A well or central water supply is better. Well or centralized water supply

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To conduct water supply in a private house, you can use a well or borehole

There are several ways to supply water to a private or country house. Use a central water supply, a well or a borehole. Comparing the pros and cons of each method will help determine which option is better. In addition, it is possible to arrange a source for several houses.

In private or country house Problems with water supply often arise. Typically, owners equip an autonomous source. As a rule, a well or borehole option is chosen.

A number of criteria are used to compare the pros and cons. First, the difficulty of finding the water layer is taken into account. From this point of view, the construction of a well is very difficult, because it requires thorough drilling. And for a well, due to its shallow depth, the procedure will not cause problems.

When choosing a source for water, you need to take into account the level of its pollution

For residents, water quality comes first. In a well source, the liquid is protected by a large layer of soil. In a well, contamination can easily get into the source due to its shallow depth.

The development of both sources does not require any permits or documents. But if the depth of the artesian is large, then documentation may be required.

When installing a well, professional equipment is used, which simplifies the process. But for a well, most of the work is done manually. But when connecting communications there are more difficulties - when arranging the well option.

The amount of liquid in the well is greater than in the well. And this does not depend on the season, which is often observed at wells. The quality of the fluid itself from a well source is quite high, but the fluid may contain impurities. The problem is resolved using a filter. The quality of water in the well is getting worse and worse every year.

The longevity of a well source can be measured in decades. At the same time, installations rarely require maintenance. The well is also durable, but requires periodic cleaning. A higher cost is observed when constructing a well.

Pros and cons of well construction

All positive and negative points due to the fact that the source is artesian. The liquid is particularly pure and is often sold in stores. The level of occurrence is quite deep, under limestone layers, which provides good filtration.

Additionally, you can make a list of the pros and cons of a well and a well


  1. High quality water. This is the main advantage. The liquid is not contaminated by wastewater or melt water. The main thing is to drill at a considerable distance from sources of pollution. At the same time, the narrow shaft is easy to protect.
  2. Availability of constant good pressure. The time of year has no effect on this. So, there is enough liquid for several houses at once. Average productivity is 50 cubic meters per hour.
  3. Possibility of drilling at any time of the year. But it is important to do this when groundwater rises.
  4. You can choose any location for drilling. You can even arrange it in the garage and basement of the house. This can reduce construction costs and significantly save space.
  5. Easy maintenance. No need for frequent cleaning. The mine does not silt up because the water is quite clean.
  6. Durability. Can last for 50 years.

Disadvantages include the difficulty of drilling. May come across difficult places, boulders. Working under the house itself causes many problems. Space is limited, making it difficult to work.

Installation is expensive. In addition to expensive equipment, you need to purchase required elements installations and special filters.

If dirty, cleaning cannot be performed. All that remains is to drill a new structure.

Certain documentation is required. This includes permission, state registration and license. The device does not work without power supply. The installation is afraid of cold weather, so it requires insulation.

What to choose - a well or a central water supply

Owners most often choose the first. But along with an autonomous water supply, the device requires sufficient patience and financial costs. The drilling itself is performed by professionals. Registration of a license also requires separate costs.

Central water supply is most often used for apartment buildings. This option is also possible for mass development. Then the artesian source is dug into several areas. Water is supplied to every house. The central highway has a number of advantages.

If it is not possible to equip a well, you can connect to the central water supply

Advantages of central water supply:

  1. There is no need to equip a well on the site or perform drilling work;
  2. Unlimited water supply;
  3. Communications maintenance is carried out by special services;
  4. When there is a power outage, the supply of liquid does not stop;
  5. There is no need to equip storage tanks.

To the disadvantages central highway refers to the presence of rye and bleach in the water. In the event of an emergency on the central line, the fluid supply is stopped. In this case, you need to pay for services every month. The connection itself for the private sector is not always possible due to the distance.

The disadvantages of wells are manifested in high cost, the need for additional filtering and permission.

