Minimum pipeline slope. Slope of sewer pipes

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At the design stage, and then during installation, it is necessary to strictly observe the angle of inclination of the sewer pipes. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s an internal sewer or a pipe, the pipeline must have a slope.

This is due to the fact that the sewer system in most cases is gravity-fed, that is, wastewater delivered to treatment plants under the influence of gravity. Even a slight deviation from the standards will lead to the malfunction of the entire system.

What is the pipe angle

Pipe angle - change work surface relative to the horizon. In standard measuring systems, it is customary to measure angles in degrees, while the slope of pipelines is measured in centimeters per 1 meter.

How to calculate slope

There are two methods for calculating the angle of inclination of sewer pipes: calculated and non-calculated.

The calculation method is used for sewerage with constant wastewater pressure and, in turn, has two methods:

  1. calculation in accordance with the speed of movement of wastewater through the pipeline to the standard coefficient;
  2. Callbrook-White formula.

Pipe diameter

When laying internal sewerage The correctly selected pipe diameter plays an important role. When choosing, you should be guided by the following parameters:

  1. The cross-section of the pipe must coincide with the pipe drain hole plumbing fixture;
  2. the permeability of the pipe depends on the diameter, that is, for a pipe with a diameter of 200 mm, the useful volume is 2 times greater than for a pipe with a cross-section of 110 mm;
  3. When draining water, the pipes should not be completely filled.

Slope angle according to SNiP

This method is suitable for large sewer networks. For small systems, the recommended values ​​from SNiP are used. In this reference book you can find out the minimum and maximum values ​​of the sewer slope angle.

Minimum slope

When installing external sewer system it is necessary to adhere to the minimum value - 0.015 m per 1 linear meter.

On a note!

When decreasing minimum angle, solid and heavy particles will remain inside the pipeline and interfere with the passage of liquid (they will create a blockage).

The internal sewerage pipeline is made following the same parameters. As an exception, it is allowed to reduce these values ​​in areas of less than 1 meter. In such areas, you can make a slope of 0.01 m. However, the risk of blockage increases significantly.

Maximum angle

The maximum permissible slope depends on the speed of passage of the wastewater. The flow velocity in should not be more than 1.5 m ⁄ s.

As the speed increases, solid particles will settle on the surface of the pipes, since their speed is less than the speed of the liquid. Therefore, the maximum slope angle should not exceed the recommended values ​​by more than 3%.

Slope of the internal sewerage pipeline

To install the system inside the house, use a pipe with a diameter of 50 to 110 mm. The slope angle is taken from the reference book and is the same for home, country or production systems. To avoid complex calculations, you can use the table of inclination angles.

When calculating this data, all necessary parameters were taken into account:

  • internal section;
  • flow speed;
  • fluid viscosity;
  • smoothness of the walls.

Slope for sewer pipelines of different diameters

In conclusion, it’s worth adding a few tips:

  • Lay the pipeline taking into account natural shrinkage. Over time, the pipe may bend or sag, which means it will need adjustment, and this requires space.
  • Connect the pipes at an angle of at least 120 degrees. If such an angle cannot be set, install additional inspection hatches.
  • When connecting, ensure that the pipeline is sealed.
  • Try to avoid unnecessary joints and turns. Remember - than simpler system, the less likely it is to break.

When designing a sewer system, try to route the pipeline along shortest path. Don’t be afraid to seek advice; with the help of specialists you will get reliable, high-quality and efficient system sewerage.

Video: How to lay a sewer pipe, slopes and bends, do-it-yourself sewerage

Sewage slope per 1 meter SNIP

With what slope should sewer pipes be laid?

The installation of a sewer system requires compliance with certain standards. In particular, the correct slope is very important sewer pipe, which is in accordance with SNiP and the length of communication pipelines.


There are several positions that guide home craftsmen:

1. Make the angle as sharp as possible;

2. Make the slope minimal or skip this point altogether when installing sewer drains;

3. Create a slope in accordance with the rules and GOSTs.

At first glance, an excessive slope of the sewer pipe will help water that requires treatment to reach the well faster. But on the other hand, the pipe is subjected to harmful effects drains. Because water moves through the drain too quickly, sewage solids, food debris and other debris that is often flushed down the toilet remain in the pipe. Silting of the pipe will also be a problem. Over time, the sewer will become clogged and you will have to work to repair it. The service life of such a system is much shorter than the standard one and is less than a year.

