Decking installation. Installation of decking boards

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WPC board is one of the most budget and practical materials in the arrangement of floor coverings for terraces. Since decking is used relatively recently in private construction, many hire workers to install it. However, this is easy to do with your own hands, even without skills and with a minimum set of necessary tools.

WPC decking is corrugated planks (boards) consisting of a base - wood flour, a binding polymer element - polypropylene, modified additives and dyes. Decking is less aesthetically attractive than solid wood decking and does not have the natural wood texture. But this material is preferable in budget terms - its cost is 1000-1500 rubles per m 2, despite the fact that it does not require annual care and updating.

The advantages also include:

  • low hydrophobicity;
  • resistance to fungus, mold, rot;
  • wide range of colors.

Among other things, the installation of such boards can be carried out by a non-professional in the absence of skills and large quantity specialized tool.

Materials and features of their choice

For work you will need the following materials:

1. Terrace board. If WPC decking is chosen, then you should pay attention to the ratio of components in the composition; the performance characteristics of the future coating depend on this. This information must be contained on the packaging.

If there is much more wood filler than polymer, the decking “inherits” all the disadvantages of natural wood dust. It becomes more fragile, less moisture resistant and, accordingly, short-lived.

When polypropylene predominates, on the contrary, all wood properties are lost, and the board itself is more like a plastic plank, slippery and not attractive enough.

Therefore, for the Russian climate and from an aesthetic point of view, it is best to choose the middle option - 50/50.

ATTENTION! Please note that it is better to take boards with a small margin. If some planks are defective, damaged during installation or subsequent replacement/repair, it will be difficult to purchase decking that exactly matches the tone - for this, the material must be from the same batch.

2. Composite joists Excellent for home installation with a low load factor. They are resistant to aggressive external environments and are durable enough for private use.

ATTENTION! Although many resources say that logs can be made of any material, it is better to use WPC when installing similar decking, since the thermal expansion of wood and composite is different!

3. Fastening elements. It is necessary to prepare clamps. If you want to make a minimum gap between the decking slats of 1 mm, purchase metal clips (stainless steel), but it is best to take plastic ones - the gap will be noticeable (4-7 mm), but this improves the underground ventilation of open terraces. Special self-tapping screws are used, with an anti-corrosion coating.

4. Finish corner or end strips necessary as a decorative frame for the outer ends of the boards.

Every owner will have the tools necessary for installation. This is a standard household set.

During the installation of WPC you will need:

  1. An electric saw - a miter saw for cross cutting or a circular saw for longitudinal cutting when fitting materials, or a jigsaw.
  2. Electric drill.
  3. A screwdriver (if you are comfortable drilling and tightening with a drill, you can do without it) or a screwdriver.
  4. Regular bubble level.
  5. Roulette.
  6. Construction pencil.
  7. Rubber mallet.
  8. Carrying (extension) for working with corded power tools.

Step-by-step installation of WPC decking

Before starting work, you need to unpack the material and lay it on a clean, flat, dry surface for a couple of days. This is necessary for its adaptation to the environment.

Prepare all the required tools, once again calculate and mark the length of the materials. If everything is in order, you can begin installing the decking on the terrace.

Stage 1. Surface preparation

The base for decking can be different:

  1. Cement screed or OSB (in covered terraces), pre-treated with waterproofing mixtures.
  2. Compacted cushion of crushed stone-sand type.
  3. Pile-screw design.

If there is no foundation, a crushed stone foundation is allowed, but only as a last resort. To do this, it is necessary to remove a layer of soil to a depth of 30 cm and cover the resulting hole with geotextiles. Then crushed stone is poured in and carefully compacted.

The arrangement of terrace flooring can be done on any suitable, dense base.

Before installing the logs, please note that it is necessary to provide a slope of at least 1-1.5 degrees for water drainage in the direction of laying the boards and appropriate elements for drainage.

Stage 2. Installation of lag sheathing for terrace decking

This is the most important and difficult stage. There are several basic rules for laying lags that must be taken into account before and during installation:

  1. The joists are not the main supporting element of the terrace floor. They must be laid on the base, if not along the entire length, then at least on supporting elements (piles or logs), the center-to-center distance between which does not exceed 40 cm.
  2. You cannot put space between the joists heat-insulating materials- this will reduce ventilation characteristics designs.
  3. The logs are mounted on the base in a perpendicular direction relative to the laying of the decking.
  4. Place the logs with the groove facing up, this will ensure correct alignment of the clamps.
  5. When laying them, use a bubble level or level, adjusting the uniformity of the plane with backing elements under the logs.
  6. Installation is carried out with a gap of 1 cm from any capital structure.
  7. Fastening is best done with metal brackets in increments of approximately 1 meter, but screws can also be used. The main requirement is to screw them flush into the countersunk hole.
  8. The distance between the logs is 30-40 cm.

