Non-standard design solutions in the bedroom (110 photos). Bedroom renovation - a review of the best modern ideas from the masters

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When carrying out renovations in the bedroom with your own hands, you need to organize everything in such a way that it is cozy, calm and comfortable. In addition, in a small room you will have to create conditions not only for relaxation, but also for work. And it is desirable that the created interior be beautiful and inexpensive, so before installation you should listen to the advice of experienced designers.

Before starting the main work, it is worth deciding on the design and functionality of the bedroom. Since most people not only relax in this room, but also prefer to work there, it is important to choose the right style. When the room is planned to be used only for relaxation, then you can give preference to the style of minimalism, that is, a minimum of furniture and decorative items.

If you need to arrange work area, then the room needs to be zoned. This means that you will have to additionally organize lighting and install special screens or partitions. As for furniture, it is better to pay attention to objects that can be transformed, for example, take a sofa bed or a cabinet that can quickly be expanded into a large dining table.

Even at the planning stage, you need to decide on the style, it all depends on the wishes of the owners. Both glamorous high-tech and seductive art deco will fit perfectly into such a room, but, as a rule, it is difficult to organize such designs on your own, and such design is quite expensive.

If you are planning a simple renovation in the bedroom, then it is better to focus on a calm theme, for example, Scandinavian style, in which simplicity and ease of finishing prevail. Good for similar rooms modern classic, as well as fusion. But even the usual finishing of wall and ceiling surfaces in a single solution, the purchase of suitable furniture and textiles will bring coziness and comfort to the apartment.

It is also worth noting that any renovation work- this is always a long, labor-intensive and costly project. That is why it needs to be thought out in advance, namely:

  • calculate the total financial costs for material and furniture;
  • fully develop the design of the room;
  • discuss and purchase the necessary building materials.

It is these three stages that will help bring your planned design project to life and at the same time avoid unnecessary expenses. In this case, you will be able to make renovations in the bedroom with your own hands in a high-quality, stylish and inexpensive manner.

Preliminary work

This stage involves the creation of diagrams and drawings future room. It is advisable to even draw the proposed option on the sheet so that you can clearly see all the details. Many experienced designers recommend that room owners imagine themselves in similar conditions to understand whether they would feel comfortable and cozy in such an environment.

Once you have decided on the design and scope of work, you can proceed to taking measurements, calculating the required material and its cost.

Manufacturers offer wide choose various building materials, so everyone can really choose for themselves suitable option for any wallet. On next stage you need to prepare the room: All furniture is removed from it or objects are simply covered with a special protective film.

If you plan to replace the electrical wiring, then dismantle lighting, switches and sockets. Then the old coatings are removed.

Room decoration

To furnish a bedroom, it is advisable to purchase high-quality and natural material, since a person spends almost a third of his life in such a room. The cladding, and furniture in general, must meet environmental standards, namely not emit harmful compounds or unpleasant odors. This will not only prevent you from getting proper rest, but can also cause you to feel unwell.

When conducting finishing works should be considered, that installation is carried out strictly from top to bottom, so you need to proceed according to the following plan:

  1. Old if necessary ceiling covering dismantled. A new structure made of plasterboard sheets or a more modern one is used stretch fabric. This work will require the help of specialists, since installation requires special equipment. Budget option will be the usual whitewashing, painting, wallpapering or using foam tiles as cladding.
  2. Before tiling wall surfaces, they should be prepared, namely, leveled and all existing cracks and gaps sealed. To do this, you can use plaster or install plasterboard structures. When choosing facing material it is worth not only paying attention to appearance, but also take into account such qualities as environmental friendliness, accessibility and reasonable cost. If the budget is limited, then it is quite possible to decorate the walls with decorative plaster.
  3. On last stage are engaged in arrangement flooring. Laminate, cork or linoleum are perfect for the bedroom. But it should be taken into account that most often the owners walk around the room barefoot, so it is advisable to purchase high-quality material that is pleasant to the touch. In this case, you can avoid unnecessary financial costs on rugs and rugs.

