Prayer to help remove the evil eye. Strong Orthodox prayers against the evil eye, damage and witchcraft for adults and children

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Orthodox prayers for the evil eye and damage are strong protection from any witchcraft influence that may be cast on your close relatives. If trouble happens in your home, talk to the saints and know that your prayers will definitely be heard.

In the article:

Orthodox prayers from the evil eye and damage to the saints

Every Christian believer needs to understand that not one evil force will not be able to harm you if you are pure in thoughts and have faith and love in your heart. Before you begin the rituals of invoking the saints, clear your mind.

Drive away all unclean, bad thoughts, forgive your enemies. Even if the sorcerer cast an evil eye on you, there is no need to take revenge on him; it is better to ask your Heavenly protectors to grant you health and not allow enemies to approach your home.

Praise to your Guardian Angel

Each believer has his own Guardian Angel and he bears the name that was given to you at baptism. It is he who protects you throughout your life, prays to God to forgive your sins, and saves your soul.

He is the closest protector who can protect you from hatred, illness and failure. Therefore, do not forget him, and always contact him in difficult times. If you don’t remember an individual appeal to a personal patron, then feel free to use this:

In my prayer I turn to you, the holy Angel of Christ (name), who brings me good. You are also a hasty servant of the Almighty Creator, who reigns over all living things and all undead creatures too. Therefore, by the will of the Almighty, deliver me, weak and infirm, from various misfortunes in the form of an unclean beast and other undead. And let neither the brownie, nor the goblin, nor the wood-grower, nor the rest destroy my soul or touch my body. I pray to you, Saint Angele, for protection from evil spirits and all her servants. Save and preserve according to the will of the Lord God. Amen.

The text is applied without additional ritual. Therefore, it is important to learn it by heart and apply it in every difficult moment.

You can contact this saint at any time of the day or night. This can be done both in the temple and at home.

To carry out the ritual, you just need to remain completely alone in the room, calm your anger, place an icon with the image of a saint in front of you and light a small candle.

Remember that you are turning to the saint not to punish the enemy, but so that he will grant you protection. Therefore, having tuned in to the right mood, quietly say prayer to Tikhon.

The text of the conspiracy should be spoken only three times. Now leave the candle to burn out. You can contact this saint an unlimited number of times a day. If you feel that you are in danger, be sure to read this text and be convinced that the saint will protect you.

Prayer to Jesus Christ from corruption

Among all the Orthodox prayers against the evil eye and corruption, there are many that are dedicated to Jesus Christ. He atoned for the sins of all mankind with his blood. He is generous and merciful, and will never refuse anyone who asks.

If you have been exposed to corruption, then either contact her son, Jesus Christ, and ask them to eliminate the monstrous negative program.

If you are, then don’t rush to worry. First, calm down and light the church candle. Its light and warmth will help restore balance. Now read this text:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Help me cleanse myself of the enemy’s evil envy and do not allow me to experience sorrowful days. I believe in you sacredly and earnestly pray for forgiveness. In sinful thoughts and vicious deeds, I forget about Orthodox faith. Forgive me, Lord, for these sins and do not punish me too much. Do not be angry with my enemies, but return to them the envious soot thrown by evil people. Thy will be done. Amen.

He has very great power. The more and more diligently you pray, the sooner the negative program will go away on its own, unable to withstand the power of your Heavenly patrons, and will return to the one who sent it to you.

The most powerful doxology to Jesus Christ

There are many ways to get rid of damage, but this one is rightfully considered the most powerful. She will allow everyone who asks, protect them from enemies, from enemy hatred and envy.

You can use it simply to create a protective barrier that no black magic will be able to penetrate, or when you find out that you are already damaged.

To carry out the ritual, place seven church cuttings (medium size) on the table, sit in front of them, light one and read the text seven times:

Jesus Christ, Son of God, from the One Trisagion Deity, Child Holy Mother of God, all the Holy thrones, all the angels and archangels, all the seraphim and cherubim, I bow to you all. Forgive, O God, the sins of Thy servant (name), forgive me the sins known and unknown, forgive me, as I confess to You, the One God, my Lord. Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, the holy Archangel of God Michael with all the heavenly host. Deliver me from cruel death. From vain death, from a black eye, from a dashing person, from blasphemous words, from remote roads, from unkind hearts. Only to you I, the servant of God (name), bow, only to you I repent of my sins. I trust in you, I entrust my spirit to you. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen.

When the words are spoken (and it is better to learn them by heart, rather than read from a piece of paper), do not put out the candle. Let it burn out on its own, then remove the remaining wax from the table. The next morning, light the next candle and perform the ritual again.

You need to do it 7 times in total. After which no magician will be able to influence you, and if the negative influence was present before, it will be removed.

Prayer for the whole family

Often, an evil sorcerer is capable of inflicting a spell on a family or an entire clan. This is a powerful curse with destructive effects. But you can also get rid of it with the help of properly selected prayer. If you need to remove the curse from all relatives and protect them from subsequent witchcraft attacks, then you can perform this simple ritual.