Stage 3. Installation of decking

Installation starts from the wall. The linear expansion of the WPC is approximately 1%, so the gap between it and the wall should be about 2-3 cm. The decking can be attached open type. This is when the screws are screwed, after pre-drilling, directly into the “body” of the plank, and then their heads are masked with caps or tinted. However, this method is the least preferable due to its unattractiveness. Therefore, we will consider closed-type installation in more detail.

The starting row of clamps is screwed to each lag, strictly coaxially. Before screwing in, drill a hole in the joist 3/4 of the diameter of the screw.

The clamps are inserted into the grooves of the first starting board. To ensure that the WPC fits into the clips evenly and tightly, adjust it carefully with a mallet.

On the other side, insert the second row of clamps into the grooves, which are attached in the same way to the guides.

Then lay the next board and secure it with a clamp. This is how the entire installation is completed.

Stage 4. Finishing work

Before closing the ends of the decking, it is important to inspect the resulting structure again.

The end ends of the WPC decking are decorated with corners. To do this, cut the corner to the required length and screw it to the joists using long stainless screws.

For terrace elements with increased load (steps, thresholds) aluminum corners are used.

That's it for styling decking boards finished.

The appearance of decking boards on the modern building materials market has made it possible to assemble a base indoors and outdoors that, in terms of its characteristics, is not inferior to any known floor covering. Despite its apparent simplicity, installing decking boards is not the easiest process. Although if you understand the installation technology and understand all the nuances of the processes being carried out, then even a beginner can handle it. Therefore, in this article we will consider the types of this building material and the technology for its installation.

Terrace board, also known as deck board, also known as decking, are planks certain sizes. They are made from two raw materials.

Solid wood

For this purpose, different types of wood are used: traditional and exotic. There are two types of board processing: smooth (called planken), corrugated (called corduroy). The sizes of decking boards are wide variety, where the length varies between 1.5-4 m, width 100-200 mm, thickness 20-30 mm.

Wooden decking board

Before use, wooden panels must be treated with antiseptics and fire retardants: the first is bioprotection, the second is fire protection. Please note that solid wood decking must have a certain moisture content: classic species - 12%, exotic - 15%. This indicator can be measured directly in the store using a hygrometer.

The advantages of wood decking include:

  • naturalness of the raw material;
  • possibility to change the invoice flooring by applying varnish, paint, wax and others;
  • good resistance to various types loads: abrasion, shock, temperature changes;
  • it is a frost-resistant material;
  • wooden planks do not slip either dry or wet;
  • laying of deck boards is carried out using fasteners offered by manufacturers (staples, clamps) or ordinary wood screws.


  • high humidity and direct contact with water causes warping of the boards, their rotting and cracking;
  • will have to be constantly treated with protective compounds.

Wood-polymer composite

The raw material is WPC - a mixture of polymer (polypropylene, polyethylene and others) with wood flour. The latter is 30% of the total volume. Pigments and various fillers are added to the composition.

Today, manufacturers offer two types of WPC decking: solid and hollow. Based on their strength, they are divided into two groups: household and commercial. The former are much cheaper than the latter. Color design – 40 shades, which makes it possible to choose the material in accordance with the design landscape design or the interior of the room.

Hollow WPC strip

The standard size of the material is quite wide: length up to 6 m, width up to 160 mm, thickness up to 28 mm. It is necessary to understand that modern market filled not only with slats from responsible manufacturers. There are many cheap, low-quality products available, so it is important to choose a material with good appearance and accurate dimensions.

Advantages of WPC:

  • presentable appearance;
  • variety in texture design: smooth, aged, matte, varnished;
  • 100% water resistant;
  • excellent biostability;
  • the surface does not slip;
  • withstands loads up to 500 kg/m²;
  • operating temperature: from -20C to +40C;
  • service life – up to 15 years;
  • practicality - can be cleaned with any household detergents.


  • Under the influence sun rays the coating gradually fades;
  • Under the influence shock loads chips and cracks may form;
  • not the easiest installation process.

