Mobile games vr. The best games for VR BOX

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We live in a time when the development of games and other projects in virtual reality is in full swing.

The era of virtual reality has finally arrived (of course, VR headsets are not yet available to everyone due to high prices), and just a year after the release of the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift headsets, there are already plenty of great VR games on the market. Here is a selection of our favorite projects, which will be updated as they are released. fresh games in 2018.

Superhot VR

Developer: Superhot Team | Compatibility: Oculus Rift

Superhot VR is rich in various tricks. Throwing a brick at the enemy, knocking the gun out of his hands, catching the weapon and finishing off the enemy on the head with the handle, and then shooting three enemies in a helicopter behind you is one of the typical sketches of the game. This can take a few minutes or a couple of seconds - it all depends on how quickly you come up with the most spectacular way to get rid of your opponents. Here you can slow down time, but if in the original Superhot, due to traditional shooter mechanics, the player could avoid shootings, then in VR a slightly different scheme operates.

All enemies run directly towards you, which turns the levels into scenes from The Matrix, where agents, one after another, pursued the main character. And you just have to decide how to deal with them, using all available objects and weapons, while dodging bullets, knives, baseball bats, etc. The narrative here, like the original, often breaks the fourth wall, which only adds to the unique atmosphere of Superhot VR.

Skyrim VR

Developer: Bethesda | Compatibility: Oculus Rift, HTC Vive

Bethesda is investing heavily in VR, developing VR versions of Doom, Fallout 4 and Skyrim. All three of these games are good for VR, but Skyrim is the most enjoyable to play. Even if you have hundreds of hours spent in Skyrim, in VR the game world will again feel new and unknown.

While it's not as interactive as games made specifically for VR, it's fully playable, and swinging swords and axes, blocking with shields, and firing spells from your hands is a lot of fun. What you've already seen dozens of times - a towering fortress, moons in the night sky and a dragon circling overhead - takes on new meaning because you have to physically crane your neck to see it all. The price is certainly steep: Skyrim VR costs a whopping $60, although it comes bundled with all existing DLC, and with a few minor tweaks it will be able to work with mods.

Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality

Developer: Owlchemy Games | Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift

It would be nice if you happen to be a fan of this cartoon to have at least some idea of ​​what's going on (and why everyone is yelling at you), but even if you're not familiar with the characters, there are still plenty of fun puzzles here And creative toys. As Young Morty's clone, you complete various tasks: some are simple (at first glance), such as cleaning, in others you need to move through portals to other planets.

The real fun is experimenting with the fantastic gadgets in Rick's garage, including the shrink ray, a device that allows you to fuse any two objects together, and the Meeseeks Ball, which allows you to summon assistants who mimic your every move. This cartoony game is one of the most compelling things to come to VR today because it's fun and interactive.

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Developer: Steel Crate Games | Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift

Keep Talking can easily be called the most family-friendly bomb disposal simulator. It’s family friendly because, according to the developers, the role of the sapper is played by one person, while the rest delve into a weighty manual on bomb disposal ( electronic version comes included and in theory needs to be printed) and they shout out the procedure.

The virtual reality here is not particularly believable, but the fact that you are in a room with a complex explosive mechanism creates the necessary tension. And if you want to look at the manual yourself and leave the bomb unattended, it will explode. You can play not only with a VR headset, but also on a regular monitor. And everything is in the black (except for those that exploded).

Robo Recall

Developer: Epic Games | Compatibility: Oculus Rift

In this VR shooter from Epic Games, you are tasked with tracking down robber robots. Shoot with a shotgun or two pistols, but don't forget that everything you see can be picked up and used as a weapon or shield. You can pull bullets and projectiles out of thin air and deflect them back at your enemies, as well as tear off limbs or heads from robots and use them as weapons as well. As an action game, it's absolutely amazing and provides tons of fun.