Stand facing the window at dawn and imagine all your living relatives next to you. Think about the fact that they are free from the work of the negative program and set fire church candle. Then say:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect us with the holy angels and the prayer of our all-pure Lady Theotokos, by the power of your honorable and life-giving Cross, through the intercession of the heavenly forces of the disembodied honest prophet and Forerunner of the Lord John and all your saints, help us sinful, unworthy servants (name), deliver us from all evil, witchcraft, sorcery, sorcery, from evil crafty people. May they not be able to cause us any harm. Lord, by the power of Your Cross save us in the morning, in the evening, in the coming sleep, and by the power of Your grace, turn away and remove all evil impurities that act at the instigation of the devil. Whoever thought or did, return their evil back to the underworld, for blessed are You forever and ever. Amen.

These words will become a powerful talisman for your entire family. The ritual is carried out for nine days. Every morning you should get up before everyone else in your household and recite the memorized text. You yourself will notice how every day it will become easier for all your relatives, health, happiness in life and harmony will return.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker from damage

Prayers in which you should speak with a saint will save you from damage and slander. Nicholas the Wonderworker. This helper is known for being always merciful and never refusing believers who really need help and protection from evil forces.

If there is damage to you or one of your loved ones, then be sure to read the following conspiracy over the body of the sufferer every evening before going to bed:

Wonderworker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. Without blaming anyone in my soul, I ask only one thing from you. Help all my family members, and if there is, then take away the damage from us. All illnesses, squabbles, quarrels and heat, you are the holy water of this mind. Let the sorcerer not suffer from damage, but the sorcerer will not die from it. Let there be no discord in my family, I beg you a hundredfold. Thy will be done. Amen.

This ritual does not imply the transfer of a negative program to the sorcerer, therefore it is safe for all parties to the conflict.

In order to strengthen the power of this prayer, you can, in the morning, placing on one side an icon with the face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and on the other a church candle, read the following text over the sacrifice:

On the Okiyan-sea there is a golden chair, on the golden chair sits St. Nikolai, holding a golden bow, pulls a silk bowstring, lays a red-hot arrow, and begins to shoot lessons (damages) and ghosts (evil eyes).

The patient himself is able to help you. To do this, after you complete the evening ritual, he must pray before going to bed. To do this, you should arm yourself with a thin candle and whisper.

This article contains many prayers against damage and the evil eye.

Almost every person can put the evil eye on another without even knowing it, because this happens unintentionally. Damage, unlike the evil eye, is caused purposefully. Black magician creates negative program and sends it to a person, destroying health, family attitude and the desire to live.

  • It is imperative to remove the damage, as it can seriously harm a person. Various methods are used for this.
  • Treatment for damage is carried out with the help of prayers and appeals to various Saints.
  • When reading a prayer against corruption, you need to have sincere faith that higher powers will help remove the negative program and restore energy balance.
  • Before you begin to read any Orthodox prayer, you need to read the “Our Father.” In this case, the effect of healing prayer will be more effective.

REMEMBER: Any orthodox prayers read while STANDING! This must be done in front of the icons.

Our Father Prayer:

Psalm 90:

Reprimand with prayers from damage - Psalm 90

There is no need to speak numbers, only words are spoken.

Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross:

Reprimand with prayers from damage - Life-Giving Cross

Prayer to Saint Cyprian:

Reprimand with prayers from damage - prayer to Saint Cyprian

Reprimand with prayers from damage - continuation

Reprimand with prayers from damage - continuation of prayer

Reprimand with prayers from damage - continuation of the prayer scripture

Reprimand with prayers from damage - Cyprian continued

Reprimand with prayers from damage - prayer to Cyprian continued

Reprimand with prayers from damage - words of Cyprian continued

This prayer is very large, but it is effective and protective. Be patient and read all the necessary prayers calmly and measuredly.

Reprimand with prayers from damage - what other prayers to read

In addition to reading prayers, you must order Sorokoust for health from the church. This is not a prayer, but a whole set of actions that the priest does during the service. Sorokoust helps in healing and protects from evil.

The icon must be purchased from a church or monastery. An image of the Saint purchased on the street, secondhand, will not bring any benefit, since the icon must be consecrated. Which icon to pray against damage and the evil eye?

  • Guardian Angel - a baptized person usually chooses the image of his patron by name.
  • Icon of the Mother of God - any image.
  • The Seven Shot Icon is a strong amulet against damage and the evil eye.
  • Holy Matrona - relieves diseases.
  • The image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is a powerful and strong image, an assistant in everything.
  • Holy Great Martyr Artemy - turn to this image if damage has caused cardiovascular diseases.
  • The Holy Trinity and Jesus Christ - you can ask for any help, including a request for healing from damage.

Important: If the damage is strong, then all relatives need to pray for the person. This will ensure quick healing and recovery.

Saint Cyprian and the righteous Justinia are revered by God as the destroyers of all evil spirits. During their lifetime, they were able to defeat the evil spirit with the help of their righteous actions and prayers offered to the Lord. Therefore, a prayer service is offered to them in cases where a person has been damaged, there is an evil eye or black envy.

