Small business in times of crisis. Small and medium-sized businesses in times of crisis

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The crisis has hit small businesses the hardest. What are the symptoms of crisis in this sector of the Russian economy? What should be done to neutralize the problems that have arisen? And what are the prospects for small businesses in Russia?

1. Small business as a pillar of the economy. The transition to market relations led to the destruction of the overall social stability of Russian society. Real job loss, a decline in social status, a general decline in living standards, lack of professional demand, and unsettled conditions cause a certain tension in society, leading to an increase in criminal activity and the marginalization of the working population. According to official statistics, unemployment amounted to more than 2.5 million people and the forecast is disappointing. All these circumstances force people to make certain decisions and adapt to the difficult conditions of the market.

One of the priority tasks for government bodies during this period should be the issue of creating favorable conditions for the development and stimulation of labor activity, development various forms self-employment. For this, the state must create economic, social, and legal conditions. Small and medium-sized businesses should receive a special impetus for development, not in words but in deeds.

The role of small and medium-sized businesses is obvious. Small and medium-sized businesses thrive where significant capital expenditures are not required, where there are no large volumes and huge cooperation of workers. Small forms of production operate in places where large-scale production is unprofitable, where it is easier to adapt to local markets and the needs of the population, where production is sufficiently small. Small businesses have flexibility. They quickly respond to all changes in consumer demand and cover a certain range of clients. Since differentiation of supply and demand occurs, it is small production that leads to a variety of choices and specialization of production. A small enterprise has independence within the framework of its activities, i.e. planning, forecasting, developing a strategy for product development, provision of services, ensures the development of production by concluding contracts with consumers, enters the international market, sets payment to its employees, correlating it with costs. Most small businesses provide their employees with a social package. Small and medium-sized businesses actively participate in the process of forming the middle layer, which is the guarantor of social stability of society.

As recent practice shows, many large corporations have grown on the basis of small enterprises.

The development of small and medium-sized businesses creates favorable conditions for the functioning of a progressive economy, which affects the competitive environment, creates additional jobs, which reduces unemployment and reduces social tension, and expands the consumer sector. These enterprises demonstrate vitality and ability to reproduce, despite the difficulties standing in the way of their development.

2. Manifestations of the crisis in the small business sector. Of course, the importance of small and medium-sized businesses in society is undeniable, but the reality is sad. Sometimes the situation is not in favor of entrepreneurs.

Firstly, there is a stockpiling of goods that until recently were successfully sold.

Secondly, a relatively expensive product becomes unclaimed due to low purchasing power.

Thirdly, interest rates on loans are high and the maximum terms for granting loans have been reduced.

Fourthly, rental rates are too high, etc.

All this and much more complicates the development of small and medium-sized businesses. But you need to be an optimist and hope for a favorable result of your efforts in the abyss of a limitless market.

3. What to do? Without giving in to despair, it is important to analyze the situation, determine the factors reducing demand for your services or production, and the reasons for the brakes in the development of your business.

First, start re-studying the market segment. Define social status your consumer.

Secondly, start working with your direct client, in particular by providing a flexible pricing system.

Thirdly, in order to maintain prestige, do not deviate from accepted obligations and strictly fulfill all the conditions stipulated by the agreement.

Fourth, constantly replenish the portfolio of orders, in particular, by expanding the clientele.

Fifthly, review the prices of your products or services and establish a product quality control system.

Ultimately, it is necessary to carry out various activities to help maintain one’s position in the market without violating business ethics.

4. The future belongs to small businesses. All world experience shows that in the economy, even in the most highly developed countries, where there are huge enterprises and corporations that seem to monopolize entire sectors of social production, the bulk of the gross product is created by a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises. They are guarantors of flexibility and dynamism of the economy, a powerful means of constantly adjusting and maintaining the structure of reproduction that satisfies the needs of the population for work, wages, and social services. The activities of small and medium-sized enterprises are focused to the greatest extent on meeting local needs, developing the region and solving local socio-economic problems. For example, the experience of England shows that the revival of the economy of depressed areas occurs at the expense of the region’s internal resources through the development of small enterprises.

Of course, there cannot be absolute stability in this area. Even in today's difficult conditions, hundreds of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises have remained and continue to operate. All over the world, some enterprises are shutting down, companies are going bankrupt. It is during this period of general economic crisis that it is interesting to show the power of skillful management, to become completely competitive, and to avoid serious miscalculations in planning one’s activities, which could cause interference.

During a period of general economic decline, any economic activity involves risk, but there is excitement and the possibility of winning. When creating your own business in an uncertain situation, a certain test of personal qualities is carried out, the level of professionalism, and the peculiarities of orientation in the outside world and in market conditions are checked. In addition, a person acquires independence of activity and freedom of relationships. The development of entrepreneurship creates certain entrepreneurial relationships that provide wide scope different ideas And value orientations in terms of freedom of choice.

