Mafia is like getting into a car. Walkthrough of Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven

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Developer-Illusion Softworks
Publisher-GOD Games
Publisher in Russia- 1C

Game website

Introduction and Features

Mafia is sure to be a hit. This game from Illusion Softworks (developers of Hidden & Dangerous) and GOD Games was highly anticipated and had high hopes. The game is very closely related to the scandalous Grand Theft Auto 3, or simply put, is a mixture of a “shooter” on the one hand, and crazy racing through the city streets in cars, on the other, plus a little adventure, encyclopedic data about the cars of that time.

And also a sea of ​​blood, collisions with pedestrians, murder of police officers and other immoral entertainments. And all the action takes place in America in the 30s. Italian mafia, prohibition, jazz,

the great depression, in general, you all know. Although the authors developed the ideas of GTA, they seriously cut down the concept in some places. At the same time, one cannot help but note a good, albeit linear, plot. Although all missions must be completed in strict sequence and we will have almost no time for free trips around the city, the plot grabs you and doesn’t let you go until the end of the game. If in GTA the cutscenes were intended to somehow connect the missions with each other, here we have a twisted gangster saga, which the authors even tried to fill with moral lessons and psychology. Although in some places it turned out quite soapy and melodramatic. General design, the game style and mood seemed close to Max Payne. Gloomy, bloody and heartbreaking.

The design of the interface generally seemed to be “ripped off” from MP. However, maybe it’s for the better, the main thing is that it turned out beautiful and stylish.

The mood is seriously spoiled by numerous glitches of both the graphical “engine” (cars sometimes fly in the air, ten centimeters above the road, fall into walls, get stuck in curbs, etc.) and internal game scripts (some of them are lethal - the game is not can be passed). There are also general shortcomings. For example, the infamous racing car race, the difficulty of which “gave many players a heart attack.”

The game forums are filled with exclamations about the extreme difficulty of this mission and possible ways its passage. In the meantime, the authors offer to download the saved game file after completing the route and promise to fix all the shortcomings (especially the ill-fated race) in the next patch. The well-known glitch in the chapter called “Sarah”, when the game cannot be completed at all due to a script not working, also remains uncorrected. Read forums and download saved games at later stages.


The plot of the game is based on the memories and recorded repentance of the former gangster and main character of the game - Tommy Angelo. It all starts with his dialogue in a bar with a policeman, whom he invites in order to confess everything. The main character talks about his crimes, the policeman is surprised and writes it down. Throughout the stories we become participants in all these events. In the early 30s, Tommy was “lucky” to save two members of the Salieri family from death, and for this he was invited to join this family. However, he has no choice, as conselighieri Don Frank subtly hints to him. This is how a simple taxi driver, who finds himself in the right place at the right time, becomes a mafioso and a ruthless killer. But is it really that ruthless? Throughout the game we will have to listen to Tommy's comments on certain events, his experiences and torment. He is constantly torn between work and the moral side of things. It's all very dramatic.

So, we start the game as a simple taxi driver. After we rescued Tony and Sam from the hands of Don Morello's bandits, we receive an offer to contact Don Salieri if problems arise. “I’ll keep that in mind,” says Tommy, and our taxi driver routine continues. So we drive around the city, driving people around, until Tommy decides to take a break and have a cup of coffee. As soon as he gets out of the car, he is attacked by yesterday's thugs, and he has no choice but to flee through gateways and courtyards to Salieri's bar, which, fortunately, is located nearby.

Soon, from the back gate of the bar, our new friends will carry out the corpses of the overly vengeful gangsters who were pursuing Tommy. "Welcome to the family, son. These are Sam and Tony, whom you saved from the hands of the Morello bandits yesterday. Now you work together." Tommy kisses the Don's hand, after which he becomes a full member of the family and a gangster. This is where normal gangster life begins. Collection of tribute, murder, car theft, blackmail, etc.

As already mentioned, the missions replace each other sequentially and they won’t let us just ride around the city. After completing the next task, we return to the bar, and the next one immediately begins. The missions are very large and complex, they can also be called “chapters”. Each of them has its own name, many screensavers and other things.

The loading of each mission is accompanied by a corresponding picture, made in the form of a real photograph. The mission about bootleggers, for example, is framed with a box of Canadian whiskey. There are other options - everything looks very stylish.

Each mission usually lasts several hours in real time. You have to travel to different parts of the huge city in which the action takes place and perform many more various tasks. The city is so huge that you begin to navigate it more or less well only towards the very end of the game. The authors claim that its area is ten square kilometers. In this case, missions or “chapters” are divided into episodes, also with their own names. When an episode or mission ends, the game is automatically saved. There is no option to save the game anywhere. Usually a change in episode is associated with a change in location.

Let me give you one of the most memorable examples. You need to get into a brothel, kill its manager, and as a warning, in front of everyone. Then plant explosives in the director's office and after the explosion get out of the brothel. Before the start of each mission, we receive a short briefing from the Don. Then we go to the stutterer Ralph, who manages the family’s fleet of vehicles.

From him we get information about new types of cars and how to steal them correctly, and we also choose a car for the upcoming task. Then we go or drive to Vincenso, who deals with all types of weapons, including Thompson submachine guns and machine guns. From him we get the necessary weapons and go directly to work. You should choose a weapon depending on the mission - long-barreled weapons cannot be hidden under a jacket or raincoat. So that we don't get lost in big city, in the upper left corner there is a compass that shows us the direction in which the destination of the trip is located. The red cross on the compass shows the exact position of the place where we must park, otherwise the script will not work. The Tab key brings up a transparent map of the city, on which our car is marked with a yellow arrow, and the destination of the trip is blue. The map is only available within the city (after all, you can also take country walks in the game). So, we take the car, weapons and go to the brothel. Having hidden the weapon under the cloak, we politely ask the clerk where the manager is currently located. It turns out that the manager is having lunch at the restaurant, he is wearing white suit. We go to the restaurant and find a man in a white suit. "Greetings from Don Salieri", and the manager in the white suit gets shot in the forehead. Next, we shoot the guards and bodyguards and, having taken the key behind the counter from the clerk in the reception, we go up to the top. We open the office, plant explosives and jump through the window in the lobby onto the adjacent roof. It would seem that's it? But no, someone called the police. The second episode of this chapter begins. Rooftop chase. The police are already hurrying down the fire escape, car sirens are howling, and Tommy is jumping from roof to roof, simultaneously shooting people in blue uniforms. This is when we drive a car, we are not allowed to kill police officers, we are not allowed to kill passers-by, we are not allowed to exceed the speed limit and run a red light. All this, as in GTA, will be followed by punishment and, depending on the crime, certain police forces will be sent to catch you. If you violated traffic rules, please pay the fine. If you do not comply with the demands of the local traffic police, the symbol of handcuffs will appear on the screen. If the police catch up with you, they will put you behind bars. The game will end. But if you suddenly accidentally shoot a civilian (a collision does not count) or, God forbid, a guardian of the law, then the pistol symbol will appear, which means “kill at any cost.” The meaning is clear. About ten police cars will be sent to catch you at once. They will not talk to you, they will kill you.

Meanwhile, Tommy has reached the end of the rooftops, and it is unclear where to go next. This is followed by a cutscene in which Tommy throws a ladder onto a nearby church, entangled in scaffolding. Let's go down and here's a new surprise for you! It seems that we ended up just at the funeral service for the guy we killed in yesterday’s shootout. Relatives who came to the service are ready not to honor any rituals and rules of behavior in the church, just to get even with you. Vendetta first. The third episode of the mission begins with a bloody shootout right in the church.

And when the last of the boy’s many (by the way) relatives falls, we will again listen to a long dialogue between Tommy and the holy father on the topic of morality and ethics. We go back to Salieri's bar in a stolen hearse. So, the life of a simple gangster is full of romance and adventure. Most of the game's missions are done simply brilliantly and are played with great interest. Both racing fans and shooting enthusiasts will enjoy the experience.

Implementation of the combat system and weapons

The combat system in the game is worked out quite seriously. When completing missions, there is scope for both tactical thought and quick reaction. Tommy can perform somersaults and rolls, shoot, slightly sticking out from behind natural obstacles. You can shoot on the move from a car. Tommy will drive the car with his right hand and shoot out of the window with his left. The target, accordingly, must be to the left of the car, otherwise nothing will work. Also, only light weapons - pistols - are suitable for shooting from a car. You won’t be able to hold a hard drive, a machine gun, or a rifle with one hand. It is more difficult to shoot from a car, because you also have to drive the car, but it is safer - the body of the car can withstand much more hits than your body. But the best option was shooting from behind a car. When the car parks at a right angle to the target through sharp braking and a large turning angle, after which we get out of it and fire directly from behind the hood. The enemies keep up with us in a variety of tricks. They also know how to roll, hide, run from one shelter to another, but their behavior is linear and after a couple of loads of the game, you can get through even a very difficult moment without loss, having studied the behavior of enemies. AI is at a very average level, they very rarely realize to hide in cover even to reload, and sometimes all these rolls and somersaults seem simply stupid. After them, the enemy often finds himself in a much worse position. Usually the passage is complicated by the number of enemies, not their quality. After killing an enemy, most often his weapon falls on the floor, you can also loot the corpse, but most often nothing can be found on it. The weapons are quite diverse, have different destructive power, different recoil and different firing ranges. Weapons should be chosen in relation to the situation and purpose. This is very important point. In crowded places you should use your fists, a knife or a baseball bat, otherwise the police will come running to the sound of gunfire. In general, it is better to move around the city in hidden weapon mode (the "H" key), in which case precious seconds will be spent preparing the weapon, but the police will not touch you. After all, for carrying a weapon you can immediately receive the status “Arrest” or “Kill”. A knife, bat and crowbar are not considered weapons. Next come the pistols. I came across about five types of them, perhaps there are more. They all differ in the balance of “number of charges/destructive force/recoil”, that is, how much the sight will go astray after a shot. The pistols are very good for long range targets. We have at our disposal several types of hard drives - double-barreled sawn-off shotgun, automatic - with eight charges. Sawed-off shotguns are good in close combat, when fire is fired almost point-blank. You can kill with a sawn-off shotgun the first time. By the way, this also applies to your hero. And finally, my favorite - a 1928 Thompson submachine gun. Works best when there is a whole crowd of enemies against you. It will mow down everyone indiscriminately. Serves them right. It is distinguished by wild destructive power and almost complete uncontrollability when shooting. It was interesting to know that real Sicilians prefer cut-off double-barreled shotguns from this entire set.