A minimal slope or its absence is a serious mistake when installing a sewer pipeline. In this case, the pipe not only silts up, but is practically not cleaned naturally. Only the angle at which the septic tank is located in relation to the sewer can save the situation.

It is best to work with certain standards, which indicate the ratio of the angle to the diameter and length of the pipe. Of course, this requires a lot of time and special care, but after such painstaking work, the sewerage system will serve you for many years.

Why do you need a bias:

When the pipe becomes silted, air siphons break off, which serve as protection against unpleasant odors in room;

Siltation of the main pipe threatens to completely disrupt the basic functions of the sewer outlets, which, in essence, is the cessation of the system’s operation;

Protecting the basement of a residential building from leaks and breakthroughs depends on the correct slope.

Also, if there are no problems with corrosion when installing plastic without slope, then cast iron pipe Gaps may appear. It will begin to leak water and sewage into the basement. Previously in multi-storey buildings The sewers were not installed with a slope, which is why there are so many cases of flooding in an apartment on the first floor or a breakthrough of the entire sewer system.


To determine the minimum pipe slope that will be optimal for you, you need to know the length of the entire sewer system. Directories use data immediately in finished form, they are depicted in hundredths of an integer. Some employees find it difficult to navigate such information without explanation.

For example, a slope for a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm and a length of 1 meter needs 0.03 mm. How was this determined? 0.03 is the ratio of the height of the slope to the length of the pipe. Depending on the diameter, it can be from 0.03 to several millimeters. Let's look at how the rule works:

Suppose we need to calculate optimal slope for a pipe 110 mm, according to GOST it is 0.02 mm. To calculate the total angle, you need to multiply the length of the pipe by the slope specified in SNiP or GOST. It turns out: 10 m (length of the sewer system) * 0.02 = 0.2 m or 20 cm. This means the difference between the installation level of the first point of the pipe and the last is 20 cm.

Also, the fill level of a cast iron, plastic or asbestos-cement sewer pipe must be calculated. This concept determines what the flow rate in the pipe should be so that it does not become clogged. Naturally, the slope also depends on the fullness. You can calculate the fullness using the formula:


The maximum fill level is 1, but in this case the sewer pipe is full, and therefore there is no slope, which means you need to choose 50-60%. This is a coefficient, often taken as 0.5 - as the definition of half of the pipe cavity. Much depends on the material of the pipe (cast iron and asbestos fill faster due to the high roughness of the internal walls), and its angle in relation to the septic tank.

Your goal is to calculate the maximum allowed speed for the device sewer drain. Professionals say that 0.7 m/s allows waste to quickly pass past the walls without sticking. Investigator, the correct calculation looks like this:

0.5 / 110 = 0.04 – this is the level of fullness

0.5 ≤ 0.7 / 0.042 = 0.5 ≤ 43.75 – the calculation is correct.

The last formula is a test one. The first number is the fill factor, the second after the equal sign is the speed of movement of the wastewater, the third is the square of the fill level.

The angle can also be expressed in degrees, but then it will be more difficult for you to switch to geometric values ​​when installing external or inner pipe. This measurement provides higher accuracy.

In the same way, it is easy to determine the slope of the external underground pipe. In most cases, external communications have large diameters. The investigator will use a greater slope per meter. At the same time, there is also a certain hydraulic level of deviation, which allows you to make the slope slightly less than optimal. In most cases, this permissible pressure pipe size is 0.02 - 0.01 mm less.

According to SNiP 2.04.01-85 clause 18.2 (standard for installing water drainage systems), when installing the corner of sewer pipes of a private house, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • For one linear meter of a pipe with a diameter of up to 50 mm, you need to allocate 3 cm of slope, but for pipelines with a diameter of 110 mm you will need 2 cm;
  • Maximum permissible value, for both internal and external pressure sewerage - this is the total slope of the pipeline from the base to the end of 15 degrees;
  • SNiP standards require mandatory consideration of the level of soil freezing for the installation of an external sewer system;
  • To determine the correctness of the selected angles, it is necessary to consult with specialists, and also check the selected data using the formulas above;
  • When installing a sewer system in a bathroom, you can make the filling coefficient, and therefore the slope of the pipe, not so strong. The fact is that water comes out of this room mainly without abrasive particles;
  • Before starting work, you must make a plan.
  • Do not confuse the method of installing sewer pipes in an apartment and a house. In the first case, vertical installation is often used. This is when a vertical pipe is installed from the toilet or shower stall, and it then goes into the main pipe, made at a certain slope. This method can be used if, for example, the shower or washbasin is located in the attic of the house. In turn, styling external system begins immediately from the rings of the toilet, septic tank or washbasin.

