Almond is a stone fruit with an unforgettable aroma. How and where almonds grow

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What is an almond? How is it used? You will find answers to these and other questions regarding the mentioned product in this article.

Basic information

What is called a small tree or shrub, which belongs to the subgenus Almond and the genus Plum.

Many people believe that almonds are just nuts. But in fact, it is just a stone fruit, which in its shape is very similar to an apricot drupe.

Botanical description

What is an almond and what does it look like? It is a shrub or a small, highly branched tree 4-6 meters high. The shoots of such a plant are of 2 types: generative shortened and vegetative elongated.

Almond leaves are lanceolate, petiolate and with a long pointed tip. As for the flowers, they are solitary, with light pink or white petals, one pistil and numerous stamens. In diameter, they reach 2.5 cm, and also consist of a red or pink corolla and a joint-leaved goblet calyx. The flowers of this plant bloom much earlier than the leaves.

Do almonds bear fruit? The nut that we are used to seeing on store shelves is called almond. It is obtained from the fruits of the plant in question, which are a dry velvety-pubescent and oval single-stone with a leathery green inedible and fleshy pericarp.

When ripe, the dry pericarp is quite easily separated from the stone. At the same time, almond nuts have the same shape as the fruits themselves. They are covered with small dimples, and also have a groove, a mass of 1-5 g and a length of 2.5-3.5 cm.


Now you know what an almond is. The primary focus of the formation of this plant is located in Western Asia, as well as in nearby regions, including Central Asia and the Mediterranean. Almonds have been growing in these areas for many centuries BC. Today, the largest plantations of this shrub are in China, the Mediterranean region, Central Asia, the USA (in particular in the state of California), in the Crimea, Kopetdag, the Caucasus and the Western Tien Shan.

Also, this tree is grown in the warm regions of Slovakia (in vineyards), the Czech Republic and South Moravia.

Almond grows on gravel and rocky slopes at an altitude of 800-1600 meters above sea level. It prefers soils rich in calcium. It can be found in small groups of 3 or 4 individuals, at a distance of 6-7 meters from each other.

The plant in question is very photophilous and drought-resistant, as it has a well-developed root system.

(a photo of the shrub is presented in this article) in March or April, and sometimes even in February. Its fruits ripen in summer, in June-July. It begins to bear fruit from 4-5 years and for 5 centuries. Almond lives up to 130 years.

Reproduction of this tree occurs by stump shoots, seeds or root offspring. It endures very coldy, but with the beginning of the growing season, it suffers quite seriously from even minor spring frosts.

Chemical composition

The taste of almonds, or rather its nuts, is known to many. The kernels of the fruits of this cultivated plant contain a large number of fatty oils (approximately 40-60%), proteins (approximately 30%), mucus, vitamins, coloring components (including carotene, lycopene, carotenoids and others), as well as essential oil (approximately 0.6%). By the way, it is almond oil that determines the smell of nuts. It contains linoleic glycerides and oil, which was obtained from unpeeled fruits, contains a small amount of myristic and linolenic acids.

The seeds of bitter are poisonous. This is due to the presence of amygdalin glycoside in them. After the splitting of this element, benzaldehyde and glucose are released.

Whole almond kernels do not smell. Only after cutting them, thanks to benzaldehyde, they acquire a specific flavor.


Almond is a plant that is valued as an early spring honey plant. The flowers of this shrub provide a lot of pollen and nectar. Also, the tree in question is used as a kind of drought-resistant stock for apricots and peaches. In addition, it is often planted in gardens as a soil-protective ornamental plant.

The bones are inedible, but very often fatty oil is obtained from them. After purification from amygdalin, this product is used for making soap.

The cake of such fruits is poisonous. Once, medicinal water was prepared from it, which was used as a sedative, tonic and analgesic. It was also used to make an essential oil used to create perfumes.

Application in cooking

How are sweet almonds used? Recipes using these nuts are numerous. The seeds of the plant in question are consumed fresh, fried and salted, and also as a spice during the preparation of various pastries, chocolate, sweets, liquors and more.

The shell left from the almonds is used to improve color and flavor. alcoholic beverages. It also produces activated carbon.

Almond milk is a traditional cow product substitute. It is especially popular among strict vegetarians.

What is being prepared?

