Is it possible to sharpen ceramic knives? How to sharpen a ceramic knife with your own hands

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The aesthetic appearance of a ceramic knife is not all that housewives love it for. This device easily cuts any product, having many advantages compared to metal devices.

One of the most important advantages is that the ceramic blade after purchase for a long time remains sharp.

But such a device will have to be sharpened, even if not right away. Cutting hard foods will cause the blade to lose its sharpness.

Important! It is possible and necessary to sharpen ceramic products. But do it in the usual ways it won't work.

For sharpening there are special devices, suitable only for this blade.

The difference between ceramic knives and metal ones

Ceramic blades are made from zirconium dioxide. The alloy is carried out at a temperature of 1500 degrees, which makes it durable. Such a blade will have to be sharpened much less often than a metal one.

Comparison table between ceramic and metal knives:

Interesting fact! The only thing harder than a ceramic knife blade is diamond. Other carbons and alloys are significantly inferior in hardness.

The aesthetic component is also important: ceramic appliances are painted different colors, they look beautiful and fit harmoniously into the kitchen interior.

Important! You should not try to perform such manipulations with a ceramic product as unscrewing screws or prying off a rolled-up lid.

This may cause the blade to chip. It’s not worth chopping greens or chopping moss.

How to sharpen a ceramic knife yourself at home

Before you begin the procedure for sharpening a ceramic blade at home, determine what type of sharpening your product is.

There is one-sided and two-sided sharpening. Further manipulations are performed based on this factor.

Important! You cannot sharpen a one-sided product on both sides, this will lead to damage and chips.

If the blade does not break during the sharpening process on the machine, this will happen the first time the knife collides with a hard surface. Improper sharpening will make the blade brittle.

Types of sharpening devices for ceramic blades:

  • Electric machine.
  • Hand sharpener.
  • Diamond paste with abrasive.

An electric machine must be equipped with two functions: sharpening and grinding.


  1. Set the equipment to a low speed.
  2. Press the tip against the surface of the disc.
  3. Make smooth movements from handle to tip.
  4. If double-sided sharpening is necessary, process the second side of the product.

There are electric sharpeners that independently regulate the degree of pressure on the product. At the same time, they eliminate chips and mechanical damage bringing the product to perfect condition.

The operating principle of a manual sharpener differs in that the discs are not driven mechanically, but when certain actions from your side.

The manual method is a little more complicated than the previous one; it takes time to learn how to operate such a machine. The blades are clamped into the walls of the slot.

Interesting fact! The simplest and cheapest device for ceramic knives is a diamond-coated block.

But due to the fragility of the material, only a professional can use it correctly.

For beginners, the probability of damaging or ruining a product using this method of sharpening is close to one hundred percent.

Ceramics is a surprisingly fragile material, despite its strength. You can compare it with floor tiles.

Porcelain tiles or ceramic tile 4 categories of wear resistance are able to withstand enormous pressure and constant friction.

If you hit this tile a little, it will break off. Ceramic appliances are endowed with the same property.

They are perfect for slicing various products, but a simple fall on the tiled floor will be fatal for the knife.

Diamond paste is applied to the product after preliminary sharpening by hand or electric machine. This The final stage, allowing you to bring the knife to perfect condition.

Diamond paste is applied to a piece of leather or thick cardboard, and carefully passed along the sharpened blade, covering the entire length.

The effect of such sharpening is excellent. The knife looks better than new. The final stage will make the blade sharper, the effect will last for a long time.

Important! Buy equipment for self-sharpening knives should be used if you have a whole set of knives and you use them often.

It is justified to buy expensive equipment for restaurants where there are a lot of knives and they are constantly used.

Useful tips for owners of ceramic knives:

  1. Having There is only one device at home, there is no need to buy a sharpening machine, it will be cheaper to go to a workshop every six months, where the product is guaranteed to be brought into proper shape.
  2. By purchasing manual machine or a block, remember that the process requires time and care.
  3. Exercise sharpening completely alone, concentrating on the process. This way there is a greater chance of a successful outcome of the event.
  4. Preferably An electrical device that even a beginner can handle.
  5. Store knives in a special place, further from the edge of the table.
  6. Use for smooth slicing. It is better to chop food with a metal knife.
  7. Store Keep the product further away from small children; this can result in injury due to the sharpness of the blade.

    Dull metal knives may not cause harm to the baby, but ceramic ones will instantly cause injury.

  8. Having purchased sharpening machine, read the instructions carefully, watch the training video to get an idea of ​​its operation and safety precautions.