    In order to maintain the required angle during installation, it is recommended to dig a trench on a slope in advance and stretch the string along it. The same can be done for the floor.

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    When laying sewer pipes in a private house or major renovation apartments (with replacement of sewerage and water supply networks), it should be remembered that the principle of drainage in them is based on the work of gravity. This means that without outside intervention, movement in the sewer system will only occur when there is a slope in the sewer pipe.

    IN living conditions When installing sewer pipes with your own hands, there is no point in installing a pressure system for forced pumping of wastewater using a pump. This leads to additional costs both during construction and during operational period, and their repair, if necessary, is quite expensive. Forced drainage network systems are used only in large industries.

    Contents of the article

    Main settings

    When laying sewer pipes with your own hands in a private house, it is very important to create the correct slope, following all the rules when installing them. Slope too small will result in weak flow inside the line, which will allow heavy components to be deposited and will require repair of all networks in the future.

    A large angle of inclination of the sewer pipe is also not suitable, since in such conditions wastewater will flow away faster than other components, which will also lead to clogging of the entire system and will have to be dismantled to correct the situation.

    The rules for properly laying a sewer pipeline are to ensure sufficient speed of movement of wastewater. This indicator is one of the main ones, and it determines how efficiently the entire sewage system works.

    The statement that the greater the slope of the pipe, the faster the flow moves, and the more better job the entire system is erroneous. With a large slope, indeed, the water will flow away very quickly, but this is the mistake - with the high-speed passage of water in the line, the self-cleaning of the system is significantly reduced.

    Large and heavy particles that fall into the sewer along with water will not have time to travel the entire way and will remain in it, gradually accumulating and creating blockages.

    In addition, this approach leads to noisy operation of the wastewater system, and due to the high speed of movement, it will increased wear of the inner surface occurs.

    This will lead to premature replacement of individual sections or the entire sewer system will have to be repaired.

    According to the rules for installing sewer pipes, the optimal speed of movement of wastewater should be from 0.7 to 1 meter per second.

    Since the speed of movement of wastewater is set by the slope of the sewer pipes, there is another parameter, which is expressed by the difference in height at the beginning of the pipeline (the highest point) and its end (the lowest point of the entire system).

    The slope per 1 linear meter of sewer pipes in centimeters in height is the parameter that must be observed when laying sewers. You will have to adhere to the standards for this value, since otherwise it will be necessary to dismantle the entire system, and sometimes repair or alter the water supply system.


    When laying sewer pipes in a private house, you must follow the rules described in SNiP 2.04.01-85.

    Taking into account the diameter of the pipeline, the sewerage is laid with a certain slope for each linear meter.

    For example:

    • if lines with a diameter of 40-50 mm are used, the slope should be 3 cm per linear meter;
    • for pipes with a diameter of 85-110 mm, a 2-centimeter slope per linear meter is optimal.

    In some cases, slope parameters are expressed in fractional numbers, and not in centimeters per linear meter. For the above example (3/100 and 2/100), slope information at correct laying sewer pipes in a private house will look like this:

    • for lines with a cross section of 40-50 mm – slope 0.03;
    • for lines with a cross section of 85-110 mm - slope 0.02.

    Individual slope calculation

    Laying sewer pipes with your own hands in a private house is carried out according to the standards that appear in SNiP. But you can calculate the parameters for the arrangement of sewerage and water supply networks yourself. To do this, use the following formula:

    V√H/D ≥ K, where:

    • K is a special coefficient that takes into account the properties of the material that was used in the manufacture of the pipe;
    • V – speed of passage of wastewater;
    • H – pipe filling capacity (flow height);
    • D – section (diameter) of the pipe.


    • coefficient K, for pipes made of smooth materials (polymer or glass), should be equal to 0.5, for metal pipeline – 0,6;
    • indicator V (flow velocity) - for any pipeline is 0.7-1.0 m/s;
    • H/D ratio - indicates the filling of the pipe, and should have a value from 0.3 to 0.6.

