself, being around cheerful people, such an environment will help you achieve financial success.
  3. If the mole is located on the triangle on the right hand, then this means that your Creative skills, increase their meaning for yourself. Most likely, you will create something completely new and make a lot of money doing it.
  4. If the mole is located on the left palm, then most likely you will become rich because you will continue the work of your parents, the family business.

Star on the wealth triangle

An interesting sign on the money triangle is the star. This is a fateful sign. The star, in principle, indicates a specific event, a meeting in the life of an individual. If you connect this with financial affairs, then by the star you can determine in what period of fate an event will occur or a person will meet, from whom a person’s financial success will begin. It is especially interesting if the star is found at the fork in the lines of fate and wealth.

The star is a rather rare sign. It is even less common on the wealth triangle. However, if it is present, then this indicates the unusualness of the person and the unusualness of her income.

People with a star on their hand seem to be out of this world. They perceive this world from a completely subjective point of view; they are often very self-absorbed individuals. With their wealth, everything is about the same.

These people get rich in a very unconventional way. They may not even think about wealth, but they are so true to themselves that they life path sooner or later leads them to wealth. Palmistry says that such people are often found precisely among those who have a star on the triangle of wealth.

If you notice this sign in yourself, then most likely you:

  • Do not care about the opinions of others, you do not attach importance to their opinions, you are much more interested in spending time alone with yourself, your maximum company is two or three like-minded people who share your interests.
  • Most likely you are not interested standard methods earning money, you don’t really care about it at all, what matters to you is your inner world.
  • You have a favorite thing in which you constantly want to improve.

This is exactly what will bring you success in the future. If you develop in it, sooner or later others will appreciate it, society will consider it useful, and this is exactly where you will make your capital.

If you notice a star on the money triangle on your hand, but do not notice the signs described above in yourself, then think about whether you are following the true path for yourself, whether you attach importance to those things that are really interesting to you.

If we study ancient works on palmistry, we will quite unexpectedly notice that to designate lines they use different names, while there are no names for the planets. The line of Saturn there is called the line of good or evil fate, the line of the Sun or Apollo - the line of wealth or poverty.

Where do these various designations come from, which to someone unfamiliar with palmistry seem to introduce disagreement into the teaching of palmistry?

This happens because both systems of palmistry have merged together, and although they agree in their final conclusions, they have different foundations.

Physical palmistry, which could be called folk palmistry, created the names of the lines of life, head, heart, fate, wealth and liver or stomach, it also created the doctrine of figures on the palm, that is, “ hand table", or "quadrangle", about the "large triangle" and the "small triangle". There is no astrological or planetary element in the designations of physical or natural palmistry; this system seems to be a kind of translation or processing of astrological or scientific palmistry for public use and is especially loved by the gypsies...

Confusion and obscurity will disappear as if by a miracle if a student of the art of fortune telling comes to the conclusion that in this art there are two methods that ultimately agree with each other.

Upon closer examination, it will seem that the names of physical palmistry owe their origin to astrological or scientific palmistry.

Since Venus is the goddess of love, creation, and therefore animal life, the line of Venus was replaced by the line of life.

Jupiter, the father of gods and men, as the ancients called him, was distinguished by his generosity and paternal gentleness; therefore, his line became the line of the heart, the line of mental abilities, the line of the soul.

Just as Jupiter and its line signify the noble impulses and inclinations of the soul, so the line of Mars for us is a symbol of the victorious mind, reasonable selfishness, and therefore became the line of the head or the line of the mind; for Mars, who rejoices in war, is its god. So the line of the heart can, by its direction, give us instructions regarding the heart inclinations of a given person, his moral strength and strength by attachment.

The head line, on the contrary, with its direction and special features gives us the magnitude of intelligence and wit, the degree of self-confidence, as well as caring about one’s affairs.

Saturn is a god and the star of the power of fate, which intervenes in people's lives. His line therefore became the line of fate.

Since gold is dedicated to the sun, the line of the Sun or Apollo became the line of fame and wealth.

Mercury, who was the god of medicine, allows his line to develop into the liver or stomach line.

Since physical palmistry is very old, it is essentially based on experience, that is, it translated astrological palmistry into a generally understandable language for the people and compared these teachings about signs on the hand with past life individuals in order to make more accurate judgments about the future. Physical palmistry owes this experience to its teachings about figures on the palm, which we will consider separately.

Big triangle

This figure, which is also called the plain of Mars, occupies, in accordance with Figure 25 (A), that part of the palm that is formed by the line of life, the line of the head and the line of the liver or Mercury, if any. If there is no line of Mercury at all or there are insignificant traces of it, which happens on many hands, then the large triangle is limited to the space between the lines of the head, life and Saturn (Fig. 26, B).