This is mafia etiquette and culture. That's basically it.

Interface and control

Our hero has an inventory (key "I"), which stores weapons (one of each type) and sometimes key items. All actions (for example, collecting items) should be performed with the right mouse button. If some action is possible at this location, an exclamation mark will appear at the bottom of the screen. This means that here you can pick up something, open the door, turn on the light, talk to someone, etc. If several actions are possible, a pop-up menu will appear where you can select the one you need. Otherwise, the controls are trivial; all keys can be reconfigured in the options menu. In order, for example, to steal a car, you must first know how it’s done, otherwise Tommy will say something like “This is the first time I’ve seen such a lock.” Then go to the car (an exclamation mark will appear), press and hold the right mouse button. We wait until Tommy turns his head and breaks into the car and now we are already inside. To get out of the car you need to stop, and when the exclamation mark appears, again press the right button. Everything is very simple. Navigation with a variety of devices in the car is simple and clear. We won't see the dashboard - all instruments are located at the edges of the screen. Tachometer, speedometer, below - fuel meter. At the top left is a compass and radar. On the radar, regular police cars are indicated in blue, and those chasing you in red. On the right is a stopwatch, some missions should be completed in certain time. The "Tab" key brings up a map, without which it is simply impossible to travel around the city. "F5" will display a sign "60 km/h", the speed limit in urban areas.

No matter how much you press on the gas, the car will pick up a speed of sixty kilometers per hour and will maintain it automatically. The mode allows you to avoid unpleasant encounters with the police. On the other hand, when you get used to cars and the city, no police will bother you. Do not forget, however, that before you begin the next task, you should get rid of the “tail”. To do this, you can drive into some dark gateway, and then stand and wait until the pursuit indicator disappears.

The main thing at this time is not to catch the eye of the police, otherwise it will flare up with renewed vigor. There is no repainting the car, changing license plates or simply bonuses to ward off pursuit, as in GTA 3, in the game. All internal game dialogue occurs spontaneously, without player intervention to select lines. I was pleased with the large number and flexibility of game settings; you can even choose the speedometer units - miles or kilometers. The "C" key switches between five different cameras. The cameras are installed: top-rear, top-rear distant, on the hood, on the left wheel, and on the front bumper. That's probably all that can be said about the game's controls.

Graphic arts.

The not very bright palette chosen for the game does not make a negative impression. Unfortunately, the artists paid little attention to detail, there are not enough destructible objects in the game, and the models are too simple and in some places poorly assembled. For example, the heads of many gangsters are “attached” at the wrong angles and are generally disproportionate to the body. The car models are extremely simple - beautiful, but simple, they are no longer interesting to smash until only one skeleton remains, as was the case in GTA or Carmageddon. The graphic design of the game cannot be called something outstanding, but the huge city will impress any player. System requirements games - at least PIII-500MHz, 128MB of memory and 32MB video card. A 750 MHz processor, 256 MB of RAM and 64 MB of video are recommended. Resolutions from the lowest (320x240) to the highest (2048x1536) are supported.. With maximum graphics settings, on my Athlon XP 1600+, 256 MB of RAM, Radeon 7500, I could only play normally at a resolution of 640x480. Draw conclusions.


Speaking of sound, we can't help but mention the great jazz tunes that play during missions. There are both purely instrumental compositions and melodies with vocals. Sometimes I had to turn off all other sounds to just listen to great music and drive around the city in a vintage car. Musical themes Great for maintaining your mood. Auto sounds and environment, accidents or shootings were also done at a good level and do not cause any complaints. The screams of the wounded and dying in shootouts or cowardly fleeing bandits are impressive.

The game also has an encyclopedia of cars of that time. You can examine the model of each in detail from all sides, as well as read information about it and find out the technical characteristics. Has Free Ride and Extreme Free Ride mode, where you simply set the map parameters, initial conditions etc. and just freely drive around the city, earn money, buy weapons and new cars, etc.

The 1C company writes on its website about the multiplayer game mode. Perhaps it will be added in one of the upcoming patches.


You should definitely at least try playing this great game. Some may be put off by the amount of violence in Mafia, but any modern action movie has plenty of it. There's no escape here. A well-developed plot, and just a lot of interesting discoveries from the developers. Magnificent, almost cinematic, camera angles in the scenes, and the design of these scenes is also at a very high level. Prize for cinematography and director's work. The game may be a little less dynamic than GTA, but it is more real, lifelike and believable. The explosive combination of no-holds-barred racing and 3D action will undoubtedly captivate any player. After all, each of us, at least for a second, dreamed of becoming a gangster...

Before us is the legendary Mafia - a representative of such a rare genre of game-film. It is already many years old, but many still play it from time to time, because it has no equal, and is unlikely to ever be. It has its own style, its own zest, charm, if you like. Plus the endless charm of America in the 40s of the last century: the rise of large mafia structures and petty banditry, the boom of the auto industry. The car has finally become not a luxury, but a means of transportation. And the Thompson assault rifle fires 600 rounds per minute - many people know about this, because ignorance can lead to death. And the last thing you will hear in this case: “Mr. Salieri says hello!”

However, the surname of the mafia boss does not matter. Dramas involving taming people disliked by the mafia were almost commonplace back then. But, since we have to experience all this for ourselves, I will not detain you. Feel free to click “New Game”...

1938 A presentable-looking young man enters a small cozy cafe and goes to the far table. He greets the man sitting there, addressing him as “detective,” and sits down. Orders coffee. A few phrases, an exchange of barbs. Coffee is served. The conversation continues. It soon becomes clear that the young man is a member of a large mafia structure, one of the most important leaders. And his friends are hunting him. How did this happen? “Make yourself comfortable, detective, this is not a short story...”

Autumn 1930. 8 years before the events described. Late evening, empty streets, lit by dim lanterns. There is no wind, but the autumn cold is already making itself felt. Thomas Angelo, a young taxi driver, finished his work day and stopped for a smoke break.

“Being busy inspecting the car, I was thinking. About the fact that although I’m tired as hell, I like my work - honest, real... safe work. The fact that many people in those difficult times for America were much less fortunate. So there was no need to complain about fate.

Suddenly there was a squeal of rubber and a crash, the clink of glass, the crack of crushed iron. Literally immediately two people jumped out from around the corner, one had a shot in the leg and was limping. And both had not very weighty, but extremely lethal arguments. In principle, everything became immediately clear. These are those whose work is incomparably more dangerous than mine, and it is not as honest. Mafia. And they are being chased.

Thinking about it now, I want to convince myself - again and again - that I simply had no choice then. Then and then - many, many times. I had to help these bandits. Because their and, most importantly, my life depended on it.”

You can't refuse

So, we are in a taxi, in the driver's seat. Very unusual passengers are sitting nearby. The goal is to break away from your pursuers. It depends on your luck. It will be enough to turn twice, while being out of sight of enemies. The enemy loves to overtake you and turn the car around, hitting the rear fender. Take advantage of this. As soon as he settles down next to your car, you will have to drive close to the lamppost - the enemy will crash, lose a few precious seconds, and for now you can disappear from sight.

Autosaving worked before the start of the video, so you can safely experiment - the number of attempts is not limited. As it turns out, you will receive a new task to take clients to Salieri's bar.

A little later it became clear who my clients were. These are the people of Don Salieri, a major mafia boss. And it was Don Morello’s people who were pursuing us. Because who else could it be. Everyone in the city knows about the feud between Morello and Salieri.

Navigate using the map (Tab key by default). It's not difficult to get there on your own. You don't have to limit your speed - there are no police patrols at night. You also don’t have to be afraid of traffic lights and accidents.

When I arrived at the bar in Little Italy, I dropped off my companions. They thanked me and asked me to wait. I lit a cigarette. My hands were shaking after the experience. At the entrance to the bar, two gangster-looking thugs stared at my car and smiled impudently, as if they knew what was about to happen. I also started to guess. Now someone will leave the bar, approach the car and... “Greetings from Mr. Salieri!” After all, I am a witness. You can either pay me or kill me. I know which method the mafia prefers to choose. The bar door opens. The one they called Sam is coming towards me. With frantically shaking hands I turn the ignition key. I'm tormenting the starter. My heart is beating like crazy. The gangster was already halfway there. I press the gas pedal several times - to no avail, the car still does not start. Sweat appears on the forehead and upper lip. He has two steps left. He puts his hand into the inner pocket of his jacket, I instinctively press myself into the seat, ready to hear the last click of the trigger in my life.

- "Hey guy! Mr. Salieri wants to thank you. Here is the amount for car repairs and the fee for your services. If you need help, come and the don will help you. We could hire you..."

I look and don't see. Circles float before my eyes. I take the envelope handed to me, say goodbye and turn the ignition key. Starts up immediately. I am not able to figure anything out, think about problems or about changing jobs. I thank you lamely again and drive off.

The envelope contained much more than enough to repair the car. I drank to their health, but did not think about the proposal for a second. It's better to be poor and alive...

But, as they say, man proposes, but God disposes...

running Man

The next mission simulates a taxi driver's working day. The following restrictions apply: you cannot hit pedestrians (even a slight contact will cause the mission to fail), you cannot give the police a reason to arrest you (instant mission failure), you cannot crash into cars and property too often. The police respond to speeding (you can turn on the limiter - exclusively convenient thing, F5 key by default, I used it on F), for driving through red lights (there is plenty of time for delivery, you can take your time and survive all the intersections), for accidents. If you don’t lead to sin - stop immediately and pay a fine, then they will let you go in peace. If you resist and try to escape, you will be arrested.

We transport passengers. Take the first one across the bridge to the east of the launch site, and further to the church. From there we go to the embankment to the west of the church and along the embankment to the north to the hospital. From there, we take the girl across the big red bridge (Giuliano Bridge) to the theater (pay attention to her. She will come in handy). From the theater we go across the red bridge, straight along the avenue, then we turn along the main road and then the first turn to the right, we go along the tram tracks to the very end of the area, there is a Pompei bar. Please note: the person who was waiting for the friend to arrive in his car will get out and go shake hands with the one we brought. From the bar we take the passenger across the entire map to a parking lot in Little Italy.

There are signs on the map all the time, so don't get lost. And in general, the city map in Mafia is perhaps the most convenient of all that I have seen in similar games.