For several centuries in Spain, the herbal drink horchata has been prepared from almonds. Also on the basis of almond milk they made a blancmange delicacy.

Of the many existing almond-based sweets, marzipan and praline have gained immense popularity in European countries. It should also be noted that whole nuts are actively added to chocolate-coated sweets in coconut flakes.

In many states, macaroons are also very popular. As for it, it is indispensable in the preparation of many types of cakes, and is actively used as a filling for sweet buns.

In Western countries, almond paste is in increasing demand. It serves as an alternative to high-fat peanut butter.

This nut takes pride of place in Indonesian and Chinese cuisines, in which it is added to a huge number of dishes, including fried poultry, rice, various types meat and more.

Application in medicine

What is the use of almonds in modern medicine? Reviews claim that this is an excellent raw material that is used to produce fatty oils and seeds. The latter are actively used to create a special emulsion. As for the cake, which is unofficially called "almond bran", it is used as a medical and cosmetic product, as well as to obtain bitter almond water.

It should also be noted that oil is prepared from the seeds of the mentioned plant by cold or hot pressing. It is used not only in food, but also in the pharmaceutical and perfume industries. Such a product serves as a kind of camphor solvent for injections, as well as the basis for cosmetic and medicinal ointments. Thanks to this additive, creams and other products soften the skin well and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Also, almond oil can be administered orally, including children. It is often used as a laxative. As for the emulsion, it exhibits enveloping and emollient properties.

It is impossible not to say that the kernels of sweet almonds have been used in folk medicine with such painful conditions as anemia, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, insomnia and migraine. They are also highly effective as an antitussive for convulsions. In addition, almond oil is often used internally as a sedative for heart diseases, as a remedy that increases appetite well, as an anti-inflammatory drug for sore throats, pneumonia and flatulence, and also externally for bedsores.

Almonds were originally cultivated in Asia in the 4th century BC. In our time, almonds are widely used, but its largest producers are the United States (California) and, in Europe, Spain.

Now more than a hundred varieties are grown in Spain, of which the most valuable are Marcona, Largueta and Planeta.

A special pride of the province of Alicante is local variety Marcona, the most expensive and most demanded in the confectionery industry and in the production of turrons.

Almonds are known for their nutritional value, but it is important to distinguish between two types of almonds: sweet and bitter.

  • Bitter almond. The kernels of bitter almonds are inedible, because. contain the substance amygdalin, which, when ingested, turns into poisonous hydrocyanic acid and can cause poisoning. Oil is squeezed out of such almonds, which is used in perfumery, for example, for cooking. the best varieties soap.
  • Almonds are sweet. It is eaten fresh, fried, salted, and also as a spice in the preparation of various sweets, chocolate, liquors. The most popular almond-based sweets are marzipan (a mixture of ground almonds with sugar syrup), pralines (ground almonds roasted in sugar), nougat or turron, and macaroons. Almond butter is also increasingly in demand as an alternative to fatty peanut butter.

BUT the tastiest almond- plucked from a tree branch, split by a stone on the road and eaten right there!

Even the shell of almond seeds is valuable - it is used to give flavor and color to cognacs, liqueurs, and wines; Activated charcoal is also made from it.

Almond milk(a mixture of ground almonds or almond paste and water) - an exquisite taste drink, unlike cow's milk, it does not contain lactose and cholesterol, and, of course, a real find for vegetarians as an excellent source of protein.

Largely thanks to vast expanses almond groves the province of Alicante is the center of production turron. Turrón de Alicante, in a nutshell, is a sweet nougat made from toasted almonds and honey; in fact, they are produced in many variations. According to the standards, almonds should be the main ingredient of turron, or rather, at least 46% of the product. The honey used must be Valencian.

The Alicante turron is traditionally consumed on Christmas days. Why at Christmas?

This sweetness has not been an affordable product at all times. Considering high cost ingredients used in its preparation (honey and almonds), turron was a delicacy reserved for special occasions.

But the beauty of almonds is not only in its taste, aroma and benefits, but also in the beauty of the almond tree in bloom!

The almond blossom period (February-March) is the time when only the lazy will not stop on the way to almond plantations, or even go there specifically to take some impressive photos.

Spaniards compare the almond tree with ugly duckling which turns into a beautiful swan in early spring.