Terrace board installation technology

We proceed directly to the analysis of the installation of decking boards. Like all construction processes, it is divided into two main stages: preparation and laying of material with fastening to the base.


Preparation includes the construction of a reliable and level foundation. There are several options, but more often the decking boards are laid on a concrete base. It should not only be smooth and durable, but also dry. If the construction of the flooring is carried out on the ground, then in this case it is also necessary to take care of the strength of the base under the laid logs. For this you can use concrete products: paving slabs, blocks, etc., laid under the terrace.

Regarding the preparation of tools. To install the decking board you will need:

  • screwdriver,
  • saw or jigsaw;
  • mallet and hammer;
  • tape measure, iron ruler, pencil,
  • building level.

Attention! If a structure made from decking boards is assembled outdoors, care must be taken that the concrete base has a slight slope to drain away precipitation. If the assembly is carried out on the ground, then several grooves 3 cm wide and 2 cm deep should be made under the flooring.

Project development

An important stage on which the appearance of the flooring and its reliability depend. What you need to pay attention to:

  1. Distance between joists: 40 cm for hollow boards, 50 cm for solid boards.
  2. Gap between floor covering parts: 1-3 mm for internal use, 4 mm for external.
  3. If the terrace boards are laid diagonally, then the distance between the logs is reduced: at an installation angle of 45° within 25-30 cm, at an angle of 30° - 15-20 cm.

We proceed directly to the construction of decking on the terrace from decking boards. Let's consider the installation of WPC planks, because this process requires certain skills and the use of special fasteners.

Technology for installing WPC boards

Laying lags

WPC lining logs are used as support for the decking board. They are not load-bearing structures; they serve as leveling elements. They should not be buried in concrete mortar, fasten together. The lags can be laid in height or width. The distance between the logs is no more than 40 cm.

Attaching the log

The lags are fastened to the concrete base using metal dowels. To do this, you should drill a hole in the joist itself (the diameter is 2 mm larger than the diameter of the dowel), and through it the hole and into concrete structure. A dowel is inserted inside and secures the joist to the concrete base.

Starter brackets

At one end of the lag you need to install special starting brackets made of metal, which are attached to the lags with self-tapping screws (3.5x30 mm). The bracket should protrude slightly beyond the end of the joist so that the decking board fits exactly in the same plane with the end.

Laying the boards

The installation is carried out so that the upper edges of the metal brackets fit into its groove. This will be the fastening on the end side.

Mounting clips

Various fasteners are used to connect the boards together. One option is a plastic mounting clip. They are attached to the joists with 3.5x30 mm self-tapping screws. The fasteners are inserted with one side inside the already fixed decking board. The fastening is carried out in such a way that the clip can move slightly in the vertical plane. In this case, the head of the screw should protrude on the mounting surface of the clip by 2-3 mm.

Continuing the installation process

The next panel is installed next to the panel fixed to the joists. It is important to dock them so that the mounting clips fit tightly into the groove of the second floor element.

Tightening screws

After laying the deck boards, you need to tighten all the screws that were used to secure the mounting clips until they stop. The work requires accuracy.

This is what the dowel looks like

If the installation of terrace boards is carried out inside heated rooms, where the humidity difference is insignificant, then the assembly of the boards can be carried out in a gap-free manner. For this purpose, special plastic fasteners are used - dowels. They are secured into the groove of the material with self-tapping screws. The place where the dowel is attached is the middle of the distance between the lags.

Terrace boards are attached to the joists with self-tapping screws (3.5x30 mm) through a groove. Make an effort when carrying out of this type not worth the work. This may cause the flooring material to crack. In addition, tight screwing reduces tensile strength.

Fastening with self-tapping screws

The latter is attached to the joists with a starting bracket.

Consolidation last board in the flooring

To create an aesthetic appearance special plastic plugs are used for the external contours of the flooring.

Decorative plugs

The plugs are installed from the end and secured with blows of a mallet. The work is not difficult, the main thing is not to score too much.

Installation of plugs

For decorative finishing You can use an aluminum corner coated with an anti-slip compound.

Decorative corner

The corner is attached to the terrace covering with self-tapping screws, for which holes are previously made.

Corner installation

As you can see, the technology for laying decking boards is simple. It should be noted that there are many ways to attach the lag to the base. Not only here direct connection through dowels, you can use mounting angles or clamps for this. The photo below shows one of these methods.