Developer: Drool | Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift

Thumper looked great before, but after being transferred to VR it became truly mesmerizing. The gameplay here is not particularly difficult - the main thing is to get into the rhythm and not crash into corners - but at the same time it keeps you in suspense. As one reviewer put it, "It's a psychedelic race through a complex, geometric world where you'll have to fight your way through obstacles while balancing on slippery and fragile surfaces." In VR, all this looks like a living nightmare that doesn’t want to end.


Developer: Cyan Inc. | Compatibility: Oculus Rift

In this game, the Cyan company has created a world that is amazingly rich in detail, which is much more interesting to explore in VR - this way all the smallest nuances are revealed that you might have missed in the regular version. Obduction, as a continuation of the traditions laid down in Myst and Riven, is full of spatial puzzles, and their solutions are often right in front of the player's eyes. In my review, I said that this game "keeps the feel of Myst without feeling dated"; multiply this by two and you will understand what its VR version is. It feels like you're in a classic Myst world, but it's so realistic that you sometimes have to lean over something to get a better look.

Obduction looks so great in VR precisely because the original gameplay from Myst seemed tailor-made for virtual reality. You jump from one point to another, then look around and collect the necessary items. The mechanics and pacing of the game didn't need any changes at all to fit into VR. You can, of course, just run around this world (if your vestibular system allows it), but Cyan has made each jump point so interesting and unusual that you want to act exactly as the developers intended.


Developer: Gunfire Games | Compatibility: Oculus Rift

Chronos is an excellent example of how a beloved genre, after being transferred to VR, sparkled with new colors, while increasing the effect of presence. In my review, I wrote the following about the game: “This is a time-tested action-RPG in the spirit of The Legend of Zelda with a combat system and puzzles that will seem familiar to all fans of the genre. But to me, Chronos was able to do something that Zelda couldn't. What any game running on a monitor or TV screen could not achieve. Even if the game completely absorbs me, I can’t say that I feel like I’m on the other side of the monitor. And Chronos in VR evokes exactly that feeling. I was literally in and really didn’t want this adventure to end.”

This is an exciting 15-hour adventure where you will explore open world with many interconnected (and mostly beautiful) locations, as well as master the combat system, where it is important to catch the tempo in each battle. Compared to RPGs like Dark Souls game noticeably simpler, but with every minute in VR it draws you deeper into its universe. If I were asked to name a single Oculus Rift project that should not be missed, I would undoubtedly think of Chronos.

Elite: Dangerous

Developer: Frontier Developments | Compatibility: Oculus Rift, HTC Vive

Elite: Dangerous is the first commercial game originally developed for VR, and therefore it demonstrates the full capabilities of this technology to the maximum. Intense space battles between lumbering battleships and nimble fighters look great from the cockpit. It's like you're in space battles straight out of Star Wars. The camera allows you to turn your head to watch enemy fighters flying past. If you play with a joystick, you can lower your head and look at the pilot's body and his hands, which exactly follow your movements. And if the cabin is not too narrow, you can even stand up and walk around it.

But the game pleases not only with shootouts in outer space. Elite in VR looks impressive no matter what you do: even docking with ships looks incredible, not to mention the magnificent views of space itself. You'll never forget your first flight through an asteroid ring. Millions of slowly rotating asteroids will appear before your eyes, and before you know it, you will stop for a minute or two to admire the spectacle. The galaxy is beautiful on regular 2D screens, but in VR you really feel its scale. Flights at the speed of light and moments of docking with ships also look incredible - all this due to immersion in the game world. When jumping to other solar systems, you will unconsciously curl up in your seat as you watch billions of stars flash by.

By the way, flights in Elite are rich in small details. The ships look massive and realistic, and each model behaves differently. They're all unique, from the Hauler (a clunky cargo ship given out early in the game) to the nimble Eagle and Cobra fighters. Of course, in VR these differences are only more striking. It is highly recommended to play with headphones, because sound effects allow you to immerse yourself deeper into the illusion of space - it especially helps.

