Massage mat made from plastic bottle caps. How to make a rug with your own hands from wine corks Bath rug from champagne corks

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Traffic jams from wine bottles- an excellent material for a variety of crafts for home and garden. One of useful options- make a rug out of corks with your own hands. Cork bark practically does not absorb moisture and bacteria do not multiply in it, which is why cork is excellent for rooms with high humidity, that is, for the bathroom. And walking on a mat of traffic jams is not only very pleasant, but also useful!

How to make a bath mat from corks with your own hands

To make a small rug, you will need:

  • 150-180 wine corks;
  • glue;
  • a piece of water-repellent material for the base (rubber shower or yoga mat, rubberized fabric, soft thin plastic);
  • sharp knife;
  • coarse sandpaper;
  • cutting board.

Assemble and prepare the plugs. If you don't have required quantity, then plugs can be bought in online stores. Wash them thoroughly in warm soapy water. To remove red wine stains, soak the corks in a bleach solution and leave them overnight. Then rinse well and leave to dry.

Cut each cork lengthwise into two pieces. Use cutting board and a sharp knife. If the cuts are very uneven, sand the edges sandpaper. For convenience and safety, it is better to cut the cork not on its side, but by placing it in a vertical position.

Place the corks with the cuts down on the table as they will be located on the rug, decide on the size of the future rug. Then cut out the base from the rubber material the right size. You can come up with a pattern yourself, it can be a checkerboard pattern, even rows, zigzags.

Start gluing the corks to the base with an adhesive suitable for gluing such surfaces. Glue the corks around the perimeter first, then moving towards the center. Remove excess glue immediately with a cloth.

The cork mat must dry completely. To make it completely waterproof, you can treat the surface with a sealant. If you use a cork mat in the bathroom, it is advisable to dry it in the sun at least once a month for prevention.

Another option for making a cork mat with your own hands does not involve the use of glue, a knife or other tools. True, in this case you will need a lot more traffic jams - about 500 pieces! Prepare a plywood box or box with low edges. You may have to cut off the excess. The height of the sides should not greatly exceed the height of the cork. Then place the corks vertically in the box, tightly filling the entire space with them.

Where to put wine corks? New masterpieces for interior decoration!

Wine corks are a valuable material for making decor and useful items for home and garden. From these seemingly useless wastes, you can create anything - from useless miniature souvenirs to full-fledged furniture. Having been inspired by ideas, most likely you will want to make crafts from wine corks with your own hands, and then one question will arise - where to get the corks? It is unlikely that you will be able to accumulate them on your own; you will have to find friends who work in cafes and restaurants.

Useful little things for the home

Wooden plugs are made from a unique cork tree - it is not afraid of moisture, resistant to mold and rot. Crafts made from corks will last a long time, wherever you find a use for them - in the living room, in the kitchen, on the balcony, in the bathroom, on country yard or in the garden. Additional processing balsa wood is not required, but if desired it can be varnished or painted in desired shade.

If there are very few corks, then first cut the existing raw materials into circles of the same width. From such circles it will be possible original stand under a hot cup or plate. The elements can be glued tightly together, fastened with a stapler, or sewn in a checkerboard pattern with fishing line. In the first case it will work solid product, and in the second - a flexible stand.

The thickness of the stand is easy to vary, and if you lay the corks horizontally, you will get a completely different masterpiece. You can make such crafts from champagne corks with your own hands not only for yourself, but also as a gift.

Taking as a basis wooden board, it’s easy to make a convenient holder for keys or jewelry. Attaching the plugs is simple with screws. To endure uniform style, it is recommended to cover the board with cork wallpaper.

A little more imagination and unnecessary wine corks are turned into stylish candlesticks for decorating candles, photo frames, and bread baskets.

Bath mat or curtain - fashionable creativity

Bath mats are made from everything, but cork outperforms many other materials in that it is not afraid of moisture and mold. To make this practical craft from wine corks with your own hands, both whole parts and halves are suitable. The rug can be solid or with holes. The plugs are connected using fishing line or glued to a rubber base. It all depends on the number of parts and your own preferences.

Curtains made from wine corks look impressive in any interior, and if you don’t want to decorate your apartment with them, hang them on the balcony or in the country house. Making one is as easy as shelling pears - the structure is assembled on a fishing line, like ordinary beads, or using metal fasteners.

If you have nothing to do - fun souvenirs

Looking at Funny Pics crafts made from corks, you can’t help but smile. These trinkets are easy to make on a free evening or on a weekend. The main thing is that fun crafts do not require many details, and some masterpieces generally consist of one element, which is easy to obtain after a romantic evening.

If you like to create crafts from wine corks, perhaps you will come up with something of your own, for example, a luxurious chandelier or floor lamp, an eco-friendly necklace or bracelet, coffee table or a tray in bed.

We wish you creative feats and Have a good mood! Check out our tutorials to get creative inspired.

Alina Zaripova

Dear colleagues!

Many of us probably had to invent and make various aids and devices for classes from scrap materials. After all, not always everything can be found in the store and, unfortunately, much of what is offered turns out to be unaffordable. Today I want to present to your attention a method of making foot massage mats made from corks from plastic bottles . Such rugs It’s not at all difficult to make, and the material can be found in any housewife’s kitchen.

So, to work we will be needed: plastic bottle caps from sour milk products, juices, in the amount of 150 pcs. (I take 75 pieces of multi-colored and 75 pieces of dark blue, fishing line, awl, scissors.

First of all, using an awl, we pierce traffic jams crosswise in 4 places. Then, observing the pattern, we lay out our traffic jams on the table with the inside up (that is, the future rug it will be 10x15 in size traffic jams).The following is the binding process traffic jams between each other with fishing line according to the attached diagram.

