Unsolved mysteries of Crimea. Secrets and riddles

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Director: Denis Markovtsev
Production: Channel Culture (Russia)
Genre: Documentary / 4 episodes
The authors of the film take the viewer away from the usual tourist routes of Crimea, and Crimean scientists and archaeologists help them in this. The peninsula appears in films as the cradle of ancient mysterious civilizations - for example, such as cave cities located in the inner ridge of the Crimean ridge. These are unique settlements that have retained their ancient names to this day: Chufut-Kale, Mangup-Kale, Bakla, Tepe-Kermen and Kyz-Kermen.
Published: Oct 1 2015
Episode 1 - Crimea: Bakla (2015)
About the film: A cliff rises to a height of more than 470 meters above sea level, the steep walls of which are cut with caves. These caves had a variety of purposes: for life, for worship, for work. But what exactly the inhabitants of the settlement were doing at such a height, one can only guess. Bakla is fraught with many mysteries, which experts are trying to answer.
Episode 2 - Crimea: Kyz-Kermen and Tepe-Kermen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uTBj...
About the film: Both names are of Turkic origin. Tepe-Kermen translated means “Fortress on the Top,” which, in fact, is a simple statement of fact. But Kyz-Kermen has a beautiful and mysterious translation - “Maiden’s Fortress”. The main deity of the ancient population of Crimea - the Taurians - was the goddess Virgo, mistress of earth and water, life and death. Perhaps this is where the ancient name of the settlement originated? But there are other versions...
Episode 3 - Crimea: Mangup-Kale - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMkbE...
About the film: In the Middle Ages - the capital of the late Byzantine principality of Theodoro. At the end of the 14th century, heading to Khazaria, the Constantinople hieromonk Matthew saw on his way an amazing fortress city: deserted, destroyed by the Mongol-Tatars, but still keeping traces of its former splendor. The authors of the film tried to restore the history and ancient appearance of Mangup-Kale, one of the secrets of which was the possession of the “Golden Cradle” - presumably a Christian relic - the Holy Grail.
Episode 4 - Crimea: Chufut-Kale - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmZuW...
Of all the cave cities of Crimea, Chufut-Kale is perhaps the best preserved - here you can see not only ruins, but also entire houses. “Chufut” translated from Tatar means “Jew”, and “Kale” means “fortress”. The main ethnic group inhabiting the settlement were the Karaites - a religious group within Judaism, from which the name of the city came. However, in many chronicle sources Chufut-Kale was recorded under completely different names. One of them is Gevher-Kermen, which means “Fortress of Jewels”...

Published: Oct 29 2014
Crimea (Ukrainian Krim, Crimean Tatarstan. Qırım, Kyrym; also - Crimean Peninsula, Ukrainian. Krimskiy Pivostrіv, Crimean Tatarstan. Qırım yarımadası, Kyrym Yarymadasy) is a peninsula in the northern part of the Black Sea, washed from the northeast by the Sea of ​​Azov.
In Russian sources of the late 18th - early 20th centuries, the Crimean peninsula was also called “Tavrida”, hence the name of the Tauride province. The modern name of the peninsula probably comes from the Turkic word “kyrym” - rampart, wall, ditch.
Much of the peninsula is the subject of a territorial dispute between Russia, which controls the disputed territory, and Ukraine. According to the federal structure of Russia, the subjects of the disputed territory of Crimea are located Russian Federation Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol. According to the administrative division of Ukraine, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city with a special status of Sevastopol, which are part of Ukraine, are located on the disputed territory of Crimea. The northern part of the Arabat Spit belongs to the Kherson region of Ukraine and is not the subject of a territorial dispute.

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In 1921, on the instructions of the head of the Brain Institute, Vladimir Bekhterev, Alexander Barchenko went to the Seydozero area to study the mysterious disease of “measuring”. The head of the Laboratory of Neuroenergetics was unable to deal with the disease. But he discovered on the Kola Peninsula the remains of strange structures and the entrance to an underground labyrinth, protected from uninvited guests some kind of psychotropic fields.

A secret expedition to Crimea was carried out by the Laboratory of Neuroenergetics on the personal order of the Chairman of the Cheka, Felix Dzerzhinsky, in 1926. Judging by the scattered information preserved in the correspondence of A. Barchenko, the work was carried out in the areas of Bakhchisarai and the coast of Southern Crimea, where the remains of the so-called “underground cities” were preserved. The main goal of the second expedition of A. Barchenko was to continue the search for traces of ancient civilization and its knowledge on managing the human psyche, which would be useful to the head of the most secret Special Department of the Cheka, Gleb Bokiya, and the latter’s chief, Felix Dzerzhinsky, in their far-reaching plans for managing the new Russia.

In the early 90s, a former nuclear submariner, retired captain of the first rank, Vitaly Gokh, made a discovery on the southern coast of Crimea that showed that Iron Felix was not in vain giving A. Barchenko money to search for traces of ancient civilizations here. A retired captain discovered in Crimea... pyramids resembling Egyptian ones in size and geometric proportions. Their height ranged from 36 to 62 meters. For many centuries, these giants eluded the attention of both local residents and scientists for a very simple reason. All 37 Crimean pyramids, located in the quadrangle Sevastopol - Cape Sarych - Yalta - Bakhchisarai, were completely covered by modern sediments. The retired captain was able to make his discovery using a device he created to track submarines. It turned out that with minor changes the device can “see” what lies deep underground.
First, with the help of a unique device, V. Gokh searched for his neighbors to find groundwater that was scarce in the south of Crimea. But it soon became clear that the device reacts both to underground voids and to metals hidden in the ground.

The first pyramid in Crimea was discovered when they were looking for platinum in the Sevastopol area. There were rumors among archaeologists that in ancient times crucible melting of precious metal was carried out here. V. Gokh did not find platinum, but unexpectedly the device showed the presence of underground voids, and quite large ones at that. We decided to make a hole. At a depth of 10 meters, the first Crimean pyramid was discovered, completely, “to the very top,” covered with pebbles and rubble.

The Crimean pyramids were not “twins” of the Egyptian ones. The latter, as is known, have a square as their base. In Crimea, the base of the pyramids had a triangular shape in plan. But the ratio of base to height was, as in Egypt, 1.6 - the famous “ golden ratio».

Imagine the amazement of the researchers of the underground secrets of the Crimean peninsula when, near the excavated Sevastopol pyramid, from under the crumbling earth under shovels, first appeared... the stone head of a “sphinx”, strikingly reminiscent of its Egyptian counterpart. In the parietal part of the huge sculpture, a hole was discovered leading to a spherical cavity with a diameter of about 10 meters. When the pyramid explorers excavated the layer of rubble that had accumulated at the bottom of the cavity, they saw the entrance leading to the body of the sphinx, firmly sealed with fragments of limestone.
During the excavations, Goh noticed the high spirits that seized people as they descended the dug pit to the pyramid. Inside the figure this feeling intensified. People who fell into the spherical cavity said that they literally “bathed” in streams of energy.