Elite: Dangerous can be called a pioneer in the field of creating games with the effect of complete immersion in virtual reality. After its release, many games were released that were developed specifically for VR headsets, but they have not yet been able to surpass it. This is a rare example of a game that is interesting to play in VR, and not just run for an hour and compare the sensations with the regular version. But be careful: there are a lot of sharp turns waiting for you here, and when you return to reality, you may be a little dizzy, especially if you have spent more than one or two hours in the game.

Hover Junkers

Developer: Stress Level Zero | Compatibility: HTC Vive

Among all VR games, Hover Junkers has the most interesting system management. The game looks like a shooter with a cover system - you have to hide behind the walls of your vehicle, consisting mainly of wooden beams and pieces of metal. With one hand you need to steer a vehicle assembled from all sorts of rubbish, and with the other you need to shoot enemies, while spending most of the time in cover.

Aiming here is quite difficult, but over time you get used to it; It is also worth noting the extremely detailed recharging process, which occurs almost like in real life. For example, when reloading a pistol, pressing the controller's trackpad opens the drum, bullets are inserted into it using circular movements of the trackpad, and a characteristic movement of the wrist closes the drum. This is a simple technique, but when you have almost finished off your opponent or are hanging on the brink of death, it is easy to panic and slam the drum harder than you should.

The main problem with Hover Junkers is that it is a multiplayer game, and the list of players online is either empty or reduced to two or three. This doesn't make the game bad, so let's hope the number of players increases - after all, quite a few people have already purchased a Vive headset this year.


Developer: Crows Crows Crows, Squanchtendo | Compatibility: HTC Vive

If you like the long, almost entirely improvised dialogue from the animated series Rick and Morty, then you'll definitely love this new creation from Justin Roiland (the show's creator) and Crows Crows Crows. The game Accounting can be praised for a long time for its original sense of humor, but it made it onto this list thanks to one of its characters - we are talking about a two-headed xylophone skeleton. This beautiful and at the same time frightening creature lingers in the memory for a long time, and it looks as if it came straight from someone's hallucination.

Job Simulator

Developer: Owlchemy Labs | Compatibility

When purchasing an HTC Vive headset, this game comes included and is, as the name suggests, an office walking simulator. Everything is simple here - the player is given the opportunity to wander around the room, wave his arms and interact with the environment. And interactions with objects (there are a lot of them) in the office or kitchen are often accompanied by witty comments.

Yes, the game gets boring quickly, and you’re unlikely to want to play it again, but it can be shown whenever someone asks why everyone loves VR so much. Job Simulator will at least make even the skeptics smile.

The Lab

Developer: Valve | Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift (with Touch system)

Valve's free VR app is another great way to get started with VR technology. It's full of different mini-games that unlock some of the potential of VR. There's also an adorable robot dog.

Fantastic Contraption

Developer: Northway Games | Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift (with Touch system)

The game Fantastic Contraption reveals at first glance simple tasks, like “move this pink bubble into the pink box,” which look much more entertaining in virtual reality than before. Here is a puzzle for building various human-sized mechanisms. Using handles, spinning cylinders, and your own creativity, you'll create designs that will shuffle around the level, and trivial tasks like the one mentioned above become noticeably more difficult over time.

What's impressive about Fantastic Contraption is, first of all, its intuitive controls. Creating structures here is essentially connecting the dots, and modifying objects works exactly as expected. Do you need the part to become longer? Stretch it. Do you want the wheel to spin in the other direction? Just spin it in reverse side. Don't need the connector anymore? Throw it behind your back and it will disappear. Even at the most difficult levels, the main challenge lies in creating the right plan, not in executing it.