The quality of water in a well source is considered to be the best. He will last for a long time, and the liquid will not lose its characteristics. In addition, pollution and runoff cannot enter it.

Use on a number of houses

To save money, you can equip a well for 3-4 houses. But this option is rarely used. The point is that there are several technological features. You cannot use an adapter; you will only have to equip a caisson. The main advantage is the reduction in the cost of arrangement.

Quite often, one well can be used to supply water to several houses


  1. First, problems arise with choosing an installation location. Which neighbor would sacrifice his own territory? In this case, the plot can be sold.
  2. Only one will have to connect the well to electricity.
  3. Water is used unevenly. A well is a common option for summer cottages, and some people only spend time there summer season. In the future, consumption between neighbors can lead to conflicts.
  4. Financial problems associated with equipment breakdown.
  5. Well debit. It will not be possible to determine the readings in advance. There may be enough water or very little. In addition, pressure drops cannot be ruled out. It is recommended to equip a pump.
  6. To increase the chances of getting enough water, you can drill the well deeper. But this does not provide any guarantees.

You can find a compromise and come to an agreement with your neighbors, but not everyone is ready to bear such responsibility. Many summer residents sooner or later abandon such an idea.

Installing a water supply system in a private home requires effort. First you need to determine the water supply option. The central water supply does not have any difficulties with maintenance, but the supply of liquid and its quality leaves much to be desired. It's better to have your own borehole or well. But when comparing two options, the first one wins.

In areas where infrastructure is well developed, owners of private houses have the opportunity to connect to a central water supply. But even under such circumstances, the question arises regarding the quality of water, since in most cases the water supply systems were laid many years ago, and the pipes already have a high degree of wear, due to which the quality of the water supplied to the house suffers.

An alternative to central water supply is autonomous water supply, which, despite the initial stage, requires significant financial investments from owners of cottages and private houses, remains the most preferable.

Features of central water supply

The presence of a central water supply gives owners of country property a lot of convenience and savings Money when connecting, just register necessary permissions and call a specialist who will insert into the central water supply.

But for all its advantages, central water supply has a number of significant disadvantages:

  • Monthly payment for water use with constant price increases.
  • Interruptions in water supply associated with regular preventive and repair work.
  • Outdated water supply systems, which lead to deterioration in water quality and the need to use expensive filters.

Most country property owners prefer an autonomous water supply, even if there is a central water supply, since using your own well has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Independence from municipal water supply.
  • No monthly water bills.
  • High quality water containing healthy minerals.
  • Uninterrupted operation.
  • Simplicity and cost-effectiveness in maintenance.

There are several organization options autonomous water supply:

  1. Well installation. This is the most economical option organization of water supply, due to lower cost. But this will require additional water filtration due to the shallow location of the water. This option is convenient for low water consumption.
  2. Drilling wells to ensure uninterrupted water supply in any volume without loss of pressure. The quality of the water depends on the depth of the well, so filtration may be required.
  3. Drilling an artesian well. This is the best option in which you get high quality water beneficial for humans. Such a well has a minimum service life of 50 years.

Regardless of the chosen method of organizing an autonomous water supply on your site, all work must be carried out by specialists who will not only issue the necessary permits, but will also carry out the work efficiently and reliably using specialized equipment and modern equipment, guaranteeing uninterrupted operation of all systems for many years.

If it is possible to connect country house to a centralized water supply network, many will say that you need to choose this particular way to provide for yourself drinking water. To support their opinion, they will give arguments such as:

  • as the only one worthy alternative centralized water supply is relatively high;
  • problems may arise related to the actual implementation of work on the construction of a water intake structure on the site;
  • the costs of purchasing and installing filters are high.

In general, the amount of capital investment for drilling a well, purchasing pumping and filtering equipment and later the cost of servicing the water intake source in in this case are cited as the main factors in favor of centralized water supply.

Meanwhile, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance: get permission from Vodokanal, lay a pipeline, install water meters and use the water supply as in a city apartment. It is worth understanding in more detail and revealing everything negative sides providing water to a country house through centralized water supply. But first, about the advantages.