Along the way, you can have some fun: greatly exceed the speed limit, drive across the lawn, or hit a pole (not too much). Listen to the passengers' remarks and the main character's answers. Sometimes you get really hilarious combinations:

You almost killed us!!!

You weren't scared, right?

Having reached Little Italy, we watch the video.

The bastards tracked the car by its license plate. I was right - this is the Morello gang. I escaped, but they want to shoot me. We must run. Now or never…

Run straight across the road, along the sidewalk, behind the green arrow into the gateway (a man breaks the door with a crowbar), straight ahead, we cross the road, there’s another gateway on the right (a car will come out from there. Be sure to listen to the guy standing there). Immediately behind the arch, a young man relieves himself, run to the left, go up the steps, to the right, downhill, walk across the yard, forward and straight, downhill (there’s a guy standing next to him: bullets are hitting the wall around him, and he’s smoking peacefully), left , along the sidewalk (we listen to the nonsense of two business partners), again the green arrow, we dive into the gateway (a man is fiddling with his jalopy, a family quarrel by the balcony, a girl is waiting for a guy in the arch), running out of the arch towards the road, we turn left and see Salieri’s bar.

Salieri helped me, as he promised. Those two guys... in general, the Don's guys know how... to work. Yes, yes, to work, because now it’s my job too. I accepted their offer. I had no choice (again!) - I found myself between a rock and a hard place. My boss wouldn't want an employee who had problems with the mafia. And the mafia would simply kill the already unemployed guy, like hundreds of others.

I was accepted like family. Actually, this is a real family. I was introduced to some people. But my social circle was limited - I am, after all, a new person. Don is a very reasonable person. And fair.

I was immediately given my first task - to take revenge on Morello. He ruined my car, I'll ruin his. Early in the morning we'll go with Paulie and cut up their jalopies for parts.

Molotov squad

We watch the videos, we are introduced to the gang members. From now on, at the beginning of almost every mission, Ralphie will give us the secret of stealing a certain car. Later we will be introduced to another character of this kind.

We are going to the island farthest from us. And enjoy the freshness of the early morning. Still, no matter how outdated the graphics were, they were able to depict the wonderful beginning of a new day. It’s even symbolic - the beginning of the day and the beginning of a new - gangster - life.

Having reached the bar (the police are not asleep), we immediately, without stopping, press the guard’s car at the entrance to the parking lot. We get out of the car and extinguish two cars with a baton until the red bar at the bottom of the screen is filled. You need to throw a Molotov cocktail at the last car. We immediately get into our green jalopy and take off.

Please note - this particular model of car from this manufacturer does not have a hand brake. At all. If you need to skid, pull the brake after pressing the turn key. The effect is the same.

Returning to the bar, I listened to several words of praise addressed to me from Paulie. He said that I was coming, that I wasn’t scared at all, and that I did everything even with a bit of gloating, which corresponds to a real gangster. Salieri congratulated me on joining the family, and we drank...


We start at Salieri's bar and listen to the briefing. You need to visit Vincenzo for the gun and get the car from Ralphie. Do not waste revolver cartridges under any circumstances. Having fulfilled both conditions, we get into the car, Sem and Paulie join us. We're leaving for the city.

After loading, we proceed to the restaurant on the central island. The time is the middle of the day, police patrols are driving around the city, so we don’t exceed the speed limit, don’t hit pedestrians, and obey traffic lights. We are professional mafiosi, not some punks, we must behave accordingly!

Paulie will come down at the restaurant, we have to wait for him. In a minute he will come, and not empty-handed, but with a whole suitcase of money (well, the turnover of establishments in America: for protection alone they pay in suitcases!). We are going to the second establishment - Bar Pompeii. When we were a taxi driver, we took a client there. The operation with the suitcase of money is repeated (Shine! I want to go to America!).

When everyone is seated, we start the car and drive to the exit from the city. There's only one road, don't get lost; there's a video at the entrance to the motel. Our friends have been taken out of action, we will have to act on our own. With four shots at the center of the wheel we disable the yellow car.

After that, we run into the courtyard behind the building. There is a dog there - it’s better not to waste ammo on it, we immediately climb onto the boxes near the wall of the building, further up and find ourselves on the balcony, on the second floor.

We enter the corridor. Nearby is the door to the toilet - we open it and immediately shoot point-blank at the unfortunate man with his pants down. The door closest to you leads into a room with a Thompson submachine gun. We select. We go out to the stairs and with single shots, sparing ammunition, we carefully put down those who decided to storm the second floor.

We go downstairs, carefully leaning out from behind the partition and finishing off those sitting in the main hall. Let's go to Sam. There follows a video in which we are shamefully punched in the teeth. The bastard dressed as a butcher must pay for this. After bloody revenge for loose teeth, we come close to Sam. Again a video in which a very nervous and very armed young man jumps out of a hitherto locked room. We can’t provoke him, so we let him out into the street and immediately follow him out. Angered by the damage to his beloved car, he will open fire to kill, for which he will be severely punished with a lethal dose of lead injected intramuscularly.

Alternative option: You can leave the car alone before entering the building, or pierce its tires - but leave the guy in the suit the opportunity to run away with the money. Then we get into our car and the chase begins. The result is the same.

The detective listened and made notes on a notepad. I told it in detail, slowly, thinking through the further course of the presentation.

I talked about my first impressions of... new job, so to speak. What is it like to be a mafioso? What is it like to be a don. He told me a little about the power structure, about how the empire of the mafia boss was built. The detective listened and was amazed - it seemed as if he had lived on another planet before. The whole country knew what was happening, but he did not know. Or maybe he pretended not to know. In any case, I had something to tell, so he had to be amazed more than once, or twice. For example, I told him about how...

Fair game

After the briefing, we go to Ralphie. He will tell you what to do and give you a new car. I recommend leaving it in place (after hacking it first), and taking the green jalopy that we used on the mission to destroy Morello's cars. It only takes up space in the garage, and in the city we will have the opportunity to change cars.

After loading, we change the car to any one that is available for theft from those driving around the city. There are no law enforcement officers - they are willing to sleep, so you can violate without fear of being caught. Time is running out, so we head to the race track.

We stop at the gate and talk with the guard. He opens the gate and gets into our car. We drive straight all the time. We stop at the desired box. Bobby will open the gate. We get into a racing car and drive across the city to Lucas Bertone (located under the Giuliano Bridge). You can drive across the Giuliano Bridge - there some suicide decided to jump into the water, and a team of doctors pacifies him. Or you can go through another bridge. It is raised just as you drive by, so you can jump as if on a springboard. Having played enough, we load up and go to Lucas. He will adjust the car, after which we have very little time left to return the car to the garage.

There we transfer to our car and slowly drive home (the contrast after a racing car is very strong) to sleep off after a sleepless night.

The morning doesn't bring anything good. Frank reports on the phone that our driver's arm was broken and that there is no one to participate in the race. So this is the present our opponents prepared for us on the morning of the race day. Well, a surprise awaits them at the start too. In the meantime, we'll have to take the rap on the race track. We take any car, go to the box where we recently took someone else’s car.

In the video, Frank will explain to us the rules - drive 5 laps and come first - and hint that losing will not add to my popularity at all. Just like Don Salieri. Next stage- check-in

It's difficult to advise anything here. Immediately after the start, take the leftmost lane and come out third by the first turn. This advantage must not be lost, but developed. It is most convenient to bypass your opponents on turns by walking in a smaller radius than they do. Use additional control keys - if the left arrow means turning the steering wheel smoothly to the left, then the additional key will instantly put it in the turned position - it is very convenient to get out of drifts this way.

After the victory we see triumph and general rejoicing, and Don will say that Lucas Bertone, an auto mechanic who also won a lot of money at the races, wants to thank us in his own way. We take the car and go to him (under the Giuliano Bridge, where at night he helped “adjust” the enemy’s car)

He shows us a luxurious convertible sitting on a lift, tells us where we can get one and, most importantly, HOW we can get one. We go to the city hall building (south of the central island), wait until the guard turns away, break into the car and leave. Having reached Salieri's bar, we use the door to the bar to complete the mission.

Better get used to...

A mission designed to diversify the gameplay. No shooting, no chases or accidents. Only on your own. First, we follow Sarah and have a nice conversation. Turning into the alley and reaching the door, on the left we will meet arrogant and self-confident guys who will ask us to kick them in the teeth. You cannot refuse: we take out the brass knuckles from the inventory, and, backing away, hit the one who came too close - the most effective tactic. You should remember about the time limit - Sarah, who ran away in horror around the corner, has her health decreasing. We must manage to reach her while she is still alive - there are two more boys who need the help of a professional dentist. Then another one will run up with a club. He also wants to get rid of caries - along with his teeth. That's it, the reception is over, we put the working tool in our pocket, talk with Sarah, and go to her house. This is followed by a love scene - remove the children from the monitor.

P.S.: In a mission where we had to transport people by taxi, I asked you to pay attention to the girl we were driving to the theater on the Central Island. This was exactly Sarah, at least the character model and voice are identical.

Don Salieri was not happy that someone was making noise on his territory. He instructed me and Paulie to deal with this matter immediately. Family Informant - Big Biff is in Chinatown.

We go to Vincenzo for weapons. Along the way, you can talk to Luigi and listen to his gratitude for saving his daughter. Having received the weapon, we get into the car; we need the fastest one - there will be a chase.

After waiting for the end of loading, we go to a new part of the city - Chinatown. Previously it was unavailable. There, in the very center of the square, we talk with Biff. He directs us to a service station nearby, saying that all this “caudlo” lives there. We go there, take out a bat and kick the gate (or let Polly do it). Having met the first two fellows, Paulie will “give them greetings from Mr. Salieri” - the standard mafia formula and the fun will begin. Try, while the villains are busy fighting with Paulie, to go behind their back and swing the bat - holding down the attack key. Under no circumstances should you shoot - this will lead to instant failure of the mission.

Having cut out (or rather, knocked out) all the scoundrels - amateurs hand-to-hand combat, we head up the stairs to a dead end between the buildings. There we jump down and take out the revolver. We run out from around the corner and see how the young man first grimaces and then takes out a gun. As soon as Paulie says the line, they can open fire without fear of failing the mission. We shoot him right in the head while he is grimacing. Two people are immediately climbing through the fence on the right - we kill while they are climbing and cannot answer. Around the corner wooden garage The enemy is sitting with a pistol. We lean out and fire one shot, preferably in the head. Repeat the operation until he dies. At the end of the corridor where he was sitting there was another nasty guy - he has a revolver, it shoots accurately, with great recoil and is very lethal. Beware of getting hit. You can use the “stick your head out and shoot” tactics while hiding behind a metal column.

