Trichopolis is an effective remedy for late blight on tomatoes. How to process tomatoes with trichopolum

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It takes a lot of effort to get a good tomato crop. It is especially important to ensure reliable protection of seedlings and adult plants from fungal or bacterial attack. Experienced gardeners use Trichopolum for tomato seedlings, the drug belongs to the group of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

The principle of operation of Trichopolum

This drug can be purchased over the counter at any pharmacy. It comes in 250 or 500 mg tablets.

The excellent results of using the drug are due to its composition. The active ingredient of Trichopolum is the antibiotic Metronidazole, which was synthesized artificially. It has antimicrobial and antiprotozoal properties. In addition, the preparation contains such substances as potato starch, gelatin, starch syrup and magnesium stearate.


Trichopolum inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. This is possible due to the active interaction of Metronidazole and cell DNA. As a result, the process of protein and nucleic acid formation stops.

Trichopolum for tomatoes is used as a prophylaxis or to combat fungal and bacterial plant diseases. Excellent results were shown by the use of the drug in the fight against such diseases:

  • Late blight. It is the most widespread and most dangerous plant disease. It appears as gray or brown spots that can affect both ground and underground parts of the plant. It is spread by zoospores. Trichopolum from late blight on tomatoes showed excellent results.
  • Powdery mildew. This fungal disease has the ability to spread very quickly. It is transmitted through the use of contaminated water during irrigation, work tools, or through the air. Affected plants quickly begin to wither, their foliage falls off, a dense bloom forms on the green part of the plant white, which greatly complicates the process of photosynthesis.
  • Fusarium. The disease is caused by pathogenic fungi that enter the plant through the soil or roots. In diseased plants, the leaves and roots rot, the stems become very thin, and after a while the plant dies.
  • Angular spotting. The disease is triggered by bacteria. It affects all parts of the plant, which dry out after a short time.
  • Blackleg. It develops with too abundant watering of the soil, insufficient supply of sunlight to the plants. The disease can affect plants that are grown both in the greenhouse and in the open field.

Diseases of tomatoes

Metronidazole for tomatoes has several advantages. Among the most significant are the following:

  • high level of efficiency;
  • affordable price;
  • simplicity of solution preparation;
  • safety for humans.

Metronidazole for tomatoes helps not only fight against different kinds plant diseases, but also to carry out disease prevention.

How to process tomatoes with Trichopolum

To get the result, you need to know how to dilute Trichopolum for spraying tomatoes.

Rules for the use of Metronidazole for tomatoes and cucumbers:

  • It is necessary to spray the plants before lunch in dry and light weather.
  • The solution is prepared just before processing. The solution that remains after spraying cannot be reused.
  • During processing, it is necessary to completely spray each plant. It is necessary to turn Special attention on the stem and leaves, which are located at the bottom of the plant.
  • If it has rained within 2 - 3 hours after application, the treatment must be carried out again after the plant and soil have dried.
  • To disinfect the root system, gardeners recommend watering each plant separately, adding 55 ml of the finished solution.
  • The first treatment should be carried out after the seedlings are planted in open soil.

Important! Throughout the season, the processing of tomatoes with Trichopolum from late blight or other disease should be carried out at least 3-4 times.

  • all seed material is processed before sowing;
  • simultaneously with picking tomato seedlings;
  • immediately after planting seedlings in open ground or to the greenhouse.

If the number of waterings is increased, it is possible that irreparable harm will be caused to adult plants or seedlings. The harvest will be lost.

Rules for the use of Metronidazole

Solution preparation options:

  • Classical. Completely dissolve 20 Trichopolum tablets in 10 liters of lukewarm water. First, the tablets dissolve in a small amount of liquid, and only then can all the remaining water be added. The solution can be used only after 20 - 30 minutes.
  • With brilliant green. The addition of brilliant green to the Trichopol solution enhances the effectiveness of the drug. At the same time, 10 Trichopolum tablets are diluted in 10 liters of warm water, as well as 1 bottle (10 ml) of brilliant green. When spraying a plant with such a mixture, you should pay attention to the fact that the liquid does not get on the leaves. To provide maximum effect action of the drug, the air temperature should be at least 25 degrees. If it is not possible to provide such conditions in a natural way, after processing the plant bed will have to be covered with a layer of transparent cellophane.

Important! In order for the tablets to completely dissolve, they must first be crushed into powder.

  • With iodine. Solutions prepared according to this principle are mainly used in preventive purposes... This should be done when the plants are at the stage of development. To prepare a working solution, you need to dissolve 15 Trichopolum tablets in 10 liters of warm water and add 1 bottle (10 ml) of iodine to the liquid. Preventive treatment of seedlings or adult plants will reduce the risk of their disease by several times.

Zelenka and iodine have antiseptic properties and enhance the effect of the antibiotic.

Important! If you plan to treat large areas, it is better to do this by using a sprayer. For work in small areas, it is recommended to use sprayers. This will help save not only ready solution but also the running time.

Alternative treatments for tomato seedlings

No less good results can be achieved by treating tomato seedlings and other fungicides. Among the most commonly used by gardeners are the following:

  • Oxyhom. Available in pill form. To prepare the solution, add 1 tablet to 5 liters of water. In addition to the fact that the plant itself is processed, it is also recommended to spray the soil under it.
  • Fitosporin M. the drug is used as a prophylaxis for late blight disease. Dissolve 3 g in 1 liter of water. drug. It is recommended to treat the seedlings with such solutions every week.
  • Quadris. A new agent that has a wide spectrum of action and belongs to strobilurins. It is used to combat a wide range of diseases, including powdery mildew, late blight, downy mildew and spotting. Upon contact with the plant, the drug begins to act instantly.
  • Acrobat. This tool was recently developed. As a result, fungi and bacteria have not yet developed an addiction to it.
  • Ridomil. It is mainly used to combat late blight and Alternaria. The drug is available in the form of granules, which greatly facilitates the process of its use. Ridomil does not react with almost any pesticide.
  • Agate. The drug is of biological origin. Used for pre-treatment of seeds before sowing. Its use contributes not only to the rapid germination of seeds, but also reduces the risk of disease in seedlings and adult plants by 50 - 60%.
  • Maksim. It is mainly used for seed treatment, which prevents the development of rot in young seedlings.
  • Fundazol. It is presented in the form of a white powder that has a little bad smell... This is what scares away insects from young shoots.
  • Bordeaux mixture. It is used to fight fungal diseases.

Alternative treatments for tomato seedlings

These are just some of the drugs that are used to combat or prevent various kinds of tomato diseases. Experienced gardeners advise against getting hung up on any one tool. This can cause bacteria or fungi diseases to become addicted to it. It is necessary to spray the plants with several preparations, alternating them.

Besides chemicals gardeners also use solutions prepared according to folk recipes... According to reviews, their effectiveness is no less than ready-made fungicides.

Among the most famous and successful I would like to name the following:

  • garlic solution (chop 1, 5 tbsp. garlic arrows and pour them with 10 liters of warm water. Leave to infuse in this form for 24 hours. After the specified time, strain the solution, and then add 2 g. potassium permanganate. The first time this solution is used during the period the formation of the ovary. Subsequently, they can be sprayed with plants once a week);
  • milk whey (this product is environmentally friendly, which allows it to be used daily);
  • baker's yeast (dissolve 100 grams of yeast in 10 liters of water. This solution is recommended for spraying when the first signs of the disease are detected);
  • table salt (the agent is used for processing green fruits of tomatoes. To prepare it, dissolve 250 grams of salt in 10 liters of water);
  • milk with iodine (16 drops of iodine must be dissolved in 1 liter of low-fat milk. In addition, this solution will help prevent the development of a large list of diseases, it helps to accelerate the ripening of fruits);
  • tinder fungus (100 grams of fresh mushroom is steamed in 1 liter of warm water. Such a solution can be used after 12 hours. It can be used to combat the development of late blight on tomatoes);
  • propolis (100 grams of propolis, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, dissolve in 1 liter of water and insist for 24 hours);
  • breaking straw (soak 1 kg of straw in 10 liters of warm water and add 200 grams of urea there. The mixture should be infused for 4 - 5 days. Then drain the liquid that is used to spray the tomatoes. The treatment can be repeated every 15 days).

Folk remedies

It cannot be said which remedy is better. Each gardener chooses the one that, in his opinion, is most effective. The main thing is not to stop your choice on one drug. Experienced gardeners recommend starting treatment from the stage of seed preparation. Their germination depends on this. Right choice means for processing tomato seedlings has a direct impact on the yield.

Knowing how to plant Trichopolum for tomatoes, you can save plants from many dangerous diseases.