Useful video

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IN Lately Ceramic knives have become especially popular among many housewives. You can buy such knives in retail premises that sell tableware. good reputation they deserve it thanks to their sharp blade, strength, and durability. When using ceramic knives, you should adhere to certain rules appeals. The opinion that these knives do not require sharpening is erroneous. Ceramic knives take longer to wear out than steel knives. Despite this, they should be sharpened from time to time.

Quality of ceramic knives

In the 80s, Japanese technologists discovered the extraordinary qualities of a component such as zirconium dioxide. The mineral zircon is supposed to be its derivative.

The most important property of creations made from this component is the highest hardness. Compared to diamond, which has a hardness of 10 (on the Mohs scale), zirconium dioxide has a hardness of 8.5. And for hardened steel - 6.2.

Another pleasant quality of this mineral is that it is chemically safe.

Ceramic knives got their name because of their production technology. They are made from zirconium dioxide powder by pressing in molds and then heat treatment in an oven at a temperature of 1500°.

Advantages of ceramic knives

The main advantages include:

    Sharp blade. For many housewives, it is important to cut easily and make the cut beautiful. That is why the choice falls on ceramic knives.

    Long service life without the need to sharpen the knife. Sharpening of such a knife occurs much less often than a steel one. It is not susceptible to rust.

    One of the constituent components is zirconium oxide. Thanks to it, neither the knife blade nor the food can oxidize.

    Well suited for teaching a child culinary arts. It is light and beautiful. It has rounded blade ends.

Disadvantages of ceramic knives

In addition to many advantages, ceramic knives have some disadvantages:

    They have high fragility. If dropped on a hard floor, the knife may break. The service life may become short.

    You can sharpen a knife only with material that contains diamond coating.

    The maximum blade length is 18 cm. It is not always convenient for them to cut.

    If you don’t wash the knife after cutting colorful vegetables, it will become stained.

    It is very easy to cut yourself with a ceramic knife. Because looking at him appearance, all precautions are lost.

Types of ceramic knives

We decided to buy ceramic knife, the main thing is to understand the subtypes of these products. Know what they are and what the differences are between them.

Initially, attention is paid to the manufacturer. Specialists from Japan are leaders in this matter. Chinese ceramic knives are soft and short-lived.

Another one distinguishing feature between the knives is diversity starting materials. Black ceramics are more durable and hard than light-colored appliances.

Methods for sharpening ceramic knives

Ceramic knives can be sharpened at home. There are several devices for this:

  • using a special musat;
  • using a sharpener;
  • using a diamond stone.

Sharpening knives using musat

This option can only do a weak sharpening of ceramics if the sharpness just needs to be updated. If the other day the knife was thoroughly sharpened, and today it cut a huge amount of salads and became dull, then the musat - best way. But if the knife was sharpened a long time ago and now cuts disgustingly, then musat will not help here.

Initially, the musat should be placed in a vertical position, resting it on something solid. Start sharpening on its surface with smooth movements. Not worth it with great strength press the blade. The movements must be repeated until the blade is sharpened.

Sharpening knives with a sharpener

Sharpeners can be mechanical or electric. The advantages of the latter: low probability that the knife will be damaged; the person is safe and protected from accidental cuts; The sharpening angle is calculated automatically.

The sharpener will be very useful tool for those who have ceramic knives in the house. Over time, it pays for itself, and a person acquires new useful skills. Moreover, this option will allow you to sharpen the knife with high quality, almost as if it was done by a specialist in a workshop.

Sharpening knives with a diamond stone

This option will require special diligence and painstakingness. Despite this, it is widely used in practice. First you need to soak the block in cold water, for about half an hour. We determine the trajectory necessary for the movement of the knife. For precise sharpening, it is better to copy the contours of the blade. You should be very strict about the sharpening angle. Its norm is 25-30°. During the entire sharpening, the angle cannot be changed. First, one side is painstakingly sharpened. Then the same thing is done at the same angle with the second side.

There is another sharpening method - a machine with a diamond wheel. Before sharpening, you should prepare 2 wheels of different grain sizes. The first one will be needed for sharpening, the second one for grinding. It is recommended to start sharpening with a hard wheel. The machine speed is reduced to a minimum. There is no need to rush to achieve quality sharpening. Particular attention is paid to the sharpening angle. In order to make the blade sharper, the knife should be sharpened at an angle of 10-15°. Only with this sharpening will the knife quickly lose its sharpness.