Many owners advise installing heated floors in the bedroom, so you can think about this option in advance. Actually, in this way, you can make a beautiful renovation in the bedroom.

Color design

As for color, you need to rely on your own preferences and wishes. Decorate the room in colors that make the owner feel more comfortable. Experienced designers It is advised to adhere to the following rules:

  • Ideally, decorate the room in one color;
  • small rooms located on the north side are decorated in light colors- they visually increase the area, making it more spacious;
  • For rooms with south-facing windows, stylish cool tones are suitable; in this case, they will give the necessary coziness and comfort.

The combined finish looks very original, when the room is covered with two completely different wallpapers. But this design is suitable exclusively for creative and bright people, and common man may be annoying.

Bedroom design (25 photos)

Perhaps the most interesting activity during renovation - this is filling the room with pieces of furniture. Moreover, it is advisable to select everything necessary at the planning stage.

There are several expert tips that will help you arrange furniture comfortably and functionally:

  • Interior items should not take up much space, so it is better to discard everything unnecessary;
  • double beds are installed in such a way that they are accessible from both sides;
  • it is advisable to place the bed so that the legs are not located towards the door or window;
  • When choosing a wardrobe, you should give preference to products with sliding doors equipped with mirrors. This will visually increase the area and also fulfill its functional role.

When it comes to decorating a bedroom, the main thing in this matter is moderation. It is very important to focus on the main piece of furniture - the bed. In fact, this is why designers recommend not overloading rooms with additional accessories that can distract attention and interfere with relaxation.

Textile elements, curtains, bedspreads, bedside rugs and lampshades selected in the same style can add comfort and tranquility to the room. It is these details that make the room homey. You can also create a comfortable environment using decorative pillows, photo frames and night lights.

How to renovate your bedroom to maintain harmony between aesthetics and practicality? Believe me, this question is really difficult. After all, a bedroom is a special, intimate room, reflecting something personal. Where, if not here, can we free ourselves not only from clothes, but also from the various masks and roles that we have to wear in life.

The easiest way, of course, to realize your design ideas is to use the services of a professional team. All you have to do is choose the project you like and wait for it to come to life. But it’s not hard to guess how much this will ultimately cost. And there are no guarantees that in a month or two you won’t see similarly decorated apartments at your neighbors’. Therefore, it is best to do renovations in the bedroom yourself - this way you will be able to create a unique atmosphere in it, plus save quite a decent amount of money.

Where to begin?

You should start by drawing up a plan on which you can clearly and in detail display all the desired elements and structures, figure out how and where it is best to place furniture, lighting fixtures, etc.

If you do not know the area of ​​the room and the dimensions of the walls, and also have no idea how wide the doorway is, first of all, you should make the necessary measurements. After all, how can you make a plan at random?

Having made thoughtful calculations based on detailed plan, you can go for necessary materials- high-quality, environmentally friendly, safe for health. After all, we are talking about the bedroom.

Dismantling old coatings

And now is the time to start removing old wallpaper, paint, whitewash, flooring - if any. Your faithful “friends” at this stage will be: a basin, water, a spatula, a roller, etc. The procedure for “dismantling” outdated finishing is the most lengthy and complex, but the future aesthetics of the bedroom largely depends on the quality of its implementation.

Working with wiring

It is very important to determine in a timely manner the places for lamps in the room. Where do you think they should be? Do you need sconces? Do you prefer spot or diffuse lighting? All these questions require very specific answers. It is necessary to install wiring for each planned device, and also, if necessary, install outputs for switches and sockets.


It is always scary for an inexperienced master to start puttingtying the ceiling, because this operation is quite complex and labor-intensive. The resulting ceiling should be smooth and perfectly level - so do not forget to use a level during the work process.