When the reality of the pyramids was confirmed by excavations, Gokh noticed that their location practically coincides with energetically active zones located deep in the earth near Yalta, Sevastopol, Bakhchisarai and the long-abandoned city of Mangut.

The impact of the Crimean pyramids and the Sphinx on the people’s psyche could probably have been the reason for A. Barchenko organizing his expedition to Crimea. True, the existence of pyramids was not known at that time. But ancient legends have been preserved, indicating that near Sevastopol, in the area of ​​​​the ancient cave city of Eski-Kermen, covering a large port from the sea Byzantine Empire Chersonesos, there were massive impacts on the mental state of people.
The head of the Laboratory of Neuroenergy, Barchenko, could not ignore these legends in his search. The legends said that when the city was threatened by danger from the sea, Saint George the Victorious “descended” from the fresco of the underground temple and struck the crews of enemy ships sailing towards the city with his spear. And then some sailors, overcome with horror, turned away from the shore, others, as if drunk, swam straight onto the rocks and found their death there.

The veracity of the legends about the sinking of ships was confirmed by a real inexplicable disaster that occurred in May 1909. One of the most advanced submarines at that time, the Kambala, perished under the bow of the squadron battleship Rostislav. An experienced naval officer, Lieutenant Akvilonov, standing on the bridge of the submarine, suddenly, like sailors from ancient legends, fell into a blissful euphoric state, and read poetry instead of changing the course of the submarine. A forensic medical examination showed that the submarine captain was sober at the time of the disaster, not under the influence of drugs, and declared him sane.

The reason for the legends and the mystery of the death of the Kambala submarine became clear only after the end of World War II, when the famous German explorer of the unknown, Eugen Siebert, came to Crimea. Using devices that allow you to record different kinds natural and man-made effects on humans, the scientist proved that the reason for Officer Akvilonov’s strange behavior was ultra-low-frequency sounds arising from certain atmospheric phenomena in the Eski-Kermen area.

Did Alexander Barchenko find pyramids in Crimea in the 20s of the last century? This is difficult to say. But here's what's interesting. He carried out his work in the area of ​​Sevastopol and Bakhchisarai. That is, in the very places where half a century later, retired captain V. Gokh discovered his pyramids underground and where, according to his data, there are energetically active zones. By the way, you don’t need to have unique geophysical instruments to detect them. Experienced operators will be able to detect them using topographic map and dowsing frame. It is logical to assume that Alexander Barchenko chose objects for his research based primarily on legends.


There is a legend associated with the cave city of Chufut-Kale, rising in the mountains above Bakhchisarai. During the time of the Golden Horde, the city of Kyrk-ora, as Chufut-Kale was then called, was ruled by the cruel Khan Tokhtamysh. Many treasures were kept in the deep cellars of the Khan's palace. But Khan Tokhtamysh considered the most precious thing to be the young beauty Dzhanyke, whom he hid in his harem.

But then trouble came. Kirk-Ork was surrounded by enemies who knew that there were no sources of water in the fortress, and without water there was no life. “Let’s wait,” they decided. - We have a lot of time, we have water, we have bread too. Time passed, and people in Kirk-or began to fall like autumn leaves. One day, a shepherd boy snuck into Dzhanyka’s harem. And he told about the suffering of ordinary people, how small children die without water. And then he says: “I know where there is water underground, but I can’t crawl to it - I have broad shoulders. And you are thin, like a twig, you will crawl into the crevice and get water from there.” All night the girl and boy carried water into the city reservoir with small wineskins. When the sun rose, Dzhanyke felt that a small bird “flew” from her chest. The girl fell to the ground and died. The enemies never managed to capture Kyrk-or.
Many in Crimea had heard a beautiful legend about a thin girl who saved the inhabitants of the city, but no one suspected that this legend could be true. In August 1998, archaeologists excavated to the south of the fortress wall and uncovered the mouth of a buried well. The total depth of the well, which once supplied water to the inhabitants of the fortified city, was 45 meters. A huge dungeon with several halls was revealed, connecting them with stairs and reservoirs in which underground water accumulated. According to hydrogeologists who studied the underground, it was not created for water supply.

Considering that the place near Bakhchisarai is, according to Vitaly Gokh, a geoactive place, another hypothesis has the right to exist. The dungeon under Kyrk-or is a remnant of more ancient structures that used the energy of the earth for sacred purposes, like the cavity inside the “sphinx” found near Sevastopol. The materials that Alexander Barchenko brought with him after the Crimean expedition were lost in the archives of first the Cheka, then the NKVD and, finally, the KGB. But the fact that the head of the Laboratory of Neuroenergetics received large sums to conduct another expedition to Altai indicates that the results of his work in Crimea satisfied his customer - Chairman of the Cheka F.E. Dzerzhinsky.


CRIMEA. What was Ahnenerbe looking for on the peninsula during the war?

SECRETS and MYSTERIES OF CRIMEA. What was Ahnenerbe looking for on the peninsula during the war?

Crimea has always attracted with its secrets. It was also studied by the scientific department of the NKVD, and then by the Ahnenerbe during the Second World War. What were they looking for there? And what did they find?..

In the second half of the 20s. Alexander Barchenko tried to implement the project of convening a congress of carriers of Ancient knowledge belonging to different faiths. Having received the “message of the Mahatmas,” the Soviet authorities rushed to hold a “Theosophical Congress” in Moscow, where the leading role would, of course, belong to Nicholas Roerich. In different parts of the country, large and small magicians found themselves involved in global political processes.

Since 1925 practical work Barchenko was closely involved in preparing the convening of the congress of religious and mystical communities of Russia and the East in Moscow. Why did he establish connections with Hasidim, Ismailis, Karaites, Tibetan and Mongolian lamas, Altai Old Believers, Kerzhaks, the Russian sect of Golbeshniks, etc. The mystical scientist wandered around the country, leaving Moscow for different regions of the Union: to the Crimea, to Leningrad, to Altai , to Ufa, to the former Samara province, and also to Kostroma. All these long and short trips required a lot of money. “The money, as well as all my material support, was subsidized by group member Gleb Ivanovich Bokiy. Since 1925, a total of about 100 thousand rubles have been received from him,” Alexander Vasilyevich reported in 1937 during KGB interrogations. This figure would represent at least $600,000 in today's times.