Attaching the log to the base using a special mounting angle

Watch the video on how to lay a wooden decking board using special fasteners.

WPC parquet assembly technology

The technology for assembling deck boards with your own hands differs from installing WPC parquet. Because the latter is assembled using the puzzle assembly method.

This is what it looks like parquet board from KDP.

This is what it looks like back side parquet flooring.

The flooring material consists of a base and parquet. The latter are easily detached from the base, and they are just as easily connected to it. Type of fastening - insertion of tenons into grooves.

Shield assembly

The shield has two adjacent edges with mounting lugs with holes. The other two adjacent edges have round section thorns.

The essence of connecting two parquet panels is that the tenons of one element must fit into the mounting grooves of the second. Therefore, it is important to accurately orient the panels relative to the fasteners.

Installation process

If you need to trim parquet or make a cutout in a panel, you can use a regular saw.

Trimming panels with a saw

WPC parquet produces an aesthetic, non-slip flooring base with excellent performance characteristics. There is no need to attach the flooring material to the base.

Finishing summary

Facade finishing

Terrace boards can also be used for finishing facades. Only such material is called façade board. It is practically no different from the floor one, and the installation technology is identical. Only the logs are installed vertically in the plane of the facade wall.

Various fasteners are used to attach the façade board to the sheathing. One of them is a metal L-shaped product with a spike.

First bottom bar They are attached to the sheathing with self-tapping screws directly along the outer plane. After which the fastening element is installed at the end of the plank so that its second bent plane rests against the side plane of the sheathing strip.

Using a nail, the fastening element is attached to the end of the façade plank.

The second nail is driven into the sheathing.

The second board is laid on top of the first, pressing it against the sheathing.

The upper bar is driven into the tenon of the fastener. To do this, use a mallet and wooden block. The blows should be carried out closer to the locations of the frame slats.

This is what the façade wall should look like after finishing:

Typically, finishing in this way is a subtype of ventilated facades. Between facing material and the wall remains the space from which moist air vapors penetrating from interior spaces buildings are raised up without settling on the surface wood cladding. Often under facade cladding install thermal insulation.

Photo review of finished floor coverings

So, it’s not difficult to lay a decking board with your own hands. Here are some photos showing where this material can be used.

Finishing the floor of an open terrace

Deck slats laid around the pool

An original scheme for laying boards on a pedestal in the form of an open area for recreation

Finishing the local area with the installation of lighting in the form of spotlights built into the floor

Outdoor recreation area country house, covered with decking boards

WPC floor in a restaurant

Terrace flooring between two hotel buildings

Relaxation area in a hotel, covered with terraced flooring with tables arranged in the same material

Original street solution dining area on a country plot

Larch decking for finishing a large area

Here we provide approximate prices for the main types of work when installing decking boards. They are approximate, calculated at the lower price limit and may vary depending on the category of complexity of a particular object. You can find out the exact cost after our specialist comes to take measurements.

Service list


Departure of a technologist for consultation and measurement of the terrace for free*
Calculation of decking boards, fencing for free
Frame construction (metal or wood) 850 rub. / sq.m.
Installation of adjustable feet 50 rub. / PC.
Installation of support beam (installation of logs) 350 rub. / sq.m.
Installation of decking boards 650 rub. / sq.m.
Installation decorative elements 300 rub. / p.m.
Installation of steps 1800 rub. / p.m.
Installation of WPC fencing 2000 rub. / p.m.

* When concluding a contract, the cost of a specialist’s visit is included in the cost of installation work. Preliminary visit of a specialist to the site for measurements and consultation 2,000 rubles. The price is given for objects located up to 100 km from the Moscow Ring Road.

Our latest objects

CP "Angelovo-Residence"

Square 22 sq.m.
Board: Flordeck wenge color

Terrace construction
Installation of metal frame

Making a box for an air conditioner
Installation of lamps

Square 87 sq.m.
Board: WPC-DECK color cream

Decking by the pond
Installation of a metal frame on an existing base

Decorating the ends with a WPC corner

Square 25 sq.m.
Board: PREMIER color chocolate

Patio installation
Installation of metal frame

Decorating the ends with a WPC corner
Installation of decorative fencing

Square 35 sq.m.
Board: massive larch

Terrace made of classic larch decking boards
Installation of a frame made of pine timber
Treatment of the frame with a fire-retardant composition
Laying larch decking boards
Applying tinting oil

Square 65 sq.m.
Board: SW Salix (S) dark brown

Installation of decking on an open balcony
A multi-level frame was installed on the tiles
Laying decking
Installation of lamps

Moscow Chapaevsky per.