The large triangle allows one to judge vital and intellectual forces, while the quadrangle (Fig. 28 and 29) gives indications of moral and social properties.

If the large triangle has good and regular outlines, then it indicates pure healthy blood, good physique, happiness, health and long life.

If one of the lines delimiting the triangle is interrupted, then the disadvantage that is expressed by this line is recognized.

Hard, rough skin with a large triangle is a sign of weak nerves.

A cross in the middle of a large triangle means anger and grumpiness. Some angles of a large triangle have their own meaning. We must distinguish:

a) upper (Fig. 25 a, Fig. 26 a);

b) internal (Fig. 25 c, Fig. 26 c) and

c) lower (Fig. 25 c, 26 c).

The upper corner is the one that is closest to the index finger and is formed by the head line and the life line.

If it is sharp, then it means good basic traits, nobility of thought and delicacy of soul.

If he is stupid, then this is a sign of lazy intelligence.

The internal angle is the one that is located at the intersection of the head line with the liver line, or with the Saturn line. He shows us a long life if he is clear. After all, if the liver line and the Saturn line are, at least in part, absent, then, of course, it is possible that this angle does not exist.

If internal corner very acute, it means nervous temperament, irritability, bad connections and anger.

If he is dull, then he reveals inconstancy and dullness. The lower angle lies at the connection of the life line with the liver line, or, if the latter is not present, with the Saturn line.

If bottom corner clearly outlined, this foreshadows the health and kindness of the heart.

If it is sharp, then these are signs of weakness, greed and stinginess.

If he is dull, then he reveals rudeness, ignorance, laziness, idleness and drowsiness.

Small triangle

The large triangle is divided by the line of Saturn, if there is one, into two parts, and the space formed by the line of Saturn, the line of Mercury and the line of the head is called the small triangle (Fig. 27).

Since not only the line of Saturn, but especially often there may not be a line of the liver or a line of Mercury, then it should be understood that there is no small triangle.

If this figure is well formed in the direction and length of the sides, then this is a good omen.

Children who have such a well-outlined small triangle have talent and ability to learn.

If the small triangle is poorly developed, then this portends a lack of intelligence.


This figure, according to the 28th figure, lies on one side between the line of the head and the line of the heart, on the other, between the line of Saturn and the line of Mercury or the liver.

But if there is no last line, which, as we have already mentioned, happens very often, then the quadrilateral occupies an area limited by the lines of the head and heart, on the one hand, and the lines of Saturn and Apollo, on the other (Fig. 29).

This shape of the quadrilateral is also called the "hand table", depending on the better or worse arrangement of the lines that form the sides of it.

A large, regular "hand table" that is extended towards the Mount of Jupiter foretells a good and upright character, a respected, healthy personality who shows great self-sacrifice.

Where, however, one or more of the limiting lines is out of place, and the quadrilateral appears crooked and small, there we are dealing with an indecisive, fearful person who shows a lack of independence, petty selfishness and insensitivity.

The absence of a quadrangle should also be considered an evil sign. This means godlessness, heartfelt malice and unhappiness.

If many lines cut the table with your hands, then this is a person of limited mind.

A pale, slanted cross (X) on the table of the hand is an evil omen because it foretells great eccentricity.

But if it is well formed and beautifully outlined, it means a tendency towards mysticism.

Money triangle on hand photo

Money triangle on the hand in palmistry, this is definitely considered a good sign Sign of wealth and prosperity in life, which is located in the center of the palm of the hand. Two characters from ancient Roman mythology are associated with money - Saturn and Mercury. The ancient Romans kept their treasury in the temple of Saturn, and Mercury is the patron of trade. It's no secret that in modern world, money decides almost everything, and most likely any person is interested in finding out what fate awaits him, with or without money. Sometimes curiosity is so tormenting that people resort to fortune telling by lines on the hand and signs on money or wealth, and want to know whether life will be rich or poor. How much a person will need and feel material-monetary dependence in life - and whether it will be easy or with great difficulty for a person to earn money money, can be determined in chirology by the triangle of money on the hand and other signs of the palm.

So that unnecessary questions do not arise - and you know which hand to look at the money triangle, the right hand or the left hand? - we will answer definitively; a sign which is considered a sign of wealth, and possible celebrity and fame, which is never accompanied without money, is triangle on right hand. When there are signs of wealth on both hands, this is a destiny, or let’s say, not a poor life, you already know roughly what the triangle on the palm means, but the money triangle is located inside a large triangle on the area of ​​the hand, which should not be confused with other similar signs.