Iodine in the garden

An ordinary bottle of iodine is able to provide a gardener with more than one great service. Since we all know from childhood that iodine is an excellent antiseptic, it is a sin not to use this property in the prevention of plant diseases, especially all kinds of rot. A solution of 5-10 drops of iodine in ten liters of water is recommended to spray strawberries and strawberries before flowering. This simple procedure will get rid of gray mold and activate vitality... Spraying is carried out 2-3 times with an interval of ten days. A solution of one drop of iodine in three liters of water is watered once on tomato seedlings to increase productivity and future fruit sizes. After planting the seedlings in the ground, you can carry out iodine feeding again by adding three drops of iodine to a bucket of water. Watering rate: liter for a bush. If you mix 40 drops of iodine with a liter of whey and a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in 10 liters of water, you will get an excellent remedy for fighting the hated late blight. Adding a liter of low-fat milk and 10-12 drops of iodine to 9 liters of water, a solution is obtained that destroys downy mildew on cucumbers. In addition, iodine is part of the remedies that prevent yellowing of the leaves of cucumbers and contribute to the rejuvenation of the lashes.

Zelenka in the garden

The brilliant green solution is no less famous than iodine, it can also be used in the country house, do not hesitate. Zelenka can be used to lubricate wounds to plants with shallow pruning or accidental damage instead of garden varnish. 40 drops of brilliant green dissolved in a bucket of water will help rid tomatoes of phytophthora, and cucumbers - from powdery mildew... In order not to measure it drop by drop each time, you can dilute a bottle of brilliant green in a liter of water, and then add a little bit to the water for spraying by eye. Spraying cherries with a weak solution of brilliant green promotes better fruit setting.

Trichopolum in the garden

Trichopolum is used as a prophylactic agent against late blight. For this purpose, 1 tablet of "Trichopolum" is dissolved in 1 liter of water and tomatoes are sprayed every two weeks.

Aspirin in the garden

Aspirin is part of one of the means to combat gooseberry and currant powdery mildew.

Potassium permanganate in the garden

Potassium permanganate is well known to any gardener and is used everywhere. First of all, in a pink solution of potassium permanganate (0.5 grams per 100 ml), it is recommended to pickle the seeds before planting in order to destroy possible pathogens wintering on the seeds. For this purpose, the seeds are soaked in the solution for 20 minutes and then dried. If you add potassium permanganate to a bucket of pink solution (3 grams per 10 liters) boric acid on the tip of a knife, then a good early spring feeding for strawberries, raspberries, currants and gooseberries will come out. This feeding option is especially good in areas with sandy soils. 2 teaspoons of potassium permanganate, dissolved in 10 liters of water, will save strawberries from gray rot, if you do not forget to spray the berries after flowering. Potatoes are soaked in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate before planting, as well as seed tubers before storage. Neither wireworm nor pathogenic fungi like this treatment. In addition, soil for seedlings dissolved in water is spilled with potassium permanganate, boxes, cups and pots in which they plan to grow seedlings or forcing greens are washed, greenhouses and hotbeds are processed from the inside and outside to prevent plant diseases. The only thing that should not be forgotten when using potassium permanganate is that everything is good in moderation. You shouldn't get too carried away with watering with "rose water". Excess manganese in the soil can adversely affect crop development.

Glucose and vitamin B1 in the vegetable garden

These vitamins are used to feed flowers. Five times with an interval of two weeks, the plants are fed with the following solution: 5 ml. glucose and 1 ml. vitamin B1 per 5 liters of water. Abundant and long-lasting flowering guaranteed!

Boric acid in the garden

Boric acid is the best helper for poor fruit setting. A solution of boric acid (dilute 2 grams in half a liter of water, and then bring the water to 10 liters) can be sprayed on all plants to stimulate the ovary. As we wrote earlier, some gardeners add boric acid at the tip of a knife to a bucket of water with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, mix everything thoroughly and use it to feed strawberries and raspberries in early spring... Such dressing not only helps to increase the yield, it also improves the taste of the berries. In addition to the above, boric acid is used as a component of a complex nutrient solution for soaking seeds before planting. Two handfuls onion peel pour a liter of boiling water and mix it with pre-prepared ash solution in a 1: 1 ratio. For 1 liter of such a solution, add 1 gram of manganese, 0.1-0.3 grams of boric acid and 5 grams of baking soda.

Hydrogen peroxide in the garden

Hydrogen peroxide can successfully replace traditional potassium permanganate at the stage of seed dressing. To disinfect seeds, they are soaked in a 10% peroxide solution for 20 minutes, and then washed with water and dried. If you are sure that there are no pathogens on your seeds, then you can use hydrogen peroxide as a growth stimulant. In this case, the seeds must be soaked for 12 hours (and difficult-to-germinate seeds like parsley, carrots or beets - 24 hours) in a 0.4% peroxide solution. Then rinse in the same way and dry to a free-flowing state. Such treatment promotes rapid germination, increased yield and increased plant immunity. Peroxide can also help in the fight against late blight. A tablespoon of peroxide in a bucket of water with the addition of forty drops of iodine (or without it) is a ready-made solution for prophylactic spraying of tomatoes.

pounded analgin acts on ants
garlic-onion yellowing, spill with metranidazole .. 4-5 tabs per bucket.
From slugs it is very good to sprinkle the ground with mustard or pepper, the slugs are burned.
I have been fighting a wireworm for several years. Chalk, lime, flour do not work against the wireworm, they simply degrade the soil, and this is not enough to destroy the wireworm. I dug up the following on the wireworm in the internet: put fresh needles, rotten sprat and tar in the holes. About tar - a pharmacy bottle on a bucket of sand, stir and a tablespoon per hole. Potatoes do not smell like tar

Willow blooms - you can sow plants in the exhaust gas that are resistant to short-term frosts: lettuce, radish, parsley, dill ...
Aspen blooms - you can sow carrots, parsnips ...
Birch, poplar are in bloom, bird cherry blossoms are blooming - it's time to plant potatoes, spring garlic, onion sets.
Lilacs have bloomed - it's time to plant / sow heat-loving plants in open ground: cucumbers, pumpkin, beans and other crops. (Under temporary shelters made of film / non-woven fabric)
Rosehip bloomed, mountain ash - time to plant on permanent place(open ground) tomato seedlings.
Has dismissed elderberry flowers - the time has come to plant late cabbage.
The beginning of spring is not clear in time, so you need to closely follow the clues of nature. The "red day" of the gardener's calendar is when the mother-and-stepmother blooms. On average, it is April 7th. From that day, our ancestors counted down the dates of spring work. The beginning of plowing (preparation of the beds for sowing) was timed to coincide with the 14th day. On the 11th day of flowering, hives were set up, planted fruit trees, cleaned strawberries from dry leaves, loosened the ground. On the 23rd day they sowed early vegetables- onions, beets, turnips, parsley, dill, carrots, peas, radishes, radishes. 30 days after coltsfoot, birch and poplar bloom. This is the signal to land early potatoes... IF THE STEPMOM'S MOTHER FLOWERED in early April, or even earlier, it is better to postpone the planting of potatoes until the cherry blossoms. Cherries, pears, plums bloom on the 29th day, and the apple tree - on the 32nd after coltsfoot.
spraying with urea 700g + 100g vitriol. instead of bardoss. early spring or late autumn.

Then they mixed the usual baby cream with vanilla powder - vanilla somehow repels mosquitoes. And there is also such a way:
In 100 gr warm water dilute a packet of vanillin and pour it through a pulivizer into open areas and gently on the face and hair. NOT ONE CREATURE WILL FLY AND DO NOT BITE!

1. One hundred grams of camphor or valerian, evaporated over the burner, will get rid of flies and mosquitoes even in very large rooms.
2. Finely chop fresh leaves of bird cherry or mountain ash and rub open skin.
3. Essential oils cloves, basil, anise, eucalyptus:
Lubricate exposed skin (5-10 drops in a glass of water), or on a fire source - in a fireplace, bonfire, on a candle or a heated frying pan. Moisten a cotton swab with the oil of these plants and put it on the windowsill.
4. Put fresh elderberry branches in the room, they repel mosquitoes as well as the smell of tomato leaves.
5. If you decide to sit out in nature, throw juniper twigs into the fire.
6. The smell of cedar nut oil repels not only mosquitoes, but also flies and cockroaches.
7. Not a single insect touches your face if you wash your face with a decoction of wormwood roots (pour a handful of chopped roots with 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, leave for 20-30 minutes).

Spraying solution composition
Four 10-gram bubbles of brilliant green.
One 5%, 5 gram vial of iodine.
A barrel of water for two hundred liters.
Pour the bubbles into a barrel of water, stir and two hundred liters of spray liquid to protect all types of plants from disease at your fingertips.
With insects, you can fight with an infusion (two days for half a bucket and add water to the top) Celandine (spray). Any eggs die. Pts. good action on aphids.