Society's distrust of entrepreneurship is gradually erasing. The stereotypes that previously existed in the mass consciousness are changing, when “entrepreneurship”, “optional”, “unreliability” turned out to be organically connected. Entrepreneurship has recently been more often associated with hard work, ability to work, and being a master. Entrepreneurship is not only a special type of activity, but also a certain type of behavior and way of thinking. And an entrepreneur is a deeply thinking and aware subject who reacts flexibly to the situation, knows how to take risks and win, achieve his goals even in extreme circumstances. unfavorable conditions, proactive, with versatile motivation. This is a highly efficient and physically resilient worker, capable of long hours of work to achieve goals. He makes the necessary efforts to take his place in the sphere of social production, change the conditions of his life and more fully satisfy his needs and demands. He is most characterized by such traits as: dynamism, activity, energy, sociability, independence and the ability to take risks.

Small and medium-sized entrepreneurs have all the potential prospects for occupying empty market niches, without in any way infringing on their activities and interests large productions. And over time, small and medium-sized businesses will take an adequate place in the economy, become a full-fledged sector of the economic structure and begin to function in a true market economic regime.

Ivanova E.A.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Don State Technical University



Crisis phenomena in the economy dictate new requirements for the strategies and management standards of small businesses, which allows them to “stay afloat” and increase their competitiveness and sustainability. Small business is the “locomotive” of the economy, which will allow us to rise to a new stage of development and ensure the economic growth of the country. Entrepreneurs must use qualitatively new development strategies, change their guidelines and business settings in the activities of the enterprise.

Keywords Keywords: small business, strategy, management principles, competitiveness.

Ivanova E.A.

PhD in Economics, Don State Technical University



The crisis in the economy dictates new requirements to policies and standards of management of small businesses, allowing them to “stay afloat” and to increase their competitiveness and sustainability. Small business is the “engine” of the economy, which will rise to a new stage of development and economic growth of the country. Entrepreneurs should use qualitatively new strategy for the development, improvement, change their orientation, and business installations in the enterprise.

Keywords: small business, strategy, principles of management, competitiveness.

The complex systemic transformations that are now taking place in the domestic economy force us to take a fresh look at those sectors and areas that allow us to grow the country’s economy in the conditions of sanctions and restrictions. And an important role in economic growth and import substitution belongs to small businesses.

Since March 2014, there has been a package of sanctions (financial, economic, scientific, technological, trade, etc.) imposed by the governments of a number of countries against Russia. As a result, the volume of foreign trade of the Russian Federation is reduced and the influx of foreign investment into the country is reduced, which entails a number of negative consequences.

The modern “war of sanctions” limits the re-equipment of manufacturing enterprises with the help of funds and new technologies from foreign partners and investments. Most European and American companies have completely suspended supplies of technology and equipment to Russia. This directly affects small businesses.

Small business is an important component of a market economic system. It penetrates into all economic and social life society: into production, commerce, finance, the shadow economy, the world of art and spiritual values.

Small business provides the necessary mobility in market conditions, ensures specialization and cooperation, and allows you to increase the flexibility and efficiency of any business.

Small businesses perform serious economic and social tasks.

It is well known that the differentiation of small businesses in Russia is explained by the incomparability of the conditions for the development of small enterprises in Moscow and St. Petersburg and in other regions of the country.

Supporting small and medium-sized businesses in foreign countries is of great importance, as it is the basis for stable economic development in these countries. The development of small and medium-sized businesses in foreign countries is proceeding at a faster pace than in Russia.

To date, the support system for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has reached unprecedented levels in our country. In 2008 – 2013 in Russian small, and in 2009 – 2010. and in medium-sized businesses there was a rapid growth in the number of enterprises, characteristic of periods of greenery.

Rapid growth, which can roughly be called the second wave of modern Russian growth in the SME sector, began during the crisis of 2008–2009. Over two years, the number of small enterprises (including micro) increased by 17%, and by the end of 2013 - by 53% (Table 1). The number of microenterprises during this period increased by 65.2%. Let us note that it is small enterprises (including micro) that account for the largest number of employees and the share of turnover of Russian SMEs.

Table 1 – Characteristics of small enterprises in Russia in 2008-2013

Index 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Number of enterprises, thousand 1348 1578 1644 1837 2003 2062
% 100 117,1 122,0 136,3 148,6 153,0

In 2008 – 2014 The federal authorities have implemented almost all the proposals of the public organization “OPORA Russia” and the proposals of other Russian unions of entrepreneurs to eliminate excessive administrative barriers. The country has intensified work to create special anti-corruption mechanisms in areas of activity of government bodies with an increased risk of corruption. An institute for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs has been created - federal and regional ombudsmen for entrepreneurship.

At the same time, small businesses experience a number of problems and difficulties, which include:

– more high level risk causing an unstable position in the market;

- dependence large companies;

– poor competence of managers;

– increased sensitivity to changes in business conditions;

– difficulties in attracting additional funds and obtaining loans;

– uncertainty and caution of business partners when concluding agreements (contracts).

An analysis of statistics shows that in 2013, 932.8 thousand companies ceased operations in the Russian Federation. individual entrepreneurs(IP), 98% of them by their own decision. Such decisions are due to the simplicity of the procedure for liquidating an individual entrepreneur, as well as the personal responsibility of the individual entrepreneur for failure to comply with legal requirements.