Carrying out his plans, A.B. Barchenko went to Bakhchisarai in 1927, where he established contact with members of the Muslim dervish order Saidi-Eddini-Jibavi. Subsequently, he summoned the son of the sheikh of the Muslim dervish order Saidi-Eddini-Jibavi to Moscow to meet Gleb Bokiy.

Presumably at the same time, Barchenko traveled to Ufa and Kazan, where he met the dervishes of the Naqsh-Bendi and Khalidi orders.

Barchenko also developed close relationships with domestic knowledge keepers, golbeshniks, whose head, Elder Nikitin, Alexander Vasilyevich visited in the fall of 1924 in Kostroma. In March 1927, Barchenko again came to Kostroma and, in addition to Nikitin, also met here with the son of the sheikh of the Muslim order Saadia, but these exotic contacts attracted the attention of the OGPU, and in Kostroma the scientist was arrested, but hastily released at the request of Bokiy. And in the same March 1927, Alexander Vasilyevich was already on an expedition in Crimea, where, in parallel with his scientific work, he established connections with members of the dervish order.

He came to Crimea as part of a scientific expedition sanctioned by Bokiy as a group leader; Barchenko’s deputy, as on the trip to the Kola Peninsula, was astrophysicist A. Kondiain. It is believed that Alexander Kondiain had been living in Crimea for some time, in the village of Aziz near Bakhchisarai. All employees were selected by A.B. Barchenko and E.E. Gopius and approved by G.I. Bokiem. As Oleg Shishkin writes in the book “The Battle for the Himalayas,” “Bokiy was also interested in the Crimean Mountains for purely practical reasons: there were areas of geomagnetic anomalies here. They created difficulties in the passage of radio waves.”

Bakhchisarai became the base of a scientific expedition. Years later, here, in Bakhchisarai, there will be a temporary headquarters of the outstanding Nazi commander Erich von Manstein (1887–1973), and in Crimea, Nazi researchers will also have their own interests, directed to distant antiquity.

According to historian Valery Demin, Barchenko, on the personal instructions of Dzerzhinsky, led a top secret expedition to the caves of Crimea, the purpose of which was “to search for the remains of ancient civilizations, which, according to the concept of the Russian scientist, possessed universal Knowledge. But Barchenko was looking for more: he believed that ancient civilizations possessed the secret of atomic splitting, other sources of energy, as well as effective means psychotronic influence on people. And this information has not disappeared, it has been preserved in encoded form, it can be found and deciphered. This, not least, explains the increased interest in his research on the part of the security officers and Dzerzhinsky personally. Was the evidence you were looking for found? The answer to this question is hidden behind seven seals. Secret services have always been able to keep their secrets” (see V. Demin. “Secrets of the Russian People: In Search of the Origins of Rus'”).

“In the mountains,” adds historian O. Shishkin, “the legendary Goths lived two hundred years ago. They disappeared, only a few stone steles and labyrinths in the caves reminded of the ancient architects who fled here, perhaps from the great flood.” Whether this is true or not, we must not forget that the iron Polish Jew Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky died on June 20, 1926, i.e. almost a year before the Crimean expedition of the Special Department.

It is clear that Barchenko was attracted by the mysterious Shambhala, a country where high truths are accessible and where you can communicate with each other without words, but only with the help of telepathy. Despite the fact that he received the coordinates of Shambhala from Dorzhiev’s words, there was still other information regarding its location. While some claimed that Shambhala was located in the Tibet region in the Himalayas, others insisted that it was in Altai, others attributed the mysterious country to the Persian borders and even deep into the hollow Earth; but there were also those who argued that the desired zone was located in Crimea. Previously inaccessible archival documents now indicate that in the 30s of the XX century. Shambhala was searched not only in Tibet, but in Karelia, Altai, in the swampy labyrinths of Ugra, in the Crimea and other places in the USSR. Everyone who was looking for a mysterious country from 1937 to 1941 would be arrested and shot. Everyone who is somehow connected with this mystery will die.

The results of the scientific research of the Special Department's expedition to Crimea have become new property of Bokiy's secret archives. But some details of the expedition’s stay on the blessed land of ancient Taurida are known.

From Bakhchisarai, Barchenko, through the Soviet consul in Mongolia, member of the United Labor Brotherhood Vladimir Korolev (a recent NKID referent and graduate of the Institute of Living Oriental Languages), conveys a message for the Buryat scientist Tsybikov in Ulan-Ude, in which, speaking about personal meetings with golbeshniks, he indicates on their great mission: “They gradually deepened my knowledge and expanded my horizons. This year, from February 28 to March 7, they formally accepted me into their midst and formally authorized me in the month of March of this year to notify all foreigners who know the tradition about our work in Russia... It is precisely this authority that I fulfill with this letter.” One can say to Ogonbochzhab Tsybikov, a graduate of St. Petersburg University, that this outstanding man at the beginning of the 20th century managed, under the guise of a Buryat pilgrim, to visit the most hidden monasteries of the Tibetan highlands.

Having fulfilled the order, Korolev will give for his comrade from ETB Barchenko a book by the future “Mother of the World” E.I. Roerich “Community”, sending it through Gleb Ivanovich Bokiy.

What could special officers from the Cheka study on the fertile land of Crimea? Modern researchers can safely say that Crimea is rich in historical past, and its history goes back to the times of Atlantis and the early Aryans. There are so many strange stories connected with this land! As if, according to the newly minted cosmists and contactees, the first settlers of the Crimean Peninsula could communicate with the Cosmos through a magic crystal that they brought with them from intergalactic travels. This crystal connected the Earth's core with the constellation Canes Venatici; while other crystals on Earth connected to other constellations. The crystal worked until the last Atlantean civilization; but the global flood and the displacement of the continents interrupted this opportunity, and the current Crimeans, individual residents of the city of Sevastopol, are ready to restore the work of the amazing artifact, activating it with a collective energy message. The crystal is believed to be located in the depths of Sapun Mountain, possibly in an underground pyramid. By the way, when measuring the electromagnetic field on Sapun Mountain, the instruments show very low voltage.

Pyramids have always captured people's imagination. They are seen and found not only in the famous Giza, in Egypt, not only in South-East Asia and South America, but at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and even on Mars. Only in the 20th century were pyramids found in Japan, China and Crimea. And at the beginning of the 21st century, a giant pyramidal structure, erected approximately 20,000 years ago, was discovered in the center of Europe, in

Bosnia. It is no wonder that interest in these objects is constantly growing, because absolutely incredible, often fantastic properties have long been attributed to the pyramids.