Pour one third of the nettle, a bucket of mullein, 2 shovels of ash, 2 kg of yeast, 3 liters of whey into the barrel. It is insisted for two weeks. Then you need to water at the root - and the tomatoes grow by leaps and bounds.
The infusion is being prepared. A 200-liter container (barrel) contains:
- shovel of wood or grass ash;
- half a bucket of manure or dung;
- a bucket of rotten straw or leaf litter;
- a shovel of humus, compost or just garden soil;
- a shovel of sand;
- a liter of whey or yogurt;
- 3 liters of mash!

The brew is prepared like this: 5 tbsp is taken for 3 liters of non-chlorinated water. tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of yeast. It wanders for 2-3 days, then it is added to the general tank. Before use, store the mash in the refrigerator - it is valuable until it sours.
In a common tank, the whole bodyag is infused for a week. Sometimes it needs to be stirred. When used, the infusion is diluted at least twice.
(Yu.I. Slashchinin)

2.B 200 liter barrel I put the weed grass 2/3 of the barrel. (you can add ash 2 shovels). I fill it with water, cover it with a film on top. It is insisted for two weeks. When using the infusion, I dilute 1 to 10.

3. I put fresh manure into a 200 liter barrel, 1/3 of the barrel. I fill it with water. It is insisted for two weeks. When using the infusion, I dilute 1 to 10.

4. I put in a 200 liter barrel chicken droppings, 1/3 barrel. I fill it with water. It is insisted for two weeks. When using the infusion, I dilute 1 to 20.

Comments (1)

  1. Yeast for flower fertilization and more ...

    As you know, ordinary baker's yeast is excellent stimulant growth.
    The composition of the yeast is rich in minerals, organic iron and trace elements. When yeast dissolves in water, substances are released that accelerate root formation.
    Plants watered with such a solution become stronger, the seedlings tolerate picking better and stretch less.
    In short, yeast improves plant nutrition and enhances the activity of soil microorganisms. But there is also a limitation on their use - it is useless to bring them into cold soil. They need warmth for development, and they work only in warm soil.

    A noticeable effect will be in spring, during picking or transplanting seedlings, or in autumn, during rooting of strawberry rosettes. Yeast absorbs a lot of calcium in the course of its activity. In the South, this is not a problem, but in Middle lane it is better to bring ash with them.

    Traditional recipe for adding yeast:
    ordinary - diluted in water in a ratio of 1 kg of yeast to 5 liters of water. The resulting composition is additionally diluted in 50 liters of water before use;
    dry - diluted in water in a ratio of 10 g per 10 liters of warm water, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar.
    Let it brew for about two hours, then dilute it in 50 liters of water and use it.

    You can take natural yeast for plant nutrition - a sourdough obtained, for example, from hops or wheat grains.

    Wheat starter recipe:
    soak a glass of wheat and put to germinate (for about one day);
    grind into porridge; add 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and flour until the consistency of thick porridge;
    stir and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes; put in a warm place until it turns sour (bubbles appear) for about a day.
    The leaven is ready.

    Hop Sourdough Recipe:
    hop cones (dry or fresh) put in a saucepan and pour over hot water, simmer for one hour;
    cool and drain;
    add sugar and flour to the broth (there is twice as much flour as sugar);
    mix and put in a warm place for 1.5 days;
    add mashed boiled potatoes to the mass (until the porridge is thick);
    mix and put on for another day.
    The leaven is ready.

    Onion skins are also an excellent top dressing.
    In order for the plants to be healthy and bloom magnificently, they must be fed with a decoction of onion peels. The broth is prepared as follows. Put four handfuls of onion skins in a bucket. Pour the bucket up to the top with water, bring to a boil and let it brew. Insist for a day. Then, for feeding on a bucket of water, take 1.5 liters of broth and water your pets. The effect is fantastic. A lot has been written, but to do it very quickly, try

  2. 10 gardening secrets

    1. "Salt" the onion
    Before planting onions, it is recommended to soak it for 3-4 hours in salt water - 100 g of salt per 5 liters of water.

    2. Cucumbers with milk and honey
    If the seeds of a cucumber are pre-soaked (before planting in the ground) in milk, then the fruits will be tastier and more tender, and if in honey water - sweeter.

    3. Cut off the leaves
    2-3 days before planting tomatoes in the ground, 2-3 lower leaves are cut off from seedlings.

    4. Do not water
    It is advisable not to water the first 12-14 days after planting the plant: root system will develop into the ground and they will suffer less from dry periods.

    5. We stimulate
    Before planting in the ground, it is useful to spray the seedlings with a solution of epin (growth biostimulant), repeat the spraying after a week.

    6. Nasturtium from whitefly
    Plant Alaska nasturtium between bushes to keep whiteflies away from tomatoes.

    7. To make the garlic large
    Plant it in peat-rich soil with a little sand. For 1 m2 - 2 buckets of peat and 0.5 buckets of sand.

    8. Balm for tomatoes
    Pour the nettle into the barrel 1/3, add a bucket of mullein, 2 shovels of ash, 2 kg of yeast, 3 liters of whey. The solution is infused for two weeks. Then add the root mixture - the tomatoes will grow before our eyes.

    9. Greens for fertilization
    Chop 1 kg of green grass into 10 liters of hot water, leave to infuse for a day. Then strain and water, using 3-4 liters per 1 m2.

    10. Rescue from snails
    Cut a few pieces of laundry soap into 3 parts and place on the bottom of containers made of 1.5-liter plastic bottles.
    Add some water. Place jars of soap all over the area. Every morning snails will gather in them, which should be collected and lowered into a bucket of salt.

  3. If the onion or garlic begins to turn yellow, you need to sprinkle them with a solution of metronidazole: dissolve four tablets of metronidazole (250 mg) in 10 liters of water. Soap water with potassium permanganate used by many does not give an effect.

    Currants and gooseberries will bear fruit abundantly if you often bury potato peelings under the bushes, and plant garlic on the sides.

    To prevent raspberries from growing, plant garlic around the perimeter. Raspberries will not cross this line.

    Potatoes will not harm the wireworm if, when planting, a handful of onion husks, which must be stored in winter, are placed in each hole.

    There is a case when tobacco does not harm health, but, on the contrary, helps: if you spray young leaves with tobacco infusion before and after the flowering of the garden, you will be able to avoid the use of chemicals. The infusion is prepared as follows: pour 400 g of tobacco into 10 liters of hot water, leave for two days, strain and add 40 g of grated laundry soap.

    To keep the apples on the branch until the cold and be with the harvest every year, it is necessary to prune the branches that prevent other branches from growing every spring. In addition, it is good to feed the apple tree with stale, moldy bread, which must be buried under the tree. It is a nutritional complex for apple trees. And yet you shouldn't "coward" the tree, it is better to use a special net for collecting apples. Apple trees don't like being shaken.

    It is better to overlay the cucumber bed with slate, since it does not damp, like a tree, and serves long years... Install posts on the sides and stretch the tie. And when the cucumbers grow up to 10 cm, they must be tied to the tie. All summer there will be no slugs or aphids, and cucumber whips are healthy, green, abundant flowering. In the fall, dig up this bed and put all the waste on it: tops of vegetables, dried flowers ... Sprinkle everything with ash and sprinkle with earth for the winter. In the spring, the bed breathes warmth.

    If insects in the garden have overcome, you need to mix black ground pepper with flour and sprinkle around the plants. Insects will rush to get out

  4. 7 useful tips when growing plants.

    1. Iodine for cabbage
    Add 40 drops of iodine to a bucket of water. When the head of cabbage begins to form, pour 1 liter of cabbage under the plant.

    2. Acceleration of germination
    To make the seeds germinate faster, they are soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide
    (4%) for 12 hours (cabbage), and tomato and beetroot seeds for 24 hours.
    To disinfect seeds (instead of potassium permanganate), they are treated with 10%
    hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes. The ratio of solution and seeds is 1: 1. Then
    the seeds are washed and dried.

    3. Tea for onions
    Dry the tea leaves and store for planting onions. Apply under each bulb when planting. Onions are not sick.

    4. After the rain
    Potato yield will be three times greater if potato shoots (10-12
    cm) spud immediately after rain or abundant watering. Then formed
    additional trunks, on which tubers will appear after a while.

    5. Banana fertilizers
    Take banana peels, fill them with water (for example, in a three-liter jar),
    wait until bubbles form on the surface: water the room
    flowers. Derivative proportions. You can pour water into old crusts by adding

    6. Flowers by yeast
    Dissolve 100 g of raw yeast in 10 l of water. Water all plants, including
    including indoor flowers, once a month. The result is great growth.