The fishing line should not be taken too long - this is inconvenient; it is better to tie the sections together as needed.

Thus, having involved relatives, colleagues and even parents of students in the collection of material, I have already produced 5 for my group rugs. We are happy to use them in physical education classes and simply at the request of the children. Since they are in sports corner groups, each child has free access to them.

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Massage mat for the prevention of flat feet in children. At the base of the rug is a rug self made having a slight massage effect, and two.

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You've probably already come across a similar product on the Internet. This bath mat from Monica Ewing leaves no one indifferent and delights with its simplicity and affordability. True wine connoisseurs often collect corks. It's time to find a use for them. A how to make a rug from corks– read on!

To make such a rug you will need:

  • self-healing rubber mat
  • about two hundred wine corks
  • coarse sandpaper
  • base cut
  • cutting board
  • round cutter
  • hot glue
  • sharp knife

The cut for the base should be a neutral color and made of water-repellent material, since the rug will be used in the bathroom.

Everything is prepared - let's get to work!

1. Cut each cork lengthwise sharp knife in half. If necessary, sand the cuts with sandpaper.

2. Place the cork halves in the rectangle, flat sides down. It is convenient to use a rubber mat with a dimensional grid applied to it.

3. Cut a piece of the base to the size of the future rug.

4. Proceed to hot glue the corks onto the base as they are laid out on the self-healing mat. Glue the cork on the sides, then move to the middle. This technique will help ensure smooth edges of the rug. Press each plug firmly, immediately removing excess glue.

Once you have glued the last half of the cork, you can consider that the wine cork rug is ready. You can safely start using it! After all, it becomes so pleasant and sweet to the eye when a new interesting and original creative thing appears in the interior, especially one made with one’s own hands. You won’t even notice how you will spend more time in your bathroom.

If desired, you can also cover with corks and reverse side rug However, this is purely a matter of your taste and availability. required quantity wine corks.

Create and be happy!

After drinking delicious wine, do not rush to throw away the cork. This material can be used usefully - you can make various crafts for your home from it, for example, you can make a rug from wine corks with your own hands. Cork bark does not tend to absorb moisture; moreover, such material is not susceptible to the destructive growth of bacteria. It is thanks to these properties that it is suitable for rooms with high humidity levels. Besides, natural materials in home decoration are gaining popularity. Let's look at a few interesting ideas for creativity from this material.

How are traffic jams made?

A wine cork seems like a completely familiar and ordinary thing, but for its manufacture, nevertheless, it is used natural wood. For production, they use the thick bark of the cork oak, whose height is up to 10 m and life expectancy is up to two hundred years. Before a tree is used for industrial purposes, it will have to grow for at least a quarter of a century. And high-quality corks are made from wood that is at least forty-five years old.

Important! The main area where cork oak grows is the Mediterranean. The main supplier of the material is Portugal, whose area of ​​oak plantations reaches 2 million hectares. The annual volume of harvesting is about 350,000 tons, but this is not enough, so plugs are made not only from oak, but also from the bark of other trees. Their quality is lower, but they can also be used as a material for crafts.

Using traffic jams in creativity

This material is a unique natural polymer. Among the main qualities are:

  • Waterproof;
  • Strength;
  • Elasticity;
  • Elasticity.

Important! If you press hard on the material, after a while it will easily restore its original shape.

Thanks to numerous advantages and unusual appearance cork stoppers are very popular among those who like to make crafts with their own hands. What can you make from wine bottle caps? Let's take a closer look.


In order to make something so necessary in the household, we collect 100-150 corks; they will be enough for a small-sized product. If you can’t assemble them yourself, you can buy them in a specialized online store. Next we follow the instructions:

  • We wash the plugs in warm water with added soap. To remove wine stains, soak the material overnight in water with a small amount of bleach.
  • We wash the material and dry it.
  • We cut each cork lengthwise - you should get two identical parts. For convenience, you can use a cutting board.

Important! To protect your fingers, wear special gloves.

  • Uneven surfaces that form after cutting are processed using sandpaper.
  • Before making a rug from wine corks, we prepare the base. For this purpose, you can use rubberized fabric, an old shower mat or soft plastic. The middle part of the product will require the use of soft fabric.
  • Determine the size of the rug, cut out the base and middle from the fabric.
  • We lay out the plugs. The future rug will be filled around the perimeter, from the edge to the center.
  • Glue the base and thick fabric together.
  • Using hot glue, attach the cork to the base. The glue is applied evenly to the flat part of the cork, then it is pressed tightly to the base.

Important! Excess glue must be removed immediately using soft cloth. There is no need to glue the pieces together.

  • Apply PVA glue or matte varnish on top.
  • Dry the product thoroughly.
  • To achieve waterproofness, a sealant is used to seal the edges and bottom.

Important! If the mat will be used in the bathroom, it should be dried in the sun at least once a month. This way you can avoid the formation of mold.

Using the same principle, you can make a mat from champagne corks with your own hands.


A beautiful tray is not only a practical thing, but also stylish accessory for decoration. And if you make it yourself, it may well turn into a priceless family heirloom.

Let's learn how to make a tray from champagne corks with your own hands:

  1. You can use an old deep tray as a base.
  2. We wash the corks and cut them lengthwise.
  3. We lay them on the base - you can lay out some kind of drawing.
  4. Glue the blanks to the base.
  5. Dry the craft.
  6. We put glass on top to make the surface more stable.

Hot coasters

We know how to make a mat from champagne corks or a tray, and even easier to make a hot stand. For this:

  1. Cut the corks into circles of equal thickness.
  2. We fasten them. To do this, you can use a base and glue, a stapler or fishing line. In the first case, the product will be rigid, and in the remaining cases, flexible.

Important! If desired, the thickness of the stand can be changed.


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