    Internal and external sewer systems

    When laying sewer and water supply networks in a private house, some features should be taken into account, which are determined by the location of their individual sections.

    Internal systems

    When installing sewer pipes in a private house, two diameters are mainly used - 50 mm and 110 mm. The first is for drainage, the second is for the toilet. The laying of the sewer pipe should be carried out in accordance with the following recommendations:

    • turning the pipeline (if it is horizontal) should not be done at an angle of 90 degrees. To change the direction, it is better to install the bends at an angle of 45 degrees, this greatly facilitates the passage of the main flow and reduces the likelihood of accumulation of solid particles;
    • in places where the system turns, fittings should be installed for inspection and ease of cleaning or dismantling in case of clogging;
    • in short individual sections, it is permissible to increase the slope, exceeding the recommended norm. Such a short sewer branch can be a pipe connecting the toilet to the riser;
    • on every separate area The slope of the pipeline must be uniform, without sudden changes, because their presence can create conditions for the occurrence of a water hammer, the consequences of which will be the repair or dismantling of an already operating system.

    Do-it-yourself sewerage installation in a private house (video)

    External (external) systems

    Correct laying and installation of sewer pipes is necessary not only inside, but also outside a private house, from the point of exit of the internal sewerage system to the septic tank.

    Therefore, you should pay attention to the following points:

    • laying of sewer networks is carried out in trenches with a depth of 0.5 to 0.7 meters. The depth of penetration depends on the characteristics of the soil and is adjusted to specific conditions;
    • when preparing trenches, sand should be used at the bottom to be able to establish the correct slope by adding it;
    • highlight the pre-calculated slope (per linear meter) as a guide from the cord stretched between the driven pegs. This will avoid unnecessary subsidence or elevation of the sewer system in certain areas;
    • After laying the pipes at the bottom of the trench, check again for the correct slope and, if necessary, correct it using a sand cushion.

    Storm sewer

    The system is also demanding on slope, and its presence is mandatory to eliminate water accumulation on the soil surface during precipitation.

    When , the same parameters are taken into account as for the main sewerage system - the diameter of the pipe and the material from which it is made. Average slope indicators:

    • for pipes with a diameter of 150 mm - the indicator varies from 0.007 to 0.008;
    • with a 200 mm section – 0.005 to 0.007.

    On private farmsteads You can get by with open storm drains.

    But even with such a water drainage system, the slope must be present:

    • – 0,003;
    • for concrete trays (semicircular or rectangular) – 0.005.

    When laying sewer pipes, what slope of the sewer pipe should be?

    For normal sewerage operation, the slope must be in accordance with the recommended standards according to SNiP, or calculated using a special formula.

    The expression - the greater the slope - the better and faster the drainage - a mistake that should not be made in order to avoid the subsequent dismantling of a completely new sewer system.

    If you adhere to time-tested and operational standards, the sewerage and water supply systems will not require repair or dismantling for many years.

    Over the years of designing water supply and sewerage networks, you communicate with many people: with customers, architects, designers, installers, designers of other sections. And the most frequently asked professional question is:

    - At what slope should the sewer be laid?
    Of course, the answer to this question must be justified. Well, the best way to look for the basis is in the regulatory documentation. Small-diameter pipes are almost always used inside buildings; we will use SNiP for internal networks.
    Clause 18.2 of SNiP 2.04.01-85* “Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings” states:

    “...non-rated sections of pipelines with a diameter of 40-50 mm should be laid with a slope of 0.03, and with a diameter of 85 and 100 mm - with a slope of 0.02.”

    For external sewerage, larger pipe diameters are used and they have their own standards. Clause 2.41 SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and structures" says the following:

    “The smallest pipeline slopes for all sewerage systems should be taken for pipes with diameters: 150 mm - 0.008, 200 mm - 0.007.”