Behind him, about 5 meters away, is another one, also with a pistol, and two more climb down from the roof of the garage. Having finished clearing the area, we go to a stack of boards, behind which there is a car, and there are two people near it. The video starts, at the end of which we run to the car, sit down and follow. There are many options here, the easiest way is to follow the car without trying to cut it off, hit it or anything else. If you drive far away, then, in the end, in the working quarter it will simply stop and the video will start. If you drive close to them at one of the key points, the video may start earlier. In it, Paulie kills the driver while his passenger is left unconscious. There is not enough cartridge for him, Paulie decides to save his life...


A few days later it turns out that the story with the guys from the service station has an unexpected continuation. The guy killed by Paulie turned out to be the son of a city councilor, and the second one, whose life was spared, will testify against the killers. However, nothing is clear yet. Meanwhile, Frank has a new task for us. Delicate. The director of one of Don Salieri's sponsored hotels suddenly went over to Morello's side. Our task is to show everyone that such an approach to business is detrimental to the health of a traitor. It is necessary to publicly kill the owner and blow up his office. The delicate part of the task is that Tom must also eliminate the girl who transmits information to Morello, because of which Mr. Salieri’s enterprise suffers losses - financial and human.

We go by car to the Corleone Hotel. There we park the car (we won’t get in it again, you can leave it anywhere) and the main entrance to the hotel. The fun begins. Inside there are a lot of guards and even more clients and girls, designed to brighten up the stay of rich gentlemen.

We go to the guy behind the counter, ask about the manager, then ask about the photo and again - for fun. After that he doesn't pay attention to us. It is better not to take out weapons until a certain moment.

We go left from the main entrance, there is a gentleman in a white suit sitting there. That's what we need. Or rather, it is NOT needed. There is also a bodyguard sitting in a chair in the room. We stand to the left of the hotel director so that he and his guard are on the same line. We press use on the manager, and, without waiting for him to make noise, we take out the pistol and fire two or three shots at point-blank range. After which we instantly switch to the guard in the chair. Without leaving the spot, we reload the pistol and wait for the campaigner to come running from the hall. Be careful - one of them has a sawn-off double-barreled shotgun - a formidable weapon at short distances. We put them down, trying to shoot in the head. We collect weapons. When leaving the room, pay attention to the sailor crawling on the floor to the right - kill him out of harm's way, he can take out a cannon and shoot you in the back.

We go into the hall, we pass behind the desk of an impudent guy who did not want to recognize the girl in the photograph. There is a first aid kit (if there is such a need) and a key to the manager's room.

We go up to the second floor. Quickly find a secluded place - now the guys from the upper floors might come running from the fire escape. One will be with a pump-action gun, the second with a sawn-off shotgun, and several more with pistols.

After this you can go to the third floor. Having risen, you will run into the elevator doors. Turn right (you are in the right wing.) Go along the corridor to the right, after turning right, the first door on the left is here, click here, watch the video.

Next we go up to the fourth floor. We turn right and immediately see a door with the inscription “Director”. We take out a sawn-off shotgun, sit down and, opening it, immediately shoot point-blank at the guard behind the door. One shot should be enough. We take the documents from the table, place the bomb and go out into the corridor. Let's watch the video.

After the video, ahead on the right we will see a fire escape, we go up it, then through the doors, along the parapet to the neighboring building, until we reach large steps half your height. There will be a sniper sitting opposite you. Here, carefully and carefully, five policemen will come out of the door. First, using the Colt 1911, we shoot the sniper. Then, without going down, we try to clear the area as much as possible, shooting at all protruding police body parts. Then we take the sawn-off shotgun and go down to finish it off. We collect weapons. Above the door from which the police jumped out, two people walk above the parapet and try to hit you with pistols, but end up in the parapet. We shoot them in the heads, go to where the sniper was (you can take a rifle), further on scaffolding, around the corner and up there. There's a video coming on.


You can shoot at the bucket on the winch - it will fall and kill the worker below. We go down along the dismantled roof, do not miss the first aid kit.

Further along the spiral staircase to the doors in front of the door, pick up the sawn-off shotgun and reload. The video will start, after it ends, immediately shoot at the mafioso standing in front. Then take out your rifle (or Colt 1911) and shoot those sitting in the hall one by one with single shots to the head. “Machine gunner Hans” sat with Thompson above the entrance to the church. He shoots a lot, but misses - you can easily beat him with a headshot from this distance.

After the cleanup, several more candidates for the afterlife will come running. With pump pumps and pistols. They will come running and stand at the door, you can easily shoot them with the same Colt.

After the video, we find ourselves in the city, and police squads are rushing to the church. Very, very quickly we jump into the coffin carrier at the steps.

As you face the church, on the far right is a road and an alley leading to the Hotel Corleone. We quickly go to it and stop there. If you're lucky, the police won't come here and the search will end. When this happens, we turn on the limiter and calmly go to the bar. Put the car (Lassiter Charon) in the garage - you will need it soon.

Trip to the country

Night mission. Frank called and asked to come. Our help is needed to escort two trucks with whiskey. We talk with Ralphie, get a new car and drive it to a distant island, where we enter the territory of the warehouse. The video starts. After him, we run through the village to its far corner and approach the truck. The fun begins. After the short cutscene, immediately move to the right behind the truck, go around it on the other side and kill the boy with the gun. Be careful on the left behind the building there is also one gangster sitting. Wait until the man armed with a pump-action shotgun fires, and while he is reloading, we lean out and finish him off.

We go around the building behind which the third bandit is holed up. We kill at point blank range. We collect cartridges. It's time to move back to Paulie. The most dangerous is a two-story building, with windows and gates wide open. There are two on the second floor and three on the first. One of them hid behind the door. There is a first aid kit hanging right there - decide for yourself whether you need it or not, there are still a lot of fights ahead.

Let's run to Paulie. Running past two houses on the outskirts, be prepared to meet a delegation of two gangsters in each. Two with pump guns and two with pistols.

We finally get to Poly and talk. We go to the wide open building where the first aid kit hangs. There, Paulie takes a crowbar, and you, with a fully charged pump gun, sit opposite the entrance, a little to the right. Behind the gate there is one with a pump gun to the right, one with a pistol to the left (Poly will take it off) and one on top, with a pistol. I recommend that you immediately run inside so that you don’t get hurt by the one sitting on top. We go up the stairs - the scoundrel also hid behind it. We go to Sam, talk, after which we completely reload the gun and sit down at open window. There are two cars driving on the left, start firing at the first one as soon as the bullets start reaching, when it reaches the gate it should already explode. In the second, two - from a pistol.

We watch the video, Sam is loaded into the back of a truck. We, armed with Thompson, will guard him. A total of three cars will come for us. When they are still far away, shoot single shots at the windshield area - it must be broken. When the car comes closer, fire a continuous burst at the driver, you need to kill him as quickly as possible before he overtakes your car.

We repeat all this for each of the three cars. The hard part is over, watch the video. Having closed the warehouse and said goodbye to Paulie, we can go to Salieri’s bar, or we can visit Lucas Bertone. Let's go to Lucas. He asks him to rush like a hog and warn his friend that the cops are coming for him. We drive, guided by the map. We knock on the door and after the dialogue we can immediately return to Lucas.

Be careful not to touch the police rushing to storm the house. These idiots fly in the opposite direction at great speed, they can accidentally crash into you and ruin your health.

Lucas will show you how to hack Ulver Airstream. We go to the Oakwood area, take a car there and finally go to the bar. The mission is over.


There is a catastrophe in the Family - Frank, for some unknown reason, handed over to the police all the financial data of the company. But the books themselves mean nothing without Frank, who did all the accounting. Therefore, it is necessary to take the books from the police and destroy Frank.

We get weapons - special for such cases and a new car from Ralphie. However, it is better to leave it in the yard and take the hearse that we stole in the mission before last. We will need a fast, and most importantly, heavy car.

We go to Chinatown and talk with Big Biff. He directs us to the central island, to a certain Tony. He in turn. Refers to "Idiot Joe" who is called that because he is an idiot. Iron logic, nothing can be done.

Let's go to Joe's. This impudent guy decided to joke and call people names. And the mafia is no joke - we hit him in the teeth, and he immediately becomes silky. He says that Frank is being held in a house in Oakwood near the tennis courts. Let's go there.

Upon reaching the location marked on the map, a cutscene will begin. Frank is put in a car and driven away. Let's follow him. At a certain moment, following Frank's limousine, a truck will block the road - press the gas pedal to the floor and aim at the back of the truck - we will go for a ram.

The ultimate goal of the police car is the airport, which means ours too. Immediately after loading, move to the right, otherwise you will be run over by the leaving limousine.

We take out our favorite Colt and begin the traditional clearing of the area with neat single shots to the head. The first adversary sat down directly and to the left of the door. The second hid behind the desk, the third and fourth - as you enter, they will sit on the left behind the column. As soon as the last one dies, Frank will immediately run out. We collect cartridges, including the useful Thompson, and go out into the street. Frank is accompanied by three people. One will land right in the middle of the runway - apparently, he wants to “delay” us, give Frank time to leave. Whatever the case. Even from afar, you can put him down with single shots from a machine gun.

The next section of the path runs through a large hangar. A truck will stop nearby, an angry guy will get out with a piece of pipe and try to straighten you out. We calm him down. There are containers along the walls of the hangar, and behind each of them there is an enemy. Start with anyone, but be careful: as soon as you kill the first one, everyone else will come running. Use cover and, at close ranges, a sawn-off shotgun. We collect cartridges. We go to the far left corner of the hangar. As soon as you turn and find yourself at the end of the thick wall of the hangar, a guy with a machine gun will come out from around the corner. Be prepared to meet him with Tommygun or Sawed-Off fire.

Now we go around the row of buildings on the right. At the pillar stands Frank's guard and Frank himself. The rest hid near the walls of buildings. We eliminate everyone and approach Frank. There is a long conversation going on. Frank asks to find his family. The wife and daughter are in the building between Frank and the airship, which is visible on the horizon. We go there, there are two people standing at the entrance to the building. We talk with my wife (the guy calls the police - either kill him or be ready to repel the attack of two police squads in a couple of minutes), we return to Frank. We take off the handcuffs and go back to his family. Touching scene. Now you need to bring tickets from the main building near the parking lot (this is where the police may appear, called by the man in the booth). We go there (or better yet, we go - it’s not close to the light, after all), take the documents and return. Touching scene, farewell.