As shown in the example photo picture, money triangle, formed on the hand from the main lines hands, - lines Heads and lines of Fate. If a person is destined by Fate to earn relatively big money, the reflection will certainly occur on both hands. It is clear that it is impossible to acquire prosperity in life or great wealth without mental effort and sometimes even simple luck and luck in fate, therefore the main sides of the triangle are the main lines of the hand. A completely different meaning and the opposite or sign of ruin on the hand is an island on the line of Fate - this is a sign of financial difficulties in a person’s life. A promising sign will be the triangle of the palm that is securely closed and quite big size. In the photo you see a large money triangle on the right hand, and it is closed, this is a good sign.

A closed triangle predicts to the owner of the hand that money and acquired wealth will not only be saved, but will also constantly multiply and increase, and the size will indicate the size of the fortune. But it should be clarified that a large triangle does not always mean millions of money and a huge fortune. The fact is that we are talking about the inherent proportionality of money - that is, this may mean that for a given individual in fate - this money is considered large and he is satisfied with the condition. For some people, a million is not money, but for other people, a relatively small amount of money earned can be considered a great achievement and wealth at this stage of development, which fully satisfies the needs of the individual.

If on hand money sign is not closed, or there is an open side of the triangle or a gap in the line, then it is into this “hole” that money will run away, this is a sign indicating the gradual squandering of capital or money, money is not saved, perhaps it is earned enough, but at the same time are spent quite intensively. In addition, the arrival of money or the sphere in which a person has found himself and from which income comes, well-being, that is, money, can be traced along additional secondary lines. These are branches extending to the sides from the line of life or the line of Fate to the tubercles.

If such a line or a small branch is directed to the index finger, or ends on the Mount of Jupiter, this means that over time a person will achieve his success, make a career and earn money thanks to his own ambitions and the ability to attract the attention of others. And here the meaning is implied not only about fame and universal recognition, but also, as a rule, about quite a lot of money. If such a line ends on the Mount of Saturn, money will come to the person through hard, monotonous work. If the line of material ascent ends on the hill of Apollo (Sun), this indicates that the person is being helped to acquire money and wealth his developed abilities and good talent. If such a line ends under the little finger, on the Mount of Mercury, this means that the person will earn money in commerce or scientific activity.

Easy money on hand

Fortune and wealth although not often, it can still be inherited or in some other winning option, which should not be written off, which is also considered easy money, and signs material well-being, wealth that you don't have to work hard for. They are represented on the hand by small squares that are located on inside lines of Life. Thus, the Life line forms one of the sides of this square, and usually such a sign of easy money is called a triangle, but in fact it is just an adjacent “square”, and the missing part of the diagonal of which is the Life line.

The placement of the square on the line allows you to determine the time or date of winning. Triangles cash winnings are quite rare, and most signs can mean inheriting some kind of real estate or a significant, expensive “gift” from fate. A gift of Fate, and as a sign of material takeoff, can be a successful marriage or marriage, which can be predicted by analyzing the marriage lines on the hand; these are signs reflecting the number of marriages in a person’s life, and the duration of the relationship.

Money signs on hand

Even if you look at the hands of rich people, then not always in their palm you can find a money triangle or another sign of easy money - although at the same time they may have an unlimited amount of money. The fact is that there are many other signs indicating that a person will have money, and he is still able to earn a comfortable living. When determining the money on your hand, first of all you should pay attention to the size of your little finger. When the little finger is small and the top of the finger ends below the beginning of the nail phalanx of the Apollo finger, this is main feature the fact that such a person does not see the difference in benefits and is inclined to work at a loss, commerce is not his calling, so he should not engage in trade, he will not earn money in this area.

If the little finger (Mercury finger) reaches the jumper of the joint of the beginning of the nail phalanx in height ring finger, - this is considered average best option, it indicates average commercial inclinations, and at least a person will not work at a loss, and will always earn his “bread”. When the little finger reaches the middle of the nail joint of Apollo's ring finger, or even higher, this is the most favorable length of the finger - this size of the smallest finger on the hand - gives a person the ability and ability to make money and make a profit from almost anything.

Let's look at the example picture,-the next marker of well-being and the sign of money is the line of fate (Saturn) - this is a clear indicator of the presence life goal and the ability to achieve the desired results, and this is usually money.

The line of fate indicates not only the course of a person’s life, but also the very quality of being - which is impossible to achieve in our time, without enough money. Therefore, the presence in the palm of a clear, straight and deep line, as shown in the picture, directed to the base of Saturn’s middle finger (No. 1) - indicates the ability to concentrate internal and external resources to achieve the goal, and actually make money.