    7. Prevention with garlic
    Garlic infusion strengthens plant immunity. Pour 4-5 cloves
    garlic 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes. The resulting solution
    add 1 tbsp to the water for irrigation. l. for 1 liter of water - for any

  5. Memo for the gardener

    - Before planting: pour 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of water for 3 hours.
    - After salt: a dark solution of potassium permanganate for 2 hours. Be sure to rinse.
    - From an onion fly: 1. The first leaf appears 1) Spill it with water. 2) Watering 2 tablespoons ammonia on a bucket of water (3 watering cans for 6 r.m. beds) 3) Spill with water. 2. After 10-14 days. According to the same scheme, watering 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water 3. After 10 days. Watering with a strong solution of potassium permanganate according to the same scheme.
    - Top dressing: Loves yeast infusion: 100g. yeast for 1 bucket for 1 hour to insist, shed, feed, shed.
    - Thin shallots, do not regret it.
    - Finish watering, rake the land.
    - Fry in the sun in the garden, do not drag it to the attic.


    - Watering only with warm water in the evening.
    - Top dressing: love yeast, 100g. yeast for 1 bucket, insist for 1 hour, spill, feed 1 glass of infusion per bush, shed. The best feeding: nettle with ash, so put it in the greenhouse.
    - Make a frame for the whips along the top.
    - Do not loosen, add earth.
    - Put on a bucket of slurry or grass.
    - Spraying from disease 1 liter of skim milk + 20 drops of iodine in a bucket of water. As a prophylaxis, once every two weeks, you can add green soap .. You can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

    - Before sowing for 5-6 days, spill the soil with hot water and 1 tablespoon copper sulfate on a bucket of water, cover with foil.
    - Plant: in a greenhouse and on a garden bed nasturtium - from whitefly, basil - from illness and just loves the neighborhood, smear a yellow piece of paper with Vaseline.
    - Keep the greenhouse open, don't close it.
    - Mulch when the ground warms up with grass, hay.
    - Watering under mulch.
    - Do a couple of steaming: close the greenhouse for half a day, then ventilate well.
    - Spraying from disease 1 liter of skim milk + 20 drops of iodine in a bucket of water. As a prophylaxis once every two weeks, you can add green soap. It is possible with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
    - Pierce the barrels copper wire or a toothpick.
    - Chop the tops, fill in the ground.
    - Prevention of late blight: five days after planting seedlings 1g. CuSO4 in 4 liters of soft rainwater - spray. Five days after the first treatment from the watering can: 40g. Pour dry horsetail with water, boil for 15 minutes, drain the broth and save. Pour the precipitate and boil for 10 minutes. Combine the broths, bring to 5 liters.
    - Five days after the previous treatment. 0.5 liters of skim milk + 50 drops of iodine per 5 liters of water.
    - 7-10 days after the previous treatment, 1 ml. Epin for 5 liters of water.

    - Don't untie the raspberries until you've finished processing.
    - Draw large-fruited and yellow. For a week in wet moss in a barn, for 1-3 days on the veranda, then put them in cups under plastic wrap.
    - The first treatment is Bordeaux liquid with a broom.
    - The second in a week - 3 handfuls of urea in a bucket of water from a watering can.
    - From a raspberry beetle and a weevil on the buds - actellik, fufanon, karbofos. Remember, at +13 degrees, he was already out hunting. Try to spray a couple of times at the end of May to the buds so that the shoots do not bend.
    - Folk remedy for weevil 1 tablespoon of mustard per 1 liter of warm water in the same buds, a decoction of wormwood. Spread the wormwood under the raspberries and over the strawberries.
    - Water, water and water again.
    - Weed, trim, bend.

    - Cover with black foil to warm up.
    Top dressing:
    - 2 sheets - 1 tablespoon of urea + 1.5 tablespoons of potassium sulfate per bucket of water per 1m2, spray with zircon to form roots.
    - 3-4 sheet - the same + foliar feeding micronutrient fertilizer + 2gr. (slightly less than half a teaspoon) boric acid in a bucket of water.
    - 5-6 leaves -1 tbsp. tablespoons of urea + 2 tablespoons of potassium sulfate + 0.5 tablespoons of superphosphate.
    - Ejection of the peduncle - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of nitrophoska + 2 g. (slightly less than half a teaspoon) of boric acid in a bucket of water.
    - After flowering 1.5 st. spoon of superphosphate + 1.5 tbsp. spoon of potassium sulfate. At the same time, 0.5 teaspoon of KMnO4 in a bucket of water over the leaves. Stop feeding in September.
    - It is better to feed when watering once a week.
    - From diseases and pests: 100 g of garlic per 10 liters of water, 30-40 g. HOM for a bucket of water, phytosporin, Actellik, fufanon, karbofos, fitoverm.
    - Remember, trises are renewed every ten days and get used to the fungicide, change and process.
    - Mulch with needles, do not rush, add little by little, let the earth warm up.
    - Plant nasturtium and velvet along the bed.
    - I dug, washed, karbofos (decis), after 4-5 days Maxim and a month or two (until it dries up) by the stove (20-25 degrees) in one layer.

    Top dressing:

    In early spring - fertilizing from nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 1: 1: 1, respectively;
    - during the period of bud formation - feeding from nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 0.5: 1: 3, respectively;
    - a month after flowering - fertilizing from phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 1: 1.

    - Do not loosen the plants, but sprinkle them with humus, since the roots are located close to the surface.
    - Fertilizers - complex in early spring mineral fertilizer, in the fall - superphosphate, potassium sulfate, ash.
    - Protect from cats.
    - Most of the roots of the plant are in the surface layer of the soil. Therefore, in the heat, daily watering is required. It is better to spend them in the late afternoon, irrigating the crown and the trunk circle.
    - Do not try to cut it in the spring - it will be paid, it will not be oklematsya.
    - In the fall, after the end of the growing season, cut out broken, underdeveloped and thickening branches. All annual shoots are cut off by 50-70 cm, since all fruit buds of the plant are located within this length. Keep in mind that actinidia cannot be trimmed in the spring. Otherwise, she will “cry” bitterly, that is, juice will flow from the wounds.

  6. Folk secrets about gardening


    For a bucket of water 1 liter of whey (kefir can be used) 10 drops of iodine, spray at least every week

    Mustard powder helps with phytophthora: sachet 100g. pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist (to swell, steam up) When it cools, add 4 liters cold water, and you can already process

    Can be sprayed with serum in a ratio of 1 L: 10 L of water

    Antifungal drug from the pharmacy Trichopol (expensive) or metronidazole (its cheap analogue): 10 tablets in a bucket of water .. I don't know who decided ... but the recipe is tenacious ...

    Against late blight of tomatoes - spray the plants with 10% aqueous infusion of garlic during the period of fruit setting on the second bunch. repeat spraying every 15-18 days (up to 5 times), as the fruit brushes and leaves under them grow.



    For tying tomatoes, 1 teaspoon of boric acid (powder) with a small tubercle per 10 liters of water, and spray the tomatoes.

    The time of flowering and fruit setting, at high temperatures tomatoes do not set fruits, as a means of combating this phenomenon, treat tomatoes with a weak solution of boric acid - 5 g per bucket of water, about 1 time in 7-10 days, and it turned out that only they bloomed - we began to spray them with boron, up to 5 treatments per season. Such treatment is also a prophylaxis against late blight.


    FEED as soon as the currants bloom. To do this, dissolve 3 matchboxes of urea (without a slide) in 10 liters. water. And pour 5 liters of solution on each bush.

    To get a rich harvest of cucumbers, you need to feed them regularly! Bread leaven is perfect for this. It's easy to cook! FILL 2/3 BUCKET WITH CUT WITH BLACK BREAD CRINKS, FILL WITH WATER and press down with something heavy. Otherwise, the crusts will float when the bread begins to sour. Place the bucket in a warm place for a week. Then dilute the starter culture 2L. water. And pour cucumbers under the root with this bread remedy. Such dressings can be carried out once a week FROM THE BEGINNING OF FLOWERING AND BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF WILTING.

    Leaves turn yellow - there is not enough potassium. it is good to spray with an infusion of ash (2 tablespoons of ash per liter of boiling water and leave for two days), such an infusion will also help with powdery mildew on gooseberries (it is better to do this during bud opening and flowering ambassador) or like this: Feed them with onion infusion. To do this, add 1 tbsp to a metal bucket of warm water (30 g). onion peel. Put the bucket on fire, bring to a boil and let it brew for 2 hours. Then pour the infusion over the leaves of the cucumbers from the watering can

    From powdery mildew, sprinkle with sour milk (1: 1), filtering of course before that (so as not to bother with filtering, you can sprinkle it with a broom). It will remove everything as if by hand, although there are a lot of drugs against the American spheroteque (a hybrid with the local one), but this is the only simple and effective way, and also safe. You will have to reel 1 per week for sure. costs of the biomass

    Powdery mildew will help a solution of baking soda 50 grams per 10 liters of water + 50 grams of soap. and spray generously.
    * * *
    During the period of flowering and fruit setting, I was advised to pour milk, I bought 1.5 liters and, after watering with plain water, I walked over the cucumbers with "milk water" for a bucket of water, to be honest - it is effective! Milk, though I bought not in a store, but from a private owner, natural! Such water can also make it rain from a watering can.