In a more detailed study of the effectiveness of state assistance to small businesses in a particular region, it is advisable to consider other measures to support entrepreneurs, such as: the presence of business incubators and technology parks, the effectiveness of measures to popularize entrepreneurship, the number of microloans issued for development, and others.

Four main principles for improving the current mechanism can be identified: state support small business.

  1. Quotas for subsidizing the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of regional programs for the development of small businesses are determined based on the growth rate of the sector, and not its absolute value(thus encouraging positive changes taking place today, rather than results achieved long ago).
  2. Refusal from multiple types of subsidies distributed by different departments according to criteria that are not transparent to the regions, in favor of 4–5 broad-purpose subsidies that a constituent entity of the Russian Federation can use with greater independence.
  3. The focus of responsibility for reducing spatial asymmetry is transferred to the regional level.
  4. To increase the economic efficiency of public financing at the regional level, promising directions development of small businesses within each of the municipalities, and further financial support for local business projects is provided only in the indicated areas.

Thus, instead of the existing policy of “conservation” of the level of development of small and medium-sized businesses achieved in the country and its accelerated “restorative growth” in a narrow circle of already “developed” subjects of the Russian Federation, federal and regional authorities are invited to develop the ability to predict the future demands of urban districts and rural areas municipal districts in accordance with existing priorities and natural, human, material, technical and other potential.

One of the directions for increasing the competitiveness of small enterprises in particular is the use of developed competitive advantages based on competitive strategies.

Strategic planning in small firms is either completely absent or fragmented.

So, the entrepreneurial view of the strategy building process is based on the following premises:

1) the manager must have a strategy in the form of development prospects;

2) a leader can form a strategy at the level of consciousness and it is based on the leader’s intuition.

3) control over the implementation of the strategy remains with management;

4) it is necessary to have flexible and thoughtful strategic thinking;

5) a small business enterprise is flexible, responding to all instructions from management;

6) entrepreneurs are characterized by a search for strategies and the absence of the influence of direct competitors in market niches.

Strategic planning and management of domestic enterprises is characterized by the fact that enterprise managers conduct their own research and forecasts of the influences of the external environment, determine the assortment list of goods and services, the procedure for calculating costs and expenses, formulate pricing policy, must independently select suppliers, develop their own sales policy and influence consumer behavior. All of the above tasks require a unified and effective strategy for the functioning and development of enterprises.

Long-term goals aimed at achieving key results and creating competitive advantages play an important role in the strategic planning of small businesses. At the same time, it is important to highlight the key areas that determine long-term goals: market place, innovation and technology, marketing, manufacturing process, financial and personnel management, enterprise management.

Every year you can see the ruin of small businesses, since the risks are quite high, and the success of the activity depends on the right strategies.

The main reasons for the ruin of enterprises include:

1) insufficient level of competence of the founder and employees,

2) lack or absence of managerial experience of the manager;

3) there are no prospects and development plans for the medium and long term;

4) there is no strategic planning;

5) activities are expanding without knowledge of the real volumes of resources;

6) lack of information about consumers and suppliers;

7) inappropriate accounting and document flow systems;

8) outdated marketing research data;

9) family business;

10) legal problems with the law;

11) suboptimal delegation of responsibilities;

12) there is no balanced financial management.

During a crisis, the best strategy for the real sector is to imagine that the company’s revenue or profit has been halved. Each enterprise, like the state, needs three scenarios for the development of events and three sets of actions depending on each of them:

Optimistic – for staff and external audiences;

Pessimistic - for internal needs;


A short list of managerial responsibilities, according to Alexander Vysotsky, founder of the School of Business Owners and Vysotsky Consulting:

Achieve production of products

Give orders

Increase the responsibility of subordinates,

Develop instructions and policies,


To plan

Coordinate activities


Learn and train subordinates.

Crisis phenomena in the economy force small businesses to take a fresh look at their goals, objectives and development strategy. An important goal is to preserve leadership positions, increased competitiveness, high financial indicators. The most important thing is to maintain flexibility and mobility, adapt to realities, take into account the influence of phenomena in the economy, politics, and the external environment, which is typical for modern domestic entrepreneurs.