It makes a person a professional in his destiny, and indicates his gradual growth social status who cannot be accompanied without money and prosperity. Insufficient length of the fate line is the most common, widespread option, or when the fate line disappears for a while, this means that the person has lost his goal, this is also a period of lack of money and loss of work, look at your line - if it is unharmed, it means money will not be lost.

A good sign of the arrival of money and wealth on your hand, there is a branch from the line of Fate towards the finger of Mercury (No.-2) - the little finger, this is a clearly visible line that departs from the line of Saturn and tends to the hill of Mercury, that is, this line of money should begin exclusively from the line of fate - and don't cross it. The presented combination of lines indicates a sharp, immediate rise in material well-being and its subsequent growth. The time at which the money will fall is calculated according to the line of fate, at the place where the money line begins to rise (No.-3). Another sign of receiving income and profit in the palm can be traced by studying the Mount of Mercury. Short, small vertical lines under the little finger (No. 4) will indicate the arrival of money, this sign reflects constant but small earnings of money, but it all depends on the strength of these lines.

With the help of Palmistry, we have traced the signs and money signs on hand, but you still need to manage the money wisely, - and how money slips through your fingers - many are familiar with this expression - chirology can also give an answer to a similar question. In order to determine how money is spent, you need to close your fingers together and see if there is a gap or gaps between the bases of the fingers. Are there any gaps between your fingers? - the most disappointing sign that a person spends money easily and quickly, it literally slips between his fingers, this is especially pronounced when a large gap is visible between Mercury and Apollo. If you don’t see any gaps between your fingers, this is a sign that you not only know how to earn money, but also know how to save and spend wisely.

A person with a clearly and clearly defined fate line feels how fate guides him. If the line of fate on the hand is weak, it is felt that fate depends only on the person himself. Of the main lines, it is the line of fate that is most often absent; this is due to the rapid development of the world.

The line of fate gives direction in depth and intensive development in one or two directions. A person without a fate line on his hand will never become a specialist in his field; his development path is not in depth, but in breadth.

In addition, the fate line marks on the hand problems in relationships and illness of a partner. Reflects monetary wealth, career problems, employment. It is very rare to find a long line of fate; various violations are more common: breaks, points, secants, islands.
A problem detected in time can be easily solved. A broken line can mean many things, from a break in relationship to a change of job. When studying the line of fate Special attention is given to its location on .

I would like to note the peculiarities of the flow of time in the line of fate. Initial life interests are reflected at the beginning of the line, and then in what ways these interests will be achieved at the end of the line. Time on the line of fate flows in two directions at once, so interests and methods can change places at one moment.

Time on the line of fate

The time report is determined by two points. The first is the intersection of the line of fate with the line of mind. This age is equal to 55 years. Intersection with the heart line – age 35 years.

The line of fate on the hand is rarely straight and long. Often it reaches only the heart line or only the head line. The age of social activity is taken as the beginning of the fate line; it can be 18 years old or 22 years old, when the person first went to work and became socially active.

If the fate line is broken and short, the palmist can analyze the small lines and branches that were supposed to make up the fate line.

Line options

1. The beginning of the line is on the hill of the Moon. Friends and surroundings have a great influence on life. Connections and acquaintances help in your career. A person easily succumbs to the influence of others.

2. The beginning of the line is on the hill of Neptune. It says that a person does not submit to fate and builds his own life, even if the line is clear and even. Developed intuition, extrasensory abilities are possible.

3. The line of fate extending from the line of life. The main thing in life is Family. They become independent late. Self-realization at the expense of relatives and family.

4. Break in the line of fate. If, after a breakup, the line of fate moves closer to the little finger, drastic changes may occur in life, a change of place of work and residence. The desire for material well-being and family happiness.

5. Ascending break in the line of fate. Similar to the previous point, but the shift goes towards the index finger. Interests are shifting towards personal self-improvement and self-realization in a career.

6. Double line fate. Sometimes the fate line is duplicated. Most often this is a small line going to small area parent line. During this period there is an increased social activity, success in many endeavors, good luck in your career.

Signs on the line of fate

Triangle on the line of fate. If the triangle is adjacent to the line of fate, it promises good luck in military affairs and in battle. By itself it means a boring and monotonous life.

On the line of fate - square. Good sign which promises protection and support higher powers. Protects against monetary losses. If the square is adjacent to the line of fate - an accident in which the person will survive.

On the line of fate - cross. A rare sign with many interpretations. Accurately speaks of an extraordinary event and a turning point in life.

On the line of fate - circle. To interpret it, it is better to contact a palmist; it has many meanings, depending on other factors.

On the line of fate - star. Bad, fatal sign. Often denotes a plane crash. It is advisable to consult a palmist.

On the line of fate - island. During the action of the island sign - material problems, difficulties in business and professional stagnation.


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