Prayer or Akathist of the Hieromartyr Cyprian and Ustinya against corruption, the evil eye, witchcraft and the tricks of the devil:

Prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian and Ustinya against corruption, the evil eye, witchcraft and the tricks of the devil

Prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian and Ustinya against damage, the evil eye, and witchcraft

Prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian and Ustinya from damage, the evil eye

Prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian and Ustinya from corruption

Prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian and Ustinya

Prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian and Ustinha - continuation

Prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian and Ustinya from corruption - continuation

If you notice a deterioration in your health, relationships with people or a loved one, do not hesitate, contact Cyprian and Ustina. They have the power to defeat the demonic army with the Holy Spirit. Read the Akathist every day, morning and evening, for 40 days.

Damage to death: signs and how to remove it with prayer and which one?

Damage to death is the most terrible negative program affecting a person. Psycho-emotional state a person’s life is disrupted, the desire for life disappears. Other signs of damage to death:

  • The emergence of causeless phobias.
  • Bad night sleep, nightmares.
  • Having difficulties at work and when communicating with colleagues and superiors.
  • The appearance of hallucinations, both visual and auditory.
  • Dislike of one's own attitude in the mirror.
  • Depression, apathy, suicidal tendencies.
  • The emergence of addictions: alcohol, drugs and drug addiction large quantity food.
  • Desire to be in a dark space, fear of bright light.

How to remove damage with prayer and which one? First you need to go to church and confess. Then, the next day you need to take communion. This helps a person to let the holy spirit into himself, getting rid of negativity. The following prayers are read every day:

  • Our Father
  • Psalm 90
  • Life-Giving Cross

Prayer to Jesus Christ:

Prayer to Jesus Christ

Above there is a prayer to Jesus Christ, but there are also some Jesus prayers that help get rid of damage. The most short prayer Jesus Christ for deliverance from corruption:

"Lord have mercy!"

Prayer to Jesus Christ for deliverance from corruption

Another one good prayer from evil spells. They read it in the morning at dawn.

Prayer to Jesus Christ for deliverance from damage and the evil eye

Inexhaustible Prayer Psalter to remove damage from a person

The Inexhaustible Prayer The Psalter is a special type of prayer. It helps to remove damage and save a person from demonic attack. Often such prayer is ordered in monasteries. After all, it has always been believed that monks are angels who help beg God’s forgiveness for worldly people.

Interesting: The Unstoppable Prayer The Psalter is very large and is placed in a book. It is difficult for one person to read it, so in monasteries and churches it is done by a group of clergy. This prayer can be read while sitting, while other prayers are read while standing.

To remove damage from a person, this Prayer is read 40 times in a row. This big expense energy and strength, so ordering the reading of such a prayer in a monastery is expensive. But if you need help, a person usually doesn’t think about money. Moreover, payment for reading prayers in monasteries is considered a donation, and God will reward for this with his grace.

Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross from corruption

This prayer should be read by everyone after the Lord’s Prayer. Above was published a Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross against corruption. When the negativity is removed from a person, you must continue to read this prayer, but you can do it in an abbreviated version:

« Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross, and save me from all evil».

These words can be said at any time if you feel the gaze of a bad person on you, or if someone wishes you harm.

Blessed Matrona of Moscow is a righteous woman and intercessor. During her lifetime, she said: “Contact me for help, talk as if you were alive, tell me about your bad weather, and I will help.” Therefore, people revere the Blessed One and always ask her for protection and help in removing negativity.

First prayer to Matrona from the evil eye and damage:

Prayer to Matrona from the evil eye and damage

Second prayer to Matrona:

Second prayer to Matrona from the evil eye and damage

To protect against damage and the evil eye, you can repeat a short prayer:

“Blessed Matrona of Moscow, have mercy on me, a sinner!”

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin is a psychotherapist with 50 years of experience. He knows many healer conspiracies that help get rid of damage and the evil eye. He wrote many installations on new life healing from diseases and other ailments. Many people call this prayers.

Prayer from the evil eye of corruption:

Sytin Georgy Nikolaevich: prayer from the evil eye of damage

Prayer against the evil eye of corruption from Georgy Sytin

The words of this psychotherapist need to be repeated every day. These installations really work wonders - many people claim this.

Everything exists 73 Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Among Orthodox believers, it is believed that whoever reads these dreams and gives them to other people to read will receive God’s mercy. The Lord rewards people who read the Dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos Stepanova.

Soya of the Most Holy Theotokos 3 (for all salvation). This is a real conspiracy against damage:

Dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos Stepanova: spells against damage

Prayer to the Guardian Angel from damage, evil spirits, witchcraft

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered saints in Orthodox Church. Prayers are offered to him in various life situations, including when you need to get rid of the negativity sent by dark forces. First, read the Our Father, and then the prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker from the evil eye and damage

From the evil eye and damage you need to say the following words:

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker from damage

Then cross yourself three times and drink Holy Epiphany water.

