How long does it take to put an exclamation mark on a car? What is the fine for not having a "novice driver" sign?

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09.04.2018, 20:48 46977 0 Assembly of Motorists

They say that the most dangerous part of a car is the driver. Indeed, we criticize the quality of roads, which often creates emergency situations, the technical condition of cars, especially those with high mileage, which stall at the most inopportune moments, weather: rain, fog, ice, and at the same time we do not notice ourselves. But it is the human factor that often becomes the cause of accidents. Probably, it was precisely these considerations that guided the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which initiated the tightening of sanctions against newcomers, which caused a mixed reaction in society.

Since last year, for the absence of the “!” on a car, which means that the driver is a novice driver, a fine of 500 rubles is provided. These innovations caused a literally flurry of questions. How long do you need to drive with a novice driver sign and who falls under this term? Is it possible to continue driving after paying a fine? Where to put the “!” sign? Is it possible to replace it with the sign “U”? Experts answer these and other questions.

So, the main question. “Beginner driver” sign – how long to drive?

The legislation defines the term “novice drivers” as persons whose driving experience is less than 2 years, and therefore, when asked how many years to drive with a novice driver sign, the answer is clear – two years. Driving experience is counted from the moment you receive a driver's license.

It must be said that such a system for determining driving skills causes bewilderment for any sane person. After all, for example, one got a license and drives out every day, while the other hasn’t driven at all for more than two years and therefore can drive without a license. However, that is why it is a legislative norm, which requires implementation. Besides, how do you order a traffic police inspector to determine whether the driver in front of him is a novice or not - what, arrange a driving test on the spot?

Why do you need a novice driver sign?

How long to drive is determined, but why is this sign needed at all? Such questions can often be heard from those who have to put a “!” sign on their car, thereby immediately distinguishing themselves from the general mass of cars. The purpose of the sign is obvious - to warn other drivers that the car is being driven by a novice with insufficient skills and thereby reduce the risk of an accident. After all, you can expect anything from a driver without driving experience: sharp braking, incorrect and unexpected lane changes, illogical actions while parking, etc. . And psychologists advise beginners to overcome existing fear, unpleasant feelings of the “teapot” and hang up a sign, because safety is more important. Moreover, an exclamation mark is better than, for example, an image of a teapot or a lady’s shoe, which are sometimes attached to cars.

And again, the reasoning about the purpose of the “novice driver” sign also has back side medals. Unfortunately, on the road, as in life, there are many, to put it mildly, inadequate people. There are often cases when, having seen the “!” sign, such an “inadequate” tries to “teach” a newcomer. He brakes sharply, cuts dangerously, pushes from behind, reducing the distance to a minimum, and thus, as it were, demonstrates his superiority. It is best not to react to such actions and treat such people as patients who are not offended.

What should the “novice driver” sign look like and where should it be attached?

The sign is a square sticker yellow color 15x15 cm, which depicts an exclamation mark 11 cm high. The “!” must be glued to the rear window on either side. The main condition is that it does not interfere with the view.

What liability is provided if, after a fine, you still drive without a “!” sign?

If a driving violation is detected without the “!” Along with the fine, the traffic police inspector issues a resolution to eliminate the violation. This means that within ten days you must present your car with the defect eliminated to the traffic police department, i.e. with a “!” sign pasted on it. If this is neglected, the police may suspend the registration of the car and further driving of such a car for the first time will entail a fine of up to 800 rubles, and for a repeated violation - up to the deprivation of a driver’s license for 3 months.

Therefore, the question of how long the “novice driver” sign should hang and whether it is possible to drive without it after the first violation is obvious. It should hang for two years, and premature removal and driving without it is fraught with dire consequences. It should also be noted that novice drivers with less than two years of experience are prohibited from towing, and novice motorcyclists are prohibited from carrying passengers. Penalties are provided in both cases.

Is it possible to replace the "!" sign "U"?

Some beginners believe that they can successfully replace the “!” more familiar sign"U". This is a deep misconception, because the “U” sign is installed only on cars of driving schools, which are driven by their students under the guidance of instructors.