  1. Kazantsev, S.V. Assessment of the impact of the economic recession and anti-Russian sanctions on the regions of the Russian Federation // ECO. All-Russian Economic Journal. – 2016. – No. 5.-P.55.
  2. Fedorova, E., Fedotova, M., Nikolaev, A. Assessing the impact of sanctions on the performance of Russian companies // Questions of Economics. – 2016. – No. 3-P.34
  3. Smirnov, D.V. Features of the institutional infrastructure of small and medium-sized businesses in the regional economic system: monograph / D.V. Smirnov, V.V. Salii. – Rostov: Publishing House “Azov-Print”, 2015.- P.4-5
  4. Knyazkina, E.V. Adaptation as a factor of competitiveness of small construction enterprises in the region in an unstable economic situation: monograph. – Samara, Samarsk. state arch.-build. univ., – 98 p.m.
  5. Podshivalova, M. The quality of socio-economic institutions that shape the environment for the development of small businesses // Issues of Economics. -2014.-No.6.-P.97-111
  6. Bagova, A. Experience in supporting small and medium-sized businesses in foreign countries (using the example of Germany and France) // Entrepreneurial Law. Appendix “Business and Law in Russia and Abroad.” – 2013. -No. 1. -S. 7 – 12
  7. Rosstat (
  8. Vilensky, A. State support for small and medium-sized businesses in modern Russia on the second wave of greenism//Economy Issues.-2014.-No. 11. – P.95-106
  9. Nizova, L.M., Malinkina, I.V. Entrepreneurship at the regional level: priorities and problems // ECO. All-Russian Economic Journal. – 2016.- No. 1.- P. 70-76
  10. Alexandrov, P. Some institutional changes in the development of small business // Society and Economics. – 2015.- No. 10.-C. 92-97
  11. Aleshchenko, V.V. Small business: spatial development and priorities of state policy // EKO. All-Russian Economic Journal.- 2014.- No. 11.-C. 132
  12. Knyazkina E.V. Adaptation as a factor of competitiveness of small construction enterprises in the region in an unstable economic situation: monograph. - Samara. Samarsk state arch.-build. University, – 98 c.
  13. Mintzberg, G. Strategic Safari: An Excursion through the Wilds of Strategic Management / Henry Mintzberg, Bruce Ahlstrand, Joseph Lampel; Per. from English - 2nd ed. - M.: Alpina Publisher, 2016. - 365 p.
  14. Fomichev, A.N. Strategic management: Textbook for universities / A. N. Fomichev. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2014. - 468 p.
  15. Lozik, N.F. Strategic management: tutorial/ N.F. Lozik, M.N. Kuzina, D.V. Tsaregorodtsev; under general ed. Doctor of Economics sciences, prof. A.A. Semenova. - M.: Publishing house "Ruseins", 2015. - 152 p.
  16. Voronin, A.D. Strategic management: textbook. allowance / A.D. Voronin, A.V. Korolev. – Minsk: Higher School, 2014. – 175 p.: ill.
  17. Tsvetkov, V. The company’s revenue has fallen by half: nine express tips will help you survive // ​​General Director. - 2016. - No. 6. – P.33
  18. Vysotsky, A. A short list of managerial responsibilities//Business management standards.-2016.-No. 12.-P.88-90


  1. Kazantsev, SV Assessing the impact of the recession and anti-Russian sanctions on the regions of the Russian Federation // ECO. Russian Economic Journal. – 2016. – No. 5.-P.55.
  2. Fedorov, E.A., Fedotov, Moscow Nikolaev, A. Assessment of the impact of sanctions on the results of Russian companies // Questions of economy. – 2016. – No. 3-P.34
  3. Smirnov, D.V.Osobennosti institutional infrastructure of small and medium-sized enterprises in the regional economic system: Monograph / D.V. Smirnov V.V. Saly. – Rostov: “Azov-print” Publisher, 2015.- S.4-5
  4. Knyazkina, EV Adaptation as a factor in the competitiveness of small construction companies in the region in an unstable economic environment: Monograph Samara, Samara. state. arch.-building. University Press, 2011. -. 98 c.
  5. Podshivalova, M. Quality of social and economic institutions that form the environment of small business // Problems of Economics. -2014.-No.6.-S.97-111
  6. bugs A. Experience of supporting small and medium-sized businesses in foreign countries (for example, Germany and France) // Business Law. The app “Business and Law in Russia and abroad.” – 2013. -№ 1. P. 7 – 12
  7. Rosstat (
  8. Vilna, A.Gosudarstvennaya support for small and medium-sized businesses in Russia today for the second wave of Gründerzeit // Questions ekonomiki.-2014.-No. 11. – S.95-106
  9. Nizova, LM, Malinkin, IV Entrepreneurship regional priorities and problems // ECO. Russian Economic Journal. – 2016.- No. 1.- P. 70-76
  10. Aleksandrov, P. Some institutional changes in the development of small business // the Society and economy. – 2015.- No. 10.-C. 92-97
  11. Aleshchenko, VV Small business: spatial development and public policy priorities // ECO. National Economic Journal.- 2014.- No. 11.-C. 132
  12. Knyazkina EV Adaptation as a factor in the competitiveness of small construction companies in the region in an unstable economic environment: a monograph. – Samara. SAMARA. state. arch.-building. University Press, 2011. – 98 p.
  13. Mintzberg, G.Strategicheskoe safari tour of the wilds of strategic management / Henry Mintzberg, Bruce Ahlstrand, Joseph Lampela; Trans. from English. – 2nd ed. – Moscow: Alpina Publisher, 2016. – 365 p.
  14. Fomichev, AN Strategic Management: A Textbook for universities / AN Fomichev. – M.: Publishing and Trading Corporation “Dashkov and K °”, 2014. – 468 p.
  15. Lozik, NF Strategic Management: textbook / NF Lozik, MN Cousin, DV Tsaregorodcev; under the total. Ed. Dr. ehkon. Sciences, prof. A.A. Semenova. – M.: “Rusayns” Publishing House, 2015. – 152 p.
  16. Voronin, AD Strategic Management: Textbook. Benefit / AD Voronin, AV Korolev. – Minsk Higher School, 2014. – 175 p.: silent
  17. Tsvetkov, V. The company’s revenue fell two-fold: to help survive nine express tips // General director.- 2016.-№6. – P.33
  18. Vysotsky, A. A short list of duties of head // Management Standards biznesom.-2016.-№12.-S.88-90