All the benefits of centralized water supply

  • Vodokanal is responsible for the water supply to the house: it checks the chemical and bacteriological composition of the water, carries out all water treatment activities, maintains and repairs main networks, and maintains the required water pressure.
  • The second undeniable advantage is independence from power supply. Even if there is a power outage in the house, water will flow to the water taps regularly.

This is probably all, although this is quite a lot. As for the initial capital investments, ordinary people often make the mistake of thinking that the cost of connecting to a centralized water supply is cheaper than the cost of drilling a well.

The nuances of connecting a private house to centralized water supply networks.

Let's consider the main actions of the owner who has decided to enter into a water supply agreement with Vodokanal. First, you need to obtain permission to tap into the backbone network. Then wait for delivery technical specifications for connection and, on their basis, order the development of design and estimate documentation. Conclude an agreement with a licensed organization to carry out work on laying a pipeline from the main pipe to the site. Lay pipes and install meters.

All stages are carried out taking into account the requirements of Russian legislation, namely, Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 416 “On water supply and sanitation” and related amendments and regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation.

And now more about capital investments. You need to know that the estimated cost of connecting to the network is affected by the expected daily water consumption. According to Vodokanal tariffs established in 2015 by the Tariff Committee of St. Petersburg, you will need to pay 17,330 rubles for 1 m 3 /hour. And the water consumption in a country house is quite high: in addition to the kitchen, bath, and toilet, water is needed in the bathhouse, on the street for watering lawns, greenhouses and garden plants. But this ridiculous amount only emphasizes the global nature of further expenses.

Cost of gasket 1 linear meter pipes with a diameter of 20 cm from the main network to the house is 12,490 rubles. It is easy to calculate that if the main pipe is located only 50 meters from the site, laying water supply networks from connection point to connection point water supply networks to the central cold water supply system will cost 625 thousand rubles. Let's reduce the size of the pipe by half. The amount will decrease slightly and amount to 563 thousand rubles.

And these are not all the disadvantages.

Disadvantages of using centralized water supply networks

In addition to capital investments, a centralized water supply system will require a monthly payment for water use, and tariffs, as we know, are rising. Complete dependence on the water supplier is also confusing: for the duration of the planned or emergency repairs the house may be left without water. The supplier will also not be able to guarantee high quality water due to the deterioration of the main pipeline. Vodokanal representatives themselves admit this.

So perhaps the installation additional system Water purification cannot be avoided. And when insufficient pressure water, which is also a problem with the central water supply system, you will have to buy and install additional pump equipment. And now we can draw conclusions regarding the choice of source of water supply for a country house. Probably, the alleged problems with drilling and well development are no longer problems in the direct sense of the word.

"Well or centralized water supply", BC "POISK", tell friends: February 16th, 2016

In almost all modern cottage villages, a central water supply system is included in the communications package, but there are villages in which central water supply is not provided. The cost of plots here is lower, but the owner will have to decide where and how to get water.

How, in this case, can one estimate the upcoming amount of costs before purchasing a plot? What difficulties might the owner of a site encounter in such a situation? What is the expected monthly water supply cost?

For central water supply Cottage villages almost always use artesian wells. One or more of these wells with a water treatment system provide residents with a continuous supply of drinking water in large volumes.

One of the most accessible and, accordingly, most common types individual water supply is the so-called “sand” well. This is a well 6–30 meters deep to a layer of sand or pebble capable of producing water. The resource of such a well greatly depends on the design and quality of the filter that is installed in the aquifer.