    It is necessary to water the cucumbers with banana broth. It contains a lot of potassium!

    For better setting of cucumbers, I spray it with a solution of honey and soak the seeds in honey water.

    When mulching cucumbers, avoid touching the mulch to the root collar - the stem rots

    About trichopolus: last summer, when there were 5-6 leaves on the cucumbers, the plants suddenly began to disappear, turn yellow, with whatever they did not water and sprinkle, a new green leaf appears, grows and turns yellow, I already wanted to pull everything out and transplant. A neighbor told me - 2 tablets of Trichopolum in a bucket of water. I spread 5 tabs. Hurray, everyone SAVED. What were you sick with, what kind of virus was it?


    Before blooming, strawberries can be sprayed with iodine, 10 drops per 10 liters, to protect against diseases.

    In the second half of summer, apply an increased dose of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers under the strawberries, spray with a solution of lye (4 kg x 10 l of water) or superfarsfat (100 g x 10 l of water), or a mixture of potassium permanganate (3 g) + potassium nitrate (50 g) on ​​a bucket water

    Garlic infusion helped me from the weevil. Grind the garlic in a blender and add water - 1 glass of garlic to 2 liters of water. Insist. Strain the infusion and pour 1 glass of infusion into a 1.5 l bottle, add water and spray.

    By the way, 40 ml per 10 liters of water saved my strawberries from the beetle larva. Spilled 1 time in the spring.

    In order for the onion to grow like yeast, you need to water it with yeast dissolved in water - 100g pressed for 10 liters of water. Every 2 weeks

    About cabbage

    Dressing cabbage seeds - grind 26 g of garlic, mix with 100 g of cabbage seeds, for 10 minutes. shake in a tightly closed jar.

    When planting cabbage, I put a handful of onion husks, I read it once in the newspaper, someone shared their experience. When the cabbage begins to grow, some worm eats it up and it disappears. After this application of the husk, not a single bush fell

    Very often young heads of cabbage are attacked by hungry caterpillars, and begin to devour cabbage leaves. So, if you sprinkle the cabbage with saline, the caterpillars go away. Don't forget the soap as an adhesive.

    I read in a garden 10 years ago, so that the caterpillars would not eat cabbage, dilute a tablespoon of 70% vinegar essence in a bucket of water or 1 glass of 9% vinegar and spray the cabbage. + soap

    When I plant cabbage, I say "Grow big, but round" Later, the leaves in a bunch and turn slightly clockwise, also saying "grow big, but round! When I sow the seeds, I also loosen during the first hilling. I read the advice in the book." Folk omens for gardeners gardeners "The words" Grow big, but round "are magical.

    There was also some advice in the book - in order for the swing to be tied, you need to pinch the upper leaves with a clothespin (so that the swing was inside with cabbage leaves. Then it begins to form low and round off).

    I had a problem before, the cabbage was stretched out and not tied into a swing. The problem is gone - I'm turning the cabbage head a little ... And one more popular wisdom - "Sit in the mud - you will be a prince!" - also checked.

    In order to prevent cracking, it is necessary to constantly maintain soil moisture sufficient for the growth of heads of cabbage, to prevent it from drying out, even for a couple of days. But, if this has happened, and the cabbage has not been watered for a week and a half, it is worth finishing the watering.

    When you find one or two cracked heads of cabbage, you need to do the following: take measures to reduce the moisture intake of the rest of the heads from the soil. To do this, you need to cut off the small roots by slightly lifting the head up or turning it 45-50 degrees in both directions. And, of course, stop further watering.

  7. Ferovit divorced according to the instructions.
    If you don't have funds on hand, you can make Iron Chelate.
    You need 7.5 g of ferrous sulfate and 12 g of citric acid.
    Dilute in 3 liters. boiled or settled water, first vitriol, then separately lemon. Mix. You should get a light yellow solution. Water at the root, on moist soil.
    How to measure -1 tsp. -approximately 5 gr., but it is better not to add.


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    From chlorosis. Foliar iron chelate (ferrovit). After a couple of days, magnesium sulfate. (we buy in a pharmacy, approx. 6 ml per 1 liter).
  8. maybe put the package with pills in the freezer for disinfection?
    Or maybe in the microwave ...
    Colleagues, here I am again about our long-suffering calcium nitrate and other fertilizers. Briefly speaking, razvodilovo:
    Preparation of solutions
    Number of solution (gr) multiply (x) by 100 and divide) here the division sign, not a smile!) By the volume (V) in ml, in which you want to dissolve this substance:
    Solution (gr) x 100: V (ml)
    30g in 200ml = 15% solution (calcium nitrate - 1 level tablespoon - approx. 15 g).
    250gr - in 1 liter = 25% solution
    250gr - 2.5l = 10% solution.
    How to prepare a solution from a solution of a known concentration:
    Multiply the desired amount by the desired volume and divide by the amount of the original:
    Qty (yellow) х V (yellow): К (out.):
    For example: You need to prepare 1 liter:
    - 1% calcium solution nitrate from 25% solution: 0.1 x 1000: 25 = 4ml (up to 1 liter of water)
    - 0.1% solution of 10% solution: 0.1 x 1000: 10 = 1 ml (up to 1 liter of water)
    - 0.15% solution from 15% solution: 10 ml to 1 liter of water or 5 ml to 500 ml of water.
    - 0.2% solution from 25% solution: 8 ml to 1 liter of water.
    - 2% solution of 10%: 2 x 1000: 10 = 200 ml to 1 liter of water.
    - 2% solution of 25%: 80 ml to 1 liter of water.
    - 1.5% solution from 15% solution: 100 ml to 1 liter of water.

    Dolomica effectively deacidifies the soil. As well as ash, for example, or hydrated lime, or chalk.
    Calcium nitrate does not deoxidize it AT ALL, and even slightly acidifies.
    It's not about the presence of a calcium ion, but about acid residue. Dolomite flour it is a mixture of calcium carbonate and magnesium (carbonic acid salts). And saltpeter is calcium nitrate (nitric acid salt). Nitric acid is strong. During the hydrolysis of its salts, the reaction of the medium is usually acidic.
    Carbonic acid is weak. During hydrolysis, the reaction of the medium of its salts is usually alkaline.

  9. We measure fertilizers "BY EYE"

    Maybe I will not open America with my topic, but since, as I understood, we also have new summer residents, I will tell them about garden "arithmetic".
    In any recommendations for the use of fertilizers, they write: take 12 grams of fluffy lime, 18 grams of potassium chloride, and so on. In general, the pharmacy scales under the arm and into the garden!
    Do not be alarmed, everything can be much easier. the gardener has his own, and very accurate measurements.

    The first one is Matchbox... It fits:

    19 g of ammonium sulfate,
    17 g of ammonium nitrate,
    13 g urea
    22 g of simple granular superphosphate,
    20 g double superphosphate
    35 g of phosphate rock,
    19 g of potassium chloride
    22 g potassium salt
    26 g potassium sulfate
    34 g dolomite flour
    30 g of limestone flour,
    12 g slaked lime
    10 g wood ash,
    8 g of peat ash,
    20 g nitrophosphate.

    One tablespoon is

    14 g ammonium sulfate
    12 g ammonium nitrate
    10 g urea
    17 g of simple granular superphosphate,
    15 g double superphosphate
    26 g of phosphate rock,
    14 g of potassium chloride
    17 g potassium salt
    20 g potassium sulfate
    25 g dorlomite flour,
    22 g limestone flour
    9 g slaked lime,
    8 g woody or
    6 g of peat ash,
    15 g nitrophosphate.

    Are you tired? Then about a teaspoon.

    This is 4 g of ammonium nitrate,
    3 g of urea, 5 g of nitrophosphate,
    5 g of simple granular superphosphate,
    5 g double superphosphate
    5 g of potassium chloride
    5 g ammonium sulfate,
    5 g potassium salt
    9 g phosphate rock
    6 g potassium sulfate
    8 g dolomite
    8 g limestone flour
    3 g slaked lime,
    2.5 g wood ash,
    2 g of peat ash.

    It happens that more "volumetric" measurements are needed, especially when feeding trees.