The global crisis of 2014 led to a worsening of the situation in the Russian economy. Sanctions against the country and lower prices for energy products led to a decrease in revenues in the Russian budget. The onset of the global crisis leads to capital flight from the country, increased inflation, and a deterioration in the economic situation. Currently, the country's leadership is faced with the need to increase the competitiveness of Russian products and replace imported goods. Important role in this process is allocated to small businesses. Key words: small business, global crisis, anti-crisis measures.

The global crisis of 2014 contributed to the deterioration of the economic situation in Russia. The introduction of sanctions led to a decrease in revenues to the Russian budget. The ongoing crisis leads to an increase in inflation, a deterioration in the economic situation and a decrease in incomes of the country's population. Due to the difficulty of accessing financial resources, investment projects of many are being reduced Russian organizations. Problem for Russian enterprises is intensified by the complication of the foreign economic situation.

For this reason, the demand for the products of organizations engaged in foreign economic activity is declining, and the demand for the products of other sectors of the country’s economy is decreasing. At the same time, consumer lending is decreasing, which limits the demand for Russian goods. The system and mechanism of management in a crisis must create the necessary conditions that give small businesses the opportunity to adapt to changing conditions, and make small business a highly effective sector of the country.

Due to the crisis, the risks of stopping the work of a number of small business organizations are increasing. In such a situation, the state should take measures to support small businesses. Before the start of the crisis period, the country's economy experienced an increase in small business development indicators, the volume of investments in small enterprises was constantly growing, and capital investments in fixed assets increased. The government of the Russian Federation, regions, and municipal authorities adopted legislative acts and regulations that provided conditions for the development of small enterprises. At the moment, these achievements are lost. Investments have decreased, enterprises are experiencing difficulties in selling products, and losses are growing.

Small businesses are faced with the problem of obtaining loans, but on the other hand, small businesses themselves do not want to use loans, since interest rates on bank loans are high. Small businesses use loans mainly to replenish current assets. For small businesses, obtaining short-term loans is of great importance. But financial institutions do not issue them or issue them at high interest rates. It should also be taken into account that small banking organizations operate in the regions, which themselves are in a difficult situation and are not able to fully lend to small businesses due to limited resources and fear of serious financial losses. An important problem for small businesses is its dependence on consumer demand. Outside the regions and abroad, small business products are in little demand.

Demand within regions is low, and due to crisis situation in the country has further decreased, which leads to a decrease in the replenishment of working capital in the property of small enterprises. Therefore, an economic situation arises that pushes small business owners to reduce business operations. In connection with this situation, the risk of suspension of the activities of many small businesses increases and this may lead to a reduction in small business infrastructure organizations. In general, during the crisis, the situation is not in favor of small businesses. There is a problem with the sale of goods, expensive goods are becoming unclaimed due to a decrease in the purchasing power of the population, rates for obtaining loans are high, loan terms have been shortened, rental rates have increased, etc. All this and much more complicates the development of small businesses. In such a situation, small businesses may move into the shadow economy. In the absence of borrowed funds, the activities of small enterprises may be reduced. In order to receive money, businessmen will not show profits in their reports or pay official wages.

This will lead to a reduction in the payment of taxes and payments to extra-budgetary funds. If the methods of tax pressure are not changed, there will be excessive pressure on small businesses, which will worsen the situation of small businesses. Not all small businesses find themselves in a difficult situation. Organizations that produce cheap and high-quality products and provide services, enterprises that do not use loans or have the support of banks, carry out government orders, have a chance to survive in crisis conditions. In order to overcome the impact of the economic crisis, it is necessary to take measures to ensure the financial security of small businesses. Financial support is of great importance in ensuring the stable operation of small businesses.

In order to support small businesses, it is advisable to place government cash V commercial banks, which will lend to small businesses under certain conditions. Great importance has the formation of funds to support small businesses. The functions of which will be responsible for providing guarantees to small business organizations that do not have sufficient collateral when receiving commercial loans. The country has experience in forming funds to support small businesses. Such funds operate successfully in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan and other cities. An important area of ​​support for small businesses during a crisis is assistance in property support.

Transfer of ownership or use of property, including land plots, buildings, structures, structures, non-residential premises, equipment, machinery, vehicles, inventory, on a reimbursable basis, free of charge or on preferential terms will contribute to stable operation. The most important area of ​​support is stimulating demand for Russian goods and ousting foreign-made products from the market. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the necessary level of federal, regional and municipal orders for small businesses.