It is believed that the fact that in the vicinity of Sevastopol at a depth of 10–15 meters there are at least seven pyramids identical to the Egyptian ones became known by chance. However, according to one of my trusted interlocutors, the secret services were well aware of the pyramids in Crimea, as well as the mysterious caves, even under Comrade Stalin. In addition, as it became known, in 1927 (according to other sources, in 1926), Barchenko’s expedition in Crimea searched for pyramids. But have I found - as they say, a big question, to which a positive answer is not excluded. In our time, a group of researchers led by Candidate of Technical Sciences V.A. stumbled upon underground pyramids. Gokh while working to find new sources fresh water. Subsequently, Vitaly Anatolyevich Gokh claimed that they discovered seven pyramids at once in the area from Sevastopol to Foros. He is sure that similar pyramids were built along the entire southern coast of Crimea. “They are all located on the same line - on the same line as the Tibetan pyramids and the famous Stonehenge. And all these underground structures are oriented to the northwest,” the scientist emphasized.

Now all the objects found have been scanned, and one of the pyramids is similar in appearance to the famous Egyptian Sphinx, however, researchers believe that the age of the Crimean find is 15,000 to 20,000 years older than the pyramids in Egypt. And this is certainly great mystery. And another strange thing: a scan of the peninsula showed that more than 40 pyramids rest in the depths here. Moreover, 28 of them form a huge diamond with the center in the village of Krasny Mak. I think I won’t shock a positively thinking reader if I admit that my interlocutor, talking about the mysterious places of Crimea, told about his journey in Space and Time along a spatial corridor (scientists call it a wormhole), ending up in the area of ​​a destroyed church near the Belbek River. He and I were then driving along a dusty road on a bus that was passing nearby; The bus route ran from Sevastopol to the Krasny Poppy stop. According to him, he himself was involved in experiments in a closed laboratory. Moreover, it was not just a laboratory, but part of a system of closed institutes and laboratories (similar to the Ahnenerbe and the same Special Department), which functioned until the fall of the Soviet empire in 1991. In the book “The True Fate of Admiral Kolchak,” the author wrote that thanks to Barchenko’s expedition, “not only caves were thoroughly explored, but also carefully equipped ones located on great depth tunnels leading to unique shapes; in content and architecture of the cities of pre-ancient civilizations! 10 years after these events, these underground cities will be “mastered” by a unit of the Main Directorate of State Security, but... unexpectedly for the organizers of that expedition, everything will disappear without a trace, and the entrances to the tunnels will look as if no one had opened them! Is this mystic? Most likely, no, this was the desire of certain structures: to remove witnesses, to confuse everything and... In the end, this could not mean that the interest of certain structures in pre-ancient civilizations in Crimea had been exhausted.”

I will add that my narrator told his story about a fantastic journey, just as he wrote these dates in his book long before the first materials about the underground pyramids found in Crimea appeared in print. And - a strange thing - for the umpteenth time there are more and more confirmations of such ambiguous confidential stories...

Researchers of the Crimean pyramids believe that all these homogeneous structures were erected to transmit cosmic energy. At the same time, some of them receive energy, while others give it away.

While official science keeps silent about such amazing finds (this happened with the temple pyramidal complex off the Japanese island of Yonaguni, and with the Chinese pyramids in Sichuan province, and with the Bosnian man-made mountain Visočica, etc.), advanced scientists are trying to conduct their research. And the help of astrophysicists and mathematicians is not at all out of place here. For example, mathematicians have proven that all pyramids contain the “golden ratio”, “magic square” and “sacred triangle”. Astronomers and astrophysicists have recognized that the pyramid is an encrypted model of the Cosmos, since it is built according to cosmic proportions and is most often oriented along the North Star. And the three great pyramids on the Giza plateau and the pyramid complex in Mexico also repeat the location of the stars in Orion’s belt or the location of the planets of the solar system. Biologists also made their own discoveries, pointing out that products that fall into the pyramid are mummified, and do not mold and rot. Such strange properties of some pyramids have also been discovered: here blades are sharpened by themselves, seeds germinate, surprising with their germination and yield, etc. So maybe it’s true that the pyramidal shape ensures the accumulation of cosmic energy, which can miraculously influence organisms?

There are pyramids, there are many of them, they are scattered all over the globe - this is an irrefutable fact. But by whom and why were they built and what miracles are they capable of? - this remains to be recognized, if, of course, it succeeds. After all, it is known that not every pyramid allows secret hunters to approach it. For example, the path to the pyramids of China (discovered by a US pilot in 1944) runs through the Valley of Death, where several international scientific expeditions have already disappeared. Jokes with mysterious powers are bad...

And here is some more interesting information that can shake the stubbornness of skeptics. In 1967, the famous American physicist and Nobel Prize winner Dr. Luis Alvarez decided to investigate the passage cosmic rays through the thickness of Khafre's pyramid, using the latest electronic technology at that time. Prominent Egyptian physicists came to the aid of the scientist and his group from the University of California. After the results were processed on a computer, Dr. Alvarez refused to comment on them. But his colleague from Egypt, the physicist Goneid, openly declared that they were “simply unthinkable” because, in his words: “They were either influenced by a significant error that had crept into the geometry of the pyramid, or by a mystery that we are not able to explain. Call it what you want - the curse of the pharaohs, magic or magic."

There is no doubt among sensible people that we are still dealing with a mystery that we are unable to explain; which means that all world science, despite its breakthroughs and achievements, remains imperfect.

For some strange (to us) reasons, our distant ancestors also made small pyramids of stones, performing all sorts of magical rituals near them. It is believed that with the help of “pyramid” magic one can perform miracles: for example, by plunging into a trance, one can recognize the will of the gods and transmit it to fellow tribesmen. According to publicist Sergei Demkin, the “pyramid effect” can be explained by the fact that in places with an anomalous energy structure of the subsoil, any objects geometric shape, made of stone, turn into energy accumulators or “focusing lenses” of telluric (earthly) radiation, greatly enhancing its effect on living and dead matter.

So, we don’t know what exactly they were looking for in Crimea and what the specialists from Bokiy’s secret department found. By the way, the Communists will seduce (and successfully) their herald Gorky with Crimea. In 1932, as a gift for the writer’s 40th birthday, the seaside palace in the town of Tesli, near Cape Foros, where the landscapes were identical to the landscapes of Italy and Capri, to which Alexei Maksimovich was so accustomed, was urgently repaired. But was it only beauty, and not magic, that they tried to keep the fiery petrel in the land of victorious demons?

Deciphered pages of German archives, showing what German scientists were looking for in the steppes, mountains and depths of the Crimean Peninsula in the 40s of the 20th century, could partly shed light on the mystery associated with the presence of people from the Special Department here in the late 20s.

