Flood in the Altai region.

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As a result of floods in the Altai Republic, according to the latest data, six people died. There are missing people. By Monday, the situation in the Altai Mountains began to improve, the water began to recede, but in the Altai Territory almost 3 thousand houses were under water. In Biysk, flooding inundated the city center.

1. In the Altai Republic, due to flooding, 230 kilometers of roads were destroyed and 1.5 km of the federal highway M-52, connecting the region with Mongolia, was washed away.

2. In addition, as a result of the disaster, 15 bridges were destroyed in the republic. Recovery road surface will become possible as the water recedes.

3. Rescuers are in emergency mode fighting flooding in the Altai Territory. The water level in the Biya River continues to rise and has exceeded the water gauge level by more than seven meters.

4. In the Biysk flood zone, the water rose above six meters. It was established that there are 2,405 citizens in flooded areas, including 417 children. 247 people were evacuated, most of them staying with their relatives and friends.

5. In total, 2988 remain flooded in the Altai Territory residential buildings, of which 7,563 people were evacuated.

6. Heavy rains caused the rivers Biya, Katun, Anui, Charysh, and Maima to overflow their banks.

7. A sharp deterioration in the weather led to flooding on the rivers Altai Territory, republics of Khakassia and Altai.

8. Thousands of houses are flooded in the regions, rescuers are evacuating the victims. A state of emergency has been declared in all three regions.

9. According to the authorities of the Altai Republic, six villages in the region are currently without power, as “48 power transmission line supports were simply washed away.” Power engineers plan to return light to populated areas as the water recedes.

10. As of Monday, 60 settlements remain flooded in the region. In general, as noted today by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the flood situation in Altai, Khakassia and Tuva has stabilized.

11. According to the latest data, six people became victims of the disaster in the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic.

If in the first hours the residents of flooded houses did their best to save their property and pets, then at the weekend it was all about health and life. The residents of Biysk refused to leave their houses until the last moment: they were afraid of looters and tried to save as many things as possible by dragging them into the attics. But the water backed up, and getting out of the water captivity became vital, reports Biysky Rabochiy.

Viktor Eremeev from old Zelenka completely refused to leave the drowned house. Thermoses with hot tea, sandwiches and pilaf, wrapped in ten plastic bags His wife brought it to him on a boat, each time persuading him to sail away with her. The water is cold, the air is too, and there is no need to say what the risk of hypothermia is.

Raisa Podvoiskaya has been regularly “swimming” in the area of ​​the first post for 30 years, but there was no thought of “capitulating,” as she herself says. To all the persuasion to leave the flooded house, Raisa Ivanovna only shakes her head, but she firmly enforces the evacuation of her goats.

Elena, a resident of the village of Malugrenevo, says that the water rushed up at an unprecedented speed. And she is at home with two children. And the attic, which at first seemed like salvation, could turn out to be a fatal trap. Call the rescuers: “Come! Take it!” the woman began when she realized that she could no longer stay in the house. But here’s the problem: walking waist-deep in icy water, especially with two children at a constantly rising river level, is mortally dangerous. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived by boat and helped to get out.

We received comments and reproaches for the absence of rescuers from many parts of the city: from the flax mill, from Kozhevenny Lane, from Sorokino. Someone said that there were no rescuers at all, someone complained that they were coming, but slowly. The service itself admits that there were not enough boats and wetsuits, so they turned to Biychan residents who owned watercraft for help. According to the city administration as of Sunday, 243 people, 69 pieces of equipment, including 16 watercraft, were involved in eliminating the emergency situation, of which 143 people, 11 pieces of equipment, including 9 watercraft, were from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

BR journalists were also at the center of the events. We would like to add on our own behalf: people worked extremely hard. For three days, the faces did not change - the same rescuers worked for two or three days without sleep. It was often possible to see how people, without taking off their wetsuits, fell without strength, as soon as the boat touched the shore. Five to ten minutes to sleep here, in the boat, in cold water when there is noise, bustle and sometimes it rains. And back to work.

On the other side of the disaster, people were sitting on the roofs waiting for help, water and bread. And everyone has their own truth.
As already reported by the Amitel news agency, in Biysk 3,712 people (+150) are caught in the flood zone, of which 1,012 are children (+87), 1,784 people (+ 153) were evacuated from flooded houses, of which 229 children (+32) were resettled according to relatives and friends, 71 people were placed in temporary accommodation centers, of which 5 were children, 14 people, 7 of them with limited mobility, sought medical help followed by hospitalization.

A state of emergency has been introduced throughout the Altai Territory, but the situation in Charyshsky, Biysky, Krasnogorsky, Krasnoshchekovsky, Soloneshensky, Soltonsky districts and the science city of Biysk is under special control due to flooding of territories.