Upon completion of driving school, the graduate becomes a full-fledged driver. Therefore, installing a “U” sign on his car will be a demonstration of illiteracy or complete disregard for traffic rules.

These “pearls” can be seen today on our roads instead of the required “!” sign.

You should not neglect the “!” sign, because driving youth is a disadvantage that goes away over the years, and there can never be too much safety.

On dear Russians There are often cars that have a sign on the back with exclamation point. If anyone doesn't know what the "Beginner Driver" sign is, this is it. Many people call him “Inexperienced driver”, which is incorrect, but this does not change the essence.

Purpose of the sign

The purpose of this sign is obvious: to make it clear to other road users that someone is driving inexperienced driver, who only recently received his license and got behind the wheel. Perhaps other drivers will keep a greater distance from a car with this sign or at least treat it with caution, because no one knows what a newcomer will do next on the road.

In fact, many drivers behave aggressively towards beginners. Having such a sign often gives others more confidence. They may honk at a newbie if he is driving at a speed that is slightly below the maximum permissible, some even cut the car off.

But in any case, the essence of the sign is to make it clear to other drivers that a novice is behind the wheel. However there are some questions:

  1. Is it allowed to drive without a "Beginner Driver" sign?
  2. Are there any requirements governing the format of the sign and its placement on the car body?
  3. Who can be considered a novice driver?
  4. Is it even possible to get a fine for not having a “Beginner Driver” sign?

Let's try to understand all these nuances.

Novice driver and danger on the roads

Statistics of road accidents make it clear that a third of all accidents occur with the participation of newcomers who made a maneuver prohibited by the rules. This is not surprising, because as soon as a student graduates from a driving school and receives a license, he immediately gets behind the wheel and becomes the culprit of an accident. And even though he was the best student at school and learned all the rules perfectly, his lack of experience shows up immediately. The driving school pays attention to practical lessons, but driving with and without an instructor are completely different practices. There is also congestion on Russian roads, where there are a lot of cars, creating traffic jams and crowded traffic.


Few people know that according to traffic regulations, the “Beginner Driver” sign is required. This requirement is clearly stated in the rules. In particular, it is specified that a yellow plate with an exclamation mark must be installed on the rear of the vehicle. Citizens with no more than two years of driving experience must drive with this sign. The duration of ownership of rights is taken as length of service. Even if a student, two years after obtaining a license, did not drive at all, and then suddenly bought a car, he may not put on the “Beginner Driver” sign, since it is considered that he already has 2 years of driving experience.

But drivers with licenses that were issued less than 2 years ago are required to wear this identification mark, otherwise they are violators of the law. And such a norm prescribed in the rules is completely logical.

How dangerous is a newbie on the road?

Other road users must understand that an inexperienced driver may, due to lack of experience on the road, do something wrong, which will entail the likelihood of an accident. Therefore, you should keep your distance. Alternatively, such a driver can:

  1. Failure to turn on the turn signal or indicate the turn incorrectly.
  2. Stall.
  3. Brake sharply.
  4. Roll back when starting up a hill.
  5. Fall into a stupor.
  6. Drive at a very low speed.
  7. Change suddenly into another lane without checking the side mirrors to see if there are other cars.

The list of rookie mistakes could go on for a very long time, so you should pay attention to the yellow exclamation marks stuck on cars that are moving in front of you, behind you or to the sides.

The law requires that this sign be on the vehicle for at least several years after receiving the license. But in fact, it is recommended to remove it later - when the driver gains experience and feels confident on the road. For some it will take a lifetime.

Where does a novice driver put the sign?

This is enough actual question for beginners who want to comply with traffic rules. Note that the law does not provide for mandatory requirements, but only gives general information about the location of the icon. According to the rules, it must be located at the rear of the car.

But it is worth considering that it must be positioned in such a way that it does not block the view when viewed through the rearview mirror. The ideal place for it is the upper left corner of the rear window. It is believed that this is where it is easiest to notice it to the driver who is following the car. However, there are no specially designated places where to stick the “Beginner Driver” sign, so it can be placed on the left or right side of the glass.