We return to the parking lot, take any, and head out into the city. Our goal is the first national bank. We pick up the documents there. We are again faced with a choice - either go to Salieri's bar, since the mission is already completed, or visit Lucas Bertone.

Lucas has a pretty simple task for us today. His friend was beaten by the bouncer of the Black Cat bar in little Italy. Accordingly, it is now necessary to beat the bouncer himself. But not to death. We go to him, talk, and then punch him in the face. The easiest way to do this is to step back. Eight to ten hits and you can return to Lucas. He'll show us how to hack an expensive front-wheel drive car. It is located in the rich people's quarter, Oakhill. Let's go there. A security guard walks back and forth near the car.

Theoretically, we should wait until he goes to relieve himself in the nearby bushes. However, it is so tedious and time consuming that it is easier to just shoot him. We get into the car and go to the bar. All.

Visiting the rich

After listening to the briefing, visit Vincenzo and go after the bugbear - Ralph will not please us with anything today. Find a safe specialist and go to the victim's house. Ask Salvatore to open the door and enter.

Arm yourself with a bat. Go forward and to the left, behind the bench, sit down and in this state talk to Salvatore. He will stay here waiting for you. Quickly run back to the gate and to the right - hide near the statue. A security guard will come and take a smoke break. Approach him closely from behind and, holding the attack key, swing the bat across his back with all your might. Ready.

Pick up the key and gun from the corpse. Return to your partner, click on him and run to the pool, going around it to the right, behind the bushes. Before reaching the last lamp, which is at the end of the hedge, sit Salvator down again and wait until the guard comes down from the steps, stands guard and turns his back to you. Then follow him. When he stops, beat him down like the previous one.

Go up to the terrace near the dining room. There, the cook is the most difficult enemy in this mission, no joke. With her sixth sense (or some other place) she senses that you have crept up from behind and are preparing to strike. Therefore, do not languish. If she sees you, try to finish her off with a bat before she jumps out onto the terrace and calls security. Security will not come if the cook does not have time to finish the sentence.

Pick up Salvator and go to the office - in the dining room to the right, then through the kitchen and right again. Upstairs. In the corridor - the last door straight ahead. Use the safe and watch the video.

After the video ( DON'T FORGET TO PICK UP YOUR DOCUMENTS!) you need to get out of the estate unnoticed. Quickly, without sneaking, without getting confused, run back to the gate the same way you came here. They may shoot at you - don't pay attention. You don’t have to wait for Salvator, the main thing is to activate the gate and the mission is over. Take Salvator home and go to the bar - Lucas won't please us with anything today.

Big deal

After the briefing, we will be immediately taken to the scene of the incident. Go forward and go up the stairs on the right. After the cutscene, hide behind the car and shoot. When you deal with the first batch, two more cars will arrive. After this, you need to go down (not along the stairs, but through the parking lot) and shoot the mafiosi hiding there. There are three on each floor. They can come running from the lower floors themselves. On the ground floor there is a whole checkpoint: about a dozen guys with machine guns, sawn-off shotguns and pump-action shotguns and two cars blocking the passage. Cars will explode after a Molotov cocktail is thrown by enemies. When the last enemy is killed, return to the truck and leave the parking lot.

After loading, it is very important to get out of the truck (just don’t go far from it) and use your machine gun to deal with the guys on the left using targeted fire. Then there will be no chase and the fragile cargo will arrive intact. Go to the warehouse and wait for Sam to arrive.

Bon appetite!

Drive with your boss to the specified address. If you think that you won’t be able to eat today, you’re right. After the chaos begins, shoot the most persistent visitors through the fragments of the door and windows. Then go out the back door - there will be three people waiting for you. Colt 1911, pump-action and Thompson. It is best to meet them at the exit of the building - they will come running to you. On the left in the alley there will be another one with a machine gun. Go through the building where the restaurant is located, go upstairs - there is a machine gunner there. Finish off the last enemies on the street.

Go to the traitor's apartment. Go up to the apartment. For some reason, the boss will warn Carlo about our appearance. Probably so that he would run into the yard. Go to the window, climb out, and kill the owner of the funny underpants. Three more will come to his aid.

Happy birthday!

Take another new product from Ralph (or any other car) and go to the pier. Opposite the pier there is opened door- come in, go down the stairs on the right and change clothes. Enter the ship. Go to the men's toilet (at the stern on the right, second deck). The skipper is located on the first deck on the port side. Talk to him twice, go to the stern on the same deck and pick up the bucket. Go to the toilet, pick up the gun and clean it. The bucket can be thrown anywhere, even overboard from the bow ladder. Give the key to the skipper.

Now, while waiting for the adviser's speech, you can get drunk in a bar with a clear conscience. Go and use the glass on the left by the counter several times. After getting drunk, admire the views of the city until the target comes out. Stand on the starboard side, take out your weapon and kill the politician. Then go down to the lower deck, to the starboard side - there is Pauli with the boat. All.

Lucky bastard

Another briefing. Another batch of weapons. Another car (wait until Paulie approaches Ralph himself, then the cutscene will start). Go to the restaurant and call the phone in the booth. After the cutscene, jump into the saddle and run away. After giving up the chase, go to the bar.

Attempt number two. Grab a bomb, a car and go to the house of Morello's mistress. The security guard will finish his cigarette and go inside. Plant the bomb and move away.

Attempt number three. Go to the restaurant. Video clip. Failure. Get away. When the chase is lost, go to the bar. Watch the video. Do not try to cut off or shoot the car. Just follow. After entering the port, shoot nearby enemies, grab the truck and drive to the end of the port. Carefully choose your parking spot - there are snipers on the cranes, machine gunners between the containers, and in the building far from the pier there are guys with rifles. When you have dealt with this whole cabinet of curiosities, switch the arrow closest to the tanks and pull the iron out from under the wheel. Video clip.

The path is clear, you don’t have to be afraid of the fire - it’s purely decorative and won’t cause any harm. We throw away everything except the Thompson and the pump-action shotgun. We select Thompson, sit down and, looking out from behind the jagged edge of the gate torn off by the explosion, we carefully eliminate the guy with the Magnum on the stack of boards. Now we have four mafiosi with pump-action pumps in our care, hidden between the elements of the warehouse landscape. We take one step inside the room, the script starts and they jump out of their shelters and run towards you. It would be prudent to jump out into the street and shoot, like partridges, the pests of society running out one by one. The main thing is to have time to make the first shot, otherwise you will be shot like a partridge. Having finished with the four owners of pump-action shotguns, we go to the warehouse. Morello sits against the far wall with Thompson. This is a game Boss, so don't rely on long distance and low accuracy: he almost never misses. Try to stay within its visibility range for as little time as possible. Choose a place for yourself, sit down and, looking out for a split second, fire one shot at a time from a machine gun. Four or five is enough for him. After throwing away the pump gun, collect the cartridges from Sergio’s body and use the first aid kit in the room in the far left corner of the room.

The mission is over, you can go to the bar, or you can visit Lucas. You just need to get out of the port area. The gate is just not far away, as you exit the hangar to the left and left again. But just four people are running into this gate. Weapons at the ready, sit down and practice shooting, like in a shooting gallery. Then we go out the gate, get into the car and drive off. Loading…

It is advisable to immediately change the car, since for Lucas’ mission we will need something big, powerful, fast and definitely four-door. You can take Guardian Terraplain, the black one. Just make sure there are no police around. Let's go to Lucas. His friend got shot and he's lying in Chinatown bleeding. We rush there through the northernmost bridge. The friend lies in the far corner of the block, in the northwest. We drive up, talk with the escort, get into the car. It's very funny to watch yourself being wounded, without outside help gets up and gets into the car. We go back the same way, but we don’t turn onto the embankment, but straight ahead, past the turn to Hoboken, across the bridge over the gas station into Oakwood. We stop near the doctor’s house. We were given six minutes to do everything, but I managed it in five, and was driving the whole time with the speed limiter on.

Anyway, back to Lucas, he points to the parking lot on the central island. We go there, wait until the guard turns away, break in, sit down and go to Salieri's bar. Mission Complete.

Crum de la Crum

The logical ending to the entire mafia campaign. Go with the guys to Vinnie, then jump into any car with four doors and enough power (the same Guardian Terraplane Fordor will do) and go to the show. The car drives away. As usual, there is no need to shoot at her or try to stop her. Just follow. If, immediately after leaving the city, you let Morello go a little ahead, so that he is no longer visible on the radar at the top of the screen, then he will go to the airport. If you stay close, it will go straight into the forests. In this case, just stay back and watch the video at the end.

If the car turned into the airport, then when entering the parking lot your engine will stall. Jump out and run to the hangars. There are two people waiting for you around the corner. And a plane. Shoot the sawn-off shotgun at the engines. Sam and Paulie arrive immediately in a car that has started. Jump inside and shoot the engines. Your task is to disable both, that is, to make sure that the lifebar is empty. Both engines will burn. Watch the video.

Going to Lucas's with four of you is not an option: as soon as you park, the guys will say that they are tired and ask you to take them home first. Therefore, first of all, we take them to the bar, then we go to Lucas. He will give you a wanted car. Drive to the indicated place, put the car on a slope, hold the handbrake. Now we act quickly - using the “Up” / “Down” keys, we put the gear in neutral, release the handbrake and immediately get out of the car before it has time to pick up speed. Or you can push it into the water with another car, for example, a police car. Go for your reward.

Near the restaurant, park your car backwards in the door of the building, because when you start to pick the lock, the angry owner will jump out and start shooting. Otherwise he won’t be able to do anything to you. Return to the bar.

Election campaign

Visit Vincenzo and Ralph. Drive to the old prison. You can get inside through communications, which are being repaired by one diligent poor guy. Kill him and hide the corpse. The only way. Make your way to the prison grounds. There, go along the fence, through the hall to the second floor. There, kill four people, two of whom are with firearms. Then go to the back of the building, there are two in the room - a revolver and a pump-action gun. From the balcony, kill all the dogs in the yard. Go back to the front of the building. Go up the balcony to the third floor. They are already waiting for you. Shotguns and revolvers. A little later, an idiot with a club will come out of the cell.