    Well, clearly:

    Usually, after silently listening to the lines from SNiP over the phone, installers ask the second most common question:

    - Well, if you really need to make the slope smaller?
    Well, SNiP has several reservations on this topic. Regarding the internal water supply, we are talking about “unmetered sections” of pipelines. In the same paragraph 18.2 of SNiP 2.04.01-85* there is a formula:

    “Calculation of sewer pipelines should be done by assigning the speed of fluid movement V, m/s, and filling H/d so that the condition is met

    Here K = 0.5 - for pipelines made of plastic and glass pipes;

    TO= 0.6 - for pipelines made of other materials

    In this case, the speed of fluid movement must be at least 0.7 m/s, and the filling of pipelines must be at least 0.3.” That is, theoretically, if you calculate the flow rate of wastewater, then the filling and, by checking the speed of the drainage, you can get some other result.
    You can also use the fundamental work of A.A. Lukins. and Lukinykh N.A. “Tables for hydraulic calculation of sewer pipelines and siphons according to the formula of A.A. Pavlovsky". By the way, these tables are also suitable for external sewer networks with their large diameters.
    However, for pipes 150-200 mm for external sewer networks, SNiP 2.04.03-85 has a direct clause:

    “Depending on local conditions, with appropriate justification for individual sections of the network, it is allowed to accept slopes for pipes with diameters: 200 mm - 0.005, 150 mm - 0.007.”

    That is, having the justification “it’s really necessary” and a great desire, you can save as much as 2 millimeters of slope per meter for pipes with a diameter of 200 mm.
    It should not be forgotten that, in addition to minimum slope, there is also maximum slope laying sewer pipes. According to clause 18.3 of SNiP 2.04.01-85*

    “The greatest slope of pipelines should not exceed 0.15 (with the exception of branches from devices up to 1.5 m long).”

    That is, the slope is 15 centimeters per meter. If this angle is exceeded during installation, the sewerage pipeline may become silted. Or, to put it simply, the water will quickly go away, but everything else will remain.
    Follow the rules, Gentlemen.

    More useful information:

    Discharge of sewage into the city sewer system or into an autonomous septic tank is carried out through pipes by gravity. Therefore, it is important to maintain a slope of sewer pipes of 1 meter in accordance with the requirements of SNiP. On normal work drainage systems are influenced by a number of factors, from diameter and material to location: internal wiring or external.

    General information

    The main task when arranging a sewer system is to configure the pipeline in such a way that wastewater, including liquid and solid fractions, passes without being delayed or creating blockages and traffic jams. It is necessary to observe the slope of the pipes, through which, under the influence of gravity, wastewater will immediately flow into the collector and further to the treatment plant.

    Requirements for the organization of internal and external sewerage, required slopes and other parameters are strictly specified in SNiP SNiP 2.04.01-85 “BUILDING STANDARDS AND RULES FOR INTERNAL WATER PIPING AND SEWERAGE OF BUILDINGS” and SNiP 2.04.03-85 “SEWERAGE. EXTERNAL NETWORKS AND STRUCTURES".

    Behind established standards It is not a strict calculation that matters, but the result of tests and observations. The nature of the wastewater and its consistency is not constant, but the sewage system must work without failures. It is necessary to eliminate or minimize the settling of solid inclusions and sludge on the walls of the channel, to ensure that the sewer system operates silently, preventing reverse flow and unpleasant odors from entering the room.

    It has been established that at a speed of movement of wastewater of 0.7 m/s, water flows evenly and solid inclusions more easily follow the flow of liquid, without staying in one place. This is provided that the diameter is selected so that with a normal number of drains for a given connection, they are filled by approximately 50-60%, but not less than a third.

    The basic formula, obtained empirically based on observations, is:

    where V is the flow rate of the wastewater, H is the height of the level of the wastewater in the pipe, d is the diameter of the pipe, K is the slope coefficient, the value of which is a reference value established depending on the material of the pipes.

    K = 0.5 for plastic and glass.

    K = 0.6 for other materials (steel, cast iron, asbestos cement).

    The coefficient depends on the roughness of the inner surface and the resistance created by the fluid flow.

    If the slope is too great, the water will drain quickly and solids will settle on the surface of the pipe, creating a blockage. With a large slope, the flow of water will be turbulent with turbulent noise and increased air vacuum in the upper part of the pipe, which will lead to breakage of shut-off valves, breakdown of siphons, or, at a minimum, retraction of the water seal and the flow of gases from the sewer into the room. A build-up will form on turns.

    If the slope is too shallow or absent, then heavy fractions will have time to settle on the surface and ultimately cause a blockage. Since water cannot quickly travel the entire route to the discharge point, there will be an overflow when the next portion arrives.

    There are two conditions for pipes to ensure normal functioning of the sewer system:

    • The diameter is selected based on the average volume of waste.
    • The slope is determined to ensure an optimal flow speed of 0.7 m/s.