Penalties for violations

The issue of imposing a fine for the absence of a “Beginner Driver” sign was and is relevant. Only a few people know that there is actually a fine for this. According to the decree, novice drivers with less than two years of driving experience are required to stick this plate on their vehicle. Otherwise, they face a fine of 500 rubles for not having a “Beginner Driver” sign. In some cases, the inspector may issue a verbal warning if the driver confirms that he will affix the badge at the earliest opportunity.

However, a newbie can also be stopped by a harmful inspector, who will fundamentally punish the driver for the absence of a sign, because after April 4, 2017, it must be present according to the requirements. So we can conclude that the “Beginner Driver” sign is required for use by all drivers who received their license less than two years ago. If it is not there, then there is a chance of getting a fine. It may be small, but it will ruin your mood.

Situation before April 4, 2017

Before this date, the “Beginner Driver” sign was mandatory, but no liability was provided for such a violation, so beginners rarely installed these signs. This is logical, because there will be no punishment. The traffic police inspector could only recommend that the driver stick a sign. But from April 4, a fine will be imposed for the absence of a “Beginner Driver” sign, which many experienced participants traffic cannot but rejoice. Now the number of yellow signs on cars has become much larger, and it is easier to identify an inexperienced driver who can do anything on the road. Therefore, we advise you not only to use this sign yourself if necessary, but also to stay away from cars with this sign.

However, a fine for not having a “Beginner Driver” sign doesn’t stop some people. So far, inspectors are not particularly strict about such violations, issuing only warnings to violators.


Finally, we can recommend that novice drivers spend 20 rubles and stick a badge on the rear window of their vehicle. You shouldn’t neglect it, because there is a possibility that such a little thing can prevent an accident, because the driver behind you will keep a greater distance when they see this sign.

Now you know that according to the traffic rules, the “Beginner Driver” sign is required, and its absence is fraught with a small fine. So buy it from the store and stick it on your car. You will have to spend only 20 rubles on it, but it is much cheaper than later paying fines, and more than once.

The sign, called "Beginner Driver", was introduced into use by government decree on January 27, 2009. Every inexperienced motorist should know where to place the novice driver sign so that it is visible to other cars and so that it does not obscure visibility.

1. This sign is glued to the upper right corner of the rear window. In some cases, it can be pasted in the upper left corner. This will make it easier for other drivers to see.

2. The “Beginner Driver” sign looks like a yellow square with sides equal to fifteen centimeters. This square has a black exclamation point on it. Its height is eleven centimeters.

3. Such a sign may be attached to the rear windows of motor vehicles driven by drivers with a total driving experience of no more than two years. You cannot stick the “Beginner Driver” sign only on tractors, motorcycles and self-propelled vehicles.

4. The presence of such a sign on the car window is necessary so that the car can successfully pass the technical inspection, which must be carried out once a year.

5. You can purchase this indispensable sign for novice drivers in auto supply stores and print kiosks.

Hello everyone, dear friends! Previously, we have already touched upon identification marks for a vehicle, using the example of the now mandatory sticker. But today we will not talk about her. Surely among those who read this blog there are not only experienced drivers, but also beginners who have yet to learn the basics of driving with all its difficulties. We often see the novice driver sign on cars. Let's try to figure out what kind of informational component it contains, and what the traffic rules say about this.

Let's start with legislative framework. According to the traffic rules, which contain section 8 “Basic provisions for the approval of vehicles for operation,” if the driver’s experience does not exceed 2 years, a warning about this must be stuck on his car. What appearance should it have? It is a black exclamation mark placed on a yellow square. The height of the image is 110 mm, and the width of the side of the square is 150 mm (as GOST says). The sign must be stuck on the rear window of the car. This requirement does not apply to mopeds and motorcycles.

How long do you need to carry such a designation, that is, how long to drive without removing the badge, and what the fine may be for its absence. Until the driver's experience exceeds 2 years. After that, you can pick it, but you can leave it. There is no liability for this. It is intended for those beginners who do not comply with the rules of the road.

Those who like to ignore this clause of the traffic rules will be verbally warned or fined 500 rubles in accordance with Art. 12.5 part 1 of the Administrative Code.