If everything is done correctly, the knife will cut perfectly and remain sharp for a long time. long time. You can check the quality of sharpening by paying attention to the shape of the blade. If it is slightly convex, then everything is correct.

Most in a simple way sharpening ceramic knives is considered to be transferring it into the hands of a specialist. In a word, you should take it to a workshop. The work will be done efficiently and quickly. The knife will be guaranteed. The cost of this service is inexpensive. It will only take half an hour. In addition, subsequent sharpening of the knife will not be needed soon.

  1. Depending on the sharpening, ceramic knives are single-sided or double-sided. The double-sided sharpening method is suitable for both right-handers and left-handers. It is better to opt for a universal option.
  2. Sharpening a knife using a diamond wheel should be done diligently and carefully.
  3. When obtaining an ideal and high-quality sharpening of the tool, it side surfaces should be slightly convex. With this form of sharpening the blade will have greater strength.

Operating rules

In order to avoid frequent sharpening of a ceramic knife, it is recommended to adhere to some specific rules for using such the necessary tool in the kitchen. These include:

  • It is not recommended to use a knife when cutting hard foods. Even considering that he can easily handle it.
  • The cutting board should be made of plastic, wood or silicone. Working on a stone or glass surface will dull the blade.
  • Products should be cut evenly and smoothly.
  • You cannot “chop” greens the way you would with a knife with a steel blade. The greens need to be chopped, otherwise the blade will fall off the handle.
  • It is not recommended to scrape vegetables and fruits, as the cutting part may be damaged.
  • Handle the tool carefully, do not hit it on hard surfaces, as the handle may break off.
  • Ceramic knives are washable warm water with added to it detergent. Never use dishwashers to wash ceramic knives.
  • Such a tool should be stored in a certain place, separate from spoons and forks. In contact with metal, ceramics may crumble.
  • Ceramic knives cannot withstand sudden temperature changes. It is advised to avoid this as the ceramic may crack.
  • You must not let the knife fall to the floor - there is a chance that it will fly apart.
  • No need to use a knife like a screwdriver. They are prohibited from opening bottles and cans. Use it only for its intended purpose.

The knife must be sharp!

If you want to experience all the advantages of a ceramic knife, make sure that it is sharpened on time and with high quality.

Don't forget that ceramic knives are sharpened only a certain number of times. It's better not to chop bones with them. Do not cut food that is too frozen. And never use such a knife on a glass surface.

Every family has knives and entire sets of knives in the kitchen. Most often these are products with a metal, plastic or wooden handle. They are easy to use, but the sharpness of their blades is short-lived: they need to be sharpened periodically. Modern technologies contributed to the appearance in many kitchens of ceramic knives, sharper and more wear-resistant than traditional metal ones. Age of ceramic cutting tools- about thirty years old.

The raw material for production is zirconium dioxide. From a plastic mass high pressure the press stamps the blades, then they are sent for high-temperature firing. Firing temperature is 1500 degrees, duration is two days. These parameters determine high price products.

The advantage of ceramics is an aesthetic appearance, hygiene and extraordinary sharpness. Ceramic knives do not become dull 3 times longer than metal cutting objects. Do ceramic knives need to be sharpened? Absolutely all materials are subject to wear, ceramics are no exception, and the time comes when further use of the cutting object becomes impossible, and it will need to be sharpened. While there are no problems with sharpening metal blades, questions still arise with ceramics: this topic has not yet been mastered at the everyday level.

So is it possible to restore the cutting properties of a ceramic blade? Of course, this can be done - nothing is impossible, the only question is how difficult it will be to do it. First, you need to understand the reasons why a ceramic blade becomes dull. Ceramics itself is fragile material, a ceramic blade also has this property; if handled carelessly, it can break. And in this case, the product cannot be restored; all that remains is to throw it away.

Conclusion: you should handle ceramics carefully; you should not try to chop meat, bones, or ice with a ceramic knife - this can lead to a partial or complete break of the blade. The same result is possible when trying to bend a ceramic blade.

Do not cut ceramic products on stone or glass surfaces, open canned food. These actions will contribute to rapid wear and tear of the blade.

With careful use, a ceramic knife can last for several years without sharpening.