You can experiment with plasterboard structures, you can use suspended ceilings - it all depends on your aesthetic “inclinations” and imagination.


Working with walls is no less simple than working with the ceiling. They should also turn out to be exemplary even - any error will subsequently be evident.

Walls are a real field for the creativity of the enthusiast owner.

If wallpapering or surface painting is expected, plastering may be necessary. But it is better and easier to eliminate unevenness using gypsum plasterboard.

Installing drywall is a “not dusty” job, relatively fast, the walls turn out just right in the blink of an eye. Wallpaper and paint fit perfectly on it. The only disadvantage of this solution is that the usable area of ​​the bedroom is somewhat reduced.


Almost any material can be used as bedroom flooring. Within reason, of course. Linoleum, parquet, laminate, cork - if carefully selected, they will become a real decoration of the interior.

If the stumbling block for you is ignorance of the technology for installing the flooring you like, and you doubt whether you should renovate your bedroom yourself - video from professional craftsmen will come to your aid. Detailed, visual instructions will instill confidence in own strength and the understanding that in fact everything is not so difficult - you just need to want it.

So, we "walked" around the bedroom in general outline and formed a row useful recommendations. But it would be stupid to start major renovation in a given room, do not add a little “raisin” to it, an individual vision of the ideal space for sleeping.

Functional zoning of space

Traditionally, the bedroom is arranged in one of the farthest and quiet corners of the apartment, mostly in isolation. But if desired (and necessary), you can “introduce” both a workplace and elements of the living room here.

If in the house high ceilings, you can construct a mezzanine and place a bed for sleeping on the second level. Thus, it will be freed additional area, which can be used usefully - for example, organizing a wardrobe.

Worth knowing! A place to store clothes is, in principle, one of key elements bedrooms. And even if the square footage of your home allows you to allocate a separate room for the wardrobe without any doubt, it is advisable that it be located adjacent to the bedroom.

For lovers of non-standard, but practical solutions, we can recommend a podium-pencil case or a transforming bed hiding in a special closet.

All kinds of decorative partitions help to divide a room into zones elegantly and tastefully.

Architectural structures such as niches, pedestals, canopies, arches in the bedroom do not look alien at all - they often become important and necessary “accents” in the interior.

But remember, creativity and high-tech are good in moderation - do not overload the bedroom with unnecessary elements, especially if its area is not particularly outstanding.

Bedroom Renovation Ideas: Popular Design Styles


This is the so-called “rustic” style. There are many of its directions - English, French, Russian, Scandinavian. But they have one thing in common - rustic furniture, bedspreads and rugs made from shreds, dry flower arrangements, still lifes in unpretentious wooden frames, wicker chairs. Country style is characterized by the use of exclusively natural materials.


Such the interior will suit people with conservative views who prefer a calm, measured pace of life, who do not want to change their interior to please changing fashion. Look at examples of “classic” bedroom renovations in pictures - and you will immediately understand whether it is “yours” or not.

As a rule, a room decorated in classic style- this is a bright room of regular shape, radiating stable family peace and comfort. This bedroom is not overloaded with details.

The most typical color scheme is white or natural wood furniture, pastel tone upholstery and walls; gilding and bronze finishing of interior items and furniture are possible; blue-green “blocs” also look harmonious.

It is very important to study certain rules creation classic interior, especially if you are going to renovate the bedroom yourself - you can easily find videos and photos on the topic on the Internet.


This style is characterized by warm tones, natural materials. Only natural colors. A bedroom designed in this style is always comfortable and cozy.

High tech

The interior of the bedroom is based on the harmony of space and light. Its base is black, white and grey colour. Their combinations with other “pure” colors - blue, yellow, red - are harmonious.

The clean, shiny surfaces of the ceiling, floor, and walls undoubtedly distinguish this style from others.

“Elegant simplicity” - this is how high-tech can be described in a nutshell.