At first glance, it may seem that the trees are covered with snow, but there is no snow here, these are white or pink petals that cover the crowns.

One of the best places where you can admire this lush color is the Valle del Pop in the province of Alicante.

The legend of the almond

Since ancient times, the almond tree has been valued for the beauty of flowers and the taste of fruits. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the ancient Roman poet Ovid, in the collection of poetic letters of the mythological heroines "Heroides", sets out a legend according to which the Athenian king Demophon, on his way to the Trojan War, was carried away by the Thracian princess Phyllida.

When the war ended, Phyllida wandered along the seashore day and night in the hope of seeing the ship of her lover, but Demophon never returned by the appointed time. The bride could not stand such a long wait and died of grief, after which the gods turned her into an almond tree. Returning to Thrace, Demophon learned about what had happened and hugged the tree, which immediately became covered with beautiful fragrant flowers, like a bride's robe. Since then, the almond blossom has marked the arrival of spring and the rebirth of life...

Almonds are light-loving and drought tolerant plant genus of plums of the rose family. The birthplace of this culture is Western Asia: there is evidence that indicates that almonds began to be grown in the territory of the Middle East and Transcaucasia several centuries before the beginning of our era. To date, the most major manufacturers and suppliers of its fruits to the international market are the countries of the Mediterranean, China, the USA, Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Almond is a branchy shrub that reaches six meters in height. The dark green leaves of the culture have oval shape with pointed top. Almond blossoms in February-April with small pale pink or white flowers. The fruit of the plant is a dry oval drupe. The pits of almonds (which are called almonds) are also oval in shape, and their surface is densely dotted with small dimples and grooves. The fruits ripen in the second half of June or July.

Sweet almond kernels are eaten raw, salted, roasted and used as a spice in cooking. confectionery and liquors. The fresh fruits of the plant are used to make almond flour and milk, which is the best-known substitute for animal dairy products for vegetarians. Along with this, almonds and the oil squeezed from it are widely used both in official and traditional medicine (for the manufacture of medicines) and in the cosmetic industry (for the production of soaps, creams, lotions, perfumes, etc.).

There are several simple rules, which must be observed when buying almonds. In order to choose tasty and high-quality fruits, you must:

  • give preference to nuts sold in shell;
  • make sure that the nut shell is intact, and there is no light or red-brown coating on its surface;
  • make sure that the nuts do not have a musty, rancid smell.

Store almonds in tightly sealed containers (eg. glass jars). The container with nuts is placed in a cool place, protected from sunlight and moisture.

Nutritional value of almonds and vitamins in its composition

Almonds are a product with high nutritional value. The fruits of this plant contain a sufficient amount of vegetable protein, fats, vitamins and other useful compounds.

The nutritional value 100 g almonds:

  • 18.575 g proteins;
  • 53.699 g fat;
  • 12.917 g carbohydrates;
  • 6.698 g starch;
  • 5.479 g disaccharides, monosaccharides;
  • 6.844 g of indigestible dietary fiber (fiber);
  • 4.994 g saturated fatty acids;
  • 3.653 g ash;
  • 3.941 g of water.

vitamins in 100 g of almonds:

  • 3.911 mg of vitamin PP;
  • 0.287 mg pyridoxine (vitamin B6);
  • 51.916 mg choline;
  • 1.491 mg ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • 0.647 mg riboflavin (vitamin B2);
  • 0.019 mg beta-carotene;
  • 0.038 mg pantothenic acid (vitamin B5);
  • 24.576 mg tocopherol equivalent (vitamin E);
  • 39.597 mcg folic acid (vitamin B9);
  • 6.119 mg niacin equivalent (Vitamin PP);
  • 2.891 mcg retinol equivalent (vitamin A);
  • 0.246 mg thiamine (vitamin B1).

Calorie content of almonds

  • Calorie content of 100 g of almonds - 644.898 kcal.
  • Calorie content of 1 almond fruit (average weight - 3 g) - 19.347 kcal.
  • Calorie content of almond flour - 601.716 kcal.
  • Calorie content of almond milk - 134.121 kcal.
  • Calorie content of almond oil - 817.411 kcal.
  • Calorie almond cookies - 488.132 kcal.
  • The calorie content of marzipan is 478.662 kcal.