The traditional second wave of floods, when snow and glaciers begin to melt in the mountains, turned into a natural disaster for the region, like that what happened here in 1969.

Let's swim...

The cause of the current flood was prolonged heavy rains, which from May 26 to 30 hit the Altai Mountains and the foothills of the Altai Territory. The level of the rivers Biya, Katun, Charysh, Anui, and Peschanaya has risen rapidly. As usual, they didn’t expect big water: according to forecasts from the Hydrometeorological Center of the Altai Republic, last Wednesday, May 28, the rise in water in the rivers was supposed to be about 40-50 cm. But the water rose much higher - almost a meter.

The large and small rivers of Altai, overflowing with water, drowned everything they encountered along the way. In the Altai Republic, 22 road bridges, five pedestrian crossings were destroyed, and 230 kilometers of roads were damaged.

According to eyewitnesses, water appeared even on the first floors of houses located far from waterways in the center of Gorno-Altaisk. Computers floated in offices like children's boats in spring puddles.

Even on Monday, June 2, when the long-awaited decline began, nine settlements, 518 household plots, 505 residential buildings, home to 1,576 people, remained flooded on the territory of the republic. Most of them were evacuated.

Photo: AiF / Viktor Krutov

Water is trouble

In the Altai Territory, the Krasnogorsk, Solton, Biysk, Krasnoshchekovsky, Soloneshensky and Charysh districts were the first to bear the brunt of the elements. A particularly tense situation developed in the Charysh district and the city of Biysk.

However, even under pressure ice water many residents stubbornly refused to leave their homes, move to relatives' houses or temporary accommodation centers. Elena, a resident of the village of Malugrenevo in the Biysk region, remained in a private house with two small children. The flood drove them into the attic. Only there, realizing that she and the children were trapped, did the woman begin to call the rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, who rescued them from water captivity.

In addition to property damage, washed out roads, destroyed bridges and power lines, big water died a large number of livestock.

As a result of the natural disaster, five people are missing and one is dead (the body has already been found). A boat with ten people in it capsized on the Charysh River. Most managed to swim out. However, the 26-year-old boy and 10-year-old girl were not among those rescued. In the village of Antonyevka, Petropavlovsk region, a suspension bridge across the Anuy River, on which there were five village residents, was washed away. Two of them are missing.


The flood situation is changing hourly. In many flooded areas of the Altai Republic and Altai Territory, the water has receded. But the threat looms over other territories - those located down the Ob. Today, the most alarming situation has developed in the Bystroistoksky district of the Altai Territory. A group of rescuers from the Charysh region is being transferred here by helicopter, equipment and rescue equipment are being sent.

Photo: AiF / Viktor Krutov

In Bystry Istok there is also Deputy Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Eduard Chizhikov.

The water is rising at a rate of three centimeters per hour; at the moment the level is 32 centimeters above the critical level. Four settlements have been flooded, and work is underway to install dams.

The real threat loomed primarily over the suburban village of Zaton.

“In the Zaton microdistrict, traditionally flooded by flood waters, there are 461 houses,” noted Head of Barnaul Administration Igor Savintsev. “We have already created a two-week supply of food and water and a month’s supply of medicines here. Six pregnant women later have already been transported from the village to hospitals in Barnaul.”

According to him, humanitarian aid has already begun to arrive in the region from Moscow and neighboring regions. “The EMERCOM board delivered tents, bedding, dishes, field beds, and diesel generators for those affected by the disaster,” Savintsev emphasized.

“Despite the fact that in most flooded areas the water level is gradually decreasing, 8,986 houses remain flooded, from which 23,787 people have been evacuated. 82 temporary accommodation points have been deployed. The flood situation remains tense in 65 settlements in 14 districts,” he concluded.

About 10,000 houses were flooded in Altai in early June. According to preliminary estimates, the damage exceeded 2 billion rubles. Meanwhile, every day more and more assumptions arise about the causes of the cataclysm. Sib.fm brought together all the versions: the trout lakes of German Gref, the revenge of the “Princess of Ukok” and American weapons.

Version one. Official

In four days, a month's worth of precipitation fell in the Altai Republic, causing the Biya, Katun, Anui, Charysh and Maima rivers to overflow their banks. The most difficult situation has developed in Gorno-Altaisk, Maiminsky, Choysky, Chemalsky, Ulagansky, Shebalinsky districts. Floods in the region destroyed 51 bridges, 16 of which cannot be restored and will be rebuilt.

Version two. German Gref

According to journalists of the Khan-Altai information and tourism portal, the cause of flooding of populated areas on the Maima River was the artificial lakes at Gref’s dacha near Urlu-Aspak, the water from which was not drained on time due to trout spawning, and an embankment dam in the tract Kutash.