Developers from Northway Games are also promoting a rather interesting concept - during testing of the game they used cameras and a green screen and recorded video of the actions of players in VR. As a result, everything looked as if the player was really in the game world. This interesting idea on top of an equally interesting game.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator

Developer: SCS Software | Compatibility: Oculus Rift, HTC Vive

Virtual reality can take you to amazing fantasy worlds, but this technology also demonstrates its capabilities in a game that invites you to get behind the wheel of a truck and drive along German highways. Euro Truck Simulator 2 is great in its own right, and with the release of new headsets, SCS Software has added Rift and HTC Vive support to the game. Detailed instructions How to configure the game for these devices can be found on the Steam forums.

The gameplay, as the name hints, consists of simulating the profession of a truck driver: while driving a truck, you have to transport various cargoes across European cities, while observing traffic rules. The gameplay is surprisingly addictive, despite its mundane nature, and the game itself is made very well. And the VR mode here is simply wonderful. Detailed cabs that match the cabs of real trucks create a tangible immersive experience. Here you can look around, watching the passing clouds, or lean out the window at moments when you need to drive through a narrow tunnel.

The weather change is also implemented here. Raindrops running down the glass as you pick up speed is one of the many little things that make up local realism. It's like you're actually driving a truck through bad weather. And if you play in VR and at the same time connect a controller in the form of a steering wheel, then the illusion becomes even more convincing - connecting the steering wheel, of course, is not necessary, but it is highly recommended.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 recreates an amazing portion of Europe, including the UK and Scandinavia, along with their countless highways. And those roads that looked great in the regular version look even more natural in VR. The most beautiful of the countries presented can be called Norway with its picturesque valleys, lakes and forests, which you never tire of admiring during every trip. Oddly enough, the fact that the game is based on mundane actions makes it more realistic than, for example, Elite - there is no need to use your imagination. You may not be attracted to the idea of ​​playing a truck driving simulator, much less in VR, but believe me, this game is worth giving a chance.

The Gallery Episode 1: Call of Starseed

Developer: Cloudhead Games | Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift

It was clear from the start that a first-person shooter adventure in the vein of Myst would be perfect for VR. And so it happened: two for VR today are Obduction and The Gallery. In the first episode of The Gallery, you will find yourself on a gloomy island at night, trying to understand what is happening on it, while at the same time becoming immersed in the local atmosphere. Walking around the island and exploring every corner of it, as well as studying the objects found... well, it all looks very plausible.

In VR projects like this, the main thing is the ability to create a realistic atmosphere, and thanks to attention to certain details, The Gallery succeeds in this. Such details include lightning strikes, the ability to hold sheets of paper to your face to read text, various nuances in decorations, such as medieval candlesticks with candles that can be removed and extinguished. This is exactly what kept me engaged for the first hour in The Gallery, and by this time an intriguing story in a sci-fi style had already begun to spin. This is the first game I've seen with an episodic system in VR, and I'm more than confident that I'll play through it to the end.

Space Pirate Trainer

Developer: I-Illusions | Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift (with Touch)

Space Pirate Trainer is a VR analogue of the famous game Space Invaders. The gameplay here is straightforward and unpretentious - you are given weapons and waves of fast drones are sent down on you. It's one of those VR games that offers a shooting range spectacle (thankfully, the Vive's joysticks provide precision and comfortable shooting), but Space Pirate Trainer feels head and shoulders above its competitors.

Even in Early Access mode, Space Pirate Trainer has no complaints. Each weapon has several shooting modes for different styles combat - there is even a continuous laser beam and cartridges that kill enemies with one hit. Drones make distinctive noises before firing, so you can counterattack or dodge, Matrix style. Time slows down as enemy beams come your way, making it a real pleasure to dodge them while still shooting at the drones. By the way, these rays can also be reflected with a shield, which is obtained by pressing the corresponding button.

It's extremely difficult to stop playing Space Pirate Trainer. If this was a slot machine that accepted coins, I would definitely lose all my pocket money in a day.