Micronutrients and macronutrients in almonds

trace elements in 100 g of almonds:

  • 4.192 mg iron;
  • 2.417 mcg selenium;
  • 138.667 micrograms of copper;
  • 2.111 mg zinc;
  • 1.918 mg manganese;
  • 90.773 μg fluorine;
  • 1.993 micrograms of iodine.

Macronutrients in 100 g of almonds:

  • 272.812 mg calcium;
  • 747.488 mg potassium;
  • 38.159 mg chlorine;
  • 233.144 mg magnesium;
  • 472.129 mg phosphorus;
  • 177.836 mg sulfur;
  • 9.814 mg sodium.

Useful properties of almonds

  • Almonds are a rich source of vegetable protein. Vegetarians and people who are forced to give up the consumption of meat and dairy products for medical reasons can use the fruits of this plant to replenish the reserves of protein compounds in the body.
  • In folk medicine, almond kernels are used as a general tonic.
  • Almonds are a rich source of antioxidants. Daily consumption of almonds prevents too early aging cells, protects them from damage by free radicals, minimizes the risk of developing benign and malignant tumors.
  • The compounds present in the composition of almonds help to remove sand from the tissues of the kidneys. The fruits of this plant and dishes prepared on their basis are recommended for people suffering from kidney stones.
  • Almonds and dishes based on it have choleretic properties.
  • Substances present in the composition of almond kernels have a positive effect on the functioning of the spleen and liver.
  • An aqueous infusion prepared on the basis of almond cake is used as a sedative and analgesic for pain in the stomach or intestines.
  • Almonds contain substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of the hematopoietic system. Therefore, people suffering from anemia are advised to eat several fruits of this plant every time after eating.
  • Almonds are a natural analgesic.
  • Almond kernels contain compounds that have anticonvulsant properties.
  • Almonds are the most effective means of combating diseases that develop against the background of high acidity of gastric juice. For the treatment of pathologies belonging to this group, almonds are taken according to the following scheme: the first 3 days - 10 kernels each time before meals, the next 7 days - 20 kernels in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Daily consumption of almonds and dishes prepared on its basis helps to increase brain activity, improve memory, and increase concentration.
  • Almond milk is effective remedy fight heartburn, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other disorders in the digestive system.
  • The compounds present in almonds create conditions for accelerated elimination from the body of toxins and other harmful substances.
  • Regular consumption of almonds (2-3 kernels per day) helps to increase potency in men, improve the composition of sperm and the processes of its production.
  • Substances present in almonds have soothing properties and help reduce Negative influence stress on the body. Regular consumption of the fruits of this plant helps to cope with insomnia and other sleep disorders.
  • Almond kernels are a natural appetite stimulant.
  • Substances present in the composition of almonds accelerate regenerative processes and help speed up the recovery of the body after undergoing surgical interventions.
  • Cream based on almonds is an effective remedy for stretch marks and helps women speed up recovery processes after pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Substances present in the composition of almonds have a beneficial effect on the condition skin(contribute to increase their elasticity and firmness, improve their shade) and hair (give them silkiness and healthy shine).
  • According to traditional healers, almonds are an effective remedy for male pattern baldness. Fresh almond kernels are placed in a mortar, poured with milk and ground until a thick homogeneous mass is obtained. The mixture is rubbed daily into the affected areas.

Useful properties of almond oil

  • Ointments prepared on the basis of almond oil have anti-cellulite properties.
  • Almond oil is used to prepare masks and creams designed to combat excessive dryness of the skin, peeling, acne, too large pores.
  • Almond oil has mild laxative properties and can be used to treat chronic constipation. In addition, it is used as an effective remedy for flatulence.
  • The oil squeezed from almonds has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. For this reason, it is actively used to treat bronchitis and other respiratory diseases of an inflammatory nature (taken orally 5 ml per day).
  • Almond oil is an effective cough remedy. The remedy is taken together with sugar three times a day (5-8 drops of oil are applied to one piece of sugar).
  • The oil squeezed from the kernels of almonds is used for rinsing with stomatitis and other diseases of the soft tissues of the mouth.
  • Almond oil is used externally (for rubbing) as an analgesic and cooling agent. In addition, it is used to lubricate the skin of patients, forced long time stay in bed (for the prevention of bedsores).

