Modernization of the heating system in Kalmykia. Energy efficient heating systems

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The owner of a country residential building with an area of ​​more than 500 sq.m approached with a problem with the operation of the heating system. The owner's difficulty was the lack of ability to control the temperature in the premises, which led to discomfort for all family members.

The situation in which the owner found himself can be compared to the operation of an expensive luxury car, which has a stove, but no temperature regulator, not to mention climate control.

The only way of adjustment found was a screwdriver, which was used to cover the valve connected from below to the radiator. And, of course, like this manually increasing and decreasing power, the desired temperature in the room was still never achieved.

Danfoss engineers, having studied the owner’s wishes, proposed a solution for automatic temperature control using wireless room thermostats RET2000B and recommended a certified installation organization for on-site visit and subsequent installation.

Based on the results of the site inspection, it turned out that during the installation of the heating system of the house, no zonal control of radiators and convectors in the floor was provided. At the same time, a collector system was used when laying out the pipelines. There are a total of 5 cabinets with system distribution manifolds in the house radiator heating.

Installation of thermostatic elements on radiators was not possible due to the fact that they were hidden by screens, and their installation would lead to incorrect operation. And considering that the house has undergone high-quality renovations using expensive materials, the only possible solution was the installation of wireless room thermostats in all rooms where it was necessary to regulate the temperature. The only additional work that needed to be done was supplying power to each cabinet to connect the switching device and signal receivers from the room thermostats.

Installation of equipment to automate the heating system took no more than 5 hours and proceeded in the following sequence:

  1. Identify the heating circuit and the heating device connected to it;
  2. Install electric actuators on the valves of the distribution manifold of the corresponding circuits, which open or close the valve upon a signal.
  3. Install the terminal panel in the collector cabinet and connect the signal receivers and electric drives.
  4. Interconnect room thermostats and receivers;
  5. Mount the thermostat on the wall of the room at a height of 1.5 meters from the floor and set the required temperature.

Since there was no design of internal engineering systems, specialists were forced to empirically monitor all the lines from the manifold cabinet to the heating device. It turned out that in the largest room, not all 12 radiators were connected to one distribution manifold. But here, too, a solution was quickly found. One room thermostat was connected to two wireless signal receivers located in different cabinets, but at the same time regulating the temperature of devices in the same room.

The operating principle of room thermostats is very simple: as soon as the temperature set on the thermostat is reached in the room, for example 21°C, the thermostat accordingly sends a signal to the receiver installed in the closet. And the receiver, in turn, gives a command to the electric drives connected to it to close the valve. Thus, the supply of coolant to the corresponding heating circuits is stopped, and the heat output of the radiators does not increase until the room thermostat detects a decrease in the temperature in the room.

Danfoss engineers and partners often have to deal with cases where the automation of the heating system was not thought through when installing a heating system. The reason may be either the desire to save money on the heating system or the lack of necessary qualifications among the engineers of the installation organization.

The undoubted advantage of wireless solutions from Danfoss is the ability to upgrade almost any radiator heating system and hydronic underfloor heating system.

Posted 09/28/2011 (valid until 09/28/2012)

The energy efficiency of new buildings is calculated already at the design stage. The decisions and measures that are taken are aimed at achieving minimum energy consumption in the building. Typically, these measures are set out in each country's national building regulations.

The need for reconstruction of HVAC systems

The energy efficiency of new buildings is calculated already at the design stage. The decisions and measures that are taken are aimed at achieving minimum energy consumption in the building. Typically, these measures are set out in each country's national building regulations. Of course, a lot of information about energy-saving solutions and technologies can be found in many available sources or technical seminars conducted by companies operating in the HVAC field.

But the situation that occurs in old and unrenovated buildings is much worse. These buildings use enormous amounts of energy because they were built using old technologies that did not provide adequate thermal insulation. As a result, large heat losses and increased energy consumption. The HVAC systems of these buildings are outdated, unbalanced and not debugged, therefore they are not able to provide a comfortable microclimate and consume excessive amounts of electrical and thermal energy.

Research has confirmed that HVAC systems use more than 60% of a building's total energy consumption. In the residential sector, energy costs for heating account for approximately 80% of total costs. Therefore, when reconstructing, it is necessary to take into account not only work to improve the thermal insulation of facades, replacing old windows with new ones, glazing balconies and loggias, but also complete renovation heating and ventilation systems.

Phases of renovation of heating systems

If there are financial and technical capabilities, it is recommended to completely reconstruct old heating systems, while replacing equipment at all stages: production (heating points, boiler rooms), distribution (pipelines, control valves) and heat consumption (radiators, air heaters, gas convectors, heated floors, etc.) . This way we can achieve best indications on energy saving. It is not always possible to carry out a complete reconstruction, but even with minimal improvements to the system, it is possible to increase its operating efficiency and at the same time provide the required comfort conditions in each room. In both cases, to achieve the result, you cannot do without hydraulic balancing of heating systems.

Reconstruction of heating points

The most common heat generator for a building heating system is a heat substation. Its purpose is to provide the required amount of heat, which depends on the surrounding climatic conditions and the temperature schedule of the system, for the individual needs of the building from centralized system heat supply. There are two types of heating units that are widely used: heating units without automatic control of the supply coolant temperature using an elevator or dependent substations with automatic temperature control (figure).

The main disadvantages of such systems:

*Maintaining indoor microclimate depends on heating networks.

*The quality of the coolant in the heating system depends on the centralized heat supply.

*There is no possibility to reduce energy consumption - these systems are not energy efficient.

*The building is hydraulically dependent.

*There are no pressure maintenance installations - in this case, the static pressure in the system depends on the pressure in the heating network.

Better energy efficiency is achieved with a complete reconstruction of heating points, when the elevator dependent unit is replaced with an independent one with automatic temperature control (figure below).

It consists of a heat exchanger that separates the building's heating system and the heating network, ensuring its independent functioning.

In order to control and regulate the thermal energy of a building according to actual needs, an installation is required automatic system control of supply coolant temperature. It consists of a control valve, which is controlled by an electric actuator (picture on the left) based on a signal from an electronic controller with temperature sensors. The weather-dependent control system detects changes in external temperature, as well as heat consumption of the building, and automatically increases or decreases the total amount of heat input.

These systems can significantly reduce heating costs (but only if the heating system is balanced). To ensure fast, accurate and smooth regulation, as well as no problems with closing the control valve, it is recommended to install a differential pressure regulator (figure).

Due to the fact that the building's heating system becomes independent of the centralized heating network, it is necessary to ensure that static pressure is maintained in it (figure below).

This function is performed by an expansion tank with a shut-off and drain valve for maintenance (picture below left), a make-up device and a pressure control module.