Eve: Valkyrie

Developer: CCP | Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, OSVR

In front of you short review Eve: Valkyrie, which touches on the main pros and cons of space battles from CCP. The game is full of spectacular moments - when you aim at an enemy ship and fire missiles, when you evade fighters, and then, after a steep dive, catch them in the crosshairs - the excitement in such moments is indescribable. It is enough to spend only a few minutes in the game to feel it.

But, unfortunately, the emotions from these scenes are quickly interrupted by a leisurely system of gaining experience necessary to unlock new ships and parts for them, a very short passage mode and an inconvenient interface, where all the important information is scattered across numerous sections in the menu.

The battles themselves are well executed, but the game lacks the depth and strategic elements of another space simulator, Elite: Dangerous. As one reviewer wrote, if Valkyrie were a slot machine, it “would fit perfectly somewhere between the immortal Time Crisis 2 and Star Wars Battlepod. The action here is done on high level and is able to convince anyone in 20 minutes that VR has a great future. But after the first half hour you will find more than one reason to quit the game. And your stomach won’t appreciate the long somersaults at the helm of a spaceship.”

Alien: Isolation

Developer: The Creative Assembly | Compatibility: Oculus Rift, HTC Vive

If you have ever watched the movie “Alien” and imagined yourself on the ship “Nostromo” in the place of the heroes who are pursued by perhaps the most famous creation of the artist Hans Giger, then you are very lucky. The game does not officially support Oculus Rift, but there is a way out - you just need to know how to activate VR. To do this, go to the game folder, open the ENGINE_SETTINGS.XML file and in the ‘stereo mode’ line change the value from ‘off’ to ‘on’. And to run the game on the Vive headset, you will need VorpX drivers. As you can see, getting started is not at all difficult. It is much more difficult to complete the game itself, since the eerie atmosphere literally chills to the bone. If you thought that she looked scary on the monitor screen, then imagine your feelings in VR, where sometimes just a few centimeters separate you from the deadly xenomorph.

Isolation is a survival horror game based on Ridley Scott's 1979 sci-fi film, and it perfectly recreates the film's atmosphere with palpable tension. You find yourself face to face with that same Alien on a huge ship. He wanders somewhere nearby and is looking for you, and his behavior is impossible to predict.

You need to find keys, open doors, collect information from computers as quietly as possible in order to ultimately leave the ship. And the almost pitch-black darkness on the Sevastopol space station in the Rift VR headset seems even more oppressive than before. The claustrophobia and fear that the Alien will catch you are sometimes so strong that you want to quit the game and take a breath, but after each level passed, relief and pride in yourself comes - after all, in the end, you were able to outwit the Alien.

For fans, this game is also an opportunity to admire familiar locations. One of the missions takes place aboard the ship where the crew of the Nostromo first encountered alien life. Looking at the legendary 'pilot' you can feel as if you are on a film set. Even if you're afraid of being in the same room with an Alien, Isolation is worth trying out in VR, if only for the famous fantasy scenery that looks real in 3D. It's no surprise that the horror genre is so popular among VR game developers. This technology perfectly conveys the feeling of claustrophobia that successful games in this genre are usually built on.

Of course, not every gamer can handle such an experience: even fans of horror games will look at their preferences in a new way by trying out Alien: Isolation on Oculus Rift. Developers at The Creative Assembly hid the VR mode in the game, but they should have tweaked it a little and actively promoted it as an additional feature.

Thanks to VR headsets for smartphones and the graphic capabilities of modern mobile devices, they have become the main guides to the world of gaming virtual reality. In this top 10, we offer the best VR games for Android.

Galaxy VR Virtual Game (Action)

Space battles, many different levels, dangerous races on spaceships and exciting missions.

Jurassic VR ― Dinosaur Game (Excursion)

Good old Jurassic Park. You can go to the museum and look at stuffed prehistoric predators, and also take a walk around the island on your own, surrounded by dinosaurs.