There are still guys with revolvers and pump guns in the back of the building. Climb to the top of the tower. From the balcony, kill the politician (he is near the podium) and go down to the very bottom of the tower, into the basement. Go out into the courtyard where the dogs used to be. Shoot the castle and get out into the street.

Another mission for Lucas. Drive to the working-class neighborhood (west of Little Italy) and pick up the guy there who is being chased by law enforcement officers. Bring it to Lucas. The reward is located in a wealthy quarter - a huge milky-white airship. Round up two onlookers and drive to the bar.

Just for relaxation

Take a gun, a car and drive to the appointed place. After the video, go to the port, wait there and escort the truck to the unloading site. There are two lanes leading to the warehouse - a truck enters one, and exits through the other. Wait for him at the exit after unloading. It is not necessary to kill the driver - just beat him until the documents fall out. Pick it up and go to the port.

From the gate you will have a building straight ahead. At the end is the loading area. Park the truck there. Talk to the man on the site - he will order you to move the boxes in the alley. Talk to the guys next to the boxes. They will help. You don’t have to carry it, but it will be more fun that way. When you're done, go to the "boss." He will appreciate the work. Wait until he gets to his “workplace”. Talk again. Now quickly load the boxes into the back and get out of the port.

Drive to the ambush site (it’s better to enter the courtyard from the northern gate, because Lassiter is located near the eastern one). Help Paulie and Sam deal with their pursuers and take the truck to Don's warehouse.

Part time job

Follow Paulie through his idiotic idea of ​​taking the subway (or whatever it's called). During the trip, you can talk to Paulie, look around the area, and shoot at civilians from the window. Arriving at the bank, listen to the plan and leave. Catch a car, go to the gun store, stock up (Thompson and Colt 1911 should be enough). Next stop is Lucas' workshop.

He has a simple task - deliver the package to a certain guy - Dick. It is convenient to drive along the embankment, including its pedestrian part. When you give the package, acrobat guys will attack you. Nothing complicated - you can take them out from a long distance with a Colt. Go to Lucas and get the coordinates of the car. When you arrive at the indicated location, the car will drive away. You can accompany her to the central island, you can stop right here, kill the driver and steal the car. In any case, honk in front of Paulie's house and go to the bank. Inside you will have to deal with the security. One will come running from the desks, the second from the entrance.

There is one guard upstairs. Another one will appear when you take the keys to the safe from the director. There are two guards below - on the right, as you go down, behind bars. Take the money and jump into the car. Drive to cover, kill the chaser, and talk to Paulie.

Death of art

The ending was more than tragic. Go to Yellow Pete, buy a Thompson and a Colt 1911, then to Lucas. Lucas has a boring task for you - to follow the girl from the hotel, which we famously tore to pieces at one time. Don't get too close to her. Watch where she goes (the house behind the church), return to Lucas. Take the car (it’s better to shoot the dogs from behind the net - there are four of them) and drive to the museum.

After the cutscene, hide in the niche at the back and kill the two guys at the entrance. Two more will come out of the opened doors above the stairs, one will come out behind the column next to the doors, and one more will come out of the doors on the opposite side.

Go through the gallery. Go out onto the balcony. IN last room there are two in front of him. Behind the balcony there are four at once. Approach the bottom of the stairs and immediately run away - a grenade was thrown from above. Climb the stairs, clearing a bridgehead on the upper platform. After the cutscene there will be three on the left, one behind and one on the right. Five people hid on the second floor - between the columns. Remove them - go through the door on the right. Go through all the halls and run after Sam.

There is another grenade at the base of the stairs. Above is the evil guy. Go to the corridor to the third floor. Video clip. After the video, you need to look out and, having fired first, shoot at Sam with single frequent shots, not allowing him to respond. Eventually he will run away. Run after him. At the end of the corridor he will jump out - you must shoot first again. Watch the video.

This is where the story ends. Whether everything could have been different, I don’t know. But I am sure that the path I have chosen sooner or later ends with the words “Don says hi!” And the last thing you will see will be two huge, like railway tunnels, sawn-off barrels, black, like endless nothingness, advancing immediately after the click of the trigger...

The main task: get away from your pursuers.

After the introductory videos, Thomas Angelo will find himself in his taxi with two gangsters. Do not let the pursuing vehicle approach your vehicle from the left side (that is, the driver's side) - there is a high probability that you will be killed.

The pursuers' car is more powerful than Tommy's taxi, so the main weapon lies not in the hands of Sam and Paulie, but in your reflexes. Brainwash the hounds, wag the back of a taxi, don’t be afraid to drive into dark courtyards. Set up your pursuers by forcing them to crash into oncoming cars, and carefully monitor the health indicators of Sam and Paulie - as soon as one of them dies, you lose. In principle, escaping from being chased is quite easy.

2. The Running Man

The main task: separate passengers, break away from pursuers.

This mission serves to introduce the player to the city Lost Heaven. We have five passengers in our taxi. Set the speed limiter and try not to hit anyone or break the rules at all.

After you take the last passenger, you will be attacked by two gangsters, and you will have to flee to Salieri's bar. Run without being distracted by anything. Just follow the compass and the green translucent arrows pointing to the passage yards.

3. Cocktail Party / Molotov Party

The main task: cause damage to Morello's vehicles.

You have to complete the first task from Don Salieri. Run to Vincenzo and Ralph and go to Morello's bar.

There are two ways to get into Morello's garage, but we'll choose the quiet way: drive up a small alley from behind, open the small door, approach the guard from behind and hit him with a bat. After penetration, you need to blow up two cars with two bottles of Molotov cocktails you have, and smash the third with a bat.

Additionally: after a successfully completed mission, you can survey a small wooden house for Falconer and go on it to Salieri.

4. Dust-free work / Ordinary Routine

The main task: Collect "tribute".

First we have to go to the bank, then to the restaurant. There will be no problems with them: just drive up to them and get out of the car. Paulie and Sam will do the rest themselves.

Then we go to a motel outside the city. After the video, SHOOT THE WHEELS OF THE YELLOW CAR, then go around the house on the left, kill the dog and climb up the boxes to the second floor. Come in the door. There will be another door right in front of you. Go into the room and grab the Tommy Gun. Sit in this room and one by one click everyone who will break in here. In the next room there is a first aid kit hanging on the wall.

Go down the stairs, shoot everyone in the large room, and then the guy in the white T-shirt. Go into the room where the wounded Sam lies, and after the video, get ready for a new battle - one on one.

Now you need to catch up with the man who stole the money. Jump into the car and chase after him. With the bullet holes in his car, his car won't be that fast, so there won't be any problems: we'll just push him to the side of the road and kill him.

5. Fair play

The main task: take the race car to Luca Bertone and back, win the race.

First you need to steal a late model racing car, take it to Luca Bertone and return it back. Go out of town. Stop at the barrier and run to the guardhouse. Talk to the guard and drive with him further to the garages. Take your racing car and drive back to the city. You must get to Luka within a strictly defined time and not damage the car.

When you reach Luka, hand over the car to him and receive it back in a moment. Now you have to go back. Now you must win the race. Five laps around a winding track and you have to be FIRST. This can be done in the only way: by taking the lead at the start and not making a single mistake on the track.

Additionally: After the race, go to Luka and steal the yellow car.

6. Sarah / Sarah

The main task: escort Luigi's daughter Sara to her home.

Luigi asked you to accompany Sarah home. Put on your brass knuckles and go see the girl off. Along the way, you will meet two groups of hooligans of three people each. Hit them with brass knuckles as hard as you can, pick up thrown weapons. After successfully completing the hike, watch a very nice little video (keep children under 16 away from monitors).

7. It's time to get used to it / Better Get Used To It

The main task: deal with the bullies.

The next day, Don Salieri ordered that order be restored in HIS area. Arm yourself with Vincenzo, take the car from Ralph and drive to Chinatown to Big Biff. Talk to him and go to the old car repair shops.

Keep a close eye on Paulie: five thugs armed with clubs and crowbars will attack him and you at once. Having dealt with everyone in this part of the workshops, run up the stairs, then go down and DO NOT SHOOT until they start shooting at you. Now you can open fire, kill everyone and watch the video.

After the video, get into the car and catch up with the two escaped thugs. The most important thing is not to lose their car. They will crash themselves. All you have to do is click them.

8. The Whore & The Priest

The main task: kill the manager of the Corleone Hotel.

The situation is this: one of the thugs in the car survived - he must be killed; the owner of the Corleone Hotel stopped paying tribute to Salieri and went over to Morello’s side - he must be killed; a whore from the Corleone Hotel (which is a first-class brothel) sells Morello information about the Salieri clan - she must be killed.

Arm yourself, take the car and go to the Corleone Hotel. Don't take out your weapon yet. Go up to the third floor. Around the corner to the right is the prostitute's room. Let's watch the video.

Go down to the first floor and go past the administrator into the restaurant. In the farthest hall, first close the door, and then kill first the man in the black suit, and then the man in white. Deal with the rushing guards.

Go behind the reception desk and take the key to the manager's room from the board. Climb to the very top, shooting back from the guards. Go into the manager's room and shoot the little man who is hiding on the right side of the table. Take the documents from the table and quickly leave the room after the video.

Make your way across the rooftops straight and straight, shooting back at the police - there are a lot of them here. Remember that you can climb small hills. You have to get to wooden flooring. Climb onto it, and then, using the ladder in the bell tower, go down.

A glorious shootout awaits you here. Hide behind the coffin and shoot the bandits one by one. Pay attention to the man with a Tommy gun on the choir (such a small round platform on the right, which is reached by a spiral staircase).

Having dealt with the funeral procession, leave the church, get into the hearse and run away from the police.

9. A Trip To The Country

The main task: find out what happened to Salieri's guys.

Don Salieri ordered a truckload of smuggled Canadian whiskey to be delivered from a country farm.

Having arrived at the farm, go to the farthest end of it, where you will find a truck with a dead driver. Open the door and get ready for battle. After killing the gangsters, make your way back to Paulie. Having already repelled the next attack together with him, begin to explore each building of the farm. Morell's hatchlings are hiding everywhere. Be careful. Eventually, Paulie will discover a tool that can be used to open the barn where Sam was put.

Open the barn door and immediately meet a cheerful bunch with pump-action shotguns and one Tommy gun. Sam is at the very top. Go there - slowly and carefully.