    So, one glass (200 ml) is
    200 g of nitrophosphate and double superphosphate,
    186 g of ammonium sulfate,
    165 g of ammonium nitrate,
    130 g urea
    220 g potassium salt
    220 g of simple granular superphosphate,
    350 g of phosphate rock,
    190 g potassium chloride
    260 g of potassium sulfate,
    340 g dolomite flour
    300 g of limestone flour
    120 g slaked lime,
    100 g woody and
    80 g of peat ash.
    And one standard 10 liter bucket is
    8 kg fresh horse manure,
    5 kg of horse manure, but on a bed of sawdust,
    9 kg fresh mullein,
    5 kg - dry peat,
    5 kg of wood ash
    5 kg of poultry droppings,
    8 kg of humus,
    12 kg of sod land,
    10 kg of old greenhouse or compost soil.

    Superphosphate is poorly soluble in water, so a superphosphate extract is used. It is prepared as follows: 200 g of superphosphate (double 100 g) is poured into 1 liter of hot water and left for 1-1.5 hours, stirring constantly. Then 0.2 l of the hood is diluted in 10 l of water. This amount is equivalent to 40 g dry matter

  10. Flea

    And not ash? Helps me very well
    We have a great work on a flea dog-cat zooshampoo against fleas. We take the cheapest one. 2-3 tablespoons per bucket. We have been doing this for many years. The bubble is enough for three (just get it right) for 2-3 years.

  11. last year I poured 0.5 liters of Baikal solution onto a 300-liter bath. The solution is what comes out of the concentrate. The proportions are the same - 1 to 10 for watering. With Baikal, the stinker cooks faster, and even faster after using and adding water / grass. Grass (silage) can also be used earlier than water. Spread out the silage between the sauces and sprinkle with plain water on top. I really liked it last year.I used the stink itself only where there was not enough silage
  12. Seller in flower shop once he persuaded me to buy succinic acid: they say, this agent amazingly stimulates plant growth and it is impossible to overdo it with it.
    At home, I diluted 1 g of powder for 5 liters. water, watered and sprayed with a solution all the house plants.

    The result was awesome! And it became noticeable after a week:

    The arrowroots have released new leaves and shoots.
    - I liked the feeding and begonias: the ever-flowering one, for example, gave 4 powerful lateral shoots at once, flowering increased.
    - The pandanus has new leaves not only at the top, but also from under the leaves of the first, second and third rows.
    - Aglaonems released new leaves, some gave children.
    - Good growth of leaves was given by cuttings of mandarin, ficus, chlorophytums, peperomii, alocasia, syngonium, oleander.
    - Opuntia
    She first started with thorns, and then released 12 side segments.
    - A stalk of African portulacaria that has not rooted for a long time has released 2 lateral shoots.
    - The Decembrist, Agave, Aih-Rizon liked the "treat", the growth of leaves in fat women and peasants noticeably revived.

    I would also like to tell you about the application succinic acid for cacti and succulents. I did not expect from them rapid growth, but was very surprised when a month later Haworthia released 10 children at once.
    - The cacti were also pleased.

    However, I do not advise reintroducing succinic acid to cacti and succulents: the opposite reaction may occur.
    Fertilizer should be applied once or repeated no more than once every 2 years.

    Properties of succinic acid for plants

    Due to the excellent natural utilization of succinic acid in nature, it does not pollute environment... Therefore (and not only) it is often used for plants.
    It is an excellent plant growth regulator, improves the absorption of substances from the soil, and also helps plants to cope with various kinds of stress.
    Succinic acid normalizes the natural microflora of the soil, the vital activity of microorganisms in it.
    Acid treatment of plants increases resistance to adverse effects environment.
    Its application in relation to certain parts of plants, accordingly, stimulates growth: root processing - the growth of roots, young shoots - the growth of new shoots.
    Succinic acid is an excellent plant resuscitator.
    She is treated with seeds and cuttings before planting. different plants to improve germination and increase resistance.

    Dosage of succinic acid

    To prepare working solutions suitable for spraying and soaking, 1 g of succinic acid must be dissolved in a small amount of warm water. We make a strong solution of succinic acid. Solution volume after that cold water bring to 1 liter. That is, it turned out to be a solution of 1 g per 1 liter - a one percent solution.
    Further, to obtain a 0.02% solution of succinic acid, you need to dilute 200 ml of one percent with cold water to 1 liter.
    To obtain a 0.05% solution - 500 ml of a strong solution is brought to a liter with cold water.

    Succinic acid is also useful for people.

    Succinic acid stabilizes nervous system, the work of the kidneys, intestines improves. It is used for stress, as well as an anti-inflammatory and anti-toxic agent.
    Also for the treatment of anemia, radiculitis, chronic heart disease, blood vessels, atherosclerosis and after a heart attack.
    It also perfectly neutralizes blood alcohol. Just in the morning after a feast, take a glass of water with half a spoonful of teaspoonful of succinic acid diluted in it and you will immediately feel relief.

  13. I use coniferous concentrate (2 caps for 10 liters of water). If it is possible to use spruce needles, even better. Insist a half-liter jar for 10-12 hours, filter it into a 10-liter sprayer. The aroma is awesome, the result is also. This year, when spraying apricot, I added Fitosporin
  14. Crop rotation

    Advice to summer residents and gardeners!

    Crop rotation
    1st year - cabbage, rutabaga, radish, radish;
    2nd year - pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini;
    3rd year - beets, carrots, parsley, onions, garlic;
    4th year - tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, legumes, corn.

    Precursor vegetables
    for cabbage - potatoes, cucumbers, onions, peas, tomatoes are also acceptable;
    for tomatoes, peppers - cucumbers, onions, legumes, cabbage is acceptable;
    for cucumbers - peas, legumes, potatoes, tomatoes;
    for onions - potatoes, tomatoes, peas, cucumbers, and cabbage;
    for beets, carrots - cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, tomatoes, onions are acceptable.

    Vegetables are good neighbors
    for cucumbers - beans, garlic, cabbage, onions;
    for garlic - cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes;
    for carrots - cabbage, radishes, beets, tomatoes, but best of all onions;
    for tomatoes - garlic, cabbage, onion, radish.

    Vegetables are bad neighbors
    for cucumbers - radishes, tomatoes;
    for garlic - beans, peas, cabbage; Potassium monophosphate is highly soluble and contains, in addition to potassium, phosphorus (as the name implies), but it is much more expensive than other potash fertilizers. Therefore, it is usually used for leaf dressing, sparingly. That is, during the summer.
    As mentioned above, not all plants "like" chlorine, for such it is better to choose potassium sulfate, not chloride. Especially for blueberries, hydrangeas, rhododendrons - the sulfate ion also acidifies the soil, which is desirable for them. True, this does not mean that after fertilization with potassium chloride, everything will immediately bend. And when to pour - it makes no difference. It is believed that potassium is mainly fed in the second half of summer, but plants also need it in spring. For example, it is also present in complex granular "spring" fertilizers. But in what form - chloride or sulfate, unfortunately, they do not always write on them (if you really want to, you can trace the composition of a particular brand for pesticides. Ru or manufacturer's websites). Which, however, only indicates that this is not important.

  15. The hottest season for gardeners will begin very soon. Therefore, we will focus on a garden and a summer residence.

    When the plants begin to gain color, you need to have time to sprinkle everything while the flowers are blooming: flowers, apple trees, cherries, tomatoes, cucumbers and other plants, with a weak boron solution (you can buy it at a pharmacy) 2-3 grams per 10 liters of water. This is enough to literally whip the entire garden.

    It works very effectively, something like "Ovyazi", but costs much less.

    The effect is truly amazing, tested on our own experience, there are much more ovaries and there are almost no shedding of fruits in the early stages. Flowers in flower beds are larger, and such as gladioli do not bend and stand upright and firmly, like true gladiators!

    36 and 1 Tricky advice for gardeners and gardeners.