Hardcore - VR Game (Shooter)

Multiplayer game. In multiplayer mode, you need to fight for the flag, and in sing mode, the player is offered different adventure missions to complete.

House of Terror VR (Horror)

Chilling atmosphere, one of the most realistic VR horror films to date. The game is full of puzzles, unexpected clues and the horrors of the depths of an old abandoned hut.

The Lost Future: VR Shooter

The Lost Future: VR Shooter. In this game you will be given a six-barreled minigun machine gun, from which you will shoot bloodthirsty zombies. The player should take care of traps in advance, in case zombies get too close to him.

Divinity Defense VR (Strategy)

The goal is to defend your castle from various dangerous monsters who are trying to destroy your towers and destroy the castle to the ground. You can build various defensive structures and burn enemies in fireballs. The lucky owner of VicoVr (a system for tracking hand gestures and body movements) will be able to literally crush careless invaders in manual mode.

Golf VR (Sport)

High-quality implementation of the classic sports game. Entertaining and large-scale locations, weather changes and sensitive controls.

Perfect Burger VR (Simulator)

A realistic simulator of a burger diner: delicious fast food and first-class service for hungry drivers, performed by you.

VR games- Technical reality.

For a person unfamiliar with these types of games, this world will become exciting and interesting. Let's take a closer look at this new achievement of computer technology, which is becoming increasingly popular all over the world.

Virtual reality games is an artificially created world of objects and sensations, influences and reactions to them. All actions in virtual reality games take place in real time, which makes the player’s sensations and reactions even more convincing. In VR games all created objects and characters are very similar in behavior and actions to real life, as well as the player himself during the game also influences them in accordance with the laws of reality. However, often the creators of such games allow players much more actions than can be imagined in reality (for example, the ability to fly, create objects, not breathe and etc.)

The game process takes place with the help of virtual reality glasses - they allow you to fully immerse yourself in the game process and give the feeling of a complete simulation of reality. Let's try to understand the essence of this process, how do these glasses transform virtual objects into ones similar to real ones?

This effect of simulating reality is created by transmitting separate images to each eye using glasses, and an infrared sensor is built into the glasses that tracks the position and movement of the player’s head.

As for the price category for such gadgets, the situation is quite predictable: as happens with any technical novelty in our modern times with the rapid development of technological progress, the price will certainly decrease over time. In the market for such gadgets for VR games There are also budget options that, perhaps, any gamer can afford.

Industry VR games Nowadays, it is rapidly developing - surely various new achievements in these types of virtual reality games will soon appear, which will be able to immerse each player in the 3D dimension and create the effect of full presence in the action arena.

The only negative point that distracts the player from the process is the constant fogging of the lenses of the glasses of the virtual reality helmet, and if, moreover, you spend a sufficiently long time in it (more than 2 hours), the face turns into a sponge, even if you squeeze it, and turns red from the lack of skin breathing; It’s a pity that ventilation has not been invented in such gadgets.

VR games completely turn over and change the feeling of the game process; they absolutely do not stand next to ordinary types of games; in principle, there is no point in comparing them. The player becomes a direct participant in all events that occur during the game, a VR helmet completely immerses the gamer in a three-dimensional world - the picture changes with every movement of the player’s head in accordance with the gameplay storyline.

At first, having tried to play such a VR game for the first time, a person experiences sensations like fantastic, then he will absolutely want to buy such a VR helmet for himself, and, as they say, you won’t be able to pull your socks off. Perhaps this type of gaming reality can be called the pinnacle of achievements in computing capabilities and high technology. What kind of person 20 years ago, playing Sony PlayStation, I could imagine that you can not only watch the game process on the screen, but also fully participate in it. Probably this was only in the dreams of a gamer.

In some VR games such unrealistically beautiful landscapes are presented that it is impossible to tear yourself away from them for several hours, and exciting scenarios and storylines (military strategies, historical, travel and much more) will not let you tear yourself away from the VR game process and will give you a lot of adrenaline and positive emotions!