The safety valve at the heating points (picture on the right) is necessary to protect the weak links of the system from too much pressure when the pressure maintenance unit is under maintenance or is not working.

The expansion tank is one of the most important elements of the heating system. When the coolant heats up to operating temperature, it expands, increasing its volume. If there is nowhere to place this additional amount of coolant, then the static pressure in the system will increase.

When, in this case, the maximum permissible pressure is reached, safety valve will open and release excess coolant volume, thereby reducing the static pressure of the system. If there is no safety valve or if it is not selected and configured correctly, too much pressure can lead to damage to consumers, pipes, connections and other elements of the system. If the safety valve opens too early or too often, it releases significant amount coolant from the system. At the same time, during the period when the system reduces its temperature regime (less heating power is required or the system turns off at the end of heating season), the coolant is compressed and this leads to a decrease in static pressure. If the static pressure drops below the minimum required, upper areas a vacuum will be created in the system, which will lead to airing. Air in the hydraulic system interferes with normal circulation and can block flow in some areas, which leads to underheating of consumers and disruption of the microclimate. Air is also an additional cause of noise in the system, and the oxygen contained in it causes corrosion of steel parts. At the same time, the lack of coolant in the system must be compensated with the help of make-up systems, which also entails additional costs and without water treatment brings new portions of air and new problems.

The task of the expansion tank is to constantly maintain the static pressure in the system between the minimum and maximum permissible values, taking into account possible expansion or contraction of the coolant.

What makes an expansion tank reliable?

The expansion tank is one of the most important elements in system. Therefore, it is important to know what exactly ensures its proper functioning, reliability and long term services.

A high-quality and reliable tank should have the following design. It consists of a special rubber bag placed inside a steel vessel. This bag allows you to accommodate the excess volume of coolant formed during heating and as a result of expansion. When the temperature drops, the tank returns required amount coolant back into the system. Air is pumped into the pressure vessel, which acts on a rubber bag containing coolant, thus allowing the required pressure to be maintained in the system.

Below are the technical specifications that describe the quality of the expansion tank:

* Sealed design to maintain a constant volume of compressed air and quality work expansion tank over many years of operation. This is only possible thanks to the fully welded structure of the steel vessel.

* Maximum density of the rubber bag to prevent the diffusion of compressed air from the air chamber through the bag into the coolant, which can create pressure and corrosion problems. The highest protection against diffusion is found in Pneumatex bags made of butyl rubber. Butyl rubber is the rubber with the greatest air tightness of any known type of rubber elastomer. For this reason, butyl rubber is used to make car tires.

* Reliable connection between the rubber bag and the steel vessel. The problem with simple expansion tanks is damage to the membrane where it is connected to the walls of the steel vessel due to its frequent movement and stretching. To avoid this problem, the connection between the bag and the vessel should be as small as possible and the stretch at the connection as small as possible.

* The coolant should not be in contact with the steel vessel to prevent corrosion inside the expansion tank. The tanks where the water enters the rubber bag are corrosion resistant.

Reconstruction of the heating system

Reconstruction of heating points is only one of the main phases in a complete renovation of the heating system. At the same time, if minimal changes are made in only one area of ​​the system, the energy-saving effect may not be fully achieved. So what should we still do to ensure that the heating system is reliable with the minimum required energy consumption?

In old buildings, existing heating systems, as a rule, have a single-pipe type of radiator connection without a device for monitoring and controlling the room temperature (figure). Its main disadvantages are:

* Constant consumption - maximum consumption of thermal energy without the possibility of changing the required thermal load.

* Lack of individual room temperature control.

* Systems are not balanced - they have problems with the correct distribution of threads.

* Old and often damaged pipes, fittings, radiators and other equipment.

* Too much air in the system - which leads to corrosion, sludge, additional noise and reduced heating system performance.

* Static pressure problems.

* The required level of comfort in the premises has not been achieved or maintained properly.

Individual regulation of room temperature.

For the human body, ensuring comfort requires a certain air temperature in the room, and it must be constantly maintained and not change. This temperature depends on a number of factors - heat input from heating devices (radiators), additional heat sources ( solar energy, people, electrical and household appliances, heating during cooking) and heat loss, which depend on the outside temperature, windiness, geographical location and orientation of the building, its design, insulation, etc.

In rooms where the temperature is not automatically controlled, there is no way to use these additional heat inputs and thus reduce the energy costs that are supplied by the building heating system. This usually leads to overheating of the premises, with excess heat being released through open windows. All this ultimately leads to large energy and financial costs.

In older systems, the coolant flow is always constant and there is no way to minimize heating costs and energy consumption of pumps when only a small part of the thermal energy is required for the premises.

To ensure the best energy efficiency, it is recommended to replace old systems with new ones with a two-pipe wiring diagram and automatic control room temperature (in the figure below). If it is not possible to switch to a two-pipe scheme, then it is necessary to install automatic temperature control devices in the room. In this case, the systems must be hydraulically balanced.

To ensure proper individual temperature control in the room, it is necessary to replace old radiators with more efficient new ones, and install on each radiator thermostatic valve(pictures on the right and left) with a thermostatic head, which will allow you to control the heat transfer of the radiator into the room.

When single pipe system, one option for individual control of room temperature may be the use of low-resistance thermostatic valves (Figure 1) or three-way thermostatic valves (Figure 2).

picture 1 picture 2

The thermostatic valve with thermostatic head will automatically maintain the temperature within the specified setting range. The thermal head has a scale where each sign corresponds to the value of the maintained room temperature.

Some manufacturers display this information directly on the thermostatic head housing. When the actual room temperature is higher than required, the liquid in the thermal head expands and begins to close the thermostatic valve, thus reducing the coolant flow through the radiator. The radiator power decreases and the room temperature becomes correct. When the temperature decreases, the thermostat reacts in the opposite way, opening the valve, allowing the radiator power to increase and the temperature to rise to the set value (figure below).

In this case, radiators receive only the amount of energy that is required to ensure comfort in each specific room, while thermal energy the entire system is effectively used. The level of comfort and energy savings depend on the quality of the thermal head. The more precise, stable and reliable the thermostatic head, the more thermal energy is saved. Thermal heads can be different types and purposes. For example, the Heimeier thermostatic head type K (Figure 3) is ideal for controlling the temperature in rooms of residential buildings. For schools, kindergartens, offices and other public buildings, it is recommended to use thermostatic heads K with anti-theft protection or heads type B with a higher degree of protection (Figure 4). In buildings with high hygienic requirements, the use of a DX thermal head (Figure 5), which has hygienic certificates, is recommended.

But the main condition in order to have high-quality maintenance and control of temperature in each individual room is the mandatory balancing of the heating system.

Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5

Balancing heating systems.

Another big problem in old systems is an excess of heat (overheating) in some rooms and a lack of it (underheating) in others. Usually those rooms that are close to the heating point are overheated and the further away from the heating point the colder it gets. Such systems use a large amount of energy.

The cause of this problem is the incorrect distribution of coolant in the system, due to its hydraulic imbalance. What flow rate will be in each section of the system depends on the hydraulic resistance of this section. This resistance has changed in old systems due to corrosion and clogging of pipes, dirt accumulation, repairs or reconstruction, when replacing consumers, etc.

In older systems, balancing devices were not provided. It was not possible to carry out balancing for the reason that at that time they did not know how to do it. Problems that arose due to an imbalance in the system were solved in other but not always successful ways.

One of possible solutions To eliminate problems in sub-heated rooms, is to increase the power of the pumps. This leads to the fact that these rooms will become warmer, but rooms that were already receiving too much heat will become increasingly overheated and residents or tenants are forced to release excess heat through open windows. In addition, as pump power increases, their energy consumption increases.

The second solution may be to increase the temperature of the coolant. But in this case, a similar situation occurs with overheating of part of the premises with a significant increase in heating costs.

The main goal of balancing heating systems is to provide all areas of the system with the required amount of thermal energy under design (worst) conditions, when the outside temperature is the lowest possible. At the same time, under all other conditions, the system will work as expected.

It is important that after balancing the system, the minimum required amount of thermal and electrical energy is used.

To achieve this goal, three main tools are needed - these are balancing valves with accurate measurement capabilities, measuring instruments and balancing methods.

How accurately you can measure on balancing valves and what methods you use will determine the balancing result.

The balancing valve is a Y-type valve, with adjustable preset that allows flow to be limited, clearly indicated by a scale on the handle, with two self-sealing test nipples for measuring differential pressure, flow and temperature (picture).

The valve is called Y-type because the control cone, in this case, is located under optimal angle to the direction of flow through the valve. This design is necessary for better accuracy and minimizes the influence of water flow on measurements.

The balancing valve acts as a shut-off valve and can also be used for drainage. To perform quality balancing, valves must be correctly sized and installed in accordance with the rules. All this must be provided for by the heating system design engineer.

A special device is used to measure flow, pressure drop and temperature across installed balancing valves, as well as apply methods for balancing the system (Figure).

It is a multi-function computer device with highly accurate sensors and integrated measurement, balancing and error correction functions, an optional hydraulic calculator and other useful features that help quickly and accurately set up the system. The balancing device can be connected to special software to update and download data from a PC or send balancing results to a computer.

But use only balancing valves and measuring device not enough. You must know what and how to do with them. Otherwise, the process of setting up the heating system correct work, which will provide a comfortable microclimate and minimal energy consumption, will seem like a nightmare. How then to balance this system? The technique must be applied!

First of all, the hydraulic system must be divided into separate parts (hydraulic modules), using so-called “partner valves”.

The next stage is to balance all hydraulic modules using TA methods, starting from consumers, branches, risers, mains, collectors and ending with heating points. When using the technique, the design coolant flow will be achieved on all balancing valves of this system and the areas in which they are installed, while creating minimal pressure losses across the valves.

After this, when the entire system is balanced with minimal pressure loss, switch the pump to the minimum required speed for this system (if the system is not balanced, usually the pump operates at maximum) and adjust the total flow of the system on the main partner valve located at the pump. As a result, the pump will use a minimum amount of energy, and the thermal energy required to heat the coolant to the appropriate temperature will be effectively used. After completing the balancing work, the client receives a balancing protocol, which indicates the required and actually achieved flow rates and settings balancing valves. This document confirms the balancing of the system and guarantees its operation as expected by the design.

A very important function of balancing valves is the ability to diagnose the system. Once the system is installed and functioning, it is very difficult to determine its actual performance and efficiency if there is no way to measure it. Using balancing valves with measuring nipples, you can determine malfunctions in the system, find out its real condition, characteristics and accept right decisions in case of problems. Diagnostics allows you to detect various errors, causes of failures and promptly eliminate them before it is too late.

Air and sludge separators in heating systems.

In order to be able to balance the system, it must be clean and free of air. Very often, problems in the system appear due to air ingress and corrosion. Air acts as thermal insulation: where there is air, there is no coolant and heat is not transferred from the hydraulic system to the room. Air bubbles can stick to the inner walls of the radiator, reducing its heat output. Due to air pockets in the upper part of the system and in consumers, the flow in them may decrease or even stop completely. At the same time, the premises will cease to be heated. When a large amount of air circulates in the system, noise appears in radiators, pipes, and valves.

We know that air is a mixture of gases. It contains 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. Therefore, when air enters the system, oxygen will also be present and react with water and metals, causing corrosion.

Corrosion not only destroys equipment, reducing the service life of the system, but also reduces its thermal efficiency and efficiency. Rust, as a product of corrosion, forms in layers in the heat exchangers of boilers, radiators, and pipes inside, reducing their heat transfer, and also increases their hydraulic resistance. When rust circulates along with the flow, it accumulates in different parts of the system (pipes, valves, consumers, pumps, filters, etc.) (figure). In this case, it can limit flow or block it.

But how can air appear in completely closed and sealed heating systems?

There are several basic possibilities. The first possibility is that air enters the system naturally by dissolving in the water that is used to fill the system or replenish it. When the water is heated, the temperature rises and dissolved air is released from it as a free gas, causing the above problems. How more water heats up, the more air comes out of it.

The second possibility is insufficient static pressure. If the expansion tank is of poor quality, the housing, membrane or bag is not reliable enough, after a while the compressed air will leak into the environment or system. In this case, the pressure in the air part of the expansion tank will drop or disappear altogether. The tank will be completely filled with water, and a vacuum will be created in the upper part of the system.

Heating systems are sealed to liquids and prevent leakage, but not to air. Through automatic air vents, rubber gaskets and other connections, air will enter the system. A large amount of it can appear during service work, as well as when the system is stopped and idle.

To prevent the above problems, in addition to high-quality expansion tanks, it is recommended to install air separators (microbubble separators) (Figure 1) or vacuum deaerators.

The separator will, in a short period of time, collect the free air circulating with the flow and remove it from the system. To remove free air from pockets in the upper parts of the system, automatic air vents with no leaks are recommended (effective in the absence of circulation). They will provide simple and fast filling and emptying the system (Figure 2).

Sludge or dirt in the system can be removed using sludge separators (Figure 3). These devices allow you to collect all, even the smallest particles, dirt and rust into a special chamber in the lower part of the body.