Contraindications and harmful properties of almonds

  • Almonds are a common allergen. For this reason, people who have an increased tendency to develop allergic reactions should carefully include the fruits of this plant in their diet. Persons suffering from individual intolerance to almonds should completely abandon the consumption of dishes prepared on its basis.
  • Almonds and dishes prepared on their basis have an increased energy value. Their uncontrolled consumption contributes to weight gain.
  • Abuse of almonds can adversely affect the condition of people who have previously been diagnosed with malfunctions nervous system or heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Unripe fruits of bitter almonds contain amygdalin glycoside. This substance on the onset certain conditions is transformed into hydrocyanic acid, which can cause severe poisoning and provoke the occurrence of other serious disorders in the body.

A review article on a nutritious product - almonds: where it grows, where it is used, chemical composition, calorie content, beneficial features, contraindications, interesting facts.

It is correct to say that almonds are a drupe or stone fruit, and not a nut, although it is very similar to it. The botanical name is Prunus dulcis (in English almond). It bears fruit a small branched shrub (tree) Amygdalus, which grows only up to 5-6 meters in height.

picture of almond blossoms

Almond bush from the genus Plum subgenus Almond, distributed in Central Asia, the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, China and Russia on the Crimean Peninsula. He likes rocky slopes high above sea level, there is a lot of sunlight, soils with a high content of calcium, he is not afraid of drought, his root system highly developed. The plant blooms profusely during the first two spring months: March and April, bears fruit in early summer (June and July). The first nuts were collected in antiquity, BC.

almond fruit

If a plant loves the sun very much and tolerates drought well, then how juicy can its fruit be? - Oval single-drupe, hard, with a pleasant velvety-pubescent surface, dry, in a leathery, fleshy, inedible green pericarp (peel). When a mature nut is plucked from a branch, this pericarp dries out and separates easily. The almond bone is 2-3.5 cm long, repeats the shape of the pericarp, is covered with shallow grooves and small pits, weighing only from a gram to five. Although this is a small nut, its benefits are great: in cooking it is used as a tasty and useful product, in cosmetology for skin and hair, in medicine as elixirs and ointments. And most importantly, not only nuts (chopped or whole), but also seeds and oil are used.

Application of almonds

Usually and most simply, sweet almond kernels are not cooked, but are eaten fresh as food. For snacks (for example, beer) they are fried and salted. In cooking, they take chopped almonds as a spice in baking, making chocolate, sweets and even liquors (Amaretto). By the way, in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages, fragrant shells are used, it improves the color and gives a pleasant taste. Very tasty cookies are prepared from almond fruits, a delicate cream is added to cakes and buns - frangipane, instead of peanut butter in some countries they use less high-calorie - almond.

Based on this fragrant delicious fruit prepare other delicacies. For example, marzipan (ground almonds in syrup), which is popular in Europe, or Raffaello sweets sprinkled with coconut and a whole nut inside.

Almonds can be used to make milk, as in Spain they make a plant-based dairy product called Horchatu, and it is in demand among vegetarians as a substitute for cow milk. The French drink almond milk, mix it with orange water and get a pleasant and healthy drink - Orshad.

Almonds are so popular not only in European countries. In China and Indonesia, nuts are almost always added to a variety of dishes: rice, various types of meat and poultry, etc.

How to store almonds? It is best to store nuts in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid in the refrigerator (this way you can store 2-3 months). If you want to save for a long time (a year), then feel free to put in freezer. The fact is that almonds, like any other nuts, contain a lot of fat, and it room temperature quickly deteriorates and begins to taste bitter, which subsequently makes the nuts not only not tasty, but also harmful to health.

The chemical composition of almonds

Almond nuts are very tasty, but also a very high-calorie product. It contains almost no water, but it contains many different fats, B vitamins, micro and macro elements, and fiber.