Ethnic style is the flavor of a certain nation (culture), conveyed in interior details. The most popular “trends” are rightfully considered to be Eastern, African and Japanese ethnicity.


Are you tired of the abundance of impressions and rich colors? This means renovating your bedroom in a minimal style with your own hands is your goal. Number of interior items in in this case, which is quite obvious, at the “minimal” level - only things vital for comfortable living are placed in the room.


Practicality, quality, durability are the most characteristic features of the Biedermeier style. In such a bedroom, matte fabrics, satin, and velvet look harmonious. Luxurious furniture, overly expensive textiles and decor are inappropriate here.

Availability is welcome indoor plants and the “fruits” of handicrafts.


Such a bedroom must have an impressive area. Pretentiousness, unacceptable in other styles, is absolutely natural for Baroque. Large paintings with plant motifs, large, flashy jewelry with gilding, a bed like that of kings - all these are his characteristic features.

Art Deco

The bedroom design, implemented in the art deco style, is light and elegant. Perhaps a little theatrical, but optimistic. The predominant colors are orange, lilac, blue, soft green. The bed in such a bedroom is chosen to be wide and comfortable.

Art Deco is “distinguished” by its mixed lines, the interweaving of ethno-motifs, elements of antiquity and modern masterpieces of art.


A bedroom in the Art Nouveau style is characterized by plastic forms, sophistication, and smoothness. They try to avoid sharp corners and lines. Color solutions Any are acceptable - the main thing is to feel the “unity” of the space. The most popular finishing materials are wood, glass, plastic, and natural stone.


Vintage style bedroom is harmony bright colors, interesting patterns And unusual accessories. It's a successful combination modern items and antiques.

Main materials - wood, forged metal, antique textiles.


A bedroom in the Provence style can be recognized by its pastel colors with a number of bright color accents and some “roughness” of the design.

Furniture is usually mundane, rectangular shape- chests of drawers, nightstands. The legs and headboard of the bed must be carved. Fabrics usually used are cambric, chintz, and satin.

Contrast is not typical for such an interior.

See how many styles and ideas can be implemented! Do-it-yourself bedroom renovation - photo selection “living proof of this” - should not be dull and primitive. Break stereotypes!

Typical mistakes when decorating a bedroom

When talking about the bedroom interior, it is impossible not to mention the most typical mistakes, which are allowed by owners who are inexperienced in matters of repair.

  1. Using a mirrored ceiling and walls. This is not the most good decision for the sleep area.
  2. Overcrowded with furniture. Try to surround yourself only useful items interior “Beauty” - in moderation.
  3. Oversaturation of the interior with frills, shuttlecocks, and openwork napkins.
  4. Too colorful wallpaper/wall coloring. You shouldn’t “torment” your eyes, at least in the bedroom.
  5. Installation of bulky, spreading chandeliers. You should not follow the relics of the past - the lighting should be even, not very bright. Sconces are optimal for the bedroom, led light bulbs along the perimeter of the ceiling, floor lamps, etc.

Try to make your rooms as comfortable as possible, setting you up for relaxation and healthy sleep. Do not change your taste, but always remember common sense. A bedroom is a bedroom.

The bedroom is one of the most important rooms, because it is a place for relaxation, sleep, which means we spend a third of our lives here. This is the “heart” of a house or apartment, where every night a person regains his strength for the next working day. Therefore, many, caring about the improvement of their homes, often ask the question: “How to repair the walls in the bedroom with your own hands.” This process needs to be approached especially responsibly, not forgetting a dose of creativity and ingenuity, because there are a lot of options for decorating the walls in the bedroom, and below you will learn about them in more detail.

What requirements should DIY bedroom wall repairs meet?

In ancient times, the bedroom was considered a formal room. Members of imperial families and noble nobles invited their favorites, or even complete strangers, to the bedroom for morning toilette. This invitation served as a sign that fortune smiled on them.