The only task of the maintenance personnel will be to open the drain valve to flush the separator from time to time. By cleaning the coolant, the sludge separators do not become clogged and do not limit circulation. Cleaning them does not require stopping the system.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3


Increasing energy consumption and waste emissions every year are among the most big problems in the whole world. They have a major impact on our environment, quality of life, ecology, climate change and the economy. This impact can be minimized if we make our buildings, which use more than 40% of all energy produced, much more energy efficient.

One way is to renovate old HVAC systems, which use more than 60% of the total energy needed for a building. The main objectives of the reconstruction should be: replacing old system elements with more efficient new ones, using energy-saving solutions and technologies, high-quality balancing of systems, air removal, cleaning, maintaining pressure and individual temperature control in each room.

The cost of tariffs for heat and hot water supply is “unaffordable” for the majority of our compatriots. And it’s not just about the desire of utility companies to make as much profit as possible. The reasons for this phenomenon are banal: the rise in price of hydrocarbons and the housing stock, most of which was built in the middle of the last century, when during construction they did not pay much attention to energy efficiency. This publication will consider measures to modernize the heating systems of residential buildings, which are already long time used in a number of European countries.

What does thermal modernization of a building mean?

Experts define this concept as a set of measures to bring apartment building in accordance with modern energy efficiency standards. This includes measures related to reducing the heat loss of a building through walls, ceilings, roofs, basements, etc. Large heat losses occur due to low thermal characteristics and poor sealing of old windows and doors. In addition, thermal modernization addresses the issues of re-equipping engineering systems (ventilation, heating, hot water supply), transition to combined (geothermal solar) heat supply sources.

Important! Insulating external fences without re-equipping the heating and ventilation systems of the house is not effective and does not give a positive result (which often happens), and most often leads to an increase in energy costs for the consumer of utility resources.

A set of measures aimed at reducing heat consumption and improving the energy efficiency of buildings will be considered.

This type of work is carried out from the basement by gluing thermal insulation boards to the ceiling.

Advice! If it is impossible to carry out measures to thermally insulate the walls from the outside (an architectural monument, complex façade topography, etc.), then it is necessary to insulate the external walls from the inside of the building by laying polystyrene foam boards under plaster or drywall.

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Reducing heat loss through windows

According to experts, up to 30% of the heat from heated rooms “escapes” through windows. A radical way to solve this problem is to replace old wooden windows to energy saving ones. It is enough to reduce their size, especially if the issue concerns windows in staircases. In most plans apartment buildings excess area for staircase lighting is provided window openings, which causes large heat losses.

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Modernization of the ventilation system

As you know, the most common way to organize air circulation in apartment buildings is natural ventilation. Air is removed by exhaust ducts located in kitchens and bathrooms. The flow of fresh air from the street is organized through natural leaks in windows and doors.

When replacing old windows with energy-efficient and sealed ones, the problem of heat loss is solved, but a new one appears: a sharp decrease in supply air. This problem is solved by modernizing the ventilation system, namely, by installing ventilation with controlled air flow. In practice, this is solved by installing supply valves, windows with built-in hygroscopic fans or installations forced submission supply air to the premises.

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Reconstruction of the heating system

Specialists pay special attention to high heat consumption, which occurs due to the low efficiency of morally and technically outdated home heating systems that were originally designed with excessive heat consumption. The main problems of old heating systems (HC) can be formulated as follows:

  • Poor or incorrect hydraulic balancing. This problem is often associated with unauthorized intervention by residents in the structure heating system(installation of additional sections on radiators, replacement of batteries, pipelines, etc.)
  • Poor thermal insulation of heating pipes or its complete absence.
  • Structurally outdated heating and distribution points.
  1. Replacement of the elevator unit of the heating system with an automated one. If the house is connected to the heating main according to an independent circuit, an automated individual heating point is installed; when using dependent, a scheme with a pump mixture is used. Depending on the scheme used, all equipment must be weather-sensitive and automatically stabilize the pressure in the CO by regulating the supply of coolant.

Important! Replacing an outdated elevator unit with an economizer will not make it possible to use thermostats for heating radiators and balancing valves. The elevator simply “will not handle” the additional hydraulic resistance, which will inevitably increase when using these devices.

  1. Replacement of old heat exchangers with energy efficient ones.
  2. Elimination of CO leaks and replacement of shut-off valves.
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Balancing the heating system

Fortunately, the effectiveness of this event is no longer in doubt. Installation of balancing valves for the heating system on return risers with limited coolant temperature is a prerequisite for proper modernization of CO, especially in houses with a large percentage of autonomous heating with gas boilers.

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Installation of individual control devices

Installation of thermostats with an air temperature sensor on each battery, in addition to additional comfort for residents of this building, will significantly reduce thermal energy consumption. The air temperature through the window openings increased (the sun warmed up), the thermostat reduced the amount of coolant for a specific heating device.

Among the mandatory measures for the reconstruction of the heating system, carried out as part of the thermal modernization of the entire house, one can highlight the installation of a common house heat metering unit and the transition to apartment-by-apartment heat metering. It is precisely such measures that most stimulate residents to save.

Thermal modernization of an apartment building requires large financial costs. But in order to achieve significant savings for the end consumer (and therefore a return of money and profit for energy service investors), it is necessary to carry out comprehensive measures to reduce the amount of thermal energy consumed or thermal modernization.

Reconstruction of the heating system - Legal advice

By virtue of paragraphs. “c” clause 35 of the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354, the consumer does not have the right to arbitrarily dismantle or turn off the heating elements provided for in the design and (or) technical documentation for an apartment or residential building, to unauthorizedly increase the heating surfaces of heating devices installed in a residential building beyond the parameters provided for in the design and (or) technical documentation for the apartment or residential building.

According to Part 1 of Art. 25 of the RF Housing Code, reconstruction of a residential premises is the installation, replacement or transfer of utility networks, sanitary, electrical or other equipment that requires changes to the technical passport of the residential premises.

Reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential premises is carried out in compliance with legal requirements in agreement with the authority local government(hereinafter referred to as the body carrying out the approval) on the basis decisions taken(Part 1 of Article 26 of the RF Housing Code).

Reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential premises carried out in the absence of a decision of the authorized government body on approval or in violation of the redevelopment and (or) redevelopment project are unauthorized.

The owner of a residential premises that was unauthorizedly rearranged and (or) redesigned, or the tenant of such residential premises under a social tenancy agreement, is obliged to bring such residential premises to its previous condition within a reasonable time and in the manner established by the body carrying out the approval (Part 3 of Art. 29 Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

In this regard, in the current situation, only two scenarios are possible: either the heating system in your apartment must be restored to its original state, or the reconstruction must be approved in accordance with the procedure established by law.