In this article we will tell you about the best VR applications for Android. If you have become the happy owner of a virtual reality device, but still don’t know what applications to install and what to play first, you should familiarize yourself with the selection of the most famous and popular applications for complete immersion in the world of VR. In this list, we will look at useful utilities, as well as gaming applications that will allow you to fully unleash the potential of your virtual device.

The best VR applications and utilities for Android

Google Cardboard

One of the most important VR applications that any user using an Android device should install is Google Cardboard. This program contains a whole package of functions that allows you to view panoramic videos, photographs, and also admire the planet Earth using Google Earth. Thanks to Google Earth, the user will be able to visit any country in the world and walk along the streets of different cities and small towns.

In addition to useful utilities, the program contains a whole store with applications for virtual reality. Therefore, any owner of even the simplest device will be able to choose a suitable game, video or other useful utility, as well as VR content.

Fulldive VR

Following the standard application, to fully use all the capabilities of VR devices, you should install the convenient utility Fulldive VR. As the name suggests, this program expands the world of virtual reality and allows for maximum immersion. The application is designed as an online store that contains a huge amount of interesting content.

On the pages of Fulldive VR you can find interesting videos and panoramic photos specially created for use with a virtual reality helmet. In addition, the application contains many interesting games with user reviews, so if you want to get a large number of exciting content, be sure to install the free Fulldive VR utility.

Titans of Space

Shouldn't be ignored virtual application Titans of Space Cardboard VR. By installing Titans of Space you will be able to travel through outer space and explore the solar system. Using this utility you can fly to all corners of our solar system and enjoy the views of different planets. VR technologies allow you to see the Sun with your own eyes, appreciate the size of the star and its greatness. The rest of the planets are also in their places, as you can see for yourself :)

The project does not require additional gamepads or peripherals. During a virtual excursion, the player completely controls the movement using the built-in gyroscope and accelerometer of the smartphone. The application can also be used without VR devices, but the regular version clearly loses the entertainment value of the VR version.

Roller coaster VR

Virtual attractions have become one of the most popular applications for use on smartphones. This is due to several parameters. Firstly, they are colorful and spectacular. Secondly, such applications can be easily launched on simple Android devices. And finally, such games are created only for viewing, that is, you do not need to perform any actions in them, but only enjoy a virtual journey through popular attractions. One of the best applications of this type is considered to be Roller Coaster VR, in which the gamer acts as a visitor to an amusement park.

The game is suitable for all fans of extreme roller coasters. The player simply gets into the trolley and begins a journey through amazing locations through which the monorail is laid. Since the application is entertaining in nature, it is perfect for players of all ages.

Inmind VR

Good and high-quality applications for virtual reality devices continue to delight ordinary users. Would you like to go to amazing adventure on the human body? In Inmind VR, the player will be able to get into the deepest recesses of the brain, as well as study the structure of neurons and the functions of other processes that occur during the functioning of the cerebral cortex.

The gamer will be able to play the role of a researcher who has been reduced to microscopic size. The game is designed as a virtual excursion, so the list of actions is very limited. However, the inner workings of the human brain are simply fascinating.


The most popular video service YouTube has released its application for virtual reality devices. With this application, the viewer will be able to appreciate all the possibilities of viewing a 360-degree video. At the moment, many channels are posting panoramic videos that are perfectly combined with any virtual reality helmet. We recommend watching the new Gorillaz video, which features a full view in all directions.

Froggy VR

Would you like to play the role of an animal in the wild? With the help of the Froggy VR app, this is made possible. Step into the shoes of a little frog who goes on an adventure in the garden to eat bugs and jump happily among the bushes.

The project is made in the form of a life simulator of an ordinary frog. The player can simply follow the actions of the animal, looking around, or personally take control of it and help the amphibian cross the road or get food. Froggy VR has fun cartoon graphics and sound accompaniment will not make all fans of comical cartoons bored.