Much time has passed since then, and now the bedroom is intimate place in the apartment. The walls create a special feeling in the bedroom, allowing you to tune in to relaxation, love, and meditation. Therefore, maximum attention must be paid to repairs and their creative design so that they meet the following requirements:

  • Environmental friendliness.

Of course, the walls in the bedroom, where a person spends a third of his life, must be environmentally friendly, no matter what material they are made of.

  • External attractiveness.

You always want to wake up and fall asleep in a comfortable environment, so every morning and every evening the drawing should please the eye in any lighting.

  • Durability and reliability of the material.

It is unlikely that you will enjoy looking at dents and scratches on the walls. If you are not going to renovate your bedroom more than once a year, then give preference to high-strength finishing materials.

  • Easy to care for.

From time to time, even the most careful owners have force majeure situations - a drop of coffee falling on the wall, a crushed mosquito. All this can ruin the appearance of the bedroom wall, as well as the mood of the owner. Therefore, in order not to be upset, the walls should be easy to clean and wash.

How to renovate your bedroom with your own hands? Step-by-step repair instructions:

  1. A design project is being drawn up.

This shows exactly what the bedroom should look like upon completion of the renovation. The sketch is drawn on paper or created using a computer program.

Moreover, it is important to take into account all the dimensions of the room and correctly zoning the space of the room. As a rule, the bedroom is isolated from other rooms, but here you can organize a work area or a dressing room.
  1. An estimate for repairs is being developed.

Once you decide on the design of the bedroom, a list of materials needed to complete the work is compiled and costs are determined. In this case, the main condition is to correctly maintain the ratio of reasonable price and good quality to carry out a bedroom renovation with your own hands, the photos presented in the article will help you understand this clearly.

  1. The workplace is being prepared.

First of all, you need to remove all the furniture from the bedroom, remove switches, sockets and chandeliers. If you do not plan to replace doors and windows, they must be protected with film from dust and scratches.

  1. Dismantling the old covering involves removing old wallpaper, paint, traces of whitewash, damaged flooring, tiles, etc.

The dismantling process itself is a long procedure that requires special attention and certain skills. It is worth removing the thresholds and baseboards.

  1. The premises are being redesigned and its structural elements are being replaced.

The process of renovating a bedroom with your own hands can begin with redevelopment, which involves the installation or demolition of partitions. In addition, during repairs you can perform:

  • installation of air conditioners;
  • replacement of radiators;
  • replace doors and windows;
  • carry out electrical work.

Advice! The bedroom, more than other rooms in the apartment, needs environmental finishing clean materials, which will be completely safe for health.

Do-it-yourself bedroom renovation: wall decoration

Wall decoration is one of the main operations when renovating a room. First of all, you need to align them. For this purpose, use one of the following options:

  • use of drywall. It is economical, simple and effective option. With the help of drywall you can hide big differences on the surface of the walls, creating a flat surface. A noticeable drawback of the material is the unusual hollowness of the walls and a reduction in the area of ​​the room;
  • plastering. This is a lengthy, more complex and costly procedure. In addition, it cannot be used for rooms where there are serious differences in the surface. The advantage of this method is that it saves usable area bedroom.

For finishing walls in the bedroom are most often used decorative plaster or wallpaper. Most best optionpaper wallpaper, which have an acceptable cost and environmental friendliness. Their only drawback is their short service life. When choosing wallpaper, consider:

  • For those who are used to a creative approach to organizing the interior, you can buy non-woven wallpaper designed for painting. These materials are environmentally friendly, breathable, they can be repainted, changing the style and color of the room;
  • they look quite original in the bedroom textile wallpaper, which have a long service life, a variety of structures and colors, provide good sound insulation in room;
  • It is not recommended to glue vinyl wallpaper in the bedroom.

A more expensive way to decorate walls is decorative plaster. It allows you to create unusual works of art in the bedroom, which makes the design of the room unique and unique.