In this case, it does not matter when orders will be issued to other citizens who have made a similar reconstruction. There is no direct connection between these events.

Please note that if the system is brought to its original state by the management company, then the cost of these works can rightfully be billed to you for payment, since their implementation at the expense of funds intended for the maintenance of common property will be of a non-targeted nature.

Of course, such regulations of the Criminal Code are often ignored citing a lack of authority. However, do not forget about Part 5 of Art. 29 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, which provides that if the relevant residential premises are not restored to their previous condition within the prescribed period, the court, at the request of the body carrying out the approval, provided that another court does not make a decision to preserve the premises in a redesigned and (or) re-arranged state, makes a decision:

1) in relation to the owner on the sale of such residential premises at public auction with payment to the owner of the proceeds from the sale of such residential premises minus the costs of execution court decision with the imposition on the new owner of such residential premises of the obligation to bring it to its previous condition;

2) in relation to the tenant of such residential premises under a social tenancy agreement, to terminate this agreement with the imposition on the owner of such residential premises, who was the lessor under the said agreement, of the obligation to bring such residential premises to its previous condition.

Review of heating systems for residential and administrative buildings: calculation examples, regulatory documents

Creation effective system heating of large buildings differs significantly from similar ones autonomous circuits cottages. The difference lies in the complexity of distribution and control of coolant parameters. Therefore, you should take a responsible approach to choosing a heating system for buildings: types, types, calculations, surveys. All these nuances are taken into account at the design stage of the structure.

Heating requirements for residential and administrative buildings

Heat supply diagram for an apartment building

It should immediately be noted that the heating project for an administrative building must be carried out by the relevant bureau. Experts evaluate the parameters of the future building and, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents, select optimal scheme heat supply.

Regardless of the selected types of building heating systems, they are subject to strict requirements. They are based on ensuring the safety of heat supply operation, as well as the efficiency of the system:

  • Sanitary and hygienic. These include uniform temperature distribution in all areas of the house. To do this, a heat calculation for heating the building is first performed;
  • Construction. Job heating devices should not be deteriorated due to features structural elements buildings both inside and outside;
  • Assembly. When choosing technological installation schemes, it is recommended to choose standardized units that can be quickly replaced with similar ones in the event of failure;
  • Operational. Maximum automation of heat supply operation. This is the primary task along with thermotechnical calculation heating the building.

In practice, proven design schemes are used, the choice of which depends on the type of heating. This is the determining factor for all subsequent stages of work on arranging the heating of an administrative or residential building.

When commissioning a new house, residents have the right to demand copies of all technical documentation, including the heating system.

Types of building heating systems

How to choose the right type of heat supply for a building? First of all, the type of energy carrier is taken into account. Based on this, you can plan subsequent design stages.

Exist certain types heating systems for buildings, differing both in operating principle and performance characteristics. The most common is water heating, as it has unique qualities and can be relatively easily adapted to any type of building. After calculating the amount of heat for heating the building, you can select the following types of heat supply:

  • Autonomous water. Characterized by high inertia of air heating. However, along with this, it is the most popular type of building heating systems due to the wide variety of components and low maintenance costs;
  • Central water. In this case, water is the optimal type of coolant for its transportation over long distances - from the boiler room to consumers;
  • Air. Recently, it has been used as a general climate control system in homes. It is one of the most expensive, which affects the inspection of the building’s heating system;
  • Electric. Despite the small costs of the initial purchase of equipment, electric heating is the most expensive to maintain. If it is installed, heating calculations based on the volume of the building should be performed as accurately as possible in order to reduce planned costs.

What is recommended to choose as a home heating supply - electric, water or air heating? First of all, you need to calculate the thermal energy for heating the building and other types design work. Based on the data obtained, the optimal heating scheme is selected.

For a private home The best way heat supply - installation of gas equipment in conjunction with a water heating system.

Types of heat supply calculations for buildings

At the first stage, it is necessary to calculate the thermal energy for heating the building. The essence of these calculations is to determine the heat losses of the house, select the power of the equipment and the thermal operating mode of the heating.

To correctly perform these calculations, you should know the parameters of the building and take into account the climatic features of the region. Before the advent of specialized software systems, all calculations of the amount of heat for heating a building were performed manually. In this case, there was a high probability of error. Now, using modern methods calculations, you can obtain the following characteristics for drawing up a heating project for an administrative building:

  • Optimal load on heat supply depending on external factors - outside temperature and the required degree of air heating in each room of the house;
  • Correct selection components for heating equipment, minimizing the cost of its acquisition;
  • Possibility to upgrade the heating supply in the future. Reconstruction of the building's heating system is carried out only after coordination of the old and new schemes.

When making a heating project for an administrative or residential building, you need to be guided by a certain calculation algorithm.

The characteristics of the heat supply system must comply with current regulations. A list of them can be obtained from the state architectural organization.

Calculation of heat losses of buildings

Thermal conductivity of various building materials

The determining indicator of a heating system is the optimal amount of energy generated. It is also determined by heat losses in the building. Those. in fact, the work of the heat supply is designed to compensate for this phenomenon and maintain the temperature at a comfortable level.

To correctly calculate the heat needed to heat a building, you need to know the material used to make the outer walls. It is through them that most of the losses occur. The main characteristic is the thermal conductivity coefficient of building materials - the amount of energy passing through 1 m² of wall.

The technology for calculating thermal energy for heating a building consists of the following steps:

  1. Determination of material of manufacture and thermal conductivity coefficient.
  2. Knowing the thickness of the wall, you can calculate the heat transfer resistance. This is the reciprocal of thermal conductivity.
  3. Then several heating operating modes are selected. This is the difference between the temperature in the supply and return pipes.
  4. Dividing the resulting value by the heat transfer resistance we get heat losses per 1 m² of wall.
Wall heat transfer resistance coefficient

For this technique, you need to know that the wall consists not only of bricks or reinforced concrete blocks. When calculating the power of a heating boiler and the heat loss of a building, thermal insulation and other materials must be taken into account. The total transmission resistance coefficient of the wall should not be less than the normalized value.

Only after this can you begin to calculate the power of heating devices.

For all data obtained for calculating heating by building volume, it is recommended to add a correction factor of 1.1.

Calculation of the power of equipment for heating buildings

Boiler room of an apartment building

To calculate optimal power heating supply, you should begin to decide on its type. Most often, difficulties arise when calculating water heating. To correctly calculate the power of a heating boiler and heat losses in a house, not only its area, but also its volume is taken into account.

The simplest option is to accept the ratio that heating 1 m³ of space will require 41 W of energy. However, such a calculation of the amount of heat for heating a building will not be entirely correct. It does not take into account heat losses, as well as the climatic features of a particular region. Therefore, it is best to use the method described above.