Calorie content of almonds per 100 g is 576 kcal, also for this serving it includes:

  1. Proteins - 21.3 g
  2. Carbohydrates - 21.7 g
  3. - 49.4 g is:
    • saturated - 3.7 g;
    • monounsaturated - 31 g;
    • polyunsaturated - 12 g.
  4. Disaccharides - 4 g
  5. Dietary fiber - 12 g
  6. Water - 4.7 g
  • B1 thiamine - 0.2 mg
  • B2 riboflavin - 1.1 mg
  • B3 niacin - 3.4 mg
  • B5 pantothenic acid - 0.5 mg
  • pyridoxine - 0.13 mg
  • B9 - 50 mcg
  • Tocopherol E - 26.3 mg
Micro and macro elements:
  • Magnesium - 270 mg
  • Phosphorus - 485 mg
  • Calcium - 265 mg
  • Potassium 705 mg iron 3.8 mg

Almonds are a nutritious, tasty and healthy product. Rivne is valued for its qualities both in cooking and in medicine. It contains many substances that will support the work of the heart, nerves and brain. Vitamins and fats that heal hair, skin, nails. To maintain the body, it is enough to eat daily from 30 to 50 grams of fruit (the normal dose is 7-10 nuts per day). Overdoing more than 50 g per day is also not worth it - this is harmful.

Except Food Industry almond oil is used in medicine, it has a high fat content, and on the package you can read the Latin "Oleum Amygdalarum". It is obtained by hot and cold pressing. Doctors may prescribe it by mouth as a natural laxative, for flatulence, as a healing enveloping emulsion, soothing, anti-inflammatory (especially good for sore throats), for heart disease, and even as an appetite stimulant. The cake (poisonous) left after pressing is used as a cosmetic product and is called “almond bran”. The pomace is also used to make bitter almond water (prescribed as a sedative, tonic, and pain reliever). Oil is the unchanging basis of all medicinal ointments and cosmetics. Ointment based on the almond product has a softening anti-inflammatory effect, almond seed oil heals and prevents bedsores.

Almond contraindications

Almonds are not a dietary product due to their high fat content. Its use should be limited to people suffering from obesity and diabetes.

This product may cause individual intolerance. Contains allergens, too.

Unripe almonds are especially harmful. It contains cyanide, and this is a poison for our body. Bitter almonds contain a lot of hydrocyanic acid and are also not suitable for food, oil is squeezed out of it.

Pictured is a green almond on a tree branch
  • Almond bushes grow in groups of 3-4 trees, like a family. The distance between the "family members" meters 5-7. Plants bear fruit from 30 to 50 years, although the total life span is 130 years.
  • Although almonds love the sun, they can tolerate frost down to -25 degrees.
  • Fatty oil is obtained from the bitter almond kernel, it is purified from amygdalin and high-grade soap is brewed.

Amygdalin is a C20H27NO11 mandelic acid nitrile gentibioside, a glycoside found in the seeds of many plants of the Prunus genus, giving them a bitter taste. First isolated from the bitter almond Prunus amygdalus var. amara. Rhombic crystals with a melting point of 215 °C. - taken from Wikipedia.

Video about the benefits of almonds for the human body:

The article discusses almonds. We talk about its properties, benefits for women and for weight loss. You will learn how nuts are cracked, and whether they can be eaten with breastfeeding.

Almond is a tree from the subgenus Almond of the genus Plum of the Pink family. Written mention of it is found in the Bible.

The tree grows in Western and Central Asia, the countries of the Mediterranean. Numerous plantations of the plant are found in California. Almonds are also grown in Australia.

How a tree grows

The almond tree grows on rocky and gravel slopes at an altitude of 800-1600 m above sea level, loves calcium-rich soil. The plant loves sunlight, is not afraid of drought. Does not tolerate wetlands and low temperatures.

Almond trees grow in small groups of 3-4 plants at a distance of 5 meters from each other. It reaches a height of 4-6 m. The bark of the trunk is dark brown, almost black. The bark of the branches is dark grey. Shoots are elongated vegetative or shortened generative. The leaves are lanceolate, have a long pointed top.

The flowers are solitary white or pinkish, reach 2.5 cm in diameter. They bloom before the leaves. The plant blooms in March - February. The fruits ripen in June - July.

Almond is a drupe 3-4 cm long, oblong in shape. The tip is pointed and has a longitudinal groove. The pericarp is leathery and inedible. When ripe, the dry pericarp is easily separated from the stone, and it does not need to be split. The bone weighs no more than 5 g.


There are 3 types in total:

  1. Bitter - the kernel contains toxic hydrocyanic acid. Eliminate bitterness through heat treatment. This species is suitable for making butter.
  2. Sweet - suitable for cooking.
  3. Fragile - this species has a very thin shell, hence it gets its name.