It is better to choose as a color for the bedroom:

  • light pink;
  • pearl gray;
  • light green;
  • blue.

So, how to repair the ceiling in the bedroom with your own hands?

Original transformation of walls in the bedroom

If earlier ceramic tiles used only in kitchens and bathrooms, today the variety allows it to be used even in rooms such as the bedroom. As a rule, a certain decorative pattern is laid out, or the cabin is framed.

IN Lately This type of wallpaper, such as custom-made prints, has become especially popular. They resemble photo wallpapers, but some kind of reproduction is used as a picture famous painting or photo from family archive. Many people prefer abstract solutions where imagination has no boundaries. You can also use a special roller that has a relief pattern and apply one or another pattern on the painted wall of the bedroom.

Also for original design Stone will suit the walls. Moreover, it can be used not only as a fireplace facing material, but also in the overall interior design. Stones in country style or loft style (imitation brick) look especially beautiful.

For original design walls can fit and regular drywall. With its help you can create arches, shelves, niches - perfect solution for dynamism discreet style. Modern market offers the most different variants surface coverings.

What furniture to choose for the bedroom?

Bedroom furnishings – important point, after repairs have been completed. It should be thought through as early as possible, even at the stage of determining the design of the room. Moreover, you can choose interior items not only as a set, but also individually, the main thing is to ensure their harmonious combination with each other. The choice should begin with the bed, and all other furniture should be selected in unison with it.

How to arrange furniture correctly?

This issue is especially relevant for owners of small bedrooms. After all, it is important to fit everything in, but there is very little space, and you also want to have accessories and other cute things to decorate the interior. And below are several points that allow you to solve this difficult problem:

  • Furniture should under no circumstances clutter up the space; its correct arrangement is half the success of the renovation;
  • If you are going to free up space in order to feel comfortable and breathe calmly in the bedroom, then it is not at all necessary to arrange furniture along the walls. This is a serious mistake;
  • Use the “invisible furniture” trick. These are chests of drawers and cabinets, as well as other large pieces of furniture, painted in the color of the walls;
  • use built-in furniture. Great way get more storage space without sacrificing space;
  • capes;
  • bedspreads;
  • decorative pillows.

As you can see, renovating a bedroom with your own hands is a real money saver and an opportunity to put a piece of your soul and your ideas into the interior. No matter how good the projects of professional designers are, none of them can ideally know your tastes, desires and passions as you do. Therefore, be patient, save up some money, choose the right time and do your own bedroom renovation.

Comfortable sleep and mood the next day will depend on how the bedroom is furnished. If you're considering a bedroom renovation, check out how to create your own personal oasis of peace that will last for years to come. See how to make informed decisions when choosing materials and finish colors. And analysis of the actual estimate will help to present the estimated cost of this event.

Bedroom renovation - planning

This room actually has many functions. This is a place to sleep, a place to store things and, often, a study. Therefore, when starting a bedroom renovation, it is necessary to think through design elements, layout and functionality in advance.

What to pay attention to:

  • decide what size the bed will be and where it will be located in order to properly place the sockets for the bedside tables.
  • You should immediately clearly know where the TV will be - so that you can install 4-5 sockets there and run the TV cable
  • if there is a desktop, you will also need a block of sockets with an internet cable for it

How to make a ceiling in the bedroom

Everything is of course subjective and depends on personal preferences. To get an overall picture, let's look at all the most common modern options completing the ceiling during renovation in the bedroom.

Plastering with painting

In my personal opinion, just flat, white plaster ceilings with painting are the best option for the bedroom. I think the ceiling in the bedroom should not draw attention to itself. In addition, it must “breathe”. Therefore, the use of several levels, lighting, and glossy surfaces does not seem entirely appropriate for this room.

From plasterboard

Application plasterboard construction ceiling when renovating an apartment is justified in several cases:

  • when there are floor defects that are not advisable to level with plaster
  • when there is a desire to make several levels of the ceiling, build in lamps, and install communications behind them (electrical, ventilation)

Plasterboard construction can be combined with a stretch ceiling.