To calculate the heat supply by volume of the building, it is important to know the rated power of the boiler. To do this you need to know the following formula:

Where W is the boiler power, S is the area of ​​the house, K is the correction factor.

The latter is a reference value and depends on the region of residence. Data about it can be taken from the table.

This technology makes it possible to perform accurate thermotechnical calculations of the heating of a building. At the same time, the heat supply capacity is checked in relation to heat losses in the building. In addition, the purpose of the premises is taken into account. For living rooms The temperature level should be between +18°C and +22°C. Minimum level of heating of platforms and household rooms equal to +16°C.

The choice of heating operating mode is practically independent of these parameters. It will determine the future load on the system depending on weather conditions. For apartment buildings, the calculation of thermal energy for heating is done taking into account all the nuances and in accordance with regulatory technology. In autonomous heat supply, such actions do not need to be performed. It is important that the total thermal energy compensates for all heat losses in the house.

To reduce the cost of autonomous heating, it is recommended to use a low-temperature mode when calculating by building volume. But then the total area of ​​the radiators should be increased in order to increase thermal output.

Building heating system maintenance

Thermal imager - a device for monitoring heating operation

After correct thermotechnical calculation heating supply of the building, you need to know the mandatory list of regulatory documents for its maintenance. You need to know this in order to timely monitor the operation of the system, as well as minimize the occurrence of emergency situations.

Drawing up an inspection report for the heating system of the building is carried out only by representatives of the responsible company. This takes into account the specifics of heat supply, its type and Current state. During the inspection of the heating system of the building, the following document items must be completed:

  1. Location of the house, its exact address.
  2. Link to the heat supply agreement.
  3. Number and location of heat supply devices - radiators and batteries.
  4. Measuring the temperature in the premises.
  5. Load change factor depending on current weather conditions.

To initiate an inspection of the heating system of your home, you must submit an application to the management company. It must indicate the reason - poor performance of the heat supply, an emergency, or a discrepancy between the current system parameters and standards.

Heating system inspection report

According to current standards, during an accident, representatives of the management company must eliminate its consequences within a maximum of 6 hours. Also after this, a document is drawn up about the damage caused to the apartment owners due to the accident. If the reason is unsatisfactory condition, the management company must restore the apartments at its own expense or pay compensation.

Often, during the reconstruction of a building's heating system, it is necessary to replace some of its elements with more modern ones. Costs are determined by the fact of whose balance sheet the heating system is based on. The restoration of pipelines and other components not located in the apartments should be handled by the management company.

If the owner of the premises wanted to change the old cast iron batteries for modern ones, the following actions should be taken:

  1. IN management company a statement is drawn up indicating the apartment plan and the characteristics of future heating devices.
  2. After 6 days, the management company is obliged to provide technical specifications.
  3. According to them, equipment is selected.
  4. Installation is carried out at the expense of the apartment owner. But representatives of the Criminal Code must be present.

For autonomous heat supply to a private home, you do not need to do any of this. Responsibilities for arranging and maintaining heating at the proper level rest entirely with the owner of the house. Exceptions are technical projects of electrical and gas heating premises. For them, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the management company, as well as select and install equipment in accordance with the conditions terms of reference.

The video describes the features of radiator heating:

Consumer rights Protection

07 Feb 2015 | Author: Alexey |

Unfortunately time is running, and in a situation with the installation of autonomous heating and refusal central heating nothing changes in the apartment. In the last article there were a lot of theoretical emotions and little practical significance, this time I want to correct myself and talk about the legal side of the issue. And so let's go deeper.

In accordance with paragraph 15 of Article 14 Federal Law dated July 27, 2010 N 190-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2014) “On Heat Supply”, it is prohibited to switch to heating residential premises in apartment buildings (hereinafter referred to as MKD) using individual apartment sources of thermal energy, the list of which is determined by the connection rules ( technological connection) to heat supply systems approved by the Government Russian Federation, in the presence of a connection (technological connection) carried out in the proper order to the heat supply systems of apartment buildings, with the exception of cases determined by the heat supply diagram.

According to paragraph 44 of the “Rules for connection to heat supply systems”, the list of individual apartment sources of heat energy that are prohibited from being used for heating residential premises in apartment buildings if there is a properly connected connection to heat supply systems, with the exception of cases determined by the heat supply scheme, includes sources thermal energy operating on natural gas that does not meet the following requirements:

  • the presence of a closed (sealed) combustion chamber;
  • the presence of an automatic safety system that ensures that the fuel supply is stopped when the electrical power supply is interrupted, in the event of a malfunction of the protection circuits, when the burner flame goes out, or when the coolant pressure drops below the maximum limit permissible value, when the maximum permissible temperature of the coolant is reached, as well as when smoke removal is disrupted;
  • coolant temperature - up to 95 degrees Celsius;
  • coolant pressure - up to 1 MPa.

If you meet the above requirements when choosing a future boiler, then you can safely move on to next stage disconnections from central heating, but first we need to understand a few more legally important points, namely:

  1. intervention in the heat supply system of an apartment building is a reconstruction of a residential premises (reconstruction of an apartment building);
  2. The heating system is part of the common property of the residents of an apartment building.

These conclusions are made based on the following. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 36 Housing Code RF (LC RF) dated December 29, 2004 N 188-FZ, owners of premises in apartment building belongs by right of common shared ownership to the common property in an apartment building, namely: roofs enclosing the load-bearing and non-load-bearing structures of a given house, mechanical, electrical, sanitary and other equipment located in a given house outside or inside the premises and serving more than one room .

Also, paragraphs 2,3,4 of this article establish that:

  • the owners of premises in an apartment building own, use and, within the limits established by this Code and civil legislation, dispose of the common property in the apartment building;
  • reducing the size of common property in an apartment building is possible only with the consent of all owners of premises in this building through its reconstruction;
  • By decision of the owners of premises in an apartment building, adopted at a general meeting of such owners, common property in an apartment building may be transferred for use to other persons if this does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities.

The norms of this article regarding the disposal of common property by owners of premises in apartment buildings are also enshrined in Article 247 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation; ownership and use of property in shared ownership is carried out by agreement of all its participants, and if agreement is not reached, in the manner established by the court.