Having discovered Sam, Paulie will go for help, and you will have to repel the attack of the police bribed by Morello. Please note: AI may pass you from behind. After the shootout, Paulie carries Sam to the truck, and Tommy sees two cars chasing them.

Now you have an excellent opportunity to shoot at a moving target from a moving truck. Tommy gun in hand - and forward. Hit the drivers - you won't go wrong! After returning to Salieri's warehouse, you can either go straight to the base, or first stop by Luca, complete his small task and steal a new car.

10. Omerta / Omerta

The main task: get the office books, kill Frank.

Frank violated the main mafia law - the code of silence, Omerta. He is ready to hand over Salieri's account books to the police. And now, according to Omerta, Tommy must kill Frank, but first find out where the books are.

Visit Big Biff first, then Little Tony on Central Island, and from Little Tony's go to Idiot Joe under the bridge in New Ark. Idiot Joe is easily identified among homeless people by his bald head. After talking to him several times, give him a good punch on the bald top of his head, and he will tell you where the police are keeping Frank under guard.

By the way, before you go on a mission, make sure you take a good, fast car. Bolt V8 Roadster highly recommended.

Go to Oakwood to the house where Frank is being held, and after the cutscene, follow his car to the airport.

Once at the airport and entering the terminal, you will immediately encounter a group of armed special agents. Send them to waste, exit the terminal and run right past the hangars to Air School. And here the special agents will not give you peace. Clear the area, being careful not to shoot Frank. When there are only corpses around, talk to Frank. He will ask you to find his family. Frank's wife and daughter in the flight school building. Talk to them and then bring Frank to them. Now all that remains is to get plane tickets to Europe. They are on the counter in the terminal building. Give the tickets to Frank and return to Salieri. Just keep in mind: at the exit from the terminal, five police officers are already waiting for you.

On the way to Salieri, you can stop by Luka again.

11. Visiting Rich People

The main task: find evidence against Salieri.

Now you have to pick up the prosecutor from the safe in his villa in Oak Hills testimony against Salieri.

On the way to the villa, grab the stadium in Hoboken'e famous safecracker Salvatore. When you arrive at the villa, find a small, almost invisible gate and order Salvatore to open it.

Enter the park and immediately hide behind the right statue. Order Salvatore to remain in place, and take the bat in your hands. As soon as a guard passes you, hit him as hard as you can on the dome with your baton. Take the weapons and keys. Head right to the gazebo. There's another guard there. We perform a proven technique - hitting the skull with a bat. At the stairs leading to the balustrade, calm down another guardsman. The most important thing here is not to make any noise, otherwise all the guards will come running.

Taking Salvatore with you, go into the house. Also caress the maid who appears with a bat and go upstairs. Find an office with a safe and after the video, don’t forget to pick up the papers.

Go downstairs. Leave Salvatore at the stairs and go into the dining room with a bat in your hand. Calm down the guards and, having captured Salvatore, leave the park and the Oak Hills in general.

Although, if you wish, you can try to leave this hospitable house in the owner’s car.

Drop Salvatore home and go to Salieri

12. Deal of the century! /Great Deal

The main task: make a deal.

After the failure with Canadian whiskey, Salieri was very upset. But then someone turned up Paulie William Gates from Kentucky, who offered a batch of whiskey at a very competitive price. Fortunately, you just need to go to a multi-story garage, pay and pick up the goods.

Having approached the garage, climb to the third floor. In the back of the garage you will see a bunch of guys waiting for you. Don’t go there yet, but form a barricade from the cars parked in the garage at the exit to the next floor.

Now you can approach your colleagues and exchange money for goods. In the midst of the deal, Morello's guys will appear, and a serious fight will break out. That's why a barricade of cars was needed. Firstly, they won’t break through here right away, and secondly, sooner or later either you or they will blow up one of the cars, and the others will detonate after it. The enemy troops lost a good half (if not two-thirds) of their soldiers. Clear the lower floors, and then go upstairs again, get into the truck and drive out of the garage.

Once on the street, get out of the car and shoot six guys and two cars, comfortably located to the right of the garage. Now you can safely go to Salieri's warehouse. Just beware of the police - your truck cannot escape the police cars.

13. Bon appetit / Bon Apetit!

The main task: take Salieri to a restaurant.

Despite the fact that the description of this mission will take up very little space, you will most likely spend no more than an hour or two to complete it.

You have to protect Don Salieri from Morello's thugs. After the lawless people throw a grenade into the restaurant, hiding under the tables, try to shoot as many bad guys as possible. Constantly look at the Boss’s health and at the back door - uninvited guests can also pour out from there.

The difficulty is that you are very limited in ammunition, and the attackers are very well armed. But as soon as you get something long-barreled, the problem can be considered solved.

Exit through the back door. And shoot everyone you haven’t already. One bandit holed up on the second floor, another in the courtyard behind the barrels, the rest were hanging out at the front entrance.

Having dealt with the Morellates, put Salieri in the car and drive to Little Italy to Carlo’s house.

Having taken off after the boss into Carlo’s apartment, knock down the door and climb out onto the fire escape. Carlo is hanging out downstairs with a gun drawn, along with a few guys with clubs and pistols. Needless to say, what needs to be done.

14. Happy birthday! / Happy Birthday!

The main task: kill the advisor.

War is war! Now Salieri's patience was exhausted, and he decided to take Morello seriously. We decided to start with the mayor's adviser, who is celebrating his birthday on the ship today.

Follow the map to the pier and try to get onto the ship. Security won't let you in - no pass! Go into the house opposite the pier, go downstairs and change into a sailor's uniform.

Once on the ship, first of all stand facing the stern and walk along the starboard side all the way. The stop will be the door to the service toilet. Open the door, take the bucket and, with the bucket at the ready, go to the middle deck. Having wandered along it a little at the very stern, on the left you will find a locked door with the inscription “Skipper has the key”. Look for the skipper (he is the only one hanging around the ship in a vest) and, angrily shaking the bucket, take the key from him.

Open the door and take the gun from the locker. Now all that remains is to shoot the adviser and, taking advantage of the turmoil, escape from the ship, which Poli had brought up in advance.

15. The bastard is lucky! / You Lucky Bastard!

The main task: kill Sergio Morello.

Sergio Morello Jr. should fall next by your hand. Lucky Bastard! Now you will see that this nickname suits him perfectly.

Go to a restaurant Italian Garden, come to telephone booth, call and... urgently run away to Salieri’s bar, killing your pursuers along the way.

Attempt two. Drive up to the house of the youngest Morello's mistress, wait until the guard at the door enters the house, run up to the car and quickly mine it. Run back to a safe distance and monitor developments.

Attempt three. Now let's go to the restaurant Rainbow Garden. Closet-looking young people are hanging out at the entrance, and Sergio is with them. As luck would have it, Paulie’s machine gun is jammed, which means Tommy will take the rap. Throw a grenade at the bandit's car. Everything is easier! The rest are easy to get. Sergio faded...

Attempt four. The last one. Because I'm tired of it. After the video, drive after Sergio's car. It is strictly forbidden to lag behind! He will take you to the port. At the port, run straight all the time, lazily shooting back at the defenders of the honor of the Morello family. Some bandits have settled on the cranes - don't lose sight of them.

Having reached the warehouse, at the entrance to which there is Morello Jr.’s car, make sure that the railway track leads from the warehouse to two tanks standing at a dead end. If necessary, move the arrows. When everything is ready, pull the block out from under the first tank. When it crashes into the warehouse door, all you have to do is run up to it and set it on fire. Bang!

The doors were as if they had never happened. You can run inside and kill six heavily armed gangsters, and with them the younger Morello.

Having finished with this, run out into the wild and head to your car, firing back at the plainclothes police agents who finally deigned to get here. Returning to Salieri, you can visit Luca again.

16. The cream of society / Creme De La Creme

The main task: kill Morello.

After the youngest, it was the turn of the eldest. Drive up to the theater and try to squeeze Morello's limousine right there. If all else fails, rush after him and try to deal with him on the way to the airport. If nothing worked here and Morello turned to the airport, turn behind him, abandon the suddenly stalled car and run to the hangar, not paying attention to the two big guys. Shoot the engines of a plane taxiing for takeoff. Continue shooting and running after the plane along the taxiway. On the way, Paulie and Sam will pick you up, and now in a car with a Tommy gun at the ready, continue to chase and shoot the plane. Shoot both engines. Having brought the plane's life bar to zero, you can rest assured that Morello is no longer a tenant.

But it may happen that Morello does not turn to the airport, but moves on. Chase him without falling behind, and at the destroyed bridge, simply push his car down.

Before reporting to Salieri about the successful completion of the task, you can visit Luca again.

17. Re-election / Election Campaign

The main task: kill a politician.

We will eliminate the politician Salieri dislikes. Stock up on a sniper from Vincenzo and head off to the old prison. Having parked the car near the prison, go around it on the left side and kill the worker at the sewer hatch. Hide the body in the hatch. And climb there yourself.

Get out along the other stairs. Here you are inside the prison. Now we need to pave the way to the very top. There are quite a lot of enemies here, but they are not very well armed. Be that as it may, don’t take out the sniper rifle yet - make do with what you picked up from the bodies.

From the first to the second floor there is a wooden staircase inside the prison building, from the second to the third there is a staircase on the external balustrade. The tower is again reached by a spiral staircase inside the prison building.

Go out onto the balcony. Focus on the small island. Take out your sniper rifle and switch to sniper mode. You need that person on the island who makes a speech from the podium. He must be taken down with ONE shot. Otherwise, explanations with the police cannot be avoided.

Having dealt with the politician, exit the prison building through the door that leads to patio with dogs. Kill the dogs and shoot the lock on the gate.

You could try dumping all your weapons right here (in case the cops search you). Go outside. And if everything is in order, with a song on your lips and a breeze in your left ear, go to Don. However, Luka is again not averse to helping you in any way he can.

18. Just For Relaxation

The main task: get the cargo at the port.

The Boss wanted to relax! Smoke some good cigars! We will please...

Drop Sam off where there is a cross on the map and radar, and you and Paulie go to the port. Do not enter the territory, but wait until the truck leaves the gate. Go after him. When the truck enters the warehouse, drive on, turn the corner and barricade own car the road. After unloading at the warehouse, the truck will go exactly this way and immediately fall into a trap. Throw the driver out of the cab, take his papers and climb into the cab of the truck. Now they will let you into the port.