How to sharpen ceramic knives

How to sharpen ceramics

To sharpen a hard blade, you need even harder material. The metal blade lends itself well to processing with emery stone, the basis of which is corundum; its hardness is second only to diamond. Zirconium ceramics, from which knives are made, is comparable in hardness to corundum, which makes it clear how to sharpen a ceramic blade. This diamond coated products:

From the list of products for sharpening ceramics, it can be understood that when choosing a sharpening method, preference will be on the side specialized workshop, there the work will be done professionally, at the right angle and will not damage the blade. Of course, this will require time and money, but the safety of the product and its properties is guaranteed. At home, sharpening ceramic knives is problematic, but possible.

Sharpening ceramic knives at home

First of all, it is recommended to purchase a special equipment - a sharpener for ceramic knives, which, in addition to restoring the sharpness of the blade, will allow you to fix the angle of its sharpening and smooth out small chips. The disadvantage of this method is obvious - you will have to spend some money on purchasing a sharpener, which will not pay off soon, and perhaps will not pay off at all.

More affordable home method– for those who already have a regular emery machine . To sharpen a ceramic knife with it, it is enough to purchase a diamond-coated wheel, which is much cheaper than buying a special sharpener. At independent execution During sharpening operations, care must be taken, not forgetting the extreme fragility of ceramics. Therefore, the machine speed should be minimal, the blade should be sharpened carefully, lightly pressing it against the diamond wheel. In this case, the canvas must be in full contact with the plane of the circle, without tearing away from it.

We must remember that ceramics are hard and require more time to sharpen than a metal knife. Sharpening procedure– move from the base of the blade at the handle towards the tip, make at least five such passes on each side.

You can also correct the blade using a special rod with a handle - musat round section or in the form of a bar and diamond-coated. This sharpening option is the most inexpensive of all those considered. Working with a sharpening tool does not require special skills - it is similar to sharpening metal knives, but requires more accuracy and caution. Important condition: When sharpening, it is advisable to moisten the surface of the sharpener bar in order to have a better effect on the ceramic blade.

You can sharpen a ceramic knife using diamond paste.

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic knives

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of modern ceramic cutting products? TO benefits include:

  • very sharp blade, it is possible without special effort beautifully cut soft foods;
  • thanks to its high hardness, the blade doesn't get dull O cutting boards and other cutting bases;
  • super wear resistance ensures a long service life without sharpening - several years, and it is not in danger of rusting;
  • the presence of zirconium oxide in the composition prevents the surface of the product from oxidizing - and the products do not oxidize;
  • the product is very light, looks beautiful and can be used to teach children culinary arts;
  • can be used directly dining table, since the appearance of ceramics does not cause feelings of danger.

Some of the advantages of ceramics are shortcomings:

Knives made from hard ceramics, due to their sharpness and ease of use, are gaining more and more popularity and are increasingly used at home. Every owner of a ceramic knife sooner or later asks the question: is it possible to sharpen them, and how to do it without contacting a specialist?

Features of ceramic knives

The main difference between ceramic knives is their special sharpness, absence of rust and long-lasting sharpness. At the same time, there is a certain disadvantage - the cutting surface is quite fragile and, if handled improperly, breaks easily; it is impossible to restore a broken ceramic knife. It is for this reason that when using it in the kitchen it is not recommended to chop bones, ice, frozen meat and fish and other fairly hard foods. A ceramic blade does not withstand bending well, therefore, bending the knife or letting it fall is not worth it. It also cannot be used to open tin cans and shredding on glass cutting boards.

Depending on the intensity of use of a ceramic knife, it is sharpened 1-2 times a year. In exceptional cases when careful attitude Such knives can remain sharp for up to two years without requiring sharpening.

Most often, the material for such cutting products is the mineral zircon; due to its unique structure, it requires special sharpening, which is produced in specialized centers, often owned by large manufacturers ceramic knives. But the owner of such a product cannot always afford to visit specialists. But it is possible to return the knife to its original sharpness at home.

How to sharpen ceramic knives

To sharpen ceramic knives, experts advise using diamond-coated tools whose surface hardness corresponds to the characteristics of the product, which will restore sharpness.

The following tools can be used at home:

  • special sharpeners for ceramic knives (mechanical or electric);
  • diamond paste;
  • electric sanders with a special sharpening blade.

The Japanese company Kyocera, a major global manufacturer of ceramic products, also specializes in the production of devices for sharpening ceramic knives, thanks to its vast production experience offering optimal solutions for household use.

When choosing special sharpeners, you need to pay attention to their specifications, including the type of knives being sharpened and the sharpening angle. Electrical devices Sharpening cutting products is more expensive than manual sharpening, but the former are often much easier to handle and require less experience and skill in operation.