Holy Scripture - the Psalter - gives a person a charge of positive energy. It can protect from the evil thoughts of other people, from enemies and witchcraft. A person reads the words, calls on God, and he gives the believer strong protection. Many Psalms are read against corruption, but the 90th (published above) and the 58th are considered the most powerful.

Psalm 58 from witchcraft and corruption

Sorokoust is a church rite. As mentioned above, it is better to order it in monasteries, since in churches priests often perform this action in an abbreviated version. After all, they have other daily affairs: Baptism of infants, Weddings and more. The monks will read Sorokoust from corruption in full and carry out all the necessary actions. Often people order Sorokoust in three monasteries or churches at the same time.

Many women are successful and beautiful, but they cannot boast of personal happiness and the presence of a strong family. Most likely, this is a curse on loneliness. A mother can remove a negative program by reading prayers and begging God for forgiveness for her daughter. But you can remove the curse of loneliness on your own with prayers.

A woman should also read Psalm 90, the Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross and Jesus Christ. These prayers are above. Repeat “Lord have mercy” 12 times every day! The church sells a strong amulet - a belt with the words of the 90th Psalm. It is worn every day, constantly - it protects and protects from evil people, tongues and corruption.

Video: LIVING IN HELP Psalm 90 LEARNING PRAYERS (during dangers and WHEN ATTACKED BY Evil Spirits)

Since ancient times, a prayer against the evil eye and damage has been used to combat misfortune, which can be read for both children and adults. Appeal to higher powers always helps. A prayer against damage and the evil eye is a universal text, after reading it correctly, you don’t have to worry about the consequences.

Prayers against corruption are used separately or as part of a comprehensive cleansing ritual. It is important where and when a person reads by heart texts taken from holy scripture. Prayers against the evil eye and damage are suitable for destroying ancestral curses and damage caused more recently. Only powerful spells: Orthodox prayers against the evil eye and damage, read on special days of the year.

The Power of Prayer Words

Orthodox prayers against the evil eye were used a hundred, two hundred years ago. Old Believers trusted the prayer spells used by Orthodox believers. Such prayers can be read to remove the evil eye and damage or to protect the home from any kind of negativity. As a prevention text addressed to higher powers, the simplest and safe way how to get rid of the evil eye.

A simple prayer speech to the saint, whose name the victim of the curse bears, will cleanse the soul and body of the patient. Will free him from the shackles of corruption. To read a prayer against the evil eye, you do not need to memorize all the holy scriptures or bow down in the temple. It is enough to believe that the consequences of anger, hatred and someone else’s offense will go away as soon as the victim feels every word that brings freedom in healing. For his own safety, for his family and his life, a person independently cleans a residential building under the words “Our Father.” A spell from the Bible is used without harm for several days in a row, pronounced to oneself or to sleep loved one.

How does prayer text work?

Why should the Mother of God or the saint, to whom the requests of the victim of corruption are addressed, respond? When a person prays to the Lord, he admits his imperfection and repents of his sins and bad deeds. The Lord does not need the suffering of either adults or children. Whoever the God to whom prayers are addressed is, he answers them. People pray to the Lord for good luck, for love, and to cleanse their own karma. Within just a few days, a spell addressed to the Lord changes the victim of corruption.

Any experienced magician will tell you why prayer spells are so often used as universal spells. For luck, love, for purification, it is not so much a person’s words that are needed, but rather his sincere faith in every spoken letter. From inner strength sacrifice, his faith is what makes the rituals work. To help yourself, it is not enough just to pray to the Lord, you must also believe in those spoken words. For an adult or child, a powerful prayer speech with a candle is the best cleansing from evil spirits. And what is important, such a powerful prayer against a strong black evil eye is absolutely safe.

When to read the text

Whenever you want, the ritual with a candle is not performed. Powerful Prayer It will help against evil spirits and the black evil eye any day, but with the help of a properly selected ritual or chosen time it will be possible to strengthen the work of prayer words. With a candle, you can cleanse not only the human body from a black eye, but also the entire living space around it. An ancient prayer preparation (text) will work if you properly prepare for reading it:

  • the meaning of each conspiracy for protection or purification needs to be known, understood and accepted;
  • before cleansing the damage at home, the victim should visit church, confess, and repent of all sins;
  • early in the morning, before reading the prayer text, a person wakes up before sunrise and washes himself with holy water (the day before, the “Our Father” should be read over the water and the water should be charged correctly);
  • It is best to carry out the ritual on Trinity, Easter or Epiphany (special Orthodox holidays, which will enhance the work of the text);
  • The entire prayer text must be learned by heart (you need to make an effort to free yourself from the evil eye).

To cleanse the body and soul, use simple text that is clear and easy to read. Special parts of the Bible, which you can ask the magician about, will help against sorcery and damage caused.

There may come a time in every person’s life when such cleaning is the only way out of the current situation. You will have to defend yourself from ill-wishers by all available means.