It has already been said about the German commander Erich von Manstein, whose headquarters during the Second World War was temporarily located in Bakhchisarai. From September 1942, Alfred Frauenfeld (1898–1977) was appointed General Commissioner of Crimea - Tavria; its headquarters were located in Melitopol. Immediately after his appointment, Gauleiter Frauenfeld organized an archaeological expedition, led by SS-Brigadeführer von Alvensleben and army officers Colonel Kalk and Captain Werner Baumelburg, all of whom were representatives of the Ahnenerbe organization. The expedition explored the outskirts of Bakhchisarai and the fortified city of Mangup-Kale. In the early Middle Ages, “cave cities” arose in Crimea, located in hard-to-reach places in the inner ridge of the Crimean Mountains. Mangup-Kale, as the capital of the politically independent principality of Theodoro, was one of these cities located on Mount Baba-Dag.

Of course, caves and grottoes were of interest to Nazi scientists not only as supposed objects of ancient cultural heritage, but also as objects of a different, more mystical or mystical-practical than purely practical nature. The imperial manager of the Ahnenerbe research and intelligence structure, Wolfram Sievers, testifying during interrogation on June 29, 1945, said: “The karst and cave research department was headed by Dr. Hans Brand, a member of the party and SS troops. He also worked at the Karst Research Institute, which studied cave formations in the mountains for military purposes. Brand headed the SS fortification department, a scientific unit that conducted research in the field of fortification. It was located in Eienfels, Austria. It is believed that Brand was brought into the SS troops to organize units intended to defend karst caves.” As it turns out, within the Ahnenerbe structure there was a research unit of speleologists to study the karsts of Crimea, Abkhazia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Moravia, Ecuador, the mountain ranges of Everest, Mont Blanc and Kilimonjaro. Why was the “Imperial Union of Speleology and Karst Research” created?

But why and for what purpose did the Reich, with its auxiliary structures “Ahnenerbe” and the “Black Order” of the SS, need these objects, which also needed to be heavily guarded? - We don’t know this thoroughly. However, I cannot resist citing the unusual remark of a full member of the New York Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Fuad Feyzullaev, in his discussion of the conquest of Antarctica by the Fuhrer's troops, who wrote: “Tibet attracted him with the idea of ​​​​immortality. After all, as you know, in the caves of Tibet there are still thousands of people sitting in a state of suspended animation, whose age is fantastic - 700 years or more. This incredible truth was confirmed by the recent expedition of Professor Ernst Muldashev. Not hoping to get into the caves and prolong his life by occult means, Hitler decided to do this with the help of science - to freeze himself with the aim of later reviving. We will not develop the topic of “freezing” further; What is interesting here is the very fact of the possible relationship between mountain caves and life extension.

It is possible that local residents, Russian researchers, or even talented scientists helped the Germans in their scientific research in the mountains of Crimea. It is known that there were many Russian people in the ranks of Ahnenerbe. Let's say, the “bison of genetics” Nikolai Vladimirovich Timofeev-Resovsky (1900–1981), who headed the department of genetics and biophysics at the Kaiser Wilhelm Brain Institute in Nazi Germany, is one of the founders of radiobiology and evolutionary genetics, who stood at the origins of molecular biology. After the end of World War II and a short stint in a Soviet camp in 1947, he was transferred to a secret laboratory in the Ural village of Sungul to head the biophysical department. Since 1955, after his release, he held leadership positions in various scientific institutes THE USSR. It is curious that his family goes back to Rurik, and among his ancestors is the hero of Sevastopol, Admiral Nakhimov. One of the students of this outstanding Soviet scientist subsequently, veiledly bypassing the German period of Timofeev-Resovsky’s service, wrote: “So the laboratory of radiobiology of the Sevastopol biological station, created on September 5, 1956, was subsequently transformed into the department of radiation and chemical biology of the Institute of Biology of the South Seas. A.O. Kovalevsky of the USSR Academy of Sciences, became a branch of the mighty scientific tree of “radiation biogeocenology”, formed by Nikolai Vladimirovich among the “infidels” (in Berlin, Copenhagen and other cities).”

It is possible that at the German Brain Institute in the 30s of the 20th century. experiments were carried out, somewhat identical to those done by employees of the Soviet “institution with an occult bias” - the Brain Institute, headed by its director Bekhterev. And where did our hero A.B. work at one time? Barchenko. By the way, the father of one of Barchenko’s most devoted students, Lydia Nikolaevna Shishelova (nee Markova), having emigrated from the Soviet country, collaborated with the new German government. NOT. Markov is a well-known leader of the Black Hundred, while still a Duma deputy. Russian Empire, called for the expulsion or extermination of criminal Jewish traders. In 1918, Barchenko attended an occult circle, which was headed by cousin Markova - D.V. Bobrovsky; there he met his student, a member of his future expeditions, and her father. Lidia Nikolaevna was so imbued with Barchenko’s hobbies that she did not want to go into exile with her father, remaining in the USSR with her husband, a graduate of the Oriental Institute Yu.V. Shishelov. The young woman also visited Crimea along with the expedition of a teacher from the Special Department. Perhaps she had a chance to collect pseudo-scientific rumors about the mysterious inhabitants and legends of this region (as was the case in 1922 on the Kola Peninsula). Without a doubt, not only ancient knowledge, not only everything mysterious and unknown, but also animals unknown to science were also desirable objects for study. It is known that in the early 20s of the 20th century, news was circulated in Crimean newspapers about a strange monster in the form of a huge relic snake with a dog (hare) head, short legs, with horny plates on the body and a sparse mane. One could laugh along with the local wits who invented such a legend, but, as it turned out, similar creatures were encountered on the peninsula both in the Middle Ages and in our days. Moreover, even now, quite respectable people often witness meetings with such monsters, and at the same time with giants - three-meter humanoid creatures speaking an incomprehensible language, whose sanity cannot be doubted. Local residents of Bakhchisaray, the villages of Koktebel, Ordzhonikidze, in the area of ​​Kara-Dag and Cape Meganom, near Kerch and in other places of Crimea, where there are mountain caves or entrances to rock grottoes, also saw a monster or even several. By the way, a note about the monster from Koktebel, for the capture of which a company of Red Army soldiers was sent, which eventually discovered only a trace of the mysterious creature, was sent to his colleague by the poet Maximilian Voloshin, who had lived in Crimea since 1917. As a result, the recipient of the message, Mikhail Bulgakov, wrote his story “Fatal Eggs.” And it’s also interesting: ichthyologists and employees of the Institute of Biology witnessed the meeting with huge tailed amphibians South Seas- the same one to the development of which the former Ahnenerbe employee, the Soviet scientist N.V., contributed his mind and efforts. Timofeev-Resovsky.