    Permissible deviations are different for external and internal networks, since the priorities are different. In the first case, to put it simply, the sewage system should not be heard, and without the appearance of unpleasant odors. For external installations, the priority is uninterrupted operation, which does not require constant monitoring and cleaning.

    Slope depending on diameter

    The speed of the flow of waste and the fullness of the pipe are important so that they flow freely into the collector or septic tank. However, both of these points depend on the size of the pipe itself and the volume of waste, and the diameter is selected based on the average daily volume of waste and filling the pipes by 50-60%, but not less than a third at a speed of 0.7 m/s.

    Any calculations come down to choosing one of the standard sizes: 50, 80, 100, 150, 200 mm. In practice, all that remains is to clarify the slope for each standard size and the limits of permissible error.

    The slope is defined in SNiP as a fractional coefficient. The value is determined by the ratio of the length to the required distance between the top and bottom points at the edges. The coefficient is numerically equal to the difference in height between the edges of a one-meter long pipe, expressed in meters.

    To get the slope of a sewer pipe of the same diameter on a flat area, you need to multiply the length by the slope coefficient. If the result is multiplied by an additional 100, you get the value in centimeters.

    Why is the angle of inclination different for different diameters? To comply with the requirement for the flow rate of wastewater.

    A pipe with a diameter of 50 mm has much less volume, if only the fullness is taken into account, but the contact of water with the surface increases, compared to 150 and 200 mm. A pipe with a smaller cross-section is placed at a large angle so that water flows down it at the required speed and takes solid inclusions with it.

    However, this only applies general requirements to the formation of internal and external sewerage and slope on flat, extended areas in the absence of direct connection to siphons, outlet pipes, etc. There are a number of rules used for fittings and connection points.


    Pipe slope:

    • D 40 mm – 0.035;
    • D 50 mm – 0.03;
    • D 80 mm – 0.2;
    • D 100 mm – 0.015.

    In internal sewerage pipes with a diameter of 40, 50, 80 mm are used, and a diameter of 100 mm is used for common area at the connection point where the lines meet.

    Adapters from one diameter to another are mounted so as to make straight line along the very bottom, creating a continuous channel for drainage. The slopes on different sides of the adapter are set according to their coefficient value.

    The required slope is formed by the fasteners on which the pipe rests, or by the inclination of the groove or box in which the sewer will be sewn up.

    An area of ​​up to 1.5 meters from the sink drain or connection household appliances can be laid in any way while maintaining the required slope from the drain to the sewer pipe.

    The turn to the sewer pipe line must be formed by an elbow or tee with a slope of 67 degrees. The slope of the elbow or the top of the knee is oriented along the route towards the riser.

    The connection to the riser must be formed by a cross or tee with a branch inclination of 67 (87) degrees. It is advisable to replace rectangular tees, which can still be found in apartment buildings when replacing internal sewerage.

    Slope diagram of tees and sewer turns


    Pipe slope:

    • D 100 mm – 0.012;
    • D 150 mm – 0.01;
    • D 200 mm – 0.07.

    The external sewer line from the house to the discharge point must be in the same plane and with the same slope along its entire length. Combining several pipe diameters or having transitions in the slope of the line is not allowed. If for some reason it is necessary to deviate from this rule, then a manhole is formed at the junction of various sections.

    To form the required angle of descent, it is advisable to dig the trench itself taking into account the increase in depth. Be sure to select soil 20-25 cm deeper than the sewerage system requires to form a sand cushion. After this, part of the sand is poured in, and supports are formed under each separate element. Next, the rest of the sand is poured with compaction.

    How to set the pipe angle

    The easiest way– using a bubble level with additional risks. If the flask with a bubble has three lines on each side, then this level is just right. Each line corresponds to a slope of 1 cm per meter.

    The tool is fixed on top of the pipe, and then, using pads, the slope is set so that the bubble touches the desired mark.

    Second way- This is a measurement of the distance from the horizontal plane of the ends of the site. The ratio of the length of the pipe and the lifting height of the upper side corresponds to the required slope coefficient.

    Third way This is the leveling of two marks along the edges of the route. A thread or twine is stretched between them, which is used to guide when drawing up the pipeline.

    Most visual way - use laser level And laser level to construct the required plane. This will especially help when laying pipes in a groove and lining them in walls using a box.


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