Prayers for cleaning the house from damage

U severe damage There is one peculiarity, it gradually destroys the lives of all the people dear to the victim. Everyone suffers from a curse on the family, from simple damage: those who love the victim, those who take care of damn man. A conspiracy from the Bible does not easily free you from the shackles of corruption; it saves entire families. If it is unknown when and who brought the evil eye, a prayer will be useful to cleanse the house:

  • appeal to Sergius of Radonezh;
  • appeal to the saints (Tikhvin icon);
  • appeal to the Victorious George;
  • appeal to the prophet Malachi;
  • with the help of the seven-arrow prayer, severe damage is reprimanded;
  • appeal to Saint Michael;
  • The Most Holy Theotokos will help cleanse the soul if a person has been jinxed.

Cleaning may include several sequential activities at once. It is necessary for both believers and atheists to perform all stages of the ritual against the negativity of anger and slander, against all the bad things sent. Both men and women should set up the correct energy channel in the house and protect it from black spells. The Orthodox spell helps everyone.

A prayer that heals from the crown of celibacy (the crown of celibacy for the entire family), saving from fear, can help cleanse the aura. Damage is a complex process that does not pass without a trace. To avoid the evil eye, you can listen to ancient prayer texts in Russian once every few weeks. Ancient prayers are read on major holidays, like additional protection from evil spells.

Fighting corruption

Prayer against damage, the evil eye, witchcraft and the tricks of the devil.

☦ Prayer against the evil eye, damage and disease ☦

We remove Damage, Curse, Evil Eye caused by relatives

How to return DAMAGE or Evil EYE back to the enemy

How to remove damage from any person? A ritual to remove the evil eye of curses from any person.

How to find out who caused damage

Dua from Damage and the Evil Eye

Mantra Destroying Corruption, Evil Eye, Spells!

To remove negativity, a prayer against the evil eye is used, which removes accumulated negativity from the house and allows you to drive away trouble. With its help, the hex is cleaned and further protection is established. Christian prayer against evil spirits (evil spells cast by enemies) is suitable for children and adults as a treatment for illness. Charms enchanted by a prayer text serve the family for a single year and do not require additional replenishment. What Orthodox prayers can be read to remove the evil eye?

Prayer helps against damage caused by an ill-wisher through his own anger and hatred:

  • from a curse in the family;
  • from black eye;
  • texts are read that get rid of negativity, from the crown of celibacy;
  • amulets prepared in advance help to get rid of the bad, the unnecessary and the one that came from an evil heart;
  • With the help of holy water you can get rid of damage to money and profit.

Part of the Bible helps as the strongest defense. Energy cleansing of the house is carried out with holy water and the words of the prayer text. With the help of the icon they make amulets and consecrate food for the sick. Protective and cleansing prayer speech is the simplest, most effective and most effective against evil coming into a person’s home.

Holy water alone cannot be used against the ancestral curse; you will need strongest prayer and magical attributes. Only a comprehensive ritual removes negativity in the house. Orthodoxy reaches out to everyone with help: to those who have lost the right direction and to those who turn to God without asking. You need to read conspiracies from the heart to destroy failures, to free yourself from the evil eye.

Choosing a spell against the evil eye

What strong part of the plot (strong for cleansing, strong for protection) will help against the evil eye? To determine a special spell, it is worth understanding which particular evil eye you need to save yourself from. Evil has many faces, and enemies have many ways of casting the evil eye. From the evil of enemies and to cleanse the soul, choose texts that can be read at home:

  1. To remove curses, they use the simplest conspiracies addressed to the Mother of God or to St. Nicholas. For ordinary people The name Nicholas (pleaser) is associated with healing. Nicholas the Wonderworker has a lot of power, it is aimed at healing all the weak and defenseless.
  2. From the evil eye and generational curses there are several effective conspiracies, which should be read only on major Orthodox holidays. After them, you need to bow to the life-giving cross and pray to the Lord for protection. Such a conspiracy is the seven-arrow prayer, which cannot be read without preparation.
  3. You can protect yourself from enemies who exist but have not yet struck with amulets. In order to charge them, you need to sprinkle the amulet with holy water and ask St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for protection.
  4. For women who want to get rid of loneliness, it is better to turn to Saint Matrona. You should cast a spell against such curses on yourself and your relatives (daughter, friend or sister).

Praying and turning to the saints is not difficult. You can ask Nicholas the Wonderworker for health and protection any day of the year. The Mother of God, the protector of all suffering souls, will save you from envy (the envy of enemies, the envy of vile friends and the envy of random people).

Simple but effective rituals are performed with holy water and spell. They cleanse from envy, anger, from damage that is caused to a person, or it is already in his house. Protect yourself and your family with holy prayer.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Getting rid of damage and the time after removal passes differently. An appeal to the Guardian Angel will help remove the evil eye from the entire family. Cases when such a conspiracy is really necessary:

  1. Turning to the Angel is necessary after suffering a complex illness. After an illness, you need to read conspiracies to the saint Nicholas or Patriarch Tikhon.
  2. The spell is suitable for cases when a person cannot find inner harmony, cannot protect himself and his loved ones from constant negativity.
  3. A conspiracy is suitable for every day against any witchcraft influence (witchcraft or negativity induced by a novice magician).
  4. People can read an appeal to the Angel every day to protect their own baby or small children.