In 1942–1943 specialists from the “Heritage of Ancestors” actively carried out excavations on the ruins of the Gothic cities of Crimea. It is known about the expedition sent by G. Himmler to the Black Sea steppes in July 1942. The expedition was led by one of the world's best specialists in Gothic and Viking cultures, Dr. Herbert Jankun. Her goal was to search for the remains of the material culture of the Gothic kingdom. Historians never tire of asserting that the Reich’s ideologists planned that Crimea and the lower reaches of the Dnieper should be completely settled and colonized by Germans alone. The future colony was named Gotengau (Gothic district), in honor of the Goths, who Jankun believed were the ancestors of the German Aryans. Everything is so, but to this it is worth adding something that modern historians do not take into account (or are silent about): Comrade Stalin populated Crimea with Ukrainians - in the 30s and 50s of the 20th century. There were several waves of forced mass deportation of Ukrainian families to the steppe and coastal regions of Crimea, where they became Crimean collective farmers. This is one of Stalin's time bombs, the detonator of which is the question of nationality and geography. And here the Soviet General Secretary was not far from the Nazis: the Ukrainization of the Russian multinational Crimea is no better than Aryanization.

The attention of researchers of the Third Reich has always been attracted by mysterious caves in the mountains, and especially caves under water. Crimea was no exception in this regard. It is enough just to remember the great achievements of the Nazis in terms of the development of the Russian North and Antarctica and the construction there of unique, hidden from everyone, bases for their submarines. The memoirs voiced by the heirs of some scientists from the Ahnenerbe speak of a strange effect on the psyche of explorers of caves and grottoes. Often members of the expeditions had the feeling that they were being watched, an unaccountable fear arose, as if the place was “sealed” by unknown forces. There have been cases when expeditions that went to above-ground, underground or underwater caves disappeared without a trace. About similar incidents that took place in our time, you can find reports in the open press, read in the works of Ernst Muldashev and other travel scientists. Those who tried to penetrate into individual Crimean caves also felt horror; some of the curious died with a grimace of genuine horror on their faces.

For example, B. Lytton, author of The Last Days of Pompeii and Rome and The Race That Will Come, believes that creatures with superhuman power live deep beneath the surface of the Earth. The greatest American anthropologist and researcher of shamanism, M. Harner, expresses the same thoughts in his books. The President of the Association for Engineering Dowsing, Vladimir Khlopkov, said that together with researchers from the association, he established that underground, at a depth of 200 kilometers, there is a certain strong, but alien to man, Intelligence. Most likely, the carriers of intelligence look like information and energy clots. Khlopkov managed to discover places on the surface of the earth where this mind could “come out” to the surface.

Quite scientific studies of caves are interesting and have become famous; True, they were not in Crimea, but in Khakassia. Here, in the Kuznetsk Alatau mountains, there is the Kashkulakskaya cave, known to all ufologists in Russia (the cave of the Black Devil, also the cave of the Black Shaman). For many years, scientists from the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences examined traces of ancient cult sites with anomalous properties, including Kashkulak, where strange phenomena occurred to people staying in the cave for a long time. From time to time, visitors to the cave were seized by an insurmountable horror, and people rushed headlong to the exit. The feeling of horror was most often accompanied by the same visual hallucinations for everyone, when people saw an old man in a shaggy hat with horns and burning eyes. Was this not a frightening projection of the inhabitants of the lower worlds, protecting their territories from uninvited guests? To understand what was happening, scientists placed high-frequency magnetometers and other instruments in and around the cave and compared changes in their readings with the experiences experienced by people in the cave. It turned out that at the moment people began to feel nervous, the devices recorded sharp bursts of an increased magnetic field. And while the instruments located outside did not note any changes, the instruments underground were off scale, as if they indicated that a strong magnetic storm was raging around. Some of the scientists who carried out the research believed that in the cave they encountered a kind of radio beacon, operating according to an incomprehensible program and sending signals through the rock mass vertically upward into space. Here is the conclusion of the employees of the above-mentioned institute, Trofimov, Baranovsky and others, recorded in scientific reports and preserved in the archives. The pulse under study turned out to be low-frequency; it was not perceived by the human ear, but had an impact on the psyche of humans and other living beings who found themselves in the cave. The impulses recorded by instruments have nothing to do with natural ones. Such low-frequency pulses with a stable amplitude can only be generated by an artificial emitter. Research that began in the 80s of the 20th century ceased already in the 90s, coinciding with the collapse of the Union and the cessation of funding.

Could this mean, our contemporaries ask, that mysterious underground creatures living in the depths of the earth came from Space and in this way communicate with their fellow tribesmen? But in Soviet times (and it was then that measurements were taken) such thoughts were blasphemous... True, such thoughts arose much earlier - among employees from the Special Department, among their Nazi colleagues from Ahnenerbe. As you know, Comrade Adolf Hitler also shared the Hollow Earth theory. Is this why scientists from the Third Reich were so interested in exploring caves and searching for entrances to the underworld?

We can find the statement from some domestic storytellers that “soon after the capture of Sevastopol by the troops of the 11th German Army in July 1942, one of the leaders of the Ahnenerbe, Alfred Frauenfeld, organized a special archaeological expedition to examine the cave cities on the territory of Sevastopol and the Bakhchisarai region of Crimea. The German research group that examined the cave cities followed in the footsteps of Barchenko’s expedition, which studied these places in 1927. The SS expedition paid the greatest attention to ancient city Mangup, located between Sevastopol and Bakhchisarai. Also, Nazi researchers carefully studied the cave complexes in Inkerman, the cave monasteries of Chelter and Shuldan in the vicinity of Sevastopol. Much attention was paid cave cities and temples in the vicinity of Bakhchisarai. The expedition took place under the cover of a legend about searching for traces of the presence of the ancient German tribe of Goths in the Crimea and Sevastopol, in order to historically justify their subsequent annexation to Germany. But in fact, the task of this German expedition, as well as Barchenko’s expedition, was to search for traces and artifacts of the Neolithic civilization founded by people from North Africa, which we now know as the Kemi-Oba archaeological culture, and attempts to discover the ways in which its shamans and magicians, and then priests, could combine their psychophysical and biophysical energy with the energy of the earth’s fields, thereby achieving the implementation of their various plans.” As we see, there are still more guesses and assumptions being made than there are indisputable facts.

And yet, the main work of German researchers took place in the places of ancient buildings of the so-called “Crimean Gothia”. Directories say: “Crimean Gothia spread... to the east of Balaklava, reaching Sugdeya (Pike-perch). The capital of Gothia - Dori, Doras, Daras and, finally, Theodoro - was located on Babadag, a table-shaped limestone outcrop, in plan resembling a hand. This majestic mountain dwelling of the Goths was almost inaccessible: only one road led to it. Englishman E.D. Clork wrote in 1800: “Nothing in any part of Europe surpasses the terrible majesty of this place.” Therefore, it is absolutely no coincidence that the Mangup plateau subsequently became the center of all kinds of research by SS special forces, researchers say, believing that the only goal of such expeditions was to discover Gothic (German) roots. In order to subsequently transform “Crimean Gothia” with the help of scientists and the media into a powerful ancient state of the Goth-Germans and justify the seizure of Crimea as the inheritance of eternal territories.