What happened before - the history of appearance

Why was such an exclamation mark introduced at all, and what is its purpose? The beginning of its history dates back to 2009. The fact is that novice drivers belong to a risk group, that is, they are more likely to cause accidents than others. This is not surprising, given their little experience and poor ability to make instant decisions in non-standard situation. Other traffic participants who are aware that there is a beginner in front of them treat him more carefully: they keep their distance, let him pass, do not honk if traffic is blocked, etc.

According to inexorable statistics, approximately a third of the accidents on our roads are caused by yesterday's driving school graduates. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the level of training in many driving courses leaves much to be desired, and they themselves grow like mushrooms after rain. Secondly, the number of cars increases every year and, accordingly, road congestion increases. Well, and thirdly, the very quality of our road surface makes it difficult for inexperienced motorists to navigate correctly.

Previously, this role was played by stickers with in capital letters"U" front and back. Today, this norm has been abolished, but instead the rules regulate the presence of a new sticker with a yellow background and an exclamation mark. It is considered to be more effective in terms of attracting attention.

Where to hang traffic police fines in 2017

Until April of this year, the Administrative Code did not provide for penalties for inexperienced drivers for the absence of this designation. But concern for everyone’s safety turned out to be above all, and the traffic police introduced requirements in this regard. If you don’t want to pay a fine (and the fact of violation will be detected at the first stop and document check), then it is better to buy an inexpensive sticker and be insured against problems with the law.

It remains to find out exactly where such a sign should be hung, and whether it can be produced on a suction cup. The same legislation requires a rear window to indicate "inexperienced driver". There are no specific restrictions on the location of gluing. It is known that this should be a sticker with the characteristics described above. Drivers most often place it in the upper left corner of the rear window. This is the most successful and comfortable spot to the car. It’s worse if the badge blocks the view from the driver’s seat to the rearview mirror located in the cabin.

As you can see, friends, the designation of a novice driver is still relevant in 2017. Since the sign is mandatory, you need to take care of its presence on the car windows. The point is not only that the traffic police will not have any complaints against you, but also that such a sticker can protect you from an unpleasant situation on the road, especially in metropolitan traffic jams. Don't forget to check out. Read my blog and you will be up to date with the latest information. That's all for today, bye!

A yellow sticker with an exclamation mark is used to attract Special attention on a car driven by an inexperienced driver. It warns all road users that they must be prepared to respond quickly in case of inappropriate behavior of a newcomer on the road. Better yet, increase the distance between your car and his.

For the most novice driver, this sign should provide some advantages and comfort when driving: they will miss him somewhere, they won’t drive too close on a hill, they won’t stop him in the parking lot. However, in practice, in many major cities with an aggressive driving style, newbies with this familiarity become even more uncomfortable. For example, drivers in Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Moscow, Magadan do not favor newcomers on the road, do not give any concessions, and treat them with extreme disrespect. And what’s most interesting is that they are not afraid of them, but they are worth it.

An exclamation mark is a warning about the inexperience of the driver, who can create an emergency situation due to his poor driving skills. For this purpose, the sign is made in a bright yellow color to especially attract attention.

Is it mandatory to install a sign in 2019?

Operation of a vehicle by a driver with a general driving record of less than two years is permitted only after installing the “Beginner Driver” sign. Despite the fact that this sign appeared in the Russian Federation back in 2009, the new traffic regulations were introduced last spring at the legislative level. It has become mandatory for all novice drivers, except those who drive motorcycles, self-propelled vehicles and tractors. A fine is provided as a punishment for the absence of a sign.

Traffic accident statistics show that approximately 30 percent of accidents are caused by novice drivers. City traffic is a difficult challenge for all drivers, especially beginners. Therefore, in March 2017, the government commission dealing with road safety issues decided on some restrictions on the driving of young drivers, namely:

  • introduced the mandatory use of the “Beginner Driver” sign;
  • prohibited the towing of vehicles;
  • banned the transport of passengers on mopeds and motorcycles;
  • consolidated changes at the legislative level in the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation;
  • introduced and enshrined at the legislative level penalties for violators in the Code of Administrative Responsibility.

Rules for installing a sign

Most novice drivers search the Internet for information: “Beginner driver, sign, rules for installing a sign”, “Does it matter where and how the exclamation mark is placed?”, “Can alternative signs be used?”