    1. Beets love sprinkling and frequent but careful loosening.
    2. After the second thinning, the beets are fed with mineral fertilizers.
    3. Beets grow best in narrow beds, maximum 3 rows wide with distances between plants from 15-17 cm.
    4. Until the carrots have sprouted, they are watered regularly. When shoots appear, it is better not to water them for 12-15 days, with the exception of dry days. This allows the roots to go as deep as possible into
    5. If mustard is sown next to peas, its yield will be 2 times higher.
    6. It is better to sow dill in the sun, as in the shade the aroma of the leaves decreases. Ash and lime are not added to dill
    7. Clematis is watered in spring with milk of lime - 100-150 grams of water for 10 liters of water.
    8. In mid-July, carefully scoop the earth from the celery and wipe it with a cloth. After 15-50 minutes, they spud again. Watering is carried out only after 2-3 days.
    9. To stimulate the pouring of the pumpkin fruit, its lashes are pinned to the ground and rooted.
    10. Seedlings pumpkin crops, such as cucumber, squash, zucchini, you can
    grow in this way: cut the turf into 10 * 12 cm cubes,
    turn the roots down, make a depression and plant a seed in it.
    11. To make rhubarb stalks grow thick, the soil under the plants is fertilized every year.
    12. Do not feed beans, peas, onions, garlic, beans with nettle infusion.
    13. Apple and pear require more potassium, and cherry - nitrogen.
    14. If the seedlings are stroked on the tops for 1-2 minutes every day, it
    will not stretch. When touched, ethylene is released, which inhibits
    this process.
    15. Nettle increases the resistance of nearby plants to diseases.
    That is why it is useful to mulch the aisles with chopped nettles.
    16. Mustard siderates enrich the soil with phosphorus and sulfur, and also cleanse it of bear and wireworm.
    17. Onions will grow better if mustard grew in this place.
    18. Plants are repellents: lupine, celandine, nastrutia, calendula, marigolds, onions, canufer, tansy, wormwood.
    19. It is useful to mulch strawberries with coniferous litter. This will improve the taste of the berries, and
    will also help to cope with gray mold, weevil, tick,
    wireworm. And mulching with ferns will help the strawberries cope
    with nematodes and gray mold.
    20. After a sharp cold snap, the plants are sprayed with immunocytophyte or
    zircon. And you can use an infusion of onion peel. Pour in 10 liters
    water 0.5 liter jar of husk, boil, leave for 12 hours,
    strain. When spraying, dilute with water in a 2/10 ratio.
    21. When it gets colder, buckets of hot water are brought into the greenhouse, metal sheets Heated bricks are laid out.
    22. To increase yields, it is necessary to attract
    pollinating insects. For this, pink and white clover are sown,
    fescue, bluegrass. Insects are also attracted by flowers of white mustard and
    23. To have remontant varieties strawberries in the second half of summer there was more abundant fruiting, in the spring the flower stalks break out.
    24. Dill is a good companion for a cucumber.
    25. Beetroot sown along potatoes and tomatoes helps them cope with late blight.
    26. If you stick a nettle stalk next to each planted cabbage plant, then the cabbage will take root better.
    27. From the cabbage butterfly and aphids, dill is sown in the aisles of cabbage,
    coriander, celery, marigolds, calendula, and branches
    28. When planting potatoes, a handful of ash is poured into the hole - it is a fertilizer and helps from the wireworm.
    29. To increase yields and improve taste in the first half of June
    garlic is watered first with salt water - 2 tbsp. spoons per 10 liters of water, and
    then the usual.
    30. With poor growth of carrots, the beds with this culture are watered with a salt solution - 1 tbsp. spoon for 10 liters of water.
    31. Cucumber is picky about moisture, especially during flowering and
    fruiting. However, at the beginning of flowering watering is best to cut and then
    reinforce again. This promotes faster fruit formation.
    32. In hot weather, cucumbers, together with abundant watering, combine frequent spraying.
    33. Cucumber pollen dies at t> 30ºC Therefore, at this time in the greenhouse you need to place containers with water.
    34. Low temperatures and sudden changes in day and night temperatures
    are the reasons for the deterioration of the taste of cucumber. Also cucumbers
    do not tolerate drafts at all.
    35. The increased content of carbon dioxide in the air accelerates maturation
    fruits and increases the yield. Therefore, it is useful to put a container with
    mullein and stir from time to time.
    36. If at the beginning of summer several fruits were set on pepper plants, and
    flowering has stopped, then these fruits must be plucked. Plants after that
    will begin to bloom with renewed vigor and by the end of the season they will give a high
    37. For inflow fresh air to the roots of the pepper, loosen the soil more often and do not allow the formation of a soil crust.

Among all the variety of means to combat late blight on the site, special attention should be paid to this particular drug. "Trichopolum" has an effective effect and at the same time is relatively safe for fruits. Features of the use of this tool, as well as important points preparation of the solution is described in the information of our article.

Description of the disease

Representatives of the nightshade family are susceptible to late blight. These are tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants. Phytophthora spores can be present in the ground, on planting material and weeds. You can accidentally bring phytophthora along with new soil or plant debris. There are frequent cases of migration of this fungus by air, for example, from a neighboring area. It is necessary to fight this scourge immediately, otherwise literally in a week from lush bushes not a trace will remain.

The first signs of late blight can be seen on examination. lower leaves plants. They are covered with brown - black spots that rapidly increase in size, affecting the stem and fruits. In the later stages, the plant can no longer be saved and the best way out is to remove it from the site and burn it in order to prevent the spread of the infection throughout all plantings.

On the video - late blight of tomatoes:

Favorable conditions for the spread of the phytophthora fungus:

  • High humidity... Without water, the spores die quickly when exposed to sunlight. When watering, you should observe moderation and not wet the leaves of the plants, so as not to provoke a disease. With an excess of moisture in the soil, it is recommended to increase the frequency of loosening.
  • Weakened plants. Any disease will stick to stunted and weak seedlings with great chances. To strengthen the root system, mineral fertilizing is used, as well as natural hardening, which must be carried out even at the seedling stage.
  • Dense plantings. In such conditions, infection occurs and develops very quickly. To prevent this, you must observe optimal distance between plants, as well as, if necessary, thin out thickets. It should also be noted that pinching of plants and removal of leaves cannot be carried out after watering and at high air humidity. This provokes the penetration of spores into the plant and worsens the situation.

It will also be interesting and useful to learn more about which ones are most suitable.

It is not always possible to create everything for garden crops the necessary conditions, especially since the rainy and cold summer is just ideal for the appearance of the harmful phytophthora. In this case, they will come to the rescue special methods struggles that are diverse. One of the most effective is Trichopolum.

Drug action

The active ingredient of the drug is metronidazole. It is used in the treatment of fungal diseases in humans, but you can find advice from experienced gardeners who use it for plants. Its action is based on the destruction of pathogenic fungi, because this remedy is effective against most of the known boles.


How to prepare Trichopolum solution:

  1. A standard package of this medicine (20 tablets) is enough for 10 liters of water. If more volume is needed to spray, the number of tablets increases proportionally.
  2. It is recommended to pre-dissolve the tablets in a small volume of water in order to achieve a homogeneous solution.
  3. The resulting mixture is poured into a suitable container and diluted to the required 10 liters.
  4. Spraying is carried out on the same day, the solution is not intended for storage.

The use of such spraying can be alternated with folk methods fight against late blight. Fungal spores quickly adapt to the drugs used, so the technique must be changed frequently.

But how to use ash as fertilizer for tomatoes, and what result can be achieved from the use of such a tool, it is indicated

Combined methods give excellent results when the plant is well processed together with the soil layer.

Features of use

As for anyone medicinal product, before using "Trichopol" it is necessary to study the instructions, and in this case - the advice of experienced gardeners. The tool is effective and safe only when used correctly.

The main nuances of using Trichopolum from phytophthora:

  • Spraying should be carried out in the morning in dry and calm weather.
  • It is necessary to prepare the solution immediately before use. The remains of the mixture cannot be stored; it is better to immediately calculate the required amount.
  • The plant must be processed completely, paying particular attention to the lower leaves.
  • If it rains after spraying, it is better to repeat the treatment the next day.
  • To disinfect the root system, it is better to water each bush with 50 ml of the mixture under the root.
  • Plants need to be processed every ten days.... The number of treatments should not exceed three to four times per season.
  • The first time spraying is carried out after planting seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse.
  • If it is impossible to buy the original "Trichopol", you can replace it with a cheaper analogue - "Metronidazole".

But how to properly combat late blight on tomatoes, and which remedies are the best, is indicated

Using the drug with brilliant green

According to gardeners, such a combination is even more effective, because additional disinfection of the soil and shoots occurs. To prepare such a solution, it is enough to add a standard bottle of pharmacy brilliant green to the above mixture. The antiseptic can be replaced with iodine, only the portion will be several times smaller - about 15 - 20 drops.

The frequency and order of processing remain the same, the only inconvenience is to create a pigment of the substance used, which can stain the skin or clothing.

Late blight is a dangerous disease that can quickly destroy the planting of potatoes or tomatoes. To avoid infection, it is recommended to thin out the plantings, as well as provide them with a comfortable watering and airing regime. When the first sign of late blight is detected, it is necessary to act without delay.