Of course, the history of the Reich confirms this with such facts. On July 17, 1941, Adolf Hitler signed a decree establishing the “Eastern Ministry.” Since September 1941, the Ukrainian Imperial Commissariat began to operate within the ministry; it included the Tauride General Commissariat, whose task was to transform Crimea into the “German Riviera,” as evidenced in the corresponding directive of Reichsleiter Alfred Rosenberg. The basis of his work was the “General Plan Ost”, developed by the department of Reichsführer SS Himmler - the main department of imperial security, as well as Goering’s instructions and directives, collected on May 23, 1941 in the “Green Folder”, which was sent to various authorities related to implementation of the "Eastern policy". In June 1942, Frauenfeld proposed a memorandum to the Fuhrer solving the Tyrolean problem that had arisen. According to his proposal, the German population of South Tyrol, an area that, in accordance with the Saint-Germain Peace Treaty, had been part of Italy since 1919, was to be resettled in Crimea, as the “land of the Goths.”

Nazi ideologists managed to declare the Crimean land a historical territory on which in the 3rd–8th centuries AD. e. as if there was a state created by the Germanic tribes of the Goths. To confirm this theory, the special unit “Crimean SS Command” intensively conducted archaeological research and searched for objects of material culture in museums and private collections.

But it was not only the historical background that interested the people of Heinrich Himmler, who oversaw the Ahnenerbe and, in fact, the entire science of the Third Reich. Reichsführer Himmler had long believed in magic, dreamed of finding the ancestral home of the Nordic race, and was passionate about anthropology. He, like Gleb Ivanovich Bokiy, had a unique opportunity - through the arrests of magicians, astrologers, predictors, etc. - collect an extensive library of magical manuscripts and artifacts. Over time, he became well versed in astrology, learned to read ancient runes, and was initiated into various occult secrets.

It is not surprising that during the war, specialists from the Ahnenerbe (almost all of them were members of the SS) immediately went to the conquered territories to find and remove all historical relics and any historical values ​​of interest to the institute. Among which were those related to the most ancient secrets of all humanity.

ATTENTION: with materials on the theme of secrets real story, civilization, planet, archeology artifacts, etc. + secrets of today's world - you can read– (All the Mysteries, Secrets, Mysteries and Wonders of the World, the Planet, the Universe. Everything that was hidden from us!)

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Crimea is a peninsula of mysteries and secrets. Today we will go on a journey to the very core of Crimean mysticism - to local caves, which are famous throughout the world for their stories and legends. Strange plants grow in their depths, giant rats and transparent cockroaches walk around. From time to time, ghostly dark figures appear among the stalactites and stalagmites...

I was looking for a sheep

The largest and most majestic mountain of Crimea is Tent Mountain (Chatyr-Dag). It has up to 200 unique caves. These are true underground palaces; the most majestic is Marble. According to legend, it was discovered by a shepherd in 1987 while looking for a missing sheep.
The cave features a complex system of halls and galleries and was formed from marbled limestone over thousands of years, but has only recently been discovered. In just a few years, it became the most visited cave on the planet (!). The length of equipped routes is about one and a half kilometers. The temperature in the cave is constant, plus 8°C, so you can escape the heat here in summer and from the cold in winter. The entrance to the Marble Cave is located at an altitude of 920 m above sea level. In the uncertain light of lanterns and candles, it seems as if the stone walls and ceilings were decorated by someone’s magical chisel; bizarre shadows are crawling across the patterns. The halls of the caves are separated by arches decorated with a thick fringe of long thin icicles-stalactites, the water on which shimmers with diamond threads. You can only get into the cave as part of a guided tour, but lingering in the underground kingdom is very dangerous.

Ghost of Emine

A competitor to Mramornaya is the Emine-Bair-Khosar cave, discovered in the 19th century. It is strikingly different from Mramornaya, since it stretches not horizontally, but downwards vertically. At a depth of 125 m there are huge halls of 3 floors, strewn with stalactites, stalagmites and crystals. One of the most beautiful halls is called Monomakh's Cap, as it contains a stone growth growing from the floor from bottom to top in the shape of a monarch's cap. The mysterious stalagmite has a bright white color, as it is covered with a strange substance, the so-called moon milk. This is a white jelly-like mass that can quickly liquefy if, for example, you crush a piece with your fingers. Scientists are still arguing about the cause of the emergence and spread of this substance: some consider it a product of the vital activity of bacteria and fungi, while others consider it the freezing of ice crusts on limestone rock.

Emine is also famous for the fact that the remains of Ice Age animals were found in it, which fell into it through a narrow, deep well. Currently, the cave houses a small museum of geological and paleontological finds. Another highlight of the cave is the underground lake. There are many legends about it, told by speleologists, but it is difficult to understand where the truth is and where it is beautiful fiction. There is a sad legend about a well leading into the depths of the cave. According to legend, the daughter of a wealthy merchant Emine, having fallen in love with a young man from a hostile clan, threw herself into a well after her lover died at the hands of her relatives. The vengeful father threw the young man’s body there. The girl's spirit wanders around the dungeon and tries to find her groom in the darkness. Speleologists claim that they managed to capture the ghost on film.

Immigrants from Mars?

Kizil-Koba translated from Turkic means Red. The winding passages of the cave stretch for 21 km, the area of ​​this underground miracle is 53 thousand square meters. Some halls spread their fantastic tents to a height of 145 m, for example, the Blue Drop Hall. The underground river Su-Uchkhan winds along the bottom of the cave between stalactites and stalagmites. In places in baths with crystal clean water Cave pearls are also found, but they are of no interest to jewelry lovers because they are unsuitable

for making jewelry. A strange isolated tribe lived near the cave. Legends were made about the Kizil-Kobin people; these people excited the imagination of Homer, who equated them with the Cyclopes. It is known that there was a sanctuary in the cave, where its inhabitants made sacrifices, maintained a sacred fire and hid gifts intended for the spirits of the earth. According to a rather bold version, the inhabitants of the Red Cave are immigrants from the planet Mars who fled from the disaster. The fact is that the composition of the limestone in the Red Cave is similar to that on Mars; for example, it has the same amount of iron oxide.