Look at the photo successful examples plasterboard ceiling in the bedroom.


Stretch ceiling is a stretched ceiling on an aluminum frame or plastic profile, canvas made of vinyl film (PVC) or fabric.

Since this material is newer than previous versions, I will dwell on it in more detail.

From user reviews, the following advantages and disadvantages of suspended ceilings follow:

Advantages of suspended ceilings

  • Subjectively I like the look
  • Durability (30 years or more)
  • Creates a perfectly smooth surface
  • Quickly installed
  • Glossy, visually increase the height of the room
  • Coping with flooding from above (holding water)

Disadvantages of suspended ceilings

  • Dear
  • At first there is a smell
  • Seam - width PVC tapes(European) up to 2.7 m, if necessary it is welded
  • Chandeliers must be selected with reflectors
  • Afraid of sharp objects
  • If you decide to install a suspended ceiling - only take quality material and normal installers;
  • If the smell does not disappear for more than a week, then call the experts and have them change the film
  • Check material certificates (fire safety and hygiene). There you can also see the country of origin of the material.
  • The more angles and arcuate bends there are, the more expensive the suspended ceiling will be (by 30 percent)
  • Matte PVC ceilings more versatile for interior use.

Look favorite photos stretch ceiling in the bedroom

Bedroom walls decoration and decoration

  • Light colors expand the space, dark colors do the opposite.
  • Natural and natural colors are preferred
  • More than 5-6 various colors It should not be used in a room; it will create a variegated effect. This does not apply to shades of the same color - they can be used without restrictions.
  • The more colors you use, the softer they should be.
  • In order to choose the best interaction of colors with each other (including the interaction of walls with furniture, curtains, etc.) - use a color calculator

Consider the following color combinations, as in the photo:

How to make a floor in the bedroom

The load on the floor covering in the bedroom is low (significantly lower, for example, than in the hallway or kitchen), so there is no need to use the hardest coverings (tiles, laminate). Take a closer look at such natural coverings as cork boards and parquet - they will add coziness.

What to look for when selecting coverage

  • parquet is certainly preferable to parquet boards
  • parquet boards may be susceptible to scratches. Relevant when the family has small children or pets
  • wooden floors are better made from hard wood (ash, Canadian maple, oak)
  • If cork board, then only adhesive (not locking) and varnished
  • Underfloor heating only makes sense during short off-season periods. The rest of the time it is not particularly used in the bedroom.

Dark or light floor

  • The main disadvantage of a dark floor is that it is less practical than a light one.
  • The main advantage of a dark floor is that it looks (subjectively) more beautiful
  • If the floor is dark, it is not monotonous. So that less specks are visible. Better even with light variegation.
  • The robot vacuum cleaner also works well with dark floors.

Having re-read the forums, I can say that the reviews about dark field much worse. That is, people made one for themselves and many regretted it. Mainly due to the fact that any dirt is easily visible on it (dust, crumbs, wool, stains) and therefore you have to wash it often.

Example of a dark floor

example of a light floor

Think about whether you really need a bed. Today in fashion homemade designs from pallets and a high mattress. They fit perfectly into a Scandinavian-style setting and look good in a country environment. And they bring rustic regularity and soulfulness into sterile urban interiors.

Incredible, but true: you can also do without a large wardrobe that costs as much as an airplane. Place the open rods on wheels in comfortable spot(with the ability to move the “mobile wardrobe” wherever you want). Place a large mirror nearby. Inclined mirrors are increasingly being used by designers when creating modern interiors. They reflect light, refract perspective, and make the space more interesting.

Cabinets and dressing tables it is quite possible to replace with old boxes, suitcases and other vintage inheritance - remember that by following the “recycle it” trend, you are littering the planet and surrounding yourself original things with history.


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