When using electric sanders, you must choose abrasive wheels with diamond coating with a grain size not exceeding 40 microns. If diamond paste is used to sharpen a ceramic knife, its grain size should not exceed 5 microns.

How to sharpen ceramic knives

As we have already noted, the most convenient for sharpening ceramic knives at home are special electric sharpeners. The sharpening process in this case is very simple, the knife is fixed at a certain angle inside the device, then the sharpening mode is turned on. Some models of sharpeners do not provide for fastening the sharpeners, but require consistent movements of the blade in the grooves of the device.

A manual sharpener also does not require special skills; the sharpening process is approximately similar to sharpening an ordinary knife, but requires more careful work and time.

Using electric emery it is necessary to set a low speed, maintain minimal runout and turn the Special attention to the sharpening angle. You cannot press the blade too hard against the moving wheel; the edge to be sharpened must be rounded, and the angle must be maintained as accurately as possible.

Ceramic knife - indispensable tool in the kitchen. And, despite the fact that they remain sharp longer than steel ones, sooner or later there is a need to sharpen them. Is it possible to sharpen ceramic knives and how to do it correctly? I share my observations with you.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before finding out what and how to sharpen ceramic knives, let’s consider their main pros and cons.

The advantages include:

  • Acuity. Ceramic blades are very thin and sharp, which allows you to make easy and neat cuts.

  • Strength. Ceramic, unlike steel, does not rust.
  • Hypoallergenic material. Such knives contain zirconium oxide, due to which its surface does not oxidize and, therefore, products do not oxidize.
  • Ease. Ceramic tool weighs much less than steel.
  • Appearance. You can find exclusive specimens with interesting ornaments.

Main disadvantages:

  • Fragility. If you drop ceramics on a hard surface, they may break into pieces.
  • Sharpening. Ceramic blades can only be sharpened using diamond-coated products.

Why sharpen knives?

No matter how sharp the knife is after purchase, over time it will begin to cut worse and worse. I propose to find out what causes knives to become dull.

There are three main reasons:

  1. Firstly, the more often you use a tool, the faster it will become dull. This is due to the fact that microscopic pieces begin to break off from the blade, and it gradually wears off.

  1. Secondly, the blade begins to bend over time. Since we very rarely cut food at right angles, the load on the sides of the blade is distributed unevenly.
  2. Third, washing in hot water gradually destroys the material. There are many impurities in running water that can contribute to dullness.

How to make ceramic knives sharp?

There are several ways to sharpen a ceramic knife, namely:

  • special sharpener;
  • diamond wheel;
  • diamond paste;
  • sharpening of ceramic knives by a specialist.

4 ways to sharpen knives yourself

You can increase the efficiency of sharpening ceramic knives with your own hands by using special tools. The most popular of them are presented in the table:

Image Device

Device No. 1. Sharpener for ceramic knives

There is electric and mechanical sharpener. The main difference is the price; the first ones are much more expensive.

The instructions for sharpening kitchen tools are quite simple: you need to insert the blade into the cut at a certain degree and make forward/backward pressing movements several times.

An important feature: in sharpeners from Asian manufacturers the sharpening angle is 15°, while in European ones it is 20°.

Device No. 2. Diamond wheel

Turn on the diamond spinning motor at low speed and apply gentle pressure to the blade. The sharpening angle is no more than 25°.

Device No. 3. Diamond paste

Apply the paste to a wooden block and sharpen your knives at home. Work the surface slowly to avoid chipping and cracking.

Sharpening can be either one-sided or two-sided. But in any case, it is better to process the product on both sides.

We resort to the services of a specialist

If you cannot sharpen ceramic knives at home, you can resort to the services of professionals. Take your tools to the workshop and within 30 minutes they will be sharp.

Features of care and storage

Manufacturers of ceramic blades claim that they do not need to be sharpened at all for the first 5 years of use. But it is imperative to follow the recommendations for care and storage. Here are the main ones:

  1. Do not cut very hard foods(for example, bones).

  1. Glass and ceramic cutting boards are taboo. You can use a plastic, wooden or silicone board.
  2. These devices must be stored separately from other kitchen utensils.

  1. You cannot scrape or chop with ceramics.. There is a risk of breaking the blade.
  2. These blades can only be washed by hand. and without detergent.

Bottom line

I hope I was able to help you dot the i’s in the matter of sharpening ceramic knives. Almost all of the methods described have been tested, and I can promise their effectiveness.

The video in this article will show you clearly how to make a knife sharp. If you know other ways or have questions, write in the comments!


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