It is not so important when the ceremony is performed. At night or during the day, you can turn to the saints (Cyprian, the Virgin Mary or Nicholas always hear sincere requests). For pregnant women to protect themselves from negative impact necessary in mandatory. You can read a prayer for yourself or for a loved one (if relatives live far away or such people may suffer from damage in the near future).

Every day a person asks for help, and in return you can only be worthy of it. People are afraid of negative influences, but each of them does not want to admit that only weak souls can be penetrated by someone else's evil. Every person is able to protect himself from such influence if he tries to bring goodness to the world around him.

How to Prepare for Reading

To protect a life that can be better, for yourself and your loved ones, read simple prayer to the Angel. Before reading the prayer text, a person says to himself: “I can find light in life, I can drive away the trouble that has fallen on me like a stone, pick up the keys and give back what the enemies wanted to bring.” A short phrase will allow you to quickly get into the right frame of mind. Who can a spell from the Bible help?

The text can help against damage to money, and serve as a deduction for a curse on health, and against negative effects. The Guardian Angel is able to help everyone who feels bad and miserable at heart:

“In my words I address you, good-bringing Angel of Christ (name). Our house was damaged, our garden was empty, our comfort was gone. I pray to you, I ask you, save our home, save our light. Even if you are a hasty servant of the Almighty Creator, all roads are open to you, but to me the roads are blocked. Therefore, by the will of the Almighty, deliver me, cleanse me, find me protection. And neither the brownie nor the goblin will destroy my soul with seven powers and will not touch my body. I ask you, Angel, for protection, for the kindness that I deserve. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Whatever prayer a person needs (people choose it to suit their situation), it must be said with sincere faith.

Appeal to Tikhon

You can also read conspiracies to Tikhon against damage or the evil eye. You can pray to the saint both day and night. A prayer that will help, said in church or at home, will be useful to everyone. It is very important to know exactly how to pronounce prayer words. Living Prayer remembered very quickly. You can read the appeal to Tikhon from the devil’s trick if the whole family of the victim is drowning in trouble. Read the part of the Bible that is addressed to the archangel, to Mother of God or Tikhon is very effective.

To read a prayer from the evil eye, you need to let go of all worries. No matter how many troubles accumulate, there is no point in keeping them to yourself. You need to be left alone. Proofreading of damage in front of strangers is not carried out. If other prayers have not removed the evil eye of envious people, and traces of human malice continue to hang in the house, you should additionally turn to the icon of the Mother of God.

What is needed for the plot to work quickly?

Whatever type of magic influences a person, whatever sorcerers a person suffers from, turning to Tikhon will help:

“From birth you loved Christ and you received God’s grace. He was an image for everyone, and then he consecrated it with his word. Love, Spirit, purity and humility. Having taken up residence in the Heavenly monasteries, we removed from the place before the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, pray to Saint Tikhon for God's help. Help, save, protect. Give God's protection in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

To read a black magic spell, you will need to light a small candle. The plot is repeated three times so that the magic of the sorcerers immediately disappears. If the spells do not remove the damage, they can be repeated after a week. Prayers against the evil eye and damage are a strong fight against magic.

Appeal to the savior Jesus Christ

Prayer against damage and the evil eye to the Mother of God or Jesus Christ is the simplest and most effective. Everyone who previously did not believe in their existence turns to God and Jesus Christ. Powerful Prayer it will work instantly against damage if you put all the faith that a person has into the text. God or Christ must be approached honestly.

Strong prayer against the evil eye and effective rituals can be done at a distance (if there is a need to cleanse the energy of your daughter or son). A prayer to Jesus Christ removes the damage to love (so that the victim never dreams of love). A strong prayer against damage to money or prosperity will also help.

How to strengthen the work of a prayer text from damage

Before reading a prayer for the return of love (damage to love) or wealth is suitable for everyone. The conspirator lights the candles and recites the memorized text:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Help me find cleansing from malice, from deceit, from sin. Don’t let sorrow fall on me, don’t look for trouble in me. I believe in you sacredly and earnestly pray for forgiveness. Forgive me, Father, for these sins and do not punish me too much. I am looking for redemption, I will put my strength on it. There is always warmth from you, light from you, darkness leaving you. Let go of grace from you and from you it will come to me. Let your will be done, let there be protection for the son of God. Amen".

This prayer is suitable for everyone who is tired of the empty struggle with difficulties, for everyone who believes in God and for everyone who does not believe in him. But, a practicing magician definitely needs to know which prayer to read against the evil eye or against damage.


How to read a prayer against the evil eye to cleanse the soul and body? Cleaning that really helps is a ritual with reading the plot. If a suspicion arises in the mother’s heart that there is a lining in the house or obvious symptoms of damage arise (the behavior of animals or small children changes), then the prayer part of the Bible is also useful for diagnosing the evil eye.

To free yourself from a love spell or damage, in order to drive away the devil from your life, prayer to Peter and Paul, the Mary prayer and an appeal to the Mother of God will help. Cleansing through such a conspiracy is suitable for everyone who dares to fight back the curse. Prayer and slander will go away if you find the strength to resist evil.