Square 93 sq.m.
Board: K-DECK color chocolate

Laying WPC decking on an open balcony
Manufactured metal frame on supports
Laying deck boards
Making a podium

Square: 72 m2
Duration of work: 7 days

Adjustable supports were placed on the existing base by the pool and under the terrace, a metal frame was assembled, and a deck was installed. Additionally, a frame for the steps was made, and steps made of WPC were installed.

Square: 37 m2
Duration of work: 6 days

Existing one is strengthened wooden frame, deck board installed, installed decorative fencing. WPC steps are installed on a cast concrete base.

Cafe near the shopping center "Morozko"

Square: 45 m2
Duration of work: 10 days

On the territory adjacent to the MOROZKO supermarket, a collapsible metal panel frame was installed on adjustable supports with a ramp, a WPC covering was laid, and a decorative fence was installed.

Construction technologies

Highly qualified personnel allows us to use various technologies construction of foundations, load-bearing pillars, rafter systems and frames for decking from terrace boards for constructed objects.

Foundation options

  • Monolithic;
  • Pile;
  • Tape.

Possible load-bearing pillars

  • From wooden beam;
  • Made of metal profile;
  • Made of WPC with a metal profile inside.

Frame for decking

  • Wood;
  • Metal welded;
  • From LSTK;
  • Adjustable supports.

Rafter system

  • Wooden;
  • Metal.

Work examples

Stages, terms and warranty obligations

The timing of work at the site takes into account its remoteness, readiness of the territory, availability and readiness of related work, weather affecting the progress of construction. As an example, we give the stages of work and terms of construction of a rectangular terrace on screw piles area 100 sq.m.

Guarantee for all types of work

The Country-POL company assumes the following warranty obligations:

If there are any complaints about the quality of the materials used in the installation of the flooring, we ourselves resolve the issues of replacing them with the manufacturing companies.

Materials for making floorings

Country-FLOOR offers its customers various options starting materials for installation of decking. You can choose the material that is most suitable for you in accordance with your own aesthetic preferences and budget:

  • Natural wood from exotic wood species (merbau, ipe, cumaru, etc.)
  • Larch (varieties “Prima” and “Extra”)
  • Heat-treated wood (pine, ash)
  • WPC decking and fencing.

How to take advantage of our offer?

The company has developed a certain order actions that take into account logic construction work, convenient and understandable to customers: measurements - selection of materials - drawing up estimates - 3D visualization of the project - contract and payment - delivery of materials to the site - installation.

Measuring - selection of materials

The head of the installation teams goes to the site, gets acquainted with the features, conducts necessary measurements, and gives succinct advice.

Calculation of materials and estimates of work are provided within one to three days after measurement. You will receive a complete and detailed calculation on paper.

At the customer's request, a design project with drawings, layout of materials and structural elements can be prepared.

The final approval of the scope of work, list of materials, final cost of the object and installation time is carried out. The corresponding contract is signed. Payment for the installation of the object is carried out in stages, the final payment is made after the delivery of the object and the signing of the acceptance certificate.

In accordance with the contractual deadlines, materials are delivered to the site. Delivery to the Russian Federation is carried out transport company in agreement with the customer.


Installation of decking is carried out in accordance with the terms specified in the contract. During the entire term of the contract, prices for work and materials do not change.

At all stages of work at the site, the head of the installation teams carries out technical supervision. At the customer's request, he is provided with photo and video reports of the progress of work. Upon completion of the project, the remaining unused material is transported to the contractor's warehouse, recalculation is made and the cost of unused materials is returned to the customer. The property is offered for rent in a clean condition. In accordance with the contract, the guarantee for installation of the facility is valid for 1 year.


Order terrace covering from KDP
from the manufacturer at an affordable price

WPC structures are very different from ordinary wood in terms of strength and resistance to action. external factors environment. The wood composite also does not rot and cannot be damaged by pests such as fungi, insects, etc., which makes caring for the material incredibly simple.

Installation of decking boards can be done even without the help of specialists, the main thing is that the necessary tools are available.

Preparation for installation and operating rules

Before proceeding with direct installation, it is recommended to place the wood-polymer composite for two days in the area where the repair will be carried out. Necessary this action so that the WPC is at the same temperature as its future environment. It is highly recommended not to carry out any installation work in winter time, at temperatures below zero division.