In the video - trichopolum with potassium permanganate:

Phytophthora is a serious disease of nightshades, which must be treated in order not to lose the entire crop. Not only specialized drugs help fight infection, but also conventional pharmaceuticals such as Trichopol and its cheaper analogue Metronidazole. It is recommended to process tomatoes with "Trichopolom" first as a preventive measure, since phytophthora is much easier to prevent than to eradicate. But it is also possible to stop the development of the fungus with the help of these available means.

Phytophthora in tomatoes: what it looks like, favorable conditions for the fungus

The disease late blight is caused by a fungus. Spores are found in the soil as well as in poor quality seeds. Plants can also become infected with the help of the wind, which carries pathogens from nearby plantings or a neighboring area. Phytophthora requires emergency intervention, since a week after its discovery, there is a high probability of losing the entire crop.

How the disease manifests itself: first, dark brown spots form on the bushes - you need to look for them on the lower part of the leaf plate. Further, the fungus progresses, moving to the stem and fruits. If late blight has developed to this stage, then you will have to remove and burn the plantings, it will no longer be possible to cure them.

What conditions allow the phytophthora fungus to develophitting and hitting tomatoes:

  1. Dense plantings. These shrubs receive little light needed to kill the fungus. When planting, a distance of at least 0.7-1 m must be observed between the tomatoes. And one should not forget about the thinning of the stepsons.
  2. High humidity. Water should be applied as needed in moderation. Drops should not fall on the leaves - water is poured strictly under the root. Excessively moistened soil should be loosened after watering.
  3. Weak root system. This mistake should be avoided already at the seedling stage. The roots are fed with complex fertilizers. When transplanting, the tomatoes are moved along with a lump of earth, being careful not to damage the roots.
  4. Overfeeding with nitrogen. Such "fattening" leads to a weakening of planting immunity: the element is required for tomatoes only at the stage of green growth.

"Trichopolum" and "Metronidazole" against late blight

Pharmacy preparation "Trichopol" it is intended for the treatment of fungal diseases in humans, but it is also effective against late blight on tomatoes. The tool helps to destroy pathogenic microorganisms in the early stages of their development. The drug is available in tablet form. The advantage of Trichopolum is safety for the plants themselves.

"Metronidazole" from late blight on tomatoes is as effective as its more expensive counterpart, and is available in the same form as tablets.

In both cases, a solution is prepared from the drug. For efficiency Trichopolum or Metronidazole mixed with brilliant green, iodine.

When to process

Prophylactic processing of tomatoes is carried out from early spring. You need to start by treating the seeds before planting. Then the young seedlings are watered with the solution. In the fall, it also does not hurt to process the soil for planting tomatoes through watering.

For treatment, tomatoes are processed in early June, since it is in this month that late blight begins to actively manifest itself. No more than 3-4 treatments are carried out with an interval of 10 days. The last operation is recommended to be carried out 2 weeks before harvest.

Advice! The drugs must be alternated with other treatments, since the fungus tends to adapt. For replacement, folk remedies are used: dairy products, saline, tobacco, ash.

How to treat tomatoes with Trichopolom

How to apply Trichopolum for tomatoes infected with fungus:

  1. 20 tablets of "Trichopol" are first diluted in a small amount of warm water. Then the mixture is poured into a bucket, which is filled with water up to 10 liters.
  2. Overdosing is not allowed, as there is a danger of plant burns.
  3. So that the product does not drain from the foliage, but lingers on it, liquid soap is added to the solution.
  4. Processing is carried out in the morning, in warm, calm and dry weather.
  5. The entire bush is sprayed, but special attention is paid to the lower part of the leaves - this is where the pathogen is located.
  6. Even if outwardly the rest of the bush is healthy, it is still recommended to process it, since the fungus can be found in all parts.
  7. To treat the root system, the soil around the bush is watered. For one plant - 50 ml of solution. Not enough, but it will be enough.
  8. The solution cannot be stored, therefore it must be used on the day of preparation, preferably immediately after the tablets are dissolved. The rest will have to be poured out.
  9. The procedure is carried out once every 10 days.
  10. If it rains on the selected or the next day, the procedure is repeated (for street plantings), since the "Trichopolum" solution is easily washed off.
  11. If the plant has been pruned, then you should not rush to the treatment with Trichopolum and other antifungal agents. Slices on the stem should be tightened - you should give them at least 3-4 hours.

Advice! When processing the affected bush, it is necessary to spray the drug with the neighboring plantings, even if there are no traces of the disease on them.

Additives to the solution "Trichopol"

For greater efficiency, greenery is often added to the finished solution. The agent is an additional anti-fungal component. For 10 liters of ready-made solution - one bottle.

For the same purpose, it is allowed to use iodine. Enough 15-20 drops of the product for a ready-made solution with a volume of 10 liters.

How to use Metronidazole

"Metronidazole" is an analogue of "Trichopol", they have one active ingredient.

How to spray tomatoes with the drug:

  1. The proportions of water and tablets are the same as in the case of Trichopolum: 20 pieces per 10 liters.
  2. The infected plantings can be treated both by spraying and by watering the soil around the bush.
  3. If tomato leaves curl up, they are thoroughly wiped with a solution on both sides.
  4. Does not harm plants if you combine Metronidazole solution with green stuff.

The best remedy for late blight on tomatoes is careful care at all stages. Late blight will not affect the bushes when they correct fit... Preventive measures are much more effective than treatment. The development of the phytophthora fungus can only be slowed down, but the plant is unlikely to be completely cured.

From year to year, gardeners are faced with an annoying and rather dangerous problem -.

Description and release form

For the most part, drugs for late blight can be used before the start of fruit ripening. In addition, they are quite poisonous and chemically unsafe.

And only recently have people thought of using drugs designed to treat people in the fight against this problem at different stages of development.

Did you know? Tomatoes entered European territory from America around the middle of the sixteenth century.

"Trichopol" - one of these drugs used for late blight. It is produced in the form of white tablets of a slightly yellow hue, 250 mg of metronidazole in each. This drug is widely available in any pharmacy.

It is an excellent remedy for fighting fungi, and especially one of the worst enemies- late blight arising under the influence of a fungus spreading by spores.

Active substance

The main active ingredient, which makes this drug a rather formidable assistant to people in the fight against various dangerous fungal diseases, is metronidazole.

Indications for use

Trichopolum is indicated for use in the treatment of various bacterial diseases in humans. But in the agricultural sphere, it has recently begun to be used to treat late blight.

At the same time, "Trichopol" helps to defeat a number of other diseases that are no less dangerous for:, angular spotting.

Therefore, "Trichopol" in use for has its own instructions for use, based on practical experience in the fight against diseases and the results obtained.
It has an unusually effective effect on fungi that induce late blight due to its ability to inhibit these microorganisms and a very bitter taste that prevents them from absorbing vital plant cells.

How to prepare a solution

To prepare a solution based on "Trichopol", a lot of effort, time and money is not needed, and the result will certainly please.

Important! In this solution, different gardeners additionally add more, iodine, milk, and some other substances that can enhance the effect of such a tool and make it one hundred percent effective. Main feature such mixtures are their comparative harmlessness - both in terms of effects on the human body and in terms of ecology.

To obtain an excellent result, it is necessary to apply solutions systematically after seven to ten days.

For tomatoes

The most effective remedy for protection against late blight on the basis of "Trichopol" is a mixture of this drug with greenery. "Trichopolum" helps to eliminate all fungi - causative agents of the disease, and brilliant green has a healing effect on the plant in terms of getting rid of infections.

The most used among experienced gardeners are the following proportions: 10 liters of water, 20 crushed Trichopolum tablets, a bottle of greenery. It is recommended to prepare the solution 20-30 minutes before use.
Using a sprayer, each bush must be thoroughly sprayed until the solution begins to drip from the leaves. It is recommended to start treatment with such a remedy as early as possible, preferably before the first signs of the disease appear, and to be carried out regularly every ten days.

In this case, the number of Trichopolum tablets and greens can be reduced. But even in the event that signs of the disease already appear, such a remedy is also effective.

Important!The sooner one begins to take measures to combat a threat to plants, the more guarantees that it will be eliminated or not appear at all.

For cucumbers

"Trichopol" is used for protection not only, but also. Although they are slightly less susceptible to the threat of fungal disease, this is also an important problem for them.

Therefore, it is necessary to regularly monitor and the first suspicion of a disease to use means to combat it. "Trichopol" will help in the growing process and to combat diseases such as.
The solution and frequency of treatment with "Trichopolom" used for is absolutely suitable for.

For pears

The solution used for processing can help out in salvation from various leaves, manifested in curling and premature fading of the leaves, the appearance of black dots on them.

The defeat of the bark can be cured with mastic from Trichopolum, treating all areas of concern.

For grapes

And for processing this amazing tool with the use of "Trichopol" is also suitable, especially at the first signs of rot. But it can be applied no later than two or a maximum of one week before harvest.


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