25.03.2015 13:19

The first flooding in the Altai Territory will begin in April, there is a risk of remaining flooded Largest cities region, as well as foothill areas. The water level in some rivers in a few weeks may exceed the maximum permissible levels by 0.3-0.9 m, ITAR-TASS reports citing the head of the Altai Regional Center for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring environment Alexander Luziger.

The rivers of the Altai Territory will begin to open up from ice three to six days earlier than long-term values. Ice drift is expected in early April, at which time the first wave of flooding may begin. “Flooding is possible in Biysk, Barnaul, Kamen-on-Obi, as well as in the area of ​​the Chumysh River - this year it is concentrated there greatest number water reserves in the snow cover are 201% of the norm, this is 162% of the maximum snow reserve,” the publication quotes Mr. Luziger as saying.

The next cold snap, which awaits the Altai Territory in the coming days, will weaken the rampant nature. Meanwhile, precipitation in the region is still continuing, but on March 25, instead of many days of rain, at least it snowed. “By the weekend the temperature may drop to -18-25°. This process is favorable for the flood - it will disrupt the current thaw and give a large ice crust that will collapse more slowly,” said the head of the Hydrometeorology Center.

The authorities of the Altai Territory are monitoring the situation in Biysk and Barnaul, Bystroistoksky, Krasnoshchekovsky and Charyshsky districts, which were affected in 2014. In total, about 12 thousand people could be affected by the flood in these areas. In the regional center, 10.5 million rubles were allocated to prepare for the flood; a reserve of 40 million rubles was created to eliminate and prevent potential emergencies in the city.

The head of the Barnaul administration, Igor Savintsev, noted that when the water level in the Ob is 640 centimeters above the zero of the water gauge “ big water"may come to the suburban villages of Zaton and the village of Ilyich, these are 324 houses with a population of 1,608 people. In the Bystroistoksky district, four settlements with a population of more than 5 thousand people may fall into the flood zone, in Charyshsky - five settlements with a population of 3,964 people and 58 infrastructure facilities, including eight bridges of regional importance.

At the moment, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and municipal authorities are preparing temporary accommodation centers and cleaning storm drains in cities, river beds are checked, hydraulic structures are inspected, and dams are built. As part of the command and staff exercises of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, which are held in the Altai Territory on March 24 and 25, a high alert regime has been introduced in the region for all departments.

Let us add that already on the night of March 25 there was significant warming and precipitation in the form of rain, melted and storm water a row of houses in the Central district of Barnaul. Emergency crews spent the entire night pumping out water.

One of the first documented floods occurred in Barnaul in the spring of 1793. Back on April 24, the frost reached -7°C and the Ob did not break free of ice. After the thaw and heavy rains the water in Barnaulka began to rise. On May 3, she broke through the protected bank and rushed to the Hospital Line (now Krasnoarmeysky Avenue). Production at the silver smelter was stopped. The confrontation lasted about 20 days. The flood washed away 123 thousand 500 pounds of ore. The water carried away 11 thousand 701 pounds of prepared goods charcoal and destroyed 10 houses. Then the Novopavlovsk plant on Kasmal also found itself in a difficult situation.

Alexey Labanov.

The history of monitoring the water level in the Ob River in Barnaul dates back to 1893. In the 20th century, the largest floods in Altai occurred in 1920, 1928, 1937, 1954, 1958, 1969. The historical maximum water level rise was recorded in 1937. On May 16, the Ob rose 763 cm above the zero point of the water gauge. The flood developed according to the same scenario: there was more snow that year than normal, ice drift began only in early May, and during it there were heavy rains. According to eyewitnesses, the water then reached the territory where the Old Bazaar is now located.

Another major flooding in Altai occurred in 1969. The water level then fell short of the maximum by 30 cm - a rise of the Ob River in the Barnaul region to 737 cm was recorded. Then, due to the overlap of the first and second waves of the flood high water stood for quite a long time. Because of the disaster, the Chemal hydroelectric power station was seriously damaged at the same time.

Since 1985, the critical water level near Barnaul of 520 cm has been exceeded 14 times. The river drowned the villages of Zaton and Ilyich. During this period, five times the water level in the river exceeded 600 cm above the zero point of the post, leading to the flooding of a significant part of the city. The last major flood in the region was in 2010. Due to severe freezing of the soil, a snowy winter and rapid melting of snow, the Ob River in the Barnaul region rose by 643 cm. Several areas of the region were flooded. This year, in the worst case scenario, meteorologists predict a rise in water levels to 600-670 cm.

This year the water has already set records in three populated areas the edges. exceeded the historical maximum on June 1. At 23.00 its level was 713 centimeters, also breaking the 2010 record (580 cm). On June 1 at 8.00 a figure of 671 cm was recorded here. The previous maximum water level rise of 136 cm was immediately surpassed. The 1991 record (271 cm) was broken on May 29-30. The water here rose to 407 cm that day.

Let us remind you that throughout the entire history of observations.


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