In order for the material to be well ventilated and last many times longer, small recesses should be made between the coating and the base at a level of 2-3 centimeters.

Before installing decking boards in dirty areas where there is sand, grass, or soil, they need to be thoroughly cleaned. The base for the composite is best concrete, and the components are certified.

When installing a composite decking board there is no special significance sides, however, you can choose which of them will be laid on top, smooth or grooved.

Arrangement of logs and surfaces for laying boards

Installation tools:

  • Logs 40*27 mm
  • Staples (initial and intermediate)
  • Self-tapping screws
  • End strips
  • Stubs
  • Corners
  • Level
  • Tape measure, pencil
  • Screwdriver
  • Drill
  • Drill

Preparing the base

For maximum service life of a wood-polymer composite, it is necessary to carry out good drainage. Concrete base for installation you need at least 10 centimeters thick. For trouble-free precipitation, it is advisable to make a slight slope (1-2 degrees will be enough) parallel to the joists. After the concrete has dried, check to see if water is flowing. Otherwise, the liquid will begin to accumulate and create unnecessary trouble. If the base structure does not need to install logs along the drainage path, then leave small spaces between the logs (2-3 centimeters will be enough). Water will be discharged through it.

Let's watch the video, stage-by-stage work for laying decking boards:

When installing a wood-polymer composite on a roof, take a closer look at the waterproof layer. Fastener elements should have minimal contact with it. If the base has already been prepared and the drainage path has not been observed, cut channels 2 centimeters deep.

Installation of logs

Using anchor bolts, install the logs on a concrete base. The maximum distance between two logs is 40 centimeters. Maintain an expansion gap between the obstacle (wall, threshold, etc.) so that the material can expand during the warm season.

When installing logs in a diagonal position or at an indirect angle (1 degree of inclination is not taken into account), the distance between the pair must be reduced to 25 millimeters.

Please note: use logs or WPC as load-bearing structure forbidden!


The installation of decking boards is quite simple and obvious:

  1. The board is placed on the log
  2. The initial clip is placed on the joist using a self-tapping screw.
  3. The WPC is inserted into the groove of the clip.

Each subsequent decking is installed in the same way. If you reach a point where the length of the boards is less than 0.8 meters, it is recommended to ensure the stability of the structure by using at least three support logs. The edges should not extend beyond the joist level by more than 5 centimeters. The distance between the WPC and the obstacle should not be less than 10 millimeters. Otherwise, when temperature changes occur, the material will expand, rest against the obstacle and become deformed.

Watch the video, installation of the board on the joists, detailed instructions:

If you plan to install decking boards for a large terrace, you have already purchased long boards, make sure that the ends of both sides rest on the joists and are well secured with clips. Don't forget about the gap between them.

Completion of installation

After the installation of the larch decking board is completed and all the elements are well fixed, it is worth taking care of the little things that will smooth out all the existing “jambs” and give the structure a more attractive look.

Watch the video, advice from the experts:

The first thing you should do is plugs. Installing end caps will give the structure a more harmonious look and close all the cracks at the edges.

If you find it unnecessary to buy special plugs, you can get by with a cheaper option - end strips. The planks can be easily matched to any color. The strips and plugs are secured using self-tapping screws.

Another option for hiding cracks after installing WPC deck boards is a composite corner. It is very similar in design to a plinth. But do not forget about compensation of gaps when installing them. When using elements of this type, you should leave a little more gap between the barrier and the end of the board.

After installing the plugs, remove shavings, dust and other elements, and wipe the surface of the coating with a slightly damp cloth.

Please note: improper assembly and operation of decking boards greatly reduces their service life. Regular board proper care will serve for more than 25 years.

In most cases, decking boards are painted with high-quality pigments. Due to the use of lingin like any natural product, they will slightly lose color in 3-4 months, but will remain the same original and textured. After this time, the color will remain and will no longer succumb to fading over the years.

Find components from one manufacturer

Decking boards made of wood-polymer composite, after installation by a professional, resist bad weather, sun, precipitation, and insects very well. None special care This equipment is not required.

The rough side of the material is not able to drive a rolling pin or anything else into the leg. tree with building material used as flour, and wood textures are created artificially.