In crisis conditions, small business organizations will have the means to operate entrepreneurial activity. In order to stimulate consumer demand, it is necessary to take measures to regulate the import of goods from abroad, establish quotas and reasonable customs duties. In order to stimulate the creation of new enterprises in the field of small business, it is possible to establish a “tax holiday” for newly created organizations. This tax measure will stimulate the creation of new enterprises and the opening of new industries. In order to overcome administrative pressure, it is necessary to adopt a number of regulations that reduce the pressure on small businesses. With the help of new legal acts, it is necessary to regulate the inspection procedure for small enterprises and reduce their number in relation to small businesses.

Yu.A. Igonina (student)

Russia, Chelyabinsk region, Magnitogorsk

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Magnitogorsk State University".


According to Federal service State statistics of the Russian Federation, the number of small enterprises (excluding microenterprises) in the first half of 2009 amounted to 227.7 thousand units, and in the Chelyabinsk region there are 4.2 thousand units.

Positive trends in the development of the small business sector were suppressed by the influence of both general and specific factors caused by crisis phenomena in the economies of foreign countries and the Russian Federation, recorded in the third quarter of 2008.

General negative factors affecting the activities of small enterprises include decreased liquidity, non-payments, and low investment activity.

A number of specific factors can be identified that also worsen the financial condition of small businesses and ultimately lead to their bankruptcy.

1. Sharp reduction in access to additional financial and investment opportunities.

2. High dependence of small businesses on domestic demand. A reduction in demand will lead to a reduction in working capital, this, in turn, will force enterprises to cut costs by reducing production volumes, cutting staff, suspending projects and expanding activities.

3. For small businesses, it becomes inappropriate to use the “prepayment for products - shipment of products” scheme when working with large manufacturers and suppliers. This, in turn, will lead to the suspension of the activities of individual small enterprises whose business processes are based on the specified scheme.

4. The risk of suspension of activities and even collapse of the infrastructure for supporting small businesses increases.

5. Crisis events can provoke the departure of small enterprises into the shadow sector. The main existing or possible problems for small businesses are financial in nature.

In general, it can be noted that due to the existence of crisis phenomena in the economy, small businesses will:

    freeze all projects that are aimed at development and expansion (the purchase of new equipment, investments in infrastructure, hiring and training of personnel, development of new land plots, opening of new retail outlets, improvement of management methods, organization of production and sales, etc. are suspended);

    make every effort to reduce investment and tax costs;

    review methods of working with counterparties (for example, enterprises will refuse to make advance payments for purchased goods and impose more stringent requirements on buyers in order to avoid the possibility of non-payments for shipped products);

    will increase the attraction of borrowed funds from illegal credit markets and will stop using credit services from the legal lending market, since access to them will be limited.

Let us list the main measures aimed at developing small businesses in conditions of “crisis” :

Measures in the field of tax regulation;

Measures to reduce administrative barriers;

Measures in the field of personnel support for small enterprises.

Thus, in the Chelyabinsk region, in order to reduce administrative barriers, in February 2009, Governor P. Sumin signed an order to suspend scheduled inspections, and conduct unscheduled ones only in agreement with the prosecutor's office. In order to increase the availability of loans, a guarantee fund began to operate, with 7 partner banks involved in interaction with it. In addition, the region is taking measures to reduce taxes for small businesses. Lists of regional and municipal property have been approved for lease to entrepreneurs on a long-term basis and on preferential terms, and these are more than 1,800 objects with an area of ​​about 744 thousand square meters. m.

259 decisions were made on the purchase of leased property by entrepreneurs. In May 2009, a business incubator was opened for small businesses from socially disadvantaged segments of the population, where 30 enterprises are already operating, which means 142 new jobs. Due to the measures taken, more than 8 thousand new jobs were created in the first half of this year.

Thus, the policy to support small businesses in the Chelyabinsk region is the key to the preservation and successful functioning of those small business structures that exist at the moment and contributes to the development of new ones.

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The activities of small enterprises in Russia are influenced by several factors. They can be divided into two groups: internal environmental factors determined by the characteristics of the enterprise, and external environmental factors.

The internal environment of an enterprise is understood as the totality of all internal factors that determine its life processes. Numerous studies confirm the dependence of the internal environment on external conditions.

The external environment implies a set of factors external to a given enterprise, changes in the values ​​of which significantly affect its condition and performance results.

The external environment for enterprises is important:

as a source of resources;

as a consumer of the results of the enterprise’s activities and a place of public recognition and evaluation of these results;

as a factor determining the behavior and course of action of an enterprise, reflected in the setting of goals and the implementation of certain strategies.

Environmental factors are divided into two groups. The first is those that create threats and risks for the activities of the enterprise; the second - formative conditions, opportunities for their development. When determining the development strategy of an enterprise, managers strive to choose a course of action that will make the most of emerging opportunities and eliminate risks.

One of the most significant features of small business is its risky nature. Thus, citizens who decide to create and run their own business remember that they are taking risks because they are operating in conditions of uncertainty. In addition, entrepreneurship carried out on a small scale, in addition to the risks inherent in any business entity, and determined by the field of activity, the stage of the organization’s life cycle; the general political and social situation, etc., are characterized by risks associated with the small size of the enterprises themselves.