Indeed, there are criteria and rules for placing an exclamation mark on a car:

  • you can use a yellow self-adhesive sign or make it yourself;
  • the size of the sign must be 150 mm along the side;
  • the height of the exclamation mark itself is 110 mm;
  • the sign is glued to the outside of the car;
  • the sign is glued to the rear window, on either side;
  • the sign is glued in such a way that it does not interfere with the driver’s view;
  • you can use one or more characters.

There are no other requirements for installing the sign. Other signs indicating inexperience, such as “Kettle”, “Heel” and others, are not official and are equated by traffic police officers to the absence of the “!” sign.

Period of use of the "Beginner Driver" sign

In every driving school and driving course, the instructor is required to explain how long a novice driver needs to drive with the sign, when the driver has the right to remove the sign, and what penalties apply to violators. During the first two years from the date of obtaining a driver’s license, every novice driver is required to indicate his inexperience in driving with the “Beginner Driver” sign. After this period, he can remove the sign or continue driving with it. The law does not prohibit doing this.

Also, using the sign would be very useful for those drivers who received a driver’s license, but did not drive at all for more than two years from the date of receiving the license. More than five years ago, driving courses were much cheaper, and only very lazy people did not get a license. Many of them had no use for them. But the validity of the license for 10 years allows them to feel like drivers, even if they have not driven behind the wheel even once after the exams. In this case, you have driving experience, but there is no driving experience or skill at all. And it turns out that according to the law there is no need to put an exclamation mark, but at the same time a driver without driving experience is equated to a beginner. The State Traffic Inspectorate does not have the right to fine such a driver for the absence of a sign. Whether or not to indicate one’s inexperience is an action that remains entirely at the discretion of such a driver “with a history of stale licenses in his wallet.”

The decision to make the use of a sign mandatory for novice drivers pursues the most noble goals:

  • preventing accidents on the country's roads;
  • reducing the overall accident rate in the country;
  • reducing the severity of the consequences of road accidents involving inexperienced, young drivers.

Therefore, the introduction of penalties for the absence of a sign can be considered justified. In 2018, employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate with particular diligence began to monitor the implementation of Government Decree No. 333 of March 24, 2017 and fined violators 500 rubles for the absence of mandatory signs “Beginner Driver”, “Transportation of Children”, “Deaf Driver”, etc.

As practice shows, the most effective way Education of cultured and disciplined drivers is subject to large fines. For example, in Europe fines start at 100 euros. And therefore the level of administrative violations (for lack of signs, not fastening seat belts) tends to zero there. A fine of 500 rubles in Russia, with the possibility of paying 50% in the first 20 days from the date of the decision, cannot be called large. But the very fact of introducing sanctions for the absence of the “!” It has great value in the field of preventing possible dangerous situations on the roads.


Basically, everyone already knows what an exclamation mark on a car means. The Novice Driver sign is a warning that there is a young, inexperienced driver in the car. He does not need to honk and scare with sudden maneuvers. It must be treated with caution and patience, and given the opportunity to calmly continue moving.

And answering the question: “How long does a novice driver need to drive with a sign?” we can say that 2 years are mandatory from the date of obtaining a driver’s license. However, if the young driver feels insecure on the road even after this period has expired, then it is not forbidden to continue driving with him. The same can be recommended for those people who have taken driving courses, received a license, but have not driven a car. long time. In this case, the person has a driving license only on paper, but does not have any driving skill. Thus, he can be confidently equated to a novice driver.

If a young driver really wants to learn how to skillfully drive a vehicle, he will have to go through the “teapot” period along with the “Beginner Driver” sign. This must be done for the sake of your own safety and the safety of surrounding road users. There is nothing shameful or disgraceful about this sign. After all, once upon a time all drivers were newbies. No future driver was born with a driver's license and the skills of Michael Schumacher. The ability to drive a vehicle comes only with experience, and the more you drive, the better you understand the principles of safe driving. Installing a sign on the rear window of a car will take several minutes, and how many accidents can be prevented with this action is unlikely to be known to anyone. Let's treat young drivers on the roads with understanding, they are already scared!


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