  • Persistence. WPC tolerates scratches, chips, household chemicals, spots, precipitation, warm and cold air, water, etc.
  • Strength. A floor made of this material can withstand a weight of one ton per square meter. Such a strong structure was achieved by modifying the composition of the material.
  • Durability. The minimum guaranteed lifespan is 25 years, taking into account temperature conditions within the range of -50+70 degrees.
  • Flexibility. During installation, the wood-polymer composite can easily take the desired position. To cover stairs, ledges, corners, etc.
  • Care. There is no need to paint the material or clean them with special means. They can be easily cleaned with a slightly damp sponge or microfiber.
  • Simplicity. Easy installation, which even a person who has never held a construction tool can handle.
  • Appearance. A huge palette of colors and textures will satisfy gourmets with a broad design outlook.

And among the huge number of advantages, there is at least a small disadvantage. IN in this case the downside is the high cost finishing material. If we compare decking and ordinary tree, then the difference in price can be 3-5 times.

Rules of care

The composite board should not be flooded for more than 4 days in a row.

When washing serious stains that cannot be wiped off with a regular floor rag, use cleaning products without bleach. Brushes can only be used with soft bristles. Strictly avoid using spatulas and metal, as there is a chance of damaging the surface and ruining the appearance.

Small irregularities or scratches can be smoothed out with fine-grained sandpaper.


Any person who knows how to hold a tool can handle the installation of decking boards, but it is necessary to maintain clearances and take into account placement additional accessories. Don't forget to hide the gaps after installation. Cladding the walls of the site is perfect for those who miss nature near them and always want to be in an atmosphere that creates relaxation and tranquility.

According to manufacturers, one of the most important advantages of composite decking is ease of installation. However, in practice it turns out that when working, including strictly according to instructions, one or another mistake is almost always made. And any flaws, as is known, ultimately lead to the appearance of defects and damage to the finishing material.

Composite floorboards are produced from a mixture of wood flour, polymers and pigments, intended for forming flooring on terraces, local areas, gardens and park paths, around swimming pools, etc.

WPC is made on the basis of polyethylene, polypropylene or other PVC-forming components. Moreover, the higher the percentage of wood content, the better and more expensive the finished coating. IN merits material:

At the production stage, pigment is added to the mass, so the decking is produced already tinted. This greatly simplifies the choice of coating.

But we must take into account that any polymer-containing material laid outdoors turns yellow over time and loses color saturation when exposed to direct sunlight. This applies to both cheap products and premium products. The only difference is that WPC from famous manufacturer Due to the use of expensive raw materials, it will last much longer in unchanged condition than its cheap analogues from a local workshop.

In addition to this, in cons polymer decking board:

  • The material is not resistant to damage, dents, or chips;
  • Its own coefficient of change in geometric dimensions, which is why during installation it is necessary to use only original components (joists or lining timber made of WPC, brackets, etc.). Eg, wooden slats cannot be used as supporting elements, since the expansion index of the materials is different, durable fixation will not work.
  • The need to construct a concrete base, sand and gravel bedding and/or metal structures, drainage organization and much more. Because of this, laying WPC decking boards becomes significantly more complicated;
  • High cost of material.

How to distinguish high-quality WPC from a fake? First of all, pay attention to the packaging. A serious manufacturer will provide full protection of products during transportation, so multi-layer cardboard and protective film are required. Each package contains an insert with a description of the product and instructions on how to pack it correctly.

The next criterion is the condition of the slats. They should be smooth, symmetrical, without waves or bends. The surface is evenly painted, smooth to the touch, without burrs or blisters. There should be no deformed areas, irregularities, color variations, or foreign inclusions.

When choosing, the seller is obliged to draw the buyer’s attention to the operational index of the product (analogous to the load classes of laminate, LVT tiles and linoleum). WPC is produced in three categories:

  • Home- For household use (local areas, balconies, podiums, gazebos);
  • Professional– commercial facilities (restaurants, hotels, decking around swimming pools, playgrounds, etc.);
  • Expert– designed for areas characterized by heavy foot traffic (city parks, recreation areas, shopping and commercial facilities).

And lastly, when purchasing quality products, certificates of compliance with Russian standards are provided, fire safety and sanitary and hygienic conclusion. All documents must be valid and have several seals, including a blue one from the seller.