Small enterprises, as a subject of management in a market economy, are characterized, first of all, as an unstable business unit, most dependent on market fluctuations. This means that unforeseen adverse changes in the external environment have the most negative impact on the activities of small businesses. At the same time, the external environment of small enterprises differs in comparison with large businesses, as well as with state-owned economic structures, special degree of uncertainty. This is explained by the fact that small businesses, as a rule, operate in the local market, which, unlike the markets of large corporations, is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty. Key Feature the external environment of small business is its objectively subordinate role in the system of relations with the state, big business, and financial and credit institutions. And there is also a specific feature that is associated specifically with the period of radical reforms - this is the exceptional mobility of the external environment, the increasing speed with which changes occur in the environment of small businesses. And all this seriously complicates the ability of an enterprise to respond adequately to them.

In addition to negative changes in the external environment, the internal environment of the enterprise, which largely depends on the size of the small enterprise, also influences the increase in uncertainty and the degree of risks in the activities of small enterprises. The internal environment of small businesses, like the external one, has a number of differences, for example:

  • - in methods of division of labor;
  • - placement of personnel;
  • - distribution of rights and responsibilities;
  • - implementation of marketing policy;
  • - establishing financial flows in the enterprise;
  • - obtaining information, etc.

Currently, according to entrepreneurs themselves, in their activities they are faced with problems such as high taxes, high cost of material and technical means, lack of credit resources, which negatively affects financial condition their enterprises.

A serious limiting factor is the low effective demand of the population, which is the main consumer of small business services. As experts note, the main feature of the modern pyramid in Russia is the formation and chronic reproduction of large-scale poverty, which over the course of a decade covers more than 30% of the country's population. Among them, more than 10% have no chance of changing their financial and social situation in the foreseeable future.

Among the most pressing problems, the results of which largely determine the further development of small businesses in our country, are problems in taxation. Although these problems are solved through repeated revisions and amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in terms of taxation of small businesses.

There are a number of other problems that adversely affect the development of small business, such as: imperfection of the regulatory framework; difficulties in resolving financial and credit issues; problems associated with obtaining business information, etc.

Another one of no less important problem is the low qualifications of entrepreneurs and employees themselves. Incompetence of managers or insufficient ability of staff to make decisions has become main reason ruin of small firms. In many countries with market economies, special programs for management support for small businesses are being developed and development centers or “incubators” for small businesses are being created.

Specific problems in some regions of the Russian Federation, mainly Siberia, are the high share of the transport component in expenses (62.4%), difficulties in marketing products (20.6%), information hunger (12.4%) and incompetence of officials (3%) .

The efforts of entrepreneurs to overcome these problems are aimed mainly at improving technology, reducing costs, and increasing the professional level of workers. The state, according to entrepreneurs, should direct its efforts to reducing taxes (64%), ensuring the availability of loans (62.8%), improving legislation (51.2%), sharply reducing the number of regulatory authorities (47.2%), protection of the rights of the owner (36.8%), eradication of corruption and arbitrariness of officials (31.6%). But 25% of entrepreneurs believe that there are no specific regional problems in business development. Supporting small businesses in times of crisis. Article from the website

Small business plays a huge role in the economy of any country. Currently, the impact of the crisis on small businesses reduces the positive trends in the development of small businesses. Moreover, the small business crisis affects the country's economy as a whole.

Of course, not all small businesses will suffer losses during a crisis. Some small businesses will not suffer much damage during the crisis. Such small businesses primarily include enterprises:

producing inexpensive products of mass demand and providing relatively cheap services to the population;

do not use borrowed funds in their work;

having permanent and established relationships with banks that can provide loans in difficult times;

having administrative support and working under state or municipal orders.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, the number of small enterprises as of January 1, 2008 exceeded 1,100 thousand units, and individual entrepreneurs - 3.4 million people. In 2007, the trends towards an increase in turnover and investment in fixed assets in small enterprises continued. The results of the activities of small businesses in 2007 can be considered positive. It can be stated that growth trends in this sector have been observed over the past few years. In addition, in 2006-2008, state policy was intensified to create favorable conditions for the development of entrepreneurial initiatives at both the federal and regional levels. Thus, new legislation on the development of small and medium-sized businesses has been adopted, and a number of regulations have been approved aimed at simplifying small businesses’ access to financial and property support. Certain measures are being taken to eliminate administrative barriers. The impact of crisis phenomena in the economy of the Russian Federation on small businesses. Article from the website

However, these positive trends in the development of the small business sector can be eliminated by the influence of both general and specific factors caused by crisis phenomena in the economies of foreign countries and the Russian Federation, recorded in the third quarter of 2008.

General negative factors affecting the activities of small enterprises include decreased liquidity, non-payments, and low investment activity.

Specific factors, in turn, include the following.

First, there is a sharp reduction in access to additional financial and investment opportunities.

Despite the fact that at the moment the dependence on the banking sector and bank financing of small enterprises, in contrast to large and medium-sized enterprises, is not very pronounced, the liquidity crisis in the banking sector will reduce the ability of banks to provide additional loans to small enterprises. As a rule, representatives of small businesses use loans to a lesser extent (compared to their larger colleagues) to implement projects to expand their business and create new production facilities. Small businesses use loans mainly to replenish working capital and purchase goods from large manufacturers and wholesalers. In other words, small businesses have a large share (and need) of short-term and medium-term loans. However, banks, limited in their resources due to the crisis, will not be able to satisfy the demand from small businesses for such loans. At the same time, the impact of the banking crisis will be felt to a greater extent by small enterprises working with small regional banks, which are currently experiencing the most significant difficulties with liquidity and are no longer able to provide loans to small business entities.