Let's compare the differences between a well and a central water supply:

Type of water supply Individual well Central water supply
Well type Artesian well
Well depth From 6 to 30 meters From 100 meters
Water quality For technical needs (irrigation, etc.), it is suitable for drinking only after multi-level water treatment. Drinkable; for use in washing machines, dishwashers, does not harm faucets.
Drilling cost From 1,500 rubles per meter of sand drilling, cost of pump, well construction, cost of filters Included in the cost of communications when purchasing a plot in a cottage village
Fire safety The water pressure from one shallow well is not enough to extinguish the fire. There is a system of fire hydrants throughout the village
Filtration equipment Periodic replacement of filters and pumps is necessary, if necessary. Based on the water analysis, a water treatment station is selected; maintenance of the water treatment station and filters is included in the water tariff or is included in the cost of services of the village management company.
Life time From 1 year to 5 years About 50 years
Well maintainability Not regular use leads to silting of the well, so it is necessary to periodically clean the installation. The occurrence of water in limestone rocks, which are essentially a natural filter, avoids silting and repair work.
Sanitary protection zone The small size of the plot does not allow to provide the necessary sanitary zone around the well, contaminants may enter from groundwater and neighbors' sewage pits. A zone of sanitary protection from pollution must be provided around the artesian well.

Development Director of the VodaSet company Anatoly Zakharov clarifies:

« The best option water supply for a country house in the village without central water supply There will be drilling of an individual well “on sand” at the site. Then you need to install filters deep cleaning water, since the upper aquifers are subject to contamination by wastewater and surface water.

In the villages with central water supply purified water is pumped into the house from the central system, but not drilled for irrigation and other technical needs deep well Location on.

The cost of installing your own well includes:

  • average cost drilling from 1500 rubles/meter (for sand) and 2500 rubles/meter for stone;
  • Pump from 2 thousand rubles; good pump- from 6 thousand rubles;
  • Construction of a well and bringing water to the house - from 10 thousand to 100 thousand rubles
  • Water treatment system from 10 to 80 thousand rubles.

Cheap equipment (pump + well construction) breaks down very quickly, it is more suitable for a summer cottage and weekends, and if you plan to use a well all year round, then the equipment must be professional.”

If you are lucky and you own a plot of land near which there is a water supply, then you have a choice: provide yourself with water from a personal well or through a central water supply system. Each option has both its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the final decision is made taking into account their needs, the geochemical composition of the soil, cost earthworks and economic feasibility of the project.

Water supply through a well

All water wells are usually divided into filter and artesian wells. The first type includes shallow wells with a depth of up to 30 m, and the second type includes deep wells, reaching aquifers at a level of 250 m. Depending on the depth, filter wells are also divided into: small, medium and deep. The deeper the drill goes, the cleaner water. Therefore, moisture can be taken from small wells only for watering the area.

Artesian wells require the use of special equipment. Their drilling costs much more than filter ones, but the water quality is noticeably higher. Thus, choosing one or another type of well allows you to optimize water supply costs, taking into account your requirements for water quality.


  1. The water supply does not stop during repair work on the central water supply.
  2. The site is provided with water of optimal quality.
  3. You don't need a project to complete the work.


  1. Water from artesian wells is considered national wealth, so its use is taxed.
  2. High cost of drilling deep wells.
  3. If other wells appear in the neighborhood, the water level in the well may drop.
  4. Additional costs for pump and electricity.
  5. Water mineralization.

Central water supply

This method of solving the problem, in addition to financial costs, requires obtaining permits, as well as drawing up water supply and sewerage projects. Mineral composition pipeline water leaves much to be desired, so connection to a central water supply is chosen in cases where drilling wells is impossible or economically infeasible.


  1. Low system maintenance costs.
  2. The cost of the work is lower than when drilling a well.
  3. The ability to provide water supply where drilling is problematic.


  1. Poor water quality.
  2. The water supply is entirely dependent on the condition of the central water supply and is interrupted during repair work.
  3. A high tariff can make water consumption unprofitable.

Let's sum it up

Before you make a final decision, set your priorities. If you have concerns about water quality high requirements, and the budget allows you to equip your personal water source, then it is best to drill artesian well. Central water supply is suitable for those who want to rid themselves of unnecessary hassle related to equipment maintenance.


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