Tools and materials required for installation of WPC

To lay the decking board you will need:

  • Construction materials for forming the base for laying: bulk materials (AGS, gravel, crushed stone, sand), concrete for pouring the foundation, concrete blocks, paving slabs, adjustable supports and other means for forming the base for laying;
  • Geotextiles or roofing felt to prevent weed growth under the deck;
  • Special pipes for drainage;
  • A set of WPC logs, initial and final guides, fasteners, rubber “cushions” and other accessories;
  • Drill;
  • Circular saw or grinder;
  • Hydraulic level;
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • Tape measure and pencil;
  • Mallet.

Installation of WPC deck boards

The work does not begin with leveling the base. Experienced craftsmen recommend carefully preparing for work first. And the first thing should be a plan-project.

Therefore, the process of laying decking boards is as follows:

Drawing up a laying diagram

For an accurate calculation required quantity terrace floorboards and components, as well as selection optimal solution create a drawing. It’s better, of course, to use special programs that every dealer has, but you can draw a diagram to scale on paper yourself. After all, installation does not need to be carried out strictly perpendicular or parallel to walls and other enclosing structures. You can also do diagonal laying at an angle of 30° or more. Important point– in the calculations, take into account the correct interval between lags:

The distance between the lags also depends on the width of the board and its fullness. If the planks are solid, you can make an interval of 50 cm. Hollow ones with such a gap will spring and sag, so the maximum distance between the support beam is up to 40 cm, for floorboards up to 22 mm wide - no more than 30 cm.

Choice is important installation method:

Preparing the base

The base must be clean, strong, dry, level and frost-resistant. You cannot simply lay the planks on the ground or asphalt. There should be a gap under the flooring for air circulation, as well as drainage of melt or rainwater.

The base for the flooring can be varied. Including:

  • Concrete screed with a thickness of 8 cm or asphalt with a mandatory slope of 1 cm for each linear meter(or 1 – 1.5°) from static buildings or structures. Potholes, pits, and loose areas are not allowed. If the base is already ready and there is no slope, you can cut grooves 3 cm wide and up to 1.5 cm deep in the concrete at an angle.
  • Sand-gravel or crushed stone-sand “pillow”, which is formed by vibrating soil compaction followed by backfilling bulk materials and their compaction. The total base layer is 8-10 cm. Geotextiles or roofing felt can be laid on top of the prepared base to prevent weed germination. Then support beams or concrete slabs are laid with a gap of 40-60 cm, metal profiles with anti-corrosion coating, paving slabs measuring at least 20x20x3 cm. It is on this basis that the frame will be installed in the future.

Formation surface drainage when installing decking on the ground - required condition. To do this, you need to dig a drainage channel from the site in the ground, line it with geotextiles, lay special pipes with holes along the entire length, cover it with crushed stone and sand, and cover it with soil.

Special adjustable rigid PVC supports that have been designed for installation of decking on asphalt, concrete and other hard surfaces.

Adjustable supports for WPC frame.

Formation of the supporting frame

Two days before the start of work, the WPC must be brought to the site and folded horizontally. Recommended installation temperature is from +5 to +30 °C.

Unfold the kit, which includes:

The frame made of logs is laid with a minimum gap of 10 mm from vertical enclosing structures (walls, sidewalks, columns, etc.). The beams are laid out on the surface at pre-calculated intervals, holes are drilled in each in increments of 50-100 cm, then the hardware is screwed in. Some manufacturers recommend fixing the backing beam with metal mounting tape or steel corners.

Laying boards

Please note that decking is characterized by unidirectionality. That is, during installation, it is necessary to ensure that the lamellas lie in the same direction in order to avoid some “striping” of the flooring. Some manufacturers draw arrows on the ends of the floorboards for this purpose.

Laying begins from a wall or other fixed structure. The starting element (clip, corner) is fixed to the joist using self-tapping screws. The first board is installed in it and slightly tamped rubber mallet. The next mounting component (bracket or terminal) is secured with hardware on the other side of the initial strip, then the second lamella is attached and tacked. Remember that the floorboards must be secured to each support point on the underlayment.

The edge of the decking should not protrude beyond the frame by more than 5 cm. If necessary, the ends are trimmed circular saw. And the recommended temperature compensation intervals between the slats are shown in the diagram below.

If the decking is installed in a heated room, then it is possible to install the lamellas end-to-end. Gusset can be done in two ways: diagonally with trimming and the attaching method.

Corner connection of WPC boards.

After installing the last board, a final profile or corner is mounted to it, and the ends of the boards are decorated with caps.

The final touch is to wash the surface of the deck with water to remove dust and sawdust. The terrace is ready for full use.

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