Several years ago, late in the evening, when I should have been saying one of the final prayers for the coming sleep: “Master, Lover of Mankind, will this coffin really be my bed, or enlighten my damned soul during the day,” and not sit in front of the computer, the bell rang. An old acquaintance of mine called, a “big boss” by the standards of our provincial town, who categorically demanded my actual presence at his home and not only demanded, he also demanded his own company car sent for me.

Nothing to do. Must go.

Approaching the mansion of my friend the boss, I saw a large fire and soon saw that two men were burning a large carpet, pouring some kind of flammable mixture on it to speed up the combustion.

Burning household items after midnight is at least strange, to say the least, so, even before entering the house, it became clear that we would have to be more surprised.

And so it happened.

In a fairly large, educated and far from poor family, commotion reigned. Or rather, for the first time in my life I saw and understood what this definition means - “complete commotion.”

When the first emotions subsided, the head of the family explained that late in the evening he was sorting out the mail that had arrived and saw a strange envelope without a return address. Printed it out. It seemed that the envelope was empty, but when he turned it over, some dust spilled out and a narrow strip of paper fell out. Curses were written on the piece of paper against him and it was stated that “disastrous damage” had been brought upon his family, and the substance poured into the envelope was the ashes of a photograph of his children.

I can’t say that the family was an example of faith and piety, but they often went to church, confessed, took communion, and the owner, having great opportunities, often helped, including my parish.

It was somehow out of hand to conduct apologetic conversations with the family late at night, I just reassured the owner as much as I could, because it was, together with the mother-in-law, who were most frightened, and also persuaded him not to tear off the floor in the living room to burn, because “the contents “letters fell from the carpet and onto the floor.

Prayer against demonic wiles

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, who smote the ancient serpent with the cross and bound me with chains of darkness in Tartarus, protect me from his wiles. Through the prayers of our All-Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, Holy Archangel Michael and all the Heavenly Powers, Holy Prophet and Baptist John, Holy Evangelist John the Theologian, Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Nikita of Novgorod, St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco miracle worker... and all the saints, by the power of the life-giving Cross and the intercession of the Guardian Angel, deliver me from the spirits of evil, from evil people, from sorcery, curses, the evil eye and from all slander of the enemy. By Your almighty power, save me from evil, so that I, illuminated by Your light, will safely reach the quiet haven of the heavenly Kingdom and there I will forever thank You, my Savior, together with Your beginningless Father and Your all-holy and life-giving Spirit. Amen.

A person can be damaged, and envious and unkind people can put the evil eye on him. But it's not that simple. They become vulnerable due to their own carelessness and ignorance of how to resist witchcraft. Only those who are left without God's protection suffer from evil influence. Christians have a weapon that is stronger than any magic that exists in the world.

For your information: Out of a hundred people who believe that they have been “done”, damaged, or have been jinxed by someone, only 1% are actually exposed to the influence of people involved in witchcraft or magic. The rest suffer from self-hypnosis, lack of faith and ignorance of how the forces of evil work, attributing their machinations to human control.

Who are sorcerers?

Mages and sorcerers– people who contacted fallen spirits, rejected the True God, and chose to serve demons. Interaction with otherworldly forces can manifest itself explicitly or hidden, consciously or out of bewilderment. Be that as it may, such people are deprived of the protection of the Heavenly Forces.

Having opened the entrance to the demons, they receive information from them (both true and false). Having violated the Lord's prohibition - not to communicate with unclean spirits, sorcerers then suffer without knowing peace. If they do not do evil to others, demons torment them. Attracting the attention of evil spirits occurs when they engage in:

  • divination is any type of fortune telling, astrology, spiritualism, kabbalism, palmistry, etc.;
  • meditation, yoga, shamanism, mediumship, etc.;
  • non-traditional treatment - exposure to the biofield (passes), coding, extrasensory perception, etc.;
  • sorcery, witchcraft, all types (colors) of magic.

Note: When looking for protection and salvation, pay attention to the resources you visit. If they only offer a miracle prayer (more like a conspiracy), to remove damage with the help of a psychic, or white magic, then the site is far from Orthodoxy. Instead of helping, you will open the door to demonic influence.

When damage and the evil eye operate

To become a candidate for damage, they are guided by the motto: “Act according to your own will,” that is, do not observe Christian piety. Such a person is deprived of the Graceful protection of Heavenly forces. A sinner who is aware of his fall and asks for God's mercy is inaccessible to the influence of unclean spirits, although he walks on the edge of a knife.