Having approached the far left warehouse (there is still a man standing in the doorway), back the truck up close to the doors and get out of the cab. Immediately the man will reach for the pistol. Here you, without letting anyone come to their senses, defend your honor and dignity.

After clearing the surrounding area of ​​guards, begin loading boxes of cigars into the truck. Having loaded all 12, get into the cockpit and go straight to the nook where Sam was dropped off earlier. In this very nook, meet Sam and Paulie and show Kuzka’s mother to your pursuers. There are not many of them - six people in two cars. Protect your truck from shocks!!!

Having completed the showdown with a score of 0:6, go to the Master's warehouse.

But the owner decided to cheat! There are diamonds in the boxes instead of cigars... So, we'll take the bank. Without him!

19. A little hack / Moonlighting

The main task: rob a bank.

With Paulie, ride the Skytrain a few stops and get off in Downtown. Go to the bank and listen to Paulie's plan. While he's telling you, look around. Remember where the clerks' desk is. Then there will be no time to look for her.

After going to the bank, Paulie will leave you, and you alone, without a car, will have to collect weapons and get wheels.

Go to Hoboken, run around the right side of the cinema Twister, knock on the door and get it from the arms dealer Yellow Pete the following set of products: Colt 1911, Colt Detective Special, S&W Magnum, S&W M&P, Thompson 1928. However, this set can be completely different - it all depends on your taste.

Now either steal a car, or ride the elevated train, or grab a car, but in any case, drive to Luka. He will give you the task to carry the package Big Dick. Go to your destination. After you give the package, kill the three idiots and return to Luka. He will give you a tip on a luxury car. Personally, I was unable to catch her in the indicated place, I had to travel around the city, and then arrange an ugly brawl with her former owner right in the middle of a busy intersection (fortunately the police were not nearby). Maybe you'll have better luck.

Drive your newly acquired car to Paulie’s house and make beeps right under his windows.

Your path again lies in the bank. Once inside, immediately dispatch the police (while they are stunned), go behind the clerks' desk and pick up the keys to the depository. Go up to the floor above, casually shooting left and right, go into the director's office and, after talking with him, grab the keys to the safe from the board.

Now, in full combat readiness, you can go down to the depository and go to the safe.

After the safe is taken, take Paulie and move on.

20. Decadence / The Death Of Art

The main task: meet Sam at the museum and kill him.

There’s not even anything to say here. EMPTY-HANDS, quickly get out of Paulie's apartment and, ignoring the two policemen, sneak past them into the street. Steal any car and rush to Yellow Pete to stock up. Take the same kit as before, but instead of a Tommy gun, take US Rifle M 1903 Springfield .

Go to the art gallery and shoot everyone there. Open all the doors that open and shoot everyone there. Sam will be the last to fall. And after that you will have to watch the final video first with joy and then with horror.

"Mafia" can confidently be called legendary. This free online browser game has captivated millions of people around the world and has remained one of the most popular gaming products since its introduction in 2002. "Mafia" is a parlor role-playing turn-based psychological game. It offers an exciting detective story that simulates the struggle between a large but unorganized team and a team of several members who know everything about each other and act as an organized group. The genre of the game is Action, it contains elements of a car simulator. The game consists of two dozen missions, each of which you must try to complete. Main question - How to complete the first mission in the mafia?

But of course, it all starts with the first, starting mission. It is she who will show whether you can become a real mafia boss and get into the TOP of gamers. It would seem that if it’s the first, it means it’s the easiest. However, this is not quite true. The developers focused on the famous Martin Scorsese from the film “ Godfather", who made offers to friends and enemies that they could not simply refuse. And now you, as a gamer, have become this very enemy/friend. Your taxi ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time, namely in the path of two guys escaping from their pursuers who crashed their car. And then yours turned up. Well, you will have to save their skins, as well as your own, whether you like it or not. To do this, you need to reset the “tail”.

The problem is that the car on this “tail” is steeper than yours. Therefore, your main weapon and your safety are not in the rivers of fugitives who broke into your car, but in your own reflexes. As they say, you can’t take it by force - you can take it with your mind. The hounds behind need to try to powder their brains. To do this, you can wag the “back” of a taxi, and not be afraid to drive into dark gateways and courtyards. At the same time, do not forget to use the “TAB” button, it will open the map. Set up your pursuers, make them crash into oncoming cars, and not make turns while moving. At the same time, do not forget to monitor the health indicators of your passengers (at the bottom left corner of the screen), because if one of them loses all their blood, then you will be a loser. All this sounds difficult, but in fact, escaping from being chased is not so difficult and it will only take three to five attempts, if not less.

As soon as you get rid of your pursuers, feel free to go to Salieri's bar (the arrow on the map will point to it). These two in your car will probably not touch you - you saved them! This is how you can complete the first mission in Mafia.


Authors of the walkthrough: Igor027 And call007, especially forwebsite
The material is prohibited for copying to other sites!!!

Mission 1. Impossible to refuse. (An Offer You Can't Refuse)

Autumn 1930. In the evening, after a long day, you, a simple taxi driver Tommy, stopped to check the car. A couple of people run out from around the corner, one of them is wounded, and the other is pointing a gun at Tommy. They get into the car together, and Tommy hits the gas.
Don't let the bandits' car get very close, they shoot and can kill you or your fellow travelers. You don’t have to drive straight, take the first turn and try to hit the bandits’ car against everything that gets in your way. After you shake off the bandits from your tail, you will be given 10 minutes to get to Salieri's bar, follow the compass, which is located in the upper left corner of the screen, you can use the map - by default the "Tab" key. Try not to crash, because in case of accidents your health is wasted and you risk dying. Bar Salieri is located in the Little Italy area.

Mission 2. Running man. (Running Man)

You need to take five passengers to various places in the city, namely the church in the Business District; to the hospital in Newark; to the theater on the Central Island, be sure to drive along the Giuliano Bridge; to Pompeii Bar in Hoboken; to the General Store in Little Italy, making sure to take the Giuliano Bridge and then through the tunnel. Set the speed limiter (Default button is “F5”) and go ahead. Try not to shoot down people, the passengers won't like it and will have to go through the mission again.
After you have taken all the passengers, Tom will want to relax and drink a cup of coffee. He is sitting in a car, not far from that same Salieri Bar. Suddenly, the car was hit with a baseball bat, someone opened the door and threw Tommy out of the car. These are the same bastards from whom you recently saved Sam and Paulie. There is nothing to do, we must run. And since Don Salieri’s bar is nearby, that’s where you’ll have to run.
Don't try to just stand and fight, you will still be finished. The correct option is to run without looking back. Run straight and follow the green arrows into the courtyards and the compass in the upper right corner. Do not stop under any circumstances, otherwise you risk being killed.

Mission 3. Cocktail party. (Molotov Party)

Salieri wants to test you, you just need to destroy the cars near Morello's bar.
Leave the courtyard and go to Morelo's Bar, which is located in Newark. It is better to get there through the tunnel, and then along the Giuliano Bridge. As you approach the bar, you will see a guard standing at the red gate. Don't attract his attention to you. Park your car not far from the bar and go through the back door into the yard where the cars are parked. Approach the guard from behind, take a good swing and knock him out with one blow. Now smash the cars with a bat and set fire to them with a Molotov cocktail. After all the cars are destroyed, you can rush to report to the boss. Don't forget to look in the garage, there is a good car hidden there for that time.

Mission 4. Dust-free work. (Ordinary Routine)

In this mission you need to collect tribute in the city. Paulie and Sam are collecting tribute, and you're driving.
First you need to go to the Central Island, it is better to drive there along the drawbridge. Then go to Hoboken, you can get there via the Giuliano Bridge. Now all that's left is to check into a motel outside the city.
You pulled up to the motel, Paulie and Sam went to pick up the tribute, and Tommy stayed by the car. Shots are heard inside, the motel door opens and Paulie runs out, he is wounded and asks to get Sam out of trouble.
The best way to get into the motel is from the back, through the balcony, but be careful, there is a dog in the yard. As soon as you enter the motel, do not rush to run up the stairs, first go to the toilet, one of the mafiosi is sitting there. After killing him, immediately run to the first room, there is a Thompson machine gun. Do not rush to run out of the room, the mafiosi will come running to you, there will be three of them, but the third most likely will not run into the room, but will be waiting for you in the corridor. Go down the stairs, at the bottom of the cafe there will be three more mafiosi, two at the pool tables, and one with Thompson at the bar. After you kill them, another man in a T-shirt and without a weapon will run out, he will attack you with his fists. Shoot him and head to the room where he ran out, there you will find Sam.
Tommy tries to get Sam out again, but his way is blocked by a psycho with a gun and a bag of money. Now Tommy's task is to catch up with him and take Salieri's money.
Get into your car and step on the gas. Follow the car, it is useless to shoot at it. Try to catch up with him in the tunnel and block the road, then he will come out and start shooting at you. Get out of the car too and shoot back, as soon as you kill him, go up to the corpse and search it. That's it, mission accomplished.

Mission 5. Fair play. (Fairplay)

1932 Tomorrow morning there will be a race and everyone, including Salieri, bet on the young guy who was first before. But Ralph said that some European had appeared who had a better car than our driver. Salieri asks Tommy to take the European's car to Luca Bertone, the owner of the garage under the Giulianno Bridge, and for him to slightly correct its chassis. Well, you understand why!
This mission is timed, you are given 13 minutes. First, follow the race track, it is located behind the Workers' Quarter. Drive up to the guardhouse, get out of the car and approach the guard. Talk to him, then wait until he opens the barrier and gets into the car. Next, head to the garages. Get into the racing car and head to Luca Bertone's auto repair shop. Go to Luca through the tunnel and then along the Giulianno Bridge. There shouldn't be any scratches on your car, don't get caught by the cops. After Luka tinkers with the car, you head back to the track along the same road. Drive the car back into the garage and head back to Bar Salieri.
So you walk into the bar and the phone rings, Luigi picks up the phone and gives it to Tom. Tommy is perplexed by what he is being told on the phone. Don Salieri asks you to come to the track and take part in the races, instead of a sick racer. We go back to the track and then go through the race. If you have a version from 1C, then there should not be any problems, since there is a choice of race difficulty. Otherwise, download patch 1.2 on our website. After which, you can also choose the difficulty level of the race. Many people consider this race to be very difficult and impassable, but this is not so. You just need to follow a few rules - brake in time before turning and do not press the gas when making a maneuver, so as not to get into a skid. The default key “Num 0” returns the car to the track.


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