In addition to what is stated in accordance with Article 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation “Grounds for the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential premises”:

  1. The reconstruction of residential premises is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the law in agreement with the local government body (hereinafter referred to as the body carrying out the approval) on the basis of a decision made by it.
  2. To carry out the reconstruction of a residential premises, the owner of this premises or a person authorized by him submits to the authority carrying out the approval at the location of the residential premises being rebuilt, directly or through a multifunctional center: 1) an application for reconstruction in the approved form; 2) title documents for the residential premises being rebuilt (originals or notarized copies);

    3) a project for the reconstruction of the residential premises being rebuilt, prepared and executed in accordance with the established procedure;

    4) technical passport of the residential premises being converted; 5) consent to writing all members of the tenant’s family (including temporarily absent family members of the tenant) occupying the residential premises being converted;

    6) the conclusion of the body for the protection of architectural, historical and cultural monuments on the admissibility of reconstructing a residential premises, if such a residential premises or the house in which it is located is an architectural, historical or cultural monument.

  3. The body carrying out the approval does not have the right to require the applicant to submit other documents other than the documents the request of which from the applicant is permitted above. The applicant is issued a receipt of documents from the applicant indicating their list and the date of their receipt by the body carrying out the approval, as well as indicating the list of documents that will be received upon interdepartmental requests.
  4. The decision to approve or refuse approval must be made based on the results of consideration of the relevant application and other submitted documents by the body carrying out the approval, no later than forty-five days from the date of submission to this body of documents, the obligation to submit which is assigned in accordance with this article on the applicant.
  5. The body carrying out the approval, no later than three working days from the date of the decision on approval, issues or sends to the address specified in the application, or through the multifunctional center, a document confirming the adoption of such a decision to the applicant. This document is the basis for the reconstruction of residential premises.

From the list of documents provided, the technical passport of the residential premises being converted and the conclusion of the body for the protection of architectural, historical and cultural monuments can be independently requested by the body responsible for issuing permits within the framework of interdepartmental cooperation.

From the above it follows that the first thing to start with is to obtain consent to conduct individual heating to the apartment from all owners of the apartment building (it is worth explaining to the neighbors that they may also need your consent in a similar situation and this will not cause any inconvenience for them). This is done by conducting face-to-face general meeting, or by absentee voting. The corresponding decision is documented in the minutes of the general meeting.

You should also pay special attention to obtaining design documentation for disconnection from centralized heating (this documentation must comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular the requirements for design documentation contained in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008 “On the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content" taking into account the reconstruction engineering system and heating and hot water supply for the entire house). It should be understood that technical specifications issued by any management organization cannot replace the required project and will be a waste of your money.

Having collected all the above documents and contacted the local government with the appropriate application, all that remains is to wait for the decision. So, if the decision turns out to be positive, then you can safely not read this material to the end, because what follows is about our reality, when getting such a positive conclusion is a result beyond fantasy.

So, in accordance with Article 27 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, they can refuse you only on the following grounds:

  1. failure to provide a complete list of documents specified above; 1.1) receipt by the body carrying out the approval of a response to an interdepartmental request indicating the absence of a document and (or) information necessary for the reconstruction of the residential premises, if the corresponding document was not submitted by the applicant on his own initiative. Refusal to approve the reconstruction of residential premises on the specified basis is permitted if the body carrying out the approval, after receiving such a response, notified the applicant about the receipt of such a response, invited the applicant to submit the document and (or) information necessary for the reconstruction of the residential premises, and did not receive from the applicant such document and (or) information within fifteen working days from the date of sending the notification;
  2. submitting documents to the wrong authority;
  3. non-compliance of the project for reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential premises with legal requirements.

The decision to refuse approval for the reconstruction of residential premises must contain the grounds for refusal with a mandatory reference to the violations specified above. In addition, the decision to refuse approval of the redevelopment is issued or sent to the applicant no later than three working days from the date of such decision and can be appealed by the applicant in judicial procedure.

As a rule, failure to comply with the above requirements in terms of motivating the refusal on the above grounds by a local government body is grounds for a positive appeal of the decision.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the heat supply diagram specified in paragraph 44 of the “Rules for connecting to heat supply systems” is a rather mythical thing that must be approved by the local government, but as practice shows, such schemes usually do not exist in their final form. I believe that this is due to the enormous cost of carrying out the relevant design surveys necessary to draw up this scheme and, accordingly, the prohibition of such amounts by local budgets (this is just my personal opinion). If we speak frankly and look at judicial practice, we can conclude that the main thing in resolving this issue is the decision made by the local government and it is quite difficult to argue with it, since the scheme proposed by legislators has a lot of loopholes for manipulation. In particular, the requirement to take into account when drawing up a project for autonomous heating of all possible consequences for home security systems (put forward by both the courts and selection committees) speaks of the prohibitive cost of such projects and in the absence of a certain loyalty in the commission to your appeal, it is practically impossible to fulfill this requirement in full, which means there will always be a reason to stop all your attempts.

And finally, I would like to warn everyone who wants to play with fire and carry out unauthorized reconstruction in their apartment, currently, in accordance with Article 29 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, you can easily lose your living space and this is not a joke at all, we read:

The owner of a residential premises that was unauthorizedly rebuilt, or the tenant of such residential premises under a social tenancy agreement, is obliged to bring such residential premises to their previous condition within a reasonable time and in the manner established by the body carrying out the approval.

Based on a court decision, residential premises may be preserved in a reconstructed state, if this does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of citizens or does not create a threat to their life or health.

If the relevant residential premises are not restored to their previous condition within the specified period in the manner established by the body carrying out the approval, the court, at the request of this body, provided that the court does not make a different decision, makes a decision:

  • in relation to the owner of the sale of such residential premises at public auction with payment to the owner of the proceeds from the sale of such residential premises minus the costs of executing a court decision with the imposition on the new owner of such residential premises of the obligation to bring it to its previous condition;
  • in relation to the tenant of such residential premises under a social tenancy agreement, the termination of this agreement with the imposition on the owner of such residential premises, who was the lessor under the said agreement, of the obligation to bring such residential premises to its previous condition.

Tags: housing and communal services, heating

A group of leading industry and academic institutions in the field of electric power (ENIN named after Krzhizhanovsky, VTI, etc.) developed the program “Modernization of thermal power plants for the period until 2030”. In the section “Cogeneration and heating network"This document contains target indicators that give an idea of ​​the paths of modernization, the structure of thermal energy production and some features of the construction of heating networks in the coming years.

The long-term forecast for the production and consumption of thermal energy takes into account the widespread implementation of measures to save heat transport: it is expected that until 2030, thermal energy production will increase annually by 0.35-0.6%, and consumption - by 0.9-1. 1 %. In other words, the difference between production and consumption (i.e. transport losses) will gradually decrease.