The best VR apps for Android listed above make working with VR devices much easier. In addition to many useful functions, some utilities contain a lot of interesting content that will help the owner of a VR device get a deeper understanding of amazing world virtual reality.

At the moment, there are quite a lot of models of virtual reality helmets, especially for smartphones. Given the capabilities of modern phones, the development of more immersive mobile games is growing rapidly. Thanks to VR technologies, many great games have been created that are worth talking about now. There are really a lot of them, so let’s present one leader from each game genre. These are worthy high-quality VR gaming projects that you want to dive into again and again.

This game genre was one of the first to emerge in the field of VR. Among the variety of attraction games today, it is worth highlighting Cedar Point VR. This particular game will cause a lot of delight in the gamer, as well as that notorious dizziness characteristic of games of this genre.

Puzzle - Way Out VR

Perhaps many people do not like to play 2D or 3D games. logic games. However, with virtual reality technologies, the process of solving puzzles changes dramatically. We recommend the Way Out VR project, which is based on the famous PC game Portal.

Adventure - Stellar Dive Experience VR

There are many games in the adventure genre, but there is only one undisputed winner - Stellar Dive Experience VR. This is a developing game where at the moment you can visit the surface of the Moon and Mars, as well as visit sea ​​depths. The impressions are indescribable.

RPG - Heroes of the Seven Seas VR

When compiling a list of the best games, it is impossible to miss one of the oldest in gaming industry genres. It is worth noting that on Android, and especially in VR, RPG games are not common. Here we can highlight – Heroes of the Seven Seas VR. As one could already understand from the title, the game is dedicated to pirates and their hectic life, into which gamers will have to immerse themselves within the framework of virtual reality.

Simulations – Perfect Burger VR

Perhaps, best genre in addition to attractions and horror. There are a lot of them, but one of the most dynamic and exciting can be called Perfect Burger VR. Here, the player takes on the role of a diner worker, where he will need to cook the perfect burgers to satisfy the demands of picky customers.

Sports Games – Golf VR

A great opportunity for homebodies to finally be outside and move around, even if only in virtual reality. Golf VR is all you need. An excellent simulator of a popular sport with many realistic aspects that influence not only the course of the game, but also the overall impression.

Strategies – Divinity Defense VR

Divinity Defense VR is the best game in its genre, where the player will need to defend his possessions using the “towerdefense” principle. Curious players who are perplexed about how the strategy genre can realize itself within VR can check and see for themselves. Owners of the VicoVR sensor will be able to get special pleasure from the game, literally crushing enemies with their hands.

Shooting Range — The Lost Future: VR shooter

The dynamic and driving game The Lost Future: VR shooter will not leave anyone indifferent. Here the player will need to hold the defense against hordes of zombies. The only salvation will be reaction and accuracy.

Horror – House of Terror VR

The horror or horror genre is perhaps one of the most suitable for entertainment with VR glasses. However, this fun is often not for the faint of heart, and the House of Terror VR game is direct proof of this. This is the most atmospheric and detailed horror film to date.

Shooter – Hardcore VR game

Hardcore VR game is a shooting game supported and expanded by developers. Here players can not only immerse themselves in the process of completing interesting missions, but also fight in multiplayer mode, which is quite impressive and exciting.

Action – VR Galaxy wars

Dynamic, spectacular and addictive action games have always been enthusiastically received by players. For VR lovers best choice will become VR Galaxy wars. This is a multi-level game about space battles and starship racing. During the passage, the gamer will have to successfully complete many different missions, in a perfectly recreated atmosphere.

Based on the above list, it becomes obvious that today in the field of VR gaming entertainment, fans of different genres and degrees of difficulty will be able to find a game for themselves. Everyone will be able to have fun with the exciting gameplay, be surprised by immersing themselves in a well-developed atmosphere, or gain a new gaming experience.


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