In addition, in conditions of a shortage of funds, branches of large federal and regional banks will most likely tighten requirements for borrowers, including raising interest rates on loans, which will lead to the fact that not all small businesses that want to receive a loan and have the appropriate security will be able to count on receiving it.

Secondly, it is necessary to pay attention to the high dependence of small businesses on domestic demand. This factor lies in the fact that small businesses are mainly focused on meeting the needs of the population and enterprises operating in Russia. The share of export-oriented small enterprises is very low. A decrease in effective demand for goods and services of small enterprises will have a significant Negative influence for small business activities. Thus, a reduction in demand will lead to a reduction in working capital, which in turn will force enterprises to cut costs by reducing production volumes, cutting staff, suspending their own development projects and expanding activities.

Thirdly, for small businesses (especially in the field of retail and small wholesale trade, production building materials) it will become inappropriate to use the “prepayment for products - shipment of products” scheme when working with large manufacturers and suppliers, since due to the liquidity crisis and difficulty accessing financial resources, enterprises will not be able to attract borrowed funds to purchase necessary goods. This, in turn, will lead to the suspension of the activities of individual small enterprises whose business processes are based on the specified scheme.

Fourthly, crisis events increase the risk of suspension of activities and even collapse of the infrastructure for supporting small businesses. Thus, in the event of a reduction in the activity of small businesses and their demand for information, marketing, educational and other business services provided by support infrastructure organizations, some infrastructure organizations may cease to exist. At the same time, the activities of only those organizations that specialize in providing financial services to small businesses, for example, microfinance organizations, venture funds, private equity funds, guarantee funds, will continue. Perhaps these institutions, in the absence of bank financing, will become the only source of borrowed money for small businesses.

Fifthly, crisis events can provoke the departure of small enterprises into the shadow sector. In the absence of funds and effective demand, small businesses will be forced to reduce the scale of their activities. To free up additional funds, many businesses will minimize tax revenues, make maximum efforts to save costs, including covering your own income. At the same time, under the conditions of the existing tax administration, another risk arises: excessive administrative pressure may be exerted on small businesses in order to maintain the existing level of tax payments from specific enterprises.

In general, it can be noted that due to the existence of crisis phenomena in the economy, small businesses will:

freeze all projects that are aimed at development and expansion (the purchase of new equipment, investments in infrastructure, hiring and training of personnel, development of new land plots, opening of new retail outlets, improvement of management methods, organization of production and sales, etc. are suspended);

make every effort to reduce investment and tax costs;

review methods of working with counterparties (for example, enterprises will refuse to pay in advance for purchased goods and impose more serious requirements on buyers in order to avoid the possibility of non-payments for shipped products)

will increase the attraction of borrowed funds from illegal credit markets and will stop using credit services from the legal lending market, since access to them will be limited.

Of course, the crisis will not affect all small businesses. The damage from the economic crisis for individual small businesses will not be very strong. Such enterprises primarily include:

enterprises producing inexpensive products of mass demand and providing relatively cheap services to the population;

enterprises producing goods/services with inelastic demand;

enterprises that do not use borrowed funds in their work;

enterprises that have permanent and established relationships with banks that can provide loans in difficult times;

enterprises that have administrative support and operate under state/municipal orders.

The small business crisis can lead to a significant contraction of business. In other words, the small business crisis leads to the withdrawal of some small businesses from the market, forced to temporarily curtail or completely cease their legal economic activity. In addition, during the crisis, small businesses are forced to reduce the number of employees. Also, the small business crisis causes a decrease in turnover and investment in fixed capital in small enterprises.

Basically, small businesses in times of crisis still have problems that are financial in nature, namely.

lack of working capital;

lack of free access to loans from state and municipal funds, whose main activity is supporting small businesses;

lack of access to bank credit services;

risk of non-payments from counterparties;

decreased demand for products;

reduction in profit margins and business profitability.

The unit costs of production and circulation for small enterprises are, as a rule, higher than for large enterprises: it is more difficult for them to obtain a loan and establish advertising; it is required to spend relatively more funds on training and retraining of personnel, market research, obtaining necessary information etc., therefore, in almost all industrialized countries, small businesses are provided with certain benefits and government support.

In Russia, as small and medium-sized businesses developed and market relations strengthened, public organizations of small and medium-sized businesses emerged, for example, the Union of Entrepreneurs of Russia. There are also federal and local financial assistance funds, the main task of which is to stimulate the development of priority production activities of small enterprises. Various economic forums are held annually dedicated to the problems of small business at both the federal and local levels.

In recent years, questions have been widely researched about the most effective forms and methods of state support that do not undermine the foundations of entrepreneurship and the interests of the private owner, and at the same time are capable of providing real help in the formation and development of small business in Russia.


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