Brave girl

Thousand-headed (Binbash-Koba) is a karst cave located on the lower Chatyr-Dag plateau. It received such a strange name due to the many human bones and skulls found in it. The semicircular hall of the cave is decorated with cascading sagging, reminiscent of waterfalls, and massive columns supporting the vault. Most likely, here in the Middle Ages there was a cult sanctuary where sacrifices were made.
Folk legends told a different story. In the Middle Ages, the inhabitants of the peninsula had to endure terrible invasions of nomads. Saving their lives, residents fled from villages and cities, and caves served as shelter for them. Large group the villagers were hiding in a cave at the foot of Chatyr-Dag, since cliffs and boulders, dense bushes and trees covered the entrance, which led first into a narrow hole, and then led to a vast room that could accommodate many people.

The people, intimidated by the nomads, did not go outside, but gradually food supplies ran out, and everyone began to experience the pangs of hunger and thirst. True, water dripped from the walls, but it was not enough. However, there was a brave beauty who went out on a moonlit night and, not far from the shelter, found a small clearing with a source of clean water between the barren rocks. She began to visit there regularly, and the problem with drinking in the cave was solved.

It was impossible to send many people to the spring for water: perhaps enemy spies were lurking nearby. Only the girl went to the source at night, collected full vessels of water and took them to the cave. “If I fall into the hands of enemies,” said the young maiden, “I will remain silent, like these rocks, even if they tear me to pieces.” The gray cliffs admired the brave beauty, and the flowers whispered: “We will decorate your path, brave girl.” And indeed, on the path where she walked, wonderful flowers grew.

One day enemy spies saw a chain bright colors, running from the spring to a pile of stone blocks. Then they came across the entrance to the cave. They were afraid to crawl along, but acted cunningly and cruelly: they blocked the exit and lit a fire. Thick, suffocating smoke reached inside, and all the fugitives died in terrible agony. That is why the floor of the cave is covered with human bones and a thousand skulls. Now the spring in the clearing has dried up, and there are no wonderful flowers - they were trampled by the nomads.

One of the most beautiful places on Chatyr-Dag - Vyalova cave. The cave is replete with sinter cascades, stalactites and stalagmites. There are legends about this cave associated with the Chupacabra. The fact is that tourists have seen a strange creature here more than once - a cross between a dog and a reptile. They say the beast is hiding in this cave. It is not surprising, because it is unsuitable for excursions: the passages follow unimaginable zigzags, up and down.

Two kilometers from the famous Red Cave you can find the entrance to the Averkiev Cave. Several steps lead to a 180 m long grotto. Averkiev’s cave is home to a colony of rare vampire bats, so tourists try to choose safer routes.

The ancient pyramids of Egypt, Stonehenge, stone idols of Easter Island - all these grandiose buildings have attracted the close attention of mankind for many centuries. Every year a huge number of tourists travel to distant countries to look at these magnificent structures.

But it turns out that similar man-made objects, although not of such impressive size, are located very close to us. On the Crimean peninsula.

Despite the fact that Crimea itself is very small in size, nevertheless, it still presents a lot of secrets and mysteries both to scientists studying this region and to tourists or vacationers who come to admire the beauty of the peninsula.
For example, not long ago a research group led by V.A. Gokha discovered a complex of underground pyramids in the vicinity of Sevastopol. Like most discoveries, this discovery was made completely by accident: a group of geologists was simply looking for the most convenient areas for drilling artesian wells.

However, during the work, specialists using a device recorded a microwave field located within a radius of 100 m. This allowed geologists to assume that there was some kind of object underground, and in order to confirm this guess, it was decided to carry out excavations manually. The assumption turned out to be correct - at a depth of about 10 meters, a man-made stone object was discovered that resembled the face of a pyramid, the outer layer of which was represented by gypsum silicate, and the inner layer by melted quartz.

When conducting further work Four more such buildings were found, but smaller in size. Measurements of the objects made it possible to establish that the height of the largest pyramid is 45 meters, and the length of each base is 72 meters. Laboratory analysis showed that to build the pyramids, ancient craftsmen added egg yolks and whites to the solution, and also used lead, gypsum and liquid glass.

At the insistence of Victor Taran, one of the leading employees, it was decided to continue the search, and soon six similar pyramids were found on a straight line (the length of which is about 40 km) that connects Kamyshovaya Bay with Cape Sarych. Along the way, it was established that all the structures are located in a special sequence, which still remains a mystery. Moreover, one of the pyramids is located on the seabed.

As experts suggest, this entire complex represents a link of a once-existing single planetary sacred system, since if you draw a line through the map, it turns out that the Crimean and Egyptian pyramids, as well as Stonehenge and the sculptures of Easter Island, will be connected to each other by one straight line.

In addition to the pyramids, in Crimea you can find inscriptions and drawings left on stones by the inhabitants of the peninsula many centuries ago. For example, in the Chatyr-Dag mountain range, amazing images and symbols dating back to the Stone Age were discovered. One drawing looks particularly interesting, depicting an elliptical object with people kneeling (or dancing?) around it. Vladislav Kanyuk, a ufologist from Zaporozhye, believes that ancient people captured in this way a plot related to the arrival of a UFO.

Pyramids and mysterious drawings are not all that the mysterious Crimea can surprise people with. There are often cases of encounters with strange sea creatures that quite fit the description of the well-known Nessie. Even in the last century and the century before last, there was quite a lot of such evidence, and some of them deserve complete trust.

For example, in Maya Bykova’s book there is an incident that occurred in 1921 in the Karadag region. Then a whole detachment of Red Army soldiers was sent to capture the unknown “huge reptile” noticed by local residents. It was this event that formed the basis of the plot of M. Bulgakov’s story “Fatal Eggs”.

According to the ancient Tatar legend “Chershamba”, the place near modern Shchebetovka was once considered “snake”, because it lived huge snake, the dimensions of which in the “rolled” state were in no way inferior to a haystack. In the end, the monster was killed by the Janissaries, but her cubs managed to escape.

In 1828, a report was submitted from the Evpatoria police officer, which spoke of the appearance in the district of a snake with a mane and a hare's head, which was attacking sheep. The Tatars killed two such snakes. In their opinion, sea monsters sailed by sea from southern countries.

When talking about Crimea, one cannot fail to mention menhirs - man-made ancient megaliths that are widespread everywhere, and Crimea is no exception in this regard, although there are not so many menhirs here. It is believed that these structures were created when there was no trace of exact sciences. However, how then can we explain the fact that the Bakhchisarai menhir is undoubtedly part of the astroarchaeological complex, which is located in the Bogaz-Sala tract.

If you stand next to this menhir on the days of the spring and autumn equinox, then in the “window”, which is carved into the rock at the opposite end of the beam, you can observe the rising and setting Sun. As you know, these days were the most important for economic activity people, and, apparently, the ancient Crimeans had a fairly serious stock of knowledge, which they successfully applied in practice. But who helped them get them remains a mystery.


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