  • The teacher came to the sorcerer to ask him to kindle the passion of her student so that he would fall in love with her. The demons could not do anything until they persuaded the young man to commit a mortal sin. Only after this did he become open to damage.
  • A woman came to the magician to ask him to point her to her rival. fatal disease, hiding the fact that we are talking about his legal wife. The demons, having received the task, rushed to carry it out, but it turned out that the wife is a believer, goes to church, reads the House Rule. Then the evil spirits directed all their evil towards the person who ordered the damage. She got cancer.
  • A sorcerer was called to the sick man to get rid of his illness. The sorcerer came at the moment when he was reciting the Jesus Prayer. The demons became so furious that they beat their “master,” who began to ask for help from the person praying.
  • Young man suffered from paralysis: for 8 years he could neither sit nor lie down normally. He was brought to Paisius Svyatogorets. It turned out that while studying at school, the boy did not give up his seat to an elderly person on the bus. When the remark was made, he lounged in his chair even more impudently. The old man cursed him, saying: “May you stay in this position all your life.” Which is what happened later. After sincere repentance, the young man was healed.
  • The girl decided to go to a psychic to solve family problems. They dissuaded her, warning her: she was working with demons. She didn’t believe it because her grandmother had orthodox icons, she used "prayers" and helped many people. But the woman listened to one piece of advice - during the session she read (to herself) the Jesus Prayer. When the witch tried to do something, nothing came of it. In the end, she angrily kicked the visitor out.

From the examples it is clear who is affected by damage and who is not. If a person goes to confession, takes communion, and prays, then no magicians can cause harm. Most people “damage themselves” by believing in the power of otherworldly forces more than in God. Those who suspect (most often in vain) their relatives, neighbors, and colleagues of evil deeds also commit sins.

How does the evil eye work?

Okay, it’s understandable with adults, but even an innocent baby can be jinxed. They can. The parents are to blame and act as a defense. For example, a childless woman looked with envy at someone else’s baby, with the following thoughts: “Some people are lucky, why are they given a child?” And the mother the day before was proud of her baby (mentally), comparing it with others. This made him vulnerable.

The evil eye will take effect if you do not protect the child with prayers to the same Most Holy Theotokos. Infants are baptized so that the Angel will always protect the baby. But the mother or father, with their behavior, can make a hole in the defense. It’s even worse when they themselves, without thinking about the consequences, scold, curse, and call their disobedient children names.

On a note: Leaving the child under someone else's care, cross him and entrust him to the care of the Queen of Heaven. With such protection, nothing will definitely happen to him.

How to get rid of damage, witchcraft, the evil eye

The Orthodox Church has guidelines on what to do for those who have been attacked by demons. By the way, the influence can be exerted not only at the direction of the magician, but also by the demons themselves, when there is no protection of the Holy Spirit. In any case, the reason is in the person himself: the source is a graceless lifestyle, committing mortal sins, moving away from the Sacraments given in the Church. The Breviary of P.Mogila (1648) recommends:

Having restored protection, adhere to the Christian life, do not lose protection from evil spirits. If a person has acquired Divine grace, then no magician will be able to touch. And no fear. If God is with us, then who can be against us? There is no power in the world greater than the Lord's.

It is possible to get rid of demonic wiles with the help of the Sacraments and prayers, but what is required is not simple reading, but work. Christ helps those who apply their strength, participate in salvation, meet halfway, correct themselves, or at least strive for this.

Note: The time required to completely get rid of damage depends on sincere humility and diligence. This can happen instantly or over a period of time, depending on how far a person has fallen without God.

Prayers for the evil eye and damage

Troparion to the Life-Giving Cross

Save, O Lord, Thy people and bless Thy inheritance; victory Orthodox Christian bestowing upon those who resist, and preserving Your residence through Your cross.

Prayer to the Holy Cross (read before bed)

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, so let them disappear, as wax melts from the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God, making the sign of the cross. Rejoice, all-honorable and life-giving cross The Lord, driving away demons by the power of Christ crucified on you, who descended into hell and trampled upon the devil’s power, and gave us His honorable Cross to drive away every adversary. O glorious and life-giving cross of the Lord, help me with the holy Lady the Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Psalm 90

He who lives with the help of the Most High will settle under the roof of the heavenly God. He will say to the Lord: “You are my intercessor and my refuge, my God, I trust in You.” He will deliver you from the snare of fishers and from rebellious words. He will protect you with His shoulders, and you will be safe under His wings. His truth will protect you with a shield. You will not be afraid of the terror of the night, the arrow that flies by day, the plague that walks in the darkness, the plague that devastates at noon. A thousand will fall at your side, and ten thousand to your right, but they will not come close to you. Just look with your eyes and you will see the reward for sinners. For you said: The Lord is my hope. You have chosen the Most High as your refuge. No evil will come to you, and no plague will come near your dwelling. For He commanded His angels to guard you in all your ways. They will take you in their arms so that you do not stumble with your foot on a stone. You will tread on the asp and the basilisk, and you will trample the lion and the serpent. Because he trusted in Me, I will deliver him, I will hide him, for he has known My name. I am with him in sorrow: if he calls on Me, I will hear him, I will deliver him and glorify him, I will satisfy him with long days and show him My salvation.

Prayer "Our Father"

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be it your name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Brief prayers for the admonition and direction of those who do evil on the true path

Lord, as you are Good and Lover of Mankind, turn the hearts of the hardened to You; if this is not possible, then put a limit to their evil.

Lord, put a limit to the evil that comes from this man.


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