There are also several varieties of plants, for example, Anyuta, White Sail, Dream, Nikitinsky, California and others.

Chemical composition

Almonds contain:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin E;
  • arachidic acid;
  • linolenic acid;
  • stearic acid;
  • maleic acid;
  • myristic acid;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • fluorine;
  • zinc.


Calorie content of almonds per 100 g - 609 Kcal. Also, 100 g of nuts contain 18 g of protein, 53 g of fat, 13 g of carbohydrates.

Beneficial features

Health benefits of almonds:

  • choleretic;
  • restorative;
  • rejuvenating;
  • soothing;
  • painkiller;
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant;
  • cleansing.

Benefit and harm

Thanks to the rich chemical composition, nuts help with anemia, visual impairment, stomach and duodenal ulcers. The product can reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Almonds treat stomatitis.

Nuts are suitable for the elderly, their regular use prevents senile dementia and dementia. Vitamin E in the composition of the bone strengthens the walls of blood vessels, maintains their elasticity, and helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Almonds treat lung diseases, otitis media. Under the influence of a nut, positive changes occur in the work of the nervous system, emotional balance is restored.

The product has a low glycemic index, high nutritional value, so it can be consumed in type 2 diabetes. Use the nut as a snack.

The product is effective in the treatment of heart disease. Almond kernels improve the condition with tachycardia. They help prevent heart attacks.

The smell of almond helps to relax. The tool is used for an aromatherapy session.

Excessive use of almonds can harm the body and cause poisoning, which occurs when eating an unripe fruit or a bitter type of nut. Symptoms of poisoning: dizziness, headaches, in severe cases - a slight drug intoxication.

The use of almonds sometimes provokes an allergic reaction. Eat kernels moderately - up to 20-24 pcs. in a day.

How much can you eat per day

If there is no allergy, eat no more than 20-24 pieces per day. in a day. The fried product has a richer taste than the raw one. You can cook the nut in a frying pan by adding a little oil.

For the treatment of heart disease, eat honey with almonds, 60 g per day. To reduce the risk of heart attack, eat 10 nuts a day for 10 days.


The bones of the fruit are used in the food industry, cooking, cosmetology, and traditional medicine. Of particular value are not only the kernels of the nut, but also the shell. It is used in the cosmetic industry in the manufacture of skin scrubs.

The food industry uses the product to flavor wines, liqueurs, brandy. The shell improves the aroma of drinks, makes the color more saturated.

Oil is made from the kernels, which is used in cooking and cosmetology. From the cake, which remains after the extraction of fatty oil, an essential essence is made. It is used as a fragrance in perfumes and cosmetics.

In folk medicine

  • improves sleep;
  • increases libido;
  • activates brain activity;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • eliminates depression;
  • increases efficiency;
  • improves eyesight;
  • treats a sore throat;
  • improves digestion;
  • normalizes the functioning of the liver, blood vessels;
  • normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • heals boils.

To get rid of suppuration, crush the kernels and apply the gruel to the sore spot. Repeat the procedure daily until the wound heals. To normalize cholesterol levels, eat 23 nuts a day. A decoction of raw materials is useful for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.


  1. Almond nuts - 100 g.
  2. Water - 1 l.

How to cook: Fill the kernels with water and put on fire. Boil and cook for 15 minutes. Remove from fire and cool.

How to use: Drink 80 ml 3 times a day. Eat boiled almonds as you drink liquid.

Result: Reduces stomach pain.

In cosmetology

For cosmetic purposes, nuts are used to eliminate oily skin. For this, face masks are prepared using a crushed product.


  1. Almonds - 0.5 tbsp.
  2. Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  3. Boiling water - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the nuts and wait 5 minutes. Drain the water and grind the raw materials. Add lemon juice and 1 tbsp. boiled water.

How to use: Apply the mask on your face for half an hour. Wash off with warm and then cool water.

Result: Removes oily sheen, rejuvenates the skin.

Cosmetics with almonds are good for skin cleansing and make-up removal. suitable for making homemade masks for facial skin and hair care.

The product in the composition of masks moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Use for this and. Regular use of the oil helps to slow down the aging process, smoothes superficial wrinkles, restores skin elasticity.