Total thermal energy production in 2005 was 1977 million Gcal, and by 2020 this figure is expected to increase to 2000 million Gcal. The structure of production will not change significantly: in 2020, as in 2005, the main amount of thermal energy will be supplied to consumers by thermal power plants and large boiler houses (with a capacity of more than 20 Gcal/h). The share of autonomous heat sources, small boiler houses (less than 20 Gcal/h) and non-traditional heat sources will be significantly smaller, as at present.

Much attention in the Subprogram “Modernization of Thermal Power Plants” is paid to the issue of improving and increasing the reliability of heating networks (see PKM No. 4 (14) 2012), the total length of which in the Russian Federation is already more than 172 thousand km. The main type of installation of heating networks (more than 90% of the total length) is underground laying in non-pass and through channels. Not only today, but also in the future, channel laying will remain the main type of construction of heat pipelines. But preference when modernizing heating networks will be given to industrial, fully prefabricated structures.

When laying main pipelines, pipelines pre-insulated with polyurethane foam (penolpolymerurethane) with an online remote control system will be used. For heating networks with a diameter of up to 400 mm, preference will be given to pipelines in PPU or PPM (penol-polymer-mineral) insulation, and for heating pipelines after the central heating point - flexible Casaflex pipes produced by the Polimerteplo Group or similar ones from other manufacturers. Flexible pipe systems made of stainless steel in PPU insulation are designed for underground ductless installation of heating systems. The operating pressure of such pipes is 1.6 MPa, the operating temperature is up to 160 °C (Fig. 1).


Isoproflex flexible pipes will be widely used for hot water supply pipelines. These are pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene in PPU insulation with an operating temperature of 95 ° C and a maximum pressure of 1.0 MPa (Fig. 2).


There are already more than 100 enterprises for the production of pipes in industrial insulation in almost all federal districts. The total production capacity of these enterprises is more than 10 thousand km of pipes per year. But for now it's loading production capacity ranges from 30 to 60%.

In Fig. Figure 3 shows fully assembled, pre-insulated PPU pipelines, ready for installation, for channelless installation and in a galvanized sheath (Fig. 4) for above-ground installation. The service life of heating mains with such pipelines increases to 30-40 years, and heat losses are reduced to 2%. It is clear that such a design of heat pipelines should significantly reduce fuel and electricity consumption. It is calculated that with a pipe diameter of 1020 mm this reduction per 1 km of networks will be 0.106%, and with a diameter of 530 mm - already 0.217%. The temperature drop in the first case will be only 0.05 °C/km, in the second - 0.12 °C/km, and with a diameter of 219 mm - 0.46 °C/km.



When using such heat pipelines, the time for laying a heating main is reduced by 3-4 times, capital costs are reduced by 15-20%, and repair costs are reduced by 3 times. But, perhaps, the most important advantage of such heating networks is that thanks to the mandatory installation of a system for operational remote monitoring of the humidification of thermal insulation (SODC), the accident rate of heating mains is practically eliminated.

An example of a responsible approach to solving the problem of reliability of heat pipelines is MOEK - Moscow United Energy Company. The investment project “Reconstruction of heating networks”, started by this company several years ago, involves the use of the latest technologies. These technologies can dramatically reduce operating costs and extend the service life of pipelines to 30-40 years compared to 8-12 years using traditional technologies. Particular attention will be paid to heating networks with small-diameter pipes, which account for 96% of all cases of damage to heating networks.

Many country private houses, villages and holiday villages use old autonomous heating systems. We can briefly outline four stages in the evolution of private heating systems in our country as follows:

1. The cheapest steam heating, currently prohibited for residential buildings.
2. More efficient gravity water heating systems open type.
3. Availability expansion machines(closed membrane tanks), which made it possible to switch to closed-type water heating systems.
4. Using a circulation pump. The most effective and common type now: water heating closed type with forced circulation of coolant (with expansion valve and circulation pump).

Steam systems are practically no longer found. IN in this case we are talking about open-type gravity systems in private homes, which were installed in those years when circulation pumps and expansion machines were not yet available for sale. Such old heating systems were usually created at a minimum, in conditions of a lack of funds and the lack of all necessary components on sale due to the banal shortage of everything in Soviet times. They use domestic heating boilers of minimal power. In severe frost, this power is not enough to maintain the temperature of optimal comfort in the house, 21 degrees Celsius.

A small upgrade to an old heating system can significantly improve its performance. To do this, it is enough to turn a gravitational heating system, where water moves due to the difference in the density of warm water in the boiler and less warm water in the heating radiators, into a system with forced circulation.

This problem is solved by installing a circulation pump on outlet pipe(top), connecting the heating boiler to the radiators. Nowadays there are a large number of circulation pumps from different manufacturers on sale. For example, cheap circulation pumps TsVTs for heating, domestically produced.

For installation, it is better to invite a professional with experience, but if your hands are itching and you have some experience with plumbing, you can try installing the circulation pump yourself. A similar upgrade is performed when replacing old heating radiators, such as convectors, with new ones, bimetallic or cast iron. The old pump is replaced with a new one, usually of slightly higher power.

In case of a cottage large area, 400 square meters or more, there may be a problem with long branches of radiators on the second floor. The last radiators in the branch heat up too weakly. This problem is solved by adding a second circulation pump on the second floor. However, in this case, it is better to use more expensive imported circulation pumps for LAING heating systems with reduced noise levels or Wilo-Stratos pumps with automatic control.

It should be warned that the circulation pump is a rather delicate thing. Unfortunately, they often, as plumbers say, “freeze” to the pipes so tightly that the plumber can hang on the number 4 wrench, but the pump nut will not move. You need to be prepared for such a surprise. Heating in such cases is usually ineffective, so it is advisable to have kerosene or some kind of chemical with you, for example a special spray that drivers use to lubricate locks on car doors.

The operation is indeed fraught with difficulties, so experienced plumbers often solve this problem easier. They simply find a screw for the heating boiler piping pipe, usually an inch and a quarter. This can be difficult, since clumps of this size are in short supply. Cut the pipe with a grinder, trying to make the cut perpendicularly, and install a circulation pump without replacing the entire piping. When replacing the piping, it can be done with beautiful white polypropylene pipes an inch and a quarter long, it looks very impressive. But they must be screwed directly to the boiler steel pipes. Polypropylene is not screwed to the boiler, since it does not tolerate temperatures above 90 degrees very well.

Two people need to do this work. You can do it alone, if you have good keys: rest your knee on one key and twist the other with both hands, but this is already a plumbing balancing act. The main thing is not to damage the heating boiler itself. The basic axiom of construction: the amount of damage should not exceed the cost of repairs.

A heating circulation pump increases the efficiency of the entire heating system, while the set temperature in the house is achieved at a lower coolant temperature. Therefore, the circulation pump also reduces depreciation and wear of the heating boiler. The boiler and the entire heating system will last longer.


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