For weight loss

Thanks to almonds, you can improve metabolism and lose excess weight. Nuts are useful in diets with low salt content in meals. To lose weight, add chopped product to salads, meat and vegetable dishes. Make sure that the daily rate does not exceed 100 g.

For women

Walnut has an antispasmodic effect: it can be used for headaches, to reduce discomfort during menstruation.

eat up daily allowance almonds to improve well-being, you can mix the nut with honey.

For men

Thanks to almonds, you can improve male potency. The product has properties to stimulate the production of seminal fluid, improve its quality. Almond is a powerful aphrodisiac.

Almond kernels are used to prevent baldness. Mix the crushed bone with milk and apply the resulting mixture on the scalp. The tool activates hair growth.

Jam with almonds

You can make delicious homemade jam from almonds. Below is a recipe for apricot jam.

You will need:

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • almonds - 0.2 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the apricots, dry them, remove the seeds from them.
  2. Place the apricots in a saucepan.
  3. Cover the apricots with sugar.
  4. Pour boiling water over almonds and leave for 10 minutes.
  5. Remove the soaked nut from the container and remove the husk.
  6. Place the saucepan with apricots over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  7. After the composition boils, add the almonds and cook for another half hour, removing the resulting film from above.
  8. Place the finished jam in jars and twist.

How to clean

  1. Put a container of water on the stove, wait until the water boils.
  2. Place the required portion of the product for 1 minute in boiling water.
  3. After a minute, remove the almonds and place them on a flat plate.
  4. Peel the nut from the shell by pressing the kernel with your fingers.
  5. To prevent browning of peeled almonds, place them in cold water then rinse and place on a baking sheet.
  6. Preheat the oven to 60 degrees, put a baking sheet in it for 6 minutes.
  7. After you take out the baking sheet, use the nut for its intended purpose.

How to fry

For frying, use peeled almonds.

You will need:

  • almonds - 0.3 kg;
  • salt - 0.4 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Pour into the bottom of the pan table salt, put a layer of almonds on top.
  2. Put the pan on the fire.
  3. Stir occasionally while frying, fry until golden brown.


Almond oil is made from kernels through cold pressing. The oil from the kernels of the sweet nut is used for food and for the preparation of cosmetics. Bitter almond oil is used for technical and cosmetic purposes.

Essential oil

Ether is made only from sweet almonds, since bitter almonds are high in fat and contain a lot of cyanide, which is deadly to humans.

Essential oil is of the first and second type. Ether of the first type is produced within an hour, it is more useful. The second type of ester is called refined and can be used as a base oil. The main difference between these products is the aroma, in the oil of the first type it is brighter and richer.

Almond ether, unlike others essential oils may be used undiluted. The product has a light texture and does not leave greasy marks after application.

Ether is suitable for all skin types. It can be used to care for the delicate skin of a child.


The product is useful for children, it increases mental and physical activity, promotes growth and development. Walnut helps to strengthen bone tissue, normalizes the cardiovascular system, improves metabolic processes and blood composition.

Almonds can improve children's sleep. For these purposes, give the child a nut 3 times a week for 5 pieces.

It is permissible to give nuclei to children from 3 years old. But first, offer your child 1 nut to make sure there are no allergies.

During pregnancy

Almonds contain folic acid, which reduces the risk of abnormalities in the development of the fetus: it is useful for pregnant women to eat it. The proteins in the product help active growth fetus.

The use of nuts during lactation makes breast milk more nutritious. Experts recommend eating nuts for women who suffer from problems with milk production.

  • introduce nuts into the diet at the moment when the child is 3 months old;
  • eat only one nut for the first time, if within the next 2 days the child does not have allergies, you can eat almonds;
  • eat no more than 30 g per day.

product allergy

To check if you have an allergy, eat 1 nut and observe how you feel for a few days. If nothing bothers you, then you can eat nuts.

To check if you are allergic to almond oil, apply a few drops to your wrist. After a quarter of an hour, look at it, if there are no rashes or itching, then there is no allergy.

Contraindications and restrictions

Restrictions on the use of the product:

  • allergy;
  • obesity.

Excessive use may cause mild drug intoxication.

How to store

Store the peeled nut in an airtight and tightly closed container in a cool place.

Where can I buy

You can buy the product in the online store or specialized stores. The average price in the online store for 250 g is 500 rubles. You can also buy other products based on